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Posted on December 11th, 2022

Sugath Kulatunga

1.     Bring narcoterrorism under Terrorism Act.

Colonial powers have used drugs and alcohol to weaken cultures and economies of countries throughout history. The use of opium to weaken China was a good example. In a more subtle way Arrack was used by the British to attack the culture of Buddhism in Ceylon. It is rumored that the British spy oily John D’Oyly supplied whisky to the last king and made him an alcoholic and masterminded the King’s downfall with a mix of vile propaganda and bribes. There is a belief that the present drug menace has deeper ramifications than simple money making. The spread of the use of the lethal drug ice into the student population and the youth threatens the present welfare and the very destiny of the future generations. This is nothing but narcoterrorism and should be tackled accordingly. The use of these toxic and addictive drugs terrorize not only the user but also his family and the community. It has become a national security issue and should be addressed with that focus. It is time that drug control be brought under terrorist control and dealt under the Terrorism Act.

2.Use of state funds on farewell parties and tamashas.

Secretary Finance has sent out a second circular warning that state funds should not be used for farewell parties etc. Why is the S/F reluctant to surcharge the offenders? In the past circulars were not advisory but were clear directions and were accompanied with penalties for non-adherence.


·       3.Tax Evasion

It is reported that the government intends to open tax files on all citizens over 18 years. This is a senseless decision where the majority of the population is finding it difficult to make ends meet. Having a file in the IRD does not ensure that it is an identification of a person liable to tax. There is a mistaken notion that the information of the wealth of an individual is a private right. That should be confined if at all to the details of wealth. What the IRD should do is to publish the names of taxpayers in a given local authority. That will be an honors list. This will enable informers to bring to the notice of IRD of parties who may be liable to pay tax but not in the list. It is not difficult to identify them. Most of them would be displaying ostentatious lifestyles. Others will be money lenders, tuition merchants, professionals, mudalalis with a few lorries, owners of trawlers and mills etc. Informants should be entitled to secrecy and attractive rewards similar to that of the Department of Customs.

 4.    Human/ elephant conflict

In the Committee Stage debate on the Budget a former Minister of Wild life and a past State Minister on the subject went at each other on the construction of ditches to prevent elephants entering farm land. The moot point was on the width and depth of the ditch. It is a fact that elephants cannot leap and if the ditch is wide enough elephants will be prevented from attempting to cross it. Neither can an elephant climb a perpendicular height. What is problematic is why did the Wildlife Department not test the minimum dimensions of an elephant barrier ditch using tame animals before they launched on an expensive digging of miles long ditches.

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