Archive for May 27th, 2015

Ancient Flag of Sri Lanka 

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

By Charles.S.Perera The Hela flag had been prepared when there was one people in Lanka the Helayas.   There were of course the other clans such as the Nagas and the Yaksas.  But there were no Tamils and Muslims.  It may have been prepared by the Buddhist Monks. Every one may have believed that the lion […]

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A response to Minister Managala Samaraweera’s intended Diasposa Festival

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1 . Canada 27 May 2015 Hon. Mangala Samaraweera, MP Minister of Foreign Affairs Government of Sri Lanka Colombo, Sri Lanka. Dear Minister Samaraweera; I read in Tamil Diplomat of May 24, a head line Sri Lanka to Organise a Diaspora Festival: Says Foreign Minister […]

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Good governance started with bad precedent – Former CJ

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Adaderana Former Chief Justice of Sri Lanka Sarath N. Silva says that good governance cannot be established in a country within just 100 days and that it will never exist under jungle law. The theme of the government elected on January 8 was to implement good governance in 100 days. If good governance can be […]

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Sarath Silva does another U-turn

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Courtesy The Daily Mirror Former Chief Justice Sarath Silva launching a scathing attack on the present government, saying that it ‘was illegal from its inception.’ He said that he ‘regrets having lit the fire’ by opposing President Rajapaksa’s candidacy. Silva, in a speech at the Organisation of Professional Associations lashed out at the government listing […]

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Don’t give popular promises for votes: Economy in crisis, warns Pathfinder Foundation

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Adaderana The statement by Singapore statesman Lee Kuan Yew that ‘Sri Lankan democracy is a periodic auctioning of non-existent resources’ gained special significance during the past six months and the popular promises given by the new government through its interim budget has pushed the financial stability of the country into a grave crisis, points out […]

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මෛත්‍රීවේශයෙන් ආ ‘යහපාලන’ සමාජ ජාලා පාදඩකරණයේ අහිංසක ගොදුරු….

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

-කෝට්ටවත්තේ ගුණසේන පෙරේරා යුතුකම සංවාද කවය  යාපනයේ පාසල් ශිෂ්‍යයාවක් දූෂණය කර මරා දැමූ සිදුවීම මුළු සමාජයම කම්පනයට ලක් කළ පුවතක් විය. එයට ජාති ආගම් භේදයක් නොවීය. ඇසූ ඇසූ බොහෝ දෙනා ‘අනේ අපොයි’ කිව්වා මිස සිහි බුද්ධිය ඇති කිසිවෙකු ‘ඕකිට හොඳ වැඩේ’ කිව් බවක් නොඇසිණ. ඒත් සමගම මෙවැනි පාහරයින් එල්ලා දැමිය යුතු යැයි බොහෝ දෙනාගේ අදහස විය. […]

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(විජේ)දාසලා ගේ දාසකම සහ සිංහලකම!!!

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

නාමල් උඩලමත්ත යුතුකම සංවාද කවය මේක සිංහල රට කියලා තියෙන්නේ කොහේ දැයි උගත් නීතිඥයෙකු යැයි කියන තවත් උපාධි මල්ලකට ද හිමිකම් කියන විජේදාස රාජපක්ෂ ටයිකෝට් හැඳ සිංහලෙන් මාධ්‍ය සාකච්ඡාවක් පවත්වමින් ප්‍රශ්න කර සිටියේ ය. උගත්කම සහ බුද්ධිය යනු දෙකක් බවත් කිසියම් විෂයක් දැන ගත් පමණින් යමෙක් උගතෙකු මිස බුද්ධිමතෙකු නොවන බවත් ඒ ඊනියා උගත්කමට දීනකම ද […]

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An appeal to the patriotic members of the Sri Lanka Parliament

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Rahul says, I must compliment Ranjith for drawing our attention to an issue which has gone almost unnoticed. To add a few points to your excellent observations: Gareth Evans, Darusman and Chandrika Kumaratunga are in an exclusive ultra right NGO of 38 members called Global Leaders Foundation. Reportedly the Darusman report was written by Chandrika. […]

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Was LTTE bankrolled for different objectives!

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Shenali D Waduge   A movement created overseas and exported to destabalize Sri Lanka that lasted 3 decades despite a wave of serial murders/assassinations/suicides & crimes with offices placed overseas to carry out its propaganda despite international bans has to have some reasons for its existence. The business of LTTE being kept alive had benefits […]

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What would have been a generous act?

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Dear Editor, In response to the above letter appeared under the Opinion column of The Island two days ago, I sent the  attached letter for publication. But It was not published by the editor. I do not see any thing wrong in my response  to the said letter. ” An Observer”  I read a […]

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Berlin Buddhist Vihara celebrates Vesak

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

The Berlin Buddhist Vihara celebrated Vesak with a series of traditional observances. Guests of honour included the Sri Lanka Ambassador to Germany –Karunatilaka Amunugama, the Secretary of the German Dharmaduta Society –Senaka Weeraratna, and the Chairman of the Berlin Buddhist Vihara Friends’ Association (Förderverein Buddhistisches Haus) –Tobias Siesmayer. Senaka Weeraratna speaking of Walther Schmits As […]

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