Archive for November 17th, 2013

Why is Sri Lanka’s External Affairs Minister keeping mum when Britain is humiliating Sri Lanka on our soil?

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

Shenali D Waduge Why did the President of this country have to end up defending the nation when those enjoying plush positions and virtually in orbit 24×7 roaming Western shores remain absolutely nonplussed about how to respond when the Prime Minister of Britain breaching all protocols insults us on our soil? Why has the External […]

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CHOGM Declaration : Stop West-sponsored ICC’s witch-hunt on Third World Nations

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

Shenali D Waduge ‚ An ICC that cannot take US and UK to trial is not an international court. This is why the African Union has finally decided to review its relationship with the International Criminal Court in view of the rising number of cases against African leaders sponsored by Western nations. If its Africa today […]

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We thank India for not attending CHOGM – Lessons not learnt by Sri Lanka

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

Shenali D Waduge ‚ The present Government will go down in history as giving India the biggest stakes in Sri Lanka-â„¢s post-conflict despite being rewarded with consecutive humiliations by India. None of these humiliations have even remotely pushed Sri Lanka-â„¢s leaders to realize that India CANNOT be TRUSTED or made Sri Lanka-â„¢s leaders resolve to secure […]

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Gota slams Cameron for politicking in Colombo to placate LTTE rump back home

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

By Shamindra Ferdinando Island.LK Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa yesterday alleged that UK Premier David Cameron was playing politics in Colombo to placate the LTTE rump back home. Cameron-â„¢s strategy was obviously influenced by the UK based Global Tamil Forum (GTF), British Tamil Forum (BTF) and Tamils against Genocide, he said. The British government delegation to […]

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Lanka will not bow down to international pressure – President=Those living in glass houses should not throw stones:Govt implemented own mechanism, no international inquiry required:

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

by P.Krishnaswamy President Mahinda Rajapaksa said that Sri Lanka would not bow down to international pressure or any threats of an international inquiry over alleged war crimes. -The country is free, independent and democratic,- he said, adding that -those living in glass houses should not throw stones at others-. -For over twenty long years, there […]

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Cameron Confronts Sri Lanka Leader over Human Rights Abuses‏

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

Ira de Silva Ontario, Canada The Editor Letters The Star Toronto, Ontario Dear Sir: I am writing to bring to your attention that you are again reporting inaccurate information on Sri Lanka. The most glaring inaccuracy is “a UN report found credible allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity by the Sri Lankan government […]

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Kenya FM says ICC States to amend Statute

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

By KENNEDY KANGETHE | November 17, 2013 NAIROBI, Kenya Nov 17 -” Foreign Affairs Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohamed has faulted the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for failing to listen to the African voice in its decision on the Kenya cases at the International Criminal Court (ICC). Addressing the press in Colombo, Sri Lanka where […]

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An open letter of appreciation

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

Rohan Bandarage Dear Mr. Abbot The Sri Lankan community of Australia deeply appreciates your sentiments at the recently concluded CHOGM. You stood out as a leader who could not be swayed by proxy propagandists, hell-bent on stymying the emerging prosperous nation of Sri Lanka. You attended CHOGM for what it is meant for to foster […]

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Sunday, November 17th, 2013

By Stanley Perera -” Melbourne My dear David, Sri Lankans are aware that you are the Prime Minister of the U.K.‚  Sri Lanka is no longer a British colony.‚  Sri Lanka became an independent country in the year 1948.‚  Therefore if you are a learned British Prime Minister, you need to treat all Commonwealth countries […]

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David Cameron’s visit to Sri Lanka

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

Bandula Chandraratna It is with disgust I watched the Prime Minister David Cameron giving a press conference, in Sri Lanka. He went to Sri Lanka Charged-up, after meeting the representatives from Global Tamil Forum and speaking with the United Nation-â„¢s Human Rights High Commissioner Naveen Pilay, got off the plane in Sri Lanka after midnight […]

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Sunday, November 17th, 2013

MEDIA RELEASE‚  Sri Lanka was unanimously elected to two Committees of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) at the elections that took place yesterday, (14. 11. 2013) which was also the sixty fourth (64th) anniversary of Sri Lanka joining UNESCO on 14th November 1949. Sri Lanka was elected to the Headquarters Committee, […]

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Muralitharan ‘confronts’ David Cameron

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

P.A.Samaraweera, Melbourne PM Cameron, a keen cricket fan, took time off from the CHOGM‚ to play cricket. At the Colombo cricket‚ Ground, Cameron‚ ‚ had met Murali while he was participating in the ‘Murali Charity Foundation’ which promotes cricket between the Sinhala and Tamil youth. Cameron is‚ an admirer of Murali as he had watched him bowl out one English […]

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Tourism: Ideas for consideration if Tourism is to be developed

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

By Garvin Karunaratne‚  former Government Agent, Matara A Spectacular Phenomenon Last week I went to Iceland, in search of the Northern Lights, a mysterious phenomenon – coloured shades of light in the sky taking various forms, at times even sequencing a dance.‚  Every tourist that enters Iceland is determined to see the Northern lights. This […]

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Opinion: Sri Lanka not a British colony anymore

Sunday, November 17th, 2013

By K.M.H.C.B. Kulatunga Certain Western countries are trying to make use of the Commonwealth to pass judgments on smaller countries which had been former British colonies, under their iron fist. Certain so-called big countries appear to think that countries such as Sri Lanka are still their colonies and that we should dance to their melody. […]

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