Blue Economy –Need of the Hour
Posted on May 12th, 2024

Deewara saha Sagara Sampath Sanwardane Udawa

The current and future prosperity of Sri Lanka is intrinsically linked to its marine and coastal assets, with fisheries and tourism being the two main pillars of its economy, gross domestic product (GDP) and source of employment   

Implementation of the Blue Economy, hitherto to be named as” Fisheries and Ocean Development Movement

 ( Deewara saha Sagara Sampath Sanwardane Udawa)       

Related Agencies for implementation of above

NAQDA ,CCD .MEPA CFHC.CFC.SLPA .TDA ( Tourism),Ministry of Ports and Shipping DMS ( Merchant Shipping ) ,Ceynor ,DWL ( Wild life) ,Navy ,Coast  Guard .Sri Lanka Customs ,Fishery Ministry ,EDB ,MODSIT ,BOI ,Ministry of Trade PDRS ( Petroleum Exploration ) .Ministry of Agriculture and Private Boat Builders and Yacht/Leisure boat Operators   

v     Blue Economy –Area to be developed


  • Fishery Sector Needs rapid revolutionary Accelerated Development
    • Private sector to be allowed to deploy several Mother Vessels around the island to help fishermen to store their catch in cold rooms and also assist with First Aid ,Fuel ,Water etc during the week they stay in med sea catching fish
    • Provide Speed Boat  Ambulance Service dedicated for fishermen
    • Develop Cold room services in every fishery harbour with facilities to store fish for Japanese Market ( -60 Degrees for export
    • Training Schools for fishing folks and  provide land plots to build new large multiday fishing vessels with Seawater Ice generating equipment
    • Comprehensive Annual Inspection Service to be managed by Private Boat Building Repair Yards in Colombo .Negombo.Pandura ,Galle ,Mirrissa,Kudawalla  etc and in Oluvil,Trinco  ,Point Pedro and Karainagar etc
    • Establish dedicated Insurance Scheme based on Annual Fitness Check of boats  for Fishermen to cover their families and Boats
    • Establish satellite monitoring system to control boat movement from neighborhood countries
    • Promote more and more Deep Sea Fish Cultivation Farms for export
    • Development of offshore Fish Processing and Canning factories for export and to make Poultry Feed
    • Enhance involvement of Ocean University in Fishery Sector education and boat building with ongoing South Korean Financing
    • Enhance Cold Chain logistics to transport fish into hinterland for local use at affordable prices
    • Establish laboratories to perdiodically check fish quality and monitor harvest of fish
    • Development of Organic Vegetable growing technology using the principle of Aquaponics, a hybrid between aquaculture and hydroponics, uses organic fish waste to fertilise vegetables growth. Aquaponics works on a circular system where water from fish tanks is filtered by the growing medium and the plants as they grow. The water is then returned to the fish tank cleaner than when it left. As a result, aquaponics uses only a small amount of water compared to traditional soil based farming and zero artificial fertilisers or pesticides.
  • Nautical Tourism –Development using the 20 numbers Fishery Harbours and other protected lagoons around Sri Lanka by promoting mini Marinas
    • Speedy Implementation of Harbour Village Concept where lands around fishery harbours and other lagoons to be developed for Tourism Related services and real estates and Coastal Urban Development by encouraging real estate development near marinas
    • Grow Boat spearheaded by Export development Board need accelerated development ( Individuals to own their own boats with facility to anchor in the mini marinas right around the island
    • Promote local Yacht /pleasure boat building by taking away VAT /NBT etc
    • Expedite issuance of local boat building rules and regulations to help boat the builders
  • Expediting Exploration of Oil and Gas in Manar and Covery Basin and Eastern Province
  • Accelerated Development of Marine Renewable Energy Development of power generation of offshore wind farms and wave energy
  • Development of Ship  repair /Underwater Hull cleaning in Deep ocean during voyage of super tankers from Middle east to Far East

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