Archive for November 30th, 2011

Extremist Tamil Separatists Call For A Plebiscite In The North & East To Establish A Separate State Of “Eelam”

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Mahinda Gunasekera The Declaration adopted by the separatist Tamils seeking international support for the holding of a plebiscite in the north and east of Sri Lanka to establish an independant, sovereign nation state of “Tamil Eelam” is appended below. As their military wing has since been eliminated in May 2009, they are now seeking the […]

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“Gateway to success” newly opened Southern high way, riders / travelers must protect this great asset and obey and adhere to the rules and procedures.

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Claude Fernando ,Brampton ,Canada It’s been reported by the media, some of the careless and absent-minded riders and passengersƒ”š‚  who travelledƒ”š‚  first day on southern highway, have dumped and thrownƒ”š‚  empty water bottles, juice cans, lunch boxes even used “ƒ”¹…”thambili kombas’ ,newspapers beside the roads and completely messed up and rubbished the picturesque environment veryƒ”š‚  […]

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New world body based in India to represent Buddhists from across the world

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

Courtesy: Indian Express New Delhi, India — Supreme spiritual leaders representing most nations with a sizeable Buddhist population are close to deciding on the formation of a new international body based in India that aims to give a united voice to Buddhism in international forums like the United Nations (UN). ƒ”š‚ The first ever congregation of […]

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Appalling Journalism:Jon Snow and Channel 4 on Sri Lanka

Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

  Engage Sri Lanka Publication Release In June 2011, Britain’s Channel 4 News broadcast a programme entitled “Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields”, which made a number of allegations about the last few months of the war in Sri Lanka. (1) Jon Snow, the Channel’s senior news presenter, claimed the programme was “a forensic investigation into the […]

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