Batticaloa Campus should be brought under the govt. – NUTA
Posted on April 30th, 2019

Courtesy Adaderana

The Batticaloa Campus Sri Lanka (BCSL) in Punanai should be brought under the authority of the government, says the National University Teachers’ Associations (NUTA).

The Secretary of NUTA Professor Channa Jayasumana stated this speaking at a press conference yesterday (30).

Batticaloa Campus was not initially registered as a university but a vocational training centre when it was constructed in 2013, he said.

Although it is said the BCSL is funded by the government of Saudi Arabia, the campus had so far been funded by one individual residing there, Prof Jayasumana said.

There are attempts to establish a faculty of medicine and a faculty that teaches only Sharia law, the Secretary of NUTA further commented.

One Response to “Batticaloa Campus should be brought under the govt. – NUTA”

  1. dhane Says:

    Thank you Prof Jayasumana you always come out with unbelievable very correct information for which Sri Lanka should be thankful. Earlier you highlighted who & how 40,000 casualties came into UN report. That silly & incorrect information was given by Ranil the tarator PM of Sri Lanka. Theruwan Sarani & may all Gods bless & protect you Prof Jayasumana

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