Archive for February 10th, 2014

Indian Pontius Pilate’s hands dripping with Sri Lankan blood

Monday, February 10th, 2014

Part II –  H. L. D. Mahindapala The Sri Lankan delegates assembled in Geneva to combat the US-sponsored resolution against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC in 2012 were tense. Though they were lobbying frantically no one knew which way the voting would go. The most critical issue was whether India would back Sri Lanka or […]

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The real reason for US Resolution against Sri Lanka

Monday, February 10th, 2014

Shenali D Waduge The mainstream news released what is said to be the script of the supposed Resolution (3rd) America is hoping to pass in Geneva next month. It is a calculated move to send 2 messages to Sri Lanka’s leaders – to subtly give a clue what US wants and how Sri Lanka’s leaders […]

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Dr. Dayan Jayathilake is an idiot- Sri Lanka should never, ever give any more powers to the Provincial Councils including land and police powers

Monday, February 10th, 2014

The plum blossom  I completely disagree with the analysis of Dr. Dayan Jayathilake in 09th February’s Sunday Observer.   It is obvious to anyone with an iota of a brain that bogus human rights concerns are used by the criminal countries US, UK, Canada and India to create fear within the Sri Lankan Government so […]

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American Dream

Monday, February 10th, 2014

By Warna Hettiarachchi in Toronto Canada  Tamil Tigers were defeated in SL in 2009. However, LTTE’s funding roots were established overseas with their masterminded international network of terrorism, gun-running, arms-smuggling, arms trading, money laundering, slave-trading, human trafficking, Human smuggling, credit/debit-card scams, passport/travel document scams, international shipping network vessels with varying flags,  tax evasion businesses, bank […]

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Catherine Russell and Women’s Rights

Monday, February 10th, 2014

Warna Hettiarachchi Toronto Canada Ms. Catherine Rusell, Your objective is to introduce tension and disharmony in Sri Lankan society where women and men exist in perfect harmony with equal rights before Americans even knew about it. We had a female PM and a female President of our nation, where America never had a woman president! […]

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දෙමළ ජනතාවගෙන් කී දෙනෙක් අරුන් තම්බිමුත්තු මෙන් සිතනවාද ?

Monday, February 10th, 2014

ශෙනාලි ඩ෠වඩුගේ  LTTE ය පරාජය කල හැකි වේ යයි විශ්වාස නොකල දෙමළ ජනතාව තවමත් එය සිහිනයක් යයි සිතන බව දෙමල වැසියෙකු ප්”à¶»à¶šà·à· කිරà·à¶¸ කෙනෙකු හට පරිකල්පනය කල හැකිද ? LTTE යේ අවසානයෙන් මාස කිහිපයකට පසු එය නැවත ප්”à¶»à·à¶«à·€à¶­à·Š වනු ඇතැයි දෙමල ජනතාව තුල සිතුවිලි තිබු බව දෙමල ජාතිකයෙකු විසින් ප්”à¶»à¶šà·à· කරයිද ? දෙමල ජාතිකයන් […]

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Monday, February 10th, 2014

Vijayani Edirisinghe Courtesy The Daily News After questioning, Bahu and Co. likely to be arrested within the next few days List had 43 names and 15 of them were false Nava Sama Samaja Party (NSSP) leader Dr. Wickremabahu Karunaratne has been summoned to the Gampaha Police Station today for questioning for allegedly submitting a nomination […]

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Energy can be saved to some extent through scientific approach.

Monday, February 10th, 2014

Dr Hector Perera                London When we boil some water in a cooking pan, water gets converted to steam then escape to the atmosphere but if we put a lid then there will be a pressure inside the cooking pan due to evaporating water molecules. Once it gets to a certain pressure some steam would escape […]

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