A Sri Lankan Buddhist Priest as a Chaplain in US Defense Establishment: A Shocking Revelation by Julie Chung
Posted on January 12th, 2024

By Sena Thoradeniya

Julie Chung the Korean – American ‘Viceroy’ of Sri Lanka, in her X message posted on 11 January 2023 had revealed some interesting information which we ordinary Sri Lankans are not aware of. Her message says: Today I met with Bhante Piyaratana a Buddhist Chaplain of Sri Lankan origin working with veterans in the US Department of Defense, to discuss with work helping Americans from a variety of religious backgrounds on their spiritual journeys. Born in Kandy with postgraduate studies in the US, Reverend Piyaratana presented me with books he has written on Buddhism. Interfaith Chaplains foster vital dialogue in diverse communities and can be bridges between our two countries”.

Born in Kandy with postgraduate studies in the US”? Has Bhante completed his postgraduate studies at the time of his birth?   

Any English Dictionary, Oxford English Dictionary (OED), Chambers’ Twentieth Century Dictionary, Merriam – Webster, Cambridge Dictionary, Collins, Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Wikipedia or any other source clarify that the word chaplain has Christian origins. All these meanings can be summarized as, a chaplain denotes a member of the clergy attached to a private chapel, institution, ship, regiment; a Christian official who is responsible for the religious needs of an organization; a clergyman in charge of a chapel; a person chosen to conduct religious exercises as at a meeting of a club or a society; a clergyman appointed to assist a bishop; a member of Christian clergy who does religious work in places such as a school, university,  hospital, prison, intelligence agency, embassy, labour union, sports club, fire department, police department, in the armed forces and even cemeteries.

In the 4th century a chaplain was so called because they kept St. Martin’s half cape; to it were added other relics that were guarded by chaplains appointed by the King in England. Chaplains lived within the Royal palace. Though the term originally referred to representatives of the Christian faith, in modern usage clergy appointed to a variety of institutions listed above are called chaplains. There are chaplains in cruise ships, animal welfare and environmental work too. So, our good lady Chung is familiar with the modern usage of the term chaplain.

Portuguese, Dutch and British colonial armies were accompanied with chaplains in their conquests. Thus, our countries were subjugated with the use of gun and the Bible is the common saying.

Protestant, Roman Catholic and Jewish chaplains serve in the armed forces of the US. Now the term is also applied to clergymen of other religions as in the case of chaplains serving with military forces. Julie Chung has disclosed something, we did not know earlier that Buddhist monks also serve the US military establishment as chaplains. A chaplain in the US military furnishes religious services and advise pertaining to religion and morality, religious education, serves as a counsellor and conducts classes in the moral guidance programs. They provide spiritual and emotional support for service personnel and conduct religious services in the field, on bases and at sea.

To be a chaplain of the Royal Navy he should follow a 16-week training course. A chaplain called for service with the Royal marines undertakes a 5-month long commando course. British Army chaplains undertake a 7-week training course. Royal Air Force chaplains must complete a 12-week specialist training course. In the US defense establishment this training can be more rigorous. Our Bhante Piyaratana may have undergone that rigorous training!

In the US, military chaplains must be endorsed by their religious leaders in order to serve in the military. We do not know who endorsed Bhante Piyaratana’s application to be a chaplain in the US Defense establishment! 

US military chaplains carry both rank and corps insignia. Julie Chung has not disclosed Bhante Piyaratana’s rank and whether he wears military insignia!

In the US and UK, serving chaplains who are killed in action are awarded with gallantry awards. We hope that Bhante Piyaratana will not be a recipient of Medal for Heroism if he is sent to Red Sea!

According to Chung’s X message Bhante Piyaratana is working with veterans”. Who are these so-called veterans”? They are the personnel who served in US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, Coast Guard or a reserve component thereof. The personnel who fought in WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War and Gulf War are called veterans. Some of the Vietnam era murderers are protected by law. Research studies had disclosed that suicide rates for veterans are 57.3% greater than for non-veteran US adults and an average of 16.8 veterans died by suicide per day.

Chung has not come out with the results of Bhante Piyaratana’s counselling in reducing suicide rates among US veterans!  

Interfaith chaplains foster vital dialogue in diverse communities”, can be bridges between the two countries” are the key words of Chung’s message. We should not be surprised if Bhante Piyaratna brings to Sri Lanka something similar to the so-called Himalaya Declaration” to foster interfaith dialogue”, to build bridges” in his spiritual journey” with the American veterans. 

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