Rajitha – A buffoon or a barmy?
Posted on February 17th, 2018


Since the day Rajitha Senaratne became the media spokesman of this inept government Sri Lankans have been compelled to hear rubbish instead of anything sensible as cabinet decisions.  He has made the weekly cabinet decisions announcement meetings, which commanded much respect from journalists and the general public when it was handled in the recent past by Ministers Keheliya Rambukwella and in his absence by Anura Priyadarshana Yapa and Lakshman Yapa Abeywardene as a joker’s assembly earning the epithet from the journalists as the three idiots’ parley”.

It seems that there is no end to this buffoon’s weekly nonsense similar to his son’s claim that he campaigned for the late Mr. Vijaya Kumaratunga when he was in the nursery, he has even given advice to Donald Trump and it was he who authored the election manifesto of Maithreepala Sirisena.  Sometimes it warrants us to suspect whether it is a family malady affecting the father and the son.  Just imagine how many times this Rajitha has talked nonsense about ‘Rajapaksas Dubai accounts, arrest of all Rajapksas, Thajudeen murder, jumpers being sewed for Mahinda at Welikada and so on’.   He attempts to give the impression that it is from him that the President and the Prime Minister gets opinion and he is the most important person in the government for both the President and the Prime Minister.

His idiotic and nonsense statements and blatant lies have surpassed all limits following the end of the local government elections. In the very first cabinet meeting held after the LG elections he has said that Mahinda has telephoned Ranil and advised him not to give up Prime Ministership.  When the journalists asked about this from Mr. Mahinda Rajapasa he has responed saying that it is a diabolical lie and the dentist turned Minister Senaratne was lying through his teeth.  Mr. Mahinda has also stated that Rajitha as a senior Minister should now stop uttering these kinds of lies and making irresponsible statements.

When a statement made by Rajitha gets published in Sinhala websites there appears a flurry of opinion posted by the readers ridiculing andcriticising him and for the benefit of English readers appended below are some of such opinions posted in LankaCNews website on 16th Februaary.

  • For the lies being said before the country he will get the effects very soon
  • Rajitha is a disgusting fellow.  I cannot imagine why Ranil or Sirisena continue with this liar.  Keeping him as a Minister is a shame.
  • Dathaa is kept there to attack JO/Rajapaksa with LIES. Dathaa and Appaya think they can fool the people like how they did before Jan 08 2015.
  • What Sirisena (Sarala pathiya) sees from the papers and what the ‘KunuDathaa’ says are both same.  What a shame to find a fellow who gets immersed in the sea of lies in this manner.
  • If it was said by Rajitha, kunu Dathaa it shoul be true.  Definitely his bastard son must have taken that call to Mahinda.
  • It is certain like the sun and the moon that very soon Rajitha will be dressed with a Pamper and over that a Jumper will be put on.  Let us also dress up Ranil, Mongala. Sagala, Harak Marshal, Ajith, Saji baba, Ravikaru, Ran gonja, Angara Dambala, and the others in the rogue band with new Jumpers and exhibit them at Galleface.
  • Oh, those are stale news. Another blatant lie from the Kunu Dathaa.
  • Rajitha says Mahinda told Ranil not to resign from the PM post.  Our gratitude to Mr. Mahinda, who used the theory of cutting pig’s flesh by keeping it on the pig itself.
  • Soon his fuse will go off. Chasing out these two (father and son) from the politics of this country is a compulsory requireemeent.  This fellow will soon will get buried.  This type of guys should get struck by rainless lightening.  The people of this country will soon sweep out this guy’s son also from politics.
  • Kunu Dathaa’s foul mouth contributed to Sarala Pala’s defeat.  Hopper beating the hopper. Innocent’s Johnny boys are ready to work for the country.
  • We, who are living in Europe established electronic links with Sri Lankans in 13 countries.  We always talked about the progress of the country.  We anticipated that the UNP will get a massive victory.  We appreciated Mr. Kiriella’s enthusiasm to get his party victorious.  We realized that Chandrika who showed step mother treatment to the country will not win definitely because of her duaist character.  Because of Rajitha Pariah’s bullish talks about Gotabhaya everything went astray. Gotabhaya has a tremendous respect in these countries because he sved the lives of the war heroes.  No only we even Tamils respect him as it is because of him their family members live peacefully in the North. When we visit a temple or a church here people we meet ask who is that Rajith destined to go under the earth soon.  Now thus guy is talking about 2020. We ask to chase out this party betrayer, treacherous and anti national fellow at the earliest. – European Friends for United Nation.
  • I live in USA. Same situation here. No more bombs. No more suicide bombers. Thats all what we wanted.Mahinda did not start the LTTE war. But he finished the war and did the development too. Gotabaya made Colombo city beautiful.
  • This guy tells lies whenever he opens his foul mouth.  He thinks that it is buffloes that live in this country.  His son is more hated than him.  In the next election both these guys will certainly be sent home.
  • Similar to the Bond Scam this guy’s foul mouth also helped to the fall down of the government.
  • This guy’s blood has hate feelings that even Prabhakaran did not had.  95% of the Sinhalese in Europe does not like to see this guy’s live face.
  • Kunu Dathaa not only applies excreta on his body but also bathes well with excreta mixed water.  May Sirisena understand that this mad fellow also became a reason for his defeat!
  • The more this latrine mouth fellow opens his mouth the government will lose their votes.  It is better if this fellow continues to hold both positons of Health Minister and media spokesman.
  • So do not worry.  Even those who are far away know that this fellow is a buffaloe.
  • In this way it cannot be said that the Montessori Chatura is a son of the dentist.  Cannot do anything now because it is the name of the dentist that has been mentioned as the name of the father.  This fellow was mad hatter then, mad hatter now and will be a mad hatter in the future as well.
  • What you see is a fellow who is shouting fearful of the grave in front of him.
  • The country gets destroyed because of ugly fellows like this. These donkeys think that it is a talent to tell lies for political reasons.
  • A society devoid of good morals has emerged because of attempting to win through lies.
  • Attempting to project innocent people as rogues in order to camouflage their own robberies and cheating is a very low act.  It is because of these lies the country has got deteriorated.
  • This low caste fello had been telling lies from the very beginning.  Once he even said that he has slept with Chandrika.
  • Why people select this kind of bulls to represent the country?
  • Shit bloody rascal. One who utters all lies without any hesitation.  Fellows think twice before voting for this type sakkili guys.
  • Let us line up to hoot and heckle for this guy everywhere we see him.

Meanwhile as per a latest report published in the Social Media, Rajitha has conceded his defeat in the Beruwela Urban Council and the Beruwel Pradeshiya Sabha. To hide his nakedness this shameless politico has said that one of the wards of the Beruwela Urban Council was lost by a single vote after seven recounts.  He has stated that the former Chairman who did politics with him crossed over and contested against his group and that was the reason for this loss.  He has also stated the SLPP obtained 8 seats in the Beruwela Urban Council while the UNP obtained only 7 seats and in the Beruwela Pradeshiya Sabhaa SLPP won 20 seats while the UNP won only 13 seats.

2 Responses to “Rajitha – A buffoon or a barmy?”

  1. Christie Says:

    This is what politics being since 1951 when Banda started with Indian Sponsorship.

  2. Charles Says:

    Rajitha is a poor pretentious political sycophant . He is not an important political personality nor will he ever be. These are the people who made Yahapalanaya a dirty rotten pool of mud.

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