Archive for July 11th, 2016

පෙරදිගට ගමනක් – 22 -චන්ද්‍රභානු ගේ ගනුදෙනුව

Monday, July 11th, 2016

වරුණ චන්ද්‍රකීර්ති ක්‍රිස්තු වර්ෂ 1236 දී දඹදෙණියේ රජ වූ සිරි පැරකුම්බා (දෙවැනි පැරකුම්බා) රජ්ජුරුවන් ගේ එකොළොස්වැනි අවුරුද්දේ දී අපි ද බෞද්ධයෝ වම්හ” කියා මායා කොට” චන්ද්‍රභානු කියන ජාවක රජෙක් අපේ රට ආක්‍රමණය කළා කියලා මහාවංශය කියනවා. මේ ගැන කරුණු තව තවත් බොහෝ පොත්වල සඳහන්. මේ චන්ද්‍රභානු කියන්නේ කවුද? දකුණු තායිලන්තයේ සුරත් ථානි පළාතේ චයියා දිස්ත්‍රික්කයෙන් […]

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අසූවේ ජුලි වර්ජනයට දැන් වසර 36 යි

Monday, July 11th, 2016

ධර්මන් වික්‍රමරත්න ලාංකීය ඉතිහාසයේ ප්‍රථම වරට රාජ්‍ය සහ පෞද්ගලික අංශයේ සේවකයින් 40,356ක් ගෙදර යවා ලක්ෂ 3කට අධික දරු පවුල් අනාථවූ 1980 ජුලි මහා වැඩ වර්ජනය සිදුවී 2016 ජුලි 15 වැනිදාට වසර 36කි. ධර්මිඨ සමාජයක් ඇති කරමු යන තේමාව යටතේ 1977 ජුලි 22වැනිදා පැවති මහ මැතිවරණයට තරඟ කල ජේ.ආර්. ජයවර්ධනගේ නායකත්වයෙන් යුත් එක්සත් ජාතික පක්ෂය එම […]

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සීමාවාසික වෛද්‍යවරයා

Monday, July 11th, 2016

වෛද්‍ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග  සීමාවාසික වෛද්‍යවරු අනිවාර්‍යෙන් වසරක කාලයක් විශේෂඥ වෛද්‍යවරුන් දෙදෙනෙකු යටතේ වැඩ කල යුතුය​. මේ කාලය තුලදී නිවාඩු නැත​. සතියේ දින හත පුරාම රෝහල් සේවයේ යෙදිය යුතුය​. උදේ දවල් රාත්‍රී කාලයේ වාට්ටු වලට ගොස් රෝගීන් බැලිය යුතුය​. අසාධ්‍ය රෝගීන් පිලිබඳව ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ වෛද්‍ය නිලධාරියා දැණුවත් කල යුතුය​. රෝගීන් ගේ සියළු රසායනාගාරය පරියේෂණ වල ප්‍රතිඑල […]

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Monday, July 11th, 2016

Sarath Obeysekera Minister who paved way for to establish SAITEM is conveniently keeping away from the problems faced by the students who are facing due to protests by the GMOA. GMOA and the  students who may have had better qualifications in A level may not be happy to allow SIATEM qualified students to be given […]

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Monday, July 11th, 2016

ALI SUKHANVER ‘The violence has shaken the whole country, as it appears to be the first attempt at a major attack directed entirely at Muslims,’ says CNN in a report on recent disturbance in Bangladesh. But fact of the matter is that whatever happened there in Bangladesh during the last few weeks is neither unpredicted […]

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Behind the Curtain – Death of a Renowned Social Worker

Monday, July 11th, 2016

By Afshain Afzal American dual nationality holder and renowned social worker, Mr. Abdus Sattar Edhi died in a local hospital on 8 July 2016, after a prolonged illness and a lot of pain and discomfort for years. His funeral prayers were attended by Chief Minister Sind, Chief Minister Punjab, general public, and a large number […]

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Unseen hand behind the move

Monday, July 11th, 2016

By Shivanthi Ranasinghe A bad president is bad, as opposed to the system per se being bad, states Presidential Counsel Manohara de Silva. The Sirisena-Wickremesinghe Government came to power on the pledge of abolishing the Executive Presidency. Yet, since securing power, there is a marked reluctance to fulfil the pledge. However, they are not the […]

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Mangala violated collective Cabinet responsibility: JO

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Yohan Perera and Kelum Bandara Courtesy  Adaderana The joint opposition today urged President Maithripala Sirisena to take action against Foreign Affairs Minister Mangala Samaraweera whom it accused of violating the collective responsibility of the Cabinet. Joint opposition MP Dinesh Gunawardane told a media briefing held at parliamentary complex that Mr Samaraweera had challenged the President through […]

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Sri Lanka’s extended fund facility with IMF: It’s mostly fiscal

Monday, July 11th, 2016

By Dushni Weerakoon July 10, 2016, 9:32 pm The often repeated pun on the IMF’s acronym satirically suggests that it prescribes a tighter fiscal policy, whatever an economy’s problem might be. Indeed, lower budget deficits and higher government revenues are central to Sri Lanka’s latest US$ 1.5 billion loan from the IMF. But, the economy’s […]

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‘War crimes’, duplicity and rhetoric

Monday, July 11th, 2016

The Editorial Courtesy The Island July 10, 2016, 9:36 pm British Minister of State for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Hugo Swire, in his address to Parliament on Sri Lanka’s Human Rights situation on Thursday, reiterated there had to be an international element in the domestic mechanism for accountability. That was necessary, he said, to […]

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Central Bank’s strategy to beat post-Brexit blues- Negotiations for enhanced trade, investments

Monday, July 11th, 2016

By Chandani Jayatilleke Courtesy The Sunday Observer Deputy Governor Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe PICTURE: SHAN RUPPASARA Brexit has already had some negative impact on the global financial markets and the global economy. But its full impact is yet to be felt with the policy changes and geopolitical decisions to be taken by the European Union and the […]

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When luck smiles on MPs

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Editorial Courtesy The Island July 11, 2016, 8:53 pm The media informs us people are resentful that they can hardly make ends meet. Life for them is a process of paying bills, which continue to get bloated due to tax increases, the latest being the VAT hike. Traders have been taking to the streets against the […]

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Blame for current economic crisis

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Observer Courtesy The Island July 11, 2016, 8:06 pm Newspapers report “PM flays Rajapaksas for leaving country bankrupt” and PM says “we took over a nation with a pillaged economy in its wake”. If the Yahapalanaya Government was so convinced, common sense surely required it when taking office to call for a period of austerity and […]

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Desist from actions to risk future of the country An Open Letter to UNP Members of COPE

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Chandra Jayaratne Courtesy The Island July 11, 2016, 8:04 pm Please note that the memories of all the young professionals, the youth, the intelligent voters and civil society activists, who so actively canvassed for the 8th January 2015 regime change and in the General Elections that followed, are not short, nor fading. They presume that your […]

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Interim order by SC suspends VAT increase-SC, “Order will not impact Govt.’s revenue collection” – PM , “VAT to remain at 11% until legislation passes” – Ravi –

Monday, July 11th, 2016

Adaderana July 11, 2016  02:11 pm The Supreme Court on Monday (11) issued an interim order to suspend the Value Added Tax (VAT) increase. The Supreme Court issued the order after considering a petition filed seeking an order to revoke the decision to increase VAT. The petition was filed by an attorney representing three persons including […]

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