Archive for October 28th, 2013

In calling cattle slaughter a ‘Gava Gathana Pinkama’ Governor Moulana has deeply hurt Buddhist sensitivities

Monday, October 28th, 2013

Shenali Waduge -ËœDamned if you do, damned if you don-â„¢t-â„¢ seems the challenge posed to Buddhists and an increasing number of indigenous people in different corners of the world as they face new cult type incursions. Not only is the new cult enveloping victims among the Muslims but by penetrating the hyped liberal notion of […]

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Monday, October 28th, 2013

Mahinda Weerasinghe Curiously enough, that old gambit of Jaffna Tamils Catholics has been rekindled again. Frustrated by their incapability of getting hold the pearl of the Indian Ocean, they have reverted back to plan B. This new plan really is the ancient one, dusted up and presented in a new garb. ‚ It is being exploited […]

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Tamil Nadu’s Campaign against Sri Lanka Supported by Indian Central Government

Monday, October 28th, 2013

Ira de Silva Canada ‚ Tamil Nadu has unanimously adopted a resolution that India should boycott the CHOGM. It has now been supported by some members of the Central Government as well as the Opposition. According to Ms. Jayalalitha, even “token” representation should “not be allowed”. The question is who is going to “not allow”. Has […]

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Monday, October 28th, 2013

By Stanley Perera -” Melbourne Vigneswaran I knew was from the time he became a Supreme Court Judge.‚  But the writer does not know anything about Vigneswaran before becoming a judge.‚  The writer is of the view that Vigneswaran lived in Colombo amongst his Sinhalese brethren all his life bludging the Sri Lankan Government.‚  Justice […]

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Retired Major General Chandrasiri has better right to be Governor of Northern Province than Retired Judge Vigneswaran to be the Chief Minister.

Monday, October 28th, 2013

By Charles.S.Perera Tamil Terrorists of Sri Lanka were a group ‚ ‚  apart, who had not accepted Sri Lanka as their motherland.‚  They had also not accepted that they belonged to the‚  larger Community of Sri Lankan people.‚  They wanted therefore to break away to form ‚ their own Tamil fatherland, exclusively for the Tamils. From about […]

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The TNA Are Mere Smalltime Political Representation With A Single Northern District Council Win, Not Heads Of Nations To Decline Attending The CHOGM Summit Which Is Laughable!

Monday, October 28th, 2013

Insight By Sunil Kumar October 27th 2013 It is no blow for the Commonwealth Heads of Government (CHOGM) summit to be held in Colombo which some myopics seem to believe is troubled~ far from it ~‚ that Sri Lanka-â„¢s main Tamil party the TNA has said it would boycott the event. “Main Tamil Party” in this […]

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Malala Fever in the Western media: David Milliband trying score some points.

Monday, October 28th, 2013

By U.B.Gunasinghe PhD Few weeks ago American media outlets were very excited by the news that Malala has been nominated for the Noble Peace price and eventually same media outlets were very disappointed that she did not receive the Nobel peace prize.‚  I was surprised to see David Milliband appeared on one Sunday talk show […]

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Sri Lanka assumes leadership of the Colombo Process

Monday, October 28th, 2013

Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN, Geneva The Chairmanship of the Colombo Process was transferred from the Government of Bangladesh to the Government of Sri Lanka during a meeting held at the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Geneva on 21 October 2013. The Colombo Process is a Regional Consultative Process on the […]

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TN politicians’ call for CHOGM boycott

Monday, October 28th, 2013

Ira de Silva Canada ‚ Tamil Nadu has unanimously adopted a resolution that India should boycott the CHOGM. It has now been supported by some members of the Central Government as well as the Opposition. According to Ms. Jayalalitha, even “token” representation should “not be allowed”. The question is who is going to “not allow”. Has […]

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