Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena Appointment of Sri Lankan Envoys – Wrong People for Selling Sri Lanka!
Posted on November 15th, 2023

Prof. Hudson McLean

The appointment of Representing Sri Lanka to Promote the Economy should be offered to Competent Sales Persons and should not be offered as Gifts to Boot-Lickers!

I have seen the Sri Lankan diplomats in many countries, who are only drowned in the froth of their Diplomatic position but totally incapable of conducting the main object of the job or position.

Take a lesson from the Singapore or British Diplomatic Missions.

They have defined Financial Targets and Time Lines on investment or related services.

Starting with the Air Marshalls and Brigadiers who are due to their Rank, incapable of selling or getting their hands dirty.

Cut the cocktail evenings and get down to work!

Time will show that the new Diplomats will not bring back any results to promote the main objects of their elevated status.

Military offices in my past experience are only trained to Give & Receive Orders.  Their basic innovative and imaginative skills are reduced to Zero.

The days when Tea, Rubber & Coconut are gone.

Garment trade should be a two-way opportunity.

The Garment manufacturers should try to create joint ventures and move part of the production process, with Sri Lankan labour to recipient nations to increase the profile.  This will reduce the import duties to make the final selling price favourable and maintain better relationship. Most important is that this will change the Label!  There are legal ways to overcome local labour laws!  —- IMAGINATION!—–

The Sun – Sea – Sand of the Pearl of Asia are old hat!

Today Sri Lanka needs foreign revenue in many different avenues.

Here I applaud DP Perera Education for being on the right track.  

Now these glorious Uniformed gentlemen with brass medals should take the next step to deploy the educated Sri Lanka youth in employment opportunities.

There are many opportunities in IT, Nursing, and Eldercare in the European Union, USA, UK, which offer i excess of US dollars 2500 per month.

Sri Lanka tourism should be boosted, not by Sun-Sea-Sand, but by 3000-year-old Cultural Values. 

Tourism should be re-defined!

Tourism should be targeted not only at the young but also at the Senior Citizens, on high pensions.  These pensioners with loads of spare time are eager to learn something new, such as Asian Culture, Buddhist Religious beliefs, Cookery, Food Culture, Art, History, Folk stories, Music, Ayurvedic health benefits, etc.

Special Tourist Programs promoting the above values should be a Top Priority.

Many of the Sri Lankan Tour promoters are still in the 1950s but have not realized that there are much better and more competitive options promoted to the same potential audience.

Hopefully the Prime Minister might look at other options to bring the much needed foreign currency!

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