Harsha admitted that the landfill disaster was the fault of the present Govt. – Mahinda
Posted on April 20th, 2017

Harsha admitted that the landfill disaster was the fault of the present Govt. – Mahinda

මීතොටමුල්ලට මුදල් වෙන්කළ බව මහින්ද කියයි

මීතොටමුල්ල කසළ ගැටළුවට ස්ථීර විසඳුමක් ලබා දීම සඳහා 2015 වසරේ දී තම අවසන් අයවැයෙන් මුදල් වෙන් කළ බව හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා පවසයි.

3 Responses to “Harsha admitted that the landfill disaster was the fault of the present Govt. – Mahinda”

  1. Dilrook Says:

    I’m yet to see any senior JO MP visiting Meethotamulla tragedy area and checking on the people. If anyone has information, please inform. One week has passed. The president, prime minister and many MPs visited them but I couldn’t find any JO MP visiting these people! This was not how they reacted when the Koslanda landslide happened in 2014. They all rushed to the scene despite only half the number of Meethotamulla died in Koslanda. The ethnicity of Koslanda victims was different to Meethotamulla which made all the difference.

  2. Christie Says:

    I think Dinesh went.

  3. Fran Diaz Says:

    Looking at the way the Yahap folk treat the JO, it is no wonder that the JO stays away from negative incidents that are happening now.
    Yahap cannot expect TLC help from the JO whilst treating the JO members with endless harrassment and contempt. Yahap also accuses the previous MR govt for almost all the negative self created events that have happened since Yahap came into power.

    The people caught up in the Dump tragedy appear to be a mixed group.

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