Who the Hell Are You Chief Minister to Shout at a Navy Officer?
Posted on May 25th, 2016

Dilrook Kannangara

In a disgusting display of disrespect, Eastern Province Chief Minister shouted at a navy officer on stage demanding him to get out. He must be remembered that he is standing there without getting blown to pieces thanks to the navy officer and his military colleagues. There was a time when Tamil terrorists attacked mosques and killed scores of Muslims in the East which can only be compared to killing train loads of Muslims in Gujarat in 2002. Those responsible for the two incidents ended up in two different places. Who the hell are you Ahmed to shout at a decoarated war hero?

Heroic soldiers must be wondering why they sacrificed so much to bring peace to two provinces that show total disrespect to security forces personnel. War will return to the east soon if this type of disrespect continues and there will be no one to save the easterners.

Indian imposed 13A created provincial councils that in turn produced this type of people particularly in the north and the east. Isn’t it another reason why these white elephants and pigsties called provincial councils are scrapped?

සැමට කලින් දෙරණේ චතුර… රණවිරුවා බාල්දු කල නැගෙනහිර මහ ඇමතිට රත් වෙන්න කියයි..

නැගෙනහිර මහ ඇමති නෂීර් අහමඞ් නාවික හමුදා නිලධාරියෙකුට ප‍්‍රසිද්ධියේ බැණ වැදීම සම්බන්දයෙන් ‘දෙරණ අරුණ’ වැඩසටහනේදී චතුර අල්විස් අදහස් පල කලේ මෙසේය.

25 Responses to “Who the Hell Are You Chief Minister to Shout at a Navy Officer?”

  1. stanley perera Says:

    Mattaya must be the lord. Ignorant and illiterate Mattaya.

  2. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    This traitor fernando carried gifts to drealam foreign minister tamil selvan when he was defence sec.
    Catholic traitor chief pol pot
    ponil wickramasinhalakiller always appoint his catholic buddies to top posts. So austin frenando, after
    enough treacheries during last UNPatriotic rule against the Sinhalese brought back to life. Since he is a
    catholic he is well qualified of course in pol pot ponil wickramasinhalakiller’s eyes. So pol pot
    ponil appointed another catholic buddy to northern province (reginald cooray), another one to rob the central
    bank and bankrupt Sri Lanka. Then the army chief just in case.

    Sinhalese have become the doormats of Sri Lanka thanks to catholic-run UNPatriotic party YAMAPALLAN. So it’s not surprising the chief hambaya shouting at the poor Sinhalese, the very people who sacrificed their lives
    to save the fast multiplying xxxx from hitler pira(mala)paharan. Now the hamba xxx kicking the poor guy.
    Where are those traitor Sinhalese who vote
    AND BUDDHISM? Where are those traitor bikkus? At least open your eyes your traitor lot. Mother Lanka
    will curse you forever giving birth to traitors like you are! We hope you traitors will never reborn in our country.

    Yepila maathiya yemada koranawa, mussia would have said if not for the TV evidence.

  3. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:



    C)…. THE LITTLE GIRL, and a profuse written apology to
    D)….THE GOVERNOR, for making a monkey of himself in the presence of a DIPLOMAT, THE AMERICAN AMBASSADOR.


  4. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  5. SA Kumar Says:

    PRIME MINISTER !!! WHERE ARE YOU ? ARE YOU THERE. ? Our head of state ( which state , that is diffrent matter )is President not PM

  6. Kumari Says:

    Where the hell is the Commander in Chief? This should be taken up in parliament and an apology issued to the Navy. Also politicians must have strict instructions to follow the correct protocol when faced with an issue where a member of tri forces are involved. I like to know the US ambassador’s thoughts written on his daily cable.

  7. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    Yes, Before this that Sambandung crashed into an Army Camp, and did the Wadai Dance, degrading the forces. THE OVER-RIPE BANANA DID NOTHING ABOUT IT.

    So, now a PIG is insulting the Navy Officer, and once again, the over-ripe BANANA would do sweet bugger-all this time too, not to take any action. DISGUSTING.

  8. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    SA K !! Thanks for enlightening me. I thought the Head of State was the PM. You seemed to be well informed. Grrrr

  9. Dham Says:

    We can see cowardly behaviour of,
    1. Muslim Indian Chief ( now he begs, he was “made” angry by Austin 8. He was discriminated by Austin)
    2. Austin 8 ( He should have asked the navy man to stay loudly and ask the Indian Chief to behave)

    This man Austin has no backbone and has shown it for many many years dating back to Aranthalawa murders.

  10. Dham Says:

    This is why I kept saying “we have only one real “RANAVIRUWA” alive – Rohana Wijemuni.
    He had guts to hit Indian Prime Minister in the presence of JR.
    Shouldn’t we celebrate his act ?

  11. Ratanapala Says:

    This is why I always there must be positions available in the Parliament to represent the interest of the Tri Forces. They cannot be at the beck and call of every Nariya who has become a politician. . They are the ones who sacrificed life and limb to safeguard the motherland and now this. Where is the voice for them. It is not to be found anywhere.

    There is no democracy in Sri Lanka. It is the minorities who the kingmakers. Now they have to take all the indignities from this uncouth pig of a Hambaya. This uncouth Hambaya came to the ceremony uninvited and he should not have been let into the place at all. This incident is not the first. The first was when they entered an Army Camp in the North.

    We cannot expect anything to come from either the Commander in Chief – Aappaya nor from the A*se Licker joker occupying the position of Defence Secretary. The Catholic Austin Fernando was by the side wincing like a monkey, unable to voice his opinion, after all he is the official representative of the Central Government. These things are happening now because it is Catholic a la Dinh Diem administration running the government.

    What can the country expect if full Federalism is given to these Marakkalayas and Racist Tiger Tamils?

    It is time the Armed Forces showed that they too matter and have balls to put the status quo in place.

    These wily pigs only testing the water now. More will come later. In a weeks time Sinhala idiots will not remember any of this!

  12. mario_perera Says:

    The two minorities will be the ultimate undoing of the RW government. They will ensure its demise.

    As for the loathsome incident itself, NO APOLOGY WILL SUFFICE. the legal action for DAMAGES, surely to the tune of Rs 50 million or more will go on its appropriate rails. Yet they are besides the point.

    The long and short of it is that this uncouth hooligan MUST RESIGN or be ousted by the government. There can be NO COMPROMISE on this issue. The Sinhala nation cannot be held to ransom by these minorities.

    Enough is enough. We have enough of the frolics of the Tamil holders of office in the North. Now the man of the East has flexed his muscles in front of the entire Sinhala nation. The Sinhala nation has become the door mat for these minority representatives to tread on, fully conscious that the RW government will condone all they do.While they are VILE, the RW government is SERVILE.

    This CANNOT go one regardless. It must be stopped on its tracks and it is NOW.

    Sinhala organizations MUST organize a massive strike. It must be a mass movement and must be led by the MONKS. The demand must be for the resignation or ouster of the hooligan concerned.The mass movement, a hartal, must go on relentlessly until the RW government upholds the demand.

    There are three options in the matter.the hooligan must resign, or be ousted, OR RECEIVE THE BULLET.
    Until one the these three happens, the mass protest must continue and grow in strength like the 1953 hartal.

    Mario Perera

  13. SA Kumar Says:

    Susantha Wijesinghe
    You seemed to be well informed. Grrrr- Machang, We both may be fight forever since Elra/Eela Rajha time to May 2009 but end of the day We both are a Mother (Lanka)’s children !!!

    Now You know why We-Sakkiliya Demil kicked out IPKF enen though they have offered NEP in gold plate .

    live & let’s live in United Mother Lanka !!! no more blood until Eelam war V( hope & prey never happiend) .

  14. SA Kumar Says:

    Please any one can explain what happened ? why very cool CM got anger ?
    no info in all Tamil web sides.

  15. SA Kumar Says:

    the mass protest must continue and grow in strength like the 1953 hartal.- lead to 1956 to 1983 than our Thesiya Thalaivar VP’S golden time to 2009 .

    Now back basic like the 1953 hartal your time – No wonder Lord Bhudda said life is circle !!!!

    Karma & Dharma circle back …. Modaya & sakkiliya always in opposite side since elar time .

    wake up machang , Indian flag is flying in jaffna not your Sinha-Koddiya or our Puli-Koddi !!!!

  16. plumblossom Says:

    Why was the US ambassador invited to this event? The Us ambassador should never ever have been invited to this event. It is the US imperialists who have brought a resolution against Sri Lanka the US resolution and is trying to using totally false accusations concocted up by the LTTE supporters domiciled in Western countries to condemn our war heroes in courts of law using foreign judges, prosecutors, investigators. The treacherous Sirisena, Ranil, CBK and Mangala are the ones who have placed our war heroes in such a perilous situation. The treacherous Sirisena, Ranil, CBK and Mangala are also trying to partition Sri Lanka by way of constitutional changes by providing further powers to the provincial councils inclusive of land, police and fiscal powers. The treacherous Sirisena, ranil, CBK and Mangala are trying to merge the North adn the East to try to create an eelam by stealth. These moves are extremely dangerous to the unitary status of Sri Lanka and should be defeated. Then there is the defence secretary who has equated our ranaviruwoes to the LTTE terrorists such as Prabhakaran and suggested that safeguarding our independence and freedom should not be commemorated. Naval camps in the North and the East are being dismantled rapidly to please the US imperialists, the UK, Norway, Canada, the EU, Sweden, India and the TNA racist separatists. The most strategic naval camp at Sampur was dismantled too. The naval cordon which existed around the Northern seas has been dismantled and Indian fishermen are devastating the Sri Lankan marine eco system by illegally fishing in our waters using illegal fishing methods and large trawlers. Contra brand, illegal immigrants, illegal drugs in the meanwhile are now I am sure easily reaching Sri Lanka after the naval cordon around the Northern seas was dismantled. There are quite a number of naval personnel, army personnel and army intelligence personnel in prison without any evidence whatsoever at the behest of treacherous Sirisena, Ranil. CBK and Mangala to please the US imperialists, the UK, Canada, Norway, Sweden, the EU and India. When Sirsena, Ranil, CBK and Mangala are behaving in such a treacherous what so you expect from those who are subordinate to them?

  17. Kumari Says:

    SA Kumar, I am happy to note the change in your attitude. Sri Lanka is for all those who love Sri Lanka irrespective of the different races living in the island. India never loved the Tamils any more than our cheap politicians. India use the Tamil card. They are responsible for all the killings of the LTTE carders, members of our armed forces and general public. India got blood in their hands.

    This time in the guise of protecting Tamil rights they plan to erode the living standards in the north. Jaffna Tamil is a proud man, he has standards, and that is not what India wants from him. India wants rabble rousers, someone to do their dirty work.

    What Indians will do to us (both Sinhalese and Tamils) is what Americans are doing to the Muslims in the Middle East.

  18. Kumari Says:

    I totally misread SA Kumar. His third email shows he hasn’t changed. Apologies.

  19. SA Kumar Says:

    please do not apologies I do not want lie , We both never ever change since Elra / Eela rajah Time .

    We Saiva Tamil racist & You Bhuddist Sinhala racist.

    May be our Karma .

  20. Ratanapala Says:

    It is time for an Intifada Sri Lankan style. Mass civil disobedience may be the answer to open some closed eyes.

  21. Ananda-USA Says:


    Regarding the Patriotic Real Estate Company Proposal that I had floated, I have an earth-shattering announcement to make!

    As you may know, in response to expressions of interest from about six of you in joining that effort, I created a password-protected blogsite called PatrioticSriLankanInvestors.blogspot.com and asked those interested to send an email message to me at PatrioticSriLankanInvestors@gmail.com requesting a password to be sent to them. We were going to discuss and plan how to proceed to implement the idea at this site.

    After 10 days of waiting for your responses, I am ready to PROUDLY ANNOUNCE the result: IT WAS A MONUMENTAL FAILURE; NO ONE …. ZERO, ZILCH, NADA …. responded!

    As such, I will NOW ABORT the PROJECT before it is BORN at the end of this month of May, 2016.

    While thanking those who supported the idea in principle, I have MIXED emotions of both DISAPPOINTMENT and GREAT RELIEF about this RESULT.

    Thank you all for your very kind attention.

  22. plumblossom Says:

    When treacherous Sirisena, Ranil, CBK and Mangala have betrayed our armed forces by accepting the US resolution and condemned our armed forces as having committed war crimes which actually they never ever committed, what do you expect from those who are subordinate to them? There is no evidence that our armed forces ever even broke any international laws during the last stages of the war. The defence secretary has stated that our armed forces are equal to the terrorist prabhakaran and so we should not commemorate the war heroes day. Quite a number of naval officers are imprisoned by this government with no evidence whatsoever to imprison them just to please the US imperialists, the UK, Canada, Norway, Sweden and India. The naval cordon around the Northern seas have been removed and the Indian fishermen is devastating our marine eco system. Contra brand, illegal immigrants, illegal drugs are pouring in due to there being no naval cordon. Naval camps are being dismantled at an alarming rate in the North and the East. UN representatives are allowed to storm naval camps such as at Trincomalee. Why was the US ambassador even allowed anywhere near Trincomalee. The US wants to set up their naval and air bases in Sri Lanka. That is why they want an eelam. Why are we so concerned about subordinate persons conduct when we should be asking Sirisena, Ranil CBK and Mangala why they are betraying Sri Lanka first? These traitors Sirisena, Ranil, CBK, Mangala should be told in no uncertain terms to stop these treacherous activities against Sri Lanka first before we focus on any subordinates who are working under them.

  23. Ananda-USA Says:

    The PRIMARY ISSUE I want to FOCUS ON are the CONFLICTS that this jury rigged power sharing arrangement will INEVITABLE CAUSE because the ULTIMATE GOALS of the Northern & Eastern Provinces are FUNDAMENTALLY COMMUNAL and are geared to the ULTIMATE AIM of gaining FULL SOVEREIGNTY SECEDING from Sri Lanka.

    To that end, Chief Minister of the Northern Province Wigneswaran colludes with the Tamil Diaspora, Western Powers who supported the EELAM Project, and the LTTE proxies within Sri Lanka. Chief Minister Nazeer Ahmed is following suit now to acquire a Muslims o Only homeland in the East for his community. To that end, he is flexing his muscles, appealing to his ELECTsition as a Chief Minister and is pushing the envelope for more and power.

    Meanwhile, the armed forces that defeated the LTTE terrorists and reunified the SYSTEMATICALLY OUSTED from their bases under the pretext of returning land to refugee owners, while ethnically cleansing these areas of their Sinhala Buddhist residents and the are SYSTEMATICALLY DEMONIZED and hounded on War Crimes Allegations on the defensive.

    All this time, the Yamapalana Government chants the MANTRA OF RECONCILIATION with unrepentant terrorists while DISMANTLING Sri Lanka’s defenses. Soon, Sri Lanka will be also be BANKRUPT and totally unable to resist the pressure from West Nations to accede to the demands of the SEPARATISTS and BALKANIZE our Motherland into a patchwork of WARRING COMMUNAL BANTUSTANS!

    Make no mistake, if that happens ….. it is the Sinhala Buddhist majority of Sri Lanka that will be RE-ENSLAVED to a FOREIGN YOKE as we were in 1815 due the TREACHERY of our own GULLIBLE leaders!

    PLEASE READ the article below that was published in the New Indian Express. Even this Indian author recognizes UNWORKABILITY of the system of the TWO SYSTEMS of GOVERNMENT, NATIONAL & PROVINCIAL, in Sri Lanka given the well established ULTIMATE AIM OF FULL AUTONOMY of the Tamils, and NOW the same EMERGING aim of MUSLIMS!


    POWER SHOULD NOT BE DEVOLVED ATT ALL to SUB-NATIONAL entities in Sri Lanka, because given the AIMS and COMMUNAL ATTITUDES of our ;peoples, it is TOO DANGEROUS to the INTEGRITY of our shared Motherland, and the SURVIVAL of our peoples, and the HOPE we have of REACHING PARITY with the DEVELOPED WORLD together!

    Therefore, we MUST REPEAL the 13th Amendment, DISSOLVE the Provincial Councils, RETAIN & STRENGTHEN the EXECUTIVE PRESIDENTIAL FORM of Parliamentary Government, and to STREAMLINE GOVERNANCE EFFECTIVE CONTROL institute a DISTRICT system of ADMINISTRATION with Officers APPOINTED by the NATIONAL GOVERNMENT as I have elaborated on elsewhere, and FORGET ABOUT RECONCILIATION … it will NEVER HAPPEN as long as the SYSTEM in PLACE ENCOURAGES SEPARATISM & DIVISION!

    We have LOST enough TIME already; DO IT NOW!

    Roots of Governor-Chief Minister conflict in eastern Sri Lanka

    Fri, May 27, 2016, 08:51 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    May 27 (NIE) COLOMBO- The on-going conflict between Eastern Province Governor Austin Fernando and Chief Minister Naseer Ahamed, which has led to the Sri Lankan armed forces declaring an indefinite boycott of the Chief Minister, is rooted in the way Centre-Province relations have developed in Lanka and the nature of Muslim politics in the island nation.

    According to sources in the East, last Friday’s spat in which CM Naseer Ahamed publicly accused Governor Austin Fernando of insulting him and “the entire province”, in cahoots with the Lankan navy, could not be seen as an isolated incident.

    They say that it is a part of a larger problem, rooted in the nature of Muslim politics in Lanka and the way power is shared between the Sinhalese-dominated Central government in Colombo and the elected governments in the Northern and Eastern Provinces where the minority Muslims and Tamils are strong.

    The Incident

    The Colombo-based private company Richard Peiris, in collaboration with the Lankan navy, had organized a function at Sampoor last Friday, to gift a science and computer lab to the Sampoor Mahavidyalaya, and had invited the Governor to be the Chief Guest.

    Thinking that it will be good to have the CM and the visiting US envoy Atul Keshap also at the function, the Governor, on his own, invited them. But when CM Naseer Ahamed asked the Governor if he could go with him in the helicopter provided by the organizers, Fernando said that there was no space and asked him to go by road. The slighted CM felt further insulted when a naval officer prevented him from mounting the stage at the function as he was not billed to be there. In a fit of anger, the CM called the naval officer an “idiot” and asked him to “get out”. The CM suspected that the Governor had instigated the naval officer and launched a tirade against him saying that he has been unnecessarily interfering in the functioning of an elected provincial government.

    When the video of the spat went viral, the vast “pro-war heroes” segment in the majority Sinhalese community sought stern action against the CM for insulting a member of the heroic armed forces. The Defense Secretary felt compelled to order a Security Forces boycott of all meetings and functions of the CM and declare that the CM will not be allowed to enter any Security Forces camp. For further action, a detailed report is to be presented to President Maithripala Sirisena on his return from Japan.

    The Governor denied the charges made by the CM. But he has been telling his confidantes privately that Naseer Ahamed is trying to run the administration as he pleases and that he has been telling him that he cannot do so. Sources in the East confirmed that the chemistry between Fernando and Ahamed has been bad for some time.

    Power Rivalry

    Under the 13 th.Amendment of the Lankan constitution, elected provincial governments have very little power. For example, the provincial public service is in the hands of the Governor. The elected Provincial administration has to get the sanction of the Governor before tabling a statute in the Provincial Council. Over the years, Provincial Governors, as representatives of the all-powerful Centre, have had their way vis-à-vis elected CMs.

    While this has not been an issue in the Sinhalese-majority provinces, because there has been no thirst for autonomy in these provinces, it has been an issue in the Northern and Eastern Provinces, where the Tamils and Muslims are in a majority. The minorities have been demanding autonomy or asking for rights enshrined in the 13 th Constitutional Amendment. Naseer Ahamed, for example, has been asking for rights over land which is still vested with the Centre.

    In the Tamil-majority Northern Province, Chief Minister C.V.Wigneswaran has been having a running battle with successive Governors. In the East , there was no problem to begin with because the first two CMs belonged to the party which was ruling the Center also. But problems began to crop up when a coalition comprising the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) and the Tamil National Alliance (TMC) came to power in the East.

    Though, unlike the Wigneswaran’s regime in the North, the SLMC-TNA alliance regime in the East is not asking for “self-determination” it is demanding freedom to act as an elected administration.

    Muslim Politics

    Further, the Muslims in Lanka have traditionally striven to make use of state power for the benefit of their community, and this has led to confrontations with the powers-that-be. In the East, Governor Fernando has stalled some of Naseer Ahamed’s schemes, including some which in his view needlessly discriminated against other communities. The Eastern Tamils charge that Muslim-led administrations have not been giving them their due and praise Governor Fernando for standing up for them.

    Reluctance To Devolve Power

    On their part, Lankan Central governments and their agents, the Provincial Governors, have been wary about yielding to the demands of the elected provincial administrations especially if they are in areas dominated by ethnic minorities.

    Certain personal attributes of the main actors are also relevant for understanding the current scenario in the East. Governor Austin Fernando is an influential person enjoying the patronage of the Lankan President and Prime Minister. His challenger, CM Naseer Ahamed, is an ambitious go-getter, who will brook no interference.

    Read More:: NIE (Source)

  24. Ananda-USA Says:

    CORRECTED VERSION (Editor, Please delete the previous version of this comment).

    Sudath Gunasekara QUITE CORRECTLY highlights the lack of ORDERLY & EFFECTIVE GOVERNANCE in Sri Lanka.

    The PRIMARY ISSUE I want to FOCUS ON are the CONFLICTS that this jury-rigged power sharing arrangement will INEVITABLE CAUSE because the ULTIMATE GOALS of the Northern & Eastern Provincial Councils are FUNDAMENTALLY COMMUNAL and geared to the ULTIMATE AIM of gaining FULL SOVEREIGNTY and SECEDING from Sri Lanka.

    To that end, Chief Minister of the Northern Province Wigneswaran colludes with the Tamil Diaspora, Western Powers who supported the EELAM Project, and the LTTE proxies within Sri Lanka. Chief Minister Nazeer Ahmed is following suit now to acquire a Muslims-Only homeland in the East for his community. To that end, he is flexing his muscles, appealing to his ELECTED status as a Chief Minister as justification, and is pushing the envelope for more and more power.

    Meanwhile, the armed forces that defeated the LTTE terrorists and reunified the nation are being SYSTEMATICALLY OUSTED from their bases under the pretext of returning land to refugee owners, while ethnically cleansing these areas of their Sinhala Buddhist residents. The armed forces are being SYSTEMATICALLY DEMONIZED and THREATENED with War Crimes Allegations to force them on the defensive.

    All this time, the Yamapalana Government chants the MANTRA OF RECONCILIATION with unrepentant terrorists while DISMANTLING Sri Lanka’s defenses, and allowing the GRADUAL ACCRETION of POWER into SEPARATISTS hands.

    Soon, with the BUNGLERS at the HELM & THEIVES LOOTING the Treasury, Sri Lanka will be also be BANKRUPT and totally unable to resist the pressure from Western Nations. Sri Lanka will be so helpless and dependent on handouts from Western Powers that it will be forced to accede to the demands of the SEPARATISTS, and commit suicide by BALKANIZING our Motherland into a patchwork of WARRING COMMUNAL BANTUSTANS!

    Make no mistake, if that happens ….. it is the Sinhala Buddhist majority of Sri Lanka that will be RE-ENSLAVED to a FOREIGN YOKE as we were in 1815 due the TREACHERY of our own GULLIBLE leaders!

    PLEASE READ the article below that was published in the New Indian Express. Even this Indian author recognizes UNWORKABILITY of our jury-rigged dual system of GOVERNMENT, NATIONAL & PROVINCIAL, given the well established ULTIMATE AIM OF FULL AUTONOMY of the Tamils, and NOW the SAME EMERGING AIM of the MUSLIMS!


    POWER SHOULD NOT BE DEVOLVED AT ALL to SUB-NATIONAL entities in Sri Lanka, because given the AIMS and COMMUNAL ATTITUDES of our peoples, it is TOO DANGEROUS to the INTEGRITY of our shared Motherland, the SURVIVAL of our peoples, and the HOPE we nurse of REACHING PARITY with the DEVELOPED WORLD in the future!

    Therefore, we MUST REPEAL the 13th Amendment, DISSOLVE the Provincial Councils, RETAIN & STRENGTHEN the EXECUTIVE PRESIDENTIAL FORM of Parliamentary Government, STREAMLINE GOVERNANCE EFFECTIVE CONTROL by instituting a DISTRICT system of ADMINISTRATION with Officers APPOINTED by the NATIONAL GOVERNMENT as I have elaborated on elsewhere, and FORGET ABOUT RECONCILIATION which will NEVER HAPPEN as long as the SYSTEM in PLACE ENCOURAGES SEPARATISM & DIVISION!

    We have LOST enough TIME already; DO IT NOW!

    Roots of Governor-Chief Minister conflict in eastern Sri Lanka

    Fri, May 27, 2016, 08:51 am SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    May 27 (NIE) COLOMBO- The on-going conflict between Eastern Province Governor Austin Fernando and Chief Minister Naseer Ahamed, which has led to the Sri Lankan armed forces declaring an indefinite boycott of the Chief Minister, is rooted in the way Centre-Province relations have developed in Lanka and the nature of Muslim politics in the island nation.

    According to sources in the East, last Friday’s spat in which CM Naseer Ahamed publicly accused Governor Austin Fernando of insulting him and “the entire province”, in cahoots with the Lankan navy, could not be seen as an isolated incident.

    They say that it is a part of a larger problem, rooted in the nature of Muslim politics in Lanka and the way power is shared between the Sinhalese-dominated Central government in Colombo and the elected governments in the Northern and Eastern Provinces where the minority Muslims and Tamils are strong.

    The Incident

    The Colombo-based private company Richard Peiris, in collaboration with the Lankan navy, had organized a function at Sampoor last Friday, to gift a science and computer lab to the Sampoor Mahavidyalaya, and had invited the Governor to be the Chief Guest.

    Thinking that it will be good to have the CM and the visiting US envoy Atul Keshap also at the function, the Governor, on his own, invited them. But when CM Naseer Ahamed asked the Governor if he could go with him in the helicopter provided by the organizers, Fernando said that there was no space and asked him to go by road. The slighted CM felt further insulted when a naval officer prevented him from mounting the stage at the function as he was not billed to be there. In a fit of anger, the CM called the naval officer an “idiot” and asked him to “get out”. The CM suspected that the Governor had instigated the naval officer and launched a tirade against him saying that he has been unnecessarily interfering in the functioning of an elected provincial government.

    When the video of the spat went viral, the vast “pro-war heroes” segment in the majority Sinhalese community sought stern action against the CM for insulting a member of the heroic armed forces. The Defense Secretary felt compelled to order a Security Forces boycott of all meetings and functions of the CM and declare that the CM will not be allowed to enter any Security Forces camp. For further action, a detailed report is to be presented to President Maithripala Sirisena on his return from Japan.

    The Governor denied the charges made by the CM. But he has been telling his confidantes privately that Naseer Ahamed is trying to run the administration as he pleases and that he has been telling him that he cannot do so. Sources in the East confirmed that the chemistry between Fernando and Ahamed has been bad for some time.

    Power Rivalry

    Under the 13 th.Amendment of the Lankan constitution, elected provincial governments have very little power. For example, the provincial public service is in the hands of the Governor. The elected Provincial administration has to get the sanction of the Governor before tabling a statute in the Provincial Council. Over the years, Provincial Governors, as representatives of the all-powerful Centre, have had their way vis-à-vis elected CMs.

    While this has not been an issue in the Sinhalese-majority provinces, because there has been no thirst for autonomy in these provinces, it has been an issue in the Northern and Eastern Provinces, where the Tamils and Muslims are in a majority. The minorities have been demanding autonomy or asking for rights enshrined in the 13 th Constitutional Amendment. Naseer Ahamed, for example, has been asking for rights over land which is still vested with the Centre.

    In the Tamil-majority Northern Province, Chief Minister C.V.Wigneswaran has been having a running battle with successive Governors. In the East , there was no problem to begin with because the first two CMs belonged to the party which was ruling the Center also. But problems began to crop up when a coalition comprising the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) and the Tamil National Alliance (TMC) came to power in the East.

    Though, unlike the Wigneswaran’s regime in the North, the SLMC-TNA alliance regime in the East is not asking for “self-determination” it is demanding freedom to act as an elected administration.

    Muslim Politics

    Further, the Muslims in Lanka have traditionally striven to make use of state power for the benefit of their community, and this has led to confrontations with the powers-that-be. In the East, Governor Fernando has stalled some of Naseer Ahamed’s schemes, including some which in his view needlessly discriminated against other communities. The Eastern Tamils charge that Muslim-led administrations have not been giving them their due and praise Governor Fernando for standing up for them.

    Reluctance To Devolve Power

    On their part, Lankan Central governments and their agents, the Provincial Governors, have been wary about yielding to the demands of the elected provincial administrations especially if they are in areas dominated by ethnic minorities.

    Certain personal attributes of the main actors are also relevant for understanding the current scenario in the East. Governor Austin Fernando is an influential person enjoying the patronage of the Lankan President and Prime Minister. His challenger, CM Naseer Ahamed, is an ambitious go-getter, who will brook no interference.

    Read More:: NIE (Source)

  25. jay-ran Says:

    “Who the Hell Are You Chief Minister to Shout at a Navy Officer?
    Above is too good for this ILLETERATE,SWALLEN HEADED,BxxxxxxD!!!
    It should have been “Who the Hell Are You FXXXXXG BASTERED, GONG HARAKO Chief Minister to Shout at a RESPECTFULL Navy Officer?????????

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