Posted on August 18th, 2016
Malin Abeyatunge
Under unforeseen circumstances, OMP Bill passed through the Parliament for the country’s bad luck. The ulterior motive of the Bill is a complete camouflage to hunt our brave soldiers to appease the Tamil Diaspora, TNA, Mangala Gang and the western supported UN. It is unbelievable that before 24 hours of passing this bill, American State officials like Rivikin, Nisha, Keshapp and Tom Molinowisky etc alleged to have hailed and commended the bill as a forward step towards reconciliation. This shows that America is very much behind in following every movement of this this bill until it passes thro in a most undemocratic way for them to make comments so fast. Who else praised the Bill? The Global Tamil Forum and its Tamil diaspora affiliations and TNA in Sri Lanka. While middle eastern countries are burning on fire with American involvement, one cannot fathom the important of this small island for the American state officials to focus on. Any way, now the GAME HUNT is on started by the Mangala/American duos, GTF & TNA LTTE appeasers to hunt our brave servicemen. This is the first step to the next step of the hunt.
Then there was this present Norwegian PM visiting Sri Lanka and shedding crocodile tears and commending the OMP Bill. Sri Lankans very well remember how Norwegian governments before the LTTE was conclusively annihilated in 2009, harboured, trained, armed and financed the LTTE terrorist outfit to continue with their terrorist activities in Sri Lanka. She shouldn’t think that we have forgotten the damage caused by her predecessors by helping the LTTE to prolong the war with Norwegian assistance in every field.
As a starter to the investigation by OMP, may I suggest that the OMP should take a stock of all asylum seekers, refugees and escaped illegals of Tamil origin who left the country after 1983 and now living in affluent countries like Canada , USA, UK , Norway, Sweden and other European countries. If these countries mentioned herein failed to cooperate with the OMP and provide the whereabouts of that stock, the OMP should refuse to proceed further on this mission with any further investigation because those supposed to be missing persons may be living among the dead in these countries without any hindrance and with their hospitality. Further, if these countries failed to give the information what OMP wants, then the bill should be thrown into the bin. As I remember right an incident in the past when Maxwell Paranagama Commission requested some information of LTTEiers living in Canada , she refused to disclose any names. If all countries as mentioned above which became a safe haven for once LTTTiers and its activists refuse to cooperate with MOP, then we should not bother about the UN resolution against Sri Lanka as those countries were the prime movers of the resolution against Sri Lanka on war crimes. It is their responsibility to help MOP to do its job by assisting.
A case in point is a missing LTTE activists as reported by his wife suddenly surfaced in South India. Details of this saga given in Shenali Waduge’s article.
Thayapararajah reappeared from the ‘dead’, from being ‘extra-judicially executed’ from being ‘shot & injured’ while the entire period from 2009 to 2014 local and foreign media went to town claiming Sri Lanka security had tortured and killing him. His name is even on UN/UNHRC reports and quoted by these officials against the Sri Lankan government as well. After the man emerged from the dead, that too by accident having being caught by the Indian police, none of those who made false allegations so much as apologized or made corrections to their statements and reports.”(Extract from Shenali Waduge’s aryticle)
Another case in point is a top LTTE man called Lawrence Thilagar. He was the head of the LTTE International operations operating from Paris allegedly in charge of collecting funds and procuring arms LTTE. Due to some internal financial fraud, he was recalled back to Sri Lanka by LTTE chief Prabhakaran. Since his arrival in Wanni (controlled by LTTE then) he was not heard of. Only LTTE hierarchy would know what happened to Lawrence Thilagar. Or is he also a reported missing person? According to unclassified reports, he was bumped off by LTTE on the orders of Prabhakaran. There may be many cases of this nature and the rehabilitated LTTiers like Daya Master, KP etc can throw light on some of these cases.
Last week I saw a news clip in Australian SBS saying a woman with three kids saying that her husband was taken by police and is missing now. I Expected a desperate woman struggling to survive but instead I saw a well dressed woman with her kids living in a comfortable home. That gives a me doubt that her husband may be living in a affluent country disguised and sending money and claiming that he has gone missing. There may be hundreds of cases of this nature which should be looked into if the OMP has to do justice for those people who had really gone missing under various circumstances. Is her missing man sending money from some foreign country? Food for thought for OMP.
If the countries like Canada, UK, USA, Norway, Sweden and other European countries who are signatories to the past UN resolutions refuse to give any information to OMP, then special taskforce has to be formed in the Central Bank with the participants from other Banks with due authority to peruse and scrutinise all the past Remittances that came from those Tamils asylum seekers and refugees living in these countries who sent monies to their kith & kins in Sri Lanka. There may be persons like Thayapararajah who reported missing by his wife but surfaced in South India later. By going thro past remittances from abroad by this stock is a another way of tracing whether those missing people reported are really missing or living.
Malin Abeyatunge
August 17th, 2016 at 10:32 pm
How many of those dead and missing Tigers voted (more than once) for My3 and Ranil at the 2015 elections?
August 17th, 2016 at 11:15 pm
Main Abetunge,
You are wrong.
The IMMEDIATE objective is to demonize and hunt the war heroes.
The ULTIMATE objective is to demonize and hunt the Patriotic Leaders who defeated the terrorists and allied themselves to hina.
It is to disparage and smear their accomplishments, convict and deny them the opportunity to lead the nation again, and so leave the country without a patriotic leadership so the nation can be divided and ruled by minorities, separatists and foreigners through well-bribed traitors as in the Colonial days.
THAT is the ULTIMATE OBJECTIVE of thid PUPPET Yamapalanaya government and it’s foreign PUPPETEERS!
August 18th, 2016 at 2:52 am
The missing persons commission, the name is a misnomer. it should be called ‘those combatants on all sides who died in the war i.e. Sri Lankan Forces, Police Force. Civil Defence Forces, IPKF, Tamil Armed Groups against the LTTE and the LTTE terrorists themselves and whose bodies have not be found’. Therefore the name itself is wrong and invented by the UNHRC to tarnish the image of the armed forces of Sri Lanka.
The missing persons commission to date has receive 24,000 complaints from 1983-2009 period. Of this number over 5,000 are regarding missing Sri Lankan Forces members, whereabouts unknown, almost certainly executed by the LTTE terrorists. Over 12,000 complaints are against the LTTE itself recruiting young persons by coercion. Therefore over 70% of complaints are against the LTTE itself which amounts to over 17,000 complaints. The rest of the complaints are I am sure about the whereabouts of LTTE combatants or terrorists who died while fighting but whose bodies have not been found.
My question is, why cannot the UNHRC the US,UK, EU, Canada, Norway, Sweden and India accept that Sri Lankan Forces, Police Force, Civil Defence Forces, IPKF, Tamil Armed Groups against the LTTE and the LTTE terrorists themselves died fighting in this war and leave it at that. What is the point in looking for these combatants now? Why is it that the UNHRC the US,UK, EU, Canada, Norway, Sweden and India never ever talk about the over 35,000 Sri Lankan Forces, Police Force, civil Defence Force members who died in the war? or the 1,200 IPKF members or the over 2,000 Tamils Armed Groups against the LTTE members who died in the war? or the over 6,000-7,000 Sinhala civilians and even Muslims civilians who were massacred by the LTTE? or the around (my estimate) over 3,000 Tamil civilians massacred by the LTTE?
Why is it that the UNHRC the US,UK, EU, Canada, Norway, Sweden and India is not concerned about the over 10,000 Sri Lankan Forces members permanently disabled by the war, or the over 23,000 Sri Lankan Forces members both temporarily and permanently disabled by the war? or the over 136,000 Sri Lankan Forces members who were injured due to the war?
Why is it that the UNHRC the US,UK, EU, Canada, Norway, Sweden and India not concerned about the over 65,000 Sinhala people and over 75,000 muslims ethnically cleansed from the North?
Why is it that the only the around 35,000 LTTE terrorists who died inclusive of Prabhakaran are the concern of the UNHRC the US,UK, EU, Canada, Norway, Sweden and India? Perhaps this missing persons commission should answer that question first.
August 18th, 2016 at 2:52 am
The missing persons, the name itself is a misnomer. When a soldier or an LTTE terrorist died in combat and a body was not found due to let us say the other side burying the body, the combatant is considered missing in action. Therefore the name of this commission should be ‘Those who died in the war on all sides and whose bodies have not been found’. Therefore now looking for all of these combatants whether LTTE terrorists or Sri Lanka Forces members is useless since it is a complete waste of time. Also what about all the navy personnel or even LTTE terrorists who died at sea, their bodies certainly would not have been found. So all of these combatants are missing in action.
The missing persons commission to date has receive 24,000 complaints from 1983-2009 period. Of this number over 5,000 are regarding missing Sri Lankan Forces members, whereabouts unknown, almost certainly executed by the LTTE terrorists. Over 12,000 complaints are against the LTTE itself recruiting young persons by coercion. Therefore over 70% of complaints are against the LTTE itself which amounts to over 17,000 complaints. The rest of the complaints are I am sure about the whereabouts of LTTE combatants or terrorists who died while fighting but whose bodies have not been found.
Therefore it is extremely clear that it is the LTTE which should be questioned about these missing persons and this treacherous yahapalanaya has placed our Sri Lankan Armed Forces in deep trouble for no reason as usual.
August 19th, 2016 at 3:01 am
In the missing persons act, a relative or a friend can make an official complaint to the OMP by e-mail the whereabouts of their relative or friend. There are over 8 lakhs to 10 lakhs Tamil diaspora asylum seekers (actually economic migrants), a majority of whom support the separatist terrorist LTTE and its aim of a separate state.
If even 40,000 of these Tamil diaspora who support the separatist terrorist LTTE write bogus emails to the OMP inquiring the whereabouts of their friend or relative (but this friend or relative is actually living alongside them in these countries i.e. the US, UK, EU, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, India etc.) these inquiries will officially be accepted by the OMP as 40,000 missing persons.
In the OMP Act, even if the OMP inquires after these let us say 40,000 and finds out that these are all bogus inquiries and that all these 40,000 persons are actually living alongside the inquirer i.e. their relative or friend and these complaints about these persons being missing are all bogus, the missing persons, now found by the OMP, can request that their whereabouts not be revealed to their relative or friend or be made public. So officially these 40,000 persons will still be missing!!!
Then the OMP will use these bogus 40,000 missing persons (who are actually living comfortably in the US, UK, EU, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, India etc.) as ‘evidence’ that war crimes happened in Sri Lanka (and all these bogus inquiries will state that these persons went missing during the 2006-2009 period) and our Sri Lankan Forces will be persecuted for committing war crimes by a judicial process using these bogus email inquiries.
The missing persons act states specifically that if the missing person who is found requests that the fact that they are found not be revealed to the public that person will remain as missing as far as the OMP is concerned. This is how the OMP will manufacture bogus evidence of 40,000 missing persons so that the Sri Lankan Armed Forces can be persecuted for committing bogus war crimes.
The OMP emails cannot be checked by any outside body as stated in the act since all evidence (almost all bogus) gathered by the OMP remains confidential. The OMP cannot be taken to the supreme court on this issue. However OMP should be taken to the supreme court regarding what I have written above which is what would happen when this OMP is set up.
The OMP will become a bogus evidence manufacturing machine which will gather such bogus inquiries via email from those members of the Tamil diaspora who are supportive of the LTTE terrorists and who will send bogus email inquiries in their thousands. All these bogus inquiries (of people who are actually living in in the US, UK, EU, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, India etc.) will then be used as missing persons inquiries.
I did not realize that the Sinhalese were this stupid as to allow such a process within the missing persons act which can be blatantly misused in order to manufacture bogus evidence like this. The OMP process is not transparent, it will happen in totally secrecy, no one in Sri Lanka will be able to question it, not our police, our courts, Sri Lankan citizens, nobody. All the OMP will do is gather bogus email ‘evidence’ such as described above to try the Sri Lankan Armed Forces for bogus war crimes which they never committed.
The OMP process as described above must be stopped immediately. If a relative or a friend really and genuinely wants to find out about their genuinely missing relative or friend, they can make a complain to the OMP in person in public. This is the only way that Sri Lanka and the world will know that this inquiry is genuine. This was the methodology followed by the earlier Paranagama Commission which then received 24,000 complaints from relatives or friends of the missing persons but they complained in public in person to the commission. Even some of these complaints may be bogus too.
The OMP should be stopped immediately since it is not a transparent process at all as described above. If the UNHRC, the US, UK, EU, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, India, the TNA and the separatist terrorists genuinely want to find out about perished LTTE terrorists, this yahapalanaya government could expand the scope of the Paranagama Commission in order to make such inquiries. This process should be totally following Sri Lankan Law, within Sri Lankan jurisdiction, paid for totally by the Sri Lankan Government only and with only Sri Lankan citizens appointed as commission members and investigators. In fact the entire staff should be Sri Lankan citizens only. The process should be a totally domestic process with no interference or input whatsoever from foreign countries. Most importantly, all complaints should be made in person by relatives and friends in public if their complaint is genuine.
The missing persons act as it is totally dangerous as pointed out above and should be dismissed totally as it is highly dangerous and a totally secretive process as described above to manufacture bogus evidence against the Sri Lanka Armed Forces.