Australian Labor Party must reject Hugh McDermott’s mischievous claim of Genocide in Sri Lanka
Posted on June 15th, 2020

SPUR Media Release – 13 June 2020SPUR (Society for Peace, Unity and Human Rights for Sri Lanka Inc) Reg: A 003 0777 M PO Box 4066, Mulgrave, VIC 3170, Australia Tel: (03) 97957143 Fax: (03) 97957142 Email: Website:

Australian Labor Party must reject Hugh McDermott’s mischievous claim of Genocide in Sri Lanka

The Society for Peace Unity and Human Rights for Sri Lanka (SPUR), as a long-serving organisation representing Australians of Sri Lankan origin, deplores the ethnically divisive and blatantly inaccurate statement made by Hugh McDermott, the Labor MP for Prospect, NSW on the 11th anniversary of Sri Lanka’s hard-won peace through eradicating terrorism and restoring the territorial integrity of the island nation.

McDermott also made outrageous allegations of a genocide that targeted the Tamil community in Sri Lanka resulting in the death of 160,000 innocent unarmed men, women and children” and that many were murdered because of their culture, faith, language and traditions”. This inflammatory statement is a blatant lie.

McDermott’s fanciful claims can be rebutted using numerous on-ground accounts and credible reports, some from within the Tamil community itself. An exhaustive study of casualty figures was done by Rt Hon. Lord Naseby, Chairman of the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group on Sri Lanka. The House of Lords was informed on 07 January 2020 that Lord Naseby spent 10 years looking at reports by the UK’s Military attaché in Colombo Col. Anthony Gash, Tamil university teachers, census data and all the coverage that I could find. The net result is about 6,000 people killed, of which a quarter are Tiger Terrorists”. Referring to War Crimes allegations, he said, Colonel Gash’s reports made it clear that the army behaved admirably and looked after the civilians. If it had wanted to knock them off, then over 295,000 would not have been safely brought across the lines to safety, would they” end quote.

Obviously, McDermott has chosen to ignore facts and figures that do not fit the false narrative socialised by the Pro-LTTE lobby, which itself is a major obstacle to reconciliation in Sri Lanka. Furthermore, his inflammatory statements have caused tension and distrust among Australians of Sri Lankan background and damaged the good relationship between the wider Sri Lankan community and the Australian Labor Party.

19th May 2009 marks the end of a three-decade long tyranny of the Tamil Tiger Terrorists who had used suicide bombings, blowing up of public transport, assassinating political rivals including non-compliant Tamils, as well as ethnic cleansing of Sinhalese and Muslims civilians from Sri Lanka’s North and the East. This day is also remembered for the bravery and sacrifices of Sri Lanka’s Defence Forces and the determination of its people for collectively safeguarding the sovereignty, unitary state and the territorial integrity of the nation.

The Tamil community too suffered greatly at the hands of the LTTE, with the forcible conscription of child soldiers and the use of captive civilians as human shields. It is only the advancing Sri Lankan security forces that liberated large numbers of Tamil civilians used as human shields during the final phase of the conflict. Thousands of LTTE cadres who surrendered at the end of hostilities were rehabilitated, and provided skills for returning to civilian life. Tamil Sri Lankans in the North and East are now able to benefit from demining, resettlement, education, healthcare, transport and economic development as well as participate in Provincial Government elections. McDermott conveniently ignores that Tamil is a National Language and that the Tamil/Hindu community is specifically acknowledged by representing them on Sri Lanka’s National Flag.

In conclusion, we request the Australian Labor Party to reference one of its most respected leaders, the former Foreign Minister Hon Bob Carr who noted the 35 years of civil war and wondered why people don’t dwell on the Tamil Tigers’ human rights abuses, including inventing suicide bombing and using women and children as cannon fodder pointing out that if the Tigers had managed to carve out a ‘homeland’ in the north, it would have been pretty much like the Pol Pot Regime”. Hon Carr went on to rejected the notion that Australian foreign policy should be set by members of Diasporas that find their way here”.

We urge the Australian Labor Party to reject McDermott’s inflammatory and fabricated narrative on Sri Lanka.

Yours Sincerely

Dr Dasarath Jayasuriya

One Response to “Australian Labor Party must reject Hugh McDermott’s mischievous claim of Genocide in Sri Lanka”

  1. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Destruction of the Sinhalese race, Sri Lanka and Buddhism started with parangi invasion. Parangsi brought religion
    of convenience which made a lot of Sinhalese alien to Sinhalese Buddhists thinking they are a class above and
    they did a lot of damage to destroy Buddhism (the only true religion in the world), Sri Lanka and the Sinhalese
    race. Living example is traitor low life traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist mega thief mega thakkadiya, bay gal karaya, mass murderer (Sinhalese Buddhists only of course) Batalande wa(n)dakaya Pot Pot r@ni_leech wickrama Sinhala killer. Traitor chief’s wolf in sheep’s clothing disguise (that is catholic wolf in Buddhist’s clothing) did irreparable damage to Mother Lanka, Buddhism and the Sinhalese race to the delight of tamils, mussies and catholics. Thanks to traitor low life, Sri Lanka, Buddhism and the Sinhalese race are facing eternal threat from
    the traitor foreigners tamils and mussies.

    Dutch brought tamils from tn to work in tobacco plantations. Then British brought tamils again to work in tea
    plantations. Then a lot of kallathonis crossed the 16-miles of sea to save their lives from the severe famine in
    tn in the 60s. Knowing Sinhalese are divided thanks to anti Buddhist, anti Sri Lanka, anti Sinhalese, minority
    worshiping, Mother Lanka dismembering GooandPee aka UNPatriotic_rats, they have become natives with
    1000s of years of history without an ancient tamil brick older than 400 years to substantiate their bogus claim.
    No Anuradhapuras, no Polonnaruwas, their mythical kings lived in sand castles or used cow boy builders?

    While tamils stayed away from government, mussies after multiplying like , propped up every government
    since 60s, landed powerful ministries promoted even more mass breeding, and filled up all the ministries under
    them with mussies. So principled, so honest Sinhalese deshapaluwas never propped up any government and let
    the mussies in to do the destruction. We all know how honest our deshapaluwas are. Sinhala modayas let the mussies in.

    Today, both foreigners wants their exclusively them only kingdoms while living all over the country enjoying
    more benefits, freedom than the native Sinhalese. Divided Sinhalese are easy prey. Even these traitors get their drealam and mussisthan kingdoms, they will be fighting eternal wars to expand their territories and with their
    foreign backers Sinhalese are going to be refugees in their own land or going to be wiped out totally. Already Sinhalese are banned in N&E, and probably short-memoried Sinhalese already forgotten how traitor chief’s
    catholic buddy barrel man hitler mala paharan used a visa system for us to go to N&E. Don’t ask a GooandPeer
    or jaathidrohee vermins’ party aka jvper, he/she won’t remember that.

    Since parangi invasion, Sinhalese have become prisoners in their own land and situation getting worse. After
    killing 100,000+, mainly Sinhalese, to get their tamil drealam not a word to say sorry. Now the traitor foreigners
    getting ready again to kill 100s of 1000s of Sinhalese to get the drealam home and abroad. Meanwhile, other
    traitor lot mussies after multiplying like getting ready to kill Sinhalese by millions to establish its mussithan.

    Why do have to put up with these ungrateful menaces who don’t want to co-exist with us and plotting to kill us
    all. If the traitors get their kingdoms, Sinhalese going to lose all and become refugees in our own land. Do we
    want that, apart from the smanala gang who doesn’t have any off spring? Of course not. We should petition
    (e-petition) the government to send these people back to where they came from. After all Mr Modi recently
    opened the door for tamils to come any time.

    Mussies can go former Buddhist countries, iran, afganisthan, pakisthan, bangladesh, malaysia and indonesia (Google those countries’ Buddhist heritages) they turned to mussie after multiplying like . Or there are 80
    mussies countries they boast and halal, sharia, buriya, goni billa dress (high fashion in hell among ghosts),
    multi wives, child brides etc. etc. etc all there and don’t have to kill any Sinhalese to get them.

    650,000+ estate tamils volunteered to go back under patriotic Sirima B who negotiated Sirima-Shasthri Pact.
    Then while the repatriation going on she lost elections and traitor alugosuwa (to Sinhalese Buddhists only) thambi
    mudiyanselage jr@ gave citizenship to all of them for their votes. Today, they must be numbering 3-4 millions
    or even more and aspiring for a greater drealam (remember 2019 Presidential Elections voting map aka
    drealam map).

    Can we trust these foreigners? Their record during the last 400 years is abysmal (apart from Murali). Even to put
    up a name borad, to sing our Natioanl Anthem, keeping our archaelogical sites safe, living all parts of our own
    country etc etc we are banned or need their permission. Name any country on the planet in a sad situation like
    this letting foreigners to rule over them. Enough is enough and it’s time to claim our country back and win our freedom to go back pre parangi era. Now the traitor menace getting ready to annihilate us all.

    Petition GoSL to send them back to save the Sinhalese race OR within a few hundred years there will be no Sinhalese left in Sinhale! For a start take the civic rights of Sinhalese, tamil and mussie deshapaluwas who
    brought Sri Lanka to where we are today. Hang traitor chief die hard catholic token Buddhist who did the most
    damage (other two alugosuwas are dead, thambi mudiyanselage jr@ and lk porisada R@). Their murder
    Sinhalese, get Sri Lanka to themselves only agenda destroyed the social fabric of the country. To avoid eternal bloodbaths and to avert extinction of Sinhalese in Sri Lanka, PETITION the Government now to send these
    undesirables to where they came from! Then no UN, AI, AB, CD, EF, sooka yaka, maha sona, reeri yaka, macdermutt, monkey boon (previously), david milibanda etc. etc. who putting screws into Mother Lanka for
    diasporats votes/payroll won’t make any noise. What’s more, the paid foot soldiers/vote begging deshapaluwas
    will be pleading GoSL to keep these undesirables on our soil! PETITION GOSL now to save Sinhalese race, Sri
    Lanka and Buddhism.

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