Archive for July 16th, 2011

Tamil Tiger Propaganda Photos Becomes Channel 4 Fact

Saturday, July 16th, 2011

MEDIA RELEASE -SRI LANKA UNITED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA The questionable Channel 4 video titled ‘Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields’ screened in Geneva on June 6, 2011 during the UN Human Rights sessions and later broadcast in the UK on June 14th with subsequent airing by PBS and ABC Four Corners has been done irresponsibly without […]

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Tigers re-grouping abroad-French magazine

Saturday, July 16th, 2011

Courtesy The Islandƒ”š‚  ASIES, a French current affairs magazine in its inaugural issue says the LTTE has set up new networks in Tamil Nadu, Canada and Europe and is in the process of re-grouping for another war. The following is a translation of the ASIES piece made available to The Island by the External Affairs […]

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Publicity In French Magazine Towards The Possible Revival Of The LTTE Could Easily Be Interpreted As A Ploy By Supportives To Rekindle A Dead Concept Rather Than Reality!

Saturday, July 16th, 2011

Insight By Sunil Kumar 16th July 2011 It can only be treated as a ploy by a Terrorist Organizations’ƒ”š‚  disgruntled supportives around the world that there is publicity being given to an anticipated revival of the Liberation Tigers Of Tamil Eelam which organization is categoricallyƒ”š‚ finishedƒ”š‚ , laid waste , done and dusted and no amount of […]

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The techniques of scientific cooking.

Saturday, July 16th, 2011

Dr Hector Pereraƒ”š‚  London Why some footballers, golfers, racing drivers, tennis players or even television presenters are highly paid because they know the technique of the task they are entrusted. I am sure they got the technique of whatever they are doing after years of dedicated practice, how about scientific cooking? There are plenty of […]

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