FIFA World Cup and One Love
Posted on January 9th, 2023

K . Venkat

Once the FIFA World Cup started in Qatar, some of my virtue-signaling white friends went on an overdrive. Captains of a few European football teams had insisted on wearing the ‘One Love’ armband, ostensibly to express solidarity with homosexuals, whom Qatari laws persecute. The Qataris knew how to deal with this neo-aggression. They ordered FIFA to issue a yellow card to anybody who wears the ‘One Love’ armband. The aggressors submitted meekly. The armband was aborted in full-term.

The homophobic laws of Qatar didn’t arise in a void. Those are directly derived from the teachings of Islam, which derived those from the Bible. Both Christianity and Islam are viciously homophobic. You cannot accommodate Christianity or Islam in any form and simultaneously claim to express solidarity with homosexuals. It’s the western leftists who are at the forefront of whitewashing the crimes of Christianity and Islam. It’s they who facilitate the imposition of these two homophobic ideologies on the rest of the non-Abrahamic world under the guise of religious freedom. 

War is the very opposite of love. Which is the #1 terrorist organization in the world? It’s NATO, which has waged one relentless war after another on defenseless nations for decades. NATO has committed the genocides of millions of innocent peoples so that the West could control the resources of the world and usher in the most virulent form of neo-colonialism. It’s also the prime mechanism by which the War Inc. of the West siphons off taxpayer money. NATO and its terrorist overtures are at the very core of the dollar-based trade that forces the poorest people on the earth to service American, and European, debt and profligacy. You cannot simultaneously continue with the NATO-based world order of neo-colonial terrorism and also express solidarity with homosexuals. 

Whites should first show a modicum of scruples and overtly reject NATO, Christianity, and Islam wholesale before they yield to any compulsive urge to signal virtue on any topic. Coming to homosexuality, Hinduism and non-Abrahamic traditions are the only ones which have embraced homosexuals. The Kamasutra designates homosexuals as tritiya prakrti, i.e., the third nature – male and female being the other two. The Arthasastra prescribes punishments for anyone who harasses homosexuals. This is as enlightened and welcoming as a tradition gets. 

Why should the obsessions of wealthy, unscrupulous westerners become the priority of the rest of the world? The persecution of homosexuals is terrible. However, given that homosexuals are only a small percentage of any population, it’s only reasonable that societies prioritize other issues which really matter to the overwhelming majority. Third World countries have many such priorities: ending Abrahamic religious predations, driving economic growth, infrastructure development, healthcare, poverty, education, environmental conservation, etc. Homosexuality hardly warrants any attention from a vast majority of the world population.

These aren’t harmless protests. These are also organized efforts to impose a pseudo-scientific worldview on the population to exercise totalitarian control. This is hardly different from the historical imposition of the Abrahamic worldviews. Take the notion of ‘trans-gender’ for example. Trans-gender is not even a scientific term. Gender is firmly rooted in biology and genes. However, a very tiny fraction of persons, i.e., 1 in 11,000, suffer from a condition known as gender dysphoria. In this condition, which is neurological by nature, the person is ambivalent about his/her sexual identity. Such persons deserve to be treated humanely and as equals as Hindu traditions have always advocated. However, we needn’t submit to totalitarian terror by accepting such pseudo-scientific terms as trans-gender.

It’s also not necessary to assume that homosexuality or gender dysphoria are entirely natural or biological even though Hindu wisdom considered them as such. For example, recent scientific studies indicate that homosexuality is at the most 12-15% rooted in genes. The rest, it seems, is acquired behavior. Studies of female inmates in prisons inform us that many choose the lesbian lifestyle in prison although they had been heterosexual prior to that. Likewise, there’s a huge gap between the number of those who are really gender-dysphoric and those who self-identify as gender-dysphoric. The actual count is a minuscule 1 in 11,000. However, 1.5% of those between 30 and 45 who were surveyed self-identified as gender-dysphoric. For those between 18 and 30, this number rose to 5%. Now, genes don’t change so much over a generation that gender dysphoria increases three-fold. This is clear indication that impressionable children are made to feel ambivalent about their sex through ruthless propaganda run by a few diseased minds. This is a horrendous form of child abuse.

Masculine and feminine traits start manifesting from very early childhood. There are well-attested biological evolution benefits in nurturing those traits which we naturally inherit. We cannot allow woke activists with a totalitarian mindset to impose their pseudo-scientific worldviews on others. It’s also neo-racism. How come those issues which matter to virtually all Third World population is ignored by these westerners but we’re required to join their bandwagon every time they take fancy to some ideological belief?

So, my dear westerners, you need to first wear ‘Say no to Islam,’ ‘Say no to Christianity,’ and ‘NATO is the #1 terrorist organization’ armbands for a few years before you may contemplate wearing a ‘One Love’ armband!

Deepa Bhaskaran had introduced me to the works of Rob Henderson on luxury beliefs. In the past, the elite displayed their wealth ostensibly. That’s no longer fashionable. Now, this advertising has taken a new shape in the form of luxury beliefs that enables westerners to signal virtue. It’s luxury beliefs that the  westerners are displaying whenever they express outrage on any topic. There’s an insistence that we either join the bandwagon and become part of the in-group or get branded as belonging to the undesirable out-group. The division of society into in- and out-groups is fundamental to Christianity and Islam, and now to all woke aggressions.

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