President-elect Donald Trump offers Sri Lanka an opportunity to reorient and strengthen bilateral relations!
Posted on November 9th, 2016
By Ananda-USA
November 8, 2016
US President-Elect Donald Trump in a very graceful and conciliatory speech promised to be the President of all Americans irrespective of political party and community affiliations, and to pursue a new foreign policy based on treating other nations, who want to co-exist peacefully with the US, with fairness and justice without adopting confrontational policies driven by geopolitical agendas.
He promised to focus on developing America’s deteriorating infrastructure, to revive its manufacturing base, to grow the economy at twice the current rate of growth, and to take care of the needs of the armed forces veterans. It was a truly great speech promising to heal the wounds of the adversarial election campaign.
Sri Lanka Patriots should study his acceptance speech on the Web, and recognize that this US President may provide the opening Sri Lanka needs to gain the understanding and friendship of the United States, without the witch-hunting SL has experienced at the hands of previous US Administrations. We should represent Sri Lanka to him as the oldest functioning democracy in Asia that has fought and defeated a war of survival against foreign-inspired terrorists and, therefore, that Sri Lanka is a natural ally of the United States.
Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, and the former UPFA government, that fought and won that war of national liberation and reunification, should SEIZE this opportunity to establish good relations with this new US President who promises to completely revise US foreign policy and US diplomatic posture towards other countries. His new vision may be just the opening we need to establish a new alliance with the United States free of the undermining of our country on behalf of separatist minority groups, or in pursuit of geopolitical agendas directed at other countries.
Donald Trump’s election as the new US President could herald a sea-change in the attitude of the United States of the Sinhala Buddhist majority’s difficulties with Western Nations and the UN. The leaders of our country should seize this invaluable opportunity to resolve these difficulties, without draconian conditions that undermine Sri Lanka’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and economic growth.
Carpe’ Diem!
November 9th, 2016 at 9:47 am
I agree Ananda. We must start working with Republican to get rid of current US ambassador to Sri Lanka. Two years ago during UN resolution time I wrote to all 100 senators and I got good response from republican senators and they all criticized the Hilaries state department. I hope Bangalya come here and beg current administration to help destroy Sri Lanka.
November 9th, 2016 at 1:53 pm
Although 1000 times better than Killarly Hinton as far as our country and the wrold is concerned, this man’s charater is dubious. As such we cannot expect him to do morally correct changes. He will do whatever benifits US.
Unless our governement quickly takes steps to get hold of him pointing out LTTE camp hated him, LTTE will somehow catch him.
Rather than asking MR to do it, our brothers like Ananda-USA ( assuming he is a USA citizen) has to do it completely ignoring Sri Lankan politics. Here there is a clear injustice to Sinhalese and unless they work with that ( and bring up the stupid task white washing previous governement instead) we are doomed again.
Dear patriots in USA this is the time to fight for our country !
November 9th, 2016 at 2:57 pm
I am REPOSTING this here:
To the Outspoken Sri Lankan from another Outspoken Sri Lankan,
I disagree strongly with your assessment of Hillary Clinton. You are simply DEAD WRONG yourself! I hope you are not engaging in a political spin for Hillary on the eve of the Presidential election tomorrow!
I was a strong supporter of Hillary prior to her becoming the Secretary of State, and even forgave her BUNGLING of the assignment from Bill Clinton to get a Universal Heath Care Plan passed. FYI, I am neither a rabid Republican not a bleeding heart Democrat. I supported Bill Clinton in his first election, and opposed him in the second, and supported Obama in both his elections to be President.
Billary projects a persona as a smiling, forgiving, straight-forward person; but it is a mask to deceive people; she is none of those things. She talks incessantly of her great experience, but that “experience” has all resulted in massive disasters for the USA. As a result of her foreign policy mis-steps, and the direction of foreign policy that she initiated, the USA is confronting MANY MORE ENEMIES all over the world today.
She is HEAVILY influenced by money paid directly to her, by contributions to her campaing funds and to the Clinton Foundation. Wikileaks recently released an email that shows shesolicitedand receved millions of dollars from Saudi Arabia, Quatar and other Gulf shiekdoms. Julian Assange of Wikileaks says the quid pro quo was the approval of the largest arms sales ever by the US to these countries, whose governments are known to the US government asthe PRIMARY supporters of Al-Quaida and ISIS. If this is pursued and proved, it could amount to treason.
During her last election campaign, she was forced to return a large sum of money (over $1 million) she received from Sri Lankan Diaspora Tamils for Clinton. Beyond any doubt, she would have gotten funds this tme also, but well laundered to be spotless! She now has many more methods of laundering funds now.
Hillary has consistently lied with regard to having classified top secret email on the email server she hosted at home. As one who has worked in a high-security establishment and has Top-Secret security clearance, I know that this is BEYOND ANY DOUBT a CRIME for which she should be imprisoned, as any other person would be. Violation of the rules on handling classified information is ENOUGH; irrespective of whether any secret documents fell into the wrong hands.
Hillary was under political pressure in Washington, DC , when she got the bright idea of exploiting the sudden unrest in Libya and dethroning Gaddafi. She conned Obama into an illegal intervention, and in the final phase announced in Benghazi that US Policy is that Gaddafi should be killed. He was captured and killed by foreign mercenaries after being tortured the next day. Hillary then boasted, and this was captured on a video, saying “We came, We spoke, He died!” taking responsibility by boasting of that murder. The murder of a foreign head of state, with whose country the US is not at war, is a CRIME specifically prohibited by the US Constitution.
Successive interventions in the Arab Spring countries, including Syria, Egypt and the Sudan, has converted those countries into chaotic anarchies today and led to the deaths of hundreds of thousand of people. Those countries are NO-GO zones for the US today,. This “foreign policy success” was orchestrated by Hillary Clinton in her first term as Secy of State.
Hillary’s position on ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and AMNESTY FOR ILLEGALS already in the USA, without even developing a plan to PREVENT THE INFLUX OF MORE ILLEGALS in the FUTURE, is a surefire prescription to undermine the future integrity, and the national and economic security of the USA.
She cares only about votes; not the welfare of her country. Like Sri Lanka, if the USA does not prevent the entry of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS, it will cease to be a sovereign state and could break into several states in the future. The required demographic changes are already underway. Please Google “Republica del Norte” to study those developments.
The situation is the US is similar to that in Sri Lanka; if we allow UNRESTRICTED ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION into Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka will not be a Sinhala majority nation in the future, and will disintegrate.
Finally, you claim that Clinton is a REASONABLE person who can be persuaded to abandon her support for the Tamil Diaspora, and to support the Sinhala Buddhist majority. You are dreaming! Where is the EVIDENCE of that? The GoSL does not have the kind of money, or the ability to deploy DEVIOUS METHODS of bribing Hillary to accomplish that.
On the other hand, Donald Trump, given all of his personality faults, has POLICIES that are much more compatible with the views and issues of the Sinhala Buddhist majority. In CONTRAST, Clinton’s POLICIES and her past BUNGLING PERFORMANCE spell DOOM!
We want to stem illegal immigration from India into Sri Lanka, Trump wants to do the same to halt illegal immigration from Mexico into Sri Lanka.
Hillary wants to deal with countries that support Islamic terrorism; Trump wants to hold them responsible.
Hillary wants to export jobs from the US pushing globalization, Trump wants to keep the jobs at home, just as Sri Lanka wants to and needs to.
Trump wants to invest vast sums in developing national infrastructure and manufacturing to jump start the economy, so do we!
Hillary wants to confront Russia not understanding that Russia is threatened by US creating a wall of NATO countries and arming them with nuclear missiles; Trump wants to REVERSE that policy and establish good relations with Putin.
Hillary wants to CONTINUE the Regime Change strateges; Trump wants to stop telling other countries how to live, but will take firmer action against international terrorism like the ISIS.
Hillary wants to CONTINUE the HYPOCRISY and DOUBLE STANDARDS of her military interventions and remote control killing of people in foreign countries, under the pretext of Human Rights and Democracy, but Trump wants to stop all of that.
Today ISIS had taken tens of thousands of civilians as human shields in Mosul, Iraq and Aleppo, Syria , and they are being bombed by the US and other western nations, often using drones, killing hundreds every day. It is the taking of human shields by the LTTE and their allegations of war crimes by the Sri Lankan Army in attacking them that was used by the US at the UN against Sri Lanka, and orchestrated by Hillary Clinton. Trump could be persuaded to STOP ALL OF THAT, because he knows that defeating the enemy as soon as possible without erecting fake barriers, is the best way to save the lives of people. Abraham Lincoln knew that in the US Civil War, FDR and Eisenhower knew that in WWII, and Trump knows that now.
There is a MUCH GREATER CHANGE of Sri Lanka getting the support of Donald Trump, than the KNOWN ENEMY “CROOKED” Hillary Clinton.
Am I ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN of TRUMP will help Sri Lanka? NO! But, I am ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN that Hillary Clinton’s election to the US Presidency will be DISASTROUS for Sri Lanka.
November 9th, 2016 at 3:08 pm
Anther way Trump can help the poor people of third world is to expose the money trail of the crooked leaders like our own MR. USA can easily do it as Dollar is the medium of monetary transactions which can easily be monitored by their systems; probably that is how they gave the clue to our FM about the 18 billion overseas. But I bet they wont do it as they do not want the third world crooks to switch to other currencies.
November 9th, 2016 at 3:45 pm
Another way Trump can help other nations and their own people is to get his citizens to work hard. What they do now is making money through fluctuations of Dollar, selling arms to other countries to kill each other or make some fancy products like smartphones and make lots of money. As can be seen Trump did not get an overwhelming majority, in fact nationally Hillary got more votes. That tells us that majority of Americans are happy with exiting policies with which they can do very little work and get a good salary or social benefit and live off hard work of people in other countries. Look at their size (especially the black women) in my estimation more than 75% of Americans are overweight.
November 9th, 2016 at 3:47 pm
Donald Trump’s VICTORY is the USA’s version of BREXIT, NOW it is Sri Lanka’s TURN!
The ordinary PATRIOTIC citizens of America had enough of those who run the country for the elites and minorities, and neither protected it nor developed it, and they took their country back just as the British did!
It is now the TURN of the PATRIOTIC people of Sri Lanka to DO THE SAME, to wrest our country back from the UNPATRIOTIC puppet Yamapalanaya REGIME CHANGE government OF the minorities, BY the minorities, and run FOR the benefit of ONLY the minorities!
DO IT FAST, DO IT NOW, before legal, economic and administrative barriers are ERECTED by the Yamapalanaya GoSL to DELAY or PREVENT IT!
ERECTING BARRIERS to regaining our national sovereignty is what the drafting of a new constitution, devolving power to separatists above and beyond the 13th Amendment, shackling the armed forces, the police and intelligence services, entering into anti-national trade agreements such as the ETCA, Palk Strait Fishing Agreement, the Hanuman Tunnel, and power purchases via submarine cable from India are ALL ABOUT.
Donald Trump wants to keep American industry and manufacturing at HOME and renegotiate TRADE AGREEMENTS to be even handed, and to benefit the American people and not only the corporate elite.
So should WE by examining all trade agreements to be in the best long-term interest of the ordinary citizens of SRi Lanka!
Donald Trump wants to close all borders to ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and restrict LEGAL IMMIGRATION to levels that can be assimilated by the economy.
So should WE, going even further to END ALL IMMIGRATION into already heavily populated Sri Lanka!
Donald Trump wants to develop America’s crumbling national infrastructure.
So should WE, by resuming the Mahinda Rajapaksa government’s program to develop national infrastructure with the VISION of transforming Sri Lanka into the NEXT WONDER OF ASIA!
Ordinary patriotic American citizens in their millions have DECISIVELY REJECTED the business-as-usual notions of the Washingtt6on establishment.
So should WE, by RISING UP to REGAIN the POWER to GOVERN our Motherland in the interest of our ordinary citizens!
O Sinhalayeni! RISE UP and ROAR like the LIONS you really are that WE WONT TAKE IT ANYMORE … WE WANT OUR MOTHERLAND BACK ….. in its ENTIRETY!
November 9th, 2016 at 3:53 pm
It is no time you STOPPED talking NONSENSE about MR stashing money overseas.
UriNePee regime has gone to EXTRAORDINARY levels to frame even YOSHITHA’S GRANDMOTHER! IF MR did stash money anywhere they should have found it now.
$18 billion is TOO BIG to hide and that makes MR family one of the richest 100 individuals in the world!!
All that became COWDUNG.
I don’t support what MR did after 2009 but I also don’t support DAMN LIES for and against MR or anyone. Night races in Kandy = wrong. Claims $18 billion MR stash = wrong. I call a spade a spade.
SL economy is in shtt because of the 007 bond fraudsters. Arrest them. Milk them the 5 billion they already robbed and SL will be OK.
November 9th, 2016 at 3:56 pm
Agree with Uncle Sam.
But MR has a LONG WAY to go to win like TRUMP.
TRUMP was open about threats to USA. People trusted him. He called a spade a spade. MR cannot do it. That is the problem.
e.g. MR said Pigneswaran is not a racist! Trump would have demanded PORK! That is the difference.
November 9th, 2016 at 4:54 pm
November 9th, 2016 at 5:27 pm
You seem to know everything. I have the right to say what I think is correct and am not in the pay of anybody, so do not try to insult me.
Tell me who owns Oruwela Steel Mill and who owns Marriot Hotel in Dubai?. I have seen in local papers during MR’s time that one guy from Medawachchiya area owns Marriot which is over $300 million investment. He had gone there as a warehouse clerk it seems. He must have had super brains to do such a wonder within a very short time.
November 9th, 2016 at 5:38 pm
I did NOT insult you but YOU insulted MR!!
I only criticised the total nonsense you have written, not you in person. But you insulted MR without ANY evidence.
You can say anything you want but provide EVIDENCE before defaming a former president. He had his problems but there is NO evidence to show he stashed money overseas, buried under swimming pools and in coconut estates!
Then you ask me who owns Oruwela Steel Mill and Marriot Hotel in Dubai. IF you allege MR or his buddies are involved, YOU must provide evidence. Not me.
We should be happy not jealous IF a Lankan owns a hotel in Dubai!! More the merrier.
These are too big to hide. Where are they?
November 9th, 2016 at 5:52 pm
That is the problem. People love courageous leaders that don’t mince words. Behind MR’s “I WON THE WAR” make-up people see a SHEEP.
November 9th, 2016 at 6:34 pm
Re America & Sri Lanka :
Don’t forget that INDIA trained the LTTE in Tamil Nadu.
Don’t forget that INDIA imposed the 13-A on the UNP (JRJ) govt in 1987.
And don’t forget the net result of the build of the LTTE.
Many thousands of innocent civilians dead in Lanka, killed by the LTTE – most of the dead are Sinhala people, rural people.
The LTTE destroyed millions of dollars worth of property in Lanka, as well as bring down the reputation of Lanka abroad.
The LTTE decimated the UNP able leaders (Oxford Uni educated Lalith, Gamini, and also Lakshman Kadirgama) as well as
many others, including Pres Premadasa.
NO compensation has ever been paid to Lanka by INDIA for growing and training the LTTE in Tamil Nadu.
After the war with the LTTE, the west & the IC did not back the MR govt.
So MR retired from politics. He was brought back into politics by the People of Lanka, pushing him to do so.
If a small America had giant INDIA next door, doing all those ghastly acts, then Trump in MR’ds place would have withdrawn at some point too.
Discretion the better part of Valor ….
It is absurd compare a country such as America which is 3.8 Million sq miles and 300 million people, with Sri Lanka which is 25,000 sq miles in size and has about 20 million people.
Only the future will unfold the story for America & Sri Lanka – may both countries be blessed to achieve a lasting Peace.
November 9th, 2016 at 8:40 pm
That is another EXCUSE of naysayers.
Be positive.
IF fools in USA can do it, SLs can do it too.
We all know Endia imposed 13 amendment but the important question is WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ABOUT IT. Just blame Endia and keep 13 amendment? Or get a BOLD leader elected and SCRAP it?
War was same. Our leaders blamed their predecessors and people for war and did nothing until Fonseka, etc. came along and won the war. If they had just kept giving excuses we would still have war.
November 9th, 2016 at 8:53 pm
Promotion of MR to lead Sinhalese is not for the love of MR or Sinhalese, but to keep RW in power. As long as MR is the leader of majority Sinhalas none other than RW can come to power as that majority is not sufficient to get a parliamentary majority.That enables the minority to punish security forces. The soldiers who held the north together in 90s are being arrested and remanded by our judiciary now for some flimsy excuses where as it was Sinhalese in border areas and cities who suffered during that time. This will continue as long as RW (who is actually a cat’s pow) remains in power. He has power to do anything with impunity.
MR should step aside and let some other person take the leadership to unite Sinhalas.
November 9th, 2016 at 10:26 pm
You FOOLS are speculating ASSUMING that if MR steps aside, there will be another to quickly rally the Patriots to oust the Yamapalanaya before they WRECK the nation.
There is NO ONE ELSE, except perhaps Wimal Weerawansa and Gota with the prestige to command the trust of the masses to REPLACE him and UNITE the Patriots and OUST the Yamapalanaya before they WRECK the nation and convert it to a vassal state …. as Shenali Waduge, an astute observer of the current situation, concluded in her recent article.
Didn’t you guys read another recent article in which the new SLPF party is bemoaning the very fact that there is no one to lead it effectively?
MR himself has given the freedom to others to lead that party, if they can, and offered his help from outside that new party.
Besides giving the FREEDOM TO ACT to others, that is a GOOD STRATEGY by MR, because it enables MR to remain a member of the SLFP in the event that either a majority of SLFP members can be persuaded to jettison the Yamapalanaya, or Aiyooo Sirisena can be persuaded to SACK Ranil. The latter is the less likely of the two possibilities.
Just stop undermining MR if you guys bemoaning the current situation REALLY care about what is happening now, and are not UNDERCOVER Yamapalanaya or EELAMIST agitators trying to sabotage the Patriots.
That is also why Charles, Fran and I have not wavered in our support for MR from before the Election upto now. We had figured out that Altough MR did not do all that we wanted, repealing the 13A and DISSOLVING the PCS foremost among them, we were not willing to cutoff our collective noses to spite our ollective face!
We HAVE TO PRIORITIZE the issues, balancing the pros and the cons before we ACT. Only HEADLESS IDIOTS cutoff the branch we are stting on at its root without understanding the consequences!
November 9th, 2016 at 11:05 pm
IF anyone from a major party promises to SCRAP 13 amendment, he WINS the presidential election. IF not RW is the next president.
What if Run-nil dies of disease, old age, etc.? Will the UNP remain in 1 piece? No. Sajith camp, Horu camp and Mylick camp will fight each other. Defeated camps will join the SLFP.
What if Sira dies of disease, old age, etc.? ANY OTHER leader will support MR. CBK has no support within the party because she is not even in parliament.
MR should NOT form any new parties. He should takeover the SLFP.
“As long as MR is the leader of majority Sinhalas none other than RW can come to power as that majority is not sufficient to get a parliamentary majority.”
Please learn some mathematics. You don’t have to win parliamentary majority. You only have to BEAT the number of Sinhala MPs of UNP. CWC and SLMC will join you. Then UNP seats will be reduced even further. IF TNA joins UNP, both are DEAD.
In August 2015 MR almost won. IF not for Sira’s trouble, UPFA under MR would have won a majority in parliament.
November 9th, 2016 at 11:07 pm
TRAITOROUS Colombians (including MR clan) are the ones who have lead our nation astray after having a good time with Brits. They got the poor villagers to fight the war keeping their sons and daughters enjoying in Colombo and after someone else finished the war got all the credit and then ransacked the treasury quietly.
Now all are going to pay VAT to compensate for the foreign loans and Bond scams which were spent on electioneering and amassing personal wealth in the form of lands, hotels etc. They now talk of patriotism.
November 9th, 2016 at 11:22 pm
MR will be foolish if he contests the next big election WITHOUT PROMISING TO SCRAP 13 AMENDMENT.
He cannot win without promising to SCRAP 13 amendment. I HOPE he has learned the lesson.
IF MR’s party does NOT promise to SCRAP 13 amendment, we are going to field a NEW PARTY with the SOLE PROMISE of SCRAPPING 13 amendment to save people BILLIONS and DEATH PENALTY to BIG FRAUDSTERS unless they VOMIT the frauds, removing VAT because the savings are enough and GIVE FREE motorbike each to everyone over 18 if they do SELF EMPLOYMENT from the money saved. We are going to turn ALL PC buildings into FREE ENGLISH EDUCATION CENTERS with FREE milk tea and biscuits.
We are already doing the ground work and recruiting useless people like PENCE. Our manifesto is enough to make anyone win.
November 10th, 2016 at 3:11 am
Aloy’s alegations are “international” alegations and has a very high probability to be proven TRUE in the future. Even without those figures wrongdoings are well known in Sri Lanka.
With all the “alegations” in their bags, TRUMP should be as FOOLISH as those who still worship them to accept them as his supporters.
Nonetheless , to put it in PURE Sinhalese, he is still “our bugger” and we can use him to achive some goals. BLOODY FOOLS are pampering him and ruining all our chances.
November 10th, 2016 at 5:35 am
The PRESENT PARLIAMENT can scrap the 13-A, if they really wanted to !!
Almost the entire Country will support the idea and give them credit for scrapping the 13-A.
There is no need for elaborate plans to scrap the 13-A.
INDIA and the west must agree. They have to agree, now that Trump is for being President of America, and not “President of the World”.
Bill Clinton, when he was President, said that America has to be the “Policeman to the world”.
That has not worked.
Agree with Ananda re MR.
MR has taken enough flak for the faults of others ! Leave him alone.
November 10th, 2016 at 6:53 am
I fully agree with Ananda…
If Hillary got elected, it would have been a disaster for SL and the Sinhalese. She is totally corrupted with so many hidden agendas, especially when it comes to her foreign policies.
Trump is not a politician, and seems not interested in regime changes, or American hypocrisy of democracy and HRs in other countries.
This is a golden opportunity for SL to undo the UNCHR shackles put on by Obama administration with the help of Hillary in order to satisfy the Tamil Diaspora in the West. My only hope is our current regime recognises this opportunity and work relentlessly to benefit SL with the help of incoming Trump administration..
I am pretty sure, now that their queen bee is out of the picture, the pro-LTTE Diaspora organizations like BTF, Tamil Sangam in US, must be working overtime to see how they can use Trump to advance their cause..
Unfortunately, they know how to exploit the situations to their advantage much better than the GOSL..
November 10th, 2016 at 1:03 pm
ALL parliaments since 1987 could SCRAP 13 amendment. But NO ONE in parliament has the BACKBONE to do it.
That is why we are making it an ELECTION ISSUE at the next election and bring a NEW PARTY. It will give jitters to SOME CROOKED politicians (ONLY). Others will be safe. We plan to win at least 20% of the Singhala vote.
Some MPs in parliament say Pigneswaran is NOT a RACIST and Mahendran is NOT a CROOK!
November 10th, 2016 at 2:22 pm
All parties in Lanka ran with the Cold War type politics and leaned pro-west, and after INDIA which ran counter at that time, actually had the gump to train the LTTE in Tamil Nadu and release them in Lanka to kill at will, all parties have hesitated to go against INDIA.
INDIA was doing nasty things in Sri Lanka to contain Lanka going ultra west during the Cold War times. Also, INDIA wanted more influence in Sri Lanka to control the Tamil leaders tendency toward Separatism, both in INDIA & Sri Lanka.
The present Sri Lanka govt (UNP/SLFP combo), can scrap the 13-A NOW as almost the entire country will be behind such a move. There is NO need for elaborate and funds/time consuming new parties. The next Election in Lanka is 5 yrs away.
Yahap ought to have the back bone to at least do this for Lanka, NOW.
‘PERMITS’ will have to be obtained from INDIA & the west to carry out the just work of any Democratic govt. in Lanka, and remove the 13-A, thanks to Tamil leaders leading the Tamil people toward Violence.
November 10th, 2016 at 4:12 pm
“‘PERMITS’ will have to be obtained from INDIA & the west to carry out the just work of any Democratic govt. in Lanka, and remove the 13-A, thanks to Tamil leaders leading the Tamil people toward Violence.”
Then I like to see the PERMITS we obtained from Endia for these.
1. WIN the war in 2009
2. Build H’tota port
3. Build H’tota airport
4. Build highways from Chinese funds
5. Norochcholai
6. Port city
7. Kandy night races
8. Not investigating Thajudeen, Lassantha, etc.
9. Hack-him as justice minister
10. Mervin Silva as PR minister
If you can’t provide these PERMITS then it becomes a lie just like the lie about MR robbing $18 BILLION.
Our new party will NOT be bound by these EXCUSES. It will be a BOLD party that will do everything in its power to SCRAP 13 amendment and help people with the SAVINGS. We will CONVERT ALL PC buildings to FREE English teaching centers. AUCTION ALL PC vehicles and buy BUSES for people. We will SELL KP to Endia and buy more freedom for SL. We will LIMIT 1 MP from 1 family. We will AUCTION all vehicles with a purchase price of over 5 million rupees of MPs and retired politicians and buy AMBULANCES and HOSPITAL BEDS for people.
Lets see which CROOKS will come against us.
When I visited SL last time recently MOST people said they are FED UP with excuses. They want ACTION.
SLPDF for a unitary benevolent SL crowning the people.
November 10th, 2016 at 4:12 pm
USLPF for a unitary benevolent SL crowning the people.
November 10th, 2016 at 4:20 pm
We will NOT let crooks sell patriotism and win votes.
ANYONE calling them a patriot must promise to SCRAP 13 amendment.
We also promise to UPHOLD ARTICLE 9 of the SL constitution at ALL COST and ENHANCE the place given to Buddhism.
Winning support of Buddhist temples in GALLE, MATARA, H’TOTA, MONARAGALA, KALUTARA and AMPARA districts has already begun. These will be our key battleground districts.
November 10th, 2016 at 5:41 pm
OK, it is AGAIN TIME to RIP-OUT Lorenzo’s sheepskin, and EXPOSE HIM for who he really is … to protect the REAL Patriots.
Lorenzo the HIDDEN EELAMIST is back to making lists, just as he did before Jan 8, 2015 against MR to help land Sri Lanka in the ABSOLUTE MESS we are in NOW!
What this SHAMELESS Eelamist AGITATOR is doing now, is to CAST HIMSELF as a SUPER PATRIOT, grabbing the Patriot Lion Flag and running with it in the front of the rest of the Patriots!
Look at how he does it. Now it is HIM and HIS CREW that is forming a NEW PATRIOTIC PARTY …. the USLPF …. to RESCUE Sri Lanka from the PIT he helped to DIG FOR IT.
PATRIOTS, hold responsible the PEOPLE who BETRAYED our motherland.
At LankaWeb that means holding Lorenzo the EELAMIST AGITATOR responsible for his past TREACHERY!
Don’t be FOOLED by the SIREN SONGS this Machiavellian con-artist and Eelamist agitator sings! If you give him ONE INCH, he will soon be DEMANDING a YARD to mislead the Patriots over the same cliff he led you over leading up to the Presidential and General Elections of 2015!
Don’t become ENMESHED in the spiders Web he weaves to ensnare you. At the last moment he will create and set up barriers against voting for the patriotic leaders who can save Sri Lanka, just as he espoused the Yamapalanaya junta of Sirisena, Ranil and Chandrika against MR.
Yesterday backstabber Sirisena was Lorenzo’s God, today Lorenzo calls him “Maru Sira” a nickname Lorenzo himself coined!
Today he appears as a Super Patriot, but tomorrow he will BETRAY the Patriots. To that end, he will advocate unachievable conditions, military coup-de-etats, and white vanning of people! The human rights advocate who supported Sirisrna the candidate, will become a fanatical agitator who stops at nothing. Maximum CHAOS is his aim, as a DEDUCATED UNDERCOVRR EELAMIST AGITATOR. Everything he advocated has helped the EELAMISTS achieve their apartheid racist state.
He had several AVATARS collaborating with him to advance his agenda at LankaWeb. Invariably, when disappears, they disappear. When he appears, they appear. They defend each other … though not very obviously. Keep your eyes and ears wide open, everyone commenting here are not independent people; many are Lorenzo’s Avatars!
Ask the long time bloggers at LankaWeb what this man did to oust MR/UPFA government and land us in the quicksand.
Use your own judgment of what is best for your Motherland, and ACT DECISIVELY just as millions of Ordinary American Citizens did in electing Donald Trump.
November 10th, 2016 at 6:15 pm
Ananda-USA, without personal attacks just HONESTLY answer this question.
Are you for the SCRAPING of 13 amendment or not?
I’m TOTALLY CONVINCED 13 amendment is the DEATH KNELL of SL. IF you want a UNITARY SL, why on earth you want to disrupt this program?
1. 13 amendment is a THREAT to UNITARY SL
2. It is a THREAT to BUDDHISM – You cannot even replace the Buddha statue in Nainathivu thanks to NPC. You cannot put a Buddha statue in DEEGAWAPI thanks to EPC. Sorry, I appointed them!
3. CORRUPTION. Why do we need PCs? Didn’t SL work well BEFORE 1987?
4. NEPOTISM. PCs are there to employ wives, kids and nephews of MPs. What madness is this?
5. IF allowed to continue, NPC and EPC will bleed SL dry. They don’t pay tax but consume MORE MONEY (per capita) than other PCs.
Why do some people keep blasting 13 amendment everyday but when it comes to an election they push it under the carpet!
IF I’m an Elamist, why on earth I demand UNITARY SL? IF I’m an Elamist I will happily live with 13 amendment.
I only mentioned what we do. I don’t plan to get support from ANYONE here because most of us are NOT voters in SL. You can do personal attacks on me but you can NEVER stop our campaign in SL against 13 amendment. Voters have the RIGHT to choice. They are begging for a BOLD PATRIOTIC party. It is our NOBLE DUTY to organize it. If existing parties cannot do that, it is NOT my fault. It is THEIR fault.
Is it the fault of APPLE and SAMSUNG that KODAK and NOKIA went bankrupt?
November 10th, 2016 at 6:40 pm
By 2009, INDIA was running with the West.
Lanka needed no ‘Permits’ for war with the LTTE, even though the LTTE was trained by INDIA. INDIA had enough of the LTTE with the assassination of PM Rajiv Gandhi by a LTTE suicide cadre.
Even the west helped Lanka as the USA trained the SL Army etc.
INDIA has signed 10 border agreements with China – INDIA really does not want ‘war’ with China.
Some Help from China to Lanka was not a problem for INDIA.
It is the west that has a Contain China program.
The other items you mention are irrelevant.
November 10th, 2016 at 7:29 pm
Ananda-USA’s PATRIOTISM cannot be questioned, but, unfortunately it is conditional.
He has ALWAYS been against 13A and for SCARPPING it.
No one can question it. I am sure he is still against it.
However, his heart , full of UNDONDITIONAL GRATITUDEand LOVE to one man makes his patriotism counter productive. This is because every unpatriotic move done by his supporters is forgiven “unconditionally”. This is not sustainable. We have to stop these GREAT PATRIOTS robbing the country. Whatever done in the past is enough to pay back leadership to great war victory.
Listen to this fellow, your JVP leader.
Similarly just because one supported Maru Sira dosent make one a traitor. That was fair enough considering the dangerous path MR was on.
Of coures if he is preparied to apologise and correct his wrong doings, he his the BEST PERSON TO LEAD us from the mess. He is 60% responsible to the MESS. I don’t see him doing it, now he is back on the same path thanks to people like Chares Perera and Ananda.
November 10th, 2016 at 8:03 pm
You KNOW WELL ENOUGH what I want in the National Interest of Sri Lsnka:
1. 13A to be REPEALED
2. PCs to be DISSOLVED, and REPLACED by a DIRECT system of administration by APPOINTED (Not Elected) District Governors. Election of Representatives to the National Parliament is sufficient electoral franchise for our small country. In addition, there will be elected local village, town and city councils.
3. The UNITARY nature of SL to be enforced
4. The PRIMACY of Buddhism in SL to be enforced
5. CORRUPTION & NEPOTISM to be eradicated
7. All MISSIONARY activities by foreign Christian, Muslim and Hindu organizations to be HALTED, and those organizations EXPELLED
8. All political, human rights and demoracy building activities by Foreign funded NGOs to be BANNED
10. All LAND SALES to Foreigners to be STOPPED
11. All COMMUNAL parties with ethnic, linguistic and religious age das to be BANNED
12. All SEPARATIST demands for separate regions for separate communities within Sri Lanka to be declared TREASON under the Law.
13. EQUAL RIGHTS of ALL CITIZENS to be enforced without regard to communal attributes such as sex, race, religion, language, caste or wealth, and DEMANDS for SPECIAL RIGHTS for any community to be declared to be TREASON. This requires, in particular, declaring Thesawalamai Laws and Muslim religious laws pertaining to property and/or marriage to be declared to be ILLEGAL.
14. Making SINHALA the ONLY OFFICIAL language of the land, with Tamil a SECONDARY, but not an OFFICIAL, language and retaining ENGLISH as a COMPULSORY link language for all citizens.
15. The EXECUTIVE PRESIDENTIAL form of government should be RETAINED wiyhout TERM LIMITS. Let the VOTERS elect an executive President to office for as many terms as he can serve efeectively.
As such, what I SUPPORT incorporates and includes what you presumably advocate NOW. But YOU are not a PERSON I want to be associated with ANY MOVEMENT working to achieve those goals.
IN SHORT, I DON’T TRUST YOU AT ALL! Not even as far as I can THROW A GRAND PIANO …. which is NOT AT ALL!
If you FOOL ME ONCE, shame on YOU!
If I let you FOOL ME TWICE, shame on ME!
November 10th, 2016 at 8:29 pm
I agree with the 15 point demand.
But what are YOU going to DO about it? Entrust our MOTHERLAND in the hands of POLITICIANS and trust them?
You have 35 years more experience than me. What are YOU going to DO to SAVE our island for future generations?
“If you FOOL ME ONCE, shame on YOU!
If I let you FOOL ME TWICE, shame on ME!”
Can you say the same thing to your DEAR LEADER? He FAILED to deliver ALL 15 demands, didn’t he?
I don’t blame him. He WEIGHS Endia and SL people. He takes the side of the MOST DEMANDING. Docile Singhala people always get taken for granted.
November 10th, 2016 at 8:30 pm
In 2014 I met MR for 2 minutes. I asked WHY he cannot SCRAP 13 amendment. He said it is now part of the country and he CANNOT just scrap it. Then I asked him WHY he screamed it should be SCRAPPED in the 1980s. He said then they were in the OPPOSITION and when you are in the OPPOSITION you are not bound by things you are bound when you are in govt. Then I said you should be in the OPPOSITION so that you can once again have SAMMA DITTI. Then he looked at the next man in the line and I moved on.
You might remember I said I will cut my little finger if MR scraps 13 amendment.
But GR OPENLY called for the SCRAPPING of 13 amendment. Does that make GR an Elamist (like me)?
In 2010 GR campaigned for MR but NOT in 2015. We want GR to come to politics but there is an INVISIBLE HAND that stops him.
We have already invited him to join our party or at least grace our effort with his presence. He has NOT refused.
November 10th, 2016 at 8:51 pm
I can see MR has more SAMMA DITTI after the 2015 defeat than before. That itself is a victory!
How can you be a patriot if you are OVERLY LOYAL to politicians? Jesus said YOU CANNOT SERVE 2 MASTERS AT THE SAME TIME.
So it was Endia that won the war in 2009 by PERMITTING it?
Anyway according to you it was the TSUNAMI that won the war in 2004 by killing VP.
A little help from China? I don’t think it was little. Our BIGGEST DONOR, INVESTOR and WEAPONS SUPPLIER!
Others are also relevant. How can they happen without ENDIAN PERMITS? So MR does not have an ENDIAN PERMIT to scrap 13 amendment. May be correct.
But WE don’t need ENDIAN PERMITS. We KNOW what to do IF Endia wants to mess with us. Endia has more to lose in SL than gain by going against SL. Declaring Endia as enemy makes ALL agreements with Endia INVALID! One scoop. All invalid. That is only the beginning! The best will come later IF Endia actually invade SL.
November 10th, 2016 at 9:24 pm
NOT ONLY GR, I TOO have always supported scrapping the 13A, and that does not make either ME or GR an EELAMIST like YOU.
Your LOGIC is SERIOUSLY FLAWED, TRY … IF YOU CAN …. relating CAUSE to EFFECT directly.
Regarding MR’s position on the 13A, I think I understand it:
Unlike us who are free to demand without taking any responsibility, MR had to deal with a broader set of problems and issues. To get the FREEDOM TO DEFEAT THE LTTE without intervention by India and the West, he was to forced to pledge to uphold the ILLEGAL 13A imposed at the point of the gun by India upon Sri Lanka, to hold them at bay.
Once the LTTE was defeated, he felt still bound by his pledge on 13A, Altough it was an ILLEGALITY imposed upon Sri Lanka. He hoped that by RECONSTRUCTING the war-torn North and East, and enabling a good life for the Tamil victimized by the LTTE, he could diffuse their animosity towards the Sinhala people, and bring them back into the national fold as loyal citizens of a unitary Sri Lanka.
But he MISCALCULATED. He had misjudged the suicidal greed and racism of the Tamils, egged on by the Toilet Nadu and Diaspora Tamils. He also FORGOT that his enemies were not only the EELAMISTS in SL and in the Diaspora, but also indluded the greedy and JEALOUS TRAITORS among the Sinhala Buddhists and minority groups in the South, spinning their own WEB of TREASON with foreign regime change artistes thirsting to prevent the emergence of a thriving politically independent Sri Lanka.
Now, MR should consider himself NO LONGER BOUND by the pledges on ILLEGSL 13A that he made during the war, because the people he made those pledges to, in India, the West, and among the Tamils in Sri Lanka, did not keep their end of the bargain, and moved to undermine him and the Sinhala Buddhist majority of Sri Lanka, demanding a FEDERAL and even a Sovereign Eelam. Any leader of SL has to evaluate the CONTINUING THREAT to the nation’s security snd integrity and act accordingly.
Furthermore, Sri Lankan CITIZENS, in whom the sovereignity of the nation is vested, do not want the 13A conside ring it an existentisl threat to the integrity of their nation. If he tries to IMPOSE the 13A by FORCE on the Sinhala people, they WILL REVOLT, he will be defeated and ousted.
His way out of this dilemma is CLEAR: put the decision to REPEAL the 13A to the citizens in a NATIONWIDE referendum. If the vote is NATIONWIDE, the vote will be to REPEAL the 13A. MR can present the result to India and the West as the DEMOCRATIC WILL of the people of his country, and he has done what he pledged to do the present the 13A for approval by his people. That relieves him of his war-time pledges on the 13A. As the Leader of a democracy, he cannot go against the WILL OF HIS PEOPLE.
Now, WE & MR should ERASE THE BOARD CLEAN, and START FROM SCRATCH ONLY ON THE BASIS OF WHAT IS NECESSARY FOR SRI LANKA’S SURVIVAL IN THE LONG TERM, as a PRIMARILY Sinhala Buddhist Democtatic Nation with EQUAL RIGHTS guaranteed to ALL CITIZENS irrespective of community, within that larger context of a Sinhsla Buddhist Nation and FIRMLY RESOLVED to DENY & PREVENT SPECIAL RIGHTS of ANY KIND to any community or group of people that are unavailable to other citizens.
November 10th, 2016 at 9:36 pm
When Buddha was asked to appoint someone as leader after him, he said “Dhamma shall be the leader”. He did not entrust leadership to anyone, not even to an arahant ( one who has destroyed all fetters).
Now for “Dhamma” , you can compare with 15 rules of Ananda ( not Ven.Ananda) , for example.
So, I will fully surrender to MR only if he is Buddha.
November 10th, 2016 at 10:38 pm
I am glad you understand these things on a high religious plane. So, I will let you, Jesus Christ, and the Lord Buddha solve them between the three of you.
Meanwhile, I will stick strictly to crafting temporal solutions to temporal problems.
November 11th, 2016 at 1:44 am
Not just GR even MR’s own secretary Lalith Weeratunga wanted to scrap the 13 amendment white elephant.
Ananda is probably right.
Those are the MOST LIKELY reasons for MR’s inaction.
But 2010 was the best time to SCRAP 13 amendment. Our economy was good and growing very fast. Even with Endian trouble we could have survived. We also had Tamils and Endians held by their tails because we held all the cards in reconstruction, demining and resettlement in the north!! So even if we had SCRAPPED 13 amendment then, the international community would not have interfered.
Those cunning foxes waited till most of that was done and in 2012 moved a UNHRC resolution against us.
Then it was downhill with LLRC report=LTTE.
Endia and Tamils took ALL MR’s trump cards with demilitarization, not resettling Sinhalese and Muslims, YARL DEVI, NPC, etc. Hindus restarted discriminating against LOW caste Hindus and Christians in Jaffna the moment the army left.
I was hoping even at the last moment when it was clear he was going to lose he may promise to SCRAP 13 amendment. At least when that Endian spy was caught plotting regime change.
Not totally convinced of the action plan. We should NOT trust ANY politician to do it. We should TERRORIZE them to do it or LOSE. DO it or we will bring down the govt.
That is why we need a 3rd force. IF MR agrees to SCRAP 13 amendment, we can have a NO CONTEST AGREEMENT. Patriots must have OPTIONS.
November 11th, 2016 at 3:26 am
3rd force is of no use. It will only fascilitate breaking up Sinhala votes further, giving RW president post (unless he gets a stroke and die).
MR was instigated to scrap 13A by WW. I posted elsewhere DEW Gunasekara revealed this. But DEW managed to convince him he would be in trouble ( I don’t know how, he didn’t say). DEW Gunasekara is the BIGGEST betrayer in the whole history if this is the case.
MR wanted to acknoledge his faults and come back around March-April 2015. Nugegoda man ruined everything. Seeing the crowd, his natural insticts took over and he made up another story that he is not at fault, 100% innocent, poor thing, voters were fooled by lies. This is the biggest lie of the centuray Ananda & Co think TRUE.
Look at what how Basil is fooling people again. He says he is trying to convince MR to join SLPF. What a joke ? Why these fools think Sinhalse are fools. They will vote RW again to power than Basil and Namal group. Big dissater looming. Sira is not allowing to sue them properly because it is benificial to him, as long as he keep them in political scene.
FOOLS wake up. Squeeze the balls and get our work done. These politicos are not innocent but cunning vultures waiting for meat. Show them meat and the gun.
November 11th, 2016 at 3:33 am
Anyway RW is going to win because the SLFP is divided. The challenge is to get as many votes for a patriotic party.
In the process we can deny both UNP and SLFP 113 seats.
November 11th, 2016 at 4:43 am
Agreed with you about MR’s plan to scrap 13A , step by step eg: divided NEPC to two PC ( promised BS 13 plus to hold indian to win the war against Saiva Thamilar).
unfortunately for Bhuddist Sinhala peples Indian got up quickly replaced him by MS/RW/CB.
at this moment Indian baby 13A is untouchable .
November 11th, 2016 at 4:56 am
You are, as usual, twisting what others write, and put YOUR version of what others write.
What I stated was :
* INDIA calls the shots re Sri Lanka, not INDIA won the war, as you say.
* The Tsunami carried away P’karan in Dec 2004. This was an Act of God ! Everyone who followed events closely knows that.
* At present, NOBODY in Lanka has an INDIAN ‘permit’ to scrap the 13-A.
* Kindly ask yourself why UNP members Lalith, Gamani, Pres Premadasa, and host of others, plus Lakshman Kadirgama were assassinated by the LTTE.
And also WHY INDIA trained the LTTE in the first place.
* Most of the promised help from China, has yet to manifest. Yahap stopped it and is now attempting some type of quarrell with the Chineses Envoy.
Let us stop this exchange where you attempt to ‘split hairs’ over what others write.
Thank you.
November 11th, 2016 at 7:32 pm
Whilst Donald Trump is a 1000 times better candidate than Hillary Clinton. It has to be said that Hillary Clinton stole the nomination from Bernie Sanders who of the three was the best candidate for President. However if its down to Trump and Clinton its a no brainer you have to vote if your an american voter for Trump. That said there are many problems with Trump. For example will he appoint dubious people to key positions in his govt. His appt of pence as vp wasn’t re assuring. WHo is no different than clinton. Which is why Trump has to be careful he won’t get assassinated by the hidden powers that be so that the establishment warmonger Pence takes over. Then he would be no better than Hillary Clinton.
Also concerning is both candidates both Clinton and Trump prostrating themselves before the AIPAC Zionist lobby in Washington DC. The power of this lobby leaves one speechless sometimes. Will Trump as US President be dragged back into middle eastern wars on behalf of Isreal hegemonic interests? Like we saw with so many US presidents before since the 1960s?
If he is a true anti establishment candidate he must break with the power of the Zionist lobby AIPAC in the US.
Bernie Sanders despite being Jewish showed signs that he would have not have bowed down to AIPAC and the Isreali lobby which is lets not kid ourselves the most powerful lobby in the US.
Other than that I wish Trump well and hope he is a good president for the US because a good fairminded peace loving president of the US benefits not just the US but the entire world. So I wish him well and hope the next 4 years are good peaceful prosperous ones for the US and the world. Because my god the world needs it right now.
November 12th, 2016 at 2:20 am
You are very seriously MISINFORMED!
“What I stated was : INDIA calls the shots re Sri Lanka”
Really? Then how can SL be an INDEPENDENT COUNTRY?
This takes the cake!
“The Tsunami carried away P’karan in Dec 2004. This was an Act of God ! Everyone who followed events closely knows that.”
Then why did MR fight a war AFTER the tsunami? LTTE should have surrendered in 2004. How was his body kept preserved in such good condition for 5 years after the tsunami?
Please read RELIABLE news.
More excuses!
“At present, NOBODY in Lanka has an INDIAN ‘permit’ to scrap the 13-A.”
The reality is NOBODY NEEDS an Endian permit to do so.
November 12th, 2016 at 4:59 am
Let’s get real here.
Sri Lanka was NEVER an INDEPENDENT country since so called Independence in 1948. For a short decade or so, Lanka was left alone to do our own thing which was pretty much to follow Brit law and other rules.
INDIA & some countries from the west and Cold War players have always been breathing down our necks.
MR fought a war to complete the removal of the LTTE.
P’karan was only the tip of the LTTE. He followed diktats from his Masters.
You yourself stated that MR said that when he was in the Opposition he said that the 13-A ought to be removed, but when in power, it was a difficult thing to do, and matters are different.
Let’s close this.
Lorenzo, fuzzy logic will not get us anywhere.
Face the facts.
INDIA follows diktats from Super powers.
So does little Lanka.
November 12th, 2016 at 6:55 am
Do write an article to the L’web on how Things Ought to Be.
The rest of us can then respond.
November 12th, 2016 at 8:08 am
I really mean this.
You may have some great ideas that others may have missed out.
Do write in your ideas for a better world.
November 12th, 2016 at 8:26 am
Fran Diaz
Do write an article – me too happy to read our Ananda-USA’s best friend article (Ananda-USA please do not take seriously).
November 12th, 2016 at 1:54 pm
Lorenzo is not trying to better the world or help Sri Lanka, he is only trying to help the EELAMISTS achieve their EELAM by cause Maximum CHAOS and undermining the Patriots cause. To that end he PRETENDS to espouse patriotic goals as a SHEEPSKIN to hide under, but is ALWAYS trying to divide the patrotic forces.
You and I know this well, for WE SAW & REMEMBER how hard he agitated against MR before the Presidential election. Corruption, Corruption and MORE Corruption he yelled, single handedly creating snd broadcasting the Lambhorgini lie.
As you say, he is a past master at TWISTING what others say to his own advantage, misrepresenting and exaggerating some irrelevant 1% to divert the reader from the main thrust of what was written.
Don’t try to respond to his comments point by point and get bogged down in his bait and switch arguments; INSTEAD UNLOAD A MANURE PILE ON HIS HEAD and BURY HIM! In brief: Reductio ad absurdum!
This is a GADFLY trying to dominate LankaWeb with his CRAP! BURY HIM!
November 12th, 2016 at 3:43 pm
Adbul Razak of SLTJ to BBC: “We want Sri Lanka’s civil rights to be fulfilled according to Islamic principles”.
On the CONTRARY, “We want Sri Lanka’s civil rights to be fulfilled according to Buddhist principles”!
ONE System of Law should APPLY to ALL citizens in Sri Lanka.
NO Thesawalamai Law, and no Muslim Marriage and Divorce Law should apply in SriLanka.
To LIVE under Muslim and Sharia Law please EMIGRATE to Saudi Arabia where you will be happy discrominating against your own women and against OTHER religions!
These fanatically Muslim countries did not want INFIDEL American Soldiers in their country even to save them from invasion by their dearly beloved Sunni Muslim brother Saddam Hussein.
They WILL NOT ALLOW any church or temple of any other faith on their land. I wont deny THEIR RIGHT to IMPOSE THEIR LAWS in THEIR COUNTRY, but not in OURS.
It it OUR RIGHT to IMPOSE OUR LAWS in OUR COUNTRY, and Buddhist Sri Lanka will be FAR MORE TOLERANT of ALL other RELIGIONS than these Muslim countries.
Mr. Razak, you are QUITE CONFUSED; Sri Lanka is NOT Wahabbi majority SAUDI Arabia, and has NO NEED to uphold DISCRIMINATORY Muslim Marriage and Divorce Law in Sri Lanka.
In Sri Lanka, there will be ONLY ONE System of LAW applicable UNIFORMLY to ALL CITIZENS, irrespective of community by race, religion, language, caste, sex, and wealth, that SINGLE System of Law will CONFORM to the TOLERANT and COMPASSIONATE teachings of the Lord Buddha. It WILL PROTECT people of ALL RELIGIONS EQUALLY!
Eastern Province Muslims protest against amendment of Muslim Personal law
Sat, Nov 12, 2016, 11:46 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Nov 12, Colombo: Muslim people in Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province staged a protest yesterday against the government’s proposals to amend the Muslim Personal law.
The Sri Lanka Thawheed Jamaath (SLTJ), which organized the protest on Friday in Samanthurai in Ampara district charged that the government is changing the law accepting the conditions set by the European Union to grant the GSP+ facility back.
The SLTJ charged that the European Union is intervening in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka through the GSP+ concession.
“The EU has imposed conditions that certain amendments should be made to the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Law, the main special feature and the main part of the Sri Lankan Muslim Community’s civil law,” a SLTJ member Abdul Razak told BBC.
“A mandatory duty of Muslims is to follow the Holy Koran on how Muslims should be married. We want Sri Lanka’s civil rights to be fulfilled according to Islamic principles,” he added.
The government has decided to amend the controversial 1951 Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA), also known as Muslim Personal Law in order to comply with international conventions on women and children rights and appointed a Subcommittee to propose Amendments to the Muslim Personal Law.
A report released last month has disclosed the many ugly sides of the Muslim Personal Law in Sri Lanka stating that the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act has discriminated and rendered Muslim women less than equal as citizens in the country.
The new study entitled “Unequal Citizens: Muslim Women’s Struggle for Justice and Equality” written by right activists Hyshyama Hamin and Hasanah Cegu Isadeen says that a high percentage of Sri Lankan Muslim families get their girls married off before they attain the statutory age of marriage, 18, even as young as 14, in Sri Lanka.
While some Muslim organizations oppose the government’s move, the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka (MCSL) welcomed the measure but said the amendments should be done in consultation with the Muslim religious leadership and the Muslim community in Sri Lanka and not at the dictates of the European Union or the International Community.
November 12th, 2016 at 4:09 pm
Adbul Razak of SLTJ to BBC: “We want Sri Lanka’s civil rights to be fulfilled according to Islamic principles”.
On the CONTRARY, “We want Sri Lanka’s civil rights to be fulfilled according to Buddhist principles”!
ONE System of Law should APPLY to ALL citizens in Sri Lanka.
NO Thesawalamai Law, and no Muslim Marriage and Divorce Law should apply in SriLanka.
To LIVE under Muslim and Sharia Law please EMIGRATE to Saudi Arabia where you will be happy discrominating against your own women and against OTHER religions!
These fanatically Muslim countries did not want INFIDEL American Soldiers in their country even to save them from invasion by their dearly beloved Sunni Muslim brother Saddam Hussein.
They WILL NOT ALLOW any church or temple of any other faith on their land. I wont deny THEIR RIGHT to IMPOSE THEIR LAWS in THEIR COUNTRY, but not in OURS.
It it OUR RIGHT to IMPOSE OUR LAWS in OUR COUNTRY, and Buddhist Sri Lanka will be FAR MORE TOLERANT of ALL other RELIGIONS than these Muslim countries.
Mr. Razak, you are QUITE CONFUSED; Sri Lanka is NOT Wahabbi majority SAUDI Arabia, and has NO NEED to uphold DISCRIMINATORY Muslim Marriage and Divorce Law in Sri Lanka.
In Sri Lanka, there will be ONLY ONE System of LAW applicable UNIFORMLY to ALL CITIZENS, irrespective of community by race, religion, language, caste, sex, and wealth, that SINGLE System of Law will CONFORM to the TOLERANT and COMPASSIONATE teachings of the Lord Buddha. It WILL PROTECT people of ALL RELIGIONS EQUALLY!
Eastern Province Muslims protest against amendment of Muslim Personal law
Sat, Nov 12, 2016, 11:46 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.
Nov 12, Colombo: Muslim people in Sri Lanka’s Eastern Province staged a protest yesterday against the government’s proposals to amend the Muslim Personal law.
The Sri Lanka Thawheed Jamaath (SLTJ), which organized the protest on Friday in Samanthurai in Ampara district charged that the government is changing the law accepting the conditions set by the European Union to grant the GSP+ facility back.
The SLTJ charged that the European Union is intervening in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka through the GSP+ concession.
“The EU has imposed conditions that certain amendments should be made to the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Law, the main special feature and the main part of the Sri Lankan Muslim Community’s civil law,” a SLTJ member Abdul Razak told BBC.
“A mandatory duty of Muslims is to follow the Holy Koran on how Muslims should be married. We want Sri Lanka’s civil rights to be fulfilled according to Islamic principles,” he added.
The government has decided to amend the controversial 1951 Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA), also known as Muslim Personal Law in order to comply with international conventions on women and children rights and appointed a Subcommittee to propose Amendments to the Muslim Personal Law.
A report released last month has disclosed the many ugly sides of the Muslim Personal Law in Sri Lanka stating that the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act has discriminated and rendered Muslim women less than equal as citizens in the country.
The new study entitled “Unequal Citizens: Muslim Women’s Struggle for Justice and Equality” written by right activists Hyshyama Hamin and Hasanah Cegu Isadeen says that a high percentage of Sri Lankan Muslim families get their girls married off before they attain the statutory age of marriage, 18, even as young as 14, in Sri Lanka.
While some Muslim organizations oppose the government’s move, the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka (MCSL) welcomed the measure but said the amendments should be done in consultation with the Muslim religious leadership and the Muslim community in Sri Lanka and not at the dictates of the European Union or the International Community.
November 12th, 2016 at 4:12 pm
Ananda-USA and Fran have unfortunately resorted to personal attacks because they CANNOT logically respond to the FACTS I present.
These are FACTS. You cannot disapprove them. Everyone knows them and agrees with them.
1. SL is an INDEPENDENT COUNTRY from ENDIA. Go read the list of UN countries.
But Endia interferes with SL. WHY? Because of WEAK SL leadership! It is NOT the fault of the TIGER than he eats DEER. It is the fault of the DEER unable to remain on guard and avoid getting eaten. Even if a deer gets eaten the pack should ensure its survival. In SL one deer betrays the entire pack to tiger to save himself.
2. VP didn’t die in the tsunami!!! He was killed in war on 18 May 2009.
3. We don’t need ENDIA’s permit to SCRAP 13 amendment. We ONLY need a BOLD SL LEADER.
November 12th, 2016 at 4:56 pm
Lorenzo is not trying to better the world or help Sri Lanka, he is only trying to help the EELAMISTS achieve their EELAM by cause Maximum CHAOS and undermining the Patriots cause. To that end he PRETENDS to espouse patriotic goals as a SHEEPSKIN to hide under, but is ALWAYS trying to divide the patrotic forces.
You and I know this well, for WE SAW & REMEMBER how hard he agitated against MR before the Presidential election. Corruption, Corruption and MORE Corruption he yelled, single handedly creating snd broadcasting the Lambhorgini lie.
As you say, he is a past master at TWISTING what others say to his own advantage, misrepresenting and exaggerating some irrelevant 1% to divert the reader from the main thrust of what was written.
Don’t try to respond to his comments point by point and get bogged down in his bait and switch arguments; INSTEAD UNLOAD A MANURE PILE ON HIS HEAD and BURY HIM! In brief: Reductio ad absurdum!
This is a GADFLY trying to dominate LankaWeb with his CRAP! BURY HIM!
November 12th, 2016 at 5:44 pm
Even if we assume LORENZO is and Elamist trying to achieve his EELAM by cause Maximum CHAOS and undermining the Patriots cause, his words written in BOLD LETTERS only demolish his own agenda. I like the staement We don’t need ENDIA’s permit to SCRAP 13 amendment. We ONLY need a BOLD SL LEADER.
Our forces under JR came very close to getting rid of LTTE but JR was not bold enough to continue. Stupid USA isolated him when he needed help. USA supported MR to get rid of LTTE. After getting rid of LTTE, he started giving everything back started teaching Tamil to Sinhalses.
These politicians do not sacrifice their own lives or thier children’s lives. It is our soldiers who die for them to enjoy Kala Bila Jolikarapalla Colombian life.
November 12th, 2016 at 6:17 pm
You say : “We don’t need ENDIA’s permit to SCRAP 13 amendment. We ONLY need a BOLD SL LEADER”.
If you think so, do please go ahead and organise such a leader to scrap the 13-A.
We will support you in this endeavor.
November 12th, 2016 at 6:24 pm
After RE-READING what some have written I’m beginning to see the TAMIL ELAM plan taking shape from a QUARTER you NEVER expected it!!
e.g. What is the BEST UNDETECTABLE way to ROB the country? First make a name for yourself as MISTER CLEAN. The ROB it. Few will question you.
So what is the BEST UNDETECTABLE way to CREATE TAMIL ELAM? Make a name for yourself as a TOP PATRIOT and then DIVIDE SL. Few will question you. AND blame real patriots as traitors so they will keep quiet.
So this is the new ELAM plan. USE a well known patriot to create ELAM. Then give the excuse WE DON’T HAVE A PERMIT FROM ENDIA to STOP ELAM!!
Local SL fools will be blaming ENDIA for it and still vote for the FATHER OF TAMIL ELAM who will be a SINGHALESE mark my word. They will be full of sympathy for him because ENDIA forced him. Poor soul.
Someone from a SL TECHNICAL COLLEGE once told us that as ragging he and a woman were locked up in a room forcing them to do things generally married people do. Otherwise they cannot get out. So he had approached the woman. BLASTED the disgusting seniors. Spat on the floor in disgust. Told her than unfortunately they have to do it to get out!! But the woman was wise. She had slapped him and screamed. Then the door was opened and both of them were released.
IF they had done it the fault lies with them not the seniors for locking them up until they did it. NO EXCUSE.
So NO excuse for NOT SCRAPPING 13 amendment and NO EXCUSE for LLRC and NO EXCUSE for creating TAMIL ELAM.
SL needs a BOLD leader to scrap 13 amendment and stop the ELAM project without EXCUSES. Only GOTA, DINESH W (UNP MP), UDAYA, ANURA KUMARA (JVP) and less known patriots who are NOT politicians can do it.
November 12th, 2016 at 6:43 pm
Dear Ananda,
Thank you for great support.
Let Lorenzo remove the 13-A through someone who is willing to get the job done.
November 12th, 2016 at 6:45 pm
“You say : “We don’t need ENDIA’s permit to SCRAP 13 amendment. We ONLY need a BOLD SL LEADER”.
If you think so, do please go ahead and organise such a leader to scrap the 13-A.
We will support you in this endeavor.”
Of course. We are DOING it. We are organizing a new MOVEMENT with organizing through BUDDHIST TEMPLES in Southern province, Ampara and Kalutara districts first. The HEART of SINGHALA BUDDHISTS.
We don’t need your money. Certainly NO ADVICE or EXPERTISE. Anyone giving us advice will be kicked out. Just walk to your temple. Talk to the chief monk. Explain to him that SL cannot continue like this. Get HIS ADVICE how to bring about a bold new leader OUTSIDE this ROTTEN SYSTEM. Tell him about our movement and we will send a representative (most likely an educated senior man). Then organize events for adults or get those monks mix these in their sermon or whatever. Nothing fancy.
We also plan to register a party that will NOT have ANY current politician. NOT bound by THIRUPATHY, BODH GAYA, VATICAN OR MECCA. We have many holy shrines in SL. Why visit ENDIA? Buddha visited SL!! Shiva left his footprint in SL according to Hindus, Prophet Adam left his according to Muslims and St Thomas according to Christians. We are self sufficient in morality and religion.
We have NO fear of ENDIA. We promise SCRAPPING 13 amendment, etc.
IF we can win 10 seats in first attempt that is good enough. USING existing divisions between political families we can call the shots.
November 12th, 2016 at 7:08 pm
Good luck !
Glad to hear that you are organizing it all, and will get the 13-A removed.
November 12th, 2016 at 7:11 pm
We will certainly work towards it. Trying is better than not trying.
November 12th, 2016 at 7:34 pm
Dishonesty of Fran is clear.
To Lorenzo he said at the first instant “If you think so, do please go ahead and organise such a leader to scrap the 13-A. We will support you in this endeavor.”
In all subsequent comments he refrained from saying “We will support you in this endeavor” and waiting for Lorenzo alone to do it !
November 12th, 2016 at 9:41 pm
An AMAZING turn of events!
A Tamil EELAMIST agitator, Lorenzo, EXPOSED as an EELAMIST, who has ADMITTED and BOASTED at LankaWeb of his “great role” in demonizing the MR/UPFA GOSL before elections, tarred and feathered for undermining the MR/UPFA GOSL at LankaWeb, is now SHAMELESSLY posing at LankaWeb as the Champion of the Sinhala Buddhist!
To ADD INSULT to INJURY, he is now haranguing us Sinhala Buddhists on HOW TO recruit the Buddhist Monks and their Buddhist temples to the PATRIOTIC CAUSE!
It is like PRABHAKARAN espousing the Sinhala Buddhist cause!
He pleads for support from readers for his FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION in the same way the axe murderer who killed both his parents pleaded for mercy from the sentencing judge: to spare his life because he is now a helplesd orphan!
Spare not this EELAMIST agitator and his AVARTAS as they spin their Web of DECEIT and MISDIRECTION to lead the Patriotic cause off the CLIFF ….. Once AGAIN!
November 12th, 2016 at 10:43 pm
“It is like PRABHAKARAN espousing the Sinhala Buddhist cause!”
If he does that please JOIN him. When did you MEANINGFULLY read the KALAMA SUTRA last Uncle Sam?
Please read it again.
It does NOT matter who it is, support the RIGHT THING of anyone. IF VP supported the Sinhala Buddhist cause better than Thitupathy-Vatican-Gupta Buddhists how wonderful is that!
November 13th, 2016 at 3:35 am
With the election of Trump the Indians in US will loose their clout. I hope aew administration will kick out all Obama appointees including Athul Kashap.
November 13th, 2016 at 4:23 am
Yes. We too hope KETCHUP will be binned. And that other Endian woman.
November 13th, 2016 at 4:54 am
Dear Ananda,
All you say is too true. Bad times everywhere, and Nature herself is reacting.
Let’s just have a good laugh at the Duplicity that goes on in Lanka and other countries. The Comedians everywhere have a great deal of rich material to work on now.
Also, most of the comments from some folks are not worth responding to !
Basically, the Duplicitous Extremists from all groups are coming forward …… again.
November 13th, 2016 at 5:17 am
Indians will use their power in the Congress as it might end up wit 5-6 Indian senators. All Democrats. Indian money influencing USA.
November 13th, 2016 at 7:18 am
Lorenzo & Co.,
We await your political Party Manifesto.
Other than removal of the 13-A, we do not know the other ideas you have to govern Lanka.
Who is partnering you locally and abroad ?
Presume you are the Leader of the new Party you speak of ?
TRUST will have to be EARNED by results.
Please let us know what you have done so far to EARN OUR TRUST.
“A tree is known by its fruits”
November 13th, 2016 at 4:13 pm
Fran, in the first comment in response you launched a personal attack on me. Then in the next you beg our details.
I will NOT be leading ANY party. It will be led by PROVEN DEFENDERS OF THE NATION AND BUDDHISM (both are under threat). They will have UNDENIABLE PROOF to justify their claims!!
“TRUST will have to be EARNED by results.”
Oh yes! We can see how trust was earned by politicians yet they win! Compared to them we have much more trust. Our candidates will include RETIRED CENTRAL BANKERS, MILITARY OFFICERS, SCHOOL PRINCIPALS, DOCTORS, ENGINEERS, YOUTH PARLIAMENT PEOPLE, popular figures, monks, well-known patriots, trade unionists, social media experts, farmers, fishermen, veda hamines, etc.
UNP plans to arrest Wimal on murder charges, Udaya on fraud charges, Dinesh will die of old age, Gota will be denied by his own family, Charmpaka is a lost cause. This means NO patriots! We aim to FILL this VOID.
SCRAP 13 amendment!
LIFT the ban on glyphosate!
NO VAT more than 5%!
NO vehicles for politicians and their family members worth more than 4 million rupees!
NO relatives in parliament!
November 13th, 2016 at 6:43 pm
The word ‘please’ is politeness, not begging.
“Lift the ban on Glyphosate” – is a lot of minus. Glyph is poison to the gut.
The rest of the suggestions are ok.
What about the Sea Tunnel to TN ?
What about 5,000 acre lots on 99 yr leases ?
What about the New Constitution ?
and so bi bi !
Someone else can keep writing to you. I have other things to do.
November 13th, 2016 at 6:56 pm
[Quote] UNP plans to arrest Wimal on murder charges, Udaya on fraud charges……….This means NO patriots! [Unquote]
This is a dangerous possibility.
Glad this was brought up ahead in time. I expect those action against Wimal and Udaya to go ahead soon. This is one area both UNP and Sirisena can agree. By removing these two, UNP will make it easier for its federal constitution. Without these two, Mahinda cannot form a credible party which saves Sirisena’s SLFP. Dinesh and Bandula are very weak leaders without any following beyond just 3 electorates in Colombo District. However, Venerable Rathana, Warnasingha and Champika will grab this vote.
November 13th, 2016 at 9:17 pm
Those are just examples. MORE to demand including the ones you mentioned.
I DISAGREE on Glyph. Whatever it is FARMERS are right. In politics we have to look after them. They want Glyph and we give them Glyph. But we also put pipes in ALL affected areas and give them clean drinking water without shooting them dead when they demand clean water!
November 13th, 2016 at 9:19 pm
We will NOT let Charmpaka and his other clowns rob the patriotic vote.
JHU is over. Now it is HUJ-JA.
November 14th, 2016 at 12:10 am
What has JHU and Charmpaka one wrong ? Opposing MR when he was out of mind , or pushing MR to get rid of LTTE ?
November 14th, 2016 at 12:41 am
They should have protested within govt. against many anti-SL things (demilitarization, Smabandan as OL, Viggie, Vijayakala from their own party, US embassy Tamilian becoming Trinco navy commander, etc.). They didn’t do any.
Their monk also let down CKD patients.
Those things you mentioned are not wrong.