Archive for October 27th, 2014

JHU strategy for presidential election

Monday, October 27th, 2014

By Udaya Gammanpila There is a common belief that the Jathika Hela Urumaya’s (JHU) days with the UPFA have now been numbered. People think that the JHU would quit the UPFA soon after announcement of the presidential election. However, they are confused about options available for the JHU after quitting the UPFA. Hence, let us explore […]

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One arrested for collecting signatures on blank UN war crimes complaint forms LTTE trained civilian arrested with six signed forms, brought to Colombo

Monday, October 27th, 2014

By Shamindra Ferdinando  Courtesy Island October 27, 2014, 8:17 pm Acting on information received from the public, the police have arrested a person tasked by the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to collect signatures on blank ‘UN war crimes complaints forms’ in the Vanni region. A senior security official said that the suspect had undergone compulsory […]

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Will Tamils be satisfied even if Eelam is given?

Monday, October 27th, 2014

 Shenali D Waduge    Leaving aside the LTTE and other armed militant role in the terror that unfolded for most of post-independent Sri Lanka, it is no better a time to seriously wonder if Tamils in Sri Lanka or Tamil Diaspora holding foreign passports as well as those vying to hold foreign passports would finally […]

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Is Yasmin Sooka biased and prejudiced against Sri Lanka

Monday, October 27th, 2014

Shenali D Waduge Yasmin Sooka was selected by Ban Ki Moon the UN Secretary General as one of his 3 member panel to advise him on the last three months of the conflict in Sri Lanka. That report was released in March 2011. Thereafter, Yasmin Sooka’s name has appeared numerous times associated with a globally […]

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කළු සුද්දන්ගේ සම්භවය හා ආධිපත්‍යය (6)

Monday, October 27th, 2014

චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම දොස්තර මහත්තයා හා වෙද මහත්තයා     මේ දවස්වල නලින් ද සිල්වා (ගණිත විද්‍යාව, මැත්) හා චන්ද්‍රේ ධර්‍මවර්‌ධන (රසායන විද්‍යාව, කෙමිස්ට්‍රි) අතර පවතින – නාථ දෙවියන්-ආසනික්-වකුගඩු රෝගය- අදාළ ගැටුම තුලින් ලංකාවේ කළුසුද්දන් කියන්නේ කවුද යන කරුණට අදාලව යම් අවබෝධයක් ලබාගත හැකි වේවි ද කියා මට සිතුනි. මා ඒ ගැන සිතන්නේ භූගෝල විද්‍යා, නීති විද්‍යා […]

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Contaminating Confucius: Christianity in China

Monday, October 27th, 2014

by  Sandhya Jain Courtesy Bismarck understood that the meaning of the concept of separation of Church and State was not that the State should have no religion, nor even that it should not discriminate between citizens on the basis of religion. It was that the Church – hitherto the dominant religio-political entity of European life – […]

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Monday, October 27th, 2014

Malin Abeyatunge  Majority of the Sri Lankan population will never forget the stance taken by the previous and the present Canadian rulers on Sri Lanka  when we faced LTTE terrorist terror over the last three decades. Canada nurtured LTTE and made a safe haven for the Tamil terrorists fleeing from Sri Lanka as refugees and asylum […]

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Why President  Mahinda Rajapakse should be re-elected for the third time ?

Monday, October 27th, 2014

By Charles.S.Perera When Sri Lanka was still a British Colony we were told that we should be like the English men.  They said the  white men were punctual, authoritative, honest, fair, just and reasonable.  It is only meeting them in their own natural surroundings we learnt that all that we were told about them was […]

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