Archive for January 14th, 2012

Tamil taxidermists stuff Tiger skins with stamps

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

H. L. D. Mahindapala ƒ”š‚ The Tamil separatist movement is littered all the way, from the peak of the resolution passed in Vadukoddai (1976) to its lowest depths in Nandikadal (2008), with attention-getting stunts. These stunts and strategies scored heavily on propaganda. But in real terms their stunts and strategies failed to achieve any of their […]

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Governments of 2005 & 2010: Differ like Sugar & Spice?

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

By Gomin Dayasri ƒ”š‚ With the extinct of the LTTE and the country becomingsafe and secure,pinnacle point was reached in the modern history of Sri Lanka at the end of the first term of office of the President – no more was the need to hark back to pages of history in search of glory days. […]

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Is there a ‘National Question’ that must be addressed as a prerequisite for social advancement in Sri Lanka?

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

R Chandrasoma Peoples of all nations on Planet Earth live precariously and face many challenges. The rising cost of energy amd the alarming depletion of natural resources endanger all and in this sense are “ƒ”¹…”National Questions’ for peoples across the world. The “ƒ”¹…”national question’ raised by a section of the Tamil Intelligentsia and their bourgeois […]

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An Outsider’s View—15, Romney reveals Republican strategy in 2012 bid to oust President Obama

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

By Shelton A. Gunaratne-Professor of mass communications emeritus, Minnesota State University Moorhead The next two primaries”ƒ¢¢”š¬‚South Carolina on Jan. 21 and Florida on Jan. 31″ƒ¢¢”š¬‚would most likely confirm Mitt Romney as the surefire candidate of the Republican Party for the U.S. presidency. Romney’s New Hampshire primary victory speech gave us a peek into the major […]

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The Renovation of Das Buddhistische Haus ( Nord Berliner Newspaper)

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

Senaka Weeraratna The Nord Berliner newspaper in Germany has carried a News ƒ”š‚ Report on the renovation of Das Buddhistische Haus (Berlin Vihara) on the 5th of January, 2012. The Report ( in German) with text and photographs is appended below.ƒ”š‚  ƒ”š‚  Das Buddhistische Haus is owned and maintained by the German Dharmaduta Society which was […]

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