Bicycle Politico becomes docile to Americans.
Posted on February 28th, 2019


(Former Vice President of the SLFP Central Committee of Matara Electorate)

Matara electorate was a caste based electorate as majority of its voters belonged to several pockets of Durawe caste people.  Amidst JVP mayhem in the area in 1980s one Mr. Wijesiri whose father was a lorry owner had voluntarily established over 75 SLFP branch organizations throughout the electorate and was anticipating to become the SLFP candidature for the 1989 elections and he had the support of Mr. Mahinda Wijesekera who was the SLFP organiser for the adjoining Devinuwara and besides that he had done SLFP organisation work throughout the district.

It was in this background Madam Sirimavo Bandaranaike sent Mr. Mangala Samaraweera to the electorate as the co-organiser for the Matara electorate.  She has told people close to her that Anura Bandaranaike brought to her a male prostitute (pirimi wesiyak) to be appointed as the organiser for Matara electorate but she appointed him as a co-organiser as his father was a notorious leader of the Pihi Party (back-stabbing party) cabal.

When he came to the electorate he did not have any mode of transport except a ‘flying pigeon’ bicycle and the party supporters provided vehicles for him to visit distant areas of the electorate.  The next election happened to be a district-wise election and he had a biggest disadvantage being belonging to the Durawe caste which was a minority caste in the district coming after the Goigama and Karawe castes and the voters of Matara district being very much concerned about the caste of the candidates. Madam Bandaranaike having a good knowledge about these problems assigned Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa of the adjoining Hambantota district to spend some of  his time taking Mangala to his mother’s relations in the Matara district and canvass for him.  Mr. Mahinda’s mother was a belonged to a very popular Goigama family in the Matara district.  It was due to this assistance Mangala was able to become one of the three SLFP winners of the district and Mangala’s mother told this writer that if it was not for Mr. Mahinda’s help Mangala would not have won in the 1989 election.

Organisation of SLFP in the Matara district as a whole was carried out by M/s. Mahinda Wijesekera and Ariya Bulegoda who was the Hakmana electorate organisor and Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa also assisting them whenever it was required.  To tell the truth there was no contribution from Mangala in the district’s party organisation activities and he only conv enient advantage from others labour.

When S.B.Dissanayake, Mahinda Wijesekera and several others left the Chandrika government having been unable to remain further in that government which had ruined the country at that time plunging the country into minus economic growth and having made utter blunders in the war front, addressing a Rupavahini interview Mangala said that the SLFP is a party of the people in the villages and the people in the villages are people who are very much grateful and who never shit on theplat they have taken meals.

What this bicycle politico did for the SLFP was the same thing he articulated above. He was totally ungrateful to the party and joined the UNP under Ranil’s leadership who was belittled by himself promoting the slogan that Ranilata Bae” (Ranil cannot do).

When came to Matara he came as almost a pauper and we had to visit rich people in Matara town seeking for donations for his election campaign in 1989. Anyone who had visited his house in Walpola at that time would have seen that it was a house without basic furniture.   After he became the Minister telecommunications, and his aunt (father’s own sister who was married to the swimmer Anandan of Velvetithurai) became his Private Secretary there were speculation that he was involved inj LTTE money laundering activities.

Whether these speculations were true or not he now owns a multi roomed palatial mansion in Panadura facing Bolgoda Lake and another multi-roomed Guest House in Nakulugamuwa facing the beach closer to Hambantota border.  Also he spends millions of rupees for elections and two attempts made by him to become first beating Buddhika Pathirana failed because of caste restraints.

This guy is also an utterly jealous fellow and despite their assistance to him he also in collaboration with the old hag Chandrika attempted to restrict political forward marches and dent the popularity of M/s.Mahinda Rajapaksa and Mahinda Wijesekera.  He attempted to restrict Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa by confining him to regional politics by nominating him for thr Southern Chgief Minister post and obstructed Mr. Mahinda Wijesekera even getting a post of a Deputy minister at least although people in the area expected that he will get the post of the Minister of Fisheries.

He is a staunch agnostic and I have never seen him visiting the nearby temples or the famous Bodhiya in Matara.  He is a strong anti-religious person and when the Buddhist Commission Report was released dueing Chandrika’s time he was highly critical of this report saying that it should dumped into the waste basked and in protest of this statement there were many Bodhi Poojas including at the Matara Bodhiya.  In a recent statement he has stated that until the time we abasndon the special place that had been given to Buddhism the problems facing this country cannot be solved.

Following his sell out to Tamil racist in 2013 through the Regime Change Singapore agreement to introduce a federal constitution to Sri Lanka immediately after thid government came to power this Tamil servile Quisling shamelessly so-sponsored the American initiated resolution against Sri Lanka at the UNHRC, the resolution No. 30/1, which is considered as the worst ever agreement signed against Sri Lanka. This despicable act deserves him to be execvuted in compliance with the punishment meted out to criminals and traitors by our ancient Kings.

As I have written many things about this bicycle politico in my previous articles, I would like to focus your attention to the 30th anniversary of his entry to politics which he is reported to have arranged  to hold on the 28th of this month.  It is sad to note that he has become so politically powerless to hold this function in Matara at least in gratitude to the people who elevated him from the status of a bicycle politico to a lingerie designer Finance Minister.

Now we find that this ungrateful bicycle politico has kicked the ladder (the people of Matara) that helped him to climb up in politics and is to hold the 30th anniversary of his political life in a grand function at BMICH with the participation of the notorious enemy of developing independent nations Samantha Power as the Chief Guest.   She isa scornful American war mongering b—-(my apologies for the harsh reference) who was the 28th Ambassador of the United States to the United Nations

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