Posted on December 19th, 2017


The first question would be, not of the severe punishment that the ERRANT DRIVER has to face, but that of the Safety of Lives of the Pedestrians, that constantly walk on the road.

It was only last year that I wrote on the same subject, to the TWO Mahanayakas, to speak to the President,  hoping that they would care for the lives on the road. NO, they just ignored my plea, and probably threw my long letter to the waste bin, along with some Banana Skins awaiting disposal.  All Public Servants responsible for maintaining Road Vehicular Discipline, and Pedestrian Discipline, particularly the POLICE DEPARTMENT, whom I think should handle the Subject , be the initiators of this VAST PROJECT, <b>PLEASE LEND ME THY EAR.<b>

I suggest that SPEED BUMPS be introduced, about 30 feet away, on either side of the Pedestrian crossings, so as to enforce  ALL VEHICLES to come to almost  ‘ stopping speed ‘ without continuing at the speed they are travelling  over the Pedestrian Crossing. This will totally prevent the scenario we saw, THE BUS HITTING THE TWO SCHOOL GIRLS, RIGHT ON THE PEDESTRIAN CROSSING. Next Question ? How to meet the Expenditure for two SPEED BUMPS, at a  Pedestrian Crossing. I suggest that the PRIME MINISTERS OFFICE,  seek an Estimate for the Cost of the Two Speed Bumps from the RDA, The Road Development Authority. Here is a PRACTICAL SUGGESTION.:-The RDA can be asked to construct Two Speed Bumps at a Pedestrian Crossing.  They can evaluate the Cost, plus a 15% profit added onto cost, because it is my point of view, that the RDA should get the entire All Island Contract for installing Speed Bumps, as the moment the private contractors  are on the radar to put their hand into it, THE BRIBE TAKERS WILL MAKE IT A CIRCUS.

Let us say, hypothetically, the RDA estimate that a  Speed Bump  would cost Rs 10,000, and Two will cost Rs.20,000, per Pedestrian Crossing.   The Police Department, should seek free publicity from Media personnel to collect Rs. 20,000 for each proposed set of Speed Bumps. I also believe that The Lions Clubs could assist. Lot more to be thought of and said.

IT IS THE PRIME MINISTER WHO SHOULD GIVE A KICK START TO THIS PROJECT.  <b>Can anyone bring this project to the notice of the PRIME MINISTER.  Blessings of the Noble Triple Gem for the Projects success.





  1. ranjit Says:

    Susantha do not waste time and energy of yours to write letters to the current Yamapalanaya rulers or the mahanayakas in this country. Our country has become a killing field with thug’s and murderers roaming the streets and killing each other and put fear in to the minds of the poor people in this country. Look at daily news papers and the TV and you will see innocent citizens been killed by underworld thugs, by wild elephants or by dare devil bus drivers on the roads on daily basis. This is the change we got after Jan 8th.
    Mahanayakas doing nothing on behalf of the people or the buddhist religion specially the Malwatta thera. Can’t they see the destruction what Tamils and Muslims do to our buddhist historical places and sites? Even today we heard and saw in the TV how these evil human beings bulldozed our ancient buddhist site in Sampur. How can anybody do such things in our Sinhala buddhist country and escape? Where are these mahanayakas you are talking about? What this spineless President will do about it? Is he blind not to see these kinds of things happening in front of his eyes. What kind of a government is this and why the citizens of this country doesn’t chase them out and bring a government which listens to the people and solve their problems?

    Very soon you will get a chance to teach this Yamapalanaya a lesson so think of the country we love and vote to pohottuwa to save our motherland, environment, forests and the people in this country from this foreign backed evil government.

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    RANJIT !!! I have never ever written any LETTER to Yama Pallama Buggers. Yes, About two years back I wrote to the FRUIT BATS, but They have chewed it up thinking that it was a fruit. I read all the news reads of Srilanka. I know what is happening. I know that Bada Udin along with other TCs are clearing the Wilpattu. with Buldozers. The houses built there are for Mussies only. Wilpattu now becomes a Thambi thambang village. About the SPINELESS Sorryma Sena, he is only the Hitan of the country. She takes orders from the Gaylord Husband, Hutan, who has done nothing for the Country so, other than INITIATING TO ROB THE CENTRAL BANK OF SRILANKA. This **VERY SOON** will never DAWN. It is all Fart and NO Shit. Please believe me. Blessings of the Noble Triple Gem.

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