MR’s exit. …Right to reply
Posted on June 14th, 2017

Dr Sarath Obeysekera 

When I read the opinion of Deshapriya Rajapakse in  the island I whole heartedly agree that 6.5 million voters infact  prevented a possible foreign intervention

In the past elections ,before the last when ever I voted the my candidate lost

So I did not vote for MS but voted for MR not because I loved him but I knew that whoever I vote loses

Now I am so disgusted and I wonder who I should vote during next election?

I hope that my vote will not be for preventing foreign intervention but for a divine intervention so that miracles could happen and the current rulers will come to senses

I hope that someone like MS(Mervin Silva) will contest because he is an ardent follower of God Vishnu who can do miracles to save the country from disaster


8 Responses to “MR’s exit. …Right to reply”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    “6.5 million voters infact prevented a possible foreign intervention.”

    6.5 million ADULTS cannot be wrong.

    IF MR won they would have used the OTHER method of regime change we see in SYRIA. Thousands would die. LTTE war will look like NOTHING when US jets bomb everywhere.

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    MR supporters in FACEBOOK heavily promote NAMAL.

    NOT a good idea. What about DINESH, WIMAL, UDAYA, etc.? They will NOT support NAMAL over them. WALAWWE AMU mentality is DEAD in SL. MR won the war but NAMAL did nothing to win the war. So DO NOT expect people will support NAMAL for MR.

    Promoting NAMAL ahead of DINESH, WIMAL, UDAYA, etc. will SPLIT the JO.

    Sirisena and SLFP have NO REGARD for NAMAL. He CANNOT bring the party together. Sirisena is promoting MAHINDA AMARAWEERA against NAMAL. IF the two parties split SAJITH will in H’tota.

    So be careful of your choices MR. You may love him bcos he is your son but other DON’T.

  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    I can’t believe my eyes when I see the collection of ASININE statements the Author Sarath Obeysekara has made in this article!

    1. 6.5 million voters “prevented” foreign intervention by backstabbing the President who saved their country and precipitating the current disaster?

    WHAT ROT! As we all know, these voters were the Tamil, Muslim, and Christian minorities, and the Colombo-elite of the UNPatriotic Party, who were eager to undermine the Sinhala Buddhists, aided and abetted by those GULLIBLE Sinhala Buddhists who were CONNED HOOK, LINE and SINKER by the chanted mantra of “corruption”, “corruption” and “more corruption”, “human rights violations” and “denial of democrazy” into stabbing themselves and undermining their OWN INTERESTS!

    The RESIDENT EELAMIST agitator Katussa (Lotenzo), who was the foremost propagandist who engaged in the Yamapslanaya propaganda at LankaWeb, is only TOO HAPPY NOW to ENDORSE the BABBLINGS in this article.

    THIS TIGER always EXPOSES his own EELAMIST NUTS! ONCE an EELAMIST agitator, ALWAYS an EELAMIST agitator: that is the Katussa(Lorenzo) doing his KAVADI DANCE here …. hopping about AGAIN!

    2. Voted for MR because whoever he votes for loses? Amazingly inspired decisionmaking?

    3. Hopes that Mervyn Silva …. an ugly thug who brought MR’s administration into disrepute …. would run for office? In other words, does he want a REPEAT PERFORMANCE from that thug?

    4. Believes in Mervyn Silva because Mervyn is a devotee of Vishnu? Amazing faith by someone I thought was a Buddhist in a multi-armed Hindu God! What about the rest of Vishnu’s 330,000 godly retinue?

    What has happened to Sarath Obeysekara? Has he suddenly lost all of his marbles?

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    Let us hope that Sarath Obeysekara is neither serious nor has lost his marbles, but is merely taking a desperate stab at TONGUE-IN-CHEEK humor!

  5. Lorenzo Says:


    It took USA 6 minutes to get it.

    Can’t stop laughing!!

    “The RESIDENT EELAMIST agitator Katussa (Lotenzo), who was the foremost propagandist who engaged in the Yamapslanaya propaganda at LankaWeb, is only TOO HAPPY NOW to ENDORSE the BABBLINGS in this article.

    THIS TIGER always EXPOSES his own EELAMIST NUTS! ONCE an EELAMIST agitator, ALWAYS an EELAMIST agitator: that is the Katussa(Lorenzo) doing his KAVADI DANCE here”

    It doesn’t get funnier than this. Well done SO. A gullible has fallen into your prank pot.

    OK. In seriousness my second comment is NO joke.

  6. Ananda-USA Says:

    Katussa (Lorenzo)!

    When challenged, you try to laugh it off …. Yet another strategy of yours to WEASEL OUT OF DIFFICULT SITUATIONS!

    Remember that he who laughs LAST, laughs the LONGEST!

    Also, how come, you couldn’t fire faster than 6 minutes a round, motor mouth?

  7. Lorenzo Says:

    Leela and USA, you have been taken for another ride!!

    MR has revealed BBS leader’s safe place to Islamic people and representatives from MIDDLE EAST ISLAMIC leaders!!

    NO DANSALA for VESAK but a massive dansala for RAMADAN.

    “ayyo ayyo! memath minissu. Singhala minissuta mema yaaluwa hitiyama athi. Hathura ona ne.”

    “මහින්දගේ නිවසේ මුස්ලිම් ජාතිකයින්ගේ ඉෆ්තාර් උත්සවයක්.. ඥාණසාර හිමි සැගවූ තැන මහින්ද කියයි..
    June 16, 2017 at 2:10 pm | lanka C news | ලංකා සී නිවුස්

    මහින්දගේ නිවසේ මුස්ලිම් ජාතිකයින්ගේ ඉෆ්තාර් උත්සවයක්.. ඥාණසාර හිමි සැගවූ තැන මහින්ද කියයි..

    මුස්ලිම් ජාතිකයින් රාමසාන් උපවාසය අතහැරීමේ ඉෆ්තාර් උත්සවයක් හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතාගේ විජේරාම නිල නිවසේදී පැවැත්වින.

    එම අවස්ථාවට මුස්ලිම් රටවල් කිහිපයකම මෙරට තානාපතිවරුන් ඇතුළු විශාල පිරිසක් එක්ව සිටියහ.

    එම අවස්ථාවේදී මාධ්‍ය අමතමින් හිටපු ජනාධිපතිවරයා කියා සිටියේ බොදු බල සේනා මහ ලේකම් ගලගොඩඅත්තේ ඥානසාර හිමියන් සඟවා ගෙන ඇත්තේ වෙන කිසිවෙකු නොව ආණ්ඩුවම විසින් බවයි.

    තව දුරටත් අදහස් දැක්වු රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා කියා සිටියේ ජාතිවාදී සංවිධාන මර්දනයට නව නීති කිසිවක් අවශ්‍ය නොවන බවත් දැනට පොලීසියට ඇති බලතල ප්‍රමාණවත් බවත්ය.”


  8. Senerath Says:

    MR has resorted to his own way, getting advice from Basil, Vigneshwaran , JLP and Vasu.
    Why ? Because everyone (including MR) wrongly think that it was the Sri Lankan voter’s (including Muslims) fault that MR lost. This way of thinking is promoted by Lankaweb too.
    These are all false precerptions. All will learn at the next elections and it will be too late to save Sinhala race ( just because of this utterly foolish way of thinking).
    Thinking shall be to make corrections to the hell bend evil actions by MR governement since 2010, all against Sinhalaya.

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