REQUIEM: One has to lose – Other has to win
Posted on August 11th, 2015

By Gomin Dayasri

One has to lose – other has to win, to say the obvious. Who’s going to be the fall guy – Ranil or Mahinda – in electing the Lord of the Throne for the Negatives? Picking the loser is less onerous task than the winner. Two defeated old codgers closing on seventy need a wake up call, being out of touch with reality. A match is on…crowds are bussed….song and dance… applause is orchestrated; we go through the stupid motions that is no longer exciting except for the performers on stage. Geek is the term, young generation refer to such silly festivity. It enthuses the party workers, if at all, and sourpuss for others.

New names, new face evinces an interest. Scroll down the candidates’ lists…. uninspiring names where posters feature photos of a youthful past and the image of a sordid present. Deception begins from the poster onwards. Serves us right for living amongst muck.

Neither can afford to lose –a twice trounced Mahinda, war hero in the past tense, will slide down several pegs and find being targeted by a pack of blood thirsty hounds cut loose to hunt his cronies ill gotten funds. Next time only the ineffective Attorney General’s department will save them. Even an election will not rejuvenate these lawyers as they have careers to be safeguarded in revolving times.

Recurring loser Ranil, kept democratic traditions alive notwithstanding repeated defeats, will have to hide in shame after Sirisena won the event in comfort. Otherwise it is further proof of an established habitual loser –not the way to end a remarkable career.

Style of governance of the UNP has not reached expectations it held out- if defeated; the root cause is churning reams of false pretense. Facebook Society treats both sides with disdain after anchoring Sirisena previously. Ranil needlessly had to follow Sirisena, whereas he should have been leading upfront, if he dared to contest. Boy, he is got a phobia of losing otherwise he would have been reigning as the President. With a lackluster performance he may not able to retain premiership. For Mahinda without the State to prop him is unable to navigate a take off. Is his address in Mean Street?

Whoever loses, this result is going to lead to a night of sharpening the carving knives- many will desert to the other side in search of unjust enrichment. Election results looks distorted when the portfolios are offered.

Supporters deem it a lap of honor while others deem it the final lap. To the faithful, their leaders will linger in their minds affectionately due to the uninterrupted unstinted support extended to the UNP/SLFP in days good or bad.

Who ever looses, Sirisena will have a wry smile that will soon break out into a chuckle. Why? Polonnaruwa Lad outsmarted two giant political parties between bouts of egg hoppers and red rice. Made them grovel before him for a fleeting moment.

Sirisena holds a unique position. A President elected by the people with the help of the UNP; thereupon anointed as the party President by the SLFP- he reached the zenith of his power. Enjoys the immense interim powers of an executive President, much of the honors denied to his successors, conferred on him exclusively for his term by a tailor made constitution. Balancing delicately perched on two stools the day he falls, may not find a leg to stand.

History will fault the Rasputin sect of monks for engineering a constitution that will disorient a nation to usher an Elam. This constitution is geared to support weak governments that have to carry on with all its infirmities for 52 months compulsively while the country bleeds. Doors are closed for elections for four years and six months.

Saffron peril has killed democracy at conception. How can they govern for four and a half years if a hung parliament emerges, a likely eventuality. Monks have a important place in society but not take on the task of constitution making and look giddy.

Rajapakse overrated his populist tendencies to suffer grim consequences: a reality check would not have been called for, if he retired gracefully at the end of term two to lead a resplendent life as an respected elder statesman who cleansed the country of dreaded terrorism. He would have been among the untouchables in life and a legend in local politics. Loosing the third without thinking twice and contesting for the fourth time he could look a lesser mortal. This election comes too early for Rajapakse’s comfort.

Ranil suffers from an impaired diffident complex: dodged contesting Presidency twice in fear of losing having lost elections too often, still would have gathered more votes than Fonseka and Sirisena to become the President in 2015- not 2010. Now in Round Two of 2015 – it may not to be and may never be – after another dismal performance of governance.

An untried Ranil is stronger than a tried Ranil with an assortment of’ Sirisena’s farm hands in the cabinet. Why were they assembled if that weakened the UNP? To enable Sirisena to remain supremely alive in the SLFP! That was not to be. Today, most stand to a man with Mahinda to fight the UNP. Tomorrow some of them may be in a UNP cabinet via Sirisena to destabilize another UNP administration. This election comes too late for Ranil’s well being. Procrastination made him the reluctant candidate for a job that was truly his: functioning in a lesser role ineffectively might find him demoted to his former assignment.

Hocus – pocus man says there is a weird barometer reading to determine which side is loosing? In a nutshell it is to determine for whom is the former Chief Justice now a political operator Sarath Silva working? I am no believer of this mumbo-jumbo but that guy takes it in his stride all his aberrations in his lust for a position.

This is an election where all may fall, except for the JVP that survives on account of the hollowness of the other contestants. It’s a temporary rise that will make them effective for a short term while the two senior parties will surge again, primarily because of their democratic ideals if captained by a new leader. Remember the mystery of a virtually unknown man who became the President.

The most significant factor in the coming election is that the Northern vote reigns in the province only and cannot extend its influence elsewhere unlike at a presidential election.

We are in or a hard day’s night – whoever wins. Who cares except those whose lives will be better or worse after the result and work towards it?

4 Responses to “REQUIEM: One has to lose – Other has to win”

  1. Ananda-USA Says:

    “We can trust Mahinda Rajapakse to rebuild Sri Lanka …”

    INDEED we can! In the Hiru TV Interview of Mahinda, the interviewer asked Mahinda what GUARANTEE he can give that he will do all that he promises.

    Mahinda gave the BEST POSSIBLE ANSWER …. “My record of accomplishment and delivering on promises in the last 10 years is the GUARANTEE” which NO OTHER Political Leader of Sri Lanka in modern times, living or dead, can give and be BELIEVED!

    Rarely are Nations endowed by the creator with such a GREAT VISIONARY LEADER …. compassionate, tolerant, courageous, honest, dedicated to his people, and above all SKILLED and ABLE …. to lead his people to SAFETY and PROSPERITY! Don’t let the jeolous enemies of Sri Lanka conniving to steal more than their equal share of the bounty of Sri Lanka BELITTLE this GREAT MAN who has DONE SO MUCH, in SO LITTLE TIME, for SO MANY of his fellow citizens!

    NOT ONE Sri Lankan has NOT BENEFITED from Mahinda Rajapaksa’s accomplishments! Ask yourself then, are you so CRASS AN INGRATE that you will deny him who has aided you and yours the opportunity to ELEVATE our Motherland to the RANKS of the FOREMOST NATIONS of Asia?

    EMBALA SINHALAYENI do not be swayed by Mother Lanka’s enemies …. On August 17, 2015 DO YOUR PATRIOTIC DUTY … EXPRESS YOUR GRATITUDE and GIVE President Mainda Rajapaksa and the UPFA a RESOUNDING LANDSLIDE VICTORY!

  2. Ananda-USA Says:

    Gomin is slipping from sanity to insanity alternately … me thinks!

    At one point he correctly observes ….

    “History will fault the Rasputin sect of monks for engineering a constitution that will disorient a nation to usher an Elam. This constitution is geared to support weak governments that have to carry on with all its infirmities for 52 months compulsively while the country bleeds. Doors are closed for elections for four years and six months.”

    Yes indeed … Elam is the fear …. with Lanka’s defenses UNMANNED and in the hands of its hidden enemies.

    At another he RAVES …..

    “a reality check would not have been called for, if he retired gracefully at the end of term two to lead a resplendent life as an respected elder statesman who cleansed the country of dreaded terrorism.”

    How can a Born Patriot “retire gracefully” and live in the lap of comfort while the Motherland he worked for to protect and preserve, the motherland he loved so well …. is DISMANTLED? Like Dutugamunu of old, will he not have to sleep in fits and starts in a crouched position wedged between the Tamil separatist and the great blue sea at Hambantota?

    The fear of “loosing a 3rd time” lest he looks like “a lesser mortal” when his motherland is at risk …. is the LEAST of Mahinda’s fears … he is that kind of Patriot!

    Get a hold of yourself …. Gomin!

  3. Lorenzo Says:


    “Who ever looses, Sirisena will have a wry smile that will soon break out into a chuckle. Why? Polonnaruwa Lad outsmarted two giant political parties between bouts of egg hoppers and red rice. Made them grovel before him for a fleeting moment.

    SO TRUE!!

    We HATE to acknowledge this but it is the truth.

    A poor village lad married to a poorer village woman studied at POLONNARUWA CENTRAL outsmarted ROYAL-COLOMBO and THURSTAN-COLOMBO educated RICH politicians married to RICHER COLOMBO-7 CONVENT EDUCATED wives.


    This is the ONLY thing I like about Maru Sira.

    I think it is HIGH TIME SL got rid of all politicians who studied in COLOMBO schools and give a chance to village school educated people. That includes Hack-him, Sambandan, Sumanthiran and other separatists also who studied at Colombo schools.

    Even 67 years after independence it is a shame ALL of our presidents (except Maru Sira) and ALL PMs (except Danayaka and DB) and MOST MPs are from COLOMBO SCHOOLS.

  4. Fran Diaz Says:

    Majority of People in Lanka wins if MR wins. MR is the ONLY proven leader at present times. Those who oppose him are ready to sell the country, lock stock and barrell.

    Lanka loses if MR loses.

    It is that simple !

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