Archive for October 22nd, 2013

Well Done Malaysia! In Incarcerating The Sycophants Of The Team Four Documentary. Hopefully Others Will Follow.

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Insight By Sunil Kumar October 23rd 2013 ‚ The‚  adjudicators of‚ the trial of a‚ woman in Malaysia who faces jail for screening a Channel‚ Four film‚ ‚ now infamous albeit purportedly popularised as ‚ having won some awards (from which donor one wonders ? ~ linked to myopia and insensitivity for all the wrong reasons perhaps !)‚ about Sri Lanka needs to […]

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Sri Lanka: Former Canada’s Prime Minister Brian Mulroney’s comment

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada 21 October 2013 The Editor (Letters) THE OTTAWA CITIZEN Dear Editor: Your news item -Don-â„¢t boycott Sri Lanka: Mulroney -” Canada can do more at meeting, former prime minister says-, confirmed one thing to me.‚  That there are sane individuals among the Conservative political […]

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Sri Lanka Deserves Support – Editorial 21 st October

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Dr. Chula NA Rajapakse MNZM Spokesperson,United Sri Lanka Assn. Lower Hutt NZ Dear Editor, ‚ Thank you for your above editorial and the arguments supporting your call, which we appreciate no end.‚  ‚  It is indeed a sad ‚ irony that some ‚ appear to have forgotten that for three decades 20 million Sri Lankans had their most […]

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Packer packed home empty handed

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Ranjith Soysa MELBOURNE The report that the Casino King Packer was sent home empty handed‚  defies‚  all attempts to mislead the whole country by establishing a Casino empire in D R.Wijewardane Mawatha and in Slave Island‚  under the pretext of building a hotel complex‚  By following moribund economic strategy of beggar my neighbor policy the […]

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Radical Islamist groups used to stir up ‘foreign-managed conflicts’-Putin:

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Courtesy RT The Russian President has said the country’s Muslim leaders together with state authorities must counter the modern tendency of bringing politics into religion and making it radical. –Some political forces are using Islam, or, to be more precise, its radical movements that have never been popular among Russian Muslims, to weaken our state […]

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