“2020 දී රට ණය බරින් නිදහස් කරනවා” – ජනපති රනිල්ගේ බොරු සහ අගමැති රනිල්ගේ පට්ට බොරු

March 15th, 2024

උපුටා ගැන්ම  ලංකා ලීඩර්

ලංකා ලීඩර් පාඨකයකු එවා ඇති 2016 දී පළ වූ පුවත්පත් සිරස්තලයක සඳහන් වන්නේ එදා අගමැති රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහගේ ප්‍රකාශයකි.

ඒ මගින් කියවෙන්නේ 2020 දී රට ණය බරින් නිදහස් කරගන්නා බවය. ඔහු එසේ කියන්නේ 2015 සිට 2016 දක්වා ඩොලර් මිලියන 10,000ක් ජාත්‍යන්තර ස්වෛරී බැඳුම්කර ණය ගැනීමෙන් පසුවය.

සමස්තයක් ලෙස 2019 දක්වා ඔහු විසින් ඉතා ඉහළ පොලියකට එසේ ලබාගත් බාහිර ණය ප්‍රමාණය ඩොලර් මිලියන 12,000කි. එම ණය එදිනෙදා ගෙවුම්ශේෂ හිඟය  පියවා ගැනීමට මිස නිසි සංවර්ධන ව්‍යාපෘතියකට යොදා නොගත් බව රහසක් නොවේ.

ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ පාලනය තුළ ණය ආපසු ගෙවීමට නොහැකිව හිරවන්නේ රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ පාලනය විසින් එසේ ලබාගත් ණය නිසා බවද දැන් රහසක් නොවේ. ඒ අනුව බොරු සහ පට්ට බොරුවලට අමතරව දැන් කියන්නේ සුරංගනා කතා දැයි පාඨකයා අසයි.


Arunya Indrajith Love Story-ඒ ප්‍රේමයටත් ඉඩ දෙමු අන්තර් වාර්ගික විවාහ නැතහොත් මිශ්‍ර විවාහ Interracial Marriage or Mixed Marriage ඉන්ද්‍රිජිත් සහ අරුණ්‍යාගේ කතාව

March 15th, 2024

LIFE DOCS Athula Disanayaka

After the 30 years of war ragged in North and East of Sri Lanka, Tamil girl and Sinhalese boy started a love affair at Jaffna university. Their love affairs had a numerous social taboos and opposition. But finally they got married.

ස්ත්‍රී-පුරුෂ ප්‍රේමය ඉදිරියේ අන් කිසිවක් දුහුවිල්ලක් තරම් නොවටී. ලෞකික ප්‍රේමය උත්කර්ශය නැගෙන්නේ එසේය. ප්‍රේමය ඉදිරියේ අධිරාජ්‍යයන්, රජුන් පවා දන ගැසූ අන්දම ඉතිහාස පොත් වල තිබේ. මේ ප්‍රේම කතන්දර වලදී ජාතිය, ආගම, කුලය පසෙක ලා, ඒවා කැප කොට, ඒවා දෙවැනි කොට සිය ප්‍රේමණීය විජිතයේ කිරුළු පැළඳි පෙම්වතුන් අප කොතරම් ආදරයෙන් වැළඳ ගන්නේ ද? සාහිත්‍යයේ, සිනමාවේ, ටෙලි නාට්‍යයේ එන එවැනි කතා වලට අශක්ත වන, එවැනි කතාවල වෙනස් ජනවර්ග වලට අයත්, වෙනස් ආගම් වලට අයත් පෙම්වතුන් පෙම්වතියන් අවසානයේ එක්වීම ගැන සතුටු වන මිනිසුන් සැබෑ ලෝකයේ දී එවැනි මිශ්‍ර විවාහ වලට, අන්තර්වාර්ගික විවාහ වලට ප්‍රතිචාර දක්වන්නේ කෙසේ ද? ලංකාවේ අන්තර් වාර්ගික ප්‍රේම සබඳතා සහ විවාහයන් සිදුවේ. සිංහල- දෙමළ, දෙමළ-මුස්ලිම්, බෞද්ධ-කතෝලික, කතෝලික-මුස්ලිම්, කතෝලික-හින්දු, බර්ගර්-සිංහල ආදී කී නොකී අන්තර් වාර්ගික ප්‍රේම සබඳතා සහ විවාහයන් ශ්‍රී ලාංකිය සමාජයේ සිදුවේ. එහෙත් ඇත්ත වශෙයන්ම වාර්ගික හෝ ආගමික වෙනස්කම් නිසා ස්ත්‍රී-පුරුෂ ප්‍රේම සබඳතා ප්‍රේමණීය හැඟීම් හැඟීම් වලට පමණක් සීමාවන අවස්ථා කොතෙකුත් ඇත් ද? ඒ වෙනස්කම් නිසා පෙම්වතුන් පමණක් වී, එය විවාහයෙන් කෙළවර කරගන්නට නොහැකිව ලතවන අය කොපමණ ඇත්ද? විවාහ වුණත් ඥාති පාර්ශවයන්ගේ වෙනස්කම් වලට, හිංසාවන් වලට භාජනය වන අන්තර් වාර්ගික විවාහයන් කොතෙකුත් ඇත් ද? ලංකාවේ ජනවාර්ගික අරගල, ගැටුම් හටගන්නා සෑම අවස්ථාවකම වඩාත් අවදානමට, හිංසාවට හෝ පීඩාවට පත්වන පෙම්වතුන් සහ මිශ්‍ර විවාහ පවුල් කොතරම් වේද? එවන් තත්වයන් දියුණු සමාජ වල ලක්ෂණයක් ද? කිසියම් රටක, ජන සමාජයක ආගම, ජාතිය, කුලය ආදී වූ වෙනස්කම් නොසලකා අන්තර් වාර්ගික ප්‍රේම සබඳතා වලට, විවාහයන්ට ඉඩ සලසා දෙන්නේ නම්, එයට බාදා කිරීම් අවහිර කිරීම් නොකරන්නේ නම් එය දියුණු සමාජයක් ලෙස සැලකිය හැකිය. එය ආගමික විශ්වාස හෝ වාර්ගික සීමාවන් ඉක්මවා ගිය උතුරා යන මනුෂ්‍යත්වයක් ඇති තැනකි. ඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම තිස් අවුරුදු ජනවාර්ගික යුද්ධයකින් බැට කෑ රටක, ජාතීන් අතර සැකය, අවිශ්වාසය සහ සිත් නොහොඳකම් ඇති වූ රටක අන්තර් වාර්ගික විවාහයන්ට ඉඩ සැලසීම සැබෑ සංහිඳියාව ගොඩ නැගීමට උපකාරී වන්නකි. එය සැබෑ මනුෂ්‍යත්වයයි. ලංකාවේ උතුරු නැගෙනහිර දෙමළ ජනතාවගේ ප්‍රශ්න විසඳීමට ඇති එකම විසඳුම එය නොවෙතත්, යම් මට්ටමකට සැබෑ සංහිඳියාවක් ගොඩ නැගීමට අන්තර්වාර්ගික විවාහයන් සහ ප්‍රෙම සබඳතා ඉවහල් වනු ඇත. එවන් ප්‍රේම සබඳතා ගොඩ නැගීමට අවැසි තැන, එවන් විවාහයන් වීමට අවැසි තැන ඊට ඉඩ සැලසීම ශිෂ්ට සම්පන්න සමාජයක යුතු කමකි. මේ සටහන ලියවෙන්නේ එවන් ප්‍රේම සබඳතාවකින් විවාහ වූ, යාපනයේ විශ්ව විද්‍යාලයේ දී එකිනෙකා හමුවූ දකුණෙන් ගිය ඉන්ද්‍රජිත් සහ නැගෙනහිර ත්‍රිකුණාමලයෙන් ගිය අරුණ්‍යාගේ ප්‍රේමණීය කතාව නිසාය. ඔවුන්ගේ ප්‍රේමණීය හමුවීම සැබවින්ම අභියෝගාත්මක අරගලයක් වූයේය. ඔවුන්ගේ ප්‍රේමණීය කතාවෙන් දකුණේ සිංහල සමාජයටත්, උතුරේ දෙමළ සමාජයටත් උගෙන ගැනීමට බොහෝ දේ තිබේ. දැන් ඔවුන් විවාහකය. මාස 06 ක පුතකු ඔවුන්ට සිටී. දෙදෙනාම රාජ්‍ය පරිපාලන සේවයේ නියුතු අතර අරුණ්‍යා වේගයෙන් සිංහල භාෂාව ඉගෙන ගනිමින් යන අතර ඉන්ද්‍රජිත් දෙමළ භාෂව සිංහල අයට ද, සිංහළ භාෂාව දෙමළ අයට ද උගන්වමින් සිටී. මේ අතර මේ දෙදෙනා ආරම්භ කළ අළුත් ම මුහුණු පොතේ පිටුව වන්නේ Mix Marriage – මිශ්‍ර විවාහ යන්නයි. ඔබ මිශ්‍ර විවාහයකට අයත් වූවෙක් වුවත් නැතත්, මේ රටේ සැබෑ සාමය සහ සංහිඳියාව ප්‍රාර්ථනා කරන්නේ නම්, මනුෂ්‍යත්වය අගයන්නේ නම්, ස්ත්‍රී-පුරුෂ ලෞකික ප්‍රේමය අගයන්නේ නම් ඔබගේ අදහස්, මිශ්‍ර විවාහ පිළිබඳ කතන්දර ආදිය එම පිටුවට වැදගත්ය. Athula Disanayaka

දමිළ පෙම්වතීව ලබාගන්න පට්ට ගේමක් දුන්න සිංහල පෙම්වතා |සිංහල-දෙමළ ආදර කතාව| |Indrajith+Arunya| 

Victoria Nuland Received Her Warmest Felicitation Outside USA from President Gotabaya

March 14th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara

Victoria Nuland quietly retired recently after multiple failures around the world, particularly in Ukraine. Her services” were never appreciated by the countries that received them! Except Sri Lanka under President Gotabaya. And the timing of the book release could not have been better.

On 22 March 2022, Victoria Nuland, the Under Secretary for Political Affairs of the US Department of State visited Sri Lanka. When she met me, she came across as being conciliatory and wanting to work with my government to overcome the economic crisis that Sri Lanka was facing. Usually, when high-ranking members of Western governments visit Sri Lanka, we hear a lot about what we were not doing right. However, the tone set by this visit was different and I did not hear the lecture that Sri Lankan leaders would normally expect” (The Conspiracy to Oust me from Presidency- How internationally sponsored regime change made mockery of Democracy in Sri Lanka by Gotabaya Rajapaksa).

What is most interesting is Victoria was by Gotabaya’s side when his closest allies, party members, supporters and even family deserted him. A friend in need is a friend indeed.

It’s no surprise that she was nice or too nice for a reason. Just 15 days later, that is, on April 6, 2022 Sri Lanka and USA both approved the new US military strategy for Sri Lanka – Integrated Country Strategy.


When compared to the ICS, all previous actual and attempted US military domination efforts pale into insignificance. ICS turns Sri Lanka into Asia’s Ukraine to fight against China, etc. All readers are encouraged to read the published PDF on the matter. It will decide the future of Sri Lanka.

Although the events took place about two years earlier, Gotabaya wrote the book and published it in 2024 and it contains his current views. He has still not realized why she was nice to him. Or he always knew it and played along. It is extremely unlikely that he didn’t know in 2022 why she and the US ambassador to Sri Lanka were very nice to him and even so in 2024! Therefore, it must be concluded that he knew very well what USA was after. It’s the repeat of 2007 ACSA military deal with USA signed secretly by the same person on behalf of Sri Lanka.

This ridicules Rajapaksa supporters’ anti-Nuland rhetoric. Why are they anti-Nuland when Gotabaya is not?

Rajapaksa supporters are dishonest and hypocrites when they criticize Nuland when Gotabaya himself disagrees with his voluntary supporters and henchmen.

These events highlight the naked reality of Sri Lanka’s politics. It is full of astonishing deception and deceit. It is the fault of the people too who are too gullible and trusting. It must serve as a lesson. Once an American, always an American. No amount of hair-splitting nonsense can take that fact away. It is a bigger tragedy that the largest party in parliament is also headed by an American (who is the organizer of the party)!

By 2021 Sri Lanka had moved way ahead than Ukraine in 2014 in its path to self-destruct itself. Truth to be told, Tamil Tigers never betrayed their aspirational nation to anyone – not even to India that once nurtured and protected them. The moment India turned against Tamil Eelam Tamil leaders fiercely defended it. In wide contrast Sri Lankan leaders have offered it on a platter after saving the nation from terrorists with tremendous sacrifices. Tamil Tigers only asked for 37% of the island, US military strategy encompasses the entire island without firing a bullet but being extra nice to a fellow American.

“Heading Back (for Harrison Perera)

March 14th, 2024

Asoka Weerasinghe

Dreaming of the joy of wanting

to make an offering of sharing moments

of poems, music and the theatre

there haven’t been many

who have walked beside me

with the courage of a lion roaring

at dinner circuits through polemical acts

of ethnic hate and tensed moments.

I have admired your conviction

of not backing away from hastily

constructed arguments parachuted

with twisted horns and creepers.

We have scanned the road together

(with Asoka Yapa)

praying for the blessings before we

picked our bags to walk

into the fires of songs and wisdom.

I envy your karmic delight

of wishing for bunches of coconuts,

the smell of  diesel fumes coughing out

from twentieth century buses, the bazaar

with fruits and fishes and stalls hooked

with raw meat boiling with buzzing flies

in the sun’s heat, the streets lined with

cathedral trees of scented araliya blossom,

and long haired tropical women

pasting their wet sarongs over tanned bosoms

and buttocks under streaming waterfalls.

In your journey outward,

scanning the road alone

I shall wish you pots brim-full with curd

and honey, lasting music of tom-toms

and string-bead festoons of raindrops

of falling monsoon rain.

(from Tewa selected poems by Asoka Weerasinghe

page 87)

Brother Harrison, I  touch your feet in reverence being a

a trusting friend who covered my back together with

brother Asoka Yapa, when I stood tall for yours and My

 Mother Lanka from my critics in Ottawa.

Rest in Peace Harrison wherever you chose to be.

I will  Love you for always and will never ever forget You.

Your brother Comrade-in-arms. Asoka Weerasinghe)

World Consumer Day 2024: Fair and Responsible AI for Consumers -The Case for Automation and Engineering

March 14th, 2024

By Sarath Wijesinghe President’s Counsel (LL.M (UCL London)), former Ambassador to UAE and Israel, former Chairman of the Consumer Affairs Authority, President of the Lanka Ambassador’s Forum – United Kingdom, Solicitor in England and Wales

In the era of rapid technological advancement, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an important force driving innovation across various sectors. As we celebrate World Consumer Rights Day 2024, the theme “Fair and Responsible AI for Consumers” urges us to reflect on the ethical and societal implications of AI, particularly in automation, such as automated vehicles, and engineering.
AI’s integration into automation and engineering has revolutionized industries, offering unprecedented efficiency, precision, and innovation. In the realm of automated vehicles, AI algorithms process vast amounts of data in real-time, enabling self-driving cars to navigate complex environments safely. This technology has the potential to reduce traffic accidents, ease congestion, and lower emissions, contributing to a more sustainable and safe transportation future. Similarly, in engineering, AI-driven tools are transforming design, manufacturing, and maintenance processes. AI algorithms can predict equipment failures, optimize energy consumption, and assist in designing more efficient and resilient structures.
These advancements not only enhance productivity but also promote sustainability and resource conservation.
While the benefits of AI in automation and engineering are undeniable, they come with significant challenges that need to be addressed to ensure consumer protection and fairness. One of the primary concerns is safety. As automated vehicles become more common, ensuring their reliability and safety in all driving conditions is paramount. This requires rigorous testing, transparent safety protocols, and continuous monitoring to prevent accidents and protect passengers.
In engineering, the reliance on AI-driven systems raises questions about data privacy, security, and the potential loss of jobs due to automation. Ensuring that AI systems are secure from cyber threats and that personal data is protected is crucial for maintaining consumer trust. Moreover, there is a need for policies that support workforce transition and re-skilling to mitigate the impact of automation on employment. To address these challenges, it is essential to develop and enforce ethical AI guidelines that prioritize consumer safety, privacy, and fairness. This includes establishing clear standards for AI transparency, accountability, and inclusivity. For automated vehicles, this means creating a regulatory framework that ensures safety standards are met and that consumers are informed about the capabilities and limitations of the technology.
The ethical landscape of AI in automation and engineering is complex, requiring a multidisciplinary approach to navigate. Ethical AI involves more than just ensuring that technology does not harm consumers; it also entails promoting social good and enhancing human capabilities. For instance, in automated vehicles, ethical considerations extend to ensuring equitable access to this technology and addressing the potential displacement of workers in the transportation sector.
In engineering, ethical AI calls for transparency in algorithmic decision-making processes. Engineers and developers must ensure that AI systems do not perpetuate biases or discriminate against certain groups. This requires a thorough examination of the data used to train these systems and a commitment to diversity and inclusion in the development teams.
Regulation and policy play a critical role in ensuring fair and responsible AI for consumers. Governments and regulatory bodies need to establish clear guidelines and standards for the development and deployment of AI technologies. This includes setting safety standards for automated vehicles, data protection regulations for AI systems, and guidelines for ethical AI practices. Policymakers
must also consider the long-term implications of AI on society, including its impact on employment, privacy, and security. By engaging with stakeholders from various sectors, including industry, academia, and civil society, policymakers can develop comprehensive strategies that balance innovation with consumer protection.
Consumer education and empowerment are crucial for navigating the AI-driven future. Consumers need to be informed about the capabilities and limitations of AI technologies, as well as their rights and responsibilities. For example, understanding the safety features of automated vehicles or the data privacy implications of AI-driven services can help consumers make informed decisions. Moreover, empowering consumers to voice their concerns and participate in the development of AI policies can ensure that their interests are represented. Consumer advocacy groups play a vital role in this regard, raising awareness about consumer rights and advocating for responsible AI practices.
The future of AI in automation and engineering holds immense promise, with the potential to drive innovation and improve the quality of life for consumers. However, realizing this potential requires a concerted effort to address the ethical, social, and regulatory challenges that come with these technologies. The development of AI in automated vehicles is advancing rapidly, with significant progress being made in areas such as sensor technology, machine learning algorithms, and data processing. Modern self-driving cars are equipped with a combination of cameras, radar, and LiDAR sensors that enable them to perceive their environment with high accuracy. AI algorithms then process this data to make real-time decisions, such as identifying obstacles, predicting the behavior of other road users, and determining the optimal path. Moreover, advancements in deep learning and neural networks have improved the ability of autonomous vehicles to learn from vast amounts of driving data, enhancing their decision-making capabilities. Companies like Tesla, Waymo, and Cruise are continually testing and refining their AI systems to improve safety and reliability. The integration of 5G technology is also expected to boost the performance of automated vehicles by enabling faster data transmission and real-time communication with other vehicles and infrastructure.
In the field of engineering, AI is driving innovations in various domains, including construction, manufacturing, and energy management. For instance, AI-powered robots are being used in construction sites to automate tasks such as bricklaying,
welding, and structural inspection. This not only increases efficiency but also reduces the risk of accidents. In manufacturing, AI is being used to optimize production processes, predict maintenance needs, and improve product quality. By analyzing data from sensors and machines, AI algorithms can identify patterns and anomalies that human operators might miss. This predictive maintenance approach can significantly reduce downtime and maintenance costs.
AI is also playing a crucial role in energy management, with smart grids and AI-driven energy systems enabling more efficient distribution and consumption of energy. These systems can analyze energy usage patterns, predict demand, and optimize the generation and distribution of renewable energy sources. Despite the significant advancements, the development of AI in automation and engineering also presents challenges. Issues such as data privacy, security, and ethical considerations need to be addressed to ensure that these technologies are developed and deployed responsibly. Additionally, there is a need for skilled professionals who can design, implement, and manage AI systems in these fields.
The future of AI in automation and engineering holds immense potential for transforming industries and improving the quality of life. As AI technologies continue to evolve, they will enable more efficient, sustainable, and safe solutions in various sectors. However, it is crucial to navigate the development of AI with a focus on ethical principles and consumer protection to ensure that the benefits are equitably distributed and that potential risks are mitigated.


March 14th, 2024


Gunaratna and Jayakody have given a full description of the massacre of samaneras at Arantalawa.   Gunaratna and Jayakody have interviewed persons who were   physically present at the massacre and obtained first person information.  .They speak of the joyful preparations and happy start to the charikawa, and then describe the massacre, as it was recalled to them is a very detailed account [1]  .

On the day of the trip, Ven. Indasara had arrived at Sri Vidyananda Pirivena in his van. There, the samanera comprising mainly 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 year olds as well as a nine year old, were ready and waiting.  They were taken to the Mahawapi vihara. They were beyond excited about the next day’s trip, Wasantha, then 11-year-old Ven. Wawinne Sirinanda, recalled that many of them were too excited about the trip to sleep that night

On June 02, 1987 around 5:00am, a SLTB bus arrived, at the temple, carrying a board saying ‘Visesa Charika’. It was driven by G. G. Samarapala. He was a bus driver by profession and a dayakaya of the temple. N. P. Jinadasa was the conductor. Vasantha Jayawardene, a youth who lived in the area and was friendly with the young monks, had been invited to come and assist the group. 47-year-old Ratnayaka Mudalali, a trader in Ampara and a loyal dayakaya had a son, at the Pirivena, 12-year-old Ven. Devalahinda Dhammarakitha. He came on the trip to be with his son and also to help.

The monks in charge got the little ones seated inside the bus, each clutching his round talipot leaf fan in one hand and a cloth travel bag in the other, containing a spare robe, a black metal alms bowl, a needle and some thread and a parcel of food for lunch. This charikawa was a brief, delightful respite from the highly disciplined life at the Pirivena for which they had signed up at impossibly tender ages, observed Gunaratna and Jayakody.

Eventually the bus filled up, with the monks sharing seats with each other because it was so full. Ven. Andaulpotha Buddhasara had a list of all those going on the trip. He checked off the names and squeezed into a seat at the back. Behind the bus was Ven. Indasara’s white van carrying the remaining monks.

At 5:45am, the bus left the temple with 47 monks of whom 39 were samanera and four laymen. Some dayakayas from the neighborhood came to see them off. Ven. Indasara took the front seat next to a little samanera. .For the first one hour everyone in the bus was joyous and exhilarated. The little monks started to sing folk songs. After a while, Ven. Indasara with mock sternness reproached the group and instructed everyone to chant pirit with the same gusto with which they had sung the songs. Soon everyone was chanting pirit.

The bus crossed from Ampara District into Batticaloa District. Everyone was relaxed and happy. At approximately 7:15am, the bus entered a desolate stretch of road that cut through a thick teak jungle known as Aranthalawa.

Suddenly, Samarapala pressed on the brakes and the bus slowed down to a stop. A log had been placed across the road blocking the path. Samarapala consulted with Jinadasa. The conductor suggested driving over the log, but Samarapala, perhaps sensing danger, started to put the bus into reverse.

Three men appeared on the side of the road wearing navy blue uniforms similar to those worn by the Sri Lanka Air Force. One of them, a well-built tall and light-skinned” young man holding a T-56 assault rifle stepped up next to the bus and put out his hand, instructing the bus to stop.

Samarapala complied believing the man to be a member of the Security Forces, perhaps in need of a ride. The man climbed inside the bus with the two others. Pointing the machine gun at Samarapala and speaking in Tamil, he ordered the driver to turn the bus from the road into the jungle. It was now apparent to all those in the bus that the person who had entered their bus was not a member of Sri Lankan Security Forces but a member of the LTTE in disguise.

Immediately, those on the bus became frightened. Samarapala, who was proficient in Tamil, spoke respectfully, that the bus was full of innocent samanera who were headed on a pilgrimage. Please let us pass without trouble.” He begged. The LTTE cadre pointed his weapon threateningly at Samarapala’s mouth and shouted at him to turn the bus into the jungle immediately.  This shows that LTTE knew about the charika, the route it was going to take and when to expect the bus to enter Batticaloa.

Samarapala turned the bus away from the open road and towards a secret place that had been prepared deep inside the jungles of Aranthalawa. With the weapon pointed at him Samarapala drove further and further into the jungle and away from the road.  25 to 30 LTTE cadres holding machine guns, swords, machetes, knives and poles had now positioned themselves on either side  of the bus and  behind it and were following along silently on foot. They were dressed in civilian clothes.  Some seemed to be teenagers. The bus continued to move forward extremely slowly. The samanera inside the bus began to cry.

About 50 meters in, LTTE ordered the bus stopped. Another LTTE cadre boarded the bus as the one who had pointed the gun at Samarapala stepped off. He looked about 17 years old. Munny munny woch woch” he shouted holding out a bag. He moved through the bus, grabbing the wrist watches and wallets off of the lay folk.  The monks also gave the money that they had on them, which was not much. With the loot secured in the bag, he stepped off the bus.

The first LTTE cadre    returned and pointed his machine gun at Samarapala.  Samarapala begged and pleaded, saying over and over again that he was the father of six children who would be left destitute were he to be killed. The LTTE cadre shot him multiple times in the head and Samarapala collapsed on to the steering wheel. 

Another LTTE cadre climbed in. he was carrying a sword. He was well-built, dark-skinned, and had a terrifying face and demeanor”. When the   samanera saw him, they began to cry even louder. “Vettada!” (Cut them!”)  The LTTE cadre shouted in Tamil.  

 Ven Indasara stood up from his seat and said I am Hegoda Indasara from Galle. Kill me, but, do not harm these little ones.”One of the cadres shouted at Ven Indasara and pushed him back into the seat as the other swung the sword. The sword first hit the ceiling of the bus. , Ven. Indasara attempted to block the falling blade with his arm, but it struck his head. The LTTE cadre then struck him again and again like felling a banana tree” and everyone on the bus watched in horror as blood spewed out of his neck. Their beloved Head priest Ven. Indasara,   59 years, crumpled into the seat and died.

Ven. Valallawita Wimalanyana, who was seated directly behind, sensed that he would be next. He was Ven Indasaras’ deputy on this trip. He stood up and repelled the blade of the sword with his arm causing it to hit the roof of the bus. This blunted the force with which the sword came back down and saved his life. Ven. Valallawita Wimalanyana slid to the ground as the blade sliced his hand, arm and chest in one deep long gash. He fell between seats.

The samanera began to scream. Some started to run here and there inside the bus. Some hid between seats.    11-year-old Ven. Wawinne Sirinanda who was seated in the third row ducked under his seat. From this vantage point, Sirinanda could see what happened next.

An LTTE cadre grabbed a samanera who had been seated in front, and attempted to drag him outside. The little monk clung to the metal pole near the entrance of the bus and screamed and struggled.  Realizing the difficulty of taking the victims off the bus one by one to be executed, an LTTE cadre struck the little monk’s head with a machete with great force splitting open part of his skull like a coconut.”

The other LTTE cadre then shot into the bus, killing Jinadasa and Jayawardene instantly. Rathnayaka Mudalali was shot in the legs as he ran further into the bus. He fell down in the aisle and passed out. With all the adults around them dead or incapacitated, some of the little monks started to call out to their mothers and fathers.

Ven. Sirinanda was under the seat. He did not know whether to cry, scream for help or be silent as the massacre went on in front of him. The LTTE cadre standing next to the seat he was hiding under reloaded his gun and around 25 bullets fell on the metal floorboard next to where he was hiding. The bullets hitting the floor made a deafening noise. He thought he would be discovered and killed when the LTTE cadre bent down to collect the fallen bullets, but the cadre did not reach down for them. Instead, he moved through the bus methodically shooting. The other LTTE cadres sliced and chopped the fallen monks.

Lying on the ground unable to move Ven. Valallawita Wimalanyana listened helplessly to the sound of slicing, chopping, shooting and crying going on. One by one, he felt bodies falling on top of him.

As the LTTE cadres moved towards the middle of the bus, one terrified little monk curled up on his seat and stuck his metal alms bowl on his head. Several others around him who saw this did the same. The LTTE cadres killed them anyway, slicing and shooting their bodies while the metal alms bowls still covered their heads.

Hearing the sound chis chis” as the blades struck flesh over and over again, Ven. Hanguranketa Pūnnyasara, 19 years, hid his head behind the back of the seat in front of him and curled up into the fetal position. He was seated towards the back right corner of the bus over the rear wheel. He knew the LTTE cadres would soon make their way down to him.  He stayed quiet.

17-year-old Ven. Wawinne Gunawansa seated on the left next to Ven. Hanguranketa Pūnnyasara stood up when the LTTE cadres approached them and was struck down by a sword so forcefully that his flesh fell on Pūnnyasara’s neck and lap and his blood poured onto his robes. Pūnnyasara stayed slumped over in his seat with his eyes shut. As he lay motionless, he felt more warm fluid and pieces” falling on him.

He would later realize that what had fallen on him was the brain matter of 11-year-old. Mahiyanganaye Wipulasara who had been seated on his right next to the window. With both those on either side of him dead, he stayed motionless, completely covered in his friends’ blood and body parts. The LTTE cadres seemed to think he too was dead, but they shot him anyway, piercing his left leg and back with bullets.

In a final effort to escape death, some children begged their murderers Aney mamé, epa! Epa!”  and Aney ayyé, apiva maranna epa!” . Ven. Andaulpotha Buddhasara  was shot four times and parts of his vertebrae were shattered. The sound of his friends’ desperate pleas was his last memory from that day.

The LTTE cadres left the bus and began shooting into the bus from the outside. The sound of crying children was replaced by the sound of deafening gun shots and windows shattering.  Unable to move and with the weight of several bodies piled on top of him Ven. Valallawita Wimalanyana   recalled that there was a short period of quiet where the only the sounds of kendiri ganawa” of the dying children and gasping for air could be heard.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise of LTTE cadres re-entering the bus. They moved about briskly identifying all those who were still moving or making small sounds and shot them on their heads at close range. Lying on the ground . Valallawita Wimalanyana watched blood flow like a river” down the aisle.

 The LTTE cadres  then left the bus. He heard celebratory hoots and howls of laughter outside. Gunshots were fired into the air. The jungle was quiet.  Approximately 10 or 15 minutes after the massacre had started, it was over. The survivors would later describe their attackers as practiced” and efficient”. 

Approximately 45 minutes after the bus and van had passed them, STF officers on  patrol near the Mangalagama camp saw Ven Indasara’s    van rush  back   at great speed  and stop before them.

 The driver  told them that  the bus  ahead of them had been stopped by the LTTE  and shot at. He last saw the bus turn turning left into the Aranthalawa jungle. He had  stopped  his van some distance away and when he saw what was happening, he  reversed and sped back towards the STF post. Due o this, the monks in the second van escaped the massacre.

SI Hapuhinna realized that  this was a major attack on the monks. The driver  had  seen about eight  LTTE standing near the bus.   However, his STF unit had no vehicles at the time. They quickly flagged down lorries as and when they came along the road and climbed in or hung on the sides and rushed to the scene in  numbers that could fit into each vehicle. Near Arantalawa, they hopped off and ordered the lorries to remain on the side of the road.

They entered the jungle on foot, moving towards the direction of the gunfire, firing as they advanced. Approximately 50 meters from where it had been diverted, the  bus with its windows blown out came into view. The bus was eerily quiet.

Nuwaragaltenna’s Chief Home Guard, Jayawardene,  was also certain that  the bus was under attack. Soon after the bus had bounced by carrying the pirith-chanting monks, he  heard gunshots in the distance. He sounded his horn and the   Home Guards arrived  quickly.

A lorry came down the road and they flagged it down Did you pass an SLTB bus carrying b bhikkhus going in the opposite direction?” Jayawardene asked.. The  lorry driver said,  No.” Jayawardene dispatched two of his men to the nearest STF camp in the lorry. The remaining 23 men, gripping a variety of weapons such as rifles, axes and poles, charged into the jungle, risking their own lives in the process. As they searched inside the dense jungle they could hear the sounds of gunshots and screaming.

When Jayawardene eventually  reached the bus and climbed inside he saw the carnage. Everything that could have been done had been done to them.” He said. Not just shot, but cut. Cut with swords, chopped, shot.”

STF found the  steps on to the bus  covered in a layer of blood so thick it looked like mud. SI Hapuhinna heard only a low constant noise, like bees,” coming from inside the bus. He was not sure how many victims were there or whether anyone was still alive.

The STF team  climbed inside and assessed the carnage.  Jinadasa’s body lay close to the entryway. Samarapala’s body was slumped over the steering wheel. Bodies were strewn about, but most of them were in a pile towards the back. No one spoke.

Hanguranketa Pūnnyasara who was  under a seat, heard someone say, Ape Hamuduruwani, who committed this atrocity on you?” in Sinhala. He looked up cautiously. He saw someone in military uniform. Speaking clearly in Sinhalese, the person announced, We are from the Army and Police. We came to rescue you. If you can talk, talk.  you have any life, quickly get up! We will take you to the hospital.” Pūnnyasara  had heard of LTTE members returning to the sites of their massacres and speaking in Sinhalese to the survivors, only to kill them when they moved or revealed themselves.  He hid his head again and dared not speak. 

Even though SI Hapuhinna had identified himself, no one in the bus spoke. Some survivors watched as the rescue team moved through the bus, moving some bodies, lifting others, wiping blood off their faces, and gently shaking them to identify those who might still be alive. They urged the monks to speak if they could. We have come from the Mangalagama Camp to rescue you.” The officers said.

Finally, some of the samanera who had hidden under the seats came out.  Valallawita Wimalanyana  shouted from under a pile of bodies.,” I have not been killed, take me.”  The STF moved the dead bodies that were on top of him and Wimalanyana  managed to stand up. For the first time he saw the extent of what had happened. The floor of the bus was one river of blood,” he  recalled.

15-year-old  Andaulpotha Buddhasara, lying in a pool of his own blood and unable to move, had  a part of his siwuru pota (robes) covering his face.. Komariye Wimalajoti reached  out and moved the robe. .Some moments later, Wimalajoti  collapsed and died, probably from a heart attack.

The rescuers quickly identified and carried out the heavily injured survivors.  They included  Andaulpotha Buddhasara  who was unconscious by then,  Hanguranketa Pūnnyasara  with gunshots to his left leg and back,  Valallawita Wimalanyana  with a long deep gash that ran from palm to chest, and Rathnayaka Mudalali with gunshot wounds to his legs and knee.

Jayawardene said, We carried these small monks through the jungle, who were barely alive and kendiri ganawa. They were 12, 13, 14 years old. Some of them died in our arms.” 

11-year-old . Wawinne Sirinanda  along with one or two others were miraculously unharmed. They helped the  STF and Home Guards to identify survivors and get them off the bus. the survivors were carefully loaded onto another bus that had been flagged down and its driver raced to the Ampara Base Hospital. As the bus headed back towards Ampara, everyone was quiet. Some were in shock, some unconscious, some barely alive and some would die on the way.

The  LTTE had shot out one of the tyres of the bus. The bus was reversed back to the road, where it was fitted with the spare tyre from one of the lorries that had waited by the roadside .Once the tyre was fitted on, the bus driven by SI Chandrasena, with SI Hapuhinna also inside raced to the Ampara Base Hospital carrying the remaining bodies.

 the Ampara Base Hospital was informed by the STF communications team in Kalawanchikudi to prepare to receive the victims. The hospital staff there were used to  treating victims of LTTE attacks.  They were used to working under pressure, attending to the large number of casualties that were brought in,   which included wounded soldiers from the eastern warfront, victims of LTTE village massacres, victims of landmines and victims of random claymore bombings. There seemed never to be a pause in the deaths, recalled  M. V. Somawathi, a senior nurse who had worked at the hospital from 1974.

During the war, the hospital staff themselves came under threat from time to time, Somawathi recalled. They received a few warnings that the LTTE  was going to attack the hospital. at night the staff would change out of their uniforms and into regular” clothes. Those on night duty would finish attending to the patients before nightfall and would let them know where to find the staff in their hiding place if they were needed. Working under these intense conditions eventually began to feel normal for  Somawathi, and she remained at the Ampara Hospital for more than three decades, noting that she never requested to be transferred out of the east.

On the morning of June 02, 1987, Somawathi returned to her home after her night shift at the hospital . The evening before, several monks from the neighboring Sri Vidyananda Pirivena had come by to inform the hospital staff that they were going on a long charikawa. The staff had wished them well and the monks had left.

as she stood at  the well washing her face, a SLTB bus tore through the street at high speed with orange robes flying out of the windows. The disorderly sight   felt unusual to her. She asked  her husband  to find out whether something had happened to the Mahawapi and Sri Vidyananda Pirivena monks.

When she heard of the massacre, she rushed back to hospital When she got there, one bus had dropped off the survivors and another had unloaded the dead. Inside the hospital the staff quickly separated the survivors and the dead and directed one group of stretchers to the emergency room and the other group of stretchers to the morgue. The few who sustained no injuries were looked over and quickly discharged.

Medical and surgical teams were called in and they arrived at the hospital within minutes. The nearby funeral hall was informed and an embalming crew also arrived. While the doctors and the embalmers got to work on their respective charges, the administrative staff began to discharge the existing patients at the hospital to free up the beds for all the children.

As the medical staff moved quickly trying to stabilize those who were severely injured, in the morgue the embalmers moved more slowly. They washed off the blood and dirt from the faces and the small bodies, and closed the eyes. They scrubbed small chests and polished little shoulders. They tried to unclench fists. And in a loving, if futile, gesture they carefully covered the gunshot wounds to the heads and faces with squares of white medical tape as though to hide from view what the children had suffered. They were given the  hospital’s own supplies of white cloth for their work.

Once the bodies were prepared, the hospital staff laid down their own white hospital sheets on the floor of one room for the bodies to be laid on. The staff hoped that this small gesture would provide the monks with some dignity. To hide the injuries to their bodies, the staff covered them from shoulders to toes with the same blood-soaked robes they had died in. They tried to cover up some of the gruesome head injuries with rags.

Gunaratna and Jayakody have  listed the names of the samaneras who died in the attack..  The names are:

 Ven. Hegoda Sri Indasara Nayaka Thero, 59,Ven. Paragahakale Vijithananda Thero, 24,Ven. Kalugala Ananda Saagara Thero, 19,Ven. Wavinne Saddhawansa Thero, 19,Ven. Kehelpotha Sugathapala Thero, 18,Ven. Thalgamuwe Uparathana Thero, 18,Ven. Wavinne Saddhatissa Thero, 18,Ven. Wavinne Gunawansa Thero, 17,Ven. Wavinne Aththadassi Thero, 17,Ven. Mahiyanganaye Gunasoma Thero, 17,Ven. Kurupanawela Kolitha Thero, 17,Ven. Manthrithenne Dhammasiddhi Thero, 16,Ven. Komariye Wimalajoti Thero, 16,Ven. Handungamuwe Ariyawansha Thero, 15,Ven. Dambarawe Mahinda Thero, 15,Ven. Kotawehere Wimalabuddhi Thero, 14,Ven. Kurunagale Pan͂n͂ananda Thero, 14,Ven. Karupanawela Dharmapala Thero, 13,Ven. Handungamuwe Buddharakkitha Thero, 13,Ven. Rajagaltenne Pranaji Thero, 13,Ven. Ambagahawellle Sarana Thero, 12,Ven. Dewalahinda Dhammarakkitha Thero, 12,Ven. Mahiyanganaye Vajirabuddhi Thero, 12,Ven. Mahiyanganaye Sumana Thero, 12,Ven. Keripahe Sobhitha Thero, 12,Ven. Wavinne Vijitha Thero, 11,Ven. Mahiyanganaye Ananda Thero, 11,Ven. Mahiyanganaye Wipulasara Thero, 11,Ven. Ragala Ananda Thero, 11,Ven. Devalahinda Anomadassi Thero, 10,Ven. Kalugala Palitha Thero, 9,Mr. G. G. Samarapala,Mr.  J. P Jinadasa,Mr. V. Jayawardene,

I have written at length on this massacre, because this massacre has not received sufficient attention. It was hushed up for a long time. The account by Gunaratne and Jayakody makes up for this lapse. Their account is  is rich in human interest” and reads like a story.  I have tried to retain this flavor

The Arantalawa massacre illustrates many aspects of the LTTE which are never discussed. First, LTTE has a deep hatred and contempt for Buddhism and Buddhists. This is something which the Buddhists refuse to recognize..

The Arantalawa massacre shows that LTTE is capable of committing heinous crimes against Buddhism. Arantalawa was premeditated and cruel. They used swords. Afterwards, there were celebratory hoots and howls of laughter as they left the place after killing.

LTTE   eliminated bhikkhus who were opposing them.. LTTE  killed Kitalagama Seelalankara   (Dimbulagala Hamuduruwo) and now Ven Indasara.  LTTE are  not the   idealistic, dedicated freedom fighters, they were portrayed to be. They were greedy and dishonest. They  grabbed munny” and woches” before they killed the samanera at Arantalawa  . (Continued)

[1] https://sundaytimes.lk/online/opinion/The-Saffron-Children/158-1137728


March 14th, 2024


There was a deep hatred of Buddhism within the Tamil Separatist Movement. Buddhists seem unaware of this, though it is clearly visible.  It is right under their noses.  This animosity is not new. I saw it as a schoolgirl in the 1950s in Kandy, both in my school and in the area where we lived.

The Tamil Separatists are Hindu, Roman Catholic or Protestant Christian.  Of this group, Hindus lack animosity towards Buddhism. They think the two religions are related. But there is a deep hatred and contempt for Buddhism among the Christians.  Christians see Buddhists as unbelievers, as heathens, to be treated with contempt. Buddhist lives do not matter.

LTTE is anti Buddhist as well as anti Sinhala. LTTE   destroyed temples and Buddhist monuments in the northern and Eastern Province. LTTE destroyed the   huge stupa at Kombanachchiya in Trincomalee district. LTTE had bulldozed the standing Buddha statue at Paravankandam (Batticaloa district) and destroyed its head. The rest of the statue was rescued and the pieces sent to Ampara museum. 

 Wedivetttukallu Chaitya, Ambakamun stupa  and the stupa at Kannyar kovil  were used as bunkers.  Stupas at Verugal,  Kalladi   and Toppur   were used as communication towers. It appears that heavy weapons were installed at Thoppigala. Kumbakaranamale Chaitya, Ampakaman, was used as a food store.    LTTE had built Hindu kovils at Oddusuddan  and Nilaveli.

When Ven. Ellawela Medhananda went to Pulunkunawa, in 1982   he found that LTTE had established an Eelam kingdom there. On all hilltops there was the Eelam symbol drawn in color.  There was a house built on top of the stupa. The owner glared at me, said Medhananda.  Bricks from the stupa were taken to build houses and there was manioc cultivation in the ruins. 

Medhananda had visited an archaeological site at Walakapitiya in Ampara  on August 19, 2003. A kovil was being constructed there with the backing of the LTTE. Nearly 25 armed LTTE cadres had chased him away and threatened him with death if he ever came back.  Inscriptions found by the monk had been destroyed after the monk left. 

Sihala Urumaya decided to accept the LTTE challenge and taka the monk back to the site. Media announced that monks and the members of the Sihala Urumaya accompanied by a group of journalists will go with Ven. Ellawela Medhananda to Walakapitiya to the exact spot where the Tamil Tigers had earlier turned him away. The plan is to let Ven. Medhananda complete copying the stone inscriptions while giving him protection by forming a human shield.

Sihala Urumaya, led by Tilak Karunaratne, accompanied Ven. Ellawela Medhananda to the site. The special Task Force and the Police were on duty to provide security and prevent any incidents.  The LTTE cadres were just onlookers despite the Tiger threat that the monk would not be allowed to set foot on that site, reported the media. 

Medhananda said he had visited Mundikulammale ruins for the first time in 1964. Then there was fear of wild animals. In 1999 the fear was of the LTTE. To visit we needed the support of the army and police. We had visited Girikumbara vihara, Ampara earlier,    said Medhananda, but when we went in 1986 to see what had happened, no one wanted to drive us there.    It is now dangerous for Sinhalese to go there” he said in 2003.  No Sinhalese can go to Rugam now either.

When the Eelam war ended in 2009, the Royal Asiatic Society of Sri Lanka (RASSL) led a team to the north, where the army pointed out the places where LTTE had renamed Buddhist sites. Separatists in the Provincial Council wanted the sites to be declared Hindu    by the Archaeological Department.

LTTE had a deep and venomous hatred of Buddhists and Buddhism. LTTE did not target churches, kovils or mosques, only Buddhist sites. Places of religious worship are protected sites. Attacks on them are considered criminal acts [1] But the LTTE did not care.

On 25 January 1998, the LTTE exploded a massive truck bomb inside the   Dalada Maligawa in Kandy. Three suicide LTTE Black Tigers drove an explosive laden truck along Raja Veediya, crashed through the entrance to the Maligawa and detonated the bomb. The truck contained 300–400 kilograms (660–880 lb) of high explosives. 

16 people, including the 3 attackers and a 2-year-old infant were killed in the incident.[Over 25 people, including 4 women, a monk and a police officer were injured. The powerful attack left most of the buildings within a radius of 5 kilometers damaged, and glass panes broken.

Later crowds gathered around the temple, and set fire to 3 vehicles and burned down a Hindu cultural center in Kandy. They attacked the Sri Selva Vinayagar Hindu temple at Katukelle .In October 2003, three LTTE cadres involved in the attack were convicted by the Kandy high court and sentenced to death. Two others were sentenced to 680 years of rigorous imprisonment and third to 490 years.

LTTE  attacked  Girihandu seya in Tiriyaya in 1985 and  destroyed almost all the buildings there. The living quarters of the monks were completely demolished and the monks  chased away.  All 15 Buddhist monks had to leave the temple.  Tiriyaya authorities have placed this attack on record at the entrance to the complex, with photos and video, for  visitors to see.

LTTE targeted Buddhist monks. Monks are ‘protected persons’ as well, whom soldiers are forbidden to kill (Geneva Convention IV). LTTE murdered the monks at the ruined panchavasa monastery at Kombanachchi villu in Trincomalee district.   In 1987 armed LTTE cadres ambushed a bus taking samaneras, ordered the bus to Arantalawa jungle, and killed the chief priest and all 30 samanera monks in a brutal manner, using swords, guns and machine guns. 29 of the 31 Buddhist monks killed were child monks. Most of the victims had been attacked with swords, machetes and knives prior to their deaths.It was described as a heinous crime.

LTTE killed Matara Kithalagama Sri Seelalankara better known as Dimbulagala Hamuduruwo in June 1995. The priest and his driver were gunned down on May 26 while visiting paddy farmers in Dimbulagala. Seelalankara opposed the LTTE and was seen as a hero by Buddhists.

His death was marked by riots in the town of Dimbulagala reported Agence Press. Police declared an indefinite curfew after rioters left shops and businesses owned by Tamils ablaze. Police had clamped an indefinite curfew in Galle after mobs of Sinhalese people attacked Tamil-owned shops, looting and burning them.

Agence Press reported again on the day of the funeral. The high priest was cremated Saturday at a ceremony attended by half a million mourners.  Yellow ribbons and flags could be seen all over Sri Lanka in memory of Kitalagama Seelalankara, the 71-year-old monk, who opposed to demands by the Tamil rebels for an independent homeland in the north and east of the island.  Security was tight at the site of the funeral, in Dimbulagala village 170 kilometers (105 miles) east of the capital Colombo, where the body was kept for eight days.

Saffron robed Buddhist monks wept openly as nearly half a million mourners from across the country attended the elaborate ceremony. People travelled in hundreds of buses, trucks and tractors to the monk’s temple. Flanked by more than 800 monks and traditional drummers, the bier was taken through the village streets. The coffin progressed slowly to the site where it was finally burned. The killing of the priest is expected to harden the resolve of the majority Sinhalese in their dealings with the Tamils, concluded Agence Press.

LTTE also targeted worshippers in Buddhist temples. The most significant of these attacks was the one made at the Sri Maha Bodhi in Anuradhapura. LTTE hijacked a bus on May 14, 1985, and entered Anuradhapura.  They opened fire with automatic weapons, at the main bus station,  killing and wounding civilians who were waiting for buses. The LTTE cadres then drove to the Sri Maha Bodhi and gunned down worshippers, killing 146 persons including children.

Somawathi vihara was attacked twice by LTTE . The second shooting was done to discourage pilgrims coming to the temple on Esala Poya. A bomb killed 23 and injured 70 at a Buddhist temple in Batticaloa during Vesak in 2000. The bomb that exploded in an Anuradhapura-Kandy private bus at Dambulla (2008) was to be exploded at Ruwanveliseya when a ‘pichchamal pujawa’ was in progress with thousands of devotees taking part in the ceremony. The informant who had carried the bomb had been accompanied by her mother and sister, all posing as Buddhist devotees going on pilgrimage.  (Continued)

[1] ICRC Rule 38, , Hague Convention 1999)

සෝභිත හිමිට සුගීෂ්වරගෙන් ප‍්‍රචන්ඩ ප‍්‍රහාරයක්.. ගිනි තියාගෙන අපවත් වෙන බව කීවාලු..

March 14th, 2024

උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්

අවිස්සාවේල්ල ප්‍රදේශයේ අඩු ආදායම්ලාභී දිළිඳු පවුල් කීපයක දෘශ්‍යාබාධිත පුද්ගලයන් වෙත ඇස් කන්නාඩි බෙදා දීමේ අවස්ථාවකට සහභාගී වෙමින් හත් වන විධායක ජනාධිපති ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂගේ හිටපු පෞද්ගලික ලේකම් සුගීෂ්වර බණ්ඩාර  මේ දින වල ජනප්‍රිය මාතෘකාවක් බවට පත් වී ඇති ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මහතා විසින් රචිත කුමන්ත්‍රණය නැමති ග්‍රන්ථයේ හෙළි කොකල කතාවක් වෙත  අවධානයට යොමු කරන ලදී.

ජාතික මතවාදී කඳවුරට නායකත්වය ලබා දෙන පිරිස අතර සහ එම මතවාදය එළියේ සිටින ජනතාවට සන්නිවේදනය කරන චරිතයක් ලෙස ගෞරවය දිනා සිටි පූජ්‍ය ඕමල්පේ සෝභිත හිමියන් සම්බන්ධයෙන් කුමන්ත්‍රණය” ග්‍රන්ථයේ 97 හා 98 පිටු වල සඳහන් කර ඇති කරුණු හේතුවෙන් වර්තමාන ජාතික මතවාදී කඳවුර තුල සිටින ජුදාස්” ලෙස උන්වහන්සේ පිළිබඳව මහජනතාව තුළ හැඟීමක් ඇති වී ඇති බව සුගීෂ්වර බණ්ඩාර මහතා එහිදී ප්‍රකාශ කරන ලදී.

මෙම කාරණය සම්බන්ධයෙන් කලබල වූ පූජ්‍ය ඕමල්පේ සෝභිත හිමියන් සුගීෂ්වර බණ්ඩාර මහතාගේද නම ඈඳා ගනිමින් ප්‍රසිද්ධ මාධ්‍යයේ ජනතාව වෙත අසත්‍ය කරුණු ප්‍රකාශ කරන මොහොතක කාලයේ වැලි තලාව මත සැඟවී යාමට තිබූ ඇතැම් සංවේදී කාරණා හෙළි කිරීම සිදු වන බව ප්‍රකාශ කල සුගීෂ්වර බණ්ඩාර මහතා කුමන්ත්‍රණයේ නොකී කතාවක් ජනතාව ඉදිරියේ ප්‍රකාශ කරන ලදී.

2022 ජුලි මස 12 වන දින තමා ඇමතූ පූජ්‍ය ඕමල්පේ සෝභිත හිමියන් හත් වන ජනාධිපතිතුමාට ධූරය හැර යන ලෙසට බල කරන බවත්, ඒසේ ධුරය හැර යන බවට වන ලිපිය තමා සන්තකයට ලබාගෙන තහවුරුවක් උන්වන්සේට ලබා දුන් පසු ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මහතාට අරගල කරුවන්ගේ බාධාවකින් තොරව කටුනායක ජාත්‍යන්තර ගුවන් තොටුපලෙන් නික්ම යාමට අවශ්‍ය කටයුතු සූදානම් කර දීමට උන්වහන්සේට හැකි බවටත් වන පණිවිඩය හත් වන විධායක ජනාධිපතිතුමාට දන්වන ලෙසට උද්දාමයෙන් උන් වහන්සේ තමා වෙත කියා සිටි බව සුගීෂ්වර බණ්ඩාර මහතා ප්‍රකාශ කළේය.

ඒ වන විටත් රාජ්‍ය බලය හෙබවූ හත් වන විධායක ජනාධිපති ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මැතිතුමාට ඒසේ පූජ්‍ය ඕමල්පේ සෝභිත හිමියන්ගේ බහට අවනත වීමට කාරණා නොතිබූ බවත්, කටුනායක ගුවන් තොටුපල භාවිතා කිරීම සඳහා ඕමල්පේ සෝභිත හිමියන්ගේ සහය ලබා ගැනීමට කිසිදු අවශ්‍යතාවක් එතුමාට ඒ අවස්ථාවේ නොතිබූ බවත් සුගීෂ්වර බණ්ඩාර මහතා ඉතා වගකීමෙන් ප්‍රකාශ කරන බව එහිදී පැවසුවේය.

ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මැතිතුමා එසේ කලබල වන්නේ නම්, 2022 මැයි මස 12 වන දින රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ මහතා 26 වන අග්‍රාමාත්‍යවරයා ලෙස පත් කිරීමට ඉතාමත් ආසන්නයේ දී විපක්ෂ නායක සජිත් ප්‍රේමදාස මහතා දන්වා තිබූ කොන්දේසි පිළිගෙන වහාම අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය ධූරයට පත් කළ යුතු බවත්, එම මතය මැල්කම් රංජිත් කාදිනල්තුමාගේද මතය වන බව උන්වහන්සේට පැවසූ බවත්, එසේ සිදු නොකරන්නේ නම් තමන් ඇතුළු ස්වාමීන් වහන්සේලා කණ්ඩායමක් ජනාධිපති මන්දිරය ඉදිරිපිට ගිනි තබා ගෙන අපවත් වන බවත්, ජනාධිපතිතුමාට දන්වන ලෙසට පූජ්‍ය ඕමල්පේ සෝභිත හිමියන් ලබා දුන් දුරකථන ඇමතුමට අදාල පණිවිඩය සුගීෂ්වර බණ්ඩාර මහතා එතුමා වෙත දන්වන අවස්ථාවේ බිය වීමට හෝ කලබල වීමට ඉඩ තිබුණේ යයි විශ්වාස කරන බව සුගීෂ්වර බණ්ඩාර මහතා එහිදී ප්‍රකාශ කළේය.

තමාගේ අනන්‍යතාවය ඇති ජාතිකවාදී කඳවුර තුල ඕමල්පේ සෝභිත හිමියන් ප්‍රතික්ෂේප වේ යයි පවතින බිය මෙම අසත්‍ය කරුණු ප්‍රකාශ කරමින් සිදු කරන සියලු මාධ්‍ය සන්දර්ශන වලට හේතුව වී ඇති බවත්, ඒ් සම්බන්ධයෙන් කනගාටු වන බවද සුගිෂ්වර බණ්ඩාර මහතා අවසාන වශයෙන් ප්‍රකාශ කළේය

– Repoter

කමල්-ශවේන්ද්‍ර ගෝටාභයට ගේමක් ගැහුවා.. එගොඩවෙල ගෝටාභයව හිරකලා.. මරන්න ආවේ මුස්ලිම් අයයි…- සුගීෂ්වර මාධ්‍ය හමුවක

March 14th, 2024

උපුටා ගැන්ම ලංකා සී නිව්ස්

හිටපු ජනාධිපති ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මහතාගේ පාලනය බිඳ වැට්ටවීමට ප්‍රධාන කුමන්ත්‍රණ කරුවා වන්නේ එවක ජනාධිපති ලේකම් පී බී ජයසුන්දර මහතා බව හිටපු ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ පෞද්ගලික ලේකම් සුගීෂ්වර බණ්ඩාර මහතා සඳහන් කරයි.

ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ ජනාධිපතිවරයාට කිසිදු පුද්ගලයෙකු මුණ ගැසීමට නොදී හිර කරන ලද්දේ ජෙනරාල් එගොඩවෙල බවටද ඔහු චෝදනා කරයි.

ආරක්ෂක ලේකම් කමල් ගුණරත්න මෙන්ම එවකට හිටපු හමුදාපති ශවේන්ද්‍ර සිල්වාද ගැහුවේ ගේමක් බවත් හෙතෙම කියා සිටී.

ඔහු මෙම අදහස් පළ කළේ අන්තර්ජාල නාලිකාවක සාකච්ඡාවකට එක් වෙමිනි.

එදා ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මහතාගේ මිරිහාන නිවස වට කළේ 150ක 180ක පිරිසක් පිරිසක් බවත් පැවසූ ඔහු ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මහතා ඝාතනය කිරීමේ සූදානමක් තිබූ බවත් ඒ සඳහා පැමිණ සිටියේ මුස්ලිම් ජනතාව බවටත් එහිදී තවදුරටත් හෙළිදරව් කලේය.

එට්කා එපා!… සත්‍ය සෙවීමේ කොමිසම එපා! – මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂට සංඝ ආඥාවක්!

March 14th, 2024

උපුටා ගැන්ම  ලංකා ලීඩර්

හිටපු ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතා ප්‍රමුඛ ශ්‍රී ලංකා පොදුජන පෙරමුණ ඇතුළු  ආණ්ඩුවට සම්බන්ධ ජනතා නියෝජිතයන්ට සංඝ ආඥාවක් නිකුත් කර තිබේ.

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එහිදී මෙම සංඝ ආඥාව නිකුත් කර තිබේ.

ත්‍රෛනිකායික අනුනායක ස්වාමීන්වහන්සේලා නිකුත් කළ සම්මුති ප්‍රකාශය පහළින්…


IMF technical assistance reports will be submitted to Parliament: President

March 14th, 2024

By YOHAN PERERA Courtesy The Daily Mirror

Colombo, March 14 (Daily Mirror) – President Ranil Wickremesinghe yesterday said that he will submit the IMF technical assistance reports to Parliament soon. 

The President in his latest X message said he will submit the reports to Parliament following a request by TNA MP M.A. Sumanthiran during talks on Tuesday. The President met TNA MPs on Tuesday to dicuss the IMF assistance programme. 

“MP Sumanthiran voiced a key concern regarding the availability of the IMF technical assistance reports. I committed to releasing these reports to the TNA and Parliament. We discussed further how our government remains dedicated to following a structured roadmap for economic stability,” the President said. 

“I invited  party leaders to discuss the IMF proposals. I always encourage open dialogue and shared commitment. TNA Leader and Parliamentarian, M.A. Sumanthiran, along with other stakeholders, joined me yesterday. We discussed the progress of our negotiations with creditors at this meeting. We remain optimistic about concluding these discussions by June this year.

“I invited Sumanthiran and other opposition members to engage directly with the IMF to fully understand our proposals. Sumanthiran’s acceptance of my invitation to engage in this dialogue underscores the spirit of bipartisan cooperation we seek to foster. I hope the other party leaders will join these efforts, setting politics aside for the sake of our country and people,” the President added.

Sri Lanka refutes US claims of Chinese military base

March 14th, 2024

By SUNIL JAYASIRI Courtesy The Daily Mirror

Sri Lanka has refuted recent claims from US intelligence that there are potential plans for a Chinese military base to be established on its soil.

State Defence Minister Premitha Bandara Tennakoon told Daily Mirror that Sri Lanka has not engaged in any discussions with foreign governments, including China, regarding the establishment of a military base within its borders.

Sri Lanka has not held discussions with any foreign government including China for a possible establishment of a military base here in Sri Lanka,” the State Minister said in response to a question on the US claims.

In its annual threat assessment 2024 report this week, the US Intelligence Community said that China is exploring the possibility of establishing military facilities in various countries including Sri Lanka, in a bid to bolster their power projection capabilities and safeguard national interests.

“The US intelligence report on the possible establishment of a Chinese military base in Sri Lanka is inaccurate; we vehemently deny these claims,” the minister said.

The State Minister has affirmed that Sri Lanka will not permit any foreign country to establish military bases within its borders under any circumstances.

The US report also stated, Beyond developing its military base in Djibouti and its military facility at Ream Naval Base in Cambodia, Beijing reportedly is considering pursuing military facilities in multiple locations, including—but not limited to—Burma, Cuba, Equatorial Guinea, Pakistan, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Tanzania, and the UAE”.


March 13th, 2024


Sarita Gunaratna and Dinesh Jayakody (2022) have provided a comprehensive, well-researched and heart-rending account of the brutal murder of samaneras at Arantalawa by the LTTE on June 3rd, 1987. The   essay is titled The Saffron Children: Massacre of samanera: Aranthalawa, 35 years on”. The link is https://sundaytimes.lk/online/opinion/The-Saffron-Children/158-1137728

The account was compiled using the interviews with survivors, eye witnesses, first responders, family members of victims and others with direct involvement or knowledge of this event, as well as the sworn statements and affidavits obtained by the Sri Lanka Armed Forces and police. All other statements were corroborated by accredited sources, which are cited or obtained from experts in the area to which the statement pertains. They are listed in the extensive Acknowledgements section.

Analysts have asked, why LTTE chose to kill these samanera. Why not monks engaged in silent meditation in forest monasteries. They are easier targets. What is special about this Pirivena.

The Gunaratne/Jayakody  essay provides the answer. The massacre was intended  to stop the rise of an influential  Buddhist pirivena in Ampara ,the  Sri Vidyananda Pirivena  whose   head priest  Ven. Indasara  was becoming a force to be reckoned with  and the   samanera were being  trained for leadership roles in the near  future.

Gunaratne and  Jayakody start at the very beginning. In 1959, when the Gal Oya Development Project started, a 27-year-old  bhikkhu ,Ven. Hegoda Sri Indasara  came to Ampara.  He first lived in a cave then he was given land next to the Ampara Base Hospital where he established a small temple.

Born and ordained in Galle, Ven. Hegoda Sri Indasara who came from a prominent and well-respected Southern family, was a bit of a curiosity in the area, said Gunaratna/Jayakody. For a bright young university-educated monk, from an elite family, with his choice of well-established and comfortable temples throughout the southern and western provinces available to him, to move to the newly developing region of the East was  unusual.

Ven. Indasara believed in the promise of the Gal Oya Project. These new agrarian settlements needed community temples to anchor them, or people simply would not stay, he said and set about establishing many small vihares to support the farming settlements throughout the Gal Oya  district. By 1987    Indasara was overseeing almost 40 temples in the Eastern Province.

Ven. Andaulpotha Buddhasara  who was  then a samanera recalled that poor people from a nearby Tamil village would arrive, children and all, at the time of the monks’ mid-day dané. Ven. Indasara instructed the kitchen to prepare food for these families, even though the monks themselves had barely enough to eat.

When the LTTE started attacking  Sinhala villages in the eastern province, Indasara  went several times to Colombo to   speak to the  country’s political leaders  and make them aware of what the LTTE was doing  to the Buddhist population in the East. He implored the leaders to take some action on the matter,  they must provide adequate military protection. He did  not get a favorable response. His pleas were ignored.

Using his van,  with two dayakayas as his drivers and a megaphone,  Indasara went about, advising people on how to keep themselves safe from LTTE attacks. The LTTE attacks villages at night when you are sleeping. Don’t sleep in your homes!” He instructed through his megaphone. Many heeded his advice.

When  the LTTE attacked   Arantalawa on February 07, 1987, Indasara immediately rushed there.  He ignored police and military who had been instructed not to let anyone into the village. He pushed his way through ,consoled the bereaved and conducted last rites.

In 1966,  Indasara established  a Pirivena school named Sri Vidyananda Pirivena in Ampara. He  linked it  to Vidyalankara Pirivena in  Peliyagoda. It had a  few students, then Indasara ordained 60 young boys in one bout and  Sri Vidyananda Pirivena expanded from a few students to almost 70 in the mid 1980s.  Indasara had  recruited many  intelligent   boys and had also scooped up” those who at a young age felt the urge to join the    bhikkhu order.  How he found these boys, we do  not know.

The life that the samanera entered  into at Ampara was a difficult one. Meals were meager, often consisting of rice, lentils and coconut sambol.  Villagers were too poor to provide daily danés (alms) to all the students residing there, so the monks had to go on pindapathé.

The villagers supported this ambitious  pirivena project .They had supplied the monks with meals within their very limited ability. When the pirivena grew from a few students to almost 70 the villagers arranged  for  families to offer alms in groups.

The buildings were primitive. They had been built with donated or collected materials using volunteer labour from the construction workers and craftsmen in the area. Classes were conducted in  a wattle and daub hall .Another similar building functioned as the avasa .

Despite the basic nature of the facilities and the daily hardships they faced, the  samanera thrived  in the pirivena. Ven. Wawinne Sirinanda recalled that the samanera did everything together. Among the close friends he remembered with affection were Buddhasara, Buddharakkitha, Wimalajoti, Sarana, Saddhananda, Vijitha, Gunawansa, Vijithananda…” He said before trailing off as he recalled their murder. They were clever, bright students.”.

By mid 1987, the Sri Vidyananda Pirivena was the leading training institute for Buddhist monks in the Eastern Province. Samanera were  taught languages,  Sinhala, Tamil and English, as well as  Hindi to able to communicate with all the communities on the island and those in India. Tamil teachers risked their lives and  came to the pirivena to teach Tamil. Ven. Andaulpotha Buddhasara recalled that the special English class would go on till late. At 10 at night, we were still learning.”

Some were busy studying for their O/Level examinations. They were expected to do well. But that was not to be. The samanera were massacred at Arantalawa before they could sit the exam.

The Pirivena knew that a war was going on. Ven. Andaulpotha Buddhasara recalled how anxious the samanera became when   the Head Monk got late returning from visiting  Aranthalawa village. When he didn’t come back by nightfall, we went and sat in a row on top of the low rock boundary wall by the road and waited for him.”

The Pirivena had planned  a month  long charika for the samanera,  which would take in Kandy, Anuradhapura,  Kalutara, Galle Kataragama,  and Mahiyangana. The little monks were delighted by the upcoming field trip and were unable to contain their excitement . The older Samaneras were doubtful. They thought the trip would attract unwanted attention from the LTTE. Some of the dayakas were also concerned.

Two days before they were to go on the charika,17-year-old Wavinne Aththadassi visited his mother and told her that he would be participating in an important charikawa that Ven. Indasara had organized. But he  was uneasy about joining the trip. ( Continued)

The Criminal Insanity of Climate Change: Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) Create Forest and Bush Fires, Destroying Entire Cities and Igniting Boats in the Sea.

March 13th, 2024

By Peter Koenig Global Research, September 06, 2023

The Criminal Insanity of Climate Change: Direct Energy Weapons (DEW) Create Forest and Bush Fires, Destroying Entire Cities and Igniting Boats in the Sea.

Climate change – climate change – climate change – the world is burning. The Global North with the CO2 emission is the culprit. Weather maps in Southern Europe and Australia are deep red. Add an invented degree or two, and they are going to be black.

News are talking about 48 to 50 and more degrees C in Spain, Southern Italy, Sicily, Greece. Scary. Hardly anybody notices and reports that the temperatures are largely exaggerated by the media, to cause a fear and guilt effect. Possibly a precursor to heat-lockdowns.

Meteorologists are part of the lie-game. Often, for fear and shock effect, they are reporting ground temperatures instead of air temperatures which are usually measured 2 meters above the ground and are typically 10 or more degrees C lower than ground temps.

It is like MK-Ultra has been socialized: When people see the deep-red-colored weather map and are being told that temperatures are at record heights, in the upper forties into the fifties, they feel the burning heat, they feel it is much hotter than other years, when in fact it is not.

TEMPERATURE DEVIATIONS FOR LAND AND SEA, APRIL 2023 relative to the temperature normal, the average for the years 1991–2020. In this map, which uses a clearly indicated and color-coded temperature scale that the scientists themselves use, the temperature deviations we reported about over the last few months from North and South America, Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, with hard-hit Mongolia, India, and Australia, are confirmed. This is despite the fact that critics argue it consistently shows higher temperatures due to non-representative and then tampered with measurement data. Source and map: NOAA

This is the map that climate researchers themselves use.

TEMPERATURE PERCENTILES FOR LAND AND SEA, APRIL 2023 based on an unspecified average. Here we can see that the Benelux countries, where Belgium and the Netherlands in April were 1.4 and 1.1 °C cooler than the climate normal 1991–2020, are falsely presented as having had an April average temperature "Above average" or "Much above average". Central and Eastern Europe, which were much cooler than normal in April—for example, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Serbia were 2.1 to 2.8 °C below the climate normal in April, which is significant in a climate context—are marked as "Near average" with misleading neutral white color. Source and map: NOAA

TEMPERATURE DEVIATIONS FOR LAND AND SEA, APRIL 2023 relative to the temperature normal, the average for the years 1991–2020. In this map, which uses a clearly indicated and color-coded temperature scale that the scientists themselves use, the temperature deviations we reported about over the last few months from North and South America, Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia, with hard-hit Mongolia, India, and Australia, are confirmed. This is despite the fact that critics argue it consistently shows higher temperatures due to non-representative and then tampered with measurement data. Source and map: NOAA 

TEMPERATURE PERCENTILES FOR LAND AND SEA, APRIL 2023 based on an unspecified average. Here we can see that the Benelux countries, where Belgium and the Netherlands in April were 1.4 and 1.1 °C cooler than the climate normal 1991–2020, are falsely presented as having had an April average temperature Above average” or Much above average”. Central and Eastern Europe, which were much cooler than normal in April—for example, Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Serbia were 2.1 to 2.8 °C below the climate normal in April, which is significant in a climate context—are marked as Near average” with misleading neutral white color. Source and map: NOAA

For more details see GR article entitled Climate Maps Manipulated to Mislead the Public

This is a list of heatwaves going back 500 years, demonstrating that worldwide temps vary widely and that there were much hotter” years even in the past 20 to 30 years, than 2023. See this.

Since 2020, with the onset of the infamous UN Agenda 2030, the news and fake news about the heat, the man-made CO2-provoked climate-change” reaches new heights. To press that point, forest fires are not just made by paid arsonists, but by military grade Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) and other means of Environmental Modifications (ENMOD) technologies.

It is called geoengineering – and what we are witnessing today, in the last three years and even way before, is an outright war with highly sophisticated weaponized laser-directed electromagnetic energy. The energy is so strong, it blows up entire buildings on impact, with towers of flames, but it spares trees, blows up and burns cars, but not tires – and also boats on the sea, far from burning forests.

This is how the beautiful Hawaiian island, Maui, and her major city Lahaina was destroyed. For more on this – see further down.

Directed Energy Weapons are defined as electromagnetic systems capable of converting chemical or electrical energy to radiated energy, then these energies are fired by laser beams with the speed of light on specific targets. DEWs can produce forces that range from deterrent, to damaging, to destructive.

In parallel with these horrendous heat waves come typhoons, hurricanes and tsunami-like floodings around the world, especially but not exclusively, in the northern hemisphere. Most of them are also the result of geoengineering. Scandinavia was hit by deluge-like rains, causing floods throughout Norway and Denmark.

Extreme floodings were also experienced in Japan and northeastern China. Beijing registered almost simultaneously record heat waves, closely followed by extreme typhoon-caused torrential rains and consequential flooding. Natural? You bet.

Just a thought: The self-styled masters of the universe think linear. That is what their minds have been trained for. What if these weather and climate modifications they now carry out on specific – always more diverse – targets, develop their own dynamic, since they are not linear, but, yes, dynamic – and have long-lasting effects much different from those intended by the Globalist Cult? – Just saying.

Now while everybody screams climate-change, climate-change, climate-change”, always referring to man-made CO2 emissions, on July 6, 2023, the Aviation Tracking System, Flightradar 24”, registered a record number ever of civilian airplanes in the air – some 134,384 airplanes. This does not include military airplanes and other non-civilian flights.

See this.

Have you noticed, airlines put on your ticket or your flight reservation how many kilograms of CO2 your flight produces – and so far, mostly on a voluntary basis they suggest you pay for the global warming or climate change damage” you cause. Nobody has been able to provide a clear answer what happens with this money.

Maybe the money helps compensating for the airlines’ losses during the covid hoax, or it flows into budgets of governments. The same way traffic fines do. Speeding infractions are not reduced by the fines, nor are the numbers of civilian flights reduced by the CO2-emission charge.

Have you noticed, the media must have a restraining order not to speak about military CO2 emission, let alone war-emissions. Just imagine, CO2 emissions of the Ukraine war and other armed conflicts around the globe, dwarfs all civilian car and industrial CO2 emissions worldwide. But nobody talks about it. Very strange.

Back to DEWs and other ENMOD technologies. This science has been developed since the 1940s and in the last 80 years has become highly sophisticated, resulting in a myriad of technologies, capable of causing unspeakable damage, destroying infrastructure, housing, forests – and lives of all sentient beings, including animals and humans.

These technologies are very diverse and range from DEW, to the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, a US Airforce program, as well as Scalar electromagnetic wave weaponry, similar to DEW – and more.

There is a vast literature on the subject but virtually no media coverage.

HAARP array of antennas. Gakona, Alaska

It is worth noting that the HAARP program was acknowledged by a CBC Program as early as 1996

Video HAARP CBC. Weather Control

Why Is It So Massively Used?

People are spellbound – have no idea what is going on and why. They cannot understand that such all-destructive and killing disasters are actually man-made, by technologies intent of simulating climate change”. These people, the Globalist Cabal, who have sold their soul to the devil cannot be called humans anymore.

Maybe part of the answer provides the case of Australia – which is committed to the UN Agenda 2030. It supports the implementation of radical changes in the central role of land ownership and natural resources over the next decade.

In this context, Aussi authorities are developing a series of smart city initiatives, promising locations full of sustainable” programs.

Could it be that the current forest fires across Australia – and across the world for that matter – are part of this plan? What is the hidden agenda? The link below provides more details of Australia’s bushfire ‘crisis’, including weather / climate geoengineering, the proposed CLARA high-speed rail network and the connection to the smart city agenda led by the fully compromised United Nations. See this and this: Australia under Fire – Environmental Warfare and the Climate Change Deception.

See also this by Jeff Philips and this.

A similar question, why and how is Lahaina of Maui and much of this paradisical Hawaiian island destroyed, with so far officially close to 100 deaths – and thousand missing?  The unofficial but closer-to-the-truth figure, is up to thousand and more deaths. And the devastation and the count goes on.

The rumor mill about the destruction of Maui is diverse. One of the more consistent gossips has it that the Lahaina and Maui fires are meant to depopulate Maui and pave the way for a buyout of all property owners – for a penny on the dollar – by the multi-multi billionaires. It is living in paradise when the shitstorm hits.

Here are terrifying images on how paradise” became hell and this.

Maui, a paradise island, might be bought for pennies on the dollar… privatized paradise for the powerful financial interests.  

And for more on Maui you may also want to see this (video of more than an hour).  

Apparently some 90% of the people of Maui know what is going on, that it has nothing to do with the climate change hoax, but was a direct assault on their paradise island. See this.


Were Directed Energy Weapons Used In Maui? Let’s Look At What We Can Prove…

Who are actors behind the DEW attacks? Were the US and State governments involved?

There are several, speculative answers, but they are food for reflection for those who are somewhat familiar with UN Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset — and with Klaus Schwab’s (WEF) dream of the all digitized Fourth Industrial Revolution.

The government of Hawaii states as goal of the destruction is the rebuilding to make the entire island of Maui the first Smart Island. They want the entire island governed by Artificial Intelligence (AI), as outlined in the Hawaii Digital government summit of 2023 that they have planned to host on September 25, 2023 on Maui.

Plans to Implement a Digital AI Government over Hawaii

See this and this and this, Maui Island of Hawaii, a case study.

Dr. Rosalie Bertell, author of Planet Earth: Latest Weapon of War”, says

While the earth’s human civic community has been trying to rid itself of nuclear weapons over the last 65 years, some economically developed nations have quietly moved into the realm of geo-warfare. Geo-weaponry has recently been introduced to the public as a ‘new’ high tech way to mitigate the effects of ‘global warming’, and it is being called ‘geo-engineering’…defined as planetary-scale environmental engineering of our atmosphere: that is, manipulating our weather, our oceans, and our home planet itself.”

What is planned now are climate and weather wars, wars in which earthquakes and volcanoes, floods and droughts, hurricanes and monsoon rains will play a role. See this.

Does this make living today on Mother Earth scarier? Is it fear-mongering for pushing the Agenda 2030? – or is it real?

In any case, Do Not Fear, But Stand UP – as We, the People, against this unhuman atrocity, in unison and solidarity and in a mind of PEACE – not anger, not aggression, but PEACE. This is the only way we can defeat the drive to the abyss – and start afresh. But the time is NOW.


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Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health Organization (WHO), where he worked for over 30 years around the world. He lectures at universities in the US, Europe and South America. He writes regularly for online journals and is the author of Implosion – An Economic Thriller about War, Environmental Destruction and Corporate Greed; and co-author of Cynthia McKinney’s book When China Sneezes: From the Coronavirus Lockdown to the Global Politico-Economic Crisis” (Clarity Press – November 1, 2020).

Peter is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG). He is also a non-resident Senior Fellow of the Chongyang Institute of Renmin University, Beijing.  

Featured image: US Navy personnel operate a Directed Energy Weapon aboard the USS Ponce during an operational demonstration in the Persian Gulf in 2014. Photo | DVIDS

The original source of this article is Global Research

Copyright © Peter Koenig, Global Research, 2023

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Russian economy has grown despite sanctions: Study

March 13th, 2024

By P.K.Balachandran/Daily Mirror

Russian economy has grown despite sanctions: Study

Vladimir Putin

Colombo, March 13: Of the two countries that are at each other’s throats now – Russia and Ukraine – it is Ukraine which appears to be the underdog despite massive American and Western arms aid.

While the Russian economy is growing despite severe US and European sanctions, Ukraine is facing a severe arms and manpower shortage with dim of chances of being rectified. 


Given the possibility of Donald Trump coming back to power in the US, even the current level of Western support to Ukraine may not be forthcoming. And unlike Russia, Ukraine has no indigenous capability to sustain itself, whether economically or militarily.     

On the other contrary, Russia, has been able to circumvent the sanctions and keep its economy humming, according the Vienna Institute of International Economic Studies (VIIEC). And there has also been no let-up in its military efforts.

Resilient Russian Economy 

The VIIEC study done in 2023 and published in January 2024, says that Russian industry has in fact grown due to the war. War-related production has increased Russia’s GDP. Demand for domestic manufactures has also increased due to a fall in imports because of sanctions.   

In the first eight months of 2023, real GDP and gross industrial production picked up by 2.5% and 3%, respectively. Capacity utilisation reached very high levels and unemployment plunged to an all-time low, the VIIIES study says.

And with no end in sight to the war, the current growth trajectory – based as it is largely on military fiscal stimulus – will likely continue for some time, despite the fact that the economy is suffering from increased labour shortages and is falling behind on the technological front, due to the Western sanctions,” the VIIES study says.

Despite sanctions, Russia has been able to import most of the products it desperately requires, including semiconductor chips, via third countries. A survey conducted in August 2023 by the Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy found that 77% of Russian industrial companies are planning to purchase equipment from such countries as China, India and Turkey, compared to 59% a year ago.

Other sectors of the Russian economy that recorded above-average growth included construction (plus 9.8% in the first half of 2023, in value-added terms) and hospitality and catering (plus 12.3%).

Construction benefited largely from the creation of military infrastructure in regions bordering Ukraine, as well as of transport and logistics infrastructure in the Far East. The Trans-Siberian Railway is being built in the wake of the foreign trade reorientation towards Asia.

The surge in hospitality and catering partly reflects the boom in domestic tourism, since travelling abroad has become so much more difficult for Russians.

The automobile industry – which was hit hard initially, as Western and Japanese car manufacturers left Russia en-masse, has been recovering strongly month by month, as Chinese companies have stepped in.

The level of capacity utilisation in the Russian economy has been generally rising and, according to various surveys, now stands at historically very high levels. For instance, a survey conducted by the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) has found that by Q2 2023, it had reached 80.9% – an all-time high.

On the downside, labour supply has been shrinking for several years now on account of long-term demographic decline; the ‘partial’ military mobilisation announced in September 2022 (of up to 500,000 men) and the recent emigration of many Russians fleeing mobilisation. According to recent estimates, 800,000 to 900,000 people have left Russia since the beginning of the war.

Volodymyr Zelensky

Labour and skill shortages are particularly acute in the IT sector, which has suffered from the recent exodus of many IT professionals. Workers laid off in sectors that are affected by sanctions and by the withdrawal of foreign firms often cannot be absorbed by those sectors that are booming, such as the arms industry.

Besides, because of sanctions, there is a foreign exchange shortage, which is a major drawback.

However, there is a welcome demand-side effect: with employers forced to compete for labour, real wages are being pushed up. Real earnings soared by 6.8%, becoming an important driver of private consumption.

Under these circumstances, the continuation of economic growth will crucially hinge on new (labour-saving) investments and their productivity.

Indeed, there is evidence of vibrant investment activity currently underway in Russia, the VIIS study says. Fixed capital investment was up 7.6% in the first quarter of 2023, partly on account of the above-mentioned construction boom, but also in the wake of the realignment of production and logistic value chains by private businesses in response to the recent shocks of the war and sanctions.

However, there are question marks hanging over the productivity of investments, given Russia’s reduced access to Western technology. The other fundamental drawback in the Russian economy is that it is fundamentally natural resource linked. Russia relies on extraction rather than manufacturing. Mining accounted for around 26% of gross industrial production in July 2023, and three industries – extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas, coke and refined petroleum products manufacturing and basic metals manufacturing – made up more than 40% of the total.

Ukraine’s Position  

Ukraine faces greater challenges than Russia because it relies heavily on an outside power- the US. The US has poured in US 75 billion dollars as arms aid, but this has not resulted in Russia’s defeat even after two years of fighting. There is also manpower shortage of 500,000 in the Ukraine military.   

Then there is the possibility of the US virtually walking out of the conflict if Donald Trump is voted to power in the next Presidential election. With Nikki Haley withdrawing from the race for the Republican party’s nomination for the US Presidential election, Donald Trump has emerged as the candidate of the Grand Old Party.

As Nikkei Asia points out, Halley lost 14 of the 15 contested State primaries to Trump, who gained more than 70% of the vote in nine of the States

And Trump’s chances of winning the Presidential election appear to be brighter than Joe Biden’s, given his catchy slogans like American First” and Make America Great Again.”

There needs to be a clear-cut, well-defined reason for America’s interest in foreign engagements, be it Ukraine, Gaza, North Korea or Taiwan,” Nikkei Asia quotes Marc Lotter, chief communication officer for the America First Policy Institute as saying.

If Trump wins the Presidency, the US might withdraw as much as possible from overseas conflicts which drain its resources with little or no gains to cite. He had shown this clearly when, as President, he withdrew from Afghanistan handing over that country to the Taliban.

Trump has also said many times, that America’s allies must learn to defend themselves and not expect America to do the job for them. At the very least, they should share the expenses. This was addressed to European countries which had left to the US the job of defending them against a resurgent and defiant Russia. If Trump does win the US election, Europe and Ukraine will have to face Russia with much less American help than now.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is already complaining bitterly that Europe and the US are not giving him enough military aid to blunt the Russians.  

To add to Zelensky’s woes, the US has decided not to put its boots on the ground, when Zelenskyy is desperately looking to beef up his army.  

On February 26, France’s Emmanuel Macron had suggested that Europe should send troops to Ukraine at a conference in Paris. But German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that the conference discussed the matter, but the agreement was that there will be no ground troops, no soldiers on Ukrainian soil who are sent there by European states or NATO states”.


Evidence of pre-historic civilization found in Polonnaruwa

March 13th, 2024

Courtesy The Daily Mirror

The finds included the archaeological remains of ponds and several buildings which were indicative of a sophisticated society in Polonnaruwa area

Archaeologists carrying out excavations in the historic Polonnaruwa city have found evidence of a civilization that dates back to a period before the Polonnaruwa period recorded in history.
Prof. Prishantha Gunawardene of the Archaeological Studies Division of Kelaniya University said that evidence of that pre-historic civilization came to light during the recent research project implemented by Kelaniya and Jaffna Universities with the help of La Trobe University of Australia and the Central Cultural Fund. 
He said that the researchers used radar scanners penetrating through the crust of the earth deeper into the inner strata to lay bare the archaeological evidence of the ancient civilization. 
We launched the excavation project to conduct research on the urban civilization that existed during the Polonnaruwa period. A team of archaeologists of Kelaniya University, Jaffna University, La Trobe University of Australia, the Department of Archaeology and the Central Cultural Fund carried out research in the archaeological site of King Parakramabahu’s royal palace and its surroundings. They used modern technology in research. The project is to be completed by February 26.

The main object of the excavation project is to find archaeological remains of the urban life that existed in the ancient Polonnaruwa city. The researchers use modern technology including radar scanners to examine the remains of antiquated civilization. This resulted in extensive research on more than eighty percent on Polonnaruwa inner city. It is of significance that the researchers have made a forward stride beyond the archaeological remains of King Parakramabahu’s royal palace, the conference hall, and the ponds, and discovered the archaeological evidence of a historic civilization buried about three metres deep in the ground. 
The finds included the archaeological remains of ponds and several buildings which were indicative of a sophisticated society in Polonnaruwa area that dates back to a period much farther than the Polonnaruwa period recorded in history. Archaeologists are conducting further excavations based on the finds. This would open the gate for wider knowledge of the historic Polonnaruwa city and we would take step to provide the opportunity to the tourists to watch the grandeur of the historic city in the far gone days,” Prof.  Prishantha Gunawardene further said.

Immunoglobulin scandal: Medical Supplies Division’s Deputy Director arrested at BIA

March 13th, 2024

Courtesy Adaderana

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has arrested Dr. Thusitha Sudarshana, the Deputy Director of the Health Ministry’s Medical Supplies Division on arrival in Sri Lanka at the Bandaranaike International Airport in Katunayake.

Police Media Spokesman DIG Nihala Thalduwa said the arrest was carried out in connection with the import of substandard Human Immunoglobulin vials.

Eight individuals including former Health Minister Keheliya Rambukwella, former Health Ministry Secretary Janaka Chandragupta and Additional Secretary of the Health Ministry Dr. Saman Ratnayake currently remain under remand custody in connection with the case.

Meanwhile on March 06, Dr. Ratnayake made a 4-hour-long confidential statement to the Maligakanda Magistrate regarding the procurement of substandard human intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG).

In October 2023, the National Medicines Regulatory Authority (NMRA) revealed that forged documents were found to have been submitted for Customs clearance to procure a batch of vials containing human immunoglobulin, an antibody produced by blood plasma cells, which later failed the quality tests.

The product, which was said to have been manufactured by Livealth Biopharma Pvt Ltd. India, was imported by a local medicine supplier called Isolez Biotech Pharma AG (Pvt) Ltd. However, the India-based manufacturer has denied having a hand in this fraudulent activity and communicated to the NMRA that it has neither manufactured, supplied nor exported these products to any party.

Reportedly, funds amounting to Rs. 144 million have been misappropriated through the unlawful procurement of 22,500 vials of IVIG.

Doctor shares what happens to our bodies moments before we die

March 12th, 2024

Story by Sian Elvin Courtesy msn.com

Dr Kathryn Mannix, who worked in palliative care for 30 years, broke down our final moments (Picture: Getty Images)

Dr Kathryn Mannix, who worked in palliative care for 30 years, broke down our final moments (Picture: Getty Images)© Provided by Metro

A retired doctor has revealed the process of exactly what happens to our bodies before we die.

Dr Kathryn Mannix, who worked in palliative care for 30 years, broke down our final moments on BBC Women’s Hour.

She discussed her new short animation Dying for Beginners, which aims to tackle the fear people have surrounding the end of their lives.

She said: ‘It’s not a frightening mental state to be in, it’s a state of not knowing anything.

‘The first thing that’s noticeable is just that the body starts to run out of energy, almost like when you’ve got an old mobile phone and the battery won’t stay charged.

‘And the charger is sleep. More than food, more than drink. And in fact a lot of dying people don’t feel very hungry and that’s fine.

‘They’re not dying because they’re not eating. They’re not eating because their body is dying.

‘So as time goes by people gradually need more sleep to give them intervals of enough energy to think and do what they can.

‘And gradually people become not just asleep, but unconscious. Now they don’t recognise the difference.’

She also spoke about the so-called ‘death rattle’ which can sound distressing.

She said: ‘The brain runs reflex breathing patterns that move backwards and forwards between quite deep breathing that gradually becomes more shallow.

‘And then back to the beginning again, and backwards and forwards between periods of quite slow breathing, more rapid breathing, back to slow breathing again.

‘Now if you haven’t seen that before, you might think that the person who is breathing, perhaps fast but shallow, is struggling to breathe or is panting or is uncomfortable.’

She said this was a sign of ‘deep unconsciousness’ and your life does not flash before your eyes, as often depicted in films.

She added: ‘This person is quite safe. And then at the very end of somebody’s life there will usually be one of those slow breathing phases.

‘There will be a breath out that just doesn’t have another breath in after it, which is not at all what Hollywood has lead us all to expect.’

Dr Kathryn said this facts may not make a person’s death less sad, but hopes it may make it seem less scary.

‘To take away the fear, I think is the mission I’m on,’ she added.

Dr Kathryn qualified as a cognitive behaviour therapist in 1993, and then launched the UK’s first CBT clinic exclusively for palliative care patients.

Army Commander Cannot Act Without Specific and Lawful Instructions from Commander in Chief (President) or the Defence Minister (President Again)

March 12th, 2024

Dilrook Kannangara

The book by Gotabaya has too many contradictions. I will explain one major contradiction which should not have been there given the military service of him. No army commander in the world, certainly not in Sri Lanka, can act on own instructions. Instructions must come from the president who is the commander in chief of security forces as per the Constitution. Or the defence minister must instruct him. In 2022 the president was the defence minister too. No instructions came from him to the army commander. The army commander, therefore, did the right thing and followed orders (which was no orders).

In his book, Gotabaya alleges that there was no need to give specific orders for the Army Commander to act. It is an ignorant and malicious statement. What if Sarath Fonseka acted without President Mahinda’s instructions?

He also alleges the Defence Secretary didn’t act either. The defence secretary is not part of the chain of command and he cannot give any instructions. The defence secretary only manages administrative functions of the defence ministry. Oddly enough in September 2019 when asked about possible war crimes, Gotabaya said (in English) that he was only the ministry secretary and the war was fought by service commanders. Why this contradiction now? When Gotabaya was defence secretary he could make decisions because the president (commander in chief and defence minister) was his family and always endorsed his decisions with his presidential powers.

However, this points to a dangerous possibility. Why didn’t Gotabaya (as president, as defence minister and as commander in chief) give instructions to the army commander, navy commander, air force commander or the police chief to act?

That was due to his planned comfortable retirement back in USA where he will not have to face war crimes and human rights abuse legal battles. To avoid those, Gotabaya refrained from giving orders.

However, he expected the army commander and other senior military leaders to instruct themselves. It is illegal as per Sri Lankan law and the International Humanitarian Law (war crimes law). If all went well, Gotabaya would have survived as president but the army commander will be grilled for war crimes. If things went bad, Gotabaya would put the blame on the army commander (which he did in his book) and allowed him to suffer punishment for acting without orders.

It must be noted that the then army commander was and still is sanctioned against travel to USA but Gotabaya and Basil are not. Gotabaya and Basil can travel to USA anytime they please. In 2022 Gotabaya and Basil visited Gotabaya’s grandchild in USA whereas the then army commander could not attend a family event.

The decorated war-winning General is well versed in Sri Lankan law, international humanitarian law (war crimes law) and international human rights law. In fact, from 2010 to 2014 he served as Sri Lanka’s ambassador to the UN in New York, USA defending Sri Lanka at the apex UN body at the most crucial times following war victory. He knows what is right and wrong by the law. He was felicitated by Russia too in 2022, an invitation that bypassed the president, the prime minister and the foreign minister! It speaks volumes about the respect he commands. It is a shame that the former president tried to use him as a cat’s paw for ultra vires (therefore illegal) acts.

Professionals wrote to both the army commander and Gotabaya in April 2022 cautioning both against the possibility of the army commander acting without instructions resulting in the commission of a war crime/excess.

Sadly, this was not the first time they attempted this shameless act of using a cat’s paw. In May 2009 the same was expected of Sirisena who was appointed as acting defence minister before Mahinda, Gotabaya and Fonseka left the country hurriedly. A temporary ceasefire was in force. Fortunately, Sirisena sought legal advice and he was told that though he had the powers of the defence minister delegated to him, he lacked legal immunity which is only enjoyed by the president. Therefore, he must not restart war after the planned lapse of the ceasefire and instead wait for the president, the defence secretary and the army commander to return. Despite significant pressure to finish off” the war by another well-known ruling family member who is a US citizen, Sriisena stood his ground and refused to instruct the military for the last 2 days’ of war. He left it for the president, the defence secretary and the army commander and without any guilt even hugged the president on the tarmac. Clever! Most war crimes and grave human rights abuses were alleged over the last two days of war by the West. Had Sirisena acted as told, he would have been turned into a scapegoat, put all blame on him and even grilled him for war crimes and acting above his powers while Rajapaksas would have evaded responsibility and even won sympathy from the losers of the war. A leader stands by his people; a leader never deserts his people. And a leader never uses others as a cat’s paws to get things done for him as the leader sets an example by doing it himself. Sadly, Sri Lanka only had a ghost defence minister, a ghost president and a ghost commander in chief in July 2022. That was a very rare and unfortunate combination. People sensed it and struck at the perfect time. People elected him and people expelled him. His voters turned away and let it happen as they too had enough.

පෙව්ව නේද පරගල ගුලිය..

March 12th, 2024

ප්‍ර සමරසිංහ 

සමන් ද සිල්වා ගයන “බිව්ව නේද වදකහ සුදිය”ට අනුවර්තනයක්

පෙව්ව නේද පරගල ගුලිය

අරාබි ගේ වසන්ත බලිය 

කිචී බිචී කොමල ජුලී 

කියන්ටකෝ නොකර බුලී 

පෙව්ව නේද පරගල ගුලිය..//

පුංචි යමක් මතක් කරලා ගම්මුද 

පරගල ගුලියෙ සුලමුල

ලොකුකර වහල්කම 

දාලා ඩොලර් ඇම 

පෙව්ව නේද පරගල ගුලිය

අරාබි ගේ වසන්ත බලිය..//

දාස්ලාට කාසි පනං පෑවම 

ඔක්කොම අමතක වෙනවා 

තව තව ණය දීලා 

බුරියානිම කවලා 

රට සින්නක්කරට ගන්නවා// 

පෙව්ව නේද පරගල ගුලිය

අරාබි ගේ වසන්ත බලිය.. //

කිචී බිචී කොමල ජුලී 

කියන්ටකෝ නොකර බුලී 

පෙව්ව නේද පරගල ගුලිය

අරාබි ගේ වසන්ත බලිය..//

ගෝඨා අයියගේ පොත දැකලා බැසිල් අයියා ඉන්නේ යකා නැගලා.@TruthwithChamuditha

March 12th, 2024

Truth with Chamuditha

‘ජනාධිපති ධුරයෙන් මා නෙරපු කුමන්ත‍්‍රණය’ නමින් හිටපු ජනාධිපති ගෝඨාභය රාජපක්ෂ මහතා විසින් රචනා කරන ලද කෘතිය දැක බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මහතාට යකා නැග සිටින බව රුසියාවේ හිටපු ශ්‍රී ලංකා තානාපති උදංග වීරතුංග මහතා පවසයි.

මෙම කෘතිය බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මහතාට ලබා දෙන්නට තමන් රැුගෙන ගියත් ඒ වන විටත් එහි තොරතුරු ඔහුට ලැබී තිබුණු බවත් ඔහු ඒ ගැන දැඩි කෝපයෙන් සිටි බවත් හෙතෙම කියා සිටියි.

එම කෘතිය කියවා මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ මහතාද කනට ගසාවිදැයි තමන් නොදන්නා බවද ඔහු කියා සිටී.

ඔහු මෙම අදහස් පළ කරන්නේ අන්තර්ජාල නාලිකාවක සාකච්ඡාවකට එක්වෙමිනි.

Newly appointed IGP meets Defence Secretary

March 11th, 2024

Ministry of Defence  – Media Centre

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Deshabandu Tennakoon paid a courtesy visit to the Defence Secretary General Kamal Gunaratne at the Defence Ministry in Sri Jayawardenepura, Kotte today (Mar 11).

Gen. Gunaratne warmly received the newly appointed IGP and held a cordial discussion focusing mainly on national security matters along with Law and Order. During the session, the Defence Secretary also extended his warm wishes to IGP Tennakoon on his recent appointment.

H.E. the President Hon. Ranil Wickremesinghe appointed Deshabandu Tennakoon as the 36th Inspector General of Police of Sri Lanka and he assumed duties on Feb 29 at the Police Headquarters.

The meeting concluded with the exchange of souvenirs to mark the occasion. Military Liaison Officer of the Defence Ministry Maj. Gen. Dhammika Welagedara was also present at the occasion.

නිවනේ ඇති ඵලය කුමක්ද? නිවන් දකින්නේ කුමටද? – 5 වන (අවසාන) කොටස

March 11th, 2024

තිස්ස ගුණතිලක

රහතන්වහන්සේත් පෘතග්ජනයාත් භෞතිකව ස්වභාවධර්මය තුල ක්‍රියාත්මකවන බවත් දෙදෙනාම ස්වභාවධර්මය තුලවන සංසිද්ධීන්වලට එකහා සමානව මුහුන දිය යුතු බවත් පසුගිය ලිපියෙන් පැහැදිලිකිරීමට උත්සාහ කලෙමි. දෙදෙනාගේ වෙනස චෛතසික බවද පෘතග්ජනයා අවිද්‍යාව හේතුපාදක කරගනිමින් විඤ්ඤාණමායාව නැමති රැවටීමට හසුවී නොපවතින මායාකාරි ‘මගේ ලෝකයේ’ සිරකරුවෙක්වී සිටී. මේ නිසා පෘතග්ජනයාට සැබෑ ලෝකයේ (අනාත්මීය භාහිර ලෝකයේ නැතහොත් ස්වභාවධර්මයේ) ප්‍රතිලාභ මඟහැරී ඇතිබවත් පෙන්වාදීම මෙම ලිපිපෙලේ උත්සාහයයි.

ස්වභාවධර්මය තුල පවතින අනාත්මීය ස්වභාවය අත්විදින රහතන්වහන්සේ එහි තුල පවතින්නාවූ ශුණ්‍යතාවය (දෙයක් යමක් කෙනෙක්‍ නැති, ගින්නක් නැති අනිච්ච ස්වභාවය) දැනීමෙනුත්, අවබෝධයෙනුත්, ප්‍රත්‍යක්ෂයෙනුත් (තිපරිවට්ටය) දකියි. මෙම තිපරිවට්ට ඤාණය භාහිරයේ ඇති අනාත්මීය ස්වභාවය රහතන්වහන්සේ තුල තහවුරු කරයි. අනාත්මීය ස්වභාවය ග්‍රහණය කරනා උන්වහන්සේට භාහිරයේ පවතින කිසිවක් නිසා ගින්නකට (ඇලෙන ගැටෙන ස්වභාවය) තුඩුදෙන ‘මම’ ඇතිවන ස්වභාවයක් හටනොගනියි. සිතුවිල්ල හරහා පැමිනෙන භාහිරයේ පවතින සියල්ලම (වර්ණ රූප, ශබ්ධ රූප, රස රූප, ඝාණ රූප, පොට්ඨබ්බ රූප හා මනො රූප) උන්වහන්සේ විපස්සනාව හරහා අදුක්ඛම සුඛයක් සේ (උපේක්ඛාවෙන්) ගනියි. එවිට එම සිතුවිලිවල උපාදාන වීමක් හෝ ඒවා දෙයක් යමක් කෙනෙක් වීමක් (භවය සකස්වීමක්) හෝ එම සිතුවිලි වලට විෂයවූ භාහිරය විදිනා මමෙක් (භව පච්චයා ජාති – ජාතිය පහලවීමක්) ඇතිවීමක් හෝ උන්වහන්සේට සිඳුනොවේ. මම නැතිතැන දුක දැනීමට හෝ විඳීමට හෝ කෙනෙක් නැත රහතන්වහන්සේ දුක උපරිම වන අවස්තාව වන මරණ බියද ඇතුළුව සියළු දුක් මෙසේ අතික්‍රමනය කරයි. දුක අතික්‍රමනය කරන උන්වහන්සේ තුල සම්මත මරණයට පත්වීමට ‘කෙනෙක්’ නැත. පෘතග්ජන තෙමේ සෑම මොහොතකම මරණය සමඟ මරණය පෙනිපෙනී (මරණ බිය ඇතුළු සියළු බිය/තැතිගැනීම් සමඟ) දිවිගෙවයි. මෙයටත් වඩා තවත් දුකක් කොයින්ද?

ස්වභාවධර්මයේ විවිධ අවස්ථා

ඔබ සිටිනා ඉසව්වෙන් ඔබ්බට අනන්තය තෙක් පවතින්නේ එකම අනාත්මීය ස්වභාවයයි. එය ප්‍රත්‍යක්ෂ කරගැනීමට ලෝකයේ/විශ්වයේ කෙලවර තෙක් ගමන්කිරීමට අවශ්‍ය නොවෙයි. ‘සබ්බේ සංකාරා අනිච්චාති’ යන බුද්ධ වචනයේ පරිසමාප්ත අර්ථය මෙයයි.

අනාත්මීයව පවතින ස්වභාවධර්මය මුළුමනින්ම (as a whole) තිලක්ෂණයෙන් (3) පැහැදිලිවන අතර එය නියාමන පහට (5) අනුකූලව හැසිරෙයි. ලෝකයේ කෙලවර/අවසානය දක්වා පවතින්නේ මේ 3-5 අනුව සකස්වී හැසිරෙන ලෝකයකි. මේ ස්වභාවය දැකීමට ලෝකයේ කෙලවරට භෞතිකව යා යුතු නැතිබවත් එහි කෙලවරට ගියත් එම ස්වභාවය දැකිය නොහැකි බවත් බුදූන්වහන්සේ රෝහිතස්ස සූත්‍ර දේශනාවෙන් පෙන්වා දෙයි. මුළු ලෝකයම ඹබයක්වූ මේ ශරීරය තුල පනවන බුදුන්වහන්සේ රෝහතස්සට ලෝකය දකින්න නම් තම ශරීරය තුලවූ ‘මම’ දකින්න යයි පවසයි. ධර්මාවබෝධය තුලින් (භාහිරයේ පවතින සියල්ලේම අනාත්මීය ස්වභාවය දැකීම තුලින්) තමා තුලවූ ‘මම’ දකින මොහොතේ ලෝකය කෙලවර හමුවනබව බුදුන්වහන්සේ අපට කියාදෙයි. ලෝකය යනු තමාතුල ‘මම’ ඇතිවන සංසිද්ධියයි. ලෝකය දැකීම යනු ‘මම’ ඇතිවන ආකාරය දැකීමයි. එවිට ඔබ ලෝකයේ කෙලවර දකියි, එනම් ඔබ ලෝකය කෙලවර කරයි (cessation of the cosmos).

නිවන යනු ස්වභාවධර්මගත වීමයි. ස්වභාවධර්මගතවූ රහතන්වහන්සේ ස්වභාවධර්මයේ විවිධ අවස්ථා තුනක් අත්විඳියි. යතාභුත ඤාණ දර්ශනය යනු මෙම අවස්ථා තුන දැක/දැන එම අවස්ථා තුන හා බද්ධවීමයි. නිවන් දකිනවා යනු මෙම සංසිද්ධියයි.

ස්වභාවධර්මය අපගේ පංචේන්ද්‍රියන්ට හසුවන එනම් ප්‍රසාදවන අවස්ථාවේ (state 1) මෙන්ම පංචේන්ද්‍රියන්ට හසුනොවන ප්‍රසාද නොවන අවස්ථා දෙකකද (state 2 & 3) වශයෙන් අවස්ථා තුනක පවතියි.

ධාතු ස්වභාවයේ පවතින ස්වභාවධර්මය (state 2) ධාතු ඝණීභවනයවූවිට පංචේන්ද්‍රියන්ගේ ප්‍රසාදයට ලක්වෙයි. ධාතු ස්වභාවයට යටින් පවතින්නේ අංශු ස්වභාවයේ පවතින ස්වභාවධර්මයයි (state 3). 

බුදුන්වහන්සේ ‘ලුජ්ජති පෙලුජ්ජතී ති ලෝකෝ – ලෝකසූත්‍රය’ ‘පලෝකධම්මං ලොකොති – පලෝකධම්ම සූත්‍රය’ යනුවෙන් එනම් බිඳෙන (ප්‍රසාදවන) ස්වභාවයෙන් පවතින ලෝකය ලෙස හැඳින්වූයේ මෙම පලමු අවස්ථාවේ (state 1) පවතින භාහිර ලෝකයයි. පලමු අවස්ථාවේ පවතින භාහිරය (state 1) ප්‍රසාදවී විඤ්ඤාණ මායාවට හසුවී භවය සකස්කර (අනාත්මීයව පවතින භාහිරය ආත්මීය ලෙස රැවටීමකට හසුකර) සත්වයා දුකෙහි සිරකරයි. මෙලෙස සත්වයා ‘සමුදය ප්‍රසාද ධාරාවේ’ සිරකරුවෙක් වන ආකාරය මින් ඉහත lankaweb අඩවියේ පලවූ ‘ස්කන්ධයේ උදය-වය දකින ආකාරය’ හා ‘සත්‍ය ධර්මය අවදිවිය’ ලිපි  පෙලින් පැහැදිලි කිරීමට උත්සාහ කලෙමි.

ධර්මය අවබෝධවන්නේ පලමු අවස්ථාවේ (ඝණීභවනයවූ අවස්ථාවේ) පවතින ස්වභාවධර්මය එය පවතින්නාවූ අනාත්මීය ස්වභාවයෙන්ම ග්‍රහණය කරගැනීමෙනි.

ධර්මය අවබෝධකල පසු එනම් මම නැතිකල අවස්ථාවට පත්වූපසු දෙවන හා තෙවන (ධාතු හා අංශු) අවස්ථාවන් අත්විඳිය හැක. රහතන්වහන්සේ අත්විඳිනා දෙවන ප්‍රතිලාභය මෙයයි. පලමුවැන්න නම් මම නැතිවී මරණබියද ඇතුළුව දුක නැතිවන ප්‍රතිලාභයයි.

සම්මත මරණයේදී සිඳුවන ධාතු පරිවර්තනය (ජීව ධාතු  ලෝකධාතු සමඟ බද්ධවීම) දන්නා රහතන්වහන්සේට සම්මත මරණය ක්‍රියාවලිය ධාතු පරිවර්තනයක් පමනි. ඒ නිසා බියක් හෝ තැතිගැනීමක් ඇතිවන ස්වභාවයෙන් එතුමා සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම මිදුනේ වෙයි. රහතන්වහන්සේ සම්මත මරණය අතික්‍රමනය කලා යනු මෙම සංසිද්ධියයි.

පෘතග්ජනයාට මෙම ධාතු ස්වභාවය (state 2) හසුනොවෙයි. ඒ නිසා හෙතෙමේට සම්මත මරණය හිමිවෙයි.

ස්වභාවධර්මය පවතින අංශු අවස්ථාව (state 3)

රහතුන්‍ අත්දකින ඉතාමත් වැදගත් ස්වභාවධර්ම අවස්ථාව මෙයයි. ඉතාමත් කුඩා තවදුරටත් නොබිඳියහැකි ස්වභාවධර්ම අවස්ථාව වන මෙම අංශු ස්වභාවය බුදුන්වහන්සේ ‘සංකාරා’ ලෙස හඳුන්වයි. ඉර හඳ යට පවතින සියළුම දේ ‘සංකාරා’ ලෙස හැදින්වූ තතාගථයන් වහන්සේ එම ‘සංකාරා’ම ස්වභාවධර්මයේ පවතින අංශු ස්වභාවය හැදින්වීම දක්වා දීර්ඝකල බවක් පෙනෙයි.

මෙම අංශු අවස්තාවේ පවතින ස්වභාවධර්මයේ අඩංගු අංශුතුල ගැබ්වී ඇත්ත (ගැබ්වී ඇති දෑ) ඔබ මෙතෙක් අසා නැති බුදුන්වහන්සේගේ දේශනාවකි. 

‘ලෝකය දැකීමට, ලෝකය පිළිබඳව දැනගැනීමට ලෝක නිරෝධය ප්‍රත්‍යක්ෂ කරන්න’ යනු රෝහිතස්ස සූත්‍ර දේශනාවේ මූලික හරයයි. මෙම ක්‍රියාවලිය අවසානයේ ඔබ අනාත්මීය භාහිරයේ පවතින ස්වභාවධර්මයේ යථා ස්වභාවය දකියි, ග්‍රහණය කරයි. මෙහිදී ඔබ ස්වභාවධර්මය තුල පවතින අංශු ස්වභාවය හා එහි අන්තර්ගත සංකාරා දකියි. විශ්වය පිළිබඳව මුඵ දැනුම් පද්ධතියම (total knowledge/infotmation of universe) මේ අංශු නැතහොත්සංකාරාතුල ගැබ්වී ඇති අතර එම දැනුම යාවත්කාලින වෙමින් සක්‍රීය ස්වභාවයෙන් විශ්වයේ පවතියි.

මෙය විද්‍යා ප්‍රබන්ධයක් වැනි බුද්ධ දේශනාවක් වුවත් 2010දි Vlatko Vedral නම්වූ විද්‍යාඥයා තම ‘decoding reality’ නම්වු ග්‍රන්ථයෙන් මීට සමාන අවස්ථාවක පවතින දැනුම (information) අඩංගු කුඩාම අංශුවක් පවතිනාබව සාකච්චාකරයි ( ‘information’ as the most fundamental building block of reality). අංශු නැමති කුඩාම (fundamental block) අවස්තාවේ අන්තර්ගතවන දැනුමට (information) පිවිසිය හැකිනම් අතීත සිද්ධීන් සියල්ලම ග්‍රහණය කලහැකියි. ස්වභාවධර්මය සමඟ බද්ධවී සිටිනා රහතන්වහන්සේට නිරතුරුවම මෙම අවස්ථාවට එනම් අංශු තුල අන්තර්ගත දැනුමට පිවිසිය හැකියි. උන්වහන්සේ විශ්වදැනුම තුල දිවිගෙවයි. රහතන්වහන්සේ අත්විඳිනා තෙවන හා  ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨතම ප්‍රතිලාභය මෙයයි. මුළු විශ්ව දැනුමම එතුමානන්ගේ දෙපාමුලය. ලෝකය/විශ්වය පිලිබඳ දැනුමත් එහි අඩංගු අනාත්මීය ස්වභාවය ගැන දැනුමත් (අනිච්ච දුක්ඛ අනත්ත) අතීත සිඳුවීම් ගැන දැනුමත් ආදීවූ මෙකී නොකි සියළු දැනුමෙන් රහතන්වහන්සේ සන්නද්ධය, පරිනතය.

රහත් ස්වභාවයම නොවුනත් අසාමාන්‍ය සංවේදක ශක්තියක් ඇති (abnormal sensory power/system) ඇති දරුවන් අපට හමුවෙයි. ස්වභාවධර්මයේ පවතින අංශුතුල ගැබ්වී ඇති දැනුම (information) තාවකාලිකව ග්‍රහණයකර පෙර සිඳුවීම් දැකියහැකි අය අපට හමුවන්නේ මෙලෙසිනි. ලදරුවන් සද්ධර්මය තුල නැති පෙර ආත්මයක කතන්දර දකින්නේ යයි, කියන්නේ යයි අප පටලවාගන්නේ මෙම සංසිද්ධියයි**

** Lanlaweb අඩවියේ 2023 ජූනි මස 9 වනදා පලවූ ‘An explaination to the reading of an incident related to an alleged previous birth (පෙර මතකය කියවීම)’ ලිපිය කියවන්න.

පහත සදහන් link තුලින් එම ලිපියට පිවිසිය හැකියි.

එසේ නම් දැන් ඔබට නිවනේ හා නිවන් දැකීමේ ප්‍රතිලාභ තරමක් හෝ දුරට අවබෝධවී ඇතුවාට සැකයක් නැත. තවදුරටත් ‘ජීවිතයේ ඉතුරු ටිකත් ඔහොමම යමු’ කීමට දැන් ඔබට හේතු නැත. නිවන යනු එතරම්ම වටිනා, විපස්සනාව හා අතහැරීමේ එකතුව/ද්වන්ධය (combination) තුල මතුවන පාරමිතා (pre-conditions) සම්පූර්ණ කරනවිට බොජ්ජංග පාලමක්වී ආයාසයකින් තොරව (auto) මිනිසෙකුට ලැබිය හැකි ශ්‍රේෂ්ඨතම තත්වයයි. බුද්ධදේශනාවට අනුව ඔබත් නිවන් දැකීමට යුහුසුළු වන්න, අප්‍රමාදි වන්න.

නිවන් දකින ප්‍රතිපදාව දැනගැනීමට 2023 ඔක්තෝබර් මස 03 වනදා සිට lankaweb අඩවියේ පලවූ ‘සත්‍ය ධර්මය විවරවිය’ ලිපිපෙල කියවන්න. එයට පහත සඳහන් link හරහා පිවිසිය හැකිය.

(ඉහත ලිපි පෙලේ අවසාල ලිපිය තවමත් ලියා පළකර නැත – the series to be concluded soon).

මෙතෙක් සද්ධර්මය පිළිබඳව නිවැරදි අර්ථකතනයක් හමුවී නැත. නිවැරදි සද්ධර්මය හමුවෙයි නම් නිවන්ලාභින්ද අපට හමුවිය යුතුය. මෙම කරුනු දෙක එකිනෙකින් අනුපූරක (complemetary) කරුනු දෙකකි. එසේ නම් සද්ධර්මය පිළිබදව හමුවන කරුනු හා දේශනා නැවත පරීක්ෂණයට භාජනය කර නැවුම් කෝණයකින් බැලීමට කාලයයි.

දැනුම විශිෂ්ඨය. රහතන්වහන්සේ අත්විඳින විශ්ව දැනුම ඊටත් වඩා අතිවිශිෂ්ඨය. ස්වභාවධර්මය තුලවන අනාත්මී ස්වහාවය ප්‍රත්‍යක්ෂ කිරීමට මෙම ලිපිපෙලින් සාකච්චාකල දැනුම (information) අවශ්‍ය වෙයි. ‘රහත්වීම සඳහා දැනුම හල යුතු බවට – undo knowledge’ කරන දේශනා හරයකින් තොර පුහු දේශනාවන්ය. එවැනි දේශකයින් තම බුද්ධිමට්ටම්‍ නැවත පරික්ෂාවට භාජනය කරන්නේ නම් එය මුඵ ලෝකයටම කරන්නාවු යහපතකි. 

ඔබට තෙරුවන් සරණයි

තිස්ස ගුණතිලක

eMail:  tgunite@tpg.com.au

2024 මාර්තු මස 12 වනදා

The Election-Economy Nexus and the Politics of JVP Apology

March 11th, 2024

by Rajan Philips Courtesy The Island

Anura Kumara Dissanayake

The economy is the base; everything else is superstructure. That is the old Marxian concept, simply put. The base ultimately determines what goes on in the superstructure, which includes among other things the state and its institutions, as well as their processes and functions. Included are the legislature, the executive and the judiciary, and their elections and appointments. Over time, there have been modifications to the old concept.

Borrowing from Freud’s psychoanalysis, Louis Althusser, the French Marxist, used the concept of over-determination to suggest that there are multiple causes producing an effect, i.e., political outcomes are ‘over determined’ by many causes besides the economy, although the economy could be singularly significant. Neo-Marxists have provided another angle in that just as the base could determine the goings on in the superstructure, what goes on in the superstructure also have implications for the base.

I believe it was in his political obituary of JR Jayewardene (in the Lanka Guardian) that Dayan Jayatilleke quite remarkably described the outcome of JRJ’s open economy project was to drag the Sri Lankan economic base into alignment with the superstructure that had already drifted into alignment with global changes. This is not to absolve the architects of the open economy of their untoward intentions, unintended results and ill-gotten gains, but to use that experience as a backdrop as we come to view the emerging dialectic between the economy of Sri Lanka and the politics of the JVP/NPP. And in this election year, all politics is electoral. Hence the election-economy nexus.

Yet the JVP’s project is quite different from that of JRJ. The task is now to salvage the economy and not to embark on any realignment. For the electorate it would be a question of JVP’s competence as much it would be of its attractiveness as a new alternative. So, it is fair, reasonable and necessary to question the JVP/NPP on its approach to and experience in matters economic.

But it is a worthless red herring to demand the present leader of the JVP/NPP to apologize for the doings and misdoings of the pre-NPP JVP under the leadership of his predecessors. Put another way, if the JVP/NPP were to win the next pair of national elections, it should be because it is able to persuade a majority of voters on what it can do in the future as government, especially for providing economic stewardship; and not because it says sorry for what the JVP did in its insurrectionary past under a different leadership.

Schoolmasterly Politics

It is also school masterly politics to ask Anura Kumara Dissanayake to say sorry for the ways of his predecessors before he can be admitted in class. Not to mention the preferential school masterly treatment in allowing convicted murders to sit in parliament because they belong to the right parties and perhaps the same ‘class.’ It is not my purpose to prescribe what Mr. Dissanayake should or should not do or to predict what he may or may not do, but to critique, if not poke fun at, the moral hypocrisy and the political idiocy of the current crop of apology seekers.

Globally, there is a body of literature on political apologies following the so called age of apologies” – the two decades of 1990s and 2000s, when 186 political apologies were rendered in comparison to 16 apologies over the previous four decades from 1947 to 1989. Decolonization obviously provided the primary site for rendering political apologies. Other instances include oppressive states and regimes using apologies as a framework for reconciliation and restorative justice between state oppressors and the oppressed populations. The most celebrated example of the latter is the truth and reconciliation experience of post-apartheid South Africa.

The offering of apologies is still continuing and in significant numbers, but a number of apology academics are becoming weary of dispensing apology by state actors who cynically use apologies to rhetorically accept responsibility without institutional commitment to change. The ethos of apology is now credited for the American response to the 9/11 Al Qaeda attacks that targeted the perpetrators of the attack while rejecting Islamophobia and without infringing the rights and freedoms of Muslim and Arab American citizens. Bundling Al Qaeda and Islam is the handiwork of Donald Trump, but that is an altogether different phenomenon.

Germany has perpetually placed itself in apology mode for the horrors of the holocaust. But where continuing restitution for even such an epochal tragedy as the holocaust can easily morph into a new and subjectively no less horrific tragedy is what the world is now watching in Gaza. The political fallouts from the Gaza tragedy are manifesting themselves in every Western country. To wit, the historic trouncing of all the major political parties in the recent Rochdale bye-election in Britain. Not to mention the domestic pressure on the Biden Administration in the US and its desperate efforts to effect an immediate ceasefire in Gaza while insisting on the two-state solution for the long term. Be that as it may.

Sri Lanka is not an automatic site for political apologies. Some Western academics have noted that Sri Lanka is not the typical authoritarian state that is transitioning to democracy, with political apologies becoming part of the transitionary phase. Sri Lanka, if at all, has been moving in the opposite direction. A reasonably functioning democratic state that has been more than occasionally careening into authoritarian spells. One significant shortcoming that academics have noted is the absence of judicial review of legislation that have prolonged the life of draconian laws without checks and challenges. There is homework to be done in putting these checks and balances in place through constitutional reform. But nothing is going to come out of asking for and accepting apologies.

Historically, the oppressive instruments of the state have been used against working class organizations and minority groups. No apology was given, and nothing was asked for. The 1971 JVP insurrection was the first instance when the state was systematically challenged and forced into an authoritarian mode. The insurrection was defeated, and its leaders were tried under new laws, convicted and jailed. No one asked for apologies. There were of course significant political fallout. The whole program of the United Front government was irreparably set back. The brutal put down of the insurrection by the UF government became an electoral weapon for the opposition UNP in the 1977 elections. The UNP’s payback was the freeing of imprisoned JVP leaders, not all of whom were ready to grow out of their insurrectionist proclivities.

1983 came and went without any apology, and in an aside President Jayewardene declared the JVP Naxalites, and ordered their arrests. The JVP went underground to launch its second coming, and it came with worse brutalities and matching putdowns. The JVP was again defeated to a point that its third coming could only be non-violent and even democratic. Should President Jayewardene be asked for a posthumous apology – for triggering the cycle of JVP violence – now that there is a kinsman of his in office as President?

At the other side of the ethno-spectrum, the Tamil militants engaged the state in bouts of war that went on for over 25 years. Even the Indian army got in the act, and the whole island became a killing field. People perished in their random tens of thousands. There have also been hundreds of targeted killings, including a dozen or so emblematic ones using state resources for political reasons as well as for personal reasons. None of them have been solved and the perpetrators are perpetually at large. In the scheme of things, who is one to ask for apologies and who is to give?

What might be more concerning is the reported mobilization of ‘retired tri-forces’ by the JVP/NPP apparently as an electoral phalanx. The SJB is reportedly going after officer-level retirees, while Ranil Wickremesinghe has staked his ground from top, as usual, by taking care of the current tri-forces with state bounties. The tri-forces, whether on the job or in retirement, have become an important part of the Sinhalese social formation, as well as a numerically critical voting bloc.

The socialization of the tri-forces has served the positive purpose of keeping them away from temptations to overthrow democratically elected governments. But the ever lurking danger is in the ethno-politicization of the tri-forces that pits them against non-Sinhala members of the Sri Lankan society. The Rajapaksas were often accused of ethno-politicization of not just the tri-forces, but of all forces. Even that did not help them in the end, a lesson that the JVP/NPP can ignore only at their ultimate peril.

The Election-Economy Nexus

Turning to the elections and the economy, Sri Lanka is among quite a few countries that are facing rather consequential elections this year. But there is no consistent picture of the election-economy nexus that one might see in the countries with upcoming elections. Understandably so, because beneath the over arch of the global economy, the world’s societies are seething with their socio political specificities. The two big ones are India and the US. The Indian economy is strong. It is the economic engine that is propelling South Asia to be the leading growth region in a somewhat sluggish world economy. The world economy is neither sick nor strong” is the assessment of a political economist, John Rapley. He even compares it to long Covid – the lasting aftereffects of Covid-19 that selectively impairs some but not others.

India struggled during the pandemic, but now it is surging. India’s growth has been upwards of 7% and 8% in recent quarters and is projected keep going for now. In comparison to others, India’s manufacturing sector is sustainably strong. Modi inspired government spending on infrastructure and incentives to boost the production of electrical and electronic goods have been positively catalytic. He is poised to win a ‘threepeat’ election victory, which he could have done on the strength of performance of the economic base alone without monkeying with India’s secular superstructure.

China, on the other hand, is literally on a downward trajectory. The country does not suffer elections, but it is currently suffering the drastic reversal of its once runaway economic growth. So much bad news, that the government canceled Premier Li Qiang’s news conference that traditionally accompanies the annual sessions of the National People’s Congress.

At the other end, the US economy is going strong; in fact, the only western economy that is positively growing in every sector. Britain and Japan are officially in recession, and Germany is reportedly at economic ‘standstill.’ President Biden delivered his election year State of the Union address on Thursday. He ripped into Trump; chided the Justices of the Supreme Court who were in attendance for rescinding women’s right to abortion; called upon women to show their power with their vote; and joked that he may not look old, but he has been around for a long time.

It was quite a performance at the pulpit for an 81 year old, with hardly any stumble. It certainly would enthuse his base, but whether it would be enough to stop Trump in his tracks is a different question. The November election will be a repeat of the last one between Biden and Trump with their positions reversed. But Biden is not ahead of Trump in opinion polls, as he should be on account of the economy alone. That base is not helping Biden, at least not yet.

On the other hand, Trump who should be reviled and rejected for orchestrating an insurrection against the Congress on January 6, 2021, among other crimes, has taken over the Republican Party, the party of Abraham Lincoln. No one has asked him to apologize. The state of American superstructure is quite shaky in spite of its strong economic base.

There is not much to say that is not already known about either Sri Lanka’s economy or its politics. The assurances of the two elections happening, starting this year, have given room for some optimism and hope. The arrival of Anura Kumara Dissanayake as a presidential contender has spurred the public mood. But it is still a long way to go. And there will be many questions asked of Mr. Dissanayake, and rightly so. Let them be questions on the economy, on ending crime and corruption, and on constitutional reform. Not about apologies.

What’s in a Suit? That which is substantive can be delivered in a Bush Shirt!

March 11th, 2024

by Rajan Philips  Courtesy The Island

Anura Kumara Dissanayake meeting Indian Minister of External Affairs Dr. S. Jaishankar in New Delhi. (File Photo)

Never mind what Anura Kumara Dissanayake wore in Delhi. Never mind what Ranil Wickremesinghe wears daily. What the people want is not the word salads of sartorial politics by Sunday pundits, but the proffering of substantive politics by contenders for political office. As the pre-election dust takes its own time to settle, two figures are emerging as the primary contenders.

On the right, where he has always been, is Ranil Wickremesinghe. On the left, where he seems inspired to be, is Anura Kumara Dissanayake. If there was any chance of someone racing up the middle, that chance and the politics of that candidate are fast withering. The political house of Sajith Premadasa is a house divided according to insiders and outsiders. Mr. Premadasa will have to put his own house in order before he can be a serious contender for public office.

The impending contest between Ranil Wickremesinghe and Anura Kumara Dissanayake will be a very different one when compared to past presidential elections. First to be noted is the organizational disarray of the mainstream political parties and their electorally opportunistic alliances. The disarray is obvious and needs no elaboration.

It also explains why President Wickremesinghe, the nearly 50-year veteran of a 77 year old party, is still looking for a political launcher for his presidential candidacy. Officially, he will be a UNP candidate with the elephant symbol, but he is looking to be acclaimed as the candidate of a grand alliance. Media columnists are writing about such an alliance, but there are no signs yet of any alliance, let alone a grand one.

The support for President Wickremesinghe is mainly based on his successful stabilization of the economy from where his predecessor left and ran away. Those who are genuinely and perhaps exclusively concerned about the economy do think that Ranil Wickremesinghe should be elected as President to continue managing the economy. But this premise has at least two limitations.

A tentative candidate

One, while it is fair to give Mr. Wickremesinghe credit for what he has done, it would be a stretch to claim that what he has done is something miraculous and that he should contest and be elected President for a new term to continue performing economic miracles. The economy cannot be restored by magic or miracles, and no one should lose sight of the fact that the current stability is primarily due to the moratorium on debt payment. What happens when debt repayment is restarted?

The second limitation to the Wickremesinghe candidacy is that the support for Mr. Wickremesinghe is neither broad nor deep. Otherwise, he should be the one who is topping opinion polls and creating the buzz that Ranil is the man to beat. Mr. Wickremesinghe himself is quite coy about his candidacy. Either he is keeping everyone guessing, or he is guessing himself.

It may be that the President is looking for a broad appeal imploring him to contest the presidential election to keep saving the economy. Similar to the circumstance in which he acceded to the desperate request of Gotabaya Rajapaksa for a helping hand. But there is nothing like that happening now. No appeal by any credible alliance for Ranil to be a candidate. The whole tentativeness of the situation is a symptom of the disarray of the political establishment.

That brings me to the second unique aspect of the upcoming presidential election. That is the emergence of the JVP/NPP as real contender for winning power democratically, and whose unity of purpose and organizational discipline stand in stirring contrast to the opportunism and disarray of the mainstream parties. The JVP’s emergence as a viable contender is as much due to its own maturity as it is due to resonating objective conditions.

The aragalaya that drove Gota away may have turned the tide for the JVP. But it goes beyond that, and it shows the people’s real hunger for an alternative political leadership. And it shows that the people are not warming up to Ranil Wickremesinghe in spite of all the learned views about his capabilities as an economic manager.

AKD’s leadership

The consolidation of the JVP and the emergence of the NPP as its electoral front also owe a great deal to the seemingly collegial leadership of Anura Kumara Dissanayake. He is unique in Sri Lankan politics as the one political leader who has filtered up through the social layers among the Sinhalese without being part of a mainstream political party – the UNP, the SLFP, and later the SLPP. The devolution of political leadership in Sri Lanka – i.e., the transitioning of political leadership from the decadent upper strata of society to the emerging generations – could be a study in itself.

The fact of the matter is that such a transitioning has not been as common in Sri Lanka as it has been in India. There is a long trace of leadership transitioning in India – from the rise of K. Kamaraj as Chief Minister of Madras State (now Tamil Nadu) in 1954, to the ascent of Narendra Modi first as Chief Minister of Gujarat and now the soon to be ‘threepeat’ Prime Minister of India. There is nothing common about their politics, but they represent the shifting of leadership from the upper echelons to the lower strata of India’s hugely stratified society. The example of President Premadasa could be cited as an exception, but it was an exception that could not become a trend.

The JVP and the LTTE interventions could be seen as violent and misplaced efforts to force a transitioning of leadership. Both efforts ended in failure, but the reality now is that even the traditional leadership formations have now imploded. There was a much touted recent transitioning in Tamil political leadership, but that seems to have got mired in legal battles in district courts.

The saving grace here is in the recourse to court battles instead of gun battles. There have been shifts in leadership among the Muslims and estate Tamils, but even the new organizations representing the two communities have become mere appendages to mainstream alliances. They too are suffering from the organizational disarray of their mainstream principals.

In this scheme of unfolding disarray, it is fair to acknowledge the leadership and organizational achievements of Anura Kumara Dissanayake, the JVP and the NPP. This is not to say that they are going to win the upcoming elections and that they are going to provide a pathbreaking new government for Sri Lanka. Those proofs will come in whatever puddings they make.

For now, as a point of political observation, what AKD has done so far needs to be acknowledged. India seems to have done that, and it is irrelevant to the current argument why India may have chosen to do that. More to the point, there has been no Indian invitation yet, not even a hint of it, to the newly elected leader of the ITAK.

The gripe over AKD’s Indian visit is really a symptom of the uneasiness in political circles that are unable to come to grips with the disarray among the mainstream political parties and their alliances. Not to mention that for a host of good and bad reasons, the arrival of the JVP/NPP as a palpable parliamentary force is not palatable to many in the commentating business. It is again a symptom of the mainstream disarray that criticisms of JVP/NPP are emanating almost exclusively outside of parliament and from outside formal political organizations. Conversely, it is this vacuum that the JVP/NPP is filling up much to the irritation of its socio-genital opponents.

Their politics and ours

The task for Anura Kumara Dissanayake and the JVP/NPP is to respond to the sartorial politics of their critics with substantive politics of their own. Their Politics and Ours,” the title of an old pamphlet that Dr. Colvin R de Silva wrote in the early 1950s, takes a different meaning in the new context in which the JVP/NPP is emerging as a real parliamentary contender.

Dr Colvin was intervening in the perennial debates within the left movement in the heady days of the Old Left. That was then. Now, Anura Kumara Dissanayake does not have to get into polemic battles with anyone on the Left. He is in fact the only one on the Left, electorally speaking. He has to differentiate his politics from that of his media critics.

There is another difference between the heady days of the Old Left and Sri Lanka’s desperate times after the Rajapaksa yugaya. The challenge today is not to advance the cause of socialism but to salvage the economy from the pits that it has fallen into. Sri Lanka’s economic irony cannot be any stalker, in that Sri Lanka and Pakistan are two economic laggards in South Asia that is now seen as the principal growth region for an unevenly sputtering world economy.

India is virtually the sole economic engine of the South Asian region, and the challenge facing Sri Lanka is to get in stride with ongoing regional growth instead of lagging behind it.

The challenge facing JVP/NPP is to generate confidence about its abilities for managing the economy the same way it is demonstrating its abilities for political mobilization. As a political organization it does not have to rely on its leaders to read economic textbooks the way Che Guvera read them after the Cuban revolution.

There are enough economists and economic thinktanks in Sri Lanka and the JVP/NPP should not feel shy about tapping them for ideas and as resources. There should be reaching out to professional resources in a very public way to enhance public confidence at the national level, the same way retired military and police officers are reportedly being enlisted at the electoral district levels.

Besides the economy, the JVP/NPP leadership will have to deal with the question of constitutional reform and clarify its position on what could still be called the island’s national question. On the question of abolishing the executive presidency, Mr. Dissanayake has provided a convincing response: there is no time to do it before the presidential election.

President Wickremesinghe has said the same thing, but the difference between the two is that while Mr. Dissanayake is committed to abolishing the presidency, Mr. Wickremesinghe is not. That is a big difference, and one on which Mr. Dissanayake could and should publicly challenge the interim President.

SL economy, IMF claims, and reality

March 11th, 2024

N. A. de S. Amaratunga Courtesy The Island

Peter Breuer, Chief of IMF Mission to Sri Lanka has claimed that the Sri Lankan economy is showing signs of progress. The monetary and fiscal measures like tax increases and particularly the debt moratorium may have resulted in giving some breathing space for the country to recover from the period of extreme hardship caused by non-availability of foreign exchange to import essential requirements. Now, there are no fuel and gas queues and shortages are not severe. Economic parameters like GNP, inflation, are improving, tourism, are positive, and foreign remittance is flowing in. All these signs are favourable and could make the economist say the economy is doing well.

However, even in the field of economics as it applies to our country there are looming crises. The foreign debt has to be paid in the future and that will be a severe strain on the country’s foreign reserves. Import/export imbalance has been widening mainly due to the lower demand for our products and also the slow growth of production. Our overall export earnings have been declining in the post-Covid period. The Export Development Board has said that cumulative merchandise exports in 2023 decreased by 9.54 percent compared to 2022 (EDB report 31.1.2024). Unless the situation improves quickly foreign reserves which are satisfactory at present may decrease forcing the country to take more loans.

The following facts would substantiate this reality. Sri Lanka’s earnings from exports was only 23% of the GDP in 2014 and it has been around that figure since 1977. We have not been able to improve this situation. There is no way we could change this equation to any significant degree because to increase exports we have to increase imports too. To overcome these problems, we must attract investors (most of whom are Robber Barons) and prepare an investor friendly environment (often by denying the rights of workers and at the risk of environmental degradation) and be able to compete to capture our share of the market (which is often manipulated). This is well-nigh impossible for Sri Lanka as well as other developing countries.

We are not alone in this predicament. This system often leaves us short of dollars for our essentials, and we are forced to borrow from international lenders. Then, we turn to the IMF, which has been created for the purpose of keeping countries like ours afloat. This remedy is often worse than the malady and consequently the poor suffer more than others. The fact that we will never be able to come out of this mess becomes clear when we consider the following.

The new wealth produced by the world since 2020 has been USD 42 trillion. Two thirds of it have gone into the pockets of 1% of the world population. The whole of the rest of the world population, i. e., 99%, will have to do with one third of this wealth, which was largely produced by them. Further, during the last few decades, the debt burden of poor countries has increased by 12 %. Inequality between the rich and the poor has increased by 8%. These facts and figures show that the poor countries could never come out of poverty by following the economic policies they have followed in the past. They must, jointly if possible, work out new policies and mechanisms to come out of their poverty.

Contrary to the IMF claims, we are already witnessing the ill-effects of their policies on the lower middle class and the poor. Child malnutrition, stunting, and school dropouts are rising by the day. Although the IMF says these issues must be addressed by welfare measures, these don’t seem to be sufficient to mitigate the problem. Far-reaching effects of child malnutrition and inadequate education are well known and our country has been experiencing these ills continuously in the past. Health and education are imperative for economic development. As per the Family Health Bureau’s Nutrition Month 2023 Summary Report, the percentage of children under five years, who are underweight, was reported to be 17.1%, compared to 15.3% in 2022 (16.9.2023).

The ultimate future economic loss due to child malnutrition, which has health and mental development implications, is apparently not in the IMF equation. A World Bank report warns that malnutrition is costing poor countries up to 3 percent of their yearly GDP, while malnourished children are at risk of losing more than 10 percent of their lifetime earnings potential (20.3.2006). According to the report—malnutrition has long been known to undermine economic growth and perpetuate poverty, and yet, over previous decades, the international community and most governments in developing countries have failed to tackle malnutrition, even though well-tested approaches for doing so exist. The report says developing countries that invest in better nutrition for their children get high returns on their spending. A group of the world’s leading development economists, including three Nobel Laureates, concluded in a 2004 study known as the Copenhagen Consensus, that nutrition investments were one of the ‘best buys’ that developing countries could make in reducing poverty and improving economic growth.

There may be some chance of getting out of this vicious cycle by a process of import substitution. It may be easier to save foreign exchange by cutting down on the imports, which could be produced locally. We have been importing a significant quantity of commodities that could be produced locally. If Sri Lanka could produce the essential food items, the import expenditure could be reduced by about 50%. If import of non-essential goods is stopped another 25% could be saved. Then, our export earnings will be adequate for the essential needs of fuel, etc. Moreover, if the goal of 70% of renewable energy could be reached, which should not be difficult for a country blessed with ample sunlight, we could save enough of the export earnings for development work. All developing countries must strive for self-sufficiency and move away from export oriented, debt dependent economies. Indonesia has achieved economic development by increasing its agricultural output, which has risen to 15% of the GDP whereas in Sri Lanka it has remained at 8% for the past several decades.

Joseph Stiglitz, Professor of Economics at Columbia University and former senior vice president of The World Bank and Nobel Memorial Prize winner, wrote in April 2000 in an article for the New Republic They will say the IMF’s economic ‘remedies’ often make things worse – turning slow-downs into recessions and recessions into depressions.  And they will have a point.  I was chief economist at the World Bank from 1966 until last November, during the gravest global economic crisis in a half century.  I saw how the IMF, in tandem with the US Treasury Department, responded.  And I was appalled”.  He was made to resign from his post in the World Bank. John Maynard Keynes in his book, ‘National Self Sufficiency’ (1933), says: Ideas, knowledge, science, hospitality, travel, – these are the things which should of their nature be international.  But let goods be homespun whenever it is reasonably and conveniently possible and above all let finance be primarily national. Experience accumulates to prove that most modern processes of mass production can be performed in most countries and climates with almost equal efficiency.”

N. A. de S. Amaratunga

Devananda calls for end to illegal fishing by Indians in Lankan waters

March 11th, 2024

Courtesy The Island

Douglas Devananda

Sixty-nine Sri Lankan fishing boats are in Indian custody, Minister of Fisheries Douglas Devananda has said during a recent televised interview.Hundreds of Indian boats arrive in Sri Lankan waters and use destructive bottom trawling techniques in the territorial waters of Sri Lanka, the Minister said.

They have destroyed all marine resources in the Indian territorial waters using these disastrous techniques and they are doing the same in our waters. This has been happening for a long time and things have gradually become worse. That is why our fishermen are protesting.”

Devananda said that during the war, Sri Lankan fishermen had not been able to fish in certain parts of the country’s territorial waters. During our absence, Indian fishermen started poaching in our waters, he said.

Now, our fishermen are back but the Indians are not stopping. They are extracting our resources. The war ended 15 years ago, and we have still not been able to solve this. This is partially our fault. We have not taken up this issue forcefully. We must tackle this issue legally and diplomatically,” he said. Sri Lanka has banned bottom trawling in 2017/18 and the Fisheries (Regulation of Foreign Fishing Boats) Act of 2018, Sri Lanka has a number of tools it can use to tackle poaching by Indian fishermen.

We now arrest and jail owners and skippers of Indian boats. There are five Indian skippers in Sri Lankan jails now. The Tamil Nadu Minister of Fisheries spoke to me on the phone recently and asked me to come there for discussions to solve the fishermen’s issues. I said I will come if you stop your fishermen coming this way. He agreed.

I also spoke to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister, Stalin and he also agreed to stop Indian fishermen coming this way. This is election time in Tamil Nadu. Once the elections are over, we can start negotiations,” he said. Devananda said he spoke to President Ranil Wickremesinghe almost on a daily basis and urged the latter to deploy the Navy to chase away Indian fishermen. The President had also given instructions to the Navy, but the scale of our response is inadequate, he said.

Tamil MPs visited India often and they met the Indian High Commissioner and his deputies here, Devananda said, adding that they hardly talked about the issues faced by Sri Lankan fishermen with Indian officials, he said.”Earlier, Tamil Nadu asked me to allow Indian fishermen to use Sri Lankan waters for two years. I said that could not be done.

The Indians arrive in hundreds of boats and they can cause irreparable damage in a single day. The 1974 and 1976 agreements, taken together with the Exchange of Letters, were signed between Kewal Singh, the then Foreign Secretary to the Government of India, and W.T. Jayasinghe, then Secretary to the Ministry of Defence and Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka, has put the question of fishing rights beyond doubt.

Paragraph 1 of the Exchange of Letters very clearly rules out any fishing rights for the fishermen of the two States in the waters of the other State which reads as follows; fishing vessels and fishermen of India shall not engage in fishing in the historic waters, the territorial sea and the EEZ of Sri Lanka, nor shall the fishing vessels and fishermen of Sri Lanka engage in fishing in the historic waters, the territorial sea and the EEZ of India, without the express permission of Sri Lanka or India, as the case may be.”

While Indians lost access to Sri Lankan waters, local fishermen lost access to Pedro Bank, and Wadge Bank, the continental shelves off Cape Comorin at the southern tip of India, which had been profitable commercial fishing grounds since the 1920s for both Indian and Sri Lankan boats.

Govt agreed to release IMF technical assistance reports to opposition – Sumanthiran

March 11th, 2024

Courtesy Adaderana

Tamil National Alliance (TNA) parliamentarian M.A. Sumanthiran says the opposition can only decide on whether to support the International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme after analyzing the IMF’s technical assistance reports which he says the government has now agreed to provide. 

He made these remarks while speaking to reports following a meeting held at the Presidential Secretariat in Colombo today (11) with the President and government officials for talks on the IMF programme. 

He also said that presently they are unable to support the IMF programme owing to the lack of transparency and also because most of the economic reform measures are impacting the country’s poor and vulnerable. 

The TNA spokesman said the President had invited the opposition party leaders for a discussion on the IMF programme and that however, he was the only member of the opposition present today. 

President Ranil Wickremesinghe, Prime Minister Dinesh Gunawardena, Leader of the House Susil Premajayantha, State Ministers of Finance Ranjith Siyanbalapitiya and Shehan Semasinghe, Governor of the Central Bank Dr. Nandalal Weerasinghe, Secretary to the Treasury Mahinda Siriwardana had participated in the discussion. 

Apparently, there will be another meeting directly with the IMF representatives, but today was only the initial discussion with the government,” he said.

Sumanthiran said he raised a number of concerns with regard to the IMF programme that is being implemented. 

Primarily the concern that I raised was that there is a lack of transparency with regard to these recommendations that the IMF has made. The lack of transparency arises in this way that there are no published technical assistance reports of the IMF. Those are the analytical basis as to why they make some of those recommendations.” 

With regard to revenue increase, the parliamentarian said he raised as an example the question as to why the Withholding Tax rate was not increased to immediately raise revenue. 

But based on the fact that there is the revenue authorities are not collecting targeted taxes, the VAT rate was increased to 18% which affects all the people particularly the poor in the country and there was no adequate response to that as to why that was done,” he charged. 

Similarly a number of other issues particularly prior action that was identified, the MP said, adding that he highlighted 15 of those that have not been done at all to date and which ought to have been completed by February 2024. He said the government’s response was that in discussion with the IMF, they have received extensions of time. 

But most importantly the issues are with regard to these technical assistance reports that are given by the IMF to the government, he reiterated. 

The IMF’s policy is that they can publish it only with the consent of the government and I asked the government whether they can give consent to the IMF to publish it. The President and the other ministers agreed that those reports can be given to us.” 

Sumanthiran said that since he was the only member present today, the government agreed to give it to him and also to any opposition party leader who requests for it. 

It is only after receiving those technical assistance reports which hopefully will contain some analysis as to why IMF has made certain recommendations that we can then decide whether this programme can be supported or not.” 

As it is we are unable to support the IMF programme primarily for lack of transparency and also for the reason that most of these measures are impacting on the poor and vulnerable and are letting the rich and the powerful get away scot-free,” he added.    

Mr Athula Withanage

March 10th, 2024

Dr Tilak S Fernando

My friend, Mr Athula Withanage, who graduated in Russia, suddenly passed away in London seven days ago. This brought tears to everyone’s eyes as he was a role model in lecturing as a medical teacher to other pupils because, in his lectures, he used many similes so that anyone could remember them.

Once, he was Clinical Director and lead Clinician in General Surgery at Withybush Hospital Haverfordwest, Wales. He remembered ‘putting back a seventeen-year-old boy, who was brought to the hospital with his arm in a bucket full of ice.’

The Surgeon can be described as a man with compounded ambitions and achievements from medicine, Surgery, literal activity to drama – with the scalpel in one hand and the pen in the other and blood pressure machine with the other hand and feet on the stage, as he started his pratic in drama in Ireland once he returned from Russia.

He was born in Gonagalapura, a southern town in Sri Lanka, and he received his primary education at Gonagalapura Mahavidyalaya. Later, he joined the Ananda College in Colombo. Before he left Sri Lanka to further his education in Russia, he graduated as a medical doctor; he was trained in Ireland. He worked in Ireland for ten years. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons in Scotland, Ireland, and England and a Fellow of The International College of Surgeons in General and Vascular Surgery.

In recognition of his services to the people of Pembrokeshire for 21 years, he first received the ‘Medical Unsung Hero’s Award’; soon after this, Lord Chamberlain invited him to Buckingham Palace for a Queen’s Garden party. With his general and vascular surgery mastery, he has performed countless successful operations. Recognizing his skills and successful surgical record, he was twice nominated for ‘The Silver Scalpel Award,’ sponsored by The Smith and Nephew Foundation. He finally received the award for Excellence in Surgical Training for the best surgical trainers in the UK.

After spending long hours in Surgery, the Surgeon had contrasting hobbies, such as writing in Sinhala and English drama. His first Sinhala novel was published in 1974 called ” Noriena and Wasantha”. He has also authored three English fiction books, a medical thriller called ‘Living Capsule’, Night of the Angel, and Flowers Dust and Stars. His Sinhala publication ‘Saman Mali Sandamali’ has been made into a Sinhala teledrama called ‘ Pahan Kanda. Recent publications include “Wound Care Management” and Evgeni Onegin (a novel in Verse by Alexander Pushkin translated from Russian to English).

He ventured into English drama and became a member of the Claberston Players Group in the UK and diversified and proved his latent talents by appearing in the play Dick Whittington as Sultan of Barberry; Bard of the White Castle (1986); Wasir in Sinbad the Sailor (1985). In the Republic of Ireland, he became the first-ever Asian to take part in the Irish play, ‘Citi’, which won the first prize at the ‘All Ireland Festival’. He played the doctor role by learning the lines by writing in Sinhala.

His main aim as a Surgeon was to give back life to human beings who are critically ill. In such a capacity, the Surgeon were to become accustomed to his work, and soon it became routine, like in any other job. He has operated on thousands of patients over the past 40 years after the General Surgery experience. He branched off to Vascular Surgery on obtaining his Fellowships from all three Royal Colleges of Surgeons and the Association of Surgeons of Great Britain and Ireland. Fellowship from the International College of Surgeons and FRCS England were just awarded.

He has always looked at giving quality of life to a patient, irrespective of age. The oldest patient he operated on was 94 years of age. It was a touch-and-go case, but he took a chance and saved him. Later, the patient came to see him in the hospital to thank him and left a ‘thank you’ card with a vast wall chiming clock, which he still treasures.

From General Surgery, he developed skills in Vascular Surgery. At Withybush, he reattached two near-amputations caused by trauma. He learned the technique while working at St Vincent’s Teaching Hospital in Dublin. The first arm he reattached was of a seven-year-old boy whose mum brought the arm in a bucket full of ice!

He was a tutor covering the whole of Pembrokeshire, attached to the Cardiff Minimally Invasive Institute. He trained in the post-graduate section at Withybush to prepare them for the MRCS Surgical examination with the help of his Surgical colleagues.

My friend was nominated for the Silver Scalpel Award for his services in Surgery and teaching. This special award is given to Surgeons based on their skilful record and is a nationwide competition. Even a nomination to such a prestigious award was an honour. He, from Withybush, was nominated. Local papers were happy that we put Spital on the map.

His unique qualities made him stand out as an excellent Surgical Trainer. He had always passed on theory and skills to the trainee and endeavoured to train them by taking each one through all the steps of any procedure.

Training was an extra responsibility for my friend, but it has always been voluntary and involved members of all units. His patience was paramount. He was never sarcastic or irritable but was always discreet and considerate. He never put any of his colleagues or trainees down or criticized them in front of patients or colleagues or the trainee’s absence. One must cultivate time to point out problems privately, and the advice should always be friendly and constructive.

He was a simple guy who had to work hard to achieve what he professionally earned. He may have achieved five Fellowships, but he was still the same old Athula, a simple, uncomplicated Surgeon doing a service he loved. Every success brings enormous pleasure, and every little complication brings heartache.

My friend Surgeon and his wife gave their three children, Triona, Shane and Dylan, the best education possible and made us two doctors and one lawyer within the family.

He dedicated his life to medicine, helping others, and teaching. His fondness for teaching was beyond imaginable. Throughout his life, he gave opportunities to doctors abroad to further progress in their medical profession here in the UK. He leaves behind my precious Nelum, three children, 6 beautiful grandchildren, and his younger brother Rahula Withanage.

Our father was a warrior. He never wanted to stop working, constantly educating himself and others; best of all, he was caring and compassionate.

He will always be in our hearts and watch down from above us. His legacy will continue forever. Cherish what you have, hug your loved ones, respect one another and always be kind.

Please share any interactions/memories you had with our father; he was a unique person who will be dearly missed.

Retired Lead Clinician Department of Surgery WGH. Hywel Dda NHS University Trust. Piyaseeli Withanage Charity Trust Surgeon. The Asian Sector & Consultant Wound Care Specialist (WGH & CETH) Consultant General & Laparoscopic Surgeon. Senior Lecturer in Surgery. Hon. Clinical Tutor Cardiff University. Faculty WIMAT, Cardiff, University of Wales. SAITM & KDU. Clinical Supervisor, Educational Supervisor & Examiner. Colombo East Teaching Hospital

The Wealth of Nations and the Poverty of Theory: IMF, Sri Lanka’s Resource Curse, and Privatization of the Central Bank

March 10th, 2024

Darini Rajasingham-Senanayake

With the world distracted by kinetic wars in Ukraine and Gaza, a hybrid economic proxy war against the Global South and China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), for global connectivity is unfolding at this time of new Cold War: Across Asia, Africa and South America. 56 Low and Middle Income Countries have been ensnared in Covid-19 Lockdown-induced Eurobond debt traps sprung by private creditors and International Sovereign Bonds (ISB), that charge predatory interest rates.

An unprecedented number of Sovereign Defaults have happened in the past 2 years according to a Fitch report.[i] From Argentina, Ecuador and Surinam, to Ghana, Lebanon, and Sri Lanka local currencies and citizen’s labour have been dramatically depreciated against the ‘exorbitantly privileged’ United States dollar. This, despite America’s $34 trillion debt and counting, also to fund environmentally destructive wars and the NATO- QUAD war machine. Rapid currency depreciation also triggered brain drain that these countries can ill afford.

While China is often blamed for ‘debt-trap lending’ to developing countries, Eurobond debt neocolonialism and defaults have enabled the Washington Consensus’ International Monetary Fund (IMF), to mission and mandate creep into Domestic Debt Restructuring (DDR), magnifying the numbers. As the US raised interest rates, countries in Eurobond USD debt traps were subject to further exogenous economic shocks to Make the Economy Scream’.

Under IMF ‘debt treatment’ that increasingly includes ‘governance reforms’ purportedly to combat corruption, controversial new legislation was enacted to ensure the autonomy’ the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) last year. [ii]  The CBSL was the hub of a series of bond scams in 2015 that caused the accumulation of Odious Debt leading to the staging of Sri Lanka’s first Default in 2022.

However, the recent scandal over massive staff salary increases at the now autonomous’ CBSL indicate that the much hyped IMF ‘governance reform’ and new legislature may have had the opposite effect: Was the country’s apex financial institution effectively privatized, enabling its capture and control by external actors and financial Consultants in order to advance the Washington Consensus’ economic and geostrategic interests?

At this time, GDP and Macro economy linked bonds, including ‘Debt for Nature Swaps’ or Environment Social and Governance debt bondage (ESG Bonds) are proposed by the colonial Club de Paris and advisors of Sri Lanka’s private creditors at IMF debt restructuring negotiations. Unsurprisingly, the result of the new CBSL legislature on the IMF’s behest seems to be the erosion of parliamentary oversight of the CBSL, as well as, national economic sovereignty, policy autonomy which may enable new bond scams and corruption scandals.

Calls for Reform of the IMF: Debt treatment that deepens the debt trap?

Perhaps it was also because Sri Lanka was an unlikely country to default that the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterrez recently called for reform of the IMF and World Bank, to reflect the interests of the Global South and the role of the BRICS in a multipolar world![iii]  The BRICS after all have beaten the G7 economies.

Discussing the effectiveness of the Breton Woods Institutions to meet contemporary needs, Guterrez said that besides the unrepresentative character of their power structure and orientation, they are undercapitalized and too small for the current global needs. The truth is that they became too small”.  The paid-in capital of the World Bank as a percentage of global GDP today is less than one-fifth of what it was in 1960” he noted. So we obviously need a meaningful capitalization of those institutions”.

At this time, the IMF’s debt restructuring programs seem to have 3 pillars: The main one being, to ensure that indebted countries keep borrowing from the same predatory ISB ‘vulture funds’ like BlackRock, the world’s biggest hedge fund and Sri Lanka’s main creditor, that caused the accumulation of Odious Debt in the first instance, ironically, to pay them off. This in collusion with incompetent and corrupt local politicians, Central Bankers and their business cronies. With IMF mission creep into Domestic Debt Restructuring (DDR), the debt was passed on to hapless citizens, including with local Employee Provident Funds!

The second pillar of IMF debt restructuring is a series of reforms, primarily, austerity measures to downsize government expenditures, while ramping up taxation—measures to effectively shrink rather than grow the economy.

The third pillar is the privatization and Fire sale of strategic assets, (land, energy, telecom transport infrastructure etc.), that would also reduce state revenue and beggar the people as utility prices rise. All this ensures deepening neocolonial debt bondage to erstwhile imperial masters.

IMF debt restructuring operations appear primarily designed to deepen and extend the duration of Eurobond debt traps and keep the IMF and the private creditors and their colonial Club de Paris representatives, along with selected accounting and legal firms, such as, Lazard and Clifford and Chance in business.  The system is rigged also with debt data manipulation and no transparency on the identity of the bond holders.

Simultaneously, debt trapped Global South countries like Sri Lanka that are subject to IMF debt treatments that deepen ISB debt bondage and neocolonialism are increasingly being enlisted as foot soldiers in the west’s new Cold War, that is now a hot war in the Red Sea. The Sri Lankan Navy reportedly had a couple of US donated Frigates joining US led anti-Houthi Operations in the Gaza war theater.

The hybrid economic proxy war is being fought primarily in the world’s oceans and space- via cyber operations, with Law fare, biological and climate warfare (weather modification with Directed Energy Weapons DEW), propaganda and Disinformation campaigns with data manipulation, deep fakes and Artificial Intelligence (AI) hype. All this spells out the fact that the push with Over the Horizon Operations (OTH), for Full Spectrum Dominance (FSD), of debt colonized geostrategic Global South countries like Sri Lanka,

An Unlikely Default in an Unsinkable Aircraft carrier

Sri Lanka, located at the center of the Indian Ocean on some of the world’s busiest trade, energy and Submarine or Undersea Data Cable Routes (UDC), was an unlikely country to stage a Sovereign Default in the Asian 21st Century”.

The strategic island beloved of tourists remains the wealthiest country in the South Asian region (in per capita GDP terms), with the best human and social development indicators. It was listed by the World Bank as an upper Middle Income Country” (MIC) in 2019. The country has been referred to as ‘valuable real estate’ and an unsinkable aircraft carrier”.

The fertile and lush tropical island, is capable of growing its own food, and is marine and mineral resource rich. However, three years after being upgraded to an upper MIC by the World Bank, in 2022, it was declared ‘bankrupt’ and staged it first ever Sovereign Default. Pumped and dumped? This, simply because it lacked exorbitantly privileged US dollars, to purportedly buy food and fuel during a mysterious fuel embargo on ships carrying oil and gas to the country while everyone was distracted with the Aragalaya protest chaos strategy!  On taking office in the course of a seamless regime change operation the President laughably promised Famine and 15-hour power cuts to spread fear and enable the IMF’s mission creep!  

Geostrategic Resource Curse

Although US dollar poor, Sri Lanka is rich by every other metric. Not all the data and theory in the world can trump empirical reality – at least for social scientists. A visit to any other South Asian country would make clear that the island has better infrastructure and PQLI despite the debt data numbers games to promote Default and the famine narrative.

Sri Lanka’ first Sovereign Default in 2022 was triggered after the shadowy off shore Hamilton Research bank in the Caribbean filed a court case in New York for non-payment of a small amount of interests amid the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funded Aragalya protest Chaos Strategy for seamless regime change that brought to power the current ruling Ranil Rajapakse regime in Colombo.

The geostrategic island has been long irresistible to the US-led NATO war machine that has over 800 military bases around the world. This is increasingly so with the US pivot to Asia and economic Cold War on China. Arguably, the island suffers from a geostrategic ‘resource curse’, also because of the failure of its political and business elites to diversify and industrialize the economy in the post-independence period.

As the US pivoted to Asia, hybrid economic war operations to ‘Make the Economy Scream” with various exogenous economic shocks escalated. These include the mysterious ISIS claimed Easter Sunday attacks on tourist hotels in 2019, followed by two years of economically devastating Covid-19 lockdowns, punctuated by burning ships MV Pearl and Diamond also targeting the ports and fisher’s livelihoods, as well as the Aragalaya operation. These shocks enabled borrowing bingers by incompetent and corrupt politicians on private markets that charge predatory interest, leading to the staged Default and IMF mission and mandate creep into deepening the USD debt trap!

We are living in a neocolonial world, not a post-colonial world. It is increasingly clear that Sri Lanka was debt trapped by Eurobond traders like BlackRock that got huge Covid-19 bailout funds from the US government under the CARES Act to asset strip in the global south as economies melted down due to lockdowns and supply chain disruption, in collusion with Washington-backed local elites because of its geostrategic location for the West’s hybrid economic proxy war on China and its BRI.

As the dust settles, and the truth leaks out about an unlikely sovereign default, US Secretary for South and Central Asia, Donald Lu invented a ”Sri Lanka comeback story” a few weeks ago at the United States Institute for Peace. Meanwhile, in the name of good Governance at the IMF’s behest the CBSL appears to have been privatized– if the recent scandalous staff salary increases are any indicator—undermining the country’s apex finance institution’s accountability to the citizens and parliament. 

The million-dollar question at this time is: Was the autonomous” CBSL’s staff salary increase related to future acceptance of GDP macro economy linked debt restructuring proposed by the colonial Club de Paris that represents the private creditors now marketing Debt for Nature Swaps or Green and Blue washed Bond and scams, although civil society groups have called for a moratorium and ban on GoSL borrowing on private markets?

(To be Continued)

[i] Sovereign Defaults at Record High. https://www.nst.com.my/business/2023/03/894458/sovereign-defaults-record-high-says-fitch

[ii] The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) is the apex financial institution in Sri Lanka. The CBSL Act No. 16 of 2023 (CBA) brought into law in September 2023, supersedes the Monetary Law Act (MLA) No. 58 of 1949 that established the CBSL In 1950 as a semi-autonomous body. Under the new act, the CBSL shall be autonomous and accountable. https://www.cbsl.gov.lk/en/about/about-the-bank/overview

[iii] IndepthNews: UN Chief calls for reform of IMF, World Bank, stresses BRICS roll: https://indepthnews.net/un-chief-urges-reform-of-imf-world-bank-stresses-bricss-role/

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