Archive for August 4th, 2019

Call for probe into whether Scots clinical waste containing body parts has been exported to Sri Lanka

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

Courtesy The Daily Reord Thirty tons of clinical waste from Scottish hospitals was reported missing after the collapse of Lanarkshire-based disposal contractor HES last year. The Scottish Government has been urged to investigate whether clinical waste including body partscould have been exported to Sri Lanka. Labour MSP Monica Lennon has written to Health Secretary Jeane Freeman […]

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Sri Lanka’s toxic waste dump and UK growth link

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

By Stuart Cosgrove Courtesy The National Toxic waste, including diseased tumours and human remains, was dumped in Sri Lanka SRI LANKA and its battered citizens no doubt imagined that they had lived through the worst that life could dump on them – a bitter civil war, a tragic Tsunami and most recently an unexpected terrorist attack […]

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Attacks on the Mahawamsa.

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

Chandre Dharmawardana, This is a very good analysis by Susantha Goonatilleke. We should agree that Sri Lanka, even more than India, has a strong historical memory, and the Mahawamsa falls in line with the Gilgamesh, the Old Testament, and the writings of Herodotus. The Indian Epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata contain far more myth than […]

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Extremists in every country should be removed from society

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

Dr. Sarath Obeysekera Last few days America is going thru difficult times after many people died due to the shooting by white supremacists Some blame Trump for the massacre. In Sri Lanka also had similar situations where Some extremist elements massacred innocent people. Who did people blame? Obviously the current leadership. A few years back […]

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එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂයේ සමහර අය හිතනවනම් තනිවම දිනන්න පුළුවන් කියලා මං හිතන්නේ එගොල්ලෝ ලොකු කළුවර ගෙදරක ඉන්නේ – අර්ජුන රණතුංගෙන් රතු එළියක්…

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

අර්ජුන රණතුංග  ඉදිරි ජනාධිපතිරවරණයට තනි පක්ෂයක් ලෙසට ඉදිරිපත් වී ජයග්‍ර‍හණය කළ හැකියැයි එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂය සිතන්නේ නම් එය ලොකු මුලාවක් බව ප්‍ර‍වාහන සහ සිවිල් ගුවන්සේවා අමාත්‍ය අර්ජුන රණතුංග මහතා පවසයි. එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂයේ තියෙන ප්‍ර‍ශ්න ඒ පක්ෂයම විසදගන්න ඕන. ඒක අපිට අදාල ප්‍ර‍ශ්නයක් නෙවෙයි මොකද අපි එක්සත් ජාතික පාක්ෂිකයෝ නෙවෙයි. මම එක්සත් ජාතික පෙරමුණේ ඉන්නේ. […]

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Masonry Trowels .mamoties. hammers, sickles, tabs and broad bands

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

Dr Sarath Obeysekera Elections are at the doorstep. Hardware shops are selling mamoties and masonry trowels ( made in China) like hotcakes. Computer suppliers are trying to supply state of the art tabs to the government to support the student communities to make them more involved in the web-based communication industry. What is the secret? […]

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End of the road for the SLFP?

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

By Dr Upul Wijayawardhana Courtesy The Island “Justin, I cannot wait for the old boy to die” was the response my father had received from S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike, shortly before he crossed over to the Opposition, in July 1951, having resigned from the posts of the Leader of the House and Minister of […]

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Sri Lanka’s Black Gold

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

By Michael Gregson Courtesy Ceylon Today Sri Lanka could soon be in for a windfall because of the worldwide surge in demand for electric cars. At least 125 million electric vehicles are expected to be travelling global highways by 2030, which means the world is going to need a lot more graphite in the coming […]

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Cyber attack on SLPP e-canvassing app?

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

Courtesy Adaderana The e-canvassing campaign of the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna was continued today (04) for the second consecutive day. SLPP yesterday (03) launched its island-wide pre-election campaign aimed at the presidential election. SLPP has introduced e-canvassing in the country for the first time through their election campaign. Using a mobile app called ‘V-CAN’, the […]

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සජිත්ට එංගලන්තයෙන් දී ඇත්තේ අසනීපකාරයෙකුට දෙන සානුකම්පිත උපාධියක්..- දන්න කියන කෙනෙක්ගේ හෙළිදරවුව මෙන්න.. [Video]

Sunday, August 4th, 2019

 lanka C news එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂයේ නියෝජ්‍ය නායක ඇමැති සජිත් ප්‍රේමදාස උද්දච්ච මෝඩ පුද්ගලයෙක් යයි සිංහලේ සංවිධානය සඳහන් කරයි. සංවිධානයේ ජාතික සංවිධායක ප්‍රදීප් සංජීව කොළඹදී පැවති මාධ්‍ය හමුවකදී මේ බව කියා සිටියේය. සජිත් ප්‍රේමදාස මහතාට බි‍්‍රතාන්‍ය විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයකින් ලබා දී ඇති උපාධිය විභාගයට පෙනී සිටීමට නොහැකි බව දැන්වීමෙන් ලබාදෙන උපාධියක් බවද ඔහු සඳහන් කළේය. ඒ […]

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