ජනතාව සාගතයෙන් තබා රට නොරටුන්ට හිමිකර දීමේ සැළසුම් පරදවමු….!
Posted on December 27th, 2021

මාධ්‍ය අංශය, වෛද්‍ය තිලක පද්මා සුබසිංහ අනුස්මරණ නීති අධ්‍යයන වැඩසටහන.

ගෑස්, විදුලිය, ඉන්ධන සහ පොහොර ජනතාවට ලබාගත නොහැකි කරන ආකාරයට පත් කිරීමත් සමගම ආහාරත් ජනතාවට ලබාගත නොහැකි තත්ත්වයට පත් කිරීමේ කූඨ සැළසුමක් ක්‍රියාත්මකයි. එහි අරමුණ ජනතාව සාගතයෙන් තබා රට නොරටුන්ට හිමිකර දීමයි.

අපි ඒ උගුලේ නොවැටෙමු…,

සාගතයට මුහුණ දෙමු…,

අපි ආහාරවලින් පොහොසත් වෙමු…,

ඉඩ ඇති සෑම තැනකම ආහාරයක් වගා කර ගනිමු…!  

2 Responses to “ජනතාව සාගතයෙන් තබා රට නොරටුන්ට හිමිකර දීමේ සැළසුම් පරදවමු….!”

  1. aloy Says:

    I believe this plan started in late 50s by creating the anti ‘Sri’ movement in the north, later via JVP insurrections. Failing all that they tried with LTTE. And now using our own traitors.
    We have more than enough laws to arrest this situation. No need of a parliament to sit again and make further laws. It is our own law enforcement agencies that has failed us, by not performing their duties as required by our constitution. Take the case of a chief judge who would go to the head of state and plead with him to keep the fellow on the job promising to do anything he wishes. The so called puritan west has no problem in accepting him at the highest body of the world, UN, because he is the most suitable man for them to do their job. Then take the case of another miserable fellow who said ‘I sent the man who should have gone to the prison to rajagedara’ and later apologized.
    Many police bosses have suffered humiliation and ruined their carrier for which they have devoted their entire life at the end by dancing to the tune of politicos of the day. Shani Abeysekara is the latest example.
    What I am trying to say is that the law enforcement agencies have the most important role to play at this critical moment in our history in saving the rudderless ship. The five bench judges should step in and collectively take timely

  2. aloy Says:

    Please continue the last line of my above comment as “…..take timely decisions and prevent anarchy and the police should carry out their duty without favour.”

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