සිදුහත් කුමරු සත්‍යය සොයා යය්            
Posted on May 9th, 2016

ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න

                                             මජ්ජිම නිකායේ සල්ලේඛ සුත්රයට අනුව   චුන්ද හිමි මෙසේ බුදුහිමියන්ගෙන් විමසා ඇත .”””””’ මමත්වය දුරුකිරීමට ටත් ලෝකය පිලිබඳ විවිධාකාර සංකල්ප ඉපදීම දුරු කිරීමටත්  වෙනත් සංඥා  මෙනෙහි කිරීමෙන්  හැකිද ——-මෙහිදී වෙනත් සංඥා  යනු බුද්ධ දේශනාවට පිට   බමුණන්ගේ  විවිධ මතිමතාන්තර  හෙවත් ලෝකය පිලිබඳ එකල පවතී දෘස්ටිවාදයන් .
බුදුහිමියන්ගේ පිළිතුර වුයේ   ”””” මමත්වය පදනම්ව  විවිධාකාර  දිට්ඨි  මැති මතාන්තර  උපදී . මමය මගේය  මගේ ආත්මයය  ජීවයය  වශයෙන් යමෙක්  නොදකින විට විවිධාකාර දිට්ඨි    ප්රහීන වේ  — යථා භූ   ඥාන යය් .
චුන්ද කාම සම්පත් නොවිඳ  වනගතවී අකුසලින් මිදී ප්රතමද්යානයට පැමිණ වාසය කලද  කෙලෙස් ප්රහීන නොවේ  එය එව්ලාවට පමණක්  සීමාවූ  දිට්ඨ ධම්ම සුඛ විහරණයකි””’ —–ධ්යාන 4 ගැනම පැවසුවේ අන්දමිනි ..
අරුපධ්යාන  ආර්ය විනයේ  කෙලෙස් ප්රහීන කිරීමක් නොවේ . ආර්ය විනයට අනුවඑය ශාන්ත විහරණයක් පමණි .””

                                                                   එකල නොයෙකුත් විද්යා ශිල්ප ශාස්ත් රාශියක් තිබුනේය සියල්ල නිවන් මග අවුරන ලෞකික ශිල්ප ශාස්ත් විද්යා වන   මේවායේ නිශ්ඵලබව  නිසා සිදුහත් පරම සත්යය සොයා ගියේය .බැලුබැල්මට ලෞකිකත්වයෙන් ඈත්  යය පෙනුන  තවුසන්ගේ ධ්යාන පවා කෙලෙස් තාවකාලික තවන දේවල් මිස කෙලෙස් ප්රහීන කරන දේ නොවන බව එතුමා පසක් කර ගත්තේයඑසේ නම් බටහිර නවීන විද්යාව ගැන කියනුම කවරේද එය ධ්යාන මෙන් නොව  කෙලෙස් වර්ධනය කරය් . සාමාන් ලෞකික ජීවිතයක් පහසු කර ගැනීමට නම් එය හොඳය . එහෙත් බුදු දහමේ  අරමුණ එය නොවේ   මගේ අරමුණ එය පහ දිලි කිරීමය්  එය පැහැදිලිකිරීම    ”’බුද්ධාගම  කල්ට්  ආගමක් කිරීමකය්යමෙක් කියන්නේ නම්  එසේ කියන ”’යෝදයෝඒවා පැහැදිලි කල යුතුය බටහිර නවීන විද්යාව  සමග බුදුදහම සමානයය්  කියන  මේ අපහාස
කතා  බුදු දහමටම කරන නිගාවන්ය  බුදු දහමේ සමහර කරුණු  සත් බව සමහා අන්යාගමික විද්යාග්නයන්ද  විසින් පිළිගැනීම   දෙ සමාන වීමක් නොවේ මේ එක විද්යාග්නයෙක්වත් බෞද්ධ නොවුයේ බුදුදහමට වඩා ඔවුන් ලෞකික නවීන විද්යාව නිවරදියය් සිතුනිසාය . එහෙත් බුදුදහම අනෙක් ආගම් වලට වඩා තර්කානුකුඋලයය් ඔවුන් විසින් පිළිගන්නට ඇත . එක කෙනෙක්වත් තම ආගම් අත්හරියේත් නැත හරිදේ පිළිගැනීමට තරම්   උජුපටි පන්නවීත් නැත
බුදු දහමට අනුව ආර්ය හා අනාර්ය පර්යේෂනමින් දෙකක් ඇත  සොයා බැලීමට සිත පෙලම්බෙය් එසේ සොයා බැලීමෙන් අනාර්ය සිත වින්දනයට පත්වේ  අනාර්ය සිත  රුප ශබ්ද  ආදියේ  වින්දන සොයාබලා  පර්යේෂණ කොටවිඳීමට ”’ පෙලම්බෙය් ..සඥා වේදයිතයන් බවට පත්වෙති
අරිය පරියෙෂනයයෙන්  සංඥා වෙදයිතයෙන් විමුක්තව  සංඥා වේදයිත නිරෝ කල හැකනි  අරිය පරියේසන සුත්රය —– එහි අරමුණු වලින් වින්දනය කිරීමක් නැත . අනුන්ගේ වැරදි ද්ටුවිට මම එවරදී වලින්  විරමණයවේරමනී —– වෙමියය්  සිතීම  ඒවා වරදියය් හඳුනා ගැනීම   අරිය පරියෙෂණයෙන් සිදුවේ .
අහම්පි සුදං  භික්කවේ පුබ්බේච  සම්බෝධා ……………….”””’ ආදී වශයෙන්  ”’මමද සම්බුධ්ධත්වයට පෙර  කෙලීස් ධර්මයන්ගෙන් යුත්  අනාර්ය  පර්යේෂණ යේ  යෙදී  අඹුදරුවන්  දසිදසුන් ඇත්  අස්  ගව මහීශාදීන්    පරියේෂණ කොට  මගේ කර ගතිමි ”””’ බුදු හිමියන් වදාරා ඇත ..   —අරිය පරියේසන සුත්රය —–
මෙහි ””කෙලෙස් ධර්මයන්ගෙන් යුත් අනාර්ය පර්යේෂණ ”””’  මගේ කර ගතිමි   ””” වැනි වචන හොඳින්  විමසා බලන්න
මුළු මහත් ලෝකයම තව තවත් ලෞකිකත්වයටම බර කරන  වින්දනයටම පොළඹවන  යමක් ඇත්ද සියල්ල  නිවන  ඈත්  කරය් මේ සරල කරුණ පටලවමින් අපහාස උපහාස කරන්නෝ බෞධයින් නොවේ  .   කිසිවෙක් බටහිර විද්යාව  කිසිම වැදගැම්මකට නැතිදෙයක් යය කියා නැත එය ””””ජීවත්වෙන්නට ”””’ තව තවත් විඳිමින් ජීවත්වෙන්නට  ”””’හොඳ ක්රමයකි
මම පොතපතින් කියවූ කරුණු අනුව ඉහත කරුණු දක්වුයෙමි බුදුදහමේ සියුම් ගැඹුරු කරුණු ගැන මම විශාරදයෙක් නොවෙමි දන්නේ ටිකය් . එහෙත් තන්හා ආශා වර්ධනයකරන දේවල් මම හඳුනමි

52 Responses to “සිදුහත් කුමරු සත්‍යය සොයා යය්            ”

  1. Dham Says:

    “’ අරුපධ්‍යාන ද ආර්ය විනයේ කෙලෙස් ප්‍රහීන කිරීමක් නොවේ . ආර්ය විනයට අනුවඑය ශාන්ත විහරණයක් පමණි .”

    – True. When the person is in ධ්‍යාන , there corresponding Neevaranas are no more ( temporarily). If the person dies he will be born in Brahma worlds where කාමාවචර කෙලෙස් do not arise in mind. They live with purity for a very long time , sometimes they themselves get mistake than they don’t die. Even if the Neeevarana (නිවන් ආවර​ණ) are gone they don’t see Nibbaana unless the posses wisdom gained by hearing Dhamma. But can we compare a ordinary mind with Alara Kalama’s mind ? It is very much easier for him to come to Nibbaana.

    “කිසිවෙක් බටහිර විද්‍යාව කිසිම වැදගැම්මකට නැතිදෙයක් යය කියා නැත එය ””””ජීවත්වෙන්නට ”””’ තව තවත් විඳිමින් ජීවත්වෙන්නට හොඳ ක්‍රමයකි ” = True but not the only truth

    Not only for comfortable living, even for seeing Dhamma one can make use of Science. Nothing wrong in that. Those days to listen to Dhamma , people had to travel very far and almost impossible. Now , very much easier. However, there is a negative side as well. This is why I have to take efforts to get out of commenting here even if that gives a relief to MR LOVERS blinded by desire , not seeing suffering of others. This technology and “love of the country” is stagnating my progress.

    As I am not Buddha I am not going to declare “modern science is obstructing Nibbaana”. But according to my knowledge it does not. In born wisdom will guide you in different directions because of your past kamma.
    Achan Sumedho is in town. Must go and see him.

  2. NeelaMahaYoda Says:


    What is Science?. It is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

    Since Buddhism also encompasses systematic understanding and realisation of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation, Buddhists should not worry about learning and using scientific knowledge in our day to day use.

    Although you cannot replace Buddhist philosophy with scientific knowledge you can use your scientific knowledge in supplement to understand ultimate realities.(pamattha sacca) explained in Buddhist philosophy . Buddhism lends itself to a very close dialogue with science (The Practical Neuroscience of Buddha’s Brain by Rick Hanson ( a neuropsychologist and Meditation teacher) and Richard Mendius ( Neurologist)

    According to “Principles of Abhidamma” (අභිධර්ම මාර්ගය) written by Rev Rerukane Chandawimala thera, the Knowledge of Science can easily be categorised under beautiful mental factor (ශෝභන චෛතසික) Wisdom (ප්රඥ) (Page 86). The mental factors are the mental phenomena that occur in immediate conjunction with citta or consciousness and assist citta by performing more specific task in the total act of cognition.

    In Comprehensive Manual of Abhidhamma edited by Bhikku Bodhi, the Panna (ප්රඥ චෛතසික) is translated as wisdom faculty because it exercises predominance in comprehending things as they really are. Wisdom has the characteristic of penetrating things according to their intrinsic nature (yathasabhavapativedha). Its function is to illuminate the objective field like a lamp. It is manifested as non-bewilderment. Its proximate cause is wise attention (yoniso manasikara) (Page 90)

    So the scientific knowledge is an internal beautiful mental factor called wisdom and that will not indulge on craving (තන්හා) which is the principle cause of suffering that can express through greed(ලෝබ), hatred(ද්වෙශ) and delusion (මෝහ) according to Buddhism.

    But just like other amenities, consumer products originating from scientific discoveries can cause someone to over indulging them causing priti (zest,rapture) and sukha (somanassa bodily feeling) and in turn can give rise to craving (තන්හා).
    Since the modern science (not the scientific knowledge) is an external phenomena, according to Buddhism it does not cause immoral or unwholesome mental states (අකුසල කම්ම) on someone’s mind.

    So In conclusion, what I have to say is that what you and your teacher (De Silva) say about science is absolutely non-sense and you are trying to radicalise Buddhism and convert Buddhist philosophy into a cult by spreading this unsubstantiated claim that Buddhism is against Science.

    I request you to Read “Buddhist Biology” By David Barash (Professor of Psychology at the University of Washington a long time evolutionary biologist) David Barash is a Buddhist and apparently he practices Buddhist meditation every day. In his book he has very successfully explained the basic Buddhist concepts like Non self,(Anathma), Impermenance (Anitya), connectedness(patitya Samupada), Dukka and Karma in terms of science.

  3. Dham Says:

    Luckily I had (අභිධර්ම මාර්ගය) written by Rev Rerukane Chandawimala thera 2 meters way from where I am typing.
    What it says is simply
    “ප්‍රඥා චයිතසිකය ඥාන සම්ප්‍රයුක්ත කාමාවචර සිත් 12, රූපාවචර සිත් 15 , අරූපාවචර සිත් 12, ලෝකෝතර සිත් 8 යන සිත් 47හි යෙදේ.”

    In Kamavacara world , wisdom is present only in the 12 ඥාන සම්ප්‍රයුක්ත කාමාවචර සිත් because it is very rarely only රූපාවචර අරූපාවචර minds occur to us.
    What are these ?
    සොමනස්ස සහගත ඥාන සම්ප්‍රයුක්ත අසංකාරික සිත​.
    සොමනස්ස සහගත ඥාන සම්ප්‍රයුක්ත සසංකාරික සිත​
    උපේක්‍ෂා සහගත ඥාන සම්ප්‍රයුක්ත අසංකාරික සිත​.
    උපේක්‍ෂා සහගත ඥාන සම්ප්‍රයුක්ත සසංකාරික සිත​
    These 4 are repeated as කුසල් සිත් , විපාක සිත් and ක්‍රියා සිත්. Out of these 12 only 8 occur in unenlightened beings as ක්‍රියා සිත් occur to Arahants only.

    Therefore ‘wisdom’ is present in 8 ඥාන සම්ප්‍රයුක්ත සිත් in normal people.
    These are essentially කුසල් සිත් and විපාක සිත්.

    Will these කුසල් සිත් and කුසල් විපාක සිත් arise in “Knowledge of Science ” ?

    In the first place “Knowledge of Science ” is not a human being.
    If we assume Knowledge of Science as සිත් ( for example , say Newton’s 2nd Law) they are definitely not කුසල් සිත් or කුසල් විපාක සිත්.

    Therefore , the statement ” According to “Principles of Abhidamma” (අභිධර්ම මාර්ගය) written by Rev Rerukane Chandawimala thera, the Knowledge of Science can easily be categorised under beautiful mental factor (ශෝභන චෛතසික) Wisdom (ප්රඥ) ” is Patta Pal Boru.
    Thera has never mentioned such thing in the book.
    My learned friend , Mechanical Engineer , Neela Maha Yoda has used is Abhidhamma knowledge incorrectly, in my view.

    However, when scientific inventions and discoveries are made, the minds of the inventers reach Jahna සිත් , with temporarily supressed Pancaneevarana. This is why we should value these inventions as they has reduced physical suffering of people temporarily, but after that the products get marked by Pal Horu and money makers with absolute Lobha, Moha in their minds.

  4. Dham Says:

    I am not a scholar of Abhidhamma. I don’t like to analyse as in Abhidhamma , it may become an addiction specially to Engineers and Mathematicians. Such analysis is not beneficial, simple understanding and penetrating wisdom in seeing suffering will be more beneficial.

    My above writing may have errors I made inadvertently , so please teach me if I am wrong. I have no intention to attack anybody but while I am here I will try to correct the knowledge, if possible.

  5. Dham Says:

    What is science ?
    Answer is not that easily found in Abhidhamma, Sutta or Vinaya. Need to interpret and reason out. This is where two persons may differ.

    Unlike religions, things keep on added to “scientific knowledge”. Nowadays there can be contradictory ideas as well, most discovering are not even proven and very “unscientific”. But when someone in the west make the discovery, it becomes universal very fast. This means there is western religious powers control science as well. It is not innocent as it used to be in the 18th century any more. Even in early days a lot of scientific discoveries made by the easterners may have been lost due to “killing field” approach of the west and even stolen the ideas. There is no real proof of “evolution” but most people accept these concepts ( based on some weird comparisons ) as science but beautiful breakdown of Chittas given in Abhidhama is not considered “scientific”.

    Anyway, whilst initial instantaneous discoveries are made by people with highly concentrated , Jhana like minds, when it reaches global level acceptance and publication it becomes highly commercial and most likely will get hijacked by evil people.
    Therefore, it is not even worthy of mentioning initial nobleness but the statement , “science is causing destruction of the mankind” than welfare is more and more becoming true.

  6. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    my dear Dham

    Your reply is typical of කොහෙද යන්නේ මල්ලෙ පොල්.type.

    You are reading the wrong page. You are reading the page that explains 121 categories of consciousness. (Citta චිත්ත) specifically sense-sphere beautiful cittas (consciousness)

    For example සොමනස්ස සහගත ඥාන සම්ප්රයුක්ත අසංකාරික සිත.is translated as Consciousness accompanied by joy, associated with knowledge unprompted.

    What is ඥාන සම්ප්රයුක්ත or associated with knowledge? That is knowledge comprehends things as they are (yathasabhavam). In the consciousness associated with knowledge, the word ( nana ඥාන) refers to the mental factor of wisdom (panna chaithasika ප්රඥ චෛතසික) which also represents the root non- delusion (amoha අමෝහ).
    Consciousness dissociated from knowledge (ඥාන විප්රයුක්ත) lacks this factor of wisdom, but it does not involve ignorance (avijja) or delusion ( moha මෝහ) which pertains only to unwholesome consciousness.)

    What I have mentioned in my previous note is about ප්රඥ චෛතසික the mental factor of wisdom (52nd mental factor) which is discussed in page 86. Please read it again

    By the way, this is the first time I have heard somebody can reach Jhana by concentrating of on when scientific inventions and discoveries are made. We all know there are only forty meditation subjects (කර්මස්ථාන සතළිස) through which the Preliminary development (පරිකර්ම භාවනාව – සියලු කමටහන්හි ම පරිකර්ම භාවනාව ලැබෙයි) occurs from the time one begins the practice of meditation up to the time the five hindrances are supressed and the counterpart sign (ප්රතිභාග නිමිත්ත ) emerges. Access Development (උපචාර සමාධිය – ප්රතිභාග නිමිත්ත පහළ වූ විට නීවරණයෝ යටපත් වෙත්. උපචාරසමාධිය ඇති වේ.)occurs when the five hindrances become supressed and the counterpart sign (ප්රතිභාග නිමිත්ත) emerges. It endures from the moment from the moment the counterpart sign (ප්රතිභාග නිමිත්ත) arises up to the change-of-lineage citta (gotrabhu) in the cognitive process culminating in jhana.

  7. Dham Says:

    Friend NMY,
    Thanks for pointing in the right direction.
    My book is in Sinhala it is an old book of 70s. But I suspect you are referring to the statement
    සිතින් දැනගන්නවාට වඩා හොඳින්, වඩා පිරිසිදු ලෙස​- වඩා ගැඹුරුලෙස අරමුණ දඤා ස්වභාවය ‘ප්‍රඥා චෛතසික’ය. එයට ‘අමෝහය​’යිද​, ‘විද්‍යාව​’ යයිද කියනු ලැබේ..
    In my book it is on page 101.
    However, what I have listed in the previous comment was an detailed application of the ‘ප්‍රඥා චෛතසිකය’ or , in other words, a classification of ‘thoughts’ that ‘ප්‍රඥා චෛතසිකය’ always associate with. Am I right ?

    Since you are referring to Thera’s that sentence, you are assuming විද්‍යාව = science, a translation done by someone in the recent past. Surely you can’t hang on to that.
    විද්‍යාව is surely opposite of ignorance or ‘wisdom’. But modern science has nothing to do with it.
    Modern science is not something that stops generation of Kamma. විද්‍යා in Pali is the knowledge which stops generation of kamma.

  8. Ananda-USA Says:


    Bravo! You have ably defended the compatibility between Buddhism and Science, and demolished the nonsense written here by irrational self-proclaimed experts in Buddhism who would have us reject all scientific advancements that immeasurably benefit humanity.

    Science, like all things, has the potential to be destructive if misused.

    Even innocuous things like food and drink are destructive if misused.

    Wisdom is the difference between beneficial use and misuse … and Buddhism is one way to to acquiring that wisdom essential to correctly use science as well as all other things in life.

    Science is the very embodiment of rational human thought and material progress, and is essential for allievating human misery.

    It is not the fault of science that we sometimes misuse science; it our own lack of wisdom that is beyond the scope of Science.

  9. Dham Says:

    Dear Friends,
    Let demolishers demolish ‘Moha’. That is good.
    Please don’t lie, liar is capable of any crime. I did not claim to be an expert of Buddhism. Only expert was Buddha.

    As per my friend NMY’s book ( one of the best books of Abhidhamma) ‘ප්‍රඥා චෛතසිකය’ = විද්‍යාව is only associate with කුසල් සිත් and විපාක සිත්. These ‘thoughts’ have nothing to do with modern science.

    However I have always maintained original discoveries may have been mostly made with purest form of minds.

  10. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Dear Dham

    Don’t expect the word science (විද්‍යාව) in Suthra Pitaka or Abhidhamma pitake. At the time of Buddha, there was no science.
    Only after Buddha the pre-Socratic philosopher Thales (640-546 BC), dubbed the “father of science”, was the first to postulate non-supernatural explanations for natural phenomena, for example, that land floats on water and that earthquakes are caused by the agitation of the water upon which the land floats, rather than the god Poseidon. Thales’ student Pythagoras of Samos founded the Pythagorean school, which investigated mathematics for its own sake, and was the first to postulate that the Earth is spherical in shape

  11. charithsls Says:

    Science was with the mankind from the time he was born & when he rubbed two stones together to get fire he used a scientific brain. Someone coined the word science to it later. If look at it from ‘Mano pubbangama dhamma — tao nam sukhamanveti,chayava anapayini’ so through your science (& good work) from a pure mind you make Kusala (neevarana) that prolongs your samsara.Someone objected to me fiercely earlier for writing the truth that ‘new inventions are made only through panchaneevarana’, probably thinking worldly discoveries are from ‘Marga Citta’! Buddhists should not get confused between what is the ultimate goal (if they desire) & the trappings & desires of the kamavachara world, the wordly happiness. So you can go on research science & ”advancements that benefit humanity” as one pointed out here, all looking to prolong samsara only.

  12. Dham Says:


    Is it by mistake you said “….so through your science (& good work) from a pure mind you make Kusala (neevarana)” ?

    Neevarana are Akusala චයිතසික not Kusala. As NMY correctly said “ …..ඥාන refers to the mental factor of wisdom (panna chaithasika ප්රඥ චෛතසික).
    Even if ඥාන is required for scientific discoveries, it means you need Kusala Cittas not Akusal CHittas arising by taking Akusal චයිතසික.
    Please come back with Sati.

  13. Dham Says:

    I did not for a moment think “worldly discoveries are from ‘Marga Citta’”. Where did I say that ? Why make up lies ?

    I only said “If no Panchanivarana, no new inventions.” is simply a ” Patta pal Boru” which is true.

    I can expand again- there may be some inventions ( not so great) with panchnevarana still there but high level inventions cannot be made with mind full of Neevarana which are Akusal චයිතසික.

    Such a statement is a constructive praise towards both Buddhism and Modern Science. So why so much anger towards my rejection of your false statement and make up lies to attack now.

    I repeatedly asked how on this earth Thinamidda ( or Laziness) could help new invention and received no answer.

  14. Ananda-USA Says:


    Since, in your view, scientific advancements only prolong samsara, you should avoid taking modern medicines and surgical procedures to prolong your life, avoid travelling in cars, buses, trains, ships and planes to ease your travel, and avoid all use of modern electrical devices in case they prolong your samsara.

    The VERY LEAST you can do is to avoid using computers and the Internet to blog here, lest it extends your samsaric journey!

    Can you see how idiotically untenable your position has become? REDUCTIO AD ABSURDUM!

    Don’t talk the talk, if you cannot walk the walk!

  15. Dham Says:

    you said Only after Buddha the pre-Socratic philosopher Thales (640-546 BC), dubbed the “father of science”, was the first to postulate non-supernatural explanations for natural phenomena, ….
    How about Budhdha’s of the past ? Buddha Kakusanda, Buddha Konagama etc. ? 1000000000 BC ?
    They to did excellent non-supernatural explanations.

  16. Ananda-USA Says:

    Without resorting to the existence of previous Buddhas, as Dham points out, I can say that some aspects of modern science does indeed pre-date the Gautama Buddha.

    For example, in classical Greece an atomic theory was taught, and our Lord Buddha who lived after that time, could well have become aware of the Greek theory.

    Having said that, I would venture that NMY was most probably referring to the Age of Modern Science which began in the Age of Renaissance in Europe.

  17. Ananda-USA Says:


    On second reading, NMY was not referring to the Age of Modern Science. My apologies.

  18. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Dear Dham others

    How about Buddhas of the past?

    It is very pertinent question at the right time of the discussion.

    Before I give my explanation, please read the Agganna Sutta in Digha Nikaya

    In this sutta, in reply to a brahamin Vasettha’s question, Buddha said
    ‘There comes a time, Vasettha, when, sooner or later after a long period, this world contracts. At a time of contraction, beings are mostly born in the Abhassara Brahma world. And there they dwell, mind-made, feeding on delight, self-luminous, moving through the air, glorious — and they stay like that for a very long time. But sooner or later, after a very long period, this world begins to expand again. At a time of expansion, the beings from the Abhassara Brahma world, [85] having passed away from there, are mostly reborn in this world. Here they dwell, mind-made, feeding on delight, selfluminous, moving through the air, glorious–and they stay like that for a very long time.

    11. ‘At that period, Vasettha, there was just one mass of water, and all was darkness, blinding darkness. Neither moon nor sun appeared, no constellations or stars appeared, night and day were not distinguished, nor months and fortnights, no years or seasons, and no male and female, beings being reckoned just as beings. And sooner or later, after a very long period of time, savoury earth spread itself over the waters where those beings were. It looked just like the skin that forms itself over hot milk as it cools. It was endowed with colour, smell and taste. It was the colour of fine ghee or butter, and it was very sweet, like pure wild honey.

    This can be considered as the first ever prediction of destruction of solar system with ultimate formation of black hole, and recreation of a planet, very much in agreement with the present day theory. (Google this for more information). This prediction was made by Buddha `during his life time 576BC to 486BC (Mahavamsa) immediately after Thales of Miletus (624BC to 546 BC)pre-Socratic Greek philosopher who introduced a theory that nature follows consistent principles that could be deciphered, So, began the long process of replacing the notion of reign of gods with the concept of universe that is governed by laws of nature.

    Since only 600 million years ago animals on earth had gone complex enough that their sensory and motor system needed to communicate with each other, it is quite possible that this concept of past Buddhas can easily be extended to multiple universe theory that now scientists have agreed upon.(For More details see The Grand Design by Prof Stephen Hawking)

    Isn’t it so fascinating that the Buddhist philosophy is so much in agreement with modern cosmology.

    As a retired engineer who has worked in London over 40 years with modern scientific developments, I strongly believe four levels of consciousness pertaining with the human mind, namely Sense-sphere cittas (consciousness) (කාමාවචර සිත් ),, Fine material sphere Cittas (consciousness) (රූපාවචර සිත්), immaterial sphere cittas(consciousness) (අරූපාවචර සිත්),, and Supermundane cittas(consciousness) (ලෝකෝතර සිත් ). And Supermundane component of cittas(consciousness) (ලෝකෝතර සිත් ).exists under non-local conditions outside space and time domain (outside Universe in singularity). Therefore it can exists without body and without five sensory organs replaced by more stronger mind(මනෝවිඤාණ) .

  19. Dham Says:

    Dear Friend NMY,
    I have few questions for you.

    1. Are there any Chittas other than mentioned in Abhidhamma ?

    2. A mathematician suspects a certain variable varies according to a certain new law and tries hard to derive it. Now he can almost see what he though was correct and is about to prove it. What is the Chitta he is at this time ?

  20. charithsls Says:

    Please mind ,we discuss Buddhism so do maintain a certain, Seela. This forum I assume is not to cross swords but to help each other in whatever way to learn Buddhism, be at least gentlemanly if have no Seela. I ‘m adding my two cent worth salt here but as laymen we all are fallible. What I see from most of you is you want to have the cake & eat it too. Analyse (if need with help) ‘ Mano pubbangama dhamma — tao nam sukhamanveti,chayava anapayini’ . what does it say, if you have a pure (pleasant) mind, you get good Kamma .What is this good Kamma for, is the question. What was illustrated both by the ox & shadow, is ‘a body’.So you will be born with a ‘body’ meaning in Kamawachara world. So what we have in Kamawachara world? Neevarana. So a pure & a pleasant mind( as somebody says doing good research & science) gives you a ‘body’ in next birth (kamawachara world).What is Kamawachara world, full of Neevarana. Can’t you put two together ,guys? Which Buddhist scholar says good kamma is devoid of Neevarana? See where you are wrong.
    And I do not understand what NMY is trying to imply by saying ‘living in London with modern scientific developments'(& implying living in London ,some sort of attainment’!).which, sorry to say, make me laugh.
    Has it helped him to develop ‘Sachiththe Pariyo dappanam’? It is more of a hindrance than a help to me. Do not try to combine science & Buddhism, they are a world apart. Buddha said not to look at world from outside, cosmology, modern science where will those take you?.Science ,degrees & what we ‘ve learnt & gained in this world are based on reasoning & debate, that is NOT for Buddhism, please learn. And again see , the narrow minded arguments, Ananda asking me not to use cars,internets , mobiles. We talk of Buddhism, isn’t it in an intelligent way. Of course what do you my Buddhist fellows want me to do, if I decided to end this samsara in this Bava, itself? To play with those or leave all the worldly affairs & the lay life. Sure I’ve to do Ananda, if I’m fortunate enough, haven’t you seen these white monks donning the yellow garb putting we self claimed Buddhists to shame playing with science & internets

  21. Dham Says:

    After telling lies you can’t ask others for Seela friend.

    You are greatly mistaken friend. If Kamavachra satvas only can access Neevarana then we are hopeless and no Buddhas can arise in kamavacara worlds.
    Yes, both good kamma and bad kamma lengthen the Samsara, agree.
    But good kamma is generated by good thoughts ( your famous mano Pubbangama), not neevarana.
    Don’t go after Buddhist scholars like Fran Diaz. Look at Dhamma.
    First calm down and don’t start by suspecting people.

    No matter what thoughts we accessed ( for example third jhana) in our lives, if we follow the habit and die with neevarana we may even go to Appaya friend. Jhanas are not permanent, unless you are a dedicated practitioner accessing it most of the time ( like Arala kalama)- no guarantee. They are still LOKA not LOKOTHTHARA.
    From 1st jahna , if you access Sothapanna marga , then you will get PALA and will be a guarantee of not going to Apaaya , yet you have neevarana , not because you are in kamavachara world because you haven’t destroyed all the Sangyojanas.

    Budu Saranai

  22. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Modern Agganna Sutta – When Will Time End?


    The answer to this question may depend on whether Stephen Hawking was right in his theory that describes how black holes shed mass and eventually decay.

    Those who limit their knowledge of Buddhism to Pancha Neevaran, can ignore this and laugh it out.

  23. Dham Says:

    Mr. Politician donates 1 million ( stolen money) to a poor man out of compassion. At the time of ‘thought of donation’ he has transcended from Neevarana to a good thought , compassion , a Bhrama Vihara just for a instant, without Neevarana. He made good kamma but it’s Vipaka depends on purity of thoughts and purity of receiver. I am sure you know all these.

  24. Dham Says:

    I will see it later. Please answer to Charith to help him.

  25. charithsls Says:

    Dham, will you mind, I don’t tell lies here, do not accuse in such a way. It is my opinion, as a layman, which may be different to yours & others but be correct in your wording. I do not quite get what is your issue, you say things I’ve not intended here. You say good Kamma is generated by good thoughts. What I’m trying to say is good thoughts are not ‘good’ enough for us to end samsara because they do lead to a life in the Kamawachara world. If you agree with it,well & good. Just as a help , if you are looking to achieve above Kamachara world, go above good thoughts ( because good thoughts / good kamma can give you only a ‘body’), you need to follow ‘Sachiththa Pario Dappanam’ please follow that., so beings in the Kamawachara world can gain Marga Pala through it.thanks mate.

  26. Dham Says:

    I am up to the neck but will answer you right now.
    You once said,
    “Someone objected to me fiercely earlier for writing the truth that ‘new inventions are made only through panchaneevarana’, probably thinking worldly discoveries are from ‘Marga Citta’! ” which is not true, as I did not say that and you made it up.
    You must read my replies fully without Neevarana ( vyapada). All answers are there.

    Yes , good thoughts ONLY are not enough to end Smasara. But if you can hold on to good thoughts for rest of your life, you MAY end samsara ( karaneeya metta sutta).
    ‘Sachiththa Pario Dappanam’ is a profound statement. Follow it – it means exactly that.
    ‘Asokam Virajam Khemam’ describes the Arahant – very powerful 3 words.

    Remember nothing is permanent. If you follow abhidamma ( I am not very conversant) try and answer my two questions to NMYoda.

    We are not constantly indulging in Neevarana. I suspect, even by taking drugs you may access tranquillity or non-kamavachara thoughts but very dangerous because you have no capacity ( Seela) to enjoy pure happy moments without indulging in Neevarana.

  27. Ananda-USA Says:


    Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you, but wanted only to demonstrate … albeit in a very narrow way … the logical end result of your point of view that we should reject all the good things that science makes possible, because it allegedly extends our samsaric journey.

    What I, and also NMY I think, are saying is the Buddhism does not contradict Science. We also acknowledge that Buddhism has a far greater scope than Science, and deals with wisdom that is beyond the scope of Science.

    No matter how skilled and knowledgeable we are about Science, if we misuse Science we will hurt ourselves and those aroumd us. That is where the wisdom of Buddhism can help.

  28. Ananda-USA Says:


    You reminded me of something that has been bothering for sometime and is beginning to do so more and more.

    I retired early to commit myself to charitable causes and helping Sri Lanka prosper, to meditation, and even to entering the priesthood.

    I have been involved in patriotic causes and related charitable work all my life. But, when I see Sri Lanka falling again into danger I get drawn deeper and deeper into protecting it …. no doubt extending my samsaric journey.

    I had written previously about the DUALITY of the personality of the Sinhala Buddhist; one personality is that of the Sinhala Warrior dedicated to protecting our people and our motherland, and the other is that of the Buddhist Upasakaya dedicated to ending his samsaric journey. I admit that I am by nature more of the former than the latter, but appreciate the balance each personality provides to make me a better human being.

    But I worry, the more I care about Sri Lanka the further I get away from ending my samsaric journey, because I don’t see how Sri Lanka and it’s Buddhist Upasakaya protected by abjectly surrendering to our enemies. Would not caring about my beloved people and country be the solution for me?

    I refuse to believe that.

    There was a poem called ABOU BEN ADAM that I learned as a child, that made a great impression on me. The gist of that poem was that even God loves more those who love his children than those who love him. In other words, it is more meritorious to care about the fate of others than to care about the fate of oneself.

    This is why I devote more of my time to charitable and patriotic activities than to Buddhist meditation ….. something that some of my sisters dedicated to meditation severely criticized me for.

  29. NeelaMahaYoda Says:


    As far as I know there is no other Chittas other than mentioned in Abhidhamma However, the Bavanga citta that carries your Karmic information from one birth to other through Cuti citta and pratisandi cittas are not explained under the section of cittas. Similarly Cittas associated with the stream-enterer සෝවාන්, once returner සකදාගාමී, on-returner අනාගාමී and the Arahat අර්හත් have been discussed under the analysis of Individuals (puggalabheda)

    Reference your question No 2, if the mathematician’s intention චේතනා is neutral and if there is no greed associated with his finding, his consciousness during his thought can be classified as mind-door adverting consciousness under rootless functional consciousness of sense-sphere consciousness.

    I like to point out here that Sutta pitaka contains more than 10,000 Suttas (teachings) attributed to the Buddha or his close companions, it will be extremely difficult for someone to learn Buddhism without learning Abhidhamma..

    Abhidhamma is the essence of Buddhism explained in a systematic manner to ensure easy understanding of Buddhism, though, in order to realization of dhamma one can only be achieved it through practicing insight meditation (Vipassana bhavana).

    Please note that it is highly unlike that an average person to enter the state of stream-enterer සෝවාන් from 1st Jhana in the fine material sphere consciousness where you achieve only a wholesome consciousness together with initial application vitakka, sustained application vichara, zest piti, happiness sukh and one-pointedness ekkagata.

  30. Dham Says:

    ඉංජිනේරුවෝ තර් ක කරන්න දනිති. ඔබ මෙසේ කීවේය​.
    මුළු මහත් ලෝකයම තව තවත් ලෞකිකත්වයටම බර කරන වින්දනයටම පොළඹවන යමක් ඇත්ද ඒ සියල්ල නිවන ඈත් කරය් මේ සරල කරුණ …..

    සම්පූර්ණ ඇත්තයි.

    නවීන විද්‍යාව පමණක් නොව, අනිත් හැම දෙයක්ම සසර දිගු කරන්නේ නැද්ද ? එසේ නම් විද්‍යාවට පමණක් බැනීම “රජතුමා කොටියාට තෑගි දෙනකොට හොඳයි කියා ගමරාල එසේ කරනකොට නරකයි” කියනවා වැනිය​. ඒ දෙකම නරකයි කියා නොබියව කිව යුතුය​.

    වැඩියෙන්ම සසර දිගු කරන දේ ලිංගික ආශාවය​. බුදුරජුන් භික්‍ෂූන්ට එයින් වැලකීම අතයවශ්‍ය කල සේක​. ඊලඟ නරකම දෙය ආහාරවලට ආශාවය​. ( මේ සැම දෙයක්ම ආහාරය​). එහෙත් බඩගින්න නිවා ගැනීමට අවශ්‍යය​. ආහාර ගන්නාවිට තමන් ගේ එකම දරුවා කුසගින්නට මරා කනවා සේ සලකන්නයි භික්‍ෂූන්ට නියම කළ සේක​.
    බුදුරජුන් මෙසා උපදෙස් දී ඇති කොට නවීන විද්‍යාවට පමණක් බනින්නේ මෝඩ කමට නොවේ ද ?

  31. Dilrook Says:

    I fully agree with Ananda’s last comment. This is a constant dilemma one has to face.

    A balance must be achieved between the two. Not necessarily 50% midpoint but somewhere both can coexist in the individual. Like science, patriotism does not border fully with Buddhism (or any other religion, philosophy or morality). They are not contradictory at all times either. The midpoint one chooses is his/her sole decision and cannot be faulted by anyone. Although following the Buddhist, etc. path doesn’t contradict personal and patriotic fulfilment, contradictory action cannot be ruled out at times.

    There is another complication. It is legality which is often contradictory to morality.

    Facing legal issues, it is extremely important for Sri Lanka and others to abide by legal obligations around defence. But the bad guys don’t have to. This creates an additional dilemma. When faced with national security, morality (and religion) and legal restrictions, least concern must be given to religion/morality. Highest focus should go to national security closely followed by the war crimes law. Sadly this clarity is not there among most Sri Lankans who wrongly believe war crimes law is the same as morality/religion and that will ensure peace. The three are contradictory at times as they focus on three different ends.

  32. Dham Says:

    Agree with you mostly.
    About the mathematician, can you give me the pali or sinhala name of the chitta you mentioned by “mind-door adverting consciousness under rootless functional consciousness of sense-sphere consciousness.” please.

  33. Dham Says:

    At a personal level, your sisters are right.
    Will the ‘help’ really help them in an absolute way ( in Buddhist way ) ? It is very hard to judge.
    Sabba Daanam Dhamma daanam Jinathi Budhdha said. Why ?
    It is your choice.
    If all the good soldiers chose to become monks ? LTTE would l dance Kaavadi around the whole of Sri Lanka.
    This is why I am saying those soldiers not only sacrifices one life each but millions of lives.

  34. Dham Says:

    Rerukane Thero says “කමාවචර සිත්වලට ශක්තිය ඇත්තේ අරමුණ යන්තමට දැනගැනීමටය​. අරමුණ හඳින් දැනගතහැකි ශක්තිය ඇත්තේ ධ්‍යාන සිත් වලටය​.

    Does this confirm extreme scientists and mathematicians need to access ධ්‍යාන සිත් in order to invent “extreme” facts which may not belong to “kama” worlds ? Good examples are theory of relativity, black hole theories ( which are based on worldly observations) and beyond.

  35. Charles Says:


    It was interesting that your article opened into an interesting Dhamma Sakacca. But I was sad to see how unfortunate that we cannot even discuss Dhamma, calmly, patiently, politely and with respect amoung participants , without showing off that one’s point of view is better than that of the other.

  36. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Very good question.
    First let me give you the Sinhala translation of the Consciousness I mentioned earlier. It is
    කාමාවචර අහේතුක ක්‍රියා සිතෙන් ඇතිවන මනෝද්වාරජ්ජන සිත. මෙයින් පසු මනෝ විඤානයක්ද ඇතිවේ

  37. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    You said Rerukane Thero says “කමාවචර සිත්වලට ශක්තිය ඇත්තේ අරමුණ යන්තමට දැනගැනීමටය. අරමුණ හඳින් දැනගතහැකි ශක්තිය ඇත්තේ ධ්‍යාන සිත් වලටය.

    This is very true.

    First of all you should understand the difference between consciousness referred in the Western literature and that referred in Buddhist philosophy. The consciousness referred in the Western literature denotes consciousness as a continuous phenomenon in the mind while Buddhist interpretation depicts it as an instantaneous and pulsating phenomena. As explained in the Compendium of the cognitive process (චිත්ත වීථි) of the Abhidhamma, it arises instantly cognizing an object (ආරම්මන ) at the sense doors or the mind door, sustained for a fraction of a second and ceases it in a dynamic process. But they do not occur at random or in isolation, but as phases in a series of discrete cognitive events leading one to other in a regular and uniform order in accordance with natural law called cittaniyama (චිත්ත නියාම).

    For an untrained mind (Sense-sphere citta කමාවචර සිත්වලට), it is quite natural that your mind can wonder around rapidly changing your object (ආරම්මන )of cognition to any one of the other sense doors or to your mind door (day dreaming)at any given time. Only those who have practised concentration meditation (සමාදි ) and achieved Jhana (ධ්‍යාන) can concentrate on a single object for long time (one pointedness ඒකග්ගතාව) . That is why meditation is necessary for realisation of dhamma.

  38. Senevirath Says:

    ධම් ——-බටහිර නවීන විද්‍යාවට පමණක් ””බැ න්නේ නැහැ ”’බුදුහිමි දෙසු අයුරින් ඇති අනෙක් තිරස්චීන විද්‍යාවන් මෙන්ම නවීන බටහිර විද්‍යාව ද නිවන් මගට භාදාවන් බව කිව්වා පමනය්
    හැබය් නැටුම් ගැයුම් නක්ෂස්ත්‍රය වැනි දේට වඩා නවීන බටහිර විද්‍යාව ලෝක ආධිපත්‍යයක් පවත්වාගෙන යමින් එය මිනිසාට නැතිවම බැරි දෙයක් ලෙස සලකවන්නට කටයුතු කරන නිසා එය ගැන විශේෂයෙන් කියනවා . චින්චිමානවිකාවට වඩා දෙව්දත් භයානකය් බුදුහිමි මරන්නට ගලුත් පෙරලන නිසා අද හාමුදුරුවරුත් නවීන විද්‍යාත්මක භාණ්ඩවලින් මුසපත්වෙලා හැම බෞධ්ධයටම වාගේ අවශ්‍ය විද්‍යාව ඉගෙන ”ලොකු මිනිහෙක් ”’ වෙන්න හොඳ මිනිහෙක් ”’ වෙන්න න්වෙය් .. චරිත කියන්නෙත් එකය් . නක්ෂස්ත්‍රය ට සමහර බෞධ්ධයොත් හිනාවෙනවා පිළිගන්නෙත් නැහැ නමුත් බටහිරවිද්‍යාව අපව කොපමණ කාමයට පෙලම්බෙව්වත් එහි ආධිපත්‍යය අපව යටකරගෙන ඉන්නවා කමතිවුනත් නැතිවුනත් රැකියා සඳහා එය අවශ්‍ය කර තියනවා ඉංග්‍රීසි භාෂාව වාගේ ලෝකය යටත් කරගත්ත උන් තමන්ගේ භාෂාව ජාත්‍යන්තරකරණය කළා නැතුව බැරි කළා දැන් සේරම එකට යටවෙලා එනිසය් බටහිර විද්‍යාව ගැන විශේෂයෙන් කියන්නේ
    මේවනතෙක් කවුරුවත් කියල නැහැ තිරශ්චීන විද්යාවලින් ප්‍රයෝජන ගන්න බහ කියල ප්‍රභා ආයුධ වලින් ප්‍රයෝජන ගත හැටි අපි දන්නවා මයිත්‍රී ජනතාව ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කල අයගෙන් ද ප්‍රයෝජන ගන්නවා”””’ ජනතාවට සේවය කරන්න ”””’
    ඉතින් ධම්මැදහත් ඔබට මෙය තෙරු ගත හැකිය නේද
    චාල්ස් ඔබට පින්

  39. Dham Says:

    Thanks for the good explanation.
    You did not answer the 2nd part of the question, even though you tried to answer indirectly.

    Here the training is entirely independent of religion, because it is samatha practice, practicing to keep focus on one point. If you think carefully, even a computer programmer has to do this in the process of work. I have actually experienced it. You go into an absorption. That “training” is therefore provided for the scientist, engineer or mathematician.
    With the trained mind, possibly in the first jhana, therefore very advance inventions may be made which isn’t possible by untrained person.
    This is the very reason to my thinking ( suspicion). I too am a long-time meditator ( even though I don’t do it on a daily basis) and will experiment this.

  40. Dham Says:

    මෙතන සාකච්ඡා කල හැමදෙනාම පිලිගත් දෙයක් තමයි නවීන විද්‍යාව සසර දිගුකිරීමට මෝඩ මිනිසුන් විසින් යොදාගත හැකි බව​. වැරැද්ද තියෙන්නේ අරමුණේ නොවෙයි, අප ලඟයි.
    තරුණ හාමුදුරුවරුන් තරුණ ගැහැනුන්ට වැරැද්ද කියා වැඩක් නැත​. උත්සාහයෙන් ඉදිරියට යෑම අවශ්‍යයි.

    බටහිරයින් ගේ උපක්‍රම දනිමි. ඒ ගැන අප දෙපල 100% එකඟයි. නලින් ගේ උත්සාහය ගැනත් එසේමයි. එහෙත් සමහරු ඔහුට කැමති නැත්තේ අර කතාව නිසාය​. මට එය වැදගත් නැත​.
    තව එක් රසහක් කියමි. නිසලව සිටිනවිට බුදුදහම හැරෙන්නට මා ඉගෙනගත් දෙයක් නැතැයි සිතේ. අපේ රස්සාවලට මහලොකු දේවල් සේ අපි කරන්නේ සුලු වැඩය්. බැලුවොත් නම් ලෝකයේම කෙනෙක් ලෙස අපටම වංචාකරගෙන් ඇතිබවක් වැටහේ. අනවජ්ජ සුඛයෙන් කල්ගෙවමි.

    ඔබට පින්.

  41. Senevirath Says:

    NMY u have a good knowledge u r another” DHARMASIRI ”’MAY BE A ”’SINGHE ””’. I AM NOT THAT GOOD IN ABHIDHAMMA

  42. Dham Says:

    Sorry I missed one of your replies.

    You said “කාමාවචර අහේතුක ක්‍රියා සිතෙන් ඇතිවන මනෝද්වාරජ්ජන සිත”.
    Actually “උපේක්‍ෂා සහගත​” in front ( you said this in English version). As this is a ක්‍රියා සිත​ it does not make kamma and that make sense too.
    However, in the example , as he is getting the answer he wanted, it cannot be “උපේක්‍ෂා සහගත” , I would have thought, as surely he is happy or “පීති” is there too. Have to think about this.

  43. Christie Says:

    බොදු ගිහියෙකුට ඔය පැවිද්දන්ට තියෙන බනෙන් වැඩක් නැහැ.

    හේතු පල දර්මයයි මැදපිලිවෙතයි හොඳටම ඇති.

    කාල බීල ජොලියක්දාල අනුන්ට කරදරයක් නැතුව කරදර කරන් උන්ට කෙලල ඉන්න එක තමයි ගිහි මට තියෙන්නෙ.

  44. NeelaMahaYoda Says:


    I agree I missed “උපේක්ෂා සහගත” which should be in front.

    When he is happy, it may be due to immediately following consciousness which is a sense sphere wholesome consciousness accompanied by joy, associated with knowledge and prompted සෝමනස්ස සහගත ඤාන සම්ප්‍රයුක්ත සසන්ස්කාරික සිත.

    Please note that training your mind during normal working time is also possible though it may not be as effective as Samatha Meditation.
    That is why meditation teachers are always recommending you to be mindful and always ask you to be concentrated on what you do. And also this is exactly what you do during walking meditation and working meditation.

  45. Senevirath Says:

    ක්‍රිස්ටි කාලබීල ජොලියක් දාල ඉන්න තමුන්ට කෙලින උන්ට කෙලින එක ලොකුමදේ හැටියට සලකන කෙනෙක් බොදු ගිහියෙක් නොවෙය ඕක තමය බටහිරයන්ට ඕනෙවුනේ අපව ඒ විදිහට සකස් කරන්න මංගල සුත්‍රයේ හා පරාභව ස්ථරයේ කරුණු වත් නොපිළිගන්නා ය බුදු දහම ගැන කතා නොකර ‘අහිකුන්ටික කණ්ඩායමේ ඔයේ ඔජායේ හා දුන් නේ කිස් එකය් අසමින් ගයමින් සිටිය නම් හොඳය

  46. Christie Says:

    සෙනෙවි සැලලිහිනි සන්ඳේසය ලියල තියෙන්නෙ බටහිරයො එන්න ඉස්සර.

    අපේ ජාතකය දැනගන්න නම් එය කියවා වටහාගන්න. අපි කවුද කියා තේරුම් ගන්න

    පස්සෙ බනතලමු. .

  47. Senevirath Says:

    ක්‍රිස්ටි සද්ධර්මාලංකාරය ධර්මප්‍රදීපිකාව ලෝවැඩ සඟරාව සුභාෂිතය වැනි සියගණනක් පොත් මේවාට පිලිතුරුදෙය් වීදාගම හිමියෝ තිරස්චීන සාස්තර වලට පිළිතුරුදී ඇත . මාඝාත නීතිය වෙන කොහෙද ඇත්තේ මීටපෙරත් ඒ ගැන මම ඇසුවෙමි එම නීතියෙන් අදහස් වෙන්නේ කුමක්ද . ”ඔය ගෙරිමස් කන බල්ලා අල්ලා බැඳ දමවූ ”’යනුවෙන් රාජසිංහ රජ්ජුරුවෝ කිව්වේ කාවනි අයටද .
    සමස්තය අමතක කර බුදුසසුනේ සිටි දෙව්දත් වැනි අතරින් පතර චරිත ගෙන සිංහල බෞද්ධයන්ට මඩගහන්න එපා 1505 පස්සේ නම් ඔබ කියන ය වැඩිවුනා තමය . රාහුල හිමි කාව්‍යක් කාරයෙක් මළ සිරුරවත් කුණුවීම වලක්වන්න හදපු කෙනෙක් සිවුරේ හිටපු රසකාමියෙක්

  48. Christie Says:

    බලසේනානයක සපු කුමරු එන

    මේ සෑලිලිහිනි සන්ඳේසයෙන් කවියක්.

    ඉන්දියානු ගැතියන්ට රාහුල හිමි කදුරු තමයි.

  49. Senevirath Says:

    ඉන්දියානු වන මෙන් දෙවියන් පස්සේ ගියේ රාහුල හිමියන් බුදුගුනාලන්කාරය ලියන්න සිදුවුනෙත් එනිසය් එහෙත් රසකාමී රාහුල හිමි කාටවත් වහකදුරු නොවෙය ජාතික වස්තුවක් ලෞකික පැත්තෙන්

  50. Christie Says:

    සෙනෙවි රාහුල හාමුදුරුවෝ එදා මිනිසුන් ජීවත් වූ හැටිත් ඉතිහාසයත් තමයි ලියල තියෙන්නෙ.
    ඉන්දියානුවන් පත්කල බන්ඩ සැලලිහිනි සන්ඳෙසය පාසැල්වලින් අයින්කලේ.
    ඉන්දියානු පරපෝසිතයො යාපනේ උන්ගෙ රටක් තිබුන කියන්නෙ ඒකනේ. චන්දිරික රසකාමියෙක්ද?

  51. Senevirath Says:

    බණ්ඩා ඉන්දියාවෙන් පත්කලා කීම සිංහල බෞද්ධ ව්‍යාපාරයට කරන නිගරුවක් ඒ ජා පෙ 8 ට බැස්සුවේ සිංහල බෞද්ධයෝ සිංහලෙන් ඉගැන්නුවාට තරහටද ඕන එකටය් එපාඑකටය් බණ්ඩා ඇදගන්නේ රටක් හැදු ගොඩනැගු මිනිසුන්ට තමන්ගේ භාෂාවෙන් කටයුතු කරන්න නිදහාස අරගෙන දීම පරයින්ගෙන් සිංහලයන් බෙරාදීමක් . ඉන්දියානුවන් පැන්නුවේ නැති එක වරදක් තමය එය කරන්න තිබුනේ නිදහස ගත වහාම ඩී එස් විසින් රන්පවුම් වතු ගත්ත ගමන් ඉන්දියටත් විරුද්ධ වුනානම් මීට ඉස්සරම එයා වලපල්ලේ 1942 දීත් ජේ ආර් කිව්වේ ලංකාව ඉන්දියාවේ ප්‍රාන්තයක් විය යුතුය් කියලනේ ඇතුලෙත් පිටත් බැන්දට හිටි හතුරෝ නිමක් නැහැ .මහින්ද ප්‍රභා මරා අපට නිදහස දුන්න එකය් බැඳ භාෂා නිදහස දුන්න එකය් වටිනාම වස්තුන් දෙකක්

  52. Christie Says:

    ඉන්දියානු අදිරදයත් ඉන්දියානු පරපෝසිතයනුත් ගරු බන්ඩාරනයක මැති තුමා ලවා අපිට සින්හල කැව්ව. නමුත් බන්ඩරනායක මැතිතුමා එයාගෙ ලමයින්ට ඉන්ග්‍රිසි කැව්ව. අපිටත් දිගටම් ඉන්ග්‍රිසි ඉගෙනගන්න ලැබුනනම් අපේ කාන්තාවො මැද පෙරදිග වහල් සේවයට යන්නෙ නැහැ. ඉන්ග්‍රිසියෙන් ඉගෙන ගත්ත කියල මව් බස අමතක වෙන්නෙ නැහ. ඩී එස් ඉන්දියානු පරපෝසිතයන්ට චන්දබලය නැතිකර සින්හල ජනපද ඇතිකර සින්හල ජනතාව නගාසිටවන්න කටයුතු කලා. පරබාකරන් ඉන්දියානු අදිරදයේ ත්‍රස්තයෙකි. ඉන්දියානු අදිරදය රාජපක්ස පවුල නැතිකරන්න හදන්නේ ඒකයි.

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