Congratulations Mr President & Support Sri Lanka’s Sovereignty
Posted on February 7th, 2017

Dr. Chula Rajapakse MNZM Spokesperson, United Sri Lanka Association , Lower Hutt, Wellington New Zealand.

Mr. Donald Trump,

The President,

United States of America.

Dear Mr. Trump,

We write to convey   the congratulations and best wishes of  our association and of Sri Lankan expatriates world wide , on your assumption to the office of the President of  United States.

We are particularly pleased to thank &  congratulate you on your strong and unwavering stand against terrorism.

Sri Lankans   know more than any other the ills of terrorism , having been the victims of Tiger Terrorism for over three decades that saw over hundred thousand massacred  and many time more maimed , at the hands of the Tiger Terrorists that the FBI labeled as the Worlds Most Brutal” in 2008 and many times thereafter.

Sri Lanka , on the 19th of  May 2009 became the only country to have eradicated a terrorist movement from their soil when the then administration , did so militarily.

Unfortunately many western administrations   at that time, including that of your predecessor, did not welcome this victory as, among other reasons,  the  ill gotten war chest of billions of the Tiger’s had made generous contributions to many election campaigns in these countries. Instead they denounced the victory by alleging that  the victory was achieved at the cost of an unacceptably high casualty rate in the last weeks of he war, singing directly from the song book of the Tiger Diaspora  based in the UK, Canada & the US.

Many investigations, two presidential commissions with international  oversight and censuses carried out by the Tamils themselves in Sri Lanka, has established that this allegation is entirely unfounded. Wikileaks  leaked emails form the US embassy in Sri Lanka to the State Department also had confirmed the same

Though the Tigers had been defeated militarily in Sri Lanka, the Tiger Diaspora based especially in UK , Canada and US, remained unscathed and now had their entire war chest acquired through , distortion, extortion and drug trafficking, to spend on misinformation and false propaganda to gain their objective of carving out a separate state of Tamil Elam consisting of two thirds of Sri Lanka’s coast and one third of it’s land for the 12% minority Tamils, of which less than half resided in these area’s.  Cash strapped UK’s Channel 4 TV station provided handy support for this campaign of distortion, influenced by Tiger generosity.

All of this and  geopolitical considerations culminated in the previous US administration and the Hilary Clinton state department repeatedly  and annually between 2010 and 2015 sponsoring  resolutions placing  Sri Lanka’s liberation from terrorism in poor light . These have resulted in Sri Lanka having to initiate further investigation ,with international participation, of this Tiger originated  allegation of high casualty rate in the last weeks of the war.

This amounts to an unacceptable intrusion into the sovereignty of  Sri Lanka and the best conceivable example of , interfering in the affairs of small far away nations that we know  little or nothing about”, which after your successful election you called to put an end to”.

Mr. President this was a profound and righteous call you made. We call upon you now, in the spirit of this call to withdraw these ill advised resolutions and leave Sri Lanka to determine it’s destiny using their home grown wisdom that saw the unprecedented victory over terrorism and nearly three score years and ten of democratic administrations that has seen regular changes in it’s government through the ballot, not withstanding the Tiger bullet..

We also urge you not to be mislead by  shameless   US  Tamil Tiger Terrorist Diaspora overtures, to mislead your administration too as it did your predecessors, not withstanding their having had champagne celebrations in anticipation of a  Hilary Clinton victory on election night .

With our very best wishes again and many thanks for your wise and  understanding  support,

Yours Sincerely,

Dr. Chula Rajapakse MNZM

Spokesperson, United Sri Lanka Association , Lower Hutt, Wellington New Zealand.
7th Feb 2017

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