Posted on April 5th, 2021


Culture is defined by many focusing on the past civilization; however, the culture cannot strictly define its real complexity limiting to past matters, which were broader and connected to social, economic, political, religious, races, and many others, the evolution of civilization added many features to the culture and historical information provides that many conflicts between cultures had been incurred based on values and assents. This means that culture and values had a partnering relationship and the other vital fact on this matter was that values developed as a result of the evolution of culture. It can identify that the relationship between the culture and values was bark and tree in history that means anything dies both will die. People in any country have respect and attitudes toward the impregnable of the past cultures. The impression and evolution of past culture supported to build of new cultures based on past values.

It is quite difficult to identify that anyone has analyzed the relationship between cultures and modern laws, rules, regulations, and practices, and the legality of cultures.  When making a deep analysis of the relationship between culture and law it could be seen that cultural features have been converted to common law which consists of Roman Law for many common areas, judge-made laws, and legislation enacted by parliament throughout history. The other important point is that having cultural ceremonies have been recognized as a valid agreement in Sri Lanka by the Supreme Court. For example, a marriage ceremony held in a church or any other place recognizes as a valid agreement and this is the best example for indication recognition of culture as law in certain instances.

Even though common law in Sri Lanka is based on the collective culture that applies to all communities and when sub-cultural customs failed to integrate into the common law the concept of personal laws been originated in the legal system.  Sometimes in Sri Lanka and other countries could observe that cultural rules of sub-cultures contradict the law of common and in such a situation, personal laws must have originated could be assumed. Many Western countries refuse the cultural rules of sub-cultures and they dislike to incorporate with the law of the countries. For example, the marriage rule of the Muslim community rejects within the main legal framework of the country (the practice of divorce and the age of marriage, etc.)

It seems that the concept of personal laws violates the new concept of one country and one law for all that people in Sri Lanka cry to implement, in some instances, personal laws should justify the application in sub-cultures. For example, the law of Temples and Worshiping places could not be applied to Christian and Muslim communities.  Therefore, the comparison or identifying the relationship between the culture and law is an arduous task.   

The supplementary question ascends with the definition of culture is what are values?  Generally, values are described as good or bad things in life, and the general meaning of values seems to be forced humans to refrain from bad value practices and adhere to good value practice.  Values are an integral part of the culture, people accept or willing to continue cultural values if such values helpful in building a good society that is abiding by laws, respect, and many other matters in society.  It will promote the development of a rich culture. When it goes through the whole spectrum of views the culture defines as rules, regulations, customs, acceptances in the society based on values.   

In history, there were no restrictions for human or animal movements and people from one country to another had been moving for various purposes and the free movements of people had restricted by the power of tribes and laws of countries.  Even in the era of homo sapiens or before the power of tribes instrumented the restrictions for free movements and later physical restrictions converted laws and regulation against the movements.

Despite restrictions for human movements, many western countries have been allowed the immigration of people from other countries as such policy would be helpful for business development. The immigration policy of developed countries expects that the overseas-born people would be integrated into the domestic culture and as the result of this process one nation with uniform culture will be established in the western countries. This process is called the cultural integration of migrants.  For successfully cultural integration, Developed countries spend funds for helping migrants adapting for cultural integration, but it doesn’t mean that funding for cultural integration is for creating sub-cultures in the country. When it looks at the behavior of many Sri Lankan migrants overseas it is a reasonable question whether they are integrating into the main culture or attempting to create sub-cultures in developed countries.

Cultural integration while controlling the restriction of movements and animated movements of people for economic reasons. The movement of people or immigration of people had been encouraged in many Western countries such as Australia, America, Canada, and other European countries as the economic policy of such countries called for labor from outside to successfully implement economic plans.  It has created conflicts between existing people and new migrants and many people blotted out that they were migrants and God created the universe for people who have the right to enjoy and reasonably manage countries. Policymakers in many Western countries have to work within many restraints and the movement of people has become a severe issue.

The concept of cultural integration embellished in many developed countries to democratically allow the movements of people. What is meant by a sub-culture? It is making culture within the main cultural framework of people. Cultural integration has become an issue in developed countries as the purpose of many migrants has become a complicated question. There is no doubt that Sri Lankan migrants to developed countries have given priority to have good life and purposes such as educating children.  While working on these objectives of Sri Lankan migrants have gone back to the country when they were born country after the retirement is on the priority list.  In this situation, the purpose of creating sub-cultures is not difficult to understand, and this situation had been generally in human s since the era of homo sapiens.  The conflicts between attitudes and the environment abide by religious engagements. 

Many kids either born overseas or born in Sri Lanka have constraints in cultural integration or joining to the sub-culture mainly because they are living in between the cultural integration and the sub-culture. The major reason for this situation is the burdensome factors such as difficulty in formidable communication with each other and suspect to integration in common culture result of misinformation about it.

Is there any solution to this problem? The cultural conflict could be seen among other communities too, but they have successfully adapted to the situation and the main supportive factor was the use of language in the domestic environment and maintaining the value-laden society. Attitudes of many Sri Lankans bias towards making a meaningless posh society rather than agree with the reality.

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