යුද අපරාධ වලට දඬුවම් දෙනවා…!!!චන්ද්‍රිකා කොටියාට සහතික දෙයි….!!!
Posted on August 16th, 2016


දේශ ද්‍රෝහි පාදඩ යහපාලකයන්ගේ අතුරුදහන් වූවන් පිළිබඳ කාර්යාලය පිහිටුවීමේ පනත බලෙන් සම්මත කර ගැනිමෙන් පැය විසිහතරක් යන්නට මත්තේන් යහපාලනයේ පට්ටන්දරී හෙවත්  වලත්ත කමේ ලගීන බෙදුම්වාදී ඉත්තා වන හිටපු ජනාධිපතිනී චන්ද්‍රිකා කුමාරතුංග බණ්ඩාරනායක (ජාතකය ෂුවර් නැත ) යුද අපරාධ වලට වගකිව යුත්තන්ට දඬුවම් පමුණුවා යුක්තිය ඉටු කරවා ගැනීම යුද පීඩිතයන්ගේ අපේක්ෂාව වන බවත් එ සදහා යහපාලනය පෙනී සිටින බවත් කොටි ත්‍රස්තවාදීන්ගේ රූකඩ උතුරේ මහ ඇමති සි.වි විග්නේෂ්වරන් වේදිකාව මත හිදවාගෙන ප්‍රකාශ කර සිටියා. 

හිටපු ජනාධිපතිනිය ප්‍රකාශ කළේ ජාතික සමගිය සහ සංහිඳියා කාර්යාලයේ මෙහෙයවීමෙන් යාපනය දිස්ත්‍රික්කයේ දකුණු වෙලනායි ප්‍රාදේශීය ල්කම් කාර්යාලයේ පැවති වැඩසටහනකට සහභාගි වූවන් අමතමිනි.
වැඩිම වැරදි කරපු අයට එරෙහිව නීත්‍යානුකුල කටයුතු කරන්න විශේෂ නීතිමය වැඩ පිළිවෙලක් ආරම්භ කරන්න රජය කටයුතු කරනවා,”
වීඩියෝ සහිතයි

සි.වි විග්නේෂ්වරන් මේ රට අවුරුදු දහයක් පාලනය කළ තැනැත්තිය හැටියට මේ අඩුපාඩුව මග හරවා ගන්නට කළ යුතු දේ ඔබ දැන සිටිය යුතුයි. ජාත්‍යන්තර විනිශ්චයකාර වරුන් සහ අභිචෝදකයන්ගේ දායකත්වයත් අපේ ව්‍යවස්ථාවට ජාත්‍යන්තර යුද අපරාධ නීතිය ඇතුල් කිරීමත් සඳහා පියවර ගැනීම සහතික කිරීමට ඇය වග බලාගත යුතුයි. එසේ නොකර අපේ ජනතාවට ආර්ථික ලාබ සලසා දීම ඔවුන් සල්ලි වලට මිලදී ගන්න හදනවා වගේ වැඩක්,”

පහතින්  දැක්වෙන ලින්ක් එකට ගොස් චන්ද්‍රිකා කියන කතා අහන්න


6 Responses to “යුද අපරාධ වලට දඬුවම් දෙනවා…!!!චන්ද්‍රිකා කොටියාට සහතික දෙයි….!!!”

  1. Christie Says:

    Madam Kumaranatunga is an Indian Peon like her father SWRD Bandaranayake. India used Bandaranayake to destroy the Sinhalese people. Indian imperialists used nonviolent means to achieve it.

  2. Hiranthe Says:

    Betraying Mother Lanka is a punishable act.

    This woman is full of venom and will end up losing her other eye also. She already lost one – thanks to Velu on that matter…

  3. plumblossom Says:

    Mr. Udaya Gammanpila Sir,

    All patriotic people in this country highly commend you for taking this legal action against the treacherous CBK (Chaura Rejina). the Chaura Rejina has stated in Jaffna that the new constitution will definitely devolve even more power to the Provincial Councils. Is CBK the private owner of this 2600 years old country? What right has she to decide if more power should be devolved to the Provincial councils definitely? This means the mew constitution has already been decided by the treacherous Ranil, Sirisena, CBK and Mangala in advance?

    Please I urge any patriotic Sri Lankan citizen to take legal action against CBK or Chaura Rejina since she has no business making such a statement since the contents of the constitution should be decided by all the people of Sri Lanka. We all know that the vast majority of Sinhala people do not want any more powers to be given to provincial councils. This decision must stand and should be the case in any future constitution since this is wish of the majority of people of this country.

  4. plumblossom Says:

    When looking at Sri Lanka’s history, it is extremely obvious that from 600BC to around 1400AD there were three kingdoms, all Sinhala Buddhist, Ruhuna, Pihiti or Rajarata and Maya or Malayarata. Rajarata encompassed today’s North Central, North Western, Northern and even the Central Province. Ruhunu rata encompassed today’s Uva, Eastern and Southern Provinces. The Kandyan Kingdom from 1400AD encompassed most of the island inclusive of today’s Northern and the Eastern Provinces except for the Jaffna Peninsula. Even the Jaffna Peninsula was invaded and occupied by force by Aryachakravarthi (Pandyan) and actually did belong to Rajarata earlier and later the Kandyan Kingdom.

    Today’s provincial boundaries were drawn up by the British colonialists as per their divide and rule policy and the Sinhala people were not consulted when drawing up these provincial boundaries. In the meantime, most Sri Lankan Tamils of today were actually brought over during Dutch and British times to the Jaffna Peninsula and elsewhere to work on tobacco and indigo plantations which were planted extensively in all the colonies since they were much sought after and made a lot of money for the colonialists. Therefore they are recent arrivals and cannot claim homelands or separate states whatsoever.

    The usual practice when a colonial power hands over their former colonies is to hand it over to its original owners. Therefore the British colonialists should hand over the Kandyan Kingdom to the Kandyan Sinhalese from whom they took it by force. Since the Kandyan Kingdom encompassed the North and the East, these provinces too should be handed over to the Kandyan Sinhalese who are its rightful owners. Even the Jaffna Peninsula should be handed over to the Kandyan Sinhalese since it was part of Rajarata and was forcefully occupied by Aryachakravarthi (Pandyan).

    Since this has now been done already, the TNA and other separatist terrorists or the US, UK EU, Canada, Norway, Sweden and India cannot demand that present day Northern or even the Eastern provinces be provided any more powers or be made into federal states since this is totally going against the history and archaeology of the island and totally going against the rights of the Sinhala people who also have fundamental rights to claim the entire island inclusive of the North and the East as their homeland first and foremost. Therefore, the TNA , the separatist terrorists, the US, UK, Norway, Sweden, Canada and India has to respect the history and archaeology of the island and accept that the present day provincial councils are more than sufficient to run the affairs of the provinces. Sri Lanka must be a unitary state and no more powers should be provided to the provincial councils. In fact, when talking about the 13th amendment, the concurrent list subjects must be included in the national list. The provision where two provinces can merge should be deleted. The bogus claim of the North and the East being the homeland of the Tamil speaking people should be deleted. The entire island should be declared the homeland of all its peoples.

    Sinhala people should be resettled in the North in quite a large number if there is to be peace and harmony within the island since Sinhala people have every historical right to live in the North as well as the East. It is only due to ethnic cleansing of the North of Sinhala people by the LTTE and the other separatists that Sinhala people are not at present living in the North. Many thousands of landless elsewhere in the island especially Sinhala people should be provided land in the North since most of the vacant land in the country is in the North and in the East since both these provinces encompass over 28% of the land area of the island. Then only will there be peace since when people mix, there is more harmony. This is the only way towards peace and development in the island.

  5. plumblossom Says:

    Mr. Udaya Gammanpila Sir,

    Apart from highly commending you for taking legal action against the treacherous CBK (Chaura Rejina) regarding the defamatory and utter lies she keeps repeating to defame her rivals, legal action should be taken against her for stating that she will definitely devolve more powers to provincial Councils within the new constitution. Does this evil woman CBK think she owns Sri Lanka and that she is the one who is going to draw up the new constitution of Sri Lanka (according to the wishes of the imperialistic US, UK, EU, Canada, Norway, Sweden, India, the racist TNA and the separatist terrorists)? The constitution of Sri Lanka should satisfy first and foremost the majority of people of this island i.e. the Sinhala people and the Sinhala people firstly do not want to draw up a new constitution nor do they want any more powers whatsoever be provided to the provincial councils.

    Someone has to go to the supreme court and take action against treacherous CBK for suggesting that she will definitely devolve more powers to provincial councils within the yet to be drawn up constitution since this means the treacherous Ranil, Sirisena, CBK and Mangala have already drawn up a constitution to satisfy the imperialistic US, UK, EU, Canada, Norway, Sweden, India, the racist TNA and the separatist terrorists which is illegal.

    Beyond this, this yahapalanaya government, CBK, Sirisena, the JVP, the JHU, Sarath Fonseka and the like are extremely corrupt and are enjoying perks such as Pajeros, official vehicles, official residences, Rs.200 lakhs loans, doing deals such as renting buildings for example to house the agricultural ministry at very high rents, the bond scam, paying supporters very high salaries and hiring them as ‘consultants’ who are not really consultants such as at the RDA, the rice mafia of Sirisena brother making massive amounts of money at the expense of poor rice farmers, the coal deals of Champika making yet more massive amounts of money, all these corrupt deals are being done and the country is being betrayed in this way by collecting the required two thirds majority in parliament to ensure that treacherous acts such as the missing persons act are approved by parliament.

    All the while valuable infrastructure that should be marketed all over the world such as the Mattala Airport was used for storing rice rather than enticing airlines all over the world to use this airport or at least divert half the airplanes which use Katunayake to Mattala, especially tourist planes.

  6. plumblossom Says:

    In the missing persons act, a relative or a friend can make an official complaint to the OMP by e-mail the whereabouts of their relative or friend. There are over 8 lakhs to 10 lakhs Tamil diaspora asylum seekers (actually economic migrants), a majority of whom support the separatist terrorist LTTE and its aim of a separate state.

    If even 40,000 of these Tamil diaspora who support the separatist terrorist LTTE write bogus emails to the OMP inquiring the whereabouts of their friend or relative (but this friend or relative is actually living alongside them in these countries i.e. the US, UK, EU, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, India etc.) these inquiries will officially be accepted by the OMP as 40,000 missing persons.

    In the OMP Act, even if the OMP inquires after these let us say 40,000 and finds out that these are all bogus inquiries and that all these 40,000 persons are actually living alongside the inquirer i.e. their relative or friend and these complaints about these persons being missing are all bogus, the missing persons, now found by the OMP, can request that their whereabouts not be revealed to their relative or friend or be made public. So officially these 40,000 persons will still be missing!!!

    Then the OMP will use these bogus 40,000 missing persons (who are actually living comfortably in the US, UK, EU, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, India etc.) as ‘evidence’ that war crimes happened in Sri Lanka (and all these bogus inquiries will state that these persons went missing during the 2006-2009 period) and our Sri Lankan Forces will be persecuted for committing war crimes by a judicial process using these bogus email inquiries.

    The missing persons act states specifically that if the missing person who is found requests that the fact that they are found not be revealed to the public that person will remain as missing as far as the OMP is concerned. This is how the OMP will manufacture bogus evidence of 40,000 missing persons so that the Sri Lankan Armed Forces can be persecuted for committing bogus war crimes.

    The OMP emails cannot be checked by any outside body as stated in the act since all evidence (almost all bogus) gathered by the OMP remains confidential. The OMP cannot be taken to the supreme court on this issue. However OMP should be taken to the supreme court regarding what I have written above which is what would happen when this OMP is set up.

    The OMP will become a bogus evidence manufacturing machine which will gather such bogus inquiries via email from those members of the Tamil diaspora who are supportive of the LTTE terrorists and who will send bogus email inquiries in their thousands. All these bogus inquiries (of people who are actually living in in the US, UK, EU, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, India etc.) will then be used as missing persons inquiries.

    I did not realize that the Sinhalese were this stupid as to allow such a process within the missing persons act which can be blatantly misused in order to manufacture bogus evidence like this. The OMP process is not transparent, it will happen in totally secrecy, no one in Sri Lanka will be able to question it, not our police, our courts, Sri Lankan citizens, nobody. All the OMP will do is gather bogus email ‘evidence’ such as described above to try the Sri Lankan Armed Forces for bogus war crimes which they never committed.

    The OMP process as described above must be stopped immediately. If a relative or a friend really and genuinely wants to find out about their genuinely missing relative or friend, they can make a complain to the OMP in person in public. This is the only way that Sri Lanka and the world will know that this inquiry is genuine. This was the methodology followed by the earlier Paranagama Commission which then received 24,000 complaints from relatives or friends of the missing persons but they complained in public in person to the commission. Even some of these complaints may be bogus too.

    The OMP should be stopped immediately since it is not a transparent process at all as described above. If the UNHRC, the US, UK, EU, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, India, the TNA and the separatist terrorists genuinely want to find out about perished LTTE terrorists, this yahapalanaya government could expand the scope of the Paranagama Commission in order to make such inquiries. This process should be totally following Sri Lankan Law, within Sri Lankan jurisdiction, paid for totally by the Sri Lankan Government only and with only Sri Lankan citizens appointed as commission members and investigators. In fact the entire staff should be Sri Lankan citizens only. The process should be a totally domestic process with no interference or input whatsoever from foreign countries. Most importantly, all complaints should be made in person by relatives and friends in public if their complaint is genuine.

    The missing persons act as it is totally dangerous as pointed out above and should be dismissed totally as it is highly dangerous and a totally secretive process as described above to manufacture bogus evidence against the Sri Lanka Armed Forces.

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