මේත්  මයිත්ත්‍රී  ගැනය්
Posted on November 27th, 2014

ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න

මගේ මුල් ලිපියෙන්  මම කියන්නට අදහස්  කලේ  ස්රිසේනගේ ශාරීරික ඝාතනයක් ගැන නොවේ එහෙම චෝදනා දේශපාලුවෝ කරන්නේ වීරයින් වීමටය්  හැබය් පොළොන්නරුවේ  හාමුදුරුවරුත් එවැන්නක් විශ්වාස කරන බවක් දැන් පෙනෙය් 

ශාන්තිවාදී තාපසයා  මෙලොව සම්පත් හැර දමා ගියනිසා අවයව කපන විටත් මයිත්‍රී කලාට ලෞකික සම්පත් පතා  දේශපාලනයට ආ සිරිසේන  ද්වේශයෙන් පෙළෙනු ඇත. 

ලිපියෙන් අදහස් කලේ ඔහුගේ දේශ පාලන තටු කැපී   ඔහු  ශුන්ය වෙන හැටිය.ඉස්සර  අසරණ සිරිසේනදැන් ගත තීරණයෙන් පසු  අසරනයෙකය් කියා අනුකම්පා කල නොහැක්කේ චන්ද්‍රිකා හා රනිල් නම් දේශ ද්‍රෝහීන් දෙදෙනෙකු පිටිපස යන නිසාය.

රනිල්ගේ හොර කොටි ගිවිසුම  ගැනත්  අනෙක් ඝාතන ගැනත්  චන්ද්‍රිකා නොදන්නා මෙන් සිට හොර ගිවිසුමට අනුබල දුන් සැටිත්  අම්මා අප්පා  ගේ ප්‍රතිපත්ති පවා පාවාදුන් හැටිත්  හොඳටම දන්නා එක අයෙක් නම් මේ සිරිසේනය. 

ඔහු කරන්නට හැදු හොඳ වැඩ පරයා මේ පාවාදීම ඉහලටම ඉස්මතුවෙය්  රණවිරුවන් පාවාදෙන්නට දඟලන උන් සමග එකතුවීම පාහ   ර  වැඩකි  මහින්ද රට ට ද්‍රෝහී නම් ඔහු කල යුත්තේ ජාතික වාදීන් සමග එකතු වීමය්   බොදුබල සේනාව සමග එකතු වුවා නම්   සිංහල බෞධ්ධයා රැකීමට ඉදිරිපත් වුන වීරයෙක් විය හැකිව තිබුණි  රජයේ සියලු වැරදි ජනතාවට හෙළිකර  රටේ උරුමක්කාරයන් වෙනුවෙන් ඉදිරිපත් නොවී චන්ද්‍රිකා වැනි ද්වේශයෙන් හා වය්රයෙන් දැවෙන සර්පරාජිනියක් ඇඟේ  වෙලාගෙන කෑ වෝ කෑ  වෝ  යය හඬමින් දොඩමින් හිස හැරුන අතේ  දුවන්නට  ඔහුට සිදුවුනොත් එය අපරාධයකි 

අඩුවෙන්ම දුෂිත මොහු  ට සිදුවූ දේ ගැන   ඉන්ඩිපෙන්ඩන්ට් කීවාක්  මෙන් මගේ ද යටි හිතේ හීන් හීන්  දුකක් නම් ඇත . මේවා නොසිදුවිය යුතු  දේය  ගමේ  සිරිසේන පාවිච්චිකළ දැහැටි දණ්ඩක් මෙන් ඉවතලන්නට  සියලුම””” මහන්තත් ත  වාදීන්”””’ වග බලා ගනු ඇත..

එසේ කිරීමම සිංහල උරුමයට  පහර ගැසීමේ එක  විධික්‍රමයකි . අවසානයේදීකවදා හෝ  සිරිසේන ට මොලය පෑ දුනොත් ආපසු මහින්ද ලඟට යායුතුය්තේ  දැනට හොඳ වෙන කෙනෙක් නැති නිසාය.

මහින්දත් මේ ;;;පිස්සු පූසා ””” ආපසු ගත යුත්තේ තමන් ළඟ දැනටමත් මීට වඩා ද්‍රෝහීන්  තියා ගෙන සිටින නිසාය. හරි හමන්   සිංහලයෙක්  ෆෙඩරල් වාදී  ජී එල්  ඩිලාන්  නිමල් සිරිපාල  ආදී ද්‍රෝහීන්  ඇසුරු කරය්  ද. මේ ද්‍රෝහී ක්‍රියාව රජය රක ගනීමට ගන්නා ප්රයත් නයක්  නම් උන් ආණ්ඩුව කඩා ගැන එක රොත්තට ගියදා මහින්ද අතරමන් වනු ඇත.

බොදුබල සේනාව නිවැරදිව තත්වය තේරුම් ගෙන ඇති බව  ප්‍රවුර්ති සාකච්චාවෙන් පෙනේ එහෙත් ””  කිසිවක් නොඉල්ලා ”’  කොන්දේසි නැතිව  සහාය දීම යනු  මගේ විචිකිච්චාවට හේතුවක් වෙය් .තනතුරු ඉල්ලීම එකකි  බොදු සිංහල රට රැකෙන  13අ සහ පළාත් සභා  අහෝසි කිරීමේ කොන්දේසිය ගැන සාකච්චා නොකිරීම තද බල වරදකි. දැන් බලන කොට බොදු බලය හිතන්නෙත්  13න රට රකෙය් කියාද යනුවෙන් පැනයක් සිතට නැ ගෙය්.බොදු බල සේනාව ට මේ හොඳ අවස්ථාවකි  හිතා බලන්න 

23 Responses to “මේත්  මයිත්ත්‍රී  ගැනය්”

  1. Independent Says:


    What you say is true and honest, but I still believe “පිස්සු පූසා” have a chance but even if he wins, he is not going to be Ranil’s slave.
    Rememebr he has been in SLFP for 50 years. Problem is his gratitude Bandaranaike is understood but his gratitude to චන්ද්‍රිකා is surprising. I trust he will rebel in both cases, wining or loosing.

    I suspected BBS from day one because Gnanasar’s mad dog behaviour is very unbuddhist and detrimental to Buddhism. What will Buddha tell this man in robes if he were living now ? Just think about that and then you know who this man is. Please completely drop your support to this mob. As you said, this is the best opportunity to bargain with Mahinda on 13A, not money and position. He did not do it he supports unconditionally. Why ?
    Actualy BBS support is not beneficial for the President. Now the Muslims will vote completely against him ! Surely they will trust Rajitha and UNP more.

  2. SenaD Says:

    Dharmasiri, “but I still believe “පිස්සු පූසා” have a chance but even if he wins, he is not going to be Ranil’s slave.”

    That could be expected from a betrayer in general. The UNP cannot be so stupid to come up with this scheme without thinking about that possibility, but there is no way the UNP can stop him if he betrays his new found chums if he were to win, whatever the MOU will say because he would be the new executive president if he were to win!

    What you say about the muslim vote is possible or even likely but the BBS is appealing to Buddhist voters, both SLFP and UNP, over the heads of the party leaders. What the BBS is telling all the time is that the Buddhists are in this situation because they are divided while the minorities are communally minded.

    There are plenty of Buddhists who vote for the UNP. They would be the target of the BBS campaign.

    Some may reject what the BBS says because the style of the leader is not that of a monk adhering to the very strict discipline laid down for the monks; but others will listen to the message too.

    In my view not only the BBS monks but also the other monk MPs in the JHU (I am not sure whether there are monk MPs from other parties) also do not follow the strict discipline they are expected to follow though they may not be using harsh language.

  3. Independent Says:


    What they say about conversions, invasions , breed etc. are true. But it is not just “harsh language” or “strict discipline”. Strict discipline means can’t do politics anyway. I have no objections ( as a Buddhist) if he is not a monk, I consider him as a very good orator. Even if they do politics, which is against the monk discipline , as they wear the robe, language and bodily movements as extremely important.

    BBS would be a burden.
    Their website survey shows only 13% support to government. So the 87% will be disappointed.

    I agree that Buddhist vote is split anyway, but his presence will demolish Muslim vote base , despite the President trying to get their support for years, doing more to them than to us.

  4. Lorenzo Says:


    Lets NOT worry about UNP worries. Let them worry over their worries and follies.

    There are enough checks and balances against division of country, “executive PM”, etc. MS is a WELL KNOWN PATRIOT and with EXECUTIVE POWERS he will not do harm to the country.

    As SLFP general secretary he did NO HARM to the party or the nation.

    IF his national drug policy was FULLY enacted, many more lives could have been saved at a lower cost.
    IF his demands for TOUGHER ban on tobacco were accepted, MANY families could be saved from cancer and economic ruin.

  5. SenaD Says:


    “BBS would be a burden.” This might be true if muslim vote is lost just because of the BBS activities. Despite the president already spending disproportionately for the minorities including the very well to do who are also a minority most of their votes already go against the govt.

    If the Buddhists listen to the message and ignore the “language and bodily movements” ignoring that they are wearing the monk’s robe they will understand that what they say is true. As you say they cease to be venerable by their behaviour, but their messages are still true.

    “Lets NOT worry about UNP worries. Let them worry over their worries and follies.”
    This I am not even the least worried, i.e. not at all worried because they are certainly not national (nor are they united which is good thing for their opponents).

    What I meant is RW has already estimated that even with MS they will not be able to dislodge the president and hence his reason to go along with the plan so that the chance for him to stay as the leader of the opposition is increased.

    On the other hand he would have thought that if MS were to become the president then through Chandrika he would be able to influence the new president, not a total loss for him.

    “IF his national drug policy was FULLY enacted, many more lives could have been saved at a lower cost.
    IF his demands for TOUGHER ban on tobacco were accepted, MANY families could be saved from cancer and economic ruin.”

    These only show his failure as the minister in charge of the subject against the forces that were opposing those moves.

  6. Independent Says:

    I am not Dharmasiri (who has written the article) . I agree with you. Actually it is just Ganasara only. Others are not too bad.

  7. SenaD Says:

    My apology for my mistake.

  8. Independent Says:

    You said “These only show his failure as the minister in charge of the subject against the forces that were opposing those moves.”. I am not a supporter of My3 . But let me answer you. The “forces” were too big for him. The forces = EP , that is why he hates EP.

  9. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    This comment is regarding your statement below;
    “IF his national drug policy was FULLY enacted, many more lives could have been saved at a lower cost.
    IF his demands for TOUGHER ban on tobacco were accepted, MANY families could be saved from cancer and economic ruin.”These only show his failure as the minister in charge of the subject against the forces that were opposing those moves.

    Can we expect anything more than this from a former Grama Sevaka.? He does not read international publications on health issues. But he is blindly fighting for 90% area on Cigarette Packet to be allocated for Health Warning where as more stringent countries like UK and Europe only allocate only 65%.

    He is an idiot, he is not in a position to formulate and implement a practical health policy for Sri Lanka like what is introduced recently in England.

    In March 2011 the Coalition Government launched a new tobacco control plan for England.4 This included an ambition to reduce smoking prevalence among adults to 18.5% or less by 2015; to 12% or less among 15 year olds by 2015; and to 11% or less among pregnant women by the end of 2015.

    He should have clear understanding on issues like Tobacco advertising and promotions, protection of children from exposure to tobacco and Written health warnings.

    Take for example in Europe, the Tobacco Products Directive was amended by the European Commission in 2014 and came into force on 19 May 2014. The revised Directive requires:
    • Combined picture and text health warnings covering 65% at the top of the front and back of the package (picture warnings are only voluntary under the current directive);
    • A de facto ban on perfume/lipstick-shaped and other innovative-shaped packaging (by specifying a minimum dimension for the health warnings);
    • A ban on packs of cigarettes of less than 20;
    • A ban on characterising flavours but with a four year additional transition period for menthol;
    • Tracking and tracing for cigarettes (important for controlling the illicit trade); Enabling Member States to introduce stricter measures on public health grounds. This could allow them to introduce standardised packaging, for example;
    • Electronic-cigarettes up to 20mg/ml strength will be regulated under the Tobacco Products Directive except where producers opt in to medicines regulation.

    So you can see how clueless and stupid is this health Minister. He still think that just by increasing the health warning area by 90% he can solve health problems in Sri Lanka..

    When it comes to national drug policy , he is so weak and stupid that Multinational companies can walk over him.

  10. bandara Says:

    what darmasiri telling about chandrika is correct.
    chandrika should not have any influence in future ms government.
    to do that old SLFPers should strengthen Sirisena .that ids to nullify Chandrika effect.
    If get real backing from old bandaranayake type SLFPers he can stand firm.SO it is a responsibility of SLFP voters to support Sirisena to enable him to lead as a true SLFP statesman.

  11. Lorenzo Says:


    Thanks for the reply. But lankacnews has this to say.

    “The common candidate Maithripala Sirisena had said that during his tenure as Minister of Health he was unable to implement the law about advertising images on cigarette packs.But it would be implemented when he becomes president.

    Speaking at a media briefing he had said that during his tenure he was unable to take decisions as those above him did not allow him.What he could not implement will be implemented after he becomes president after the 9th January 2015.
    When he wanted to implement the national drug policy to benefit the country on two occasions he was prevented in doing so.He said by about 400 drugs companies sums of Rs 25 lakhs were collected and bribed someone.On the cigarette pack issue he would implement the 60 % rule once he is appointed president.”



    “The World Health Organization (WHO) has selected Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) General Secretary and Health Minister Maithripala Sirisena for the World No Tobacco Day Award 2013. The award will be presented to Minister Sirisena by WHO Director General Dr.Margaret Chan recognizing his dedicated service towards tobacco control at national and International level, Health Ministry Secretary Dr. Nihal Jayatilleke said.

    According to Dr. Jayatilleke, the award will be presented to Minister Sirisena by President Mahinda Rajapaksa during a grand ceremony to be held on September 3 at 4 pm at the BMICH, Colombo with the participation of many distinguished local and foreign guests. This is an award presented to a public leader of a country for his/her dedication towards controlling tobacco use in the areas of contribution towards cutting down the number of deaths caused by tobacco, setting an example to the other countries in the region and the message given to the world through action taken.

    Dr. Jayatilleke pointed out that as Minister Sirisena hails from the village,he knows the heart beat of innocent poor villagers and is well aware of their problems. Therefore, he does the best for them. He took a brave and historical decision to introduce pictorial warnings on cigarette packets covering 80 per cent of the packaging amidst various threats and pressures directed at him, by giant multinational companies. Health Services Director General Dr. Palitha Mahipala said under the leadership of Minister Sirisena, Sri Lanka became the first country in Asia and the fourth country in the world to sign the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Thereafter, Sri Lanka established the National Authority on Tobacco and Alcohol under Act No. 27 of 2006. Minister Sirisena took a brave decision to introduce pictorial warning on cigarette packets covering 80 per cent of the packaging. Thailand followed Sri Lanka’s example by introducing a more stringent law (ordering cigarette companies to cover 85 per cent of the cigarette packet with pictorial warning).

    Health Services Deputy Director General Dr. Lakshmi Somathunga said around 30,000 persons die in Sri Lanka annually due to smoking related health complications and another 250 persons die daily due to Non Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Smoking is one of the main reasons for NCDs. Since 2001, the percentage of smoking among Sri Lankan males between the ages of 15 and 64 has gone down from 32 per cent to 22.8 per cent and Sri Lanka needs to maintain this trend.”

    -dailynews.lk (no politics in this)

  12. Lorenzo Says:

    And tobacco and alcohol companies are also rewarded and awarded!

    “Business Today TOP 10 winners 2006 – 2007, after receiving their awards from President Mahinda Rajapaksa at Temple Trees The Business Today Top 10 award winners: (L-R) Sumithra Gunasekara, Director, John Keells Holdings; Mustanser Ali Khan, CEO, Ceylon Tobacco Company; Eran Wickramaratne, CEO, NDB; Thilak De Soysa, Chairman, The Bukit Darah; Harry Jayawardena, Chairman, Distilleries Company of Sri Lanka; Mathi K Parthipan, Managing Director, BT Options; President Mahinda Rajapaksa; Dr Hans Wijayasuriya, CEO, Dialog Telekom; Leisha De Silva Chandrasena, Chairperson, Sri Lanka Telecom; Rohan Fernando, Director, Aitken Spence and Co; Ravi Dias, COO, Commercial Bank; Keith Bernard, Analyst, Business Today Top 10 and Rajendra Theagarajah, CEO, Hatton National Bank.


    (I meant NO offence to anyone. Just stating facts.)

  13. Lorenzo Says:

    From Ceylontoday, 2013-08-14 02:00:00

    “Ceylon Tobacco emerges topdog of Colombo Bourse

    Ceylon Tobacco Company (CTC) PLC, a unit of British American Tobacco (BAT) emerged as the most valuable counter on the Colombo Stock Exchange (CSE) overtaking hitherto numero uno – John Keells Holdings.

    Ceylon Tobacco Company had a stock market value of Rs 224.8 billion at the volume weighted closing price yesterday, at Rs 1,200.10 per share, ahead of the Rs 223 billion value of JKH at Rs 260 a share.”

    Need I say more? We have been FOOLED by “mathata thitha”.

    (I say this NOT to attack anyone but from the pain of seeing many many SLs dying needlessly from SL’s BIGGEST company!)

  14. Lorenzo Says:

    The real tragedy is ALL this profit goes to Britain and USA!!

    Our poor people die 30,000 a year from smoking while we reward these companies!!

    This is MORE than all the soldiers died in 26 years of war!

    I BEG the readers to see the TRUTH and save 30,000 SL lives a year. Don’t be fooled by political gimmicks. I hold MAITHRIPALA too responsible for this. He was the health minister at this time implementing Mahinda Chinthana Mathata Thitha!

  15. SenaD Says:

    Independent, “The forces = EP ,” ; if that is true then his frustration is understandable, I believed his main problem was being a mere minister when he had credentials (seniority) to be the PM.

    Perhaps the president is thinking of the loss of govt revenue ignoring health of the population?

    For example, increasing the tax on tobacco products and alcohol happens almost in every budget.

  16. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    I think LankaCnews got it translated wrong. The original sinhala report says;
    සිගරට් පෙට්ටියේ රූපමය අවවාද ප‍්‍රදර්ශනය කිරීමට දැනට තිබෙන 60% ප‍්‍රතිශතය ජනවාරි 09 වැනිදායින් පසු 90%ක් දක්වා වැඩි කරන බවද මෛත‍්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන මහතා සදහන් කළේය.
    He has been fighting for 90% and the government forced him to accept 60%. Now he says when he become President it will be increased to 90%.

  17. Christie Says:

    Beedi bomu, Wita Kamu and Kassipu Gahamu

  18. Independent Says:


    I saw Chandrasiri Wijewickrema proved in this website how My3 managed to negotiate with JVP and Kadiragamar to propose Mahinda for the PM position despite he being the preferred candidate ( that is Kadiragamar of My3 was preferred).

    If you compare My3 and current PM who is better ?

    Actually, as I recalled, he asked for 80% but got 60%.

    NMY/ Lorenzo,

    In Australia back coverage is 90% and Front 75%, in Singapore it is 50% – so it is not silly to ask 90% but it is damn difficult because tobacco companies run the world. They are bribe kings and king corruptors. (As Lorenzo rightly said, killing our people and sending money to USA.

  19. Lorenzo Says:


    “it is damn difficult because tobacco companies run the world”

    So should we accept defeat and let them kill us?

    No way. Govts are MORE powerful. Govt.s and people pay MORE to cure, etc. cancer, etc. sufferers.

    I think ONLY IN SL a tobacco company became the MOST VALUABLE COMPANY!
    That too during “mathata thitha” campaign.

  20. Lorenzo Says:

    Thanks NMY.

    The supreme court cut down on his law which was passed by 200+ in parliament. With that they could have changed the constitution to SAVE people from tobacco, heroin, alcohol, etc. as a TRUE Buddhist country.

    As you CORRECTLY pointed out earlier, the way to fight corruption is constitutional (or other strong laws). Same with this menace. But MR refused to give MS the required 2/3.

    As a Buddhist country our CONSTITUTION must have provisions against tobacco, heroin, alcohol, etc. Then tobacco companies cannot win the case against the health minister.

  21. Independent Says:

    It is very difficult because they are rich to bribe with big money.

    Now back to this this silly argument of warning coverage, FYI Brazil is 100% on one side. Even this argument is used to sling mud at My3.If there is a will and leaders think about the country than their pockets, 90% on one side ( leaving10% for the brand) and 100% on all other sides is possible.

  22. Independent Says:


    I an not a supporter of My3 at the moment, I repeat and I am not happy with our President at the moment.

    But I feel sad when you say “Can we expect anything more than this from a former Grama Sevaka.? “. My father was peon. I have beaten even the world’s top in my field.

  23. Lorenzo Says:

    Of course it is difficult but it can be done EASIER than the war.

    We are a country with a history, a culture, Buddhism.

    Tobacco and alcohol companies cannot be allowed to be the top 10 companies here.

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