Defending the Nation or Damaging the Nation: Armed Forces vs NGOs/HR Activists
Posted on April 10th, 2020

A citizen must be proud of his nation and the nation must have reason to be proud of him/her. One’s pride is shown not by waving the national flag or memorizing the national anthem or showing the power speech by plucking out the most difficult words from the dictionary. One’s love and pride for the nation is shown by serving the nation by deeds. It is this what makes the Armed Forces – the defenders of the Nation. The depth of love can also be seen when people reside in a foreign land but realize where their heart truly is. In times of national calamity, it is the common goodwill and welfare of the State & its people that must take precedence over all others. In a national crisis time should be spent in chipping in and contributing in whatever ways possible not to stand on a pedestal and criticize what others are doing but failing to do anything yourself in return.

Patriotism means you stand by the country during all its times of difficulty

Patriotism does not mean standing against the country during times of difficulty

Nationalism means togetherness of people to defend their own

Nationalism does not mean togetherness excludes others

Democracy means nothing if people don’t know to work towards the common good

Democracy does not mean paid opinion or paid publicity but public opinion

Human rights stops where another’s rights are infringed.

No one’s right is above that of another.

The Armed Forces & Police have sacrificed much. The sacrifices left 23,790 Sri Lankan Army personnel dead, 1000 plus Sri Lankan police dead since 1981.

During the final phase of the conflict from August 2006 commencing with the start of opening the Mavil Aru reservoir to the elimination of LTTE on 19 May 2009 – 6261 Sri Lankan soldiers were killed and 29,551 were wounded.

Their youth cut short, their children in tears, their parents & spouses left with only memories but they departed without debt to the State & Nation.

They will always hold a special place because they defended the nation against foreign invaders from South India and the 3 European invaders and then against 2 insurgencies and finally against LTTE terrorists. They have not only come forward to defend the nation but to assist in times of humanitarian disasters as well.

While Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces defended the Nation, protected the citizens they also took part in the world’s biggest humanitarian rescue operation while fighting the worlds’ most ruthless terrorist organisation.

While fighting the enemy they lost over 6000 lives attempting to rescue civilians who were being kept by LTTE as hostages and human shields.

Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces will always be known as the Defenders of the Nation fighting against the Enemy of the Nation

The LTTE will always remain the Enemies of the Nation fighting AGAINST the NATION and its CITIZENS.

This is just one picture that depicts the sorry that LTTE made the people suffer. But the NGOs/foreign paid media/HR activists project the notion that ONLY ONE COMMUNITY SUFFERED and LTTE was justified in what they did.

While Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces defended the Nation, protected the citizens they also took part in the world’s biggest humanitarian rescue operation while fighting the worlds’ most ruthless terrorist organisation.  

While fighting the enemy they lost over 6000 lives attempting to rescue civilians who were being kept by LTTE as hostages and human shields.  

Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces will always be known as the Defenders of the Nation fighting against the Enemy of the Nation

The LTTE will always remain the Enemies of the Nation fighting AGAINST the NATION and its CITIZENS

This is just one picture that depicts the sorry that LTTE made the people suffer. But the NGOs/foreign paid media/HR activists project the notion that ONLY ONE COMMUNITY SUFFERED and LTTE was justified in what they did

And Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces are continuing their magnanimous support towards covid-19 pandemic too. Along with the Sri Lanka Police the Sri Lanka Armed Forces are complimenting Sri Lanka’s Health Services to contain and curtail covid-19 in Sri Lanka under the stewardship of HE President Gotabaya Rajapakse


Then you get a bunch of people who think they are the cat’s whiskers just because they are selected by forces out to destabilize Sri Lanka.

What role did they play throughout Sri Lanka post-independence troubles?

Did they speak a word against victims of LTTE?

Did the people who pay them also speak a word against LTTE?

Why do they always fish in troubled waters?

What constructive contribution to the country or its people have they made other than issuing disparaging statements, writing lies and distortions, framing bogus reports, training ‘witnesses’ to lie, following the Goebbels theory of telling a lie long enough to turn it into truth.

Why should people listen to these paid trouble makers? Just what have they done to society. Have they spent a penny of their personal funds to even feed the needy? They will happily pose with cheques and goodies but all these are bought with someone elses money and they get all the credit and then apply for various tax holidays etc for their organizations. All of the donations given to their charities 80% goes for their own maintenance and a large chunk goes for the media and hype where they show a small act as if it was the biggest charity event of the century.

Eternally their chorus is all about what the State/the Govt or the Armed Forces hasn’t done, shouldn’t do, should have done, should try to do … not a word of Thank You escapes their mouths or petitions. They dart to file FR petitions without any scruples as to the ethics of their action. All that they care about is turning any bad situation into a moment for them to get some publicity for themselves and divert media attention to their focus area for that is what sustains their livelihood and makes them marketable.

Who are they you may ask — drop a few names and the instant remark of many is ah the usual culprits’ so they are notorious for the uncivil acts and they call themselves ‘civil society’ too. How representative are they? They gain their publicity by the power of the coterie that they cling to and all of them either share a similar ideology, they are linked to the destablising elements in Sri Lanka, they are funded by the destabilizing elements or they just simply get a kick out causing a rumpus in Sri Lanka because of their antics.

The love to throw the terms and words in vogue in the halls of the UN – use of human rights, democracy, rule of law, gender equality, transitional justice, accountability, transparency are words that automatically pop out every time they speak. They are just words for them to garner importance upon themselves.

And if you want to see them all in one platform – just click here

The source of their vindictiveness, hate and animosity can only be understood by the perks and remunerations they receive for the role their play to destabilize Sri Lanka.

Shenali D Waduge

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