Archive for November 28th, 2013

Fixing The Economy Or Drowning In Odious Debt

Thursday, November 28th, 2013

Janaka Yagirala Lets face it, we are drowning in debt. Its no secret that our economy is in pretty bad shape, nor does it take a genius to figure it out. It is true that most of the world is suffering a similar fate. The Americans are 16 trillion dollars in debt. The British are […]

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Tamil tigers Pioneered Terror – Dompost 27/11/13

Thursday, November 28th, 2013

Dr.Chula NA Rajapakse MNZM, Spokesperson , United Sri Lanka Assn., LowerHutt. Letters to Editor , Dompost.   Dear Editor,   Gus Campbell’s amazing letter seeing the truth as it is restores   some welcome balance to the unfounded diatribe that has dominated the media in the past few weeks, that paid scant attention  to the Tiger   […]

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Thursday, November 28th, 2013

Dr.Tilak Fernando The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2013 ended on November 17 in Colombo. During its post-mortem, many ideas, suggestions, criticism and especially emotional outbursts have spearheaded in the Sri Lankan press, websites as well as in some of the Western press lambasting the British Prime Minister David Cameron’s boorish behaviour for acting […]

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Bully Cameron – The God of the GTF – Just do it

Thursday, November 28th, 2013

‘Old Soldier’ “The end justifies the means to save lives” “Trial by television”(Margaret Thatcher) David Cameron as a guest of Sri Lanka, ostensibly to attend CHOGM, threatened to put his host in the dock at the UNHRC in Geneva. The first lesson even a Corporal of the Brit army is taught is not to threaten. […]

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Minister Dilan Perera says Sri Lanka committed to address the regional mismatches between supply and demand in foreign employment through Colombo Process Chair

Thursday, November 28th, 2013

Media Release : Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Geneva Minister Dilan Perera says Sri Lanka committed to address the regionalmismatches between supply and demand in foreign employment through Colombo Process Chair Minister of Foreign Employment Promotion & Welfare Dilan Perera has said Sri Lanka which recently assumed the Chairmanship of the Colombo Process – […]

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