Belgian blunders and 13A
Posted on March 27th, 2016
T.D. Courtesy The Island
March 27, 2016, 8:29 pm
Belgian troops patrol streets following recent terrr attacks
Alert readers and TV viewers would have noticed the fleeting references to the confusion in Belgium’s security agencies when it came to detecting and apprehending the Brussels bombers. The root cause is that country’s federal constitution where the French, Dutch and German speaking federal units have their own separate Police forces. The recent crisis tragically exhibited the lack of a central police authority and the lack of coordination and cooperation between the various ‘state’ police forces speaking mutually incomprehensible languages.
Our government MUST stop pussy footing with the Northern Provincial Council and coyly hinting at giving it Police powers. If it persists with the implementation of 13 A, poor Sri Lanka will face the same tragedy that has befallen poor federal Belgium.
You have been warned!