Chickens cause serious infections in humans so watch out!
Posted on October 28th, 2016

Dr Hector Perera     London

When you walk down your high street, you might see different kinds of little shops such as grocery, vegetable and butcher shops. Have you not noticed that in some butcher shops they hang chickens, pieces of beef and lamb just above the counter just like that for hours? Who would say that any kind of meat should be left hanging in the air open to air than in the fridge or freezer? I think sometimes they leave these pieces of meat and chicken for hours without fridge or freezer condition. Now who would say this is hygienic and safe to eat?

Raw chicken
Raw chicken becomes contaminated   with bacteria from the gut, skin and feet of the birds during slaughter and from the water and ice used in processing. It says, chilling the carcass immediately after slaughter reduces the number of microbes on most meats because it dries the surfaces. However this has less effect on chickens because their skin can stay moist. The raw chicken is stored at a low temperature which reduces the rate at which bacteria reproduce. Eventually cold-loving microbes such as Pseudomonas will cause spoilage, making the meat smelly and slimy. Other factors which affect the rate of spoilage are pH and the type of packaging.

Cooked chicken
At home chicken should be cooked thoroughly, handled hygienically, wrapped to prevent contamination by microbes from the air or other foods, cooled quickly and stored at 0–5°C. Refrigeration will slow the growth of microbes but it will eventually spoil. Cooked chicken should be eaten up quickly. Have you not noticed that in some cooking programmes in British TV, some chefs do not take care in handling and cooking them properly?

The microbiological content of cooked poultry products depends on the methods of processing, packaging and storage. Sometimes bacteria and spores in the centre of the product may survive cooking. This is the reason why chicken should be properly cooked rather tossing up and down the pan and say, cooked”. The meat may become contaminated after cooking during handling, slicing and packaging. Some chefs even some Sri Lankan ladies constantly stirring these chicken curries and some keep on tasting even before they are properly cooked. Cured products will tend to spoil in the same way as other cured meats such as ham. Non-cured products which have been packaged in the absence of oxygen may be spoiled by a bacteria called Enterobacter which produce very strong and unpleasant odours in the packet. Packaged meats should be consumed before the use by date on the label. Even in some little shops and sometimes in some supermarkets, they leave packets of meat just outside the freezing area. That may be because some customers pick them up to see then just leave outside the freezing area. Then the people who work in that area need to attend to these thing but sometimes they just leave them for hours. Twice it happened to me when I got some packed chicken from a local small chain shops. As soon as I removed the polythene, I could smell the rotten smell coming out of it. What could I do other than discarding it away than taking it back to the shop?

 Can it be harmful?

Poultry is a common source of food-borne illness. Food poisoning bacteria such as Campylobacter-jejuniSalmonellaClostridium perfringens and Staphylococcus aureus live in the gut and/or skin of the birds. They can get on to raw chicken during slaughter and processing. Outbreaks of food poisoning are often due to inadequate cooking or recontamination of the poultry after cooking. Raw poultry can also be a source of food poisoning bacteria for cross-contamination to other foods prepared in the same kitchen. Quite often some people use the same spoon to stir the cooking chicken curry then it is possible for this cross contamination.

Majority of super market chickens carry food bug.

Some news from the media

More than 70% of fresh chickens being sold in the UK are contaminated,” BBC News reports. A Food Standards Agency (FSA) investigation found worryingly high levels of contamination with the campylobacter bug, which can cause food poisoning, on chickens being sold across the country. The Guardian reported a food scientist, Professor Tim Lang, calling for a boycott of supermarket chicken because of ‘scandalous’ levels of contamination”.

Campylobacter is a type of bacteria thought to be the leading cause of food poisoning in the UK. Eating food contaminated with campylobacter can trigger symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and stomach cramps.

 I think pretty much everyone understands that you don’t eat raw chicken that you need to cook it thoroughly. That’s because raw chicken meat can potentially carry certain species of bacteria which, if consumed, can cause illness. While bacteria (only some of which can potentially cause illness) can be found on any perishable food, particularly meat, the reason you need to be particularly careful with poultry is that, chicken and other poultry is processed (and often packed) with its skin on, and just like most people like the skin, so do bacteria!  Fortunately, the bacteria of most concern in this respect in the case of poultry meat, Salmonella and Campylobacter, are easily killed by normal cooking temperatures. However, while cooking will make the chicken itself safe, it’s important to understand that raw poultry must also be handled carefully to prevent contamination of other cooked foods or foods that will be eaten raw; for example salads.

The majority of calls from the public to the Australian Chicken Meat Federation office are from consumers who understand the fundamentals of safe handling and preparation of chicken, but are worried that they may have (or be about to!) mishandle the product.  Many are confused about the interpretation of some of the recommendations for safe handling of poultry meat, and just want to be sure that they aren’t going to do the wrong thing. And in fairness, some recommendations are a bit hard to interpret in practice; some are also based on the assumption that the chicken has received some mishandling in the process from getting it from the processing plant to your refrigerator, and so recommendations are going to be somewhat conservative as a result.

I admit the fact that fried chicken and even chicken nuggets are tasty but one needs to be careful in eating them because they might serve under cooked fried chicken and chicken nuggets. You might notice that there is a huge sauce bottle that might have been used by so many customers. Sometimes they lick the tip of the bottle or at least wipe with the fingers, is it hygienic? I prefer little packets of sauce given with these things. Some people don’t care even if they are under cooked because they are used to them. Some children eat these things then washed them down with a cup or a bottle of soft drinks. Your comments are welcomed

One Response to “Chickens cause serious infections in humans so watch out!”

  1. Nalliah Thayabharan Says:

    Livestock are also breeding grounds for disease epidemics such as various influenza strains.

    For hundreds of thousand years we survived on fruits, nuts, seeds, tubers and vegetable until we discovered fire and start roasting animals and birds. True carnivores born with built in tools like speed, strength, claws, teeth and talons for capture, kill and devour but we do NOT have hands that are designed for tearing into bellies of animals, but our hands are perfectly designed for picking fruits from trees. The strongest tough powerful animals like elephants, horses, camels eat only plant foods. Gorillas are 3 times the size of a man but 30 times stronger and they eat only leaves and fruits to produce all the protein they need.

    Renin and lactase are enzymes necessary to break down and digest milk. They are all but gone by the age of 3 in most us. There is an element in all milk known as casein. There is 300 time more casein in cow’s milk than in human’s milk. That’s for the development of huge bones. Casein coagulates in the stomach and forms large, tough, dense, difficult-to-digest curds that are adapted to the four-stomach digestive apparatus of a cow. Once inside human digestive system, this thick mass of goo puts a tremendous burden on the body to somehow get rid of it. In other words, a huge amount of energy must be spent in dealing with it. Unfortunately some of this gooey substance hardens and adheres to the lining of the intestines and prevents the absorption of nutrients into the body. Also the by-products of milk digestion leave a great deal of toxic mucus in the body. It’s very acidic, and some of it is stored in the body until it can be dealt with at a later time. Dairy products cause more weight gain instead of weight loss. Casein, by the way, is the base of one of the strongest glues used in woodworking.

    Proteins are delicate necklaces, composed of different colored beads called amino acids, which occupy assigned places in a string that is the protein. When digestive acids and enzymes break down proteins, the amino acids are used as building blocks for the body’s new proteins. When an intact protein is delivered from one part of the body to another, it conveys an unbroken and uninterrupted message. Milk from one mammalian species to its young is the perfectly designed mechanism that delivers lactoferrins and immunoglobulins to that happily receptive infant. Nature’s way is to produce many more proteins than are required. The wisdom of this mechanism takes into account mass destruction. Enough protein messengers survive to exert their intended effects.

    In homogenized milk, an excess of proteins survive digestion. Simple proteins rarely survive digestion in a balanced world. When milk is homogenized, it passes through a fine filter at pressures equal to 4,000 psi, and in so doing, the fat globules (liposomes) are made smaller (micronized) by a factor of ten times or more. These fat molecules become evenly dispersed within the liquid milk.

    Milk is a hormonal delivery system. With homogenization, milk becomes a very powerful and efficient way of bypassing normal digestive processes and delivering steroid and protein hormones to the human body (both the cow’s natural hormones and the ones they were injected with to produce more milk). Through homogenization, fat molecules in milk become smaller and become “capsules” for substances that bypass digestion. Proteins that would normally be digested in the stomach or gut are not broken down, and are absorbed into the bloodstream.

    The homogenization process breaks up an enzyme in milk (xanthine oxidase), which in its altered (smaller) state can enter the bloodstream and react against arterial walls causing the body to protect the area with a layer of cholesterol. These micronized fat globules are much “sharper” than their larger forebearers, and serve to abrade arterial lumen (the innermost linings of these blood vessels). Such chronic irritation triggers a protective mechanism whereby the body plates out cholesterol onto the lumen to protect it from the constant irritation produced by the micronized fat globules. The end result is atherosclerotic plaquing.

    Combined with two other phenomena of our culture – high level consumption of hydrogenized vegetable oils (another source of this intra-lumen plaque) plus the onslaught of refined sugars and flours (which trigger high level bursts of another potent intra-luminal irritant known as insulin) – this unavoidable side-effect of drinking homogenized milk produces the rapid acceleration of cardiovascular disease now routinely seen in young people.

    In theory, proteins are easily broken down by digestive processes. In reality, homogenization insures their survival so that they enter the bloodstream and deliver their messages. Often, the body reacts to foreign proteins by producing histamines, then mucus. And since cow’s milk proteins can resemble a human protein, they can become triggers for autoimmune diseases. Diabetes and multiple sclerosis are two such examples. The rarest of nature’s quirks results after humans consume homogenized cow’s milk. Nature has the best sense of humor, and always finds a way to add exclamation marks to man’s best-punctuated sentences. One milk hormone, the most powerful growth factor in a cow’s body, is identical to the most powerful growth factor in the human body. Hormones make cells grow, and don’t differentiate between normal cells and cancerous cells. We’re not designed to intake hormones; we make all the ones we need.

    Some doctors who believe that milk proteins cannot possibly survive digestion. They are wrong. The Connecticut cardiologists Oster & Ross discovered that Bovine Xanthene Oxidase (BXO) survived long enough to compromise every one of three hundred heart attack victims over a five-year period. Insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) had not been discovered when Oster and Ross made their magnificent observations and conclusions. Bovine Xanthene Oxidase did not set the scientific community on fire. Too many syllables for headline writers. Insulin-like growth factor presents the same problem. Cancer has just two syllables. IGF-I has been identified as the key factor in the growth of every human cancer.

    Homogenized milk, with its added hormones, is rocket fuel for cancer. One day, hopefully, the world will recognize that cow’s milk was never intended for human consumption. We can get all the calcium we need from a healthy, balanced plant-based diet. What we don’t need is all the degenerative disease that dairy products contribute to.

    And if you think that raw, un-pasteurized, un-homogenized milk is a wholesome food, think about this: Even raw un-pasturized cow milk was never a healthful food for humans. It’s only a proper food for baby cows, and even they quit drinking it when they mature. Humans are the only species that “sucks the teats” of other species. Humans’ best food for the first 2 to 4 years is human milk, and after that, even human milk is not proper human food. Plus, the calcium in milk is not well absorbed due to the lack of magnesium, and even when raw, it still contributes to osteoporosis. And even the naturally occurring hormones in milk from cow’s not treated with Bovine Growth Hormone still contribute to cancers.

    Cancer is less a disease than a condition existing in the whole human body. Cancer would be almost unheard of if no devitalized food or meats were eaten since cancer cannot exist where there is a pure bloodstream. Avoid meat in all forms including dairy. Meat is a dead matter, low in minerals, and produces uric acid in excess which is a waste product. The incidence of cancer is in direct proportion to the amount of meat and meat products in the diet. Regular meat eaters (especially red meat) have a higher probability of getting cancers, such as colon cancer and prostate cancer. Digestion of meat uses trypsin and chymotrypsin, which are two critical enzymes in the human body to allow the immune system to kill cancer cells. Vegetable proteins do not use up those enzymes. Cancer patient should not eat anything that is not building the immunity system or killing cancer cells. Meat does not contribute to curing the cancer, so meat is should be avoided by cancer patients. There are plenty of foods that help cure cancer, so there is no need to eat meat. Pancreatin enzymes can be destroyed by contact with acids. Diet comprised mostly of processed refined foods and meats may result in lower pH that depletes these enzymes in the human body. Cancer cells metabolize foods very inefficiently and produce acidic wastes. This extra acidity can further lower the pH levels in an already acidic environment for pancreatin enzymes. The lower pH level also enables the cancer to spread by using acid dissolved normal cells as its food source. This strongly acidic lower pH environment, especially local to the cancer is the primary reason that cancer does not normally heal on its own. The colon should be relatively clear during a cancer treatment so that the body can absorb as many nutrients as possible. All foods like meat which ferment in the bowel should be avoided to prevent the accumulation of fecal matter in the colon. The hormones in meat like artificial sex hormone widely used in cattle – Diethylstilbestrol cause cancer of the uterus, breast and other reproductive organs. Dangerous residues of stilbestrol are in 85% of all the meat sold in North America. This is the main reason why fifteen countries around the world now refuse to import meat produced in the US; and twenty one countries have a total ban on the use of stilbestrol in food production or processing. When chemical preservatives and color enhancers are ingested, they cause the body to produce nitrosamines which cause cancer of the liver, stomach, brain, bladder, kidneys and several other organs. Nitrates and nitrites are heavily added to meat during processing. Runoff of nitrates and nitrites from fields sprayed with chemical fertilizers get into drinking water and cause cancer. can lead to cancer. If the digestive system is weak, digestion of meat could produce toxins in blood.

    Though devitalized, processed, and sugared food can also cause cancer even in vegetarians. People, communities and groups who consume less meat have less cancer. Seventh-day Adventists, who eat little or no meat, suffer far less from cancer than the average meat-eating American. High protein diet of Americans is linked to the high incidence of cancer in the US. Anyone who does not eat meat, eats only good food, and does all he can to protect his liver, may never get cancer.

    The second solution is to introduce the appropriate calciums into the body since the body uses calcium as the chief alkalinizer of all body fluids including the intra-cellular fluids. Cancers and tumors can only exist in a predominantly lower pH (acidic) environment caused by a diet rich in dairy foods, meats, grain products, sweets and strong condiments such as black pepper. This is always accompanied by an acute lack of living fruits and vegetables. High acidity destroys bones, because the body has to use alkalizing minerals from bones to keep the blood pH from dropping into the acid range.

    Lactobacillus acidophilus is a friendly organism which helps the body fight disease and restores health. Acidophilus kills the harmful bacteria strain of E. coli in the intestinal tract. Acidophilus breaks milk sugar down into lactic acid. Bacteria which produce putrefaction and gas in the intestines cannot live in lactic acid. Acidophilus also has the unique ability to help the body synthesize, or manufacture all of the ‘B’ vitamins in the system. This makes it especially valuable since there is literally a host of agents which destroy B vitamins. A few are antibiotics, birth control pills, eating sugar and refined foods and drinking coffee. A diet high in red meat will destroy the beneficial bacteria, due to the concentration of antibiotics and steroids given to the animals before they are slaughtered.
    Cancer is fundamentally involved with mal-utilization of protein. Oncologists generally agree that the actual cause of death in cancer patients is cachexia, a condition of severe weight loss and wasting associated with protein mal-absorption. In fact cancer cells are able to grow by making the amino acids of protein available for their growth at the expense of the body as a whole. Meat, especially red meat, being the most readily assimilable protein, becomes a banquet for cancer cells. Emphasizing the use of plant sources of vegetable protein such as legumes and beans that contain cancer-fighting compounds should be a prominent part of an anti-cancer diet.
    The most damaging evidence that meat is a major cause of cancer are studies of people who went into spontaneous remission solely because of a change in their diet. These people almost universally went from a cooked food, meat-centered diet and gave up their meat, their dairy products and their refined sugar and switched to a raw food vegetarian diet, and by simply changing diets their bodies were able to cure their cancer

    U.S.Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) own research shows that the cancer causing arsenic added to the chicken feed ends up in the chicken meat where it is consumed by humans. California added to its list of cancer-causing chemicals an additive commonly used in processed beverages like Coca Cola, Pepsi etc – 4-methylimidazole (4-MI) – a byproduct formed during the production of caramel color.
    Sodium Nitrate (aka Sodium Nitrite) – a preservative, coloring, and flavoring commonly added to bacon, ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, smoked fish, and corned beef – causes various types of cancer.
    Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydrozyttoluene (BHT) are used to preserve common household foods including cereals, chewing gum, potato chips, vegetable oils and canned foods – form cancer-causing reactive compounds in human body.
    Propyl Gallate – preservative, often used in conjunction with BHA and BHT in meat products, chicken soup base, and chewing gum causes cancer
    Acesulfame-K is a new artificial sweetener used in baked goods, chewing gum, and gelatin desserts causes cancer
    Food Colorings like Blue 1, 2 is used in beverages, candy, baked goods; Red 3 used to dye cherries, fruit cocktail, candy, and baked goods; Green 3 used in candy and beverages; Yellow 6 is added to beverages, sausage, gelatin, baked goods, and candy; cause various type of cancer.
    Potassium Bromate used as an additive to increase volume in some white flour, breads, and rolls causes cancer.

    Most beans contain protease inhibitors that inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Beans which are also high in resistant starch can protect against colorectal cancer. Resistant starch helps the body resist colorectal cancer through mechanisms including killing pre-cancerous cells and reducing inflammation that can otherwise promote cancer.

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