මුහුදු මහා විහාරයේ ඉරණම
Posted on August 28th, 2019

උපුටා ගැන්ම  හිරු පුවත්

පොතුවිල් මුහුදු මහා විහාර භූමිය ආශ්‍රිත ප්‍රදේශයේ ස්භාවික වැලි කදු කපා ඉවත් කිරීමට පොතුවිල් ප්‍රාදේශීය සභාව ක්‍රියාත්මක වීමත් සමග විහාරවාසී පුජ්‍ය උඩලමත්තේ රතනප්‍රිය හිමියන් දැඩි විරෝධය පළ කරනවා.

උන්වහන්සේ ප්‍රකාශ කලේ රෝහලක ඉදිකිරීම් සම්බන්ධ අවශ්‍යතාවක් මතු කරමින් පොතුවිල් ප්‍රාදේශීය සභා බලධාරීන් ස්භාවික වැලි කදු විනාශ කිරීම අරඹා ඇති බවයි.

හිරු සී.අයි.ඒ.හරහා පසුගියදා මුහුදු මහා විහාර භූමිය ආක්‍රමණය කිරීම අප හෙළි කළ අතර මේ එහි තවත් දිගහැරුමක්.

නැගෙනහිර පළාතේ පොතුවිල් හි පිහිටා ඇති මුහුදු මහා විහාරය පසුගිය කාලය පුරා දැඩි කථාබහට ලක්වුයේ එහි සීග්‍රයෙන් සිදුවන ඉඩම් ආක්‍රමණය හේතුවෙන්.

1951 වසරේ ගැසට් පත්‍රයක් මගින් මෙම විහාරයට අයත් භූමිය අක්කර 72 ක් බවට සදහන්ව තිබුනත් යළි 1965 වර්ෂයේදී ප්‍රකාශිත ගැසට් පත්‍රයක් අනුව එහි වපසරිය අක්කර 30 ක් බව දක්වා තිබෙනවා.

සීග්‍රයෙන් සිදුවන අනවසර ඉඩම් අල්ලා ගැනීම් හරහා එම අක්කර 30 ක භූමි ප්‍රදේශය ද මුහුදු මහා විහාරයට මේ වනවිට අහිමි වී ඇති අයුරු අප හිරු සී.අයි.ඒ.හරහා අගෝස්තු පළමු වනදා අනාවරණය කළා.

ගොඩබිම් පෙදෙස් එලෙස ඉවක් බවක් නොමැතිව ආක්‍රමණ කරද්දී, මුහුදු මහා විහාරයට යාබද වෙරළ තීරය සොහොන් බිමක් බවට ක්‍රමක් ක්‍රමයෙන් පත් කරමින් ඇත්තේ පොතුවිල් ප්‍රාදේශීය සභාවේ අවශ්‍යතාව මතයි.

විහාරස්ථානය අවට ස්භාවික වැලි කදු තීරයට ද ඇස ගසා සිටි පොතුවිල් ප්‍රාදේශීය සභාවේ බලධාරීන් අවස්ථා ගණනාවකදී කිසිදු අවසරයකින් තොරව ස්භාවික වැලි කදු කැපීමේ නිරත වුනේ සභාවේ ට්‍රැක්ටර් රථ භාවිතා කරමින්.

හිරු සී.අයි.ඒ.අනාවරණයත් සමග අඩාල වී තිබු මෙම ක්‍රියාවලිය ඊයේ සිට නැවත ආරම්භ කිරීමට ප්‍රාදේශීය සභා බලධාරීන් පියවර ගෙන තිබුනා.

වෙරළ සංරක්ෂණ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවෙන් අවසර ලබාගත් බව පවසමින් පොතුවිල් ප්‍රාදේශීය සභාවෙන් පැමිණ බැකෝ යන්ත්‍ර යොදා ස්භාවික වැලි කදු ඉවත් කිරීමට පියවර ගැනීමත් සමග විහාරවාසී රතනසාර හිමියන් ඊට මෙලෙස විරෝධය පළ කළා.

මෙම පුරාවිද්‍යාත්මක බිම් කඩ අනාගත දරු පරපුර සදහා රැක ගැනීමට දිවි දෙවෙනි කොට අරගලයක නිරත පුජ්‍ය උඩලමත්තේ රතනප්‍රිය ස්වාමීන්වහන්සේට පහරදීමට අන්‍ය ජාතියක පුද්ගලයෙකු තැත් දරන දර්ශන පෙළක් ද මේ වනවිට සමාජ මාධ්‍ය ඔස්සේ සංසරණය වනවා.

පසුගියදා හිරු සී.අයි.ඒ.කළ අනාවරණය පිළිබද උන්වහන්සේ මෙලෙස අදහස් පළ කළා

10 Responses to “මුහුදු මහා විහාරයේ ඉරණම”

  1. Dilrook Says:

    Thank you very much Iraj and others for exposing this.

    The entire 70 acres must be with the shrine. Colonizing by various extremist groups is totally unacceptable.

    When will the nation have a leader?

  2. Randeniyage Says:

    Actually there is no need to be in the government or opposition to fight this.
    Recnetly Ratana Thero alone force all Muslims to resign !

    Why can’t the BIG NAMES directly do there, start doing a UPAVASA or gather one lak people from all over the island and STOP this nonsense ?

    If they don’t want to do this , let us increase support to Naganada , who will get rid of Pallath Sabaha and declare “State Religion is Buddhism”. Whether he wins or not is a different matter. When the support to him grows, these BIG NAMEs will start listening to masses.

  3. Mario Perera Says:

    The upcoming presidential polls has shown Sri Lankan politics to be what it really is: an arc of triumph for Gota adorers and a wailing wall for those who see it for what it really is, as a lost cause, wailing for a savior who will not turn up.

    I am reminded of the Odyssey epic. Mother Lanka personified by Penelope stares at the open seas with glazed eyes hoping for the return of a true leader, while pretenders are gorging themselves on the country’s resources.
    Asd for the Odyssey Ulysses did return after interminable wanderings and innumerable threats to his life. He was supported by a handful of followers. In the end even his followers disappeared from the scene and Ulysses turned up alone disguised and unidentified.

    Can we expect such a Ulysses? Is he already among us in disguise waiting to reveal himself while pretenders are throwing care-free parties and lavish banquets like Ranil recently did for his party men?

    It does not matter how this savior turns up, disguised in a yellow robe as a Ratana Thero or in a lay suit like a Nagananda. What is essential is that he be identified as the saviour by the Sinhala: as the savior of the Tri-Sinhala.

    Until then the political stage will continue to be the Arc of Triump for dreamers of a catastrophic Rajapakse rule under Gota, or a wailing wall of a Mother Lanka stripped, denuded and raped by pretenders gorging themselves with her bounty right to her last bone.

    Mario Perera, Kadawata

  4. Ananda-USA Says:


    May the pending polls CORRECTLY AUGUR the TRIUMPH of Gota in the Election to follow, and A WAILING WALL for the MINIONS of the Yamapalanaya, who derserve nothing less!

    However, it will not be a WAILING WALL for those who YEARN for a SAVIOUR. Our hopes and dreams for our motherland will be realized in the person of Gota!

    BTW, while we are the subject of the Odessey written by Homer (not the other guy named Homer), your info on Ulysees is rather “dated”(!), ole chap! The latest scoop is that Ulysees drifted home after taking the time to gather a bunch of wild stories as material for writing a best selling book of fiction about his largely fictional travels. He left out only his own sexual pecadillos on his way home; those he relegated to a second book he hoped to release on his death bed to escape Penelope’s righteous wrath, for he knew that nothing is more terrifying than a woman scorned! He hoped to earn royalties from a future publisher …. very very far in the future, I expect! Maybe, in his infinite wisdom, he was counting on internet royalties too.

    Moving on to politics of the present in Sri Lanka, teetering on the cusp of a yet another hugely welcome regime-change, I think Ratana Thero is DAMAGED GOODS among Patriotic Sinhalese, and will not make way against that head wind! They remember this fast talking priest’s TREACHEROUS ROLE in undermining the Rajapaksa government, the ONLY BULWARK that EFFECTIVELY PROTECTED Sinhala interests in recent times, and helping to heave them into the current bog of treacherous mud!

    Nagananda is a crafty legal gadfly, now identified as a well funded NGO con artiste serving Western interests, plying his Crusade under deep cover as an Angry “Prajathanthrawadi” Patriot! It does not cut any ice with the Sinhala majority, try what he may!

    He also seems to be suffering from a ROYALTY COMPLEX evident in his particularly ANNOYING HABIT of IMPERIOUSLY referring to himself as “we”, “api” or more often than not as “Nagananda”…. whom he expects everyone to know as a byword in politics!

    I suppose he does that intentionally because incessantly repeated LABELS, particularly in association with his own pronouncements that he wants his audience to remember and instantly recall, serve to embed LABELS indelibly in impressionable human minds!

    While certain of his proposals include those favored by Patriots, like repealing 13A, others are disasters.

    For example, his proposed revision of the Constitution contains HUGE MISTAKES and GLARING DANGERS for the Sinhala people, in particular. My prediction is that he is Presidential material only within the legal labyrinth of his own mind. I predict: he will not get anywhere, and will remain entwined in legal cases of his own making, like the proverbial man trapped in the London underground and still going around in circles!

  5. Randeniyage Says:

    We don’t need the person called “Nagananda” nor his NGOs nor even his opponents.
    We want to see his “concrete” proposals which will get rid of 13A and ONE LAW.
    None of these are coming out of ANY candidates.
    ALL are the same old policies and promises and even “POWER DEVOLUTION” starting to spread through their MEDIA cohorts in a subtle way.
    We had better have NGOs who will change this rubbish than OLD WINE with no taste.
    Sri Lanka will be a colony of your country either way !
    So we must try and get those promises as a minimum. When the promises come out (if) we should ask for guarantees which will ensure those promises are given. We don’t need to press for “Sinhalese-Budhist” rights too much which will put our horses in difficulty, but removal of Pallath Sabha and ONE Law and Heritage protection will at least control it for the time being.
    So, let them make these promises and STOP praising and casting confidence on them until the promises finally come out. “you are my sunshine…my only sunshine .. . ” singing will only have adverse effects.

  6. Dilrook Says:

    Only Nagananda has an agenda to do these essential patriotic things.

    1. One law for all (no Thesawalamei, no Sharia, no Kandyan, no Mukkuvar laws).
    2. Remove the provincial council system.

    These 2 things made Sinhalese second class citizens in their own country, introduced corruption, fraud and discrimination, wiped out Sinhalese from the north and divided Sinhalese into seven.

    Only a patriot can even promise these.

    I was worried about Nagananda’s agenda to make “ethnicity” and “religion” disappear from birth certificate, job applications, etc. It will remain in the census. But further thought convinced me that this poses absolutely no danger to Sinhalas. Ethnic and religious classifications began only in 1881. Didn’t Sinhalese survive and thrive before that? In fact, we thrived much better before!

    However, this removal of “ethnicity” and “religion” disappear from birth certificate, job applications, etc. will very seriously impact racist political groups and NGOs that focus on these divisions.

    A good move.

    A Sinhalese is a Sinhalese by practice, not by birth.

    I challenge so called patriots to say openly that they will,

    1. Have one law for all (no Thesawalamei, no Sharia, no Kandyan, no Mukkuvar laws).
    2. Remove the provincial council system.

    They cannot. They are cowards, manipulated by TNA, SLMC, ACMC and CWC politicians. They are hardly patriotic. No patriot can sleep with 13A, Thesawalamei and Sharia. It is simply contradictory.

    But don’t expect the patriotic agenda to win because most Sri Lankans are not patriots. They only want personal benefits. The candidate who can deliver most personal benefits, wins.

  7. Randeniyage Says:

    I repeat. Only way to get a win for Lanka is to challenge ALL BIG NAMES to promise openly and in writing

    1. Have one law for all (no Thesawalamei, no Sharia, no Kandyan, no Mukkuvar laws).
    2. Remove the provincial council system.

    When they see tide turns against them, they will swim in the opposite direction. Keep on singing “you are my sunshine…” they will happily ruined the country further, allowing UNP to win next election with a new face and seal the coffin.

  8. Dilrook Says:


    Call me a pessimist, but that cannot be done which is the unfortunate destiny/karma of Sri Lanka. Only separatists who pander into minority politicians can rule Sri Lanka.

    Everyone would hate me for saying how Sri Lanka will be in 2024 (the time of the following presidential election).

  9. Randeniyage Says:

    Do you have email to contact ?
    I think we must campaign for these two demands. They will oblige in the end. It is huge win for us all. Even Sajith may comply if pressed hard.

    I remember so many people fought for sacking TNA and fought for getting rid of ‘racial and ‘religious’ named political parties many years ago. That include Ananda-USA. These are VERY PATRIOTIC demands from PATRIOTIC people.

    Why those demands faded away ? Has the PATRIOTISM of those good people sacrificed to ‘personal happiness of seeing their preferred men likely to win ?
    Please all, make the demands pretending to be voting elsewhere. This is the only way.

  10. Dilrook Says:


    I think we should let it pass this time. The pendulum swing is too strong this time. The gap between the winner and the loser is likely to be 13%. This has to be below 5% for us to make an impact.

    Wait for the further collapse of the economy, riots/attacks, killing civilians, economic sanctions, assassinations, strikes, etc. under the next regime and then we should move in.

    Those who have some love for the country among fixed voters must feel the pain and frustration more than their love for their political clans. They and what is valuable for them are not destroyed enough.

    dilrookk at yahoo dot com

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