Man arrested for stealing President’s flag remanded

July 30th, 2022

Courtesy Adaderana

The man who stole the President’s official flag and used it as a bedsheet has been remanded until the 05th of August.

The suspect was produced before the Colombo Magistrate’s Court earlier today.

He was taken into custody after he surrendered to the Wellaweediya Police last morning.

On the 09th of July, people in large numbers thronged Colombo to take part in the mass demonstrations against the government over economic mismanagement and corruption.

As the demonstrations made strides, the protesters stormed the President’s House in Colombo among several other state buildings and continued to occupy the premises for several days.

The United States has given 1046136 dollars in 2021 and 9123573 dollars from 2016 to 2020 to NGOs in Sri Lanka. Today’s value is more than 372 crore rupees – Vimal’s parliamentary speech reveals

July 30th, 2022

Courtesy Lankalead

On the 27th, during the emergency law debate in Parliament, National Freedom Front leader MP Wimal Weerawansa announced that NED (National Endowment for Democracy), a subsidiary organization of the American CIA, had funded various non-governmental organizations operating in Sri Lanka and the financial allocations given from the year 2016 to the year 2021 were disclosed.

According to the document that Hansard passed in Parliament, it is revealed that in the year 2021 alone, 1,046,156 US dollars have been pumped for 15 projects of 15 non-governmental organizations operating in Sri Lanka. Likewise, it is revealed that from 2016 to 2020, NED has pumped $9,123,573 in 117 cases for projects presented by non-governmental organizations in Sri Lanka. The NED organization is an organization that was established in the year 1983 as a secret arm of the American CIA organization.

The full report presented by MP Wimal Weerawansa is below..

American Grants For SL NGOs

American Grants For SL NGOs 2021

ලංකාවේ NGO වලට අමෙරිකාව 2021 දී ඩොලර් 1046136ක් සහ 2016 සිට 2020 දක්වා ඩොලර් 9123573 ක් ලබා දීලා. අද වටිනාකම රුපියල් කෝටි 372කටත් වැඩියි- විමල්ගේ පාර්ලිමේන්තු කතාවෙන් හෙලිවෙයි

July 30th, 2022

Courtesy Lankalead

පසුගිය 27 වනදා පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ හදිසි නීති විවාදය පැවැති අවස්ථාවේදී ජාතික නිදහස් පෙරමුණේ නායක පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී විමල් වීරවංශ මහතා විසින් අමෙරිකානු CIA සංවිධානයේ පරිවාර සංවිධානයක් වන NED ( National Endowment for Democracy- ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය සඳහා වන ජාතික උරුමය ) නම් ආයතනය විසින් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ක්‍රියාත්මක විවිධ රාජ්‍යය නොවන සංවිධාන රැසකට 2016 වර්ෂයේ සිට 2021 වර්ෂය දක්වා ලබාදුන් මුදල් ප්‍රතිපාදන සම්බන්ධයෙන් හෙලිදරව් කරනු ලැබීය.

පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ හැන්සාඩ් ගත කළ එම ලේඛනයට අනුව 2021 වර්ෂයේදී දී පමණක් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ක්‍රියාත්මක රාජ්‍යය නොවන සංවිධාන 15 ක ව්‍යාපෘති 15 ක් වෙනුවෙන් අමෙරිකානු ඩොලර් 1,046,156ක් පොම්ප කර ඇති බව අනාවරණය වේ. එලෙසම 2016 සිට 2020 දක්වා NED ආයතනය ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ රාජ්‍යය නොවන ආයතන ඉදිරිපත් කළ ව්‍යාපෘති වෙනුවෙන් අවස්ථා 117කදී ඩොලර් 9,123,573ක් පොම්ප කර ඇති බව අනාවරණය වේ. NED සංවිධානය අමෙරිකානු CIA සංවිධානයේ රහසිගත හස්තයක් ලෙස 1983 වර්ෂයේ දී පිහිටවනු ලැබූ සංවිධානයකි.

විමල් වීරවංශ මන්ත්‍රීවරයා ඉදිරිපත් කළ සම්පූර්ණ වාර්තාව පහතින්..

American Grants For SL NGOs

American Grants For SL NGOs 2021

Time for New Solutions for Sri Lanka.

July 30th, 2022

Charith Gunawardena

Fight for Private Creditor Debt Cancellation.

With the whole world watching the deteriorating political, economic and humanitarian situation unfolding in Sri Lanka, and while we pray for swift solutions to food, fuel and medical shortages, there is now an opportunity to reinvent how countries caught in post-Covid 19 debt traps recover from crippling debt and re-emerge as healthy, functioning economies.

Sri Lanka like many other countries seeking International Monetary Fund (IMF), bailouts is in a difficult position. Corrupt governments have mismanaged the nation’s finances and agreed to predatory loans with exploitive interest rates. Having absconded from the country they ravaged, they have left millions of everyday citizens on the hook for their crimes and ineptitude. 

In the case of Sri Lanka, the country has internal and external borrowings of over $50 billion (60% of GDP), that it cannot service, crucially over 40% of that is to private creditors, many of whom are charging predatory interest rates. The loans from multilateral institutions (over 20% of external debt) and bilateral arrangements (30%) are on more concessionary payment terms.

The traditional solution, to turn to the IMF, will likely result in crippling austerity measures and the selling off of our national assets and resources, leaving us even less able to revive our economy on our own steam. This is unacceptable and I would suggest not inevitable.

Sri Lanka is not the only country in this position. It is the canary in the coal mine. The pandemic, the war in Ukraine and resulting inflation have hamstrung several nations in the global south who may soon be facing their own disasters. The instability this will cause will be detrimental to global politics and economies writ large. Problems like these are not isolated and do not stay put. They travel, taking their consequences with them across the planet.

The solutions to these troubles are as unique and complicated as each individual country, but what they all share is some measure of debt cancellation and delayed or restructured repayment. I am not suggesting Sri Lanka default on its external loans to other governments or multilateral institutions. 

I am suggesting that instead of thinking in the short-term and selling off our assets, the very things that could be used to revive the economy, we declare null and void the remainder of the debt to extortionary private lenders, and instead create a plan for how Sri Lanka’s people and resources can work to revive the economy and repay those restructured multilateral loans and bilateral loans from our allies. Taking a genuinely non-aligned position in the geopolitical battles between larger nations is a pre-requisite to request assistance from across the world.

The benefits to this are myriad. First and foremost, it gives Sri Lankans a chance at long-term independence and prosperity, and shield against climate change. There has been 16 rounds of standard IMF bailout packages since 1965 and they have all failed to deliver sustainable solutions. The current model of prioritising benefits to lenders rather than local populations is wrongheaded and it simply doesn’t work. 

The IMF should bail out people, not accommodate corporations. If they did, the people would, in time, be able to pay back their loans. Sri Lanka is rich is resources and assets which can be leveraged to create a booming economy. The issue is not insolvency, it is illiquidity.

Secondly, we must take a progressive stand against the ability of exploitive private creditors to make deals with corrupt leaders who ultimately are not held responsible for the outcomes. 

By including private creditors, such as worlds’s largest asset manager BlackRock, in IMF debt restructuring negotiations, they are being rewarded for their destructive lending practices, and are encouraged to continue, causing generations-worth of economic damage to struggling nations. Sri Lanka should default on loans to predatory private creditors, and it should do so jointly with other low-income countries. 

Yes, the lenders will sue. There is no international court that can force countries to pay them back, but the loans are subject to the laws in which the lenders are based, most often New York and London, and they may pursue claims to overseas assets. This is our opportunity to mobilise for greater economic fairness and to campaign for changes to these laws for the better.

Currently countries in economic hardship do not have the bankruptcy protections granted to businesses. If the owners of a company that cannot pay its bills can be shielded from its creditors to avoid destitution, then surely a country that supports the lives and welfare of millions of people should be entitled to the same protections. 

If low-income countries default together, we shine a light on this issue and put pressure on the United States and United Kingdom governments to enact legislation that will protect distressed governments. The change required is systemic and necessitates that we stand together and that new models work for the people. Yes, this will be a fight, but a fight worth engaging in, and one in which there will be support from around the world.

Debt cancellation is not a fairy tale. It can and has happened, to greater and lesser extents, and it can happen for Sri Lanka, but the call needs to come from the people. The current government will not engage in this type of structural change without pressure. The people need to demand it. They need to demand fairness and the opportunity to thrive. 

Debt cancellation in these circumstances is justice. I would encourage every Sri Lankan, and every citizen of countries in similar straits, to consider the idea. Talk about it with your friends and family. Discuss it within Sri Lankan civil society. Demand that our leaders fight for it. The diaspora wants to help and will speak up within their countries calling for their governments to support these ideas. If Sri Lankans ask for it, organisations like Debt Justice UK, Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development, Jubilee USA, and others, can support the fight.

The whole planet is in recovery mode. Now is the time for large-scale change based on reframing what economic justice looks like. Debt is not a moral issue. Allowing people to suffer and die is a moral issue.

Charith Gunawardena, former Local Councillor for London Borough of Enfield in the United Kingdom representing the Green Party and a member of the Sri Lankan diaspora.

Ways Out of our Econmic Meltdown

July 29th, 2022

by Garvin Karunaratne

I enclose one of my 2019 Papers which warned our fate which has come though today. It also contains what has to be done to get out of our economic woes. May this awaken our leaders to an immediate process of action. Bindu once said we are all following NATO principles. Lets get down to make everything we imported. My experience in the Divisional Development Councils Programme as well as the Youth Self Employment Programme of Bangladesh which I designed and established in Bangladesh which is a live programme that has brought over three million youths to become productive stares at us in our face. It is up to our leaders to start working on our economy fast. Waiting for the IMF is no solution. The IMF only restructyures the debt($ 56 billion) to ensure that we pay it back. The task of bringing about production falls on us and it can be done- all in Rupees and cents. Not a dollar is required. Before the advent of the IMF in 1978, we did everything in Rupees and cents- built roads, tanks and everything was done in Rupees.

The Major Constraints for Sri Lanka’s Future: The Proportional Representative System of Election, the Provincial Councils and the 19 th Amendment.

Posted on July 2nd, 2019

By Garvin Karunaratne

I write in support of the suggestions made by the former Minister Milinda Moragoda. We have to be thankful to Mr Moragoda for his patriotism.

Patriotism is what we need today to save our Motherland. It is sad to say that Sri Lanka is today disintegrating fast. Our economy is in tatters with an international debt that cannot be sustained. We are now in a situation where we have to borrow to repay our debts and in that process we become further  indebted. That was  the path laid for us by the IMF from 1978. Our debt of some $ 60 billion was created through imports for our rich, to finance foreign education for the rich, to import limousines for the rich. Foreign investors also take away their profits in dollars increasing our debt.

 Today our country does not have a single development programme to enable our people to become productive and emerge out of their poverty. All what we see today  in the name of development  are election gimmicks to bribe voters at forthcoming elections.

Full Story

Singapore & World Leaders must ask LTTE apologists & lobbyists to present facts

July 29th, 2022

Shenali D Waduge

An organization by the acronym PEARL located in Washington DC, USA has written to Singapore’s Attorney General’s department to investigate the former President Gotabaya Rajapakse. On what grounds can lobbyists insist on investigating a non-Singaporean going to the extent of prosecuting him for alleged” crimes committed outside of Singapore, simply because they have created a well-funded propaganda sans any evidence? This propaganda has turned into a money-making venture on the guise of accountability. World leaders must now demand they present facts only.

  • The letter refers to LTTE – the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam an internationally proscribed terrorist organization that was militarily defeated after refusing several offers to lay down arms & surrender in May 2009 which marked the end of 3 decades of terrorism that killed thousands of people including the former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi on Indian soil on 21 May 1991.
  • LTTE though an armed non-state actor & proscribed in Sri Lanka as well as by 32 countries may not be signatory to international laws & treaties but must abide by the customary laws that prevail. Thus, LTTE lobbyists quoting laws against a National Army must realize the same laws inadvertently applies to LTTE.
  • Definition of a Civilian in a Non-International Armed Conflict – as per Article 13(2) of Additional Protocol II, it is prohibited to make civilians the object of attack. It is also prohibited to direct attacks against civilians as per Amended Protocol II & III to the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons pursuant to amended Article 1 of the Convention in 2001.
  • Close to 300,000 Tamils majority of whom were civilians were forcibly taken by LTTE & kept as hostages or human shields. Statements addressed to LTTE by the UN Secretary General, INGO heads & foreign governments to release civilians confirm that LTTE were keeping civilians by force. Thus, if civilians were subject to harm’s way, LTTE must first explain why they kept Tamil civilians and fired amidst civilians. Many civilians who tried to escape were shot dead by LTTE.
  • The UN issued a statement on 16th January 2009 imploring LTTE to allow civilians to move into government controlled areas without keeping them as human shields”. 
  • LTTE also held captive UN aid workers (2 expats and 13 local staff) – they were released on 30 January 2009 after international pressure.
  • Geneva Convention IV, Art. stands for the premise that even the mere presence of protected persons cannot be used to render a military target immune from attack. In other words, a belligerent who hides within an area with high concentrations of civilians is committing the crime of Human Shielding even if the belligerent party is not ‘actively placing them into a location.” 
  • Law of Distinction between combatants & civilians was intentionally made blurred by LTTE as LTTE fired wearing uniform and wearing civilian clothing. LTTE’s child soldiers were also wearing uniform & civilian clothing. LTTE also had a trained armed civilian brigade. In the last stages of the conflict, LTTE forced civilians to engage in hostilities giving them arms & ammunition. Thus, any of the above engaged in hostilities and becoming injured or killed cannot claim to be a civilian.

If civilians directly participated in hostilities, they become lawful targets & cannot be taken into account in assessing proportionality.

  • Did Tamil civilians voluntarily go with the LTTE as LTTE retreated after the fall of Kilinochchi on 2 January 2009? Robert Blake, former American ambassador spelt it out eloquently when he stated
    As the Sri Lankan army was pushing north into the Tamil areas, the predominantly Tamil areas that were controlled by the LTTE for more than two decades…the Sri Lankan army displaced a large number of Tamil civilians and they all began to move northwards. The LTTE systematically refused international efforts to allow those internally displaced persons to move south. …To move away from conflict areas where they could have been given food and shelter and so forth. So they systematically basically refused all efforts and in fact violated international law by not allowing freedom of movement to those civilians. So had the LTTE actually allowed people to move south, none of this would have happened in the first place, so it’s important to make that point. I think that often gets lost in the debate on this…”
  • Sir John Holmesspeaks as follows: As the LTTE retreated, the Tamil civilian population from the area they had controlled were going with them, which obviously exposed them to huge risks. How voluntary was this? It was hard to say for certain.” 
  • Another aspect is that it is extremely unlikely that some 20,000 LTTE, at that stage, could have taken up to 300,000 hostages against their will. If civilians did go voluntarily with LTTE – albeit they become part of LTTE aiding & abetting them & lose their right to civilian privileges
  • LTTE kept Tamil civilians as human shields which is prohibited in Third & Fourth Geneva Conventions as well as Additional Protocol 1. The ICC too declares that utilizing the presence of a civilian or other protected persons to render certain points, areas or military forces immune from military operations’ constitutes a war crime. LTTE’s excuse has been that civilians were voluntary human shields. Such a scope does not exist in international humanitarian law.
  • As per Yoram Dinstein (international scholar on rules of war) the ultimate responsibility for civilian casualties falls on the LTTE & not GOSL since the laws & customs of war do not permit a belligerent to immunize a position from attack through use of involuntary human shields.
  • No Fire Zone (Civilian Safety Zone) – LTTE is obliged to protect non-combatants from collateral damage. LTTE took civilians by force and hid amongst civilians to make LTTE immune from attack. LTTE took shelter amongst civilians. But LTTE has obligations to fulfil too.
  • An area was created by Sri Lanka’s armed forces on 21st January 2009 & 12th February 2009 for civilians to enter for safety (it was announced by loud speakers & pamphlets in Tamil were airdropped) until they were evacuated & was to be immune from attack. NFZ has to be recognized by both parties to be effective. LTTE did not recognize the NFZ – LTTE only took advantage of it embedding its belligerents & firing from among civilians. The present NFZ was an unofficial one created by only the Sri Lanka Armed Forces.However, it was an area that LTTE had no right to be inside & fire from inside. As per law the Sri Lankan Armed Forces has every right to fire back. Firing back & intentional targeting must be clearly distinguished. LTTE attempted to immunize its military leadership & military assets by hostage taking & interment of civilians.
  • The Bishop of Jaffna in a letter on 25 January, 2009, stated; We are also urgently requesting the Tamil Tigers not to station themselves among the people in the safety Zone and fire their artillery shells and their rockets at the army. This will only increase more and more the death of civilians thus endangering the safety of the people.” (confirms LTTE firing from NFZ)
  • Customary principle of proportionality – was affected by LTTE’s intentional use of civilian hostages as human shields to discredit the Government troops. The situation gives rise to 2 scenarios – attack & self-defense with operative factor of whether damage & loss of life is excessive to the anticipated military objective. Self-defense must be proportional to the armed attack. Ultimate responsibility for civilian casualties falls upon the shielding party – in this case the LTTE who kept civilians by force. LTTE deliberately placed its military targets amongst civilians – this is a serious violation of humanitarian law & LTTE bears responsibility for endangering civilians
  • The Sri Lankan commanders who were in a dilemma to decide how to neutralize active LTTE artillery stationed among civilians at the cost of civilians eventually led to sacrificing personnel of Sri Lanka Armed Forces – which was why 5000 soldiers perished during the last stages of the conflict. Tamil civilians must empathise with the Sri Lankan Armed Forces for this sacrifice in order to follow IHL and safeguard civilians.
  • LTTE blurred distinction between combatants & civilians forcing Sri Lankan Armed Forces to make a forced choice”. LTTE’s use of lawfare” exploiting legal norms to impede operations was primarily meant to punish law abiding armed forces who observed laws of war while non-state actors freely disregarded them.
  • LTTE blurring distinction using combatants in civilian clothingto gain military advantage LTTE committing crime of perfidyengaging in an act that intends to make Sri Lanka Military believe it deserves protection under IHL but deceiving the Sri Lanka Military is prohibited by ICTY as feigning civilian status.
  • Stephen Smith, the Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs statement regarding the actions of the LTTE during the last three months of the conflict in Sri Lanka. The Minister expressly condemned the numerous civilian deaths as a result of the LTTE’s use of bombs and artillery” in the NFZs and targeting of civilians that attempt to leave the conflict zones as a violation of the rules of war.”
  • While LTTE lobbyists claim between 70,000 to 169,796 were killed. They do not say whether this number refers to civilians as per international definition or LTTE combatants (initially they started off with 40,000) – they have yet to produce names or details of these dead inspite of the Sri Lanka Armed Forces physically rescuing 295,000 Tamils all of whom have been identified.
  • Sri Lanka’s military defeated an internationally proscribed terrorist movement while saving 295,000 people from danger which included some 12,000 LTTE combatants among whom were 594 child soldiers who surrendered in civilian clothing – the proportion of loss must be weighed against the gain while the loss cannot omit the Tamil civilians killed and shot to death by LTTE including the injured LTTE combatants that LTTE put into buses and blew up.
  • LTTE’s perfidious conduct & forced recruitment of civilians, execution of civilians trying to escape & placing weapons and firing from within civilian & hospital zones – The Sri Lanka Armed Forces cannot be held liable for incidental civilian deaths from the failure to distinguish lawful targets from civilians as the responsibility fell on LTTE to keep civilians under its custody safe. LTTE could not keep civilians and make area a non-target but fire from among civilians and expect not to face return fire.
  • Principle of Liability falls on LTTE. LTTE not only committed perfidious conduct by feigning civilian status, it blurred distinction between combatants & civilians putting civilians in harm’s way. The Sri Lanka Armed Forces attempted to minimize civilian casualties by setting up a no fire zone. However LTTE moved into this zone to conduct warfare from inside a zone specifically to be only for civilians. This act by LTTE makes LTTE liable for failure to comply with the principle of distinction.
  • Civilian casualties – Collateral damage. The responsibility for civilians rested with the LTTE that took them. The responsibility for their loss also is with LTTE as LTTE did not allow them to leave, LTTE used them as hostages and human shields and LTTE even shot and killed those that attempted to leave. LTTE placed civilians in danger and LTTE used civilians to engage in hostilities while LTTE also had an armed civilian brigade confounding distinction altogether.
  • Inability to assert how many LTTE in civilian clothing died engaged in hostilities, how many LTTE child soldiers died engaging in hostilities, how many civilians in LTTE civilian brigade died engaged in hostilities, how many LTTE in civilian clothing died engaged in hostilities, how many civilians not engaged in any type of hostility trying to flee LTTE were killed by LTTE – none of these deaths can be deemed civilian deaths killed by Sri Lanka Army to constitute a war crime.
  • The organization PEARL claims 70,000 to 169,796 were killed. Do these have names, some form of identification? 
  • On 14th August 2013 a Presidential Commission (Chairman Maxwell Paranagama) to investigate cases of Missing Persons was appointed with initial mandate to cover abductions or disappearances from June 10, 1990 to 19 May 2009 thereafter extended to cover from 1983 to 2009 (26 years) There was only 18,590 complaints of which 5000 were filed by families of missing Sri Lankan Military. How come there are no 70,000 or 169,796 missing names filed with the commission?
  • The Sri Lanka Armed Forces by mid-May 2009 had rescued 295,000 Tamils
  • Are the international community going to rely on 3rd party propaganda or accept empirical research & statistical data:
  • UN Country Team declared 7721 civilian deaths between August 2008 & 13 May 2009. Indian embedded journalist Murali Reddy confirmed that from 13 May 2009 to 19th May 2009 there were no civilians in the strip LTTE were restricted to.
  • Sri Lankan Govt census by Tamil teachers in Feb/March 2012 placed war related deaths at 7432.
  • UNSG Panel of Experts in 2012 report only says civilian deaths ‘could be’ as high as 40,000 – it does not mean 40,000 deaths.
  • Gordon Weiss a former UN spokesman in Colombo in order to promote his book was dabbling in numbers quoting 40,000 but reducing number to 10,000 when questioned.
  • Data compiled by the South Asia Terrorism Portal, data primarily based on figures released by the pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net”, put the casualty figure for civilians inside Mullaithivu at 2,972 until 5 April 2009.
  • 13 March 2009 – UN Human Rights Commissioner Navi Pillay’s press release said that ‘as many as 2800 civilians ‘may have been killed’.
  • Since 2009 we have been hearing a chorus of‘thousands reported missing’ who is reporting them, what are their sources and how genuine/authentic are the reports? These details are never disclosed.

Does Leelathevi Ananthanatarajah, the Secretary of the Association for the Relatives of the Enforced Disappearances in the North & East have names and numbers of the disappeared? If so produce them to the Missing Persons Commission.

3rd Parties quoting Sri Lanka dead” missing” alleging 

war crimes by Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces without proof or evidence.

  • Those making allegations must prove their claims and produce evidence for their allegations.
  • They simply cannot throw numbers & expect to bring disrepute to a National Army and put military commanders in prison without evidence or proof.
  • Based on what evidence is Robert Blake, former US envoy quoting 40,000 dead at the US Congressional Hearing
  • How is Siobhain McDonagh (UK Labor MP) declaring 100,000 dead and 40,000 as civilians.
  • How did Charles Petrie reviewing the UNSG’s report come up with 70,000 dead
  • How did The Times of London come up with 20,000 dead
  • How did Amnesty International quote 40,000 dead
  • How did Bishop of Mannar, Rayappu Joseph claim 147,000 as missing but did not log a single name with the Presidential Commission or the OISL investigators
  • How did Alan Keenan Project Director of International Crisis Group Sri Lanka come up with civilians killed between 40,000-147,000
  • How did UK Guardian quote 40,000 dead
  • LTTE was defeated in May 2009. Its now July 2022. A period of 13 years has passed. Office of Missing Persons was established in 2016. The current BASL head was appointed as the Chairman of the Office of Missing Persons. How is it that he too has failed to question why 70,000 or 169,796 names of missing Tamils have failed to be logged into its system? Without names of even the missing, how can they be presumed to be dead or killed by the Sri Lanka Armed Forces? 



Its now 13 years since defeat of LTTE – So far we have not found a single SKELETON to even come close to believing the 40,000 dead figure.

Who are the ‘missing’ and how many of them are ‘missing’ – How many of these missing are LTTE will depend upon who is declaring them to be LTTE & missing –

If there is no dead body to claim them missing – where could they be? They could have fled to a foreign country. They could have changed identity and pretending to be someone else to disassociate themselves from their past. There could be many other reasons.

While anyone can be declared dead if they have not appeared for a specific number of years – no one has any right to declare a person or persons guilty of killing the missing person based on circumstantial and hearsay evidence. It must be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.

LTTE & the Sri Lanka engaged in battle and exchanged fire.

Neither side exchanged roses.

LTTE took civilians and refused to free them and fired at the Sri Lanka Army from among civilians. Returning fire in battle is a right of any military. Keeping civilians and firing from among civilians is where LTTE violated rules of war.

LTTE were given 2 chances to lay down arms & surrender but refused.

While engaging in battle, Sri Lanka Armed Forces rescued close to 300,000 Tamils (some LTTE were among them)

No conflict ends without deaths – there have been deaths on both sides.

The ICRC is on record to say the army could have finished the conflict sooner if they did not compromise their own soldiers to save the Tamil civilians kept forcibly by LTTE.

Both the GoSL and UN Country Team estimates of less than 8000 deaths which includes LTTE dead is provable against the vague and sensational figures presented without evidence.  We can be happy there has been no deaths related to LTTE terror since 2009.

Police – have police received complaints since 2009 re LTTE/Civilian missing

SL Human Rights Commission – what are the complaints filed and their findings related to the last phase of conflict

OISL – what are the complaints filed and findings of OISL

Paranagama Commission – what are the complaints filed – 18,590 complaints only

Sooka & ITJP on behalf of LTTE giving lists of LTTE names – do these correspond with names given by families to the police/SLHRC/OISL/Paranagama Commission

OMP – are all the lists above corresponding and tallying with the details in their possession

GoSL/Foreign Ministry requests from foreign governments to confirm if names & details match with those seeking asylum or refugee status. 

Singapore or any foreign government should desist from creating precedence based on powerfully funded lobbies aimed at revenging governments for defeating an internationally proscribed terrorist movement simply because it impacts their livelihoods and to enjoy prescriptive benefits in foreign climes on the guise of promoting accountability.

Singapore and all foreign governments should follow the rules of international humanitarian laws applicable to a non-international armed conflict that took place in Sri Lanka between LTTE non-state actor and Sri Lanka’s National Army.

Shenali D Waduge


July 29th, 2022

Shripal Nishshanka Fernando – USA

This is a historical time which Sri Lanka needs patriots and all others to be united and bring the country back on its feet. The country is undergoing an unprecedented economical and political crisis at the moment. The unity among people is vital to overcome this calamity so that the country leaders can steer it out for stability.

In a vital time like this, yesterday MP Sarath Fonseka in his debate speech of Extending the Emergency Law in the parliament urged masses to gather and rally once again in Colombo on August ninth to chase away the country leaders. He says the ‘Aragalaya’ or the ‘Protest’ should be continued to see the end by removing the leaders. In the meantime, he requests the police and the forces from refraining from showing control the masses when they come to Colombo.

What a traitor Sarath Fonseka is!

He must be put in jail for promoting terrorism in the country. It is true that he spearheaded the SL Army as the commander during the last war with the LTTE with marvelous military strategies but he should remain as a patriot of Sri Lanka all the time. He is a man without proper principles and policies and remains as an opportunist. In 2009 he ran against then president Mahinda Rajapaksa who elated him to the commander of the army when he had got arranged all his baggage to move to Oklahoma USA upon his retirement. Gotabaya Rajapaksa then secretary of defense made the request to his brother president Mahinda and extended Sarath Fonseka’s service period and appointed him as the commander. Then Sarath turned against the duo showing his un-greatness.

Recently during the chaos in Sri Lanka he mentioned his ambition to become the president of the country once again. Then he tried to become the PM. All his dreams were shattered and now he wants to topple the government by hook or crook. He wants to make Sri Lanka another Libya.

All patriotic and peace loving Sri Lankans should reject this dangerous man Sarath Fonseka vehemently.

කුඩා ලංකාව මුළු ලෝකයටම දුන් ආදර්‌ශය

July 29th, 2022

Source: Black-white rule in Sri Lanka, 2022

2009 අප්‍රේල් අග-මැයි මුල මෙවැනි දෙයක් ලංකාවේද සිදුවිය. බොහෝදෙනාට නොවැටහුණත් එය මෑත ලෝකයේ පරණ යටත් විජිත හා බැඳුණු  ඉතිහාසයේ සිදුවු වැදගත්‌ම සිදුවීමකි. මිලිබෑන්ඩ් හා කුෂ්නර් යන බ්‍රිතාන්‍ය හා ප්‍රංශ විදේශ ඇමතීන් දෙන්නා යුරෝපා සුදු රටවල ඒජන්තවරු වශයෙන් ප්‍රභාකරන් විනාශ මුඛයෙන් ගලවා ගැනීමට බලවත් උත්සාහයක් දැරුවේය. මේ සඳහා කුෂ්නර්ගේ  කූඨ උපාය වූයේ ප්‍රභාකරන් මුණගැසී මුලතිව් දෙමළ හිරකරුවන් (ප්‍රාණ ඇපකරුවන්) මුදා ගැනීමට සාකච්ඡා කිරීමට යාමට ලංකා රජයෙන් අවසර ඉල්ලීමය. එවිට ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්‍ෂ ආරක්‍ෂක ලේකම් කියා සිටියේ එසේ ගියොත් නිසැකවම කුෂ්නර්ව ප්‍රභාකරන් විසින් හිරකාරයෙක් කරගන්නා නිසා ඊට ඉඩදිය නොහැකි බවය. එසේ හිරකාරයෙක් වීම තමාට ප්‍රශ්නයක් නොවන බවත්, තමා ඕනෑම දෙයකට මුහුණ දීමට සූදානම් බවත් කුෂ්නර් කී විට ගෝඨාභය කියා සිටියේ, එය කුෂ්නර් ට ප්‍රශ්නයක් නොවුනත් ලංකාවේ යුද්ධ හමුදාවට එය ප්‍රශ්නයක් වන බවය.

ඇඹිලිපිටියේ රූස්ස සියඹලා ගහක් යට මේ දෙන්නාට මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ මහතා ලුනු මිරිස් හා කිරිබත් කැව්වා යනාදී කිසි වැදගැම්මකට නැති සුරංගනා කතා මෙන් නොව, ගෝඨාභය කොළඹදී දුන් මෙම එඩිතර, වෙඩිල්ලක් වැනි පිළිතුරෙන් මිලිබෑන්ඩ් හා කුෂ්නර් කෙතරම් ලැජ්ජාවට පත්‌වුනාද යත් දෙන්නාම කෙළින්ම ගියේ නිව්යෝක් නගරයේ යූ එන් ඕ බිල්ඩිම ඉදිරියේ ඇති පදික වේදිකාවටය. ඔවුන් එහි පාර අයිනේ රැස්වී සිටි දෙමළ ඩයස්පෝරාව අමතා, ඊට පසු ගියේ ඇමෙරිකන් විදේශ ලේකම් හිලරි ක්ලින්ටන් හමුවීමටය.  ගෝඨාභය දුන් මේ නිර්භීත පිළිතුරේ අගය ඉතාමත් පැහැදිලි වන්නේ ඉදිරියේදී යුද්ධය නැවතත් ගෙනයාමට හැකිවන අයුරින් ප්‍රභාකරන් බේරාගෙන යාම සඳහා ඇමෙරිකන් යුද නැවක් මුලතිව් අසල  මුහුදේ රැඳී සිට ඇති බව දැන් අප දන්නා නිසාය. හිරේට ගත් කුෂ්නර් ගලවා ගැනීමටය කියා එන ඇමෙරිකන් භටයින් ඒ සමඟ ප්‍රභාකරන්වද ගලවා ගෙනයාම කූට සැලැස්ම විය. කුෂ්නර් පමණක් යන්නේ මිලිබෑන්ඩ් කොල්ලාට කොළඹ සිට එය බලා සිටීම සඳහාය.

Source: Black-white rule in Sri Lanka, 2022

Ambassador Chung and xeroxable change

July 29th, 2022

Malinda Seneviratne

Aragalaya. Translatable as revolt, uprising, protest, agitation, struggle or even insurrection. Aragalaya is singular, but considering statements and actions it was certainly not marked by concert, ideological agreement, unity of purpose etc. Eclecticism was the signature of the rumbling. There was mumbling, nothing more, about system-change, but a revolution it certainly was not. So, aragalaya: singular; aragala: plural. The latter is the better descriptive. And perhaps it is exactly this eclectic and disjointed character that forced the agitators to dilute whatever revolutionary fervour there may have been to a project that targeted an individual and once that ouster was obtained shift focus to another individual.

Let’s elaborate if only to dismiss those who still harbour illusions about what transpired over the past three months was about system-change, revolution or a political shift of tectonic proportion.

History teaches lessons. The Russian Revolution was about land, peace and bread. It wasn’t #Czar-out. Land and peace were obtained; bread took a while. The Czar was assassinated, sure, but in a political sense it was incidental. The Czar was not replaced some Royal heir. Tsarist rule came to an end. In France, it was ‘liberty, equality and fraternity,’ and not #Louis-out.  Capitalism is anti-equality and one might argue anti-liberty and anti-fraternity, but the French ended the monarchical system. Louis was assassinated. Again, incidental. A Royal heir didn’t succeed him.

In China, the slogan of the Communist Party was ‘Serve the people,’ admittedly a different tune to those played in Russia and France. In any event the Chinese weren’t maniacally invested in  banishing Chiang Kai-shek. The target was the Kuomintang and what it represented, and the overall relations of production. Chiang Kai-shek fled. The Communists did stumble and worse in serving the people, but all things considered all Chinese received what was previously the luxury of a few.

In all three cases, like in any revolution such as what took place in Cuba and Vietnam for example, the movements were marked by a clear vision about what kind of political and economic system should replace the one being challenged and organisational cohesion which enabled implementation.

In Sri Lanka, over the past three months, it was different. In Sri Lanka, we had #gohomegota and in a smaller font size and in normal text as opposed to bold and italicised, #gohomeranil, only, the latter was made impossible along the way for Ranil Wickremsinghe’s house was torched. Talk, if any, of land, peace and bread, of liberty, equality and fraternity, got drowned in the individual-focused slogans, As for serving the people, well, the agitators weren’t short on rhetoric. Indeed, as is often the case, all of it (and we need to include, sadly, the destruction of public property, stifling of expression-freedom, arson, theft, thuggery and murder as part of the ‘all’) was done ‘in the name of the people.’ At the end of the day, it was ‘same-old, same-old.’

Enzo Traverso, I am told, put it much better in the book ‘Revolution: an intellectual history’: ‘The aim of revolt is not to put down a political regime; it is rather to change its representatives; usually their targets are individuals, not classes or institutions, nor power itself. This is why they have a limited horizon and a short duration: they can be endemic, but are always territorially circumscribed. Revolutions, on the contrary, raise hopes supported by ideologies and utopian projections; they are frequently carried out by forces that embody political projects, like the Jacobins or the Bolsheviks. They consciously wish to change the social and political order. In short, they express great, sometimes universal ambitions.’

So what was it all about then? Let us not be unforgiving. There was serious anxiety, fear and anger regarding multiple depravations. Fertile ground, then, for all manner of agent provocateurs and there were veritable legions in operation. Some on the ground, some behind the scenes, some cheering on (only to go silent after, perhaps, true objective was achieved) and some in the giddiness of it all compromising professional ethics and tripping gaily over their own contradictions. Names can be named, if necessary, for screen-shots of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram posts have been filed. Meticulously, I might add.

Regardless, there were and still are idealists who wanted more than name-change, who genuinely believed that this was a necessary first step in the long march to meaningful social transformation. Maybe they didn’t expect to play pawn, maybe they believe(d) that it was a price they may have to pay, maybe they will learn and become smart enough distinguish enemy from friend and outwit the small-minded and pernicious as well as those who saw a larger picture and preferred outcomes that they, the genuine agitators, never believed was part of this whole exercise.
US Ambassador Julie Chung’s tweets are hilarious but seriously they could feed several doctoral dissertations on international political economy. It is no secret that the US backed several vocal outfits and individuals who backed the aragalaya (and who have since been more cautious in their missives). She was jubilant when Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa resigned. She’s reproached the government for evicting protestors from Galle Face, but in guarded tones.

Check the language. On the 9th of May she used the word ‘condemn’ and on the 22nd of July, merely expressed ‘concern’. Earlier it was ‘violence’ and later ‘actions.’ Perhaps all the social media  ‘activists’ (who would like people to believe they wanted real change and weren’t just being willing pawns of US interests) could do some content analysis of her tweets. She was and is, after all, the point person in Colombo for US interests and knows which individuals and which organizations were and are funded by US organizations dedicated to pushing Washington’s agenda forward around the world, for example the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).

The attacks (actions/violence) happened. No argument there. The magnitude of course, as claimed/tweeted, is debatable, but violence there was. There is of course a difference between attacking those who are engaged in peaceful protest and taking action against those violating the law. All things considered and especially comparing with the way the USA has treated peaceful protestors (outright brutality including murder, Chung would know), it could have been much worse. But here’s something for the lady to chew on: President Biden recently tweeted, ‘Call me old fashioned, but I don’t think inciting a mob that attacks a police officer is respect for the law.” You can’t be pro-insurrection and [at the same time be] pro-cop or pro-democracy or ‘pro-American.’

Inciting a mob. There were mobs among the idealists, there were arsonists, looters, murderers and paddlers of virulent ideologies that were square-in-the-middle of racism, intolerance and such. Chung knew. Chung knows. Chung didn’t tweet a sweet ‘no, no, not like that!’  

And we have Derek Grossman a senior defense analyst at the RAND Corporation (established in 1948 in California with the purpose of military planning, research, and decision development, has 1,950 employees from 50 different countries), gloating thus: ‘China’s window of opportunity to one day control Sri Lanka probably just closed.’ Is he saying ‘our window of opportunity just got opened that much more’? Would Chung nod in agreement?

Well, when CIA agents cheer a protest, the conscientious protestors should  say something to the effect of,‘we don’t need your endorsement; you are part of the problem, part of the system.’ Didn’t see any of that though.
All this is in a land called ‘bound to happen’ and that inevitability has everything to do with the key flaws of the aragalaya outlined above and the inability of those who truly wanted change to rise to the challenge of taking on and defeating the enemy within, so to speak, even as they targeted symbols and not the system they represented.

ව්‍යවස්ථාවෙන් පිට බලය පිහිටුවන්න ඕනෙ – මේක තමයි රාජ්‍ය බිඳ වැට්ටවීමේ සැලැස්ම

July 29th, 2022

Hiru News

Why has Lankan President Wickremesinghe prorogued parliament?

July 29th, 2022

By P.K.Balachandran Courtesy NewsIn.Asia

Colombo, July 29 (Counterpoint): Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe has prorogued parliament till August 3. According to informed sources, the prorogation would enable him to reconstitute the various parliamentary committees and appoint suitable chairmen for them in the light of the new alignment of political forces in parliament after the exit of President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa and his own election as President.

The prorogation also enables him to formally address parliament as the new President of Sri Lanka. He would be delivering the equivalent of the  Throne Speech” in the UK parliament. The speech will have the mark of authority of the county’s President and also his view of the state of the country and its outlook for the future.     


According to, the website of the parliament of Sri Lanka, prorogation is a temporary recess of parliament, which should not extend to a period of more than two months. However, such date for summoning parliament may be advanced by another Presidential Proclamation provided it is summoned for a date not less than three days from the date of such fresh proclamation.

Constitutional Provisions

During the prorogation, the Speaker continues to function and the Members retain their membership even though they do not attend parliament.  The effect of a prorogation is to suspend all current business before the House. All proceedings pending at the time are quashed except impeachments. But they can be revived at the next session.

Paragraph (4) of Article 70 of the Constitution states: All matters which having been duly brought before parliament, have not been disposed of at the time of the prorogation of parliament, may be proceeded with during the next session.”  

At the beginning of a new session, all items of business which were in the Order Paper of Parliament need to be re-listed, if it is desired to continue with them.

Committees of Parliament

In terms of the Standing Orders of Parliament No. 114, the Committee of Selection has to be appointed and therefore, all the following Committees for Special Purposes cease to function during the recess or the prorogation of Parliament and all of them have to be re-constituted at the commencement of each session of Parliament except the Committee on High Posts, Sectoral Oversight Committees and Select Committees of Parliament as per provisions of Standing Order of Parliament Nos. 124(5), 111(2)  and 109 respectively.

At the end of a prorogation, a new session begins and is ceremonially declared open by the President.  He is empowered under the Constitution to make a Statement of Government Policy in parliament at the commencement of each Session of parliament and to preside at ceremonial sittings of parliament in terms of the provisions stipulated in Paragraph (2) of Article 33 of the Constitution.

President Ranil Wickremesinghe invites all MPs to join all-party programme

July 29th, 2022

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

President Ranil Wickremesinghe has extended an invitation to all the Members of Parliament to join a National All Party programme to create economic and social stability in the country, President’s Media Division said.

In a written invitation to all the Members of Parliament, the President said the government is currently engaged in great efforts to gradually restore normalcy to the political and social unrest created with the economic crisis that the country is facing today.

Accordingly, initial plans required to implement a systematic economic reform programme are being formulated, while preliminary measures are also being undertaken for the creation of economic stability.

“It is my opinion, however, that a programme needs to be implemented with the participation of all political parties represented in Parliament, expert groups, civil society organisations and all related parties in order to successfully overcome the challenges before us,” the statement added.

” It is also the intention of the people at this moment, that their representatives in Parliament will act to find solutions to the economic and social crises in the country through a common programme.

It is the duty and responsibility of all of us. Accordingly, I propose to initiate a broad dialogue to discuss next steps, including the reintroduction of the 19th amendment to the constitution and the Parliamentary Oversight Committee System to fulfill this national responsibility, and wish to accordingly request to convey your or your party’s concurrence to me as early as possible,” the President said.

Covid: Five more deaths, 143 new cases added to total count

July 29th, 2022

Courtesy Adaderana

The Health Ministry says that 143 more people have tested positive for Covid-19 today, as the daily count of new cases continues to rise in the country.

This brings the tally of Covid-19 cases registered in the country thus far to 665,543. 

Meanwhile, the Director-General of Health Services confirmed 05 new coronavirus-related deaths for July 28, pushing the country’s death toll from the pandemic to 16,553.

No new financing to Sri Lanka until macroeconomic policy framework is ready – The World Bank 

July 29th, 2022

Courtesy Adaderana

The World Bank Group says it is deeply concerned about the dire economic situation and its impact on the people of Sri Lanka.

In a statement, the global financial institution said it is repurposing resources under existing loans in our portfolio to help alleviate severe shortages of essential items such as medicines, cooking gas, fertilizer, meals for school children and cash transfers for poor and vulnerable households.

To date, about US$160 million of these funds has been disbursed to meet urgent needs. In addition, other ongoing projects continue to support basic services, the delivery of medicine and medical supplies, school meals and tuition waivers.”

The World Bank Group said it is working closely with implementing agencies to establish robust controls and fiduciary oversight to ensure these resources reach the poorest and most vulnerable.

We will continue to monitor this closely. We are also coordinating closely with other development partners to maximize the impact of our support for the people of Sri Lanka.”

Until an adequate macroeconomic policy framework is in place, the World Bank Group says it does not plan to offer new financing to Sri Lanka. This requires deep structural reforms that focus on economic stabilization, and also on addressing the root structural causes that created this crisis to ensure that Sri Lanka’s future recovery and development is resilient and inclusive, the statement read further.

The suspect who stole the President’s official flag surrenders

July 29th, 2022

Cortesy Hiru News

The suspect who stole the President’s official flag from the Presidents House on the 9th of July and used the flag as a bed sheet has been arrested.The suspect who was arrested for stealing the President’s official flag has been identified as Udeni Kaluthanthri, a former SJB trade union leader. 

The person who posted a video on social media using the President’s official flag as a bed sheet has surrendered to the police through a lawyer this morning (29).

The suspect, Udeni Kalutantri, is a port security officer and the former president of the Samagi Jana Balaweya Port Trade Union.

The Police Media Spokesman says that he will be questioned regarding the incident and that legal action will be taken.

The flag was stolen by this suspect when he entered the Fort President’s House on the 9th.

June export earnings up 20% to US$ 1,208.2 Mn

July 29th, 2022

Courtesy Hiru News

Earnings from the merchandise exports increased by 20 % y-o-y to US$ 1,208.2 Mn in June 2022 as per the data released by the Sri Lanka Customs. This was mainly due to the increase in earnings from export of Apparel & Textiles, Rubber based products, Coconut based products, Food & Beverages and Seafood.

Major product sectors except Tea and Spices & Concentrates; Apparel & Textiles, Rubber-based products, Coconut based products, Electrical & Electronic components and Food & Beverages, Seafood and Ornamental fish.

Seafood and Ornamental fish recorded increased exports in June 2022.<br /><br />Exports of Apparel &amp; Textiles increased by 36.85% y-o-y to US$ 566.78 Mn in June 2022. <br /><br />The increase was driven by both Apparel and Textiles.

Export earnings from Rubber and Rubber Finished products have increased by 7.18% y-o-y to $&nbsp;102.36 million in June 2022, with good performance in exports of Pneumatic &amp; Retreated Rubber&nbsp;Tyres &amp; Tubes (15.2%).

On monthly analysis, export earnings of kernel products, fiber products and shell products categorized&nbsp;under the Coconut based products increased by 30.15%, 1.63% and 21.3% respectively in June 2022&nbsp;compared to June 2021.

Export earnings from Seafood increased by 130.75% to US$ 36.39 Mn in June 2022 compared to&nbsp;June 2021. The expansion was contributed mainly by higher exports of Frozen fish (89.3%), Fresh&nbsp;fish (219.18%) and Shrimps (219.25%).

US envoy and Lankan President patch up after rocky start to relations

July 28th, 2022

By P.K.Balachandran Courtesy

Colombo, July 27 ( The US Ambassador to Sri Lanka Julie Chung and the Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe met here on Wednesday and pledged to cooperate for Sri Lanka’s better future”.

The relations between the two had a rocky start with Ambassador Chung’s tweets on the way Wickremesinghe handled the protesters drawing censure from Wickremesinghe at a meeting of diplomats.

When the two met, Ambassador Chung discussed advancing the existing relations between Sri Lanka and the United States through a strong approach,” according to a release from the President’s Media Division. 

The Ambassador, it added, assured that she would provide support for the future initiatives of the new government.”

In her tweet on the meeting, Chung noted that Wickremesinghe has taken office at a time when Sri Lanka stands at a crossroads.” She then went on to say that they discussed how Sri Lanka arrived at this point of economic and political crisis, and how the two countries can work together to navigate toward a brighter future for all.”

After an earlier meeting with Wickremesinghe, Ambassador Chung had tweeted saying that she expressed her grave concern” over the crackdown on the protesters. She described the military cum police action as an escalation of violence against protesters” and termed it unnecessary and deeply troubling.”

She then went on to instruct the Lankan government on its duties saying: The President & cabinet have an opportunity and an obligation to respond to the calls of Sri Lankans for a better future. This is not the time to crack down on citizens, but instead to look ahead at the immediate and tangible steps the Government can take to regain the trust of the people, restore stability, and rebuild the economy.”

At a meeting with diplomats stationed in Colombo, President Wickremesinghe reaffirmed Sri Lanka’s commitment to upholding the rights of peaceful, non-violent assembly. But he also pointed out that the protesters had not acted as per norms, which do not allow protesters to violate the sanctity of the institutions of the State such as government offices (and even private space without the consent of the owners of the private space).”

Wickremesinghe pointed out that even in the US, there are clear norms regarding protests as stated by the American Civil Liberties Union (see: The ACLU states that protesters are not permitted to block government buildings and interfere with other purposes the property was designed for.”

The ACLU instructions went on to say: Your rights are strongest in what are known as ‘traditional public forums,’ such as streets, sidewalks and parks. You also likely have the right to speak out on other public property, like plazas in front of government buildings, as long as you are not blocking access to the government building or interfering with other purposes the property was designed for.”

Wickremesinghe told the diplomats that measures had been taken to ensure that non-violent protests were allowed to proceed within the city without endangering property or lives. Facilities within Colombo, such as the Open-Air Theatre at Viharamahadevi Park, the New Town Hall, Hyde Park and Campbell Park were all being made available to non-violent protests.

The President appealed to the diplomats not to go entirely by social media reports but fact-check with concerned officials of the government before tweeting their comments.


මන්දිරවල ඇඟිලි සලකුණු ගුවන් තොටුපලට… කිසිවකුට රටින් යන්න බෑ… පරම්පරා ගාණකට රජයේ රස්සා නෑ.. පොලිස් වාර්තා නෑ..

July 28th, 2022

Courtesy Lankacnews

ජනාධිපති මන්දිරය ඇතුළු පරිපාලන මර්මස්ථානවල තිබී හඳුනා ගැනෙන ඇඟිලි සලකුණු ගුවන්තොටුපොළ වෙත යැවූ පසු ඒවායේ හිමිකරුවන් කිසිවකුටත් රටින් පිටව යෑමට හැකියාව නොලැබෙන බව හිටපු මහජන ආරක්ෂක ඇමැති රියර් අද්මිරාල් (විශ්‍රාමික) ආචාර්ය සරත් වීරසේකර මහතා ප්‍රකාශ කළේය.

යම් කිසි හේතුවකින් ඔවුන් වරදකරුවන් වුව හොත් පොලිස් වාර්තාවක්වත් ලබා ගැනීමට ඉඩ නොලැබෙන බව පැවසූ වීරසේකර මහතා රජයේ හෝ ආරක්ෂක අංශයේ රැකියාවකට ඔවුන්ට තබා පරම්පරාවේ කිසිවකුටත් යෑමට නොහැකි වනු ඇති බවත් පැවසීය.

හිටපු ඇමැතිවරයා මෙසේ ප්‍රකාශ කළේ විදෙස් ගමන් බලපත්‍ර සැකසීමේදී ලබා ගැනෙන ඇඟිලි සලකුණු රටින් පිටව යෑමේදී සසඳා බැලෙන ආකාරය සම්බන්ධයෙන් කරුණු පැහැදිලි කරමිනි. හදිසි නීතිය දීර්ඝ කිරීමේ විවාදයට පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේදි ඊයේ (27) එක් වෙමින් වීරසේකර මහතා මේ කරුණු පැහැදිලි කළේය.

ව්‍යවස්ථානුකූලව පත්වූ ආණ්ඩුවක් බලහත්කාරයෙන් පෙරළීම ඉතා බරපතළ වරදක් බවත් ඇතැම් දේශපාලන පක්ෂ හා මැර කණ්ඩායම් එක්ව පසුගිය දා කළේ එවැනි ක්‍රියාවක් බවත් වීරසේකර මහතා කියා සිටියේය. අතුකෝරල මන්ත්‍රීවරයාගේ ඝාතනය වෙනුවෙන් මේ වන විට සැකපිට 38 දෙනෙක් අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන ඇති බව ද ඒ මහතා කීවේය. ජනාධිපතිවරයා එළවීම, මැරීම රාජ්‍ය විරෝධි ක්‍රියාවක් බව පැවසූ මන්ත්‍රීවරයා එවැනි අයට එරෙහිව දණ්ඩ නීති සංග්‍රහයේ 198 යටතේ මරණ දණ්ඩනය පවා දිය හැකි බව පැවසීය.

අරගලයේ මුවාවෙන් කෙරෙන ප්‍රචණ්ඩත්ව වැළැක්වීමට හදිසි නීතිය ගෙන එන බව පැවසූ වීරසේකර මහතා හදිසි නීතියට බිය විය යුත්තේ මැර දේශපාලන කණ්ඩායම් පමණක් බවත් අවධාරණය කළේය. අරගලය ප්‍රචණ්ඩත්වය කරා යෑමට නීතිඥ සංගමයත් ආරම්භයේදී උත්තේජනයක් දුන් බවත් ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨාධිකරණයට, අභියාචනාධිකරණයට, උසාවියට බලපෑම් කරමින් විනිසුරුවරුන්ටත් තර්ජනය කරන තත්ත්වයක් අද උදා වී ඇති බවත් හෙතෙම කීවේය. තමන් උසි ගන්වන කිසිවකුත් නඩු වැටෙන විට බේරාගැනීමට නොපැමිණෙන බව නොමඟ යන, ප්‍රචණ්ඩත්වයට යොමු වන තරුණයන් සිහි තබා ගත යුතු බවත් වීරසේකර මහතා පැවසීය.

හිටපු ඇමැති සරත් වීරසේකර මහතා,

1983 සිට වසර 28ක් තිස්සේ මෙරට හදිසි නීතිය ක්‍රියාත්මක වුණා. ත්‍රස්තවාදය නිසා එවැනි දෙයක් තිබුණා. රටට කිසියම් තර්ජනයක් තිබේ නම් ඒ තත්ත්වය පොලිසියට පාලනය කළ නොහැකි නම් එම තත්ත්වය පාලනය කිරීමට හමුදාව අවශ්‍ය බවට සිතෙන්නේ නම් එවැනි අවස්ථාවකදී හදිසි නීතිය ගෙන එනවා. මහජන ආරක්ෂක පනත යටතේ එම නීතිය ගේනවා. දේශපාලනඥයන් ආරක්ෂා කිරීමට නොව ජනතාව ආරක්ෂා කිරීම සඳහා මේ නීතිය ගේනවා. ජනතාවගේ දේපොළ, නිවාස, වෙළෙඳසල්, ඒ වගේම රාජ්‍ය දේපොළ ආරක්ෂා කිරීමට හදිසි නීතියක් ගේනවා. සාමාන්‍ය නීතිය අභිභවා හදිසි නීතිය ක්‍රියාත්මක වෙනවා. ඕනෑම වේලාවක මේ නීතිය යටතේ හමුදාව කැඳවිය හැකියි. අත්අඩංගුවට ගැනීමට, රඳවා තබා ගැනීමට පුළුවන්. ජනාධිපතිවරයාට හදිසි නීතිය පැනවීමට පුළුවන්. ඒ පනවා දින 14ක් තුළදී පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ අනුමැතිය සඳහා ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා. වර්තමානයේ හදිසි නීතිය පනවන්නේ අරගලය නිසා. සාධාරණ හේතුවක් නිසා අරගලය ආරම්භ වුණා. එය වැරැද්දක් නැහැ. යහපත් අරමුණක් සාක්ෂාත් කර ගැනීමට උද්ඝෝෂණ පැවැත්වූවා. ඉන්ධන රට තුළ නැති වුණා. විදුලිය, ගෑස්, භූමිතෙල් නැති වුණා. පාසල් වසා තැබුවා. රැකියා නැති වුණා. ඒ නිසා ජනතාවගේ කෝපය සාධාරණයි. රට තුළ ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදයක් පවතිනවා. ඒ තුළ උද්ඝෝෂණ පවත්වන්න පුළුවන්. ජනතාවගේ පැවති ඒ සාධාරණ පීඩාවට දේශපාලන මැරයන් සම්බන්ධව ප්‍රචණ්ඩත්වය කරා ගෙන ගියා. රජය පෙරළන්න එමඟින් උත්සාහ කළා. එය ඉතා වැරැදි වැඩක්. ජනාධිපති නීතිඥ වලලියද්ද මහතා ඉතා හොඳ සම්මුඛ සාකච්ඡාවක් කළා. ඕනෑම උද්ඝෝෂණයක් පැවැත්වීමට ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදි අයිතියක් තිබෙනවා. රජයට, දේශපාලනඥයන්ට බණින්න පුළුවන්. හොරා, තක්කඩියා, ස්ත්‍රී දූෂකයා කියලා කියන්න පුළුවන්. නමුත් රජයක් පෙරළීමට ඔවුන්ට උද්ඝෝෂණ පැවැත්විය නොහැකියි. ඒ වගේම ජනාධිපතිවරයා එළවීමට, මැරීමට උද්ඝෝෂණය කරන්න බැහැ. එසේ කළොත් එය රාජ්‍ය විරෝධි කැරැල්ලක් වෙනවා. දණ්ඩ නීති සංග්‍රහයේ 198 යටතේ මරණීය දණ්ඩනය වුවත් ඊට දිය හැකියි. ඒ බව එම ජනාධිපති නීතිඥවරයා කියනවා. ව්‍යවස්ථානුකූලව පත් වූ රජයක් කැරැල්ලකින් පෙරළන එක ඉතා බරපතළ වරදක්. එවැනි දෙයක් කිරීමට තමයි පසුගිය කාලයේ දේශපාලන කණ්ඩායම් මැර කණ්ඩායම් එක්ව උත්සාහ කළේ. ජනතා පීඩනය අසහනය උපයෝගි කරගෙන මැර කණ්ඩායම්වලට පොදු දේපොළ හානි කරවීමට, ගිනි තැබීමට, සොරකම් කිරීමට, මිනී මැරීමට පුළුවන් ද. අහිසංක අතුකෝරාල මන්ත්‍රීවරයා මරා දැමූ විදිය අපි දුටුවා. එය රටටම අපහාසයක්. මේ සිද්ධියට මේ වන විට 38ක් අත්අඩංගුවේ සිටිනවා. අරගලයේ මුවාවෙන් මන්ත්‍රීවරුන්ට ගහනවා නම්, පොදු දේපොළ හානි කරනවා නම් ඒ මිලේච්ඡත්වය නැති කිරීම සඳහා හදිසි නීතිය ගෙන එනවා. එවැනි තත්ත්වයක් උදාවිය හැකි බව බුද්ධි අංශ දැනුම් දෙනවා. මේ අරගලය ප්‍රචණ්ඩත්වය කරා ගෙන යෑමට නීතිඥ සංගමයත් ආරම්භයේදී යම් කිසි උත්තේජනයක් දුන්නා. ඒ ගැන අපි කනගාටු වෙනවා.

– ස්වර්ණා විජේකෝන්, නුවන් කොඩිකාර, සන්ධ්‍යා කරුණාරත්න

පාර්ලිමේන්තුව වටලන්න සෙනග කැදවූයේ මා නොවේ.. බිමල්, ලාල් කාන්ත, හදුන්නෙත්තියි..- පැතුම් කර්නර් අපරාධ කොට්ඨාශයේදී

July 28th, 2022

Courtesy lankacnews

පසුගිය 13 වැනිදා ඔහු පාර්ලිමේන්තුව අසල පොල්දුව මංසන්ධියෙහි විරෝධතාවය ආරම්භ කළේ තමන් නොව ජනතා විමුක්ති පෙරමුණ විසින් බව සමාජ ක්‍රියාකාරී පැතුම් කර්නර් සඳහන් කරයි.

බිමල් රත්නායක, සුනිල් හඳුන්නෙත්ති, ලාල්කාන්ත එම ස්ථානයට පිරිස් ගැන කැදවූ බවත් පැවසූ ඔහු තමන් එම ස්ථානයට ගියේ එහි පැමිණි ජනතාවගේ සහයට බවද කියා සිටියේය.

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Activist Pathum Kerner arrested

July 28th, 2022

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

The Colombo Crimes Division (CCD) has arrested social media activist Pathum Kerner in connection with the violent incidents during a protest at Polduwa Junction near Parliament on July 13

Earlier, the Police obtained a foreign travel ban against Kerner, who allegedly led the protesters to break the barricade at the Polduwa Junction during the protest.

Colombo denies reports on Chinese ship

July 28th, 2022

Courtesy The Hindu

The arrival of the vessel, Yuan Wang 5, was highlighted by Belt & Road Initiative Sri Lanka, a Colombo-based organisation studying China’s ambitious connectivity project.  Photo:

Reports say it will enter Hambantota in August; India says it is monitoring the ship’s progress ‘carefully’

Sri Lanka’s Defence Ministry on Thursday denied reports that a Chinese research vessel involved in space and satellite tracking would enter the Hambantota port in August this year, even as India sent a clear message” that it was monitoring the ship’s progress carefully”.

We have no confirmation of such a vessel calling at the Hambantota port,” a Defence Ministry spokesman told The Hindu in Colombo, when asked about the reports. The vessel’s arrival was highlighted by BRISL (Belt & Road Initiative Sri Lanka), a Colombo-based organisation studying China’s ambitious connectivity project.

On its website, the BRISL said Yuan Wang 5, which set sail from the Chinese port of Jiangyin on July 13, and passed by Taiwan is now in the East China Sea, and was expected to dock in Sri Lanka’s Hambantota port from August 11-17 for ‘replenishment’ while it continues to conduct Space and Satellite control and research activities in the north-western part of the Indian Ocean Region” through August and September. The visit of Yuan Wang 5 to Hambantota Port will be excellent opportunity for Sri Lanka and the regional developing nations to learn and develop their own space programmes,” the report published by the education and consulting platform” BRISL said last week. It is not a military vessel. The details of the course of the vessel are available online for anyone to see,” BRISL Director Yasiru Ranaraja told The Hindu.

When asked, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) confirmed it had seen the report, which had appeared in TheEconomic Times. We are aware of reports of a proposed visit by this vessel combined to the port in August. Let me just say that the government carefully monitors any development having a bearing on India’s security and economic interests and takes all necessary measures to safeguard them. I think that should be a clear message,” said MEA spokesperson Arindam Bagchi during a weekly media briefing.

According to information on a global marine tracking website (, the Yuang Wan 5 is currently sailing at 19.0 knots”, and headed to Hambantota, expected to arrive on August 11 at noon. It is unclear whether the Sri Lankan Defence Ministry’s statement indicates that the ship was not actually bound for Hambantota, or that India’s objections have been taken on board and the ship has been diverted. The Hindu is yet to receive a response from Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Defence to its query citing the MEA spokesman’s comment.

Stern view

India has traditionally taken a stern view of Chinese military or suspected dual-purpose vessels in the Indian ocean, and the MEA has protested such visits with Sri Lanka in the past. India’s concerns have been focused on Hambantota in particular. In 2017, Colombo leased the southern port to China Merchant Port Holdings, after Sri Lanka was unable to keep its loan repayment commitments, fanning fears over potential use of the port for military purposes.

In 2014, Sri Lanka’s decision to allow a Chinese nuclear-powered submarine Changzheng 2 in Colombo became a diplomatic flashpoint, as New Delhi expressed serious concern. Former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who was then Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, flew to New Delhi to meet with National Security Adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval and discuss the decision. In 2019, the Indian Navy had pushed out a Chinese Naval ship Shi Yan 1, that had come into waters close to the Andaman Islands, and in 2020, two Chinese Research vessels in the Indian Ocean near the Andaman islands had also sparked concerns similar to the current proposed visit of the satellite tracking ship.

China says massive loans did not lead to Sri Lankan crisis.

July 28th, 2022

Courtesy The Telegraph 

Chinese projects have boosted country’s economic development, and brought tangible benefits to its people: Zhao Lijian.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian.

Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian.

China on Thursday defended its massive infrastructure ventures and investments in Sri Lanka and said that they have boosted” its economic development, amid criticism from the US that Beijing’s unproductive projects and opaque loan deals were among the reasons for the country’s bankruptcy.

The China-Sri Lanka practical cooperation has always been led by Sri Lanka with scientific planning and thorough verification with no strings attached,” Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian told a media briefing here.

Chinese projects have boosted Sri Lanka’s economic development, and brought tangible benefits to the Sri Lankan people,” he said while responding to a question on the criticism of China’s projects and policies towards Sri Lanka by the USAID administrator Samantha Power.

Speaking in New Delhi on Wednesday, Power said India reacted really swiftly” with an absolutely critical set of measures to help Sri Lanka tide over its economic crisis, but calls to China to provide significant relief have gone unanswered.

Power said China became one of Sri Lanka’s biggest creditors” offering often opaque loan” deals at higher interest rates than other lenders and wondered whether Beijing would restructure the debt to help the island nation.

Refuting her allegations, Zhao said, there are multiple components to Sri Lanka’sforeign debt, where China-related debts take far less share than the international capital market and multilateral development banks.”

Besides what China provides for Sri Lanka almost preferential loans with low-interest rates and long terms, which have played a positive part in improving Sri Lanka’s infrastructure and livelihood,” he said.

China’s unproductive projects in Sri Lanka, including the Hambantota port, which Beijing took over on a 99-year lease as a debt swap, have come under sharp criticism.

The unprecedented economic crisis faced by Sri Lanka has led to severe shortages of fuel, cooking gas and medicine and long lines for essential supplies, which led to massive anti-government protests.

China, which accounts for10 per cent of Sri Lanka’s debt, is reported to have resisted offering a debt cut.

Sri Lanka hopes for $4bn in China aid ‘soon’ as envoy defends ties

July 28th, 2022

Courtesy Adaderana

Sri Lanka hopes to conclude discussions with China soon” on a $4 billion aid package, the country’s ambassador to Beijing told Nikkei Asia.

Ambassador Palitha Kohona said in an email that talks were progressing. We hope that these discussions could be concluded soon, as a positive outcome would definitely assist Sri Lanka to reestablish confidence in the financial markets and recover from its unprecedented and dire financial circumstances.”

China has been a major creditor of Sri Lanka, though it remains a burning question exactly how much the latter owes the former. Since Sri Lanka plunged into a severe foreign exchange crisis this year and defaulted for the first time in May, Beijing has reportedly been reluctant to go along with debt restructuring.

But new Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe, who was elected by parliament on July 20 after the resignation of much-criticized Gotabaya Rajapaksa, is looking to China again as he attempts to cement his grip and quell unrest.

Since early this week, police have been rounding up frontline demonstrators and leaders of the anti-government movement. A state of emergency is to remain in effect for another month after parliament approved it on Wednesday.

Persistent resentment and protests against the new government threaten to disrupt efforts to secure a long-awaited bailout from the International Monetary Fund. Wickremesinghe, in his previous role as prime minister, had expressed optimism in June that such a deal would be in place by the end of this month, but that now appears unlikely.

IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva told Nikkei shortly before Wickremesinghe became president that the fund wanted to offer aid as quickly as possible and would work with any administration — as long as the next leader enjoys support and has the longevity to lead the country.”

In the meantime, Sri Lanka appears to be pinning hopes on the $4 billion aid package from China, which would include a $1.5 billion credit line and implementation of a $1.5 billion currency swap with Beijing.

Last Friday, the day after Wickremesinghe was sworn in, Chinese President Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message and promised to provide support and assistance to the best of my ability.”

Ambassador Kohona stressed that Sri Lanka had never been unable to meet its loan repayment obligations in the past. While protesters and many observers have accused the previous Rajapaksa government of economic mismanagement, the envoy said it was only an unexpected convergence of factors including the COVID-19 pandemic that led to the default.

However, with the easing of the COVID situation and the return to constitutional governance, we hope to take our discussions with China toward positive conclusions in the near future,” he said.

Average Sri Lankans continue to deal with painful shortages of fuel, food and other essentials, as dwindling foreign reserves have left the country unable to import what it needs. The energy minister said this week that fuel imports must be restricted for the next 12 months, and that fuel would be available only through a quota system starting this month.

Kohona said he has also been holding discussions with large Chinese companies to encourage them to invest in Sri Lanka and bring in more foreign currency. His sales pitch notes that Sri Lanka’s Indian Ocean location puts it within easy air and sea access to promising markets, from Africa and the Middle East to India and Southeast Asia.

A number of Chinese companies have already made commitments to invest in Sri Lanka and we are actively discussing potential investment options with others, including in steel, renewable energy, tire production, yacht building and infrastructure development,” the ambassador said.

He also said he expects that with a return to normalcy,” investors in existing big-ticket projects like Colombo Port City and the Hambantota Port area will proceed with their intended investment plans.” The Chinese government, he said, is actively” encouraging companies to invest in Sri Lanka.

The ambassador rejected claims that Sri Lanka has fallen into a Chinese debt trap,” arguing that only around 10% of external debt is owed to China, though some observers have questioned whether that number covers everything.

Much more is owed to multilateral institutions like the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank,” he said. Similarly, a considerable amount is owed to institutional investors, mainly from the West, including Wall Street. The interest rates charged by the Chinese lenders have also been favorable.”

Suggestions that Sri Lanka’s financial situation has been caused by the debts owed to China are inaccurate and misplaced,” he said.

Kohona was also quick to deny that China had abandoned Sri Lanka while India stepped in with around $3.8 billion in financial assistance.

India, also a long-standing friend, did in fact come to Sri Lanka’s assistance very early and promptly, and we are indeed grateful to India for what it has done,” he said. But it is an unfair exaggeration to say that China deserted Sri Lanka during its time of need.” According to the ambassador, since 2021, China and Chinese banks have made available almost $1.2 billion worth of assistance in various forms.

Kohona pointed to China’s provision of a 500 million yuan ($74 million) emergency assistance package that included rice, medicines, fertilizer and fuel.

The ambassador suggested that over the longer term, exports to the lucrative Chinese market could help ensure a sustainable recovery. He said that Beijing was encouraging this as well, and that free trade talks were underway.

Not to be outdone, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi made it clear this week that his government also remains willing to help. India will continue to be supportive of the request of the people of Sri Lanka for stability and economic recovery, through established democratic means, institutions and constitutional frameworks,” Modi said in a congratulatory message to Wickremesinghe on Monday.

Source: Nikkei Asia


‘Opaque’ loans from China hurt Sri Lanka – USAID Administrator

July 28th, 2022

Courtesy Adaderana

Opaque” loans for headline-grabbing” infrastructure projects, were among the factors behind the current crisis that has engulfed Sri Lanka, said Samantha Power, Administrator, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), on Wednesday. 

Delivering a speech at the IIT-Delhi, Ms. Power praised India’s swift” action in response to the emergency in Sri Lanka and argued that India’s strength especially in the field of tackling food security threats, was nurtured over the past seven decades in partnership with the United States. 

Ms. Power cited the Upanishads and urged India to play a greater role in the world in tackling hunger and poverty, which have intensified in the backdrop of the Ukraine crisis. She made a strong pitch in favour of pluralism and tolerance” saying there are forces in the United States and India who seek to sow divisions, who seek to pitch ethnicities and religions against each other”.

Indeed, over the past two decades, China became one of Sri Lanka’s biggest creditors, offering often opaque loan deals at higher interest rates than other lenders, and financing a raft of headline-grabbing infrastructure projects with often questionable practical use for Sri Lankans,” said Ms. Power. 

China, she pointed out, has not answered calls for greater relief to Sri Lanka, and said the biggest question of all is whether Beijing will restructure debt to the same extent as other bilateral creditors”.

She said the United States extended $180 million to Sri Lanka in emergency financing in 2022 and praised India for coming to Colombo’s help, saying, The Government of India has already supplied $16 million in humanitarian aid to Sri Lanka, it has exported 100,000 tons of organic fertilizer to try to help farmers stave off future food shortages, and it has supplied $3.5 billion in Lines of Credits to the Government of Sri Lanka as it attempts to steer its economy out of default and further collapse.”

Possible partnersip

Ms. Power painted a broad canvas of possible partnership between India and the United States based upon Cold War era instances of American support to Delhi, leading up to the launch of the Green Revolution. Ms. Power said India had proved itself capable of helping the Global South” soon after attaining independence.

The American official met with External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar and Foreign Secretary Vinay Mohan Kwatra, on Tuesday. She announced that the U.S. will invest $ 25 million in a new partnership with India for promoting agroforestry. Across these past 75 years, India has always shown itself to be a friend to the world’s poor. Now, when the stakes have rarely been higher, India stands able to be an incredibly impactful development leader. ,” said Ms. Power.

Note of caution

Ms. Power sounded a note of caution about the cascading political effect that global food insecurity can have in the coming months. Sri Lanka’s government was the first to fall. 17 countries are facing (similar) protests,” said Ms. Power.

During a brief press conference following the speech, Ms. Power said that she recognised that despite global expectations from India to help reduce food insecurity elsewhere, New Delhi will have to rise to its sovereign responsibility” to look after food security at home first. She however, said, export restrictions are not the best way to address food security issues at home, and argued agriculture surplus countries can continue food supplies despite import restrictions for addressing grave humanitarian emergencies” in different parts of the world.

In her speech, Ms. Power mentioned the role that private capital can play in ensuring food security. When asked about the farmers’ protest against private investment in agriculture, she argued that there is not enough public sector financing” in countering critical collective challenges like climate change (and its fallouts like food insecurity) and said therefore private sector has become absolutely indispensable.”

Public-private partnership has become more catalytic. Food security resilience will come from that kind of investment, different from grand financing,” said Ms. Power.

Source: The Hindu


Overseas travel ban imposed on 21 including Dhaniz Ali

July 28th, 2022

Courtesy Hiru News

An overseas travel ban has been imposed on 21 persons including Dhaniz Ali by the Fort Magistrate’s court

Anthony Veranga remanded

July 28th, 2022

Courtesy Hiru News

Anthony Veranga Pushpika de Silva, the convenor of the Ruhuna University Students union arrested by the police on charges of holding protests in violation of court orders and damaging public property has been remanded until 9th August.

Did the Sri Lankan Economy Collapse due to
Embezzlement by the Ruling Rajapaksa Brothers?

July 27th, 2022

Sri Lanka News

An Analysis of the Pandora Papers and the Claims of International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) as well as the Anonymous Hacker Group.

The Present Crisis in Sri Lanka: 2022
• Sri Lankans revolted when the Sri Lankan economy defaulted in May 2022 for the first
time leading to severe fuel shortages, power-cuts etc.
• It was entirely blamed on the President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and PM Mahinda Rajapaksa
and other Rajapaksa family members (yes, there was evident nepotism!)
• Powerful media and social media campaigns developed against the Rajapakasa brothers
and provoked people
• Robbing the nation and sending their ill-gotten money to overseas tax havens was the
main allegation against the Rajapaksas. This was pointed as the main reason for the
economic collapse.
This allegation was almost entirely based on two lines of evidence: the International
Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) who implicated the ruling Rajapaksa family
in the Pandora papers” and the Anonymous Hacker group that released details of the
wealth of the Rajapaksas.

However, is this allegation of embezzlement to the point of country’s economic
collapse true? Or is this a regime-change to oust the nationalist Rajapaksas by the West
as some analysts claim?

LankaWeb – ‘Pivot-to-Asia’ – America Executes a Lightning Coup to Take Control of a Strategic Island in the ‘Indian-Ocean’

Let’s Analyse the Claims of the Pandora Papers: Wealth of Nirupama & Thirukumar (Kumar) Nadesan Linked to Gotabaya and Mahinda R

Full Report


July 27th, 2022


Part one of this article focused on several significant points that have been developed in the country since the colonial era that are vital to understanding the background for reforms needed in the country. The working knowledge of English is essential to reduce the population of the country as a strategy to send them overseas in addition to other population control strategies. Sending people as permanent residents would use them to stay away from the country, for example, the Christian population was about 10% when independence was gained, but it has gradually decreased to less than 7% the major reason for this reduction was the Christian population has been migrated to Western countries. Using similar strategies the population of Sri Lanka could reduce by sending them overseas.

After the British invasion, the English language became the media of international communication, but English administrators limited the teaching  English medium to a few major schools in the urban area and rural schools where poor kids were learning ignored This was a critical reason for social division. If British administrators used English as the media of instruction in all schools many divisive problems would not arise.     

I can recollect when I was working in Sri Lanka before 1990, educated youth who were born in rural areas had been rejected by lower educated administrators, who insulted them because they have no English knowledge. However, administrators were not English well-educated experts, but the accusers were only able to write a few small sentences and loud-talking in English, sometimes they couldn’t write a grammatically correct sentence with ten words. I observed that my boss was correcting his letters with five sentences. The answer to the problem was to educate the English language than direct insulting educated rural youths.  This environment frustrated educated youth in regional areas and encourage the origin of a conflict between rich and poor (a social division), also supporting the hate of uneducated urban youth toward educated rural youths because they were educated in so-called big schools.

Big schools promoted playing cricket than providing subject knowledge, skills and values. In 1964, the government nationalized schools that were obtaining government assistance but churches were allowed to keep several schools under the church administration and manage them for wealthy people’s kids. The action was against Christianity and one reason to promote the conflict. Any religion must give priority to justice and if religions attempt to safeguard wealthy people it could not accept as a religion, but it is an organization that was formed by a demon. Christianity in Sri Lanka works against the policies of Jesus Christ.  

Administrators of the country knew that the environment in Sri Lanka should have been changed by various government policies, but they have not happened according to the size and available wealth in the country, Sri Lanka can provide education in English, Sinhala and Tamil in all schools in the country. Learning three languages by each student in schools is not a hard task and why government policymakers are reluctant to do it is a major question.       

Economic reforms are needed to consider the following points.

Expected changes by agitated youth are related to economic policies and since 1948 the change in economic policy stuck with the hidden influence of so-called rich people in the country. The purpose of changing economic policies is to increase the advantages of the macroeconomic factors of the country and the following points are significant. As people are fully aware the World Bank and other international Financial institutions promoted a worldwide campaign to a reduction of the budget deficit by reducing spending and promoting export earnings, they are fundamental to the economic reforms of Sri Lanka. The political system and corruption in the country have negatively impacted achieving the two major targets, increasing export earnings and reducing the budget deficit.  

  • The population of the country seems to be higher and it should reduce to 15 million including all ethnic groups with a long-term population plan. Sri Lanka had a plan to maintain a lower level of population, but the plan has not been working during the past five decades, and the policymakers did not monitor the population controlling plan. The population control plan has not been working because too much ethnic bullshit poisoned the minds of ethnic groups. The population is a macroeconomic factor that is associated with a variety of issues, politics, ethnic problems, and religions. These groups are attempting to increase their population and the reduction of the total population to 15 million within the next 15 years must be the essential economic policy action plan.  This could be done by limiting a child to a family and allowing people to go overseas and support family planning. Limiting one child to a family may be a controversial issue among human rights people and it should be fluctuated from time to time.
  • Lands should be distributed to people except for lands for large plantations and people who have no land for agriculture should be given and monitor how lands are used for production activities. In 1973, land distribution was done but it negatively impacted production in plantation areas, especially land distribution seemed it was done for political party supporters. The activities of land distribution by the Land Reform Commission negatively impacted production.  Organic fertilizer could be good for agricultural activities and it should apply without harming the production level.
  • The contribution to the national income should consist of agriculture at 30%, industries at 25%, construction at 15%, service sector at 20% and others at 10% and a very good inter-industrial plan should be developed and export development in each sector should be given priority.
  • Provision of employment should be based on qualifications and skills to achieve productivity and there should develop a practical plan to achieve productivity and should maintain it. Monitoring and remedial management should do based on monitoring results and the plan should be educated the people of the country.
  • An investment role of 70% should give to the private sector and the government should invest only in the area where the private sector cannot find capital.
  • Privatization of public enterprises needs to reduce the budget gap and give new administration to them
  • Strikes and protests should be banned and the wages and other payments of employees should be monitored after the productivity of each employee, the excess labour should be transferred to other areas, and Thee-wheels and Salon culture must be stopped transferring to production areas.
  • Foreign investments for various purposed need to attract and it might need to give tax and other support to investors.
  • Education must be based on providing vocational skills and higher education and when students complete year 12 they should be given two certificates for general and vocational education. The media of education must be in three languages, Sinhala, Tamil and English. This means each student learning three languages and it will remove language problems.  When a kid completes education at year 12 he or she must have skills to communicate in three languages with vocational skills. The review of syllabi in education should be done once in three years.  
  • Liberal policies for investment within the legal framework should be implemented and market economic policy based on a liberal environment to change the price by market forces and the government needs to subsidise   poor people
  • Sri Lanka needs to get away from the provision of education and health services free to all and about 15% of the population can offer self-fund for these services
  • The narcotic business has become a part of the economy and the inflation of the country is associated with the narcotics business. Many people in the country know or without knowing ally narcotic business and the government should take firm action to control. 

Go for Oil and Gas

July 27th, 2022

Sugath Kulattunga

It is sad to see the long never-ending queues for fuel and gas. Already the queues have claimed 25 lives. There is no light at the end of the tunnel that the supplies of gas and fuel would improve in the near future. The lost to the economy in the impact of the shortage of these commodities is immense. In addition, the opportunity cost of manpower wasted in these queues must be more than the direct cost to the economy.

It is bewildering why the smart Prime Minister, smarter Sajith or AKD nor the Aragalaya superstars have not even given a thought to an obvious and long-term solution to this opportunity of exploiting our proven resources of oil and gas. Is it that all these political vultures relish the dead economy?

For the first time, two natural gas discoveries were made in two wells out of the three wells drilled in Block M2 by Cairn in 2011. It was revealed that Norway struck oil only on the tenth well.

Sri Lanka’s Petroleum Resources Development Secretariat (PRDS) with the assistance of regional experts estimated that the Mannar basin alone could have the potential to generate over two billion barrels of oil and over nine trillion cubic feet of natural gas(9 TCF), which would be sufficient to fulfil a substantial portion of Sri Lanka’s energy needs for the next 60 years.

It took another 10 years to enact Petroleum Resources Act, No. 21 of 2021 to provide for the establishment of the petroleum development authority of sri lanka; the formulation of a national policy on upstream petroleum industry and regulation and management structure capturing the maximum economic value of domestic petroleum resources.

The present estimate of the Mannar Bay oil and gas resources is claimed at US$ 267 billion. Cabinet approved the proposal of the then Minister of Energy to invite investors to exploit the resources on a fifty/ fifty basis. He was planning to present the proposal to a forum of oil explorers on the 15th of March 2022 but before that the Minister was sacked.. This act of preventing the presentation of the present proposals to the international oil interests at this moment when oil prices at their peak is criminal.

We should offer one well to an investor for 10 years on a Build Operate and Transfer basis with a condition that we have the first call on the gas and oil at say at a discount of 10 percent. When this well iss in operation other investors could be invited on our terms.

So, the present crisis is a result of all governments from 1960 onwards for lack of a vision and inability to exploit a proven resource. While we were dilly dallying Ghana attracted investors, such as China Development Bank Corp, which lent $1 billion to Ghana for developing its natural gas infrastructure and resources. In 1990 a US dollar was 246 cedis but today a dollar is only 8 cedis. At this critical moment we should not be wasting time in calling for tenders. We should negotiate directly with China or Russia to invest in the first well.

Another failure in the determination of development priorities was on the Sapugaskanda Oil Refinery built in 1969 with a capacity of 35,000 bbl/d. This was expanded thereafter to a processing capacity of 50,000 bbl/d to meet the domestic requirement of Petroleum fuel. Singapore, which does not produce a drop of crude oil developed a refinery capacity of 1.51 million bpd by 2018. Our vision was to build a refinery capacity to meet only the domestic demand whereas Singapore went into the export of refined products.

Sapugaskanda refinery also had a facility for the production of urea.It had a capacity for an annual production of over 294,000 tons of granulated urea valued at US $ 79 million. This facility was sold to an Indian buyer and it is mentioned that there is no information in the public domain as to how much this urea plant was sold by the Sri Lankan Government to the Indian company. (

Sri Lanka has a golden opportunity of holding a reserve of crude oil which even USA does, using the Trincomalee oil Farm which we got for a pittance from the British. Now that Sri Lanka has a reasonable arrangement with India for the use of the Oil Farm, they could be used to hold a strategic reserve.

Sugath Kulattunga


July 27th, 2022


Initially, there was much sympathy for JVP in villages, said Rohan Gunaratna. Many people had genuine sympathy for JVP because they too when they were young, had experienced the frustrations articulated by JVP.  The lower and lower middle class thought JVP offered a better alternative to UNP and SLFP. They had high expectations from JVP. There was also the feeling that unemployed and underprivileged youth had the right to revolt, observed Chandraprema.  

One group of commentators  saw the JVP as innocent, idealistic activists. This view was soundly crushed by others. “It was a foolish dream. This insurrection was not cruel or ruthless. It was small and beautiful. Sundara gathiyak thibba,” says Victor Ivan, alias ‘Podi Athula’.  It was nothing of the sort, replied critics. It was a well planned action against the state

Dharman    Wickremaratne said that, as a working journalist, he had associated with many JVPers. They had a broad vision, much energy and strong voices, he said.  Neville Jayaweera and S. Nadesan were also sympathetic. These commentators have only looked at the JVP student and youth base, observed analysts. JVP was not a youth rebellion at all, said Chandraprema. The youth were merely used by the JVP.

 JVP sympathizers said that the JVP movement arose primarily   due to the poverty and unemployment in the country.  It is these two factors that drove the youth to JVP. That is not so replied critics. The poor and unemployed did not run to the JVP. The JVP came after them. JVP was a shrewd, externally directed movement, which needed an obedient cadre. They got one without any difficulty.

The JVP created two groups of members. One group was kept idealistic, ignorant of the JVPs real aim. This is the group commentators drool over, remarking on their innocence and young age. For this group JVP recruited schoolboys as well.

“Wijeweera, whom we knew only as Mahaththaya, spoke a lot about cultural imperialism and advised us, students, against aping the west, said Sunanda Deshapriya. We were asked to stop going for films and parties. This was done to stop what he saw as cultural degeneration. No diversions, no romantic relationships were tolerated. He wanted us to be completely devoted to the Marxist ideals. We were also supposed to identify with the poor, move away from our comfortable middle class backgrounds and start thinking about the underprivileged,” Wijeweera was creating a cult following. When Wijeweera was discharged from prison in 1970, he was treated as a hero and garlanded.

In recruiting cadres, JVP made contact with most downtrodden and desperate    persons. These were indentified and JVP made contact with them and convinced them that they should support JVP. JVP focused on the lumpen proletariat and used them for their own purposes, said Chandraprema.

JVP knew to exploit the envy and anger of those who could not make it, those who were unemployed or in low paying jobs with no hope of advancement for their children. JVP gave them ‘the psychological factor of hope’, said Chandraprema. The notion of revolution gave the youth a zest, he added. There was also disenchantment with the traditional left, pointed out Wiswa Warnapala.  

JVP also used caste. In 1971, JVP had support from Karawa, Wahumpura and Batgam in the south. Govigama, Navandanna and Berava did not support, said analysts. Mahawatte village consisted mainly of  Batgama, Wahumpura, Durawa, Nakathi castes and most of the villagers supported JVP. Menikhinna consisted mainly of Batgam caste and was a hot bed of JVP activity.

JVP leaders however, did not come from the unemployed group or the lower classes. They came from the middle class.  They were educated and employed. This is to be expected. An uneducated group could not lead an insurgency. There were professionals among the JVP leaders. Lalith Chandrasiri was an electrical Engineer of Steel Corporation. Viraj Fernando was a mechanical engineer at Steel Corporation.

Some were in stable employment. Somawansa Amarasinghe was a technical assistant in Irrigation Department. Jude Anthony was electrical technician at St Anthony’s Consolidated. Wijepala (1971 insurgency) was an employee of Colombo Port commission. Beli sira” was a bullock cart renter at Hambantota.     One member in the   Womens division was a teacher, another was a local government employee, and a third had worked in Singapore.

The JVP Politburo of 1980 had seven University graduates or drop outs, observed Rohan Gunaratna.  The JVP top rankers also included graduates and University drop outs. J.G. Wijegunasekera was a graduate in mass communications, University Kelaniya. Upali Jayaweera had graduated from University of Kelaniya with an honors degree in economics. Saman Piyasiri has been in University of Kelaniya. Lalith Wijeratne (Aravinda) studied in the Arts Faculty at University of Peradeniya.

The JVP leadership became politicized due to various factors. Ananda Idamegama was an engineering student at Peradeniya suspended for assaulting pro UNP students.  Shantha Bandara had studied at Trinity College, Kandy and Ananda College Colombo.   He was in the Science Faculty, Peradeniya, and was secretary of Socialist Students Union.  He was suspended from the university   few months before his final exams.

JG Wijegunasekera was an active trade unionist at Coconut Cultivation Board, and Small Industries Board.  He was dismissed after the 1980 strike. Palitha Dissanayake was a school boy when he went to prison in 1971. He became a full time JVPer. One JVPer had applied for dozens of jobs, but could not get a job because of his leftist leanings.

JVP seems to have had good intelligence and knew to sniff out promising recruits. Upali Jayaweera was the son of village headman, his mother was a school teacher, his brother was an engineer and Upali was in the Medical Faculty. He went back home when University closed in 1987. He was approached   when reading at the Nuwara Eliya Public Library.

 His potential was immediately seen. Upali was appointed leader for Maskeliya, and was sent to University of Colombo for training, as Peradeniya   University representative from Medicine, together with the representatives for English, science and arts.  Rohan Gunaratne was impressed by Upali Jayaweera, and said Upali would have commanded the party, if he lived.

Those at the top of the JVP survived 1971 and 1987 and went on to become leading professionals in the country. One became a respected political theorist; another became an MP and   Minister.

Most of the 10 engineers hired for the new Housing Authority, were ex JVP members, recalled Chandra Wickremasinghe.  They turned out to be very good engineers who were very enthusiastic about their official assignments. They were all an affable and competent lot and many of them obtained their post- graduate qualifications, some even becoming academics, securing senior University positions both here and abroad.

 Juana Hennadige Premasiri from Aluthgoda,   recalled the beginnings of the 1971 JVP uprising. He was an undergraduate just completing his first year at the University of Ceylon, Peradeniya, where he was pursuing a degree in Political Science, History and Sinhala, occupying Room 13 in the Marcus Fernando Hall.

He was one of the numerous undergrads who went to the Peradeniya Botanical Gardens  and listened for five long days, to passionate and eloquent political speeches from a  the charismatic and powerful speaker ( Wijeweera) whose clothes  had  pus (mould) patches, giving an air of unwashed attire.” They were convinced that their motherland needed a new order. The seeds for the aragalaya (struggle) were sown.

At the end of the session, the youth were allocated different areas of the country, to work in. When Premasiri was assigned Badulla, he opted for Gampaha (where Athula Nimalasiri Jayasinghe alias ‘Loku Athula’ was the leader) as he had done his Advanced Level from the Batuwatte Maha Vidyalaya , Premasiri  left University, and began working in earnest for the movement.

Indrawansa de Silva was another JVP member of the 1970s. Here are his recollections of  1971. Fifty years ago, thousands of us took to arms in what we thought was the Marxist-Leninist revolution to capture power of the state overnight. That’s what our Dear Leader promised. We were made to believe that it was a well-thought out plan of action guided by field-tested Marxist theory.

Like many of my fellow comrades I was barely 17 years old when I was hooked”  in JVP terminology, to JVP .  Everything I knew about Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism and the glorious Cuban Revolution, I learned in my late teens from the clandestine classes and political camps as well as from  propaganda material .

We had no doubt, especially in the early days, that our leader, Comrade Rohana Wijeweera, with his commanding knowledge of Marxist-Leninist Maoist ideology and an intimate knowledge of guerilla warfare fine-tuned by none other than Che Guevara, knew what he was talking about.

Our devotion to the cause and the proletariat class made us feel unique and special. I knew” I was right and anyone who questioned what we were espousing or even dared to suggest that we could be wrong was either a reactionary, a traitor or class-enemy. Branding the enemy came quite easily. Their number would be up very soon. The secrecy of every aspect of our revolution kept my adrenaline running high at all times. . I even had my blue uniform made and waited for my tetanus shot. Ready to revolt.

I, like all of us, did not smoke or drank. No relationships. Even personal hygiene such as bathing regularly, was looked down as petit bourgeois and unkempt hair was part of the trademark. (Only later did we come to know that most of these cultist taboos did not apply to our leaders.

What would Sri Lanka have been if the JVP had captured power in 1971? I am not sure about the JVP establishing a proletariat dictatorship, but I am quite sure about Wijeweera establishing a dictatorship. And because of that, like many of my fellow revolutionaries, I am glad that we did not succeed in 1971, said Indrawansa.

Had we succeeded it is more than likely that Sri Lanka would have ended up worse than Cambodia under Pol Pot. I am not being just speculative here. The JVP has shown time after time its violent and authoritarian tendencies whenever and wherever it got even a small taste of power. The JVP doesn’t have a single democratic bone in its body.

Just take some early signs. If someone with an opposing view tried to sell a newspaper or distribute a pamphlet at our rallies they were promptly beaten up and kicked out. We did not hesitate to use power of the fist when met with opposition even within the organisation. Honest and sincere questioning of ideas and theories was seen as a threat to the movement and branded as reactionary, counter-revolutionary, or petit bourgeois tendencies.

I left the JVP in 1971 on principle, like many others, but we were always under its radar. In 1977, I was the President of the Students’ Council of Vidyodaya Campus and of the Inter-University Students’ Federation when Wijeweera was released from prison and held his first rally at the Hyde Park. He openly threatened me as we were a major challenge to the JVP on university campuses. The winds of terror were such that I left the country in the mid-1980s. There is not an iota of doubt in my mind that I would have been killed by the JVP, had I stayed.

It is quite clear that we believed in violence from the outset, said Indrawansa.. I was busy enlarging the maps of Colombo district, marking bridges to be blown up so we could immobilize the army. Pinpointing where the counter revolutionaries, reactionaries and traitors reside so we could take care” of them when we gained power.

Our writings, classes, publications, posters and public speeches were very open about our belief in violence. Destruction must precede construction, whether it is imperialism, capitalism, feudalism or the State machinery. And if we were to kill en masse to reach our goal so be it. We didn’t shy away from saying how brutal we could be. One of our posters read: The liberation of the masses won’t come until the last capitalist is hanged from the last imperialist’s bowels, concluded Indrawansa.

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