Continued from Yesterday – The Invisible Power behind Sirisena and Ranil
Posted on November 26th, 2015

Dr Sudath Gunasekara

Prior to Jan 8 2015 people in this country saw these two persons as non- asserting utterly week men. Their assumption was purely based on the past behavior of these rather unusual friends. But strangely after Jan 8th and more particularly after August 17 both of them, though with different agendas, of course with one bottom line of eliminating MR and consolidating power, have risen like the phoenix from ashes to everybody’s surprise and now started to display unusual power.

Most spectators were trying to find the reason/reasons for this overnight change.  Almost all have come to the conclusion that it is the anti Sinhala, anti Buddhist Western world lead by the US and India abroad and at the same minded people at Home lead by Chandrika that has catapulted these two strange friends  to such mighty and unexpected heights.

The following two links will clearly explain the secret behind this phenomena

“if any regime in any nation violates the prevailing precepts of
acceptable governance, then the international community is morally
obligated to revoke that nation’s sovereignty and assume command and
control of the offending country. Assuming command and control is
mostly through diplomatic endeavors”

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Kamal Rajapakse <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2015 22:34:47 -0000
Subject: Power & Soros in Sri Lanka to press for Federal Constitution
To: Sinhale News <>

Power & Soros in Sri Lanka to press for
Federal Constitution

By Daya Gamage – Asian Tribune Political Analysis
Washington, D.C. 20 November (
U.S. Permanent Representative for the United Nations Samantha Power,
Obama administration’s top foreign policy advocate is scheduled to
visit Sri Lanka November 21-23. This is her second visit, the previous
one being June 2010 during the Rajapaksa administration.
In January 2016, American multi billionaire George Soros is scheduled
to visit Colombo – it is said – for an economic discourse.

Both visits are significant when both of them, since 2012, have been
direct participants of UN-Department of Political Affairs- initiated
‘promotion of federalism’ in Third World nations envisaged to
bifurcate nations on ethnic lines.

The two visits are even further interesting when Colombo has an
American diplomatic envoy – Atul Keshap – who is a strong believer of
a federal structure in Sri Lanka. He has gone on record advocating the

And more interesting because the Sirisena-Wickremasinghe
administration early this week made an official announcement – with
cabinet approval – that the Executive Presidential system will end
with Sirisena’s completion of his term and that in early 2016 the Sri
Lanka legislature will be transformed into a ‘Constitutional Assembly’
to draft a new constitution for the country.

U.S. Permanent Representative for the United Nations Samantha
PowerBecause of the Rajapaksa administration’s ill-advised
triumphalism soon after the Eelam War IV ended in May 2009 giving the
11% minority Tamils a sense of defeat which helped the operatives –
who were once ‘Material Supporters’ to Prabhakaran’s Tamil Tigers –
within the Tamil Diaspora to convince the US State Department and
foreign offices of the EU nations that they are the ‘voice’ of the
Tamil people reviving the issue of federalism in Sri Lanka.

The operatives of the Tamil Diaspora – now the so called voice of the
Tamil people – in their dialogues with the officials of the state
department and Obama White House – convinced that the best solution to
redress Tamil grievances was a constitutional arrangement devolving
administrative and development powers to the ‘Tamil Homeland’.

Having fulfilled her desire as, first, Obama White House human rights
and genocide czar, then as US ambassador to the UN retaining her
influence over White House foreign policy initiatives to take Sri
Lanka to the UNHRC, Geneva on the issues of accountability, Dr. Power,
since 2012, was instrumental in getting the UN Department of Political
Affairs (DPA) to come out with a broad plan to re-structure several
developing Third World nations’ constitutional arrangement to impose
federalism as an answer to ethnic minority grievances. Napal was one

The DPA for decades has been under the effective control of the State
Department. The Under- Secretary-General, the second most senior
office holder next to the Secretary-General, has always been a former
state department official. Currently, it is headed by Jeffrey Feltman,
the former assistant secretary who had served the state department for
more than two decades.

It is in this context that the visits of Power, this week, and Soros
next January so crucial to the existence of Sri Lanka as a united

The UN, since 2012, has been holding a number of closed-door meetings
and seminars at which the partition of UN member states has been
discussed. Most of the meetings have been held under the direction of
the UN Inter-agency Framework for Coordination on Preventive Action
(the Framework Team or FT). The FT is directly under the control of
Under- Secretary-General (Political Affairs).

The process in 2012 commenced during Under Secretary-General
(Political) B. Lynn Pascoe’s period who retired from his senior state
department position at the behest of Washington to take over the
position. The holder of this position as the head of the Department of
Political Affairs (DPA) advises the UN Secretary-General on peace and
security issues globally, while overseeing “good offices” initiatives
and field-based political missions carrying out peacekeeping,
preventive diplomacy and peace-building activities. The incumbent also
oversees the UN electoral assistance provided to dozens of its member
states each year.
The FT, when 2012 process started, advanced the work of President
Obama’s then “information czar” Cass Sunstein and his wife Samantha
Power who was an influential member of the U.S. National Security

The FT has also trained certain activists around the world,
particularly in developing and other countries with pro-western
governments, to use “the system” to effect change. It is a well known
fact that the entire FT operation at the UN is bankrolled with George
Soros money.

When the process commenced in 2012, Sri Lanka, apart from Nepal, was
also a target for the identity federalism engineers. During the 2008
presidential campaign, both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama received
large campaign donations from front groups for the Tamil Tigers which
was in 1997 designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S. State
Department. As a way of thanking the Tigers for their support, the
Obama administration, Soros, and the International Peace Institute of
Norway (which has been called a front for NATO, Soros, and the CIA and
which supported the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam [LTTE] during
their long civil war against the Sri Lankan government) have been
pushing for a federal system in Sri Lanka that would create a
Sinhalese, Tamil, and Muslim federation, with secession following.

A widely-read blog noted in a 2012 report that
although South Korean Ban Ki-moon is the Secretary General of the UN,
his most important deputies represent the interests of NATO and its
allies. The Undersecretary General for Political Affairs is B. Lynn
Pascoe, a former U.S. ambassador to Indonesia and Malaysia and is
thought by many UN staffers to have links to the CIA. The
Undersecretary General for Safety and Security is Gregory Starr, a
former Director of the U.S. State Department’s Diplomatic Security
Service who is also thought to have close links to the CIA. The
Assistant Secretary-General for Strategic Planning and Policy
Coordination is Robert Orr, the former Director of Global and
Multilateral Affairs at the U.S. National Security Council on which
the CIA is represented. The Executive Director of the UN Children’s
Fund (UNICEF) is Anthony Lake, a former U.S. National Security

It is with this scenario initiating federal structure in many Third
World small nations on ethnic lines that US State Department officials
declared the best political solution to Sri Lanka’s ‘National Issues’
is serious devolution of power with a federal structure.

The incumbent Under-Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman is well within
the process of promoting federal structure of government in many Third
World small nations such as Sri Lanka.

American ambassador to Sri Lanka Atul Keshap has gone on record his
authoritative declaration that this South Asian nation needs a federal
structure to redress minority Tamil grievances. Previously, he was
working very closely on Sri Lankan issues with Robert Blake when he
was the assistant secretary of the South Asian Bureau. Mr. Blake was
the US envoy in Colombo during the period the Sri Lanka military
undertook the final assault on the Tamil Tiger movement.

Atul Keshap has been to Sri Lanka on two occasions, one in June 2014
and the other in February 2015.

Ignoring the Sinhalese consensus that establishing a federal structure
in the Island is a stepping stone for separatism, a political concept
under which the Tamil Tigers launched its military offensive since the
mid-seventies until its domestic demise in May 2009, Atul Keshap made
the statements to the effect of the necessity of a federal structure
when he accompanied assistant secretary Biswal on an official tour in
June 2014 at media interview in Colombo.

Officials in the United States Department of State based in Washington
do not make policy statements to the effect what other nations should
undertake unless they are determined as policy planks at the highest
level of the American government. Earlier in this note we disclosed
how the ‘federalism process’ commenced at the UN in 2012.

When Mr. Atul Keshap, not once but several occasions in the same
interview with a Sri Lankan newspaper – Daily Mirror – about the
vitality of establishing a federal structure in Sri Lanka, he was
obviously pronouncing a policy plank of the United States Government
already determined at some high level.

At this June 20, 2014 interview Mr. Keshap told what the United States
believed in saying: “the U.S. believes in a very bright future for
this country and it believes that Sri Lanka has the potential in terms
of human capital, in terms of resources, in terms of geographic
location, in terms of having secured peace after a very brutal civil
war – a country connected to the entire world. A country that is not
the subject of UN Human Rights Council Resolutions because it has
perfected its democracy and perfected its respect for human rights. A
country that has created a meaningful formula for devolution of power
and federalism, to ensure coherence among the various regions. A
country that is reconciled, peaceful, and prosperous”.

Lamenting about the long delay in bringing changes Mr. Keshap said:
It’s been five years since the war ended and I haven’t seen any
meaningful discussion or movement along the lines of a meaningful
negotiation of the very tricky political issues related to federalism.

Samantha Power’s visit to Colombo is the culmination of this
development at a time the Sirisena-Wickremasinghe administration
envisages to promulgate a new constitution for Sri Lanka.

Samantha Power rose to prominence in government circles as part of her
campaign to promote a doctrine known as the Responsibility to Protect.
It is a doctrine advanced by the UN and is predicated on the
proposition that sovereignty is a privilege, not a right, and that if
any regime in any nation violates the prevailing precepts of
acceptable governance, then the international community is morally
obligated to revoke that nation’s sovereignty and assume command and
control of the offending country. Assuming command and control is
mostly through diplomatic endeavors.

The worldwide leader in the promotion of this doctrine that Samantha
Power worked to develop is the Global Center for Responsibility to
Protect (GCR2P). One of the biggest financial supporters of the GCR2P
is the Open Society Institute which itself is a branch of the Open
Society Foundation,, an organization created by financier George

Apart from providing financial backing to the Responsibility to
Protect, Soros personally believes in and promotes the philosophy. In
an article published by Foreign Policy in 2004 entitled “The People’s
Sovereignty: How a New Twist on an Old Idea Can Protect the World’s
Most Vulnerable Populations,” Soros presented his take on the
principles that undergird the Responsibility to Protect.

“True sovereignty belongs to the people, who in turn delegate it to
their governments,” Soros wrote.

And: “If governments abuse the authority entrusted to them and
citizens have no opportunity to correct such abuses, outside
interference is justified. By specifying that sovereignty is based on
the people, the international community can penetrate nation-states’
borders to protect the rights of citizens.

“In particular, the principle of the people’s sovereignty can help
solve two modern challenges: the obstacles to delivering aid
effectively to sovereign states, and the obstacles to global
collective action dealing with states experiencing internal conflict”.

Sri Lanka is faced to deal with this emerging situation with the
arrival of Dr. Samantha Power and George Soros. One could see the
fall-out of ‘internationalizing’ a ‘domestic’ issue and the LTTE
transformation from militarism to ‘Global Diplomatic Maneuver’ with
tacit State Department and United Nations participation.

– Asian Tribune -. One could see the
fall-out of ‘internationalizing’ a ‘domestic’ issue and the LTTE
transformation from militarism to ‘Global Diplomatic Maneuver’ with
tacit State Department and United Nations participation.

– Asian Tribune –

One Response to “Continued from Yesterday – The Invisible Power behind Sirisena and Ranil”

  1. Fran Diaz Says:

    R2P ? or smell of money > power over destabilised countries using local spiritless, fear filled, and broken ‘kalu sudaas’ ?

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