Proposed Federal or Eelam Constitution Proposes to Abolish the Concurrent List, Grant Land, Police, Administrative Services, Fiscal and National Planning Powers to the Provincial Councils and Make the Governor a Mare (Laughable) Figurehead
Posted on November 30th, 2016

Chairman, Sri Lankan Solidarity Movement

This is what the treacherous Ranil, Sirisena, CBK and Mangala are planning to do as forced upon them by the US, UK, EU, Canada, Norway, Sweden, the TNA and all other separatists. Please reject this Federal or Eelam Constitution in total if you have even an ounce of sense. Not even huge countries such as India and Pakistan which have federal systems have abolished their concurrent lists. Not even South Africa, a huge country which is a unitary state, has abolished its concurrent list. However tiny, little Sri Lanka is going to abolish its concurrent list. Below are two articles which depict the extreme dangers of the federal or Eelam constitution.

Human Rights, Constitutional Reform and Devolution in Sri Lanka
By Dr. Asoka Bandarage, 20th November, 2016
This is an abridged version of the full article.
The Constitutional Reform Sub-Committee on Centre-Periphery Relations is made up of 11 Members of Parliament drawn from different political parties. It is chaired by a member of the ITAK (Illankai Tamil Arasa Katchu), the Tamil State Party begun by S.J.V. Chelvanayakam, who envisioned federalism as a stepping stone to eventual secession. In the Preface to the recently released Draft Report, the Sub- Committee Chairman states: ‘We have rushed through this report due to time constraints’, thereby raising concerns over the wisdom of the Sub-Committee’s recommendations on the fundamental issue facing the country.
The Draft Report refers to the present unitary character of the constitution as an ‘impediment’ to devolution. Its recommends going beyond the 13th Amendment to transform the governance structures by dismantling the powers of the Central Government and equipping and empowering each Province to pursue full independence from the Centre and from each other. Among the recommendations of the Draft Report are exclusive power over land to the Provinces with the Centre having to request lands for national projects from the Provinces; fiscal powers to the Provinces including the power to receive foreign direct investment; police powers exercised under Independent Provincial Police Commissions; abolition of the present Concurrent List (on subjects shared between the Centre and the Provinces); drastic reduction of the powers of the Governor, the representative of the Centre to a nominal status…
There is no provision in the draft proposals for retaining the Centre’s power to override Provincial Statutes with a two third majority vote in Parliament. Without such a provision, each Province would be constitutionally independent and have the freedom to secede from the Federal Union. This would pose a threat to the sovereignty, unitary character and the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka. It would undermine the Central Government’s ability to respond to common threats to the environment and the security of the island as a whole, resulting in conflicts between Provinces over boundaries, waterways, coastline, cultural heritage sites etc.
Similar to developments elsewhere in the world, efforts to enforce regional autonomy along ethnic lines in Sri Lanka could lead to ethnic cleansing and new forms of conflict and violence. Political fragmentation and destabilization could facilitate greater foreign intervention in Sri Lanka which is strategically located in the heart of the Indian Ocean on a major international trade route. The sea bridge and tunnel planned by India to physically connect Northern Sri Lanka with Tamil Nadu, the homeland of 75 million Tamils in India is another concern.
පළාත්සභාවලට ස්වාධීන බලතල.. විසුරුවාහැරීමේ බලයත් ජනපතිගෙන් ගිලිහෙයි
මනෝඡ් අබයදීර  දිවයින
 ඉඩම්පොලිස්‌ සහ මුදල් පිළිබඳ පූර්ණ බලතල පළාත් සභා සඳහා ලබාදීමටත් පළාත්සභා විසුරුවා හැරීමේ ජනාධිපතිවරයාට දැනට ඇති බලතල සීමා කිරීමටත් නවආණ්ඩුක්රම ව්යවස්ථාවට යෝජනා ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇත.
මෙම යෝජනා ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇත්තේ නව ආණ්ඩුක්රම ව්යවස්ථාව පිළිබඳ යෝජනාඉදිරිපත් කිරීම සඳහා පත්කළ උපකමිටු හයෙන් එකක්‌ වන මධ් පරිධිය සබඳතාපිළිබඳ උප කමිටුව විසිනි.
ව්යවස්ථා කටයුතු සම්පාදන කමිටුවේ සාමාජික පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්රී ජයම්පතිවික්රමරත්න මහතාගේ උපදෙස්‌ මත මෙම කමිටුව ක්රියා කරයි.
මධ්යම රජයපළාත් සභා සහ ප්රාදේශීය ආණ්ඩු අතර බල අධිකාරිය බෙදීයැමපිළිබඳ නිර්දේශ ඉදිරිපත් කිරීම මෙම කමිටුව සතු වගකීමකි.
එම කමිටුව මගින් නිර්දේශ කර ඇති යෝජනා කිහිපයක්‌ මෙසේය.
  1. දහතුන් වැනි සංශෝධනය මගින් පළාත් සභා සඳහා ලබා තිබෙන ඉඩම් බලතලතවදුරටත් ශක්තිමත් කොට ඉඩම් කළමනාකරණය කිරීමේ බලතලසම්පූර්¨ණයෙන්ම පළාත් සභා සඳහා පැවරීම.
  2. පළාත් පොලිස්‌ කොමිසම මධ්යම රජයෙන් වෙන් කිරීම සහ එහි සාමාජිකයන්පත් කිරීමේ බලය මහ ඇමැතිවරයාට ලබා දීම.
  3. දහතුන්වෙනි සංශෝධනයේ ඇති සමගාමී ලැයිස්තුව ඉවත් කර මධ්යම රාජ් සහපළාත් රාජ් අතර නිශ්චිත ලෙස බලතල බෙදා වෙන් කිරීම.
  4. මධ්යම රජය සතුව දැනට පවතිනජාතික ප්රතිපත්ති සැකසීමේ බලය ඉවත්කිරීම.
  5. ව්යවස්ථා අධිකරණයක්‌ පිහිටුවීමමධ්යම සහ පළාත් ආණ්ඩු අතර ඇතිවෙනබලය බෙදාහැරීමේ ඇමිණුමේ සඳහන් බලතල සම්බන්ධයෙන් ඇතිවෙන ගැටුම්විසඳීම සදහා තීන්දු ලබාදීම ශ්රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණයට ඇති බලය මෙයින් අහෝසි වනුඇතව්යවස්ථා අධිකරණය සඳහා සාමාජිකයන් පත් කරනුයේ ජාතිකත්වනියෝජන පදනම යටතේය.
  6. පළාත් ආණ්ඩු සඳහා ස්වාධීන මුදල් බලතල සහ බදු එකතු කිරීමේ බලය ලබාදීම
  7. පළාත් රාජ් සේවය පාලනය පළාත් රාජ් සේවා කොමිසම යටතට පත් කරනඅතරදිස්ත්රික්‌ ලේකම්වරු සහ ප්රාදේශීය ලේකම්වරු පළාත් බලය යටතට පත්කෙරේමහ ඇමතිවරයා යටතට පළාත් රාජ් සේවා කොමිසම පැවරේ.
  8. ආණ්ඩුකාරවරයා පත් කිරීමේදී මහ ඇමතිවරයාගේ අනුමැතිය ලබා ගැනීම.
  9. පළාත් සභා අයුතු බලය යෙදවීමක යෙදෙන අවස්ථාවේ පළාත් සභා විසුරුවාහැරීමට ජනාධිපතිවරයාට දැනට ඇති බලතල සිමා කිරීම සිදුකෙරේ සඳහාව්යවස්ථා අධිකරණයේ අනුමැතිය ලබා ගැනීම.
  10. මහජන දේශපාලන අධිකාරිය හෙවත් ජනතා පරමාධිපත්යයේ බලය මධ්යම,පළාත් සහ ප්රාදේශීය වශයෙන් බල ව්q තුනක්‌ අතර බෙදී යන පිළිගැනීම.
  11. පළාත් විෂයයන්ට අදාළව නීති පැනවීමේ බලය පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට අහිමිවන අතරපොදු ප්රතිපත්ති නිර්දේශ කිරීමේ බලය  පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට අහිමිවේ.
මනෝඡ් අබයදීර
82, Market Road, Panadura, Sri Lanka. Tel: 0770381944, 0382236228 Fax: 0382236228
Statement of the National Joint Committee on the Report submitted by the Centre-Periphery sub-committee on Constitutional Reform
The Government on the 19th of November presented to Parliament several reports of subcommittees appointed by them on constitutional reform, which includes reports on centre-periphery relations and police powers.
The subcommittee on centre-periphery relations was chaired by Mr Dharmalingam Siddharthan Member of Parliament. The report in its introduction states that the unitary character of the constitution is an impediment to the effective functioning of provincial councils. Mr. Dharmalingam Siddharthan has reiterated this position in an interview he had given to the Daily Mirror on 22nd of November. Therefore it appears that the approach of this subcommittee is to propose a structure which is federal in character. We are in total disagreement with this damaging approach and hence reject such an approach.
The National Joint Committee wish to place on record that we are against any attempt to change the unitary character of Sri Lanka. It needs to be said that the unitary character should not be limited to a mere label to deceive the public, but the contents of the constitution should be unitary in character.
In this regard it is necessary to point out that the structure introduced by the 13th Amendment has considerably eroded the supremacy and sovereignty of Parliament and thereby the unitary character of the State. Article 154 G(3) requires a majority of 2/3 of the members of Parliament to repeal or amend any statute passed by a Provincial Council, whereas it only needs a simple majority to repeal or amend its own laws. The Parliament would need a 2/3 majority to only amend the constitution and not amend ordinary laws, thus in effect we have elevated the laws made by Provincial Councils to that of constitutional provisions. Therefore Article 154 G (2) and (3) should be repealed forthwith.
The 13th Amendment gives to the Provincial Councils legislative and executive powers with regard to 73 subjects included in the provincial and concurrent lists, including police and land powers. It is necessary that Parliament should be able to repeal any legislation passed by a Provincial Council with a simple majority in the same way Parliament can repeal its own laws if it so desires in the National Interest. We therefore wish to state categorically that the impediments placed on the sovereignty of the people by the 13th Amendment should be removed forthwith and restore the unitary character of the State as it existed prior to the 13th Amendment. It is clear from the recommendation of this subcommittee that they are in a process of further deteriorating the unitary character of the State.
The subcommittee on centre-periphery relations has identified several provisions in the existing constitution which they are not agreeable to, in addition to their objection to the unitary character of the State, namely –
1) The concurrent list,
2) National Policy included in the reserve list,
3) Powers of the Governor
4) Fiscal control by the Centre.
We wish to point out that many countries that have devolved political power including India and South Africa, have included a concurrent list in their respective constitutions to enable the Centre to intervene against wrongful action of Provincial/regional Governments.
This is considered as a step in the right direction if we are to continue with a structure which devolves power. The concurrent list will provide an opportunity for the centre to intervene if the acts of Provincial Governments affect the rights of regional minorities.
We also wish to point out that we strongly object to any attempt to abolish the office of the Governor or to remove the executive powers vested in him, to enable the Provincial Board of Ministers to exercise executive power as they wish. Article 154 B (2) introduced by the13th Amendment provides for Presidential intervention through the office of Governor against any improper or illegal exercise of executive power by a Provincial Government. It is our view and strongly pursue that a Cabinet Minister be empowered to override any unlawful or improper action taken by a Provincial Minister.
There appears to be a move to do away with the powers of the Centre to decide on matters of National Policy in respect of all subjects. We note with regret that the attempt to take away powers of the Government to decide on matters of National Policy is also done with view to destroy the unitary character of the State and the sovereignty of the people. If this subcommittee had even a semblance of concern to stand up as one Nation, they would never have made such a proposal.
We wish to reiterate that the powers regarding fiscal policy should continue to remain with the Government of Sri Lanka. Any proposal made by this subcommittee to incorporate in the constitution a compulsory allocation from the national income to a Provincial Council is yet another attempt to destroy the unitary character of the State.
We also strongly object to Police and Land powers being granted to Provincial Councils as it will render law and order management and land management chaotic in the whole country and incorporating provisions into the constitution to amalgamate the Northern and Eastern provinces. The National Joint Committee strongly objects to the establishment of a constitutional court providing for ethnic representation. We do not consider that it is a prudent move to select judges and other holders of office based on their ethnicity.
Therefore we urge the Government of Sri Lanka to refrain from implementing these disastrous proposals made by this subcommittee in the preparation of a new constitution for Sri Lanka. We would after careful study, make a fuller statement on all the other proposals made by other subcommittees in the near future.
Yours sincerely,
National Joint Committee
Signed – Dr Anula Wijesundara – Joint President
Col. (rtd) Anil Amarasekera – Joint President
Dimuth Gunawardena – Hony. Secretary
Mr Pani Wewala – Administrative Secretary
Dr Ranjini Rathnapala – Hony. Treasurer
Mr Manohara de Silva (PC) Exco Member
Dr. Lalithsiri Gunuruwan – Exco Member
Mr Gamini Gunawardena – Exco Member
Mr Gevindu Cumaratunga – Exco Member
Mr Neville Laduwahetty – Exco Member
Mr Kulathunga Rajapakse – Exco Member
Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekara – Exco Member
Dr P. G Punchihewa – Exco Member
Mr S. P. Weerasekara – Exco Member
Mr Tilak Godamanne – Exco Member

23 Responses to “Proposed Federal or Eelam Constitution Proposes to Abolish the Concurrent List, Grant Land, Police, Administrative Services, Fiscal and National Planning Powers to the Provincial Councils and Make the Governor a Mare (Laughable) Figurehead”

  1. Christie Says:

    Indian Empire will do what ever they can to destroy the Sinhalese.

  2. S.Gonsal Says:

    Indian Empire has bribed Sira, Ranil CBK. ( money came in !)
    MR bribed the Indian Empire to come to power. ( money went out !)

    Indian Empire is bribing MR.
    Chines Empire is also bribing MR.
    USA also bribing MR.
    But money still going out to Dubai, Murisiya, Singapore , Hong Kong , Thailand, Ghana you name it.

    Money trail will show the Deshpremaya !

  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oi Kalawedda (Gonsal),

    More powerful people than YOU with the ENTIRE government apparatus of Sri Lanka at the disposal now, have been trying to PROVE their fabricated ALLEGATIONS of bribery and corruption against MR for 2 years now.

    All they have achieved is to SHOOT THEMSELVES in the FOOT and become the LAUGHING STOCK of their countrymen, CRAWLING TO CHINA on their KNEES to get the Chinese Projects renewed.

    Although MEGA-Mouth Champika talks BIG about his Megalopolis development plan, all he has to show are the projects intimated and set underway by MR! No NEW projects, NO NEW MONEY has come in!

    Meanwhile, the YAMAPALANAYA IDIOTS have orchestrated the GREAT CENTRAL BANK ROBBERY, the largest ever in Sri Lanka, imported billions of Rupees worth of Luxury SUVs for themselves and the Leader if the Opposition, Sampanthan of the LTTE Proxy the TNA, while pleading NATIONAL BANKRUPTCY to raise the VAT and unload the burden of their THEIVERY onto the backs of the common man!

    ALL SMOKE and LARGER MIRRORS stI’ll making ALLEGATIONS against our beloved heroic leaders of the MR/UPFA government that enabled the common man to return home from work to his family without being blasted to bits, and gave him hope that someday soon he too would be living in a self-sufficient modern country on par with the West.

    SHAME ON YOU for continuing to be an UTTER ROGUE for undermining your own prople!

    A Kalawedda to the VERY END!

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    This is the ideal CABINET!!!

    Rear Admiral Sarath Weerasekara – PRESIDENT
    Dr Anula Wijesundara – PM, HEALTH
    Col. (rtd) Anil Amarasekera – FINANCE MINISTER
    Dimuth Gunawardena – ALL OTHER
    Mr Pani Wewala – ?????????
    Dr Ranjini Rathnapala – EDUCATION
    Mr Manohara de Silva (PC) – JUSTICE
    Dr. Lalithsiri Gunuruwan – ALL OTHER
    Mr Gamini Gunawardena – DEFENCE
    Mr Gevindu Cumaratunga – PUBLIC SECTOR
    Mr Neville Laduwahetty – FOREIGN
    Mr Kulathunga Rajapakse – ALL OTHER
    Dr P. G Punchihewa – ALL OTHER
    Mr S. P. Weerasekara – ALL OTHER
    Mr Tilak Godamanne – ALL OTHER

  5. Ananda-USA Says:

    The day when a UNMASKED and DISCREDITED EELAMIST agitator Katussa (Lorenzo) PRESUMES to appoint a CABINET for Sri Lanka is the day WE KNOW that Sri Lanka has GONE TO THE DOGS!

    It is not WHO he names, but that he PRESUMED and ARROGATES TO HIMSELF the AUTHORITY to name a cabinet!

    What a JOKE!

  6. Sirih Says:

    Colombo politicians and western stooges like mangala is moving towards a another war in SL. We fought 30 yr war and got those elamist in a rabbit hole and now president who is stooge and a weak man and anglical ranil that want this constitution so that he can stay on power is in very dangerous grounds.
    We should have removed 13th just after the war and as usual all these corrupt rouges think they can use these to their own advantage.

  7. Lorenzo Says:

    Really USA?

    Can you provide some CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICM of my selection without shooting the messenger?

    Aren’t these people A MILLION TIMES better than ALL our politicians?


    The best way to DEFEAT the F-constitution (federal) is EDUCATE people. MORE tax money will go to 9 PCs as they will have MORE powers. MORE disputes.

  8. Ananda-USA Says:

    Katussa (Lorenzo),

    I reserve CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM for those who deserve it, and not for an EELAMIST agitator like YOU trying to sow his DESTRUCTIVE disinformation.

  9. Christie Says:

  10. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    ANANDA !! Just a humble request. Please stop calling names to Commentors on Lanka Web. Thanks.

  11. S.Gonsal Says:

    Thank you Susantha.
    We need more commmentators to tell him this politely and impolitely, otherwise he will destroy ANY fruitful dialogue.

    I rememebr he has been the best friend of Lorenzo until 2014 October or so after which Lorenzo became a LTTEr to him, just becuase Lorenzo supported Sirisena ( with reasons )

  12. Ananda-USA Says:


    I appreciate the sentiments behind your humble request.

    Can you make the SAME REQUEST to Lorenzo and Gonsal, in the interest of Sri Lanka we both love?

    As long as the Katussa (Lorenzo) and Kalawedda (Gonsal) continue calling Patriots names and spewing their propaganda undermining thr Payritic cause, I am afraid I have to continue countering them the same way. FIRE has to be fought with FIRE.

    If you can, get them to cease and desist, and help the Patriots, I would welcome your efforts.

  13. S.Gonsal Says:

    I have never called such names to you first ( If I have, it should have been after you started mariyakade language).

    You don’t have to accuse “Propaganda” to me, you know very well we are just normal individuals , like you ( if you are so).
    You don’t have a “Patriotic” cause in my view, a foolish blind faith to an individual. You can’t impose Foolishness unto others.

    For the benifit of others you have to calm down and respect diffenernt views.

    That is all. But whenever I try to be nice to you, your original language, your enormous swollen head covert you to a devil even more, forcing us to respond.

  14. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oi Kalawedda (Gonsal),

    Wailing like a VICTIM when YOUR AGGRESSIVE hurling of bombs BOOMERANGS on you, is a time-honored tactic of EELAMISTS also.

    They ran amok in Sri Lanka murdering at will, while claiming to be VICTIMS. Now that those hurling bombs have ben wiped out, they have ALL BECOME VICTIMS!

    Than, beythakatwath Kotiyek hoyaganna baha.
    Than, okkoma asarana minissu!

    You the Kalawedda, and Lorenzo the Katussa, are JUST LIKE THOSE Kotiyas.

    You throw bombs at patriots and undermine the Patriotic cause incessantly at LankaWeb, but unfortinately for you, you ran into a cement wall when you confronted me.

    Why? Because I am ready, able and willing to fight at all levels against your devious strategies.

    I do not use “Mariakade language” as you falsely claim …. that is your specialty especially when you write in Sinhala font.

    I use ordinary English words that get my point across such as “TRAITOR, IDIOT, IMBECILE, HYPOCRITE” etc that do not descend to the filthy Mariakade Language you use, and logic, humor and sarcasm to get my point across.

    If you can’t cope, give up your propaganda against the Patriotic cause.

    Otherwise, STOP WAILING and TAKE IT ON THE CHIN like a man!

    What are you … man or mouse?

  15. Lorenzo Says:

    SW’s HUMBLE AND HONEST request resulted in breaking the floodgates of the ZOO!!

    Ananda-USA added a few more animals to his ZOO.

    e.g. Tiger, mouse.

    Now his ZOO has these animals.

    Kalawedda, Kadawedda (Ananda typed so), Katussa, Kotiya, mouse, ass, jackass, imbecile, Thalagoya, Kabaragoya, sheep, dog, rat.

    I think Ananda-USA is none other than Fonseka. Both Americans with a zoo at home.

  16. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oi Katussa (Lorenzo),

    Katusso, You LIE BIG TIME!

    YOU sarted calling people Kabaragoya and Thalagoya, referring to MR/GLP and Charles/Me.

    Your problem is that what you started, has gone out of control and you can’t stop it from boomerang in on you! Just like what happened to your SUNGOD, the late unlamented Prabhakaran!

    What is the matter? Memory failing lime when you DENIED propagandizing for Sirisena here at LankaWeb until I NAILED YOU TO THE WALL and you FINALLY CONFESSED!

    You think all the LankaWeb readers don’t remember what you have done, but they do!

    You may think ALL of us are Sinhala Modayas to be FOOLED at WILL, but

    You can FOOL ALL Sinhala Modayas SOME of the TIME
    You can FOOL SOME Sinhala Modayas ALL of the TIME
    But, You CANNOT FOOL ALL Sinhala Modayas ALL of the TIME.

    Go and do your Katussa EELAM dance now!

    BTW, how is the post-graduate LAW degree in Kovil Management coming?

  17. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oi Katussa (Lorenzo),

    Has Susantha made the same humble request to you and the Kalawedda?

    I am waiting for him to act …… all agog!

    No doubt you will comply with his request!

  18. Lorenzo Says:


    “YOU sarted calling people Kabaragoya and Thalagoya, referring to MR/GLP and Charles/Me.”


    I mentioned the PROVEB – when you want to eat Kabaragoya becomes Thalagoya.

    It is about OPPORTUNISM not name calling.

    Name calling was started by Fonseka’s people including Ananda-USA.

    “BTW, how is the post-graduate LAW degree in Kovil Management coming?”

    I don’t do post-graduate law degree or Kovil Management. I happen to live close to the Livermore Siva Vishnu kovil. I feel comfortable living in a Tamil suburb!! That’s all.

  19. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oi Katussa (Lorenzo),

    There you go again LYING & MISLEADING!

    1. YES YOU DID … start calling people Kabaragoya and Thalagoya and making comparisons

    2. I am opposed to Fonseka’s agenda and have nothing to with him.
    I have written earlier here on Fonseka’s FOIBLES!



    An EELAMIST Katussa will ALWAYS BE an EELAMIST Katussa!

  20. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oi Katussa (Lorenzo),

    O La La! Sorry to hear that the Law degree in Kovil Affairs is not working out.

    It would have groomed you well for the poosari position, but I heard they don’t accept Tamil Catholics as Hindu poosaris!

    But, a religious conversion may do the trick, at the risk of excommunication and eternal damnation!

    Quite a 3-body problem, ain’t it? Should be easy for a High IQ Tamil EELAMIST to solve!

    Try giving them a dose of MISINFORMATION and see what happens!

  21. Lorenzo Says:

    Catholic? Since when did I become a Catholic?

    Elamist? When did I become an Elamist?

    True about HIGH IQ. Mine is 140+. What’s yours USA? (Tell me only if it is more than 70).

    “An EELAMIST Katussa will ALWAYS BE an EELAMIST Katussa!”


  22. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oi Katussa (Lorenzo),

    You became a Catholic the day you were born and baptized …. in the Katana area.

    Didn’t you know? LOL!

    There is nothing wrong with being a Tamil Catholic;
    it is your EELAMIST connection you should be ASHAMED about!

    How come with a HIGH IQ of 340, you were FOOLED BY Aiyooooo SIRISENA as you frequently WAIL??

    Please RETAKE some other IQ Test …… OK?

  23. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oi Katussa (Lorenzo),


    Please excuse me, I meant to +540 IQ!

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