Russian radars record active operation of Ukrainian air defense
Posted on July 18th, 2014


Russian radars record active operation of Ukrainian air defense. 53196.jpeg

Russian radio equipment recorded a radar station of the Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile system Buk was active on the day the Malaysian airliner crashed, officials with the Russian Defense Ministry said. The part of the route of the Malaysian jet, as well as a place of its crash, fall into the destruction area of two Ukrainian batteries of long-range anti-aircraft missile S-200 and three batteries of medium-range SAM Buk-M1.

Spokespeople for the Defense Ministry clarified that the Russian aero-technical equipment recorded active operations of radar station RLS-9s18 “Dome” of a battery of SAM Buk-M1, stationed near the village of Styla (30 kilometers south of Donetsk).

Officials also said that technical features of SAM Buk-M1 allow to exchange information on air targets between batteries of one division.

“Thus, the launch of missiles could be conducted from all batteries stationed in the village of Avdiyivka (8 kilometers north of Donetsk) or Gruzsko-Zaryanskoe (25 kilometers east of Donetsk),” concluded the Defense Ministry.

As a result of the crash of Boeing 777 on July 17 over the territory of Ukraine, 298 people were killed.

One Response to “Russian radars record active operation of Ukrainian air defense”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Bloody double standards!

    USA have STINGER missiles to AL QAEDA to attack Russian warplanes, helicopters AND civilian aircraft alike. Now they are crying!!

    “Outside Jalalabad, Afghanistan, 25 years ago this week, an angry young man named Abdul Wahab Quanat recited his prayers, walked onto a farm field near a Soviet airfield, raised a Stinger missile launcher to his shoulder and shot his way into history.

    It was the first time since the Soviet invasion seven years earlier that a mujahedeen fighter had destroyed the most feared weapon in the Soviet arsenal, a Hind attack helicopter. The event panicked the Soviet ranks, changed the course of the war and helped to break up the USSR itself.

    Today, Mr. Wahab is general manager of the Afghan central-bank branch near the Khyber Pass, a middle-age man who carries tinted bifocals in his vest pocket and chooses Diet Pepsi over regular. Mr. Wahab and the two other Stinger gunners at the airfield that day—Zalmai and Abdul Ghaffar—have now joined the post-jihad establishment. Mr. Zalmai is sub-governor of Shinwar District, and Mr. Ghaffar is a member of parliament.

    They nurse a gauzy nostalgia for the joys of being young jihadists. “Those were good, exciting times,” Mr. Wahab says. “Now I’m a banker. It’s boring.”

    At the time, the Soviets and their Afghan allies were on the offensive, thanks to the Hinds. Heavily armored, the helicopters were indifferent to ground fire as they strafed and rocketed mujahedeen and civilians alike. In 1986, the Reagan administration and its congressional allies put aside qualms about dispatching missile launchers.”


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