Mothers Movement Sri Lanka congratulates President Donald Trump & appreciates stand against LGBTQIA ideology
Posted on January 22nd, 2025

Shenali D Waduge

When people converge with banners & posters, automatically it is viewed as a protest. On 21st January 2025, a large group of people gathered outside the US Embassy Colombo to present a letter to President Donald Trump. They held posters & banners, but they came not to protest & their smiling faces conveyed more than a thousand words complimenting the concern they showcased on their posters. They comprised people who came because of a conviction, a belief and as concerned mothers & even fathers. There were pregnant women, children and even a grandmother who was over 80 years old. They didn’t come for a rice packet or a bottle of arrack and they were certainly not hired. This was the beauty of the gathering that arrived with a very strong message that even resonated with those who passed by on foot & in vehicles. The Mothers Movement was no feminist movement as they held the view that both men & women are born for a common cause & must complement & coexist in harmony with each other. That solidarity was seen to perfection on 21st January 2025.

Donald Trump took oaths on 20 January 2025 as the 47th President of the United States of America. That victory was secured by assuring the American people that his government would recognize only 2 genders allocated at birth – Male & Female.

Let us also include eunuchs though they hardly get any mention in the business-oriented LGBTQIA+++ Woke Agenda that is funded & promoted by the billionaire elite class, as a part of their depopulation strategy.

Perhaps the first time in history, timed with the inauguration, the Mothers Movement of Sri Lanka decided to converge outside the US Embassy in Colombo holding both the American flag & the Sri Lankan flag with key messages on colorful posters, to not only congratulate President Donald Trump but to thank him for the anti-LGBTQIA stand he has taken.

The Mothers Movement of Sri Lanka drew a gathering that united ethnicities, religions and included both females & males to showcase to the American President & Americans as well as Sri Lankans that people who were wholeheartedly committed & concerned about issues come together in solidarity when it is needed. No one was funded to be present. No one was hired. No one was forced. Everyone came because each & everyone foresaw the unforeseen dangers that encouraging LGBTQIA agenda would result in.

The topic of LGBTQIA+++/Woke Agenda played a key role in President Trumps election campaign. His sentiments resonated amongst the Mothers Movement of Sri Lanka who had been trying to reverse the damage the well-funded promotion of LGBGTIA programs were impacting on young children, teens & young adults in Sri Lanka.

Confounding matters was how the external lobbies had won over politicians, key ministries and were using all forms of media & creativity to present LGBTQIA as a fad & lure their prey to eventually undergo sex change operations & become hooked on to medications for life.

The Mothers Movement of Sri Lanka saw this as a threat to the family nucleus, the mental & physical wellbeing of the child and realized that these programs were creating clones of people who drifted away from parents, families to enjoy a brief period of sexual pleasure & thereafter suffer after-effects of taking medications for life.

The Biden Administration’s policy in January 2021 by signing Executive Order 13988 was to promote LGBTQIA both in US & globally strategically placing it as a human right”. That promotion meant US sent funds to organizations, journalists, activists, educators, legal professionals & even politicians. Former US Secretary of State Blinken even stated in June 2021 that sanctions would be slapped against nations not decriminalizing homosexuality.

USAID, US State Dept, NED were tasked to advocate for LGBTQIA abroad.

This policy removed all arguments that LGBTQIA was a natural phenomenon.

  • In 2021, the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights & Labor (DRL) funding with a ceiling of $2million to strengthen civil society in Sri Lanka & included advocating LGBTQIA.
  • In 2021 USAID committed $10m to promote LGBGTIA globally.
  • In 2022 USAID announced $19.2m to Sri Lanka which also included LGBGQIA
  • In 2023, the DRL issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity for $750,000 to support civic engagement in Sri Lanka which too included advocating LGBTQIA.
  • In 2021, US State Depts Global Equality Fund allocated $1.7m funding to Sri Lanka, Ethiopia & Jordan. LGBTQIA was also covered in scope.

All above were coordinated via the US Embassy Colombo liaising with local entities that were supported by US. Equal Ground was a key local partner. George Soros’s Open Society Foundation works with Equal Ground & other smaller entities in Sri Lanka. OSF funding is not disclosed but they fund journalists, activists & legal professionals.

Not only the US, but the European Union via European Instrument for Democracy & Human Rights, Netherlands via Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Human Rights Fund, Canada via Feminist International Assistance Policy, UK via Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, Sweden via Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Norwegian Govt, Germany via Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation & Development (BMZ), funds & promotes LGBTQIA/Woke agenda.

Unfortunately, even the UN is also steering LGBTQIA agenda.

The UNDP’s Being LGBTI in Asia” & Pacific Project”, UNHRC’s Free & Equal Campaign, UN Population Fund (UNFPA), UNAIDS, UN Women and even UNICEF supports LGBTQIA promotion even in schools. UN receives funding from Netherlands, Sweden, Canada, Germany for these advocacy programs.

Further, there is now private sector partnerships enforcing private sector companies to also include LGBTQIA/Woke & DEI agendas to corporate policy.

Now there are LGBTQIA rights for refugees & asylum seekers – opening the avenue for people to present themselves as LGBTQIA & claim asylum in greener pastures.

Why are the billionaire philanthropists not funding healthcare, infrastructure & education instead of promoting LGBTQIA lifestyles” that intend to destroy deeply rooted cultural & religious views? It is important to note that the billionaires promoting & funding LGBTQIA rights” are the very ones who have stakes in the pharmaceutical industry & stand to make profits from a new child target group that decides to become transgender, undergo surgeries & are compelled to take medications for life while others may spend more money to detransition but yet have to take medicines for life.

While these entities are utilizing funding to spread LGBTQIA, innocent children have been brainwashed with girls thinking they are boys and boys wanting to be girls. They have even come up with a term for this orchestrated confusion- gender dysphoria”.

After creating the ailment, the pharmaceutical giants were quick to come up with puberty blockers (delay puberty) for children. 2022 American Academy of Pediatrics report steep in children prescribed with puberty blockers under gender-affirming care.

Reuters News analaysing data from 2017 to 2021 reports 4780 adolescents started puberty blockers. This was an increase from 2394 in 2017 to 5063 in 2021. This shows the impact on the promotion of LGBTQIA ideology among children. However, the figure is likely to be higher when taking to account those who are not insured.

UK has a gender-affirming care for minors which prescribes puberty blockers.

The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust, approximately 2,400 young people were being treated for gender dysphoria in 2020, many prescribed with puberty blockers. However, in 2022, UK High Court ruled children under 16 cannot be given puberty blockers without judicial approval. What about the innocent children below 16 who were prescribed it?

In 2022, Sweden limited use of puberty blockers for minors & banned prescription for under 16 year olds. Finland requires psychological evaluation before prescribing puberty blockers. Denmark, Germany & Norway too requires strict medical supervision for prescription of puberty blockers.

Australia, Canada, New Zealand too prescribe puberty blockers to children. The campaign is to introduce the same to Asia, Africa & Latin America inspite of knowing the harmful effects which is why court interventions are taking place.

Puberty blockers cause infertility, impact bones of children & cause side-effects. How much of these issues can a child of 16 or less understand?

Boys & Girls are also being encouraged to undergo gender-affirming surgeries. They are placed on hormone therapy (boys who want to become girls given estrogen & anti-androgens – they become transgender women)

These hormone therapies help develop breasts, reduce body hair & changes fat distribution in the body. This treatment has to continue for life to maintain the artificial physical characteristics & prevent return of male facial hair etc. Imagine the cost of such medication for life?

Girls who want to become men (transgender men) are given testosterone hormone therapy & has to continue even after surgery (genital reconstruction) & to develop male characteristics like deeper voice, facial & body hair, muscle mass etc. Testosterone is given via injections, gels, patches.

According to Williams Institute Report 2016 over 50,000 transgender people in US have undergone surgeries & all will be on hormone therapy for life.

With children/young adults encouraged to change sex who is benefitting financially? Sex change means lifelong hormone replacement therapy – estrogen for transwomen & testosterone for transmen. The global market is estimated to be over $5billion in 2020 to over $9billion by 2030. Puberty blockers (leuprolide & triptorelin).

What Mothers Movement Sri Lanka is concerned about is the sexualization of children having seen the educational programs like drag shows & LGBTQIA education on normal children influencing them & even encouraging them to believe they can be the opposite sex. The Mothers Movement are focused on protecting children from the advocacy programs that are launched in western countries & knowing its impact on children as seen by the rising number of LGBTQIA identified children since the launch of these global awareness programs.

The Mothers Movement vehemently opposes prioritizing rights of LGBTQIA over the rights of normal males/females & children by completely ignoring their rights. Inappropriate content & ideologies cannot be forced on normal children to suit the agenda of those seeking profit.

The Mothers Movement is against legalizing any form of LGBTQIA in Sri Lanka as they view LGBTQIA as a chosen lifestyle option & not a fundamental right as identified fundamental rights are already constitutionally given to all.

Additionally, the Mothers Movement Sri Lanka on behalf of all similar thinking mothers irrespective of ethnicity or religion believe that:-

  • This globally funded profit-making new ideology is striking at the root of people’s cultural, religious, ideological & personal views as it attempts to destroy traditional religious views regarding the union of marriage between a man & a woman, it encourages same sex relations & even marriage which has been considered not only a sin & immoral but holding health/disease risks too.
  • It destroys the spiritual & energy fields of individuals leading to destroying the moral development of the child/young adult & the ability to identify what is right from wrong.
  • The traditional gender identity given at birth is challenged leading to a state of confusion with time & adverse psychological & physical impact
  • That, transitioned children break away from the family nucleus to lead a separate new” life thus completely breaking away from the family with a new identity”.
  • The confusion that children are being subject to at an age that does not require a child to think of gender identity when a child should be playing games & enjoying being a child. No child should be taught to question his/her sexuality at the age of 6 as is being taught in the West.
  • Early sexualization introduction programs to young children before they have physically, mentally & even psychologically matured is invariably bound to create a confused child and perfect prey for gender transitioning.
  • The shocking manner children’s books are now promoting same sex parents, same sex families and forcing children to learn new LGBTQIA terms is a violation of the rights of the normal child & destroying their right to childhood.
  • Funded advocacy programs teaching teachers, media outlets/journalists, lawyers, law makers etc is only a form of indoctrination” using funds to get them to promote LGBTQIA upon normal people luring them to think they are LGBTQIA.
  • Federal States in the US have even passed Bills denying parental control or say in the future of their own child while some states deny parents to object to a child’s decision for sex change or taking prescribed puberty blockers/hormone therapy treatments.
  • Children exposed to LGBTQIA are pressurized to themselves identify as another gender simply to fit in with the peers or due to bullying or being labeled – this will destroy the child’s life forever. Children should not be forced to be exposed to complex topics that even adults cannot understand.
  • The LGBTQIA social media platforms & advocacy programs are erasing traditional value systems & norms & legally attempting to enforce only their new beliefs & lifestyles as a fundamental human right” – this cannot be allowed. The LGBTQIA community are even destroying an entire language by forcing the English language to be changed to suit their needs & the billionaires that fund these movements as well as university academic studies/funding for schools are forcing curriculum to incorporate their terminology. In fact, the US is now teaching Sri Lanka’s journalists to write as per LGBTQIA terminology & no one seems to be objecting while even some corporates are adopting DEI ideology which President Donald Trump has just shut down after assuming office.

The Mothers Movement Sri Lanka strongly believe in the importance of normal” development over funded focus on new social lifestyles, that long term not only end up destroying the child but destroying an entire family as well. This new lifestyle” is not healthy for a child, the family or society at large.

The LGBTQIA community may think they are enjoying some new fun lifestyle but when the medications, the after-effects, the side-effects & other mental & physical trauma set it, that child who no longer has a loving home or family to reach out to for comfort will end up  traumatized and giving up on life.

The horrific stories of children who have transitioned & wish to detransition suffices to realize the dangers at play & the need to treat the issue as a menace not worth promoting at the cost of a child’s life for a brief period of temporary sexual pleasure.

Shenali D Waduge

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