News Archive for Oct 2010 Insight By Sunil Kumar October 30th 2010 The latest rhetoric of the JVP and the bold challenge issued by the Democratic National Alliance linked JVP spokesperson to the Minister for Higher Education the Hon. Mr. S.B. Dissanayake is typical of the role it plays as instigator of trouble on university campuses in Sri Lanka today. This is an unprecedented time in Sri Lanka where never before seen agitations and incidents of violence are taking place between student factions, some of them shameful and lawless in challenging authority and it is fast becoming obvious who the instigators of this happens... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/10/10) Ira de Silva London, Canada Mr. Philip J. Crowley US Assistant Secretary State Department, Washington, D.C.   Dear Sir:  I refer to your Daily Press Briefing of October 29, 2010 and your comments on Sri Lanka. I am writing to you to bring to your attention some fundamental errors in your understanding of Sri Lanka which is evidenced in your statements.  1. You state that the U.S. is waiting for a full account on the final days because it is important for Sri Lanka's future. Sri Lanka's future was changed by the defeat of the Tamil terrorists who had terrorised... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/10/10)
Courtesy The Island 01-11-2010 LLRC told of President Rajapaksa’s right to take military action Senior lawyer Gomin Dayasri says the Sri Lankan government can justify its war against LTTE terror on the basis of seven principles required to establish a just war coming down from the time of eminent jurist Hugo Grotius. Dayasri told the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) last Thursday (Oct. 28) investigating the circumstances that led to the Eelam War IV how the country could face the threat of UN war crimes inquiry and a probe launched by the US. The following is the paper... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 31/10/10)
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Asoka Weerasinghe (Mr.) Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1 . Canada October 30, 2010  Rt. Honourable David  Cameron , MP  Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 10 Downing Street   London SW1A 2AA,  UK  SENT BY FAX  Dear David Cameron: Do you know what Sir. Winston Churchill would have told you if he was your mentor after reading your response to Labour MP Siobhain McDonagh calling for an independent investigation on the alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka, he would have chomped on his Cuban cigar, tapped at your right should and said: “Good God, my dear David... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/10/10)
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge "The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed."Stephen Biko  Torture is one of the most serious abuses of human rights. Generally torture is referred to as 'any act by which severe pain or suffering, whether physical or mental, is intentionally inflicted on a person'', for a purpose such as obtaining information or a confession, punishment, intimidation or coercion, ''or for any reason based on discrimination of any kind''.  Torture was used as a governing tool since the dawn of human history. The Law of Hammurabi- the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/10/10)
Wick. Los Angeles, California, USA To: Mr. Rick Westhead South Asia Bureau of the Toronto Star Friday, October 29, 2010 Dear Mr. Westhead, I read your story 'Sri Lanka continues attack on jailed ex-general' today at I found many misleading information and I hope you will pay attention to the depth of the situation and the true facts. Fonseka is an opportunist politician just like many we see here in the US, Canada and in Europe. They say anything to get to power. They are slimy and sleazy as they come. Why should anyone believe him since the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/10/10)
MEDIA RELEASE-SRI LANKA UNITED NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CANADA We welcome the new laws proposed by the Conservative Government to deal with the violation of our immigration and refugee laws by organized gangs of ‘for-profit human smugglers’ who have chosen to smuggle people to this country with impunity. We had the examples of the ‘Ocean Lady’ which tramped into the BC waters with 76 men with questionable backgrounds having links to the brutal Tamil Tiger terrorist network, and the more recent arrival of a mixed bag of 492 persons aboard the cargo vessel ‘MV Sun Sea’ which reached the shores... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/10/10)
Postmedia News The arrest Friday in Thailand of scores of Canada-bound migrants from Sri Lanka has stiffened the Conservative government's resolve to dig in against demands to soften legislation that would punish asylum-seekers who pay smugglers to get them here, says Immigration Minister Jason Kenney. Kenney said he was advised by intelligence sources the arrests involved 114 Sri Lankans "planning to be smuggled to Canada." Thai authorities later freed 53 of the detained migrants because they were able to present valid travel documents. The latest arrests follow a Thai roundup earlier this month of 155 Sri Lankans, some of... -Full Story- ( - 30/10/10)
M. Abdul Latif Mondal The 4th Board Meeting of the SaarcFood Bank (SFB) was held in Dhaka on October 27-28. This was a follow-up of the earlier three meetings, the first and the second of which were held in Colombo in October, 2008 and February, 2009 respectively, and the third one in Kabul in November, 2009. These meetings are taking place keeping the launching of the activities of the SFB in abeyance. An "Agreement on Establishing the Saarc Food Bank" was signed in New Delhi on April 3, 2007 by the foreign ministers of the Saarc countries, excepting the Kingdom... -Full Story- ( - 30/10/10)
Online news: Thai authorities have arrested 61 Tamil migrants from Sri Lanka, police said Saturday, in the second such crackdown in recent weeks. After a tip-off, 114 people were rounded up in the southern province of Songkhla on Thursday, but some were freed because they were able to present valid travel documents. "The 61 were arrested and charged for overstaying their visas, illegal entry or not going through proper channels," said Colonel Phutthipong Musikkul, commander of Songkhla immigration police. "It's likely that these people wanted to go to a third country," Phutthipong said, without elaborating. Earlier this month Thai... -Full Story- ( - 30/10/10)
Gusi Peace Prize The Gusi Peace Prize is a Philippines-based international award recognizing individuals from the four corners of the globe working toward the attainment of peace and respect for human life and dignity. It has been referred to as the Asian equivalent of the Nobel Peace Prize by its proponent. The Gusi Foundation has given honour to Sri Lanka by nominating one Sri Lankan Military Officer for the conferment of Gusi Peace Award 2010 in recognition of his service towards Humanitarian Assistance to needy people of the Tamil community in the north and for the communal harmony.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 30/10/10)
Dilrook Kannangara Ganesan was elected to parliament for the first time in 1994 with close to a hundred thousand votes. He did very well at subsequent elections in 2000, 2001 and 2004. A very good election performance in four consecutive elections; facing stiffest competition as he contested the Colombo district. He maintained a low profile until 2004. However, after 2004 he became an active participant of LTTE’s peaceful operations. That made him unpopular among his voters who never supported the LTTE, TNA or other LTTE connected entities. He was taken out of Colombo and introduced in Kandy where... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/10/10)
By DR M D P DISSANAYAKE  It has been reported that Miss Chathurika Lakmini Dandeniya has obtained Distinction Passes in all thirteen subjects on her way to completing MBBS degree at the University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya.  This has been a unique record for the University in its history of 50 years, thus Chathurika obtaining a perfect First Class Honours. It is not an easy task to achieve this level of academic excellence from Universities of Sri Lanka,  based on our highest standards of teaching and research work. Dr Chathurika a product of Poramandulla Central College and Good Sheperd’s... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/10/10)
- Kumar Moses Switzerland and Singapore are small nations compared to their neighbours, but proud ones. They are highly multicultural. But the first thing that comes to mind when their names are mentioned is law and order. Maintenance of law and order in these two nations is the envy of the world. Social discipline wise, these countries are unparalleled to many countries. This was partly responsible for their rapid development; especially the service industry. It is high time Sri Lanka introduced or reintroduced conscription or compulsory military service (CMS).  Upon the historical victory in 2009 the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/10/10)
by Charles.S.Perera Sri Lanka being a Buddhist country of the Theravada tradition allowing the Buddhist Monks into Universities after removal of the Pirivena system of Buddhist education  ,was the greatest wrong done to Buddha Sasana in Sri Lanka. We are reaping the “sins†of that act to-day with  the Buddhist Monks in the role of “hooligans†and “street riotersâ€ÂÂÂ.  What are our Asgiriya and Malwatta Mahanayaka Theros going to about this disastrous situation ?  The Mahanayaka theors are quick to step in to make statements when it concerns politicians, such as their demand  for the release of Sarath Fonseka... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/10/10)
Ira de Silva London,, Canada Ms. Navi Pillay High Commissioner for Human Rights Geneva. cc: Hon. Ban ki Moon, Secretary General of the U.N., New York Dear Madam, I have just read a news report dated October 26,2010 in which it is claimed that after the publication of the documents by Wikileaks and the press reports of thousands of civilians being deliberately targeted and killed by U.S. British and Iraqi forces you have urged the U.S. and Iraq to investigate allegations of torture and unlawful killings in Iraq. It states that you are concerned that serious breaches of international... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/10/10)
Anura Seneviratna (for expat Hela team).  There should be no discussion or efforts to prove with historic evidence but a self-evident fact a child could understand is, that the incorrectly named Srilanka is the tiny Island Country of the Indigenous Hela/Sinhela Nation of people. While every indigenous national country of the world is named after its NATION’s authentic name, only the Hela/Sinhela Nation is deprived of our Inalienable Sovereign National right by naming it with a nickname uttered by foreigners. Primarily, the reason behind it is, to accommodate settler minorities. Yet, every other host national country the settler... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/10/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග  වඩà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂන්à¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරිගේ සිසිල්චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂර  මහනඩà·â€ÂÂවේ 14 වන විà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂරෆවූ සිසිල්චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂර 2006 වසරේ දී හෘදයà·ÂÂÂබà·ÂÂÂධයකින්මිය ගියේය. à¶â€ÂÂහෆරà·ÂÂÂහණ විජේවීරගේ කà·ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂරක්ෂකයකෆලෙසටද කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆකළේය. à¶â€ÂÂහෆවිසින්1971 ජූනි මස 10 දින අපරà·ÂÂÂධ පරීක්ෂණ දෙපà·ÂÂÂර්à¶ÂÂÂමේන්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවට දෙන ලද කට උà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂරයේ පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරහà·ÂÂÂරය ගà·ÂÂÂන සිසිල්චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂර මෙසේ කියයි.  71.4.4 à·€à·ÂÂÂනි දින අම්බලන්ගොඩදී මට මහින්ද හමà·â€ÂÂà·€à·â€ÂÂණà·ÂÂÂ. අප 5 à·€à·ÂÂÂනි දින පහරදීම ආරම්භ කරනවà·ÂÂÂදà·ÂÂÂයි à¶â€ÂÂහෆමගෙන්ඇසà·â€ÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂ. මම බියවී සනà¶ÂÂÂ්සොයà·ÂÂÂගෙන ගියà·ÂÂÂ. මම කොලඹ ගිය විට à¶â€ÂÂහෆගෙදර සිටියේ නà·ÂÂÂà·„à·ÂÂÂ. ඒ 71.4.5 à·€à·ÂÂÂනි දින උදෑසනය. ටී. ඞී. සිල්ව෠හමà·â€ÂÂවූ මම, 5 à·€à·ÂÂÂනි දින පහරදීම ආරම්භ කිරීමට à¶ÂÂÂීරණය කර ඇà¶ÂÂÂ්දà·ÂÂÂයි à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගෙන්ඇසà·â€ÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂ. ආරංචිය à¶ÂÂÂමà·ÂÂÂට... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/10/10)
LankaWeb Weekly Editorial October28th 2010 The recent feature item on the Nation website, while it does seem to raise a few pressing question bears no relevance to the logic of asking "Now the question is who should apologise to whom?" as in the aftermath of the defeat of the Tamil Tiger terrorists the anomalies which have contributed to the restoration of order to the Nation.cannot accommodate finger pointing at various individuals whose initial involvements with the insurgents have turned drastically towards the contrite acceptance of their proper role as citizens of Sri Lanka and have relented for their mistakes... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/10/10)
by Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge Ananda Gunawardana studied with me at the Nalanda College Colombo 10. We were together in grade 4, 5 , and in AL classes.  I still recall his jovial attitude to life and some of his unforgettable humor. In the grade 4 we were mocking at our Dance teacher Mr Welabadage behind his back while he was performing Mayura Wannama.  Suddenly Mr Welabadage looked behind and caught us in red-handed.  Two of us paid heavy price and even after severer canning,  we were laughing with each other how we imitated our teacher.  He was a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/10/10)
By Dr. Mrs. Mareena Thaha Reffai Looking at the picture of a baby Bengal cub being fed by the zoo officials as the mother has refused to feed her, one cannot help wonder whether this is becoming the curse of our blessed land. First the mothers started dumping their little ones and then they started murdering and leaving at all sorts of odd places like toilet pits and garbage bins and now even the tigers are abandoning their little ones. Are we loosing the little mercies we have taken for granted? Though this is said in lighter veins, the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/10/10)
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario .Canada October 28, 2010  The Editor (Letters) THE OTTAWA CITIZEN  Sir:  When the Liberal MP Mark Holland and NDP's Olivier Chow attacked the Conservative Government's proposals to significantly revamp the human-smuggling laws, they certainly were not concerned about the good of Canada and its tax payers, but were only interested in hogging the bloc votes of the Tamils in the Greater Toronto Area where nine ridings depend on their votes.  What these two parties are failing the Canadians by not wanting to cap this refugee scam is to acknowledge that... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/10/10)
UPALI COORAY With the commencement of the second term of the President of Sri Lanka on the 18th of  Nov. , Sri Lanka is at cross roads looking forward optimistically for a peaceful prosperous country. It is in the hands of the leader of the country to take the country to his often expressed goal “the miracle of Asiaâ€ÂÂÂ. The next term of the President is said to be a development oriented phase where our country is expected to move rapidly towards economic development. In the meantime, a debate is going on as to whether we are weaning away... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/10/10)
 By Puttalam Ansari The Non Governmental Organization referred to is the Community Trust Fund (CTF), established in 1993 and registered with the Sri Lankan Ministry of Social Service under the Voluntary Services Act. The stated vision of CTF is to :Strive towards realization of a society in which JUSTICE, EQUALITY AND HUMAN RIGHTS ARE RESPECTED and people lead a peaceful life in spite of various differences, and The stated mission is to: Voice the grievances of all human beings irrespective of cast, religion, ethnicity and the nationality and create opportunities for the development of affected and underprivileged... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/10/10)
Dr. Mrs. Mareena Thaha Reffai Recently there  had been some efforts to bring abut a little decency into our decadent society by our president. I would like to draw his attention to a serious breach of decency in our society. Wherever there is a function often there will be some scantily clad lady dancers inaugurating it. Unlike those days where there was elegance and beauty combined with decency  in the dances, most of these functions nowadays consist of young girls dressed in what can be termed as an excuse for a dress, consisting often merely part of a bra... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 28/10/10)
By Philip Fernando, former Deputy Editor Sunday Observer, Sri Lanka Web’s immense outreach in connectivity has produced a robust literary culture and its new icons have emerged. The new “Digiterati†complement the revered literati as millions access the “digital frontier. Lankaweb’s expose of public affairs exemplified the throbbing discourse now occurring. “Computers are not about computers anymore, it’s about life,†prophesied Bill Gates.  Internet’s unique expressiveness has changed the public discourse before our eyes. Web-driven resurgence in reading has reached new levels spurring a look at core beliefs and assumptions considered sacrosanct. We have over 35 million hotel reviews... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/10/10)
By Shelton A. Gunaratne ©2010 Professor of mass communications emeritus, Minnesota State University Moorhead  “Yankee†Jim Bowers, my longtime pal, traveled approximately 14,000 km from Minneapolis; and “Pommy†Nayana Axon, my youngest sister, traveled almost 16,500 km from London to attend my lecture on “A Buddhist View of Journalism: Emphasis on Mutual Causality†Tuesday (7 March 2006) afternoon at the School of Journalism and Communication, University of Queensland. Altogether, about 25 people, mostly staff from SJC, attended the lecture in Seminar Room 1, Building 96. “Aussie†Kanthi Wijesoma, my younger sister, was also present. Pradip Thomas, an associate professor... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/10/10)
Ranjit Wickremeratne When the President presented his new vision to the masses he did it in a decent way with words of wisdom but this stupid no good opposition traitor get hold of some stupids like him and talk all rubbish to please the galary. From the day Mahinda Rajapaksa become the President he cannot sleep well because he see this mighty southern hero in his dreams governing the country like a true Sinhala king and he is nothing but a stupid old cow eating garbage of the west. After losing fourteen times he dont have any shame but hunger... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/10/10)
A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission The Asian Human Rights Commission earnestly requests the kind intervention of all persons of the Muslim faith to kindly intervene to save the life of an innocent Sri Lankan girl who went to Saudi Arabia when she was only 17-years-old and almost less than a month after her arrival faced the unfortunate situation when an infant she was bottle feeding choked and due to her inexperience she was unable to save the infant's life. This was unfortunately misunderstood as an intentional act and she was charged in a court and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 27/10/10)
Source: Xinhua A Sri Lankan court Wednesday handed a 30 year prison term with hard labor for a Tamil rebel who attempted to kill the former President Chandrika Kumaratunga. The suspect Sathyavelu Ilangeswaran was found guilty on 28 counts for the December 1999 suicide bomb attack which killed 28 people including the female suicide bomber and caused injuries to 80 others.... -Full Story- ( - 27/10/10)
Colombo, Oct 28 (PTI) More than 17 months after the LTTE was defeated by Sri Lankan security forces, authorities have decided to remove in phases the high security check points in the capital Colombo. "Government has decided to remove all security check points in the Colombo city gradually," military spokesman Major General Ubaya Medawala said today. Since the security situation in Colombo has improved following the end of the LTTE war in May last year, the government has decided to remove all check points in the city, he was quoted as saying by an official website.... -Full Story- (Deccan Herald - 27/10/10)
Daily News Sri Lanka’s achievements in constraining the negative consequences that arise in the aftermath of the internal conflict has been inadequately recognized by the world, said External Affairs Minister Prof G L Peiris delivering the keynote address at a workshop at Taj Samudra Hotel yesterday morning. The theme of the workshop held under the auspices of the Centre for Security Analysis (CSA), Chennai and the Regional Centre for Strategic Studies (RCSS), Colombo was ‘Conflict in Sri Lanka: Internal and External Consequences’. Though ending such protracted internal conflicts cause a series of consequences over a wide geographical area, Sri... -Full Story- (Daily News - 27/10/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග 71 කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ලේ 13 වන විà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂිකරෆරà·ÂÂÂහණ විජේවීර 1989 නොවà·ÂÂÂම්බර්13 දින à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂනයට ලක්විය. à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂà·€ අà¶ÂÂÂ්අඩංගà·â€ÂÂවට ගà·ÂÂÂනීමට ජà·ÂÂÂනක පෙරේර෠මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠සමග උලපනේ නිවසට ගිය හමà·â€ÂÂද෠නිලධà·ÂÂÂරිය෠අද විà·ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂමික ජෙනරà·ÂÂÂල්වරයෙකි. à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගෙන්සම්මà·â€ÂÂඛ à·ƒà·ÂÂÂකඡà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවක්ලබ෠ගà·ÂÂÂනීමට මම උà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·ƒà·ÂÂÂà·„ කළ නමà·â€ÂÂදà·â€ÂÂ, එය අසà·ÂÂÂර්ථක විය. à¶ÂÂÂම෠කිසිවෙකà·â€ÂÂට සම්මà·â€ÂÂඛ à·ƒà·ÂÂÂකච්ඡ෠ලබ෠නොදෙන බව කිය෠අපගේ ඉල්ලීම à¶â€ÂÂහෆකà·ÂÂÂරà·â€ÂÂණිකව පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà¶ÂÂÂික්ෂේප කරන ලදි.  71 කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ලේ පà·â€ÂÂර්ව සමයේ රà·ÂÂÂහණ විජේවීර අà¶ÂÂÂ්අඩංගà·â€ÂÂවට ගà·ÂÂÂනීමෙන්පසà·â€ÂÂà·€ à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ කට උà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂරය පටිගචකරනෆලà·ÂÂÂබීය. පසà·â€ÂÂà·€ මෙය ලේඛන ගචකරන ලද අà¶ÂÂÂර පසà·â€ÂÂà·€ එම විà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂල කට උà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂරය අපරà·ÂÂÂධ පරීක්ෂණ දෙපà·ÂÂÂර්à¶ÂÂÂමේන්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·€ විසින්සà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂගචකරන ලදි. අපේâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරල්මහ නඩà·â€ÂÂවේදී යොද෠ගන්නà·ÂÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/10/10)
By Charles.S.Perera  The President Barack Obama is a modern day Messiah,  come to  redeem America from its sins.  But the Republicans in their arrogance revolt against the righteousness of the honest man who has the correct message for the Americans to bring back America from the political morass  in to which it had been taken by several Republican Presidents and finally by the last of them- George Bush.  When President Barack Obama took his oath as the 44th President, America was facing a financial crisis for which  the Republicans were responsible.  The President Barack Obama has within his short... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/10/10)
P.A.Samaraweera, Australia From recent incidents, it appears that the conduct of university students has gone from bad to worse. It had deteriorated so much that last week the students had attacked the Vice-chancellor of the Ruhuna university and targetted the staff as well.  In Sri Lanka, students enjoy free education from the kindergarten to university. This is not so in the west. Even in China students pay for their education.  Funds for free education comes from taxes paid by the people. Therefore, students should realise that it is public money from tax payers that is spent on their... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/10/10)
ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION-URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAU-041-2010 26 October 2010 [RE: SRI LANKA/SAUDI ARABIA: President Obama urged to take up the case of a young girl facing the death penalty during his visit to Riyadh; UP-097-2007: SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Your urgent intervention is needed to save Rizana Nafeek who must appeal against the death sentence before 16 July 2007] ------------------------------------------------------ SAUDI ARABIA/SRI LANKA: Death sentence on Rizana Nafeek confirmed ISSUES: Right to life; death penalty ------------------------------------------------------ Dear friends, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) draws your attention to the appeal made in 2007 into the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/10/10)
ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂික ආධà·â€ÂÂනිකà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ හ෠කà·ÂÂÂර්මික පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆකිරීමේ අධිකà·ÂÂÂරිය යටà¶ÂÂÂà·š, හම්බන්à¶ÂÂÂොට දිස්à¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරික්කය à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·… à·„à·ÂÂÂටල්ක්ෂේà¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරයේ නව පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆපà·ÂÂÂඨමà·ÂÂÂල෠දෙකක්, පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆමධ්â€ÂÂÂයස්ථà·ÂÂÂන à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂනකදී, යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම මහà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂගේ පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරධà·ÂÂÂනà¶ÂÂÂ්වයෙන්ආරම්භ කරන ලදී. එහි සමà·ÂÂÂරම්භක උà¶ÂÂÂ්සවය පසà·â€ÂÂගියද෠à¶ÂÂÂංගල්ල, බෙලිඅà¶ÂÂÂ්චපà·ÂÂÂරේ, කà·ÂÂÂල්ටන්පෙර පà·ÂÂÂසල්à·ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරවණà·ÂÂÂගà·ÂÂÂරයේදී පà·ÂÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්විණි. භà·ÂÂÂජනà·ÂÂÂගà·ÂÂÂර සේවක සහ කà·ÂÂÂමර සේවක යන පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆපà·ÂÂÂඨමà·ÂÂÂල෠සඳහ෠විසිපස් (25* දෙනෙකà·â€ÂÂගෙන්යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්කණ්ඩà·ÂÂÂයම්6 ක්මෙහිදී පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆකිරීමට à·ƒà·ÂÂÂලසà·â€ÂÂම්කර à¶ÂÂÂිබේ. à¶ÂÂÂංගල්ල, ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂික ආධà·â€ÂÂනිකà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ හ෠කà·ÂÂÂර්මික පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆකිරීමේ අධිකà·ÂÂÂරියේ, හම්බන්à¶ÂÂÂොට දිස්à¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරික්කà·ÂÂÂර්යà·ÂÂÂලය, à¶ÂÂÂිස්සමහà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂම, කà·ÂÂÂවන්à¶ÂÂÂිස්ස වෘà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂීය පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆමධ්â€ÂÂÂයස්ථà·ÂÂÂනය සහ වලස්මà·â€ÂÂල්ල ආධà·â€ÂÂනිකà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆමධ්â€ÂÂÂයස්ථà·ÂÂÂනයේදී මෙම පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆපà·ÂÂÂඨමà·ÂÂÂල෠පà·ÂÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්වේ. මෙම අවස්ථà·ÂÂÂවට සහභà·ÂÂÂගී වූ යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම, නියà·ÂÂÂජ්â€ÂÂÂය අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/10/10)
- Ben Silva This girl from a poor background is most likely illiterate and not knowledgeable in child care. It is most inhuman and barbaric to sentence her to death. I believe all civilised humans, what ever the nationality or religion should appeal to the authorities to spare her life. I am a Buddhist  from Sri Lanka and I am aware that young girls  from poor families are not knowledgeable in baby care and may not be well informed. It is indeed great injustice to pass the death sentence to this poor woman and we should unite to save... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 26/10/10)
The charges against LTTE’s slain leader Velupillai Prabhakaran and its intelligence chief Pottu Amman, both first and second accused in the Rajiv Gandhi assassination case, have been dropped by a designated TADA court here. In a recent order, the operational portions of which were made available to media on Tuesday, Justice K Dakshinamurthy of the designated TADA Court-II for CBI cases, said the charges against both Prabhakaran and Amman (for masterminding the killing of Rajiv) “have become abated†as they are dead.... -Full Story- (Deccan Herald - 26/10/10)
by Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge  In the article written by Andrew Chung (Quebec slams PM s abortion ambiguity – Toronto Star 20th May 2010) indicates that the politicians of all parties have come together in Quebec to pass legislation legalizing abortion affirming the woman’s right to choose and access free abortion services. The Quebec legislature also called on the government to end the current ambiguous position taken up by the government on the issue of abortion and to ensure that support for abortion is not used to cut funding to women’s groups. The motion in Quebec Parliament... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/10/10)
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester. Ontario. Canada October 25, 2010  The Editor (Letters) THE OTTAWA CITIZEN  Sir:  "Kenney defends human-rights bill" you said, where he defends the proposed Bill C-49 which will determine which refugee claimants qualify as "irregular" arrivals who used for-profit smugglers or criminal organizations to come to Canada. The introduction of this Bill was triggered after the 492 Tamils arrived on Sun Sea claiming that they were being persecuted in Sri Lanka and claiming refugee status.  But what's going on Canada? The Toronto Sun reports that Sri Lanka High Commissioner Chitranganee... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 25/10/10)
H. L. D. Mahindapala  All eyes continue to be on Sri Lanka, even though the 33-yeard old Vadukoddai War was concluded one-and-half years ago. The intensity of the anti-Sri Lankan campaign seems to be increasing and there are no signs of letting up. Amnesty International,(AI) International Crisis Group,(ICG)  UN, Human Rights Watch, (HRW) Churches, NGOs, both local and abroad, Sri Lankan expatriates with an axe to grind, Western parliamentarians and academics are all in this business of scrutinizing Sri Lanka under the microscope.  As pointed out by the Foreign Minister, G. L. Peiris, in a brilliant exposition of the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/10/10)
Ajit Randeniya The Sri Lankan government and the politicians have justifiably been upbeat about the social and economic future of the country following the end of the war. However, experience on the ground seems to suggest that the buoyant feeling and the exuberance does not extend beyond the crudely abstract level to well considered plans of action. The sad fact about the situation is that the very foundation of the thinking that made the military defeat of the LTTE possible, such as the discarding of the ‘Solheim orthodoxy’ that ‘the LTTE cannot be militarily defeated’ and the adoption of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/10/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග  ඞී. ඒ. ගà·â€ÂÂණසේකර  අපේâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරල්මහ නඩà·â€ÂÂවේ 11 වන à·ƒà·ÂÂÂකකරෆඞී. ඒ. ගà·â€ÂÂණසේකර මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠දà·ÂÂÂන්වියපà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ à¶ÂÂÂමන්ගේ නිවසේ à¶ÂÂÂනියම ජීවà¶ÂÂÂ්වෙයි. 71 පිළිබඳ මà¶ÂÂÂකය à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගෙන්ගිලිහී ගොස්නà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ. 1928 උපචලà·ÂÂÂබූ ඞී. ඒ. ගà·â€ÂÂණසේකර 1947 දී සමසමà·ÂÂÂජ පක්ෂයට බà·ÂÂÂඳà·â€ÂÂණේය. සම්භà·ÂÂÂණ්ඩ සංයà·â€ÂÂක්චමණ්ඩලයේ සේවය කළ à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ මà·â€ÂÂළෆවෘà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂීය දිවිය අරගල වලින්පිරී පà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂිණි. කම්කරà·â€ÂÂවන්වෙනà·â€ÂÂවෙන්හඬ නà·ÂÂÂගූ ඞී. ඒ. ගà·â€ÂÂණසේකර හට විජේවීර හමෆවන්නේ 1965 දීය. මà¶ÂÂÂකය අවදි කරන à¶â€ÂÂහෆමෙසේ පවසයි.  මම එකල ෂන්මà·â€ÂÂගදà·ÂÂÂසන්සමඟ à·€à·ÂÂÂඩ කළෙමි. වරක්රà·ÂÂÂස්වීමක්අමà¶ÂÂÂ෠අවසන්වෙà¶ÂÂÂ්ම යම්අයෙක්මà·ÂÂÂගේ පසà·â€ÂÂපසින්ඇවිà¶ÂÂÂ්මට කථ෠කළේය. ඒ විජේවීරයි. අප දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන කරà·â€ÂÂණà·â€ÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/10/10)
By Philip Fernando,former Deputy Editor Sunday Observer, Sri Lanka  This is a short comment on Dr. U. B. Gunasinghe’ piece “UN panel has asked for submissions.’ We will have to study this carefullyâ€â€ÂÂnuances are varied. This is a slippery slopeâ€â€ÂÂUN panel wants accountability of Sri Lankan government so that Ban-Ki Moon can decide what to do. Tiger atrocities are not mentioned---Tiger criminals are dead anyway--when alive they defied UN mandates going on a killing spree.  This is a fake investigationâ€â€ÂÂa fishing expedition.  What they want is photos and news of May 2009â€â€ÂÂthe receding days of the war. There is... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/10/10)
By DR M D P DISSANAYAKE The tiny island of Sri Lanka has 13 Universities,  funded by the Government of Sri Lanka via the University Grants Commission. The list is stagerring, nevertheless the Universities  are known as Colombo/Peradeniya/Jayawardenapura/Kelaniya/Moratuwa/Jaffna/Open/Eastern/South Eastern/Rajarata/Sabaragamuwa/Wayamba/Uva Wellassa and Visual Arts. They are growing like rabbits in numbers, who knows by the time this article goes into publication, there might be additional Universities. In addition, there are 2 Universities funded by the Ministry of Education, known as Buddhist and Pali University and Buddhasravaka Bhiksu University. Then General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University funded by the Ministry of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/10/10)
By Stanley Perera David A smith made the following comments on the letter headed “Chikera strikes againâ€ÂÂÂ: “What a sick lot of puppies you are. Stanley, aren’t you too a non-supporter of MR? After all you deserted the country he and his family run & came to Australiaâ€ÂÂÂ. It is not my way replying to comments made by anyone whose identity is not established. In other words David A Smith is not your real name. However a reply is needed as your language is sickening. You are calling others as sick lot of hateful puppies. He who calls others... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/10/10)
COLOMBO: A new port being built in Sri Lanka’s southern Hambantota has drawn investment proposals from local and foreign businesses including the local Senok Combine and Micro Car for vehicle assembly, officials said. Madras Cements, India’s fifth largest cement maker and part of Chennai-based Ramco Group, has also proposed investing in a cement terminal at the port, a greenfield site to be operated as a free port with no taxes.... -Full Story- ( - 24/10/10)
 යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම සිංහල, දෙමළ, මà·â€ÂÂස්ලිම්වà·ÂÂÂයෙන්නොව à·ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරී ලà·ÂÂÂංකීය ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂියට මූලික පදනම දමමින්එහි පෙරවදන ලියන්නට යොවà·â€ÂÂන්පà·ÂÂÂර්ලිමේන්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවට à·„à·ÂÂÂකිවේවි. සිංහල, දෙමළ, මà·â€ÂÂස්ලිම්වà·ÂÂÂයෙන්නොව, à·€à·ÂÂÂර්ගික සංහිදියà·ÂÂÂවෙන්යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Š, à·ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරී ලà·ÂÂÂංකේය ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂියට මූලික පදනම දමමින්, එහි පෙරවදන ලියන්නට ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂික යොවà·â€ÂÂන්පà·ÂÂÂර්ලිමේන්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවට à·„à·ÂÂÂකි වන බව, යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠ඊයේ (21* මහරගමදී පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂ෠කළේය. ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂික යොවà·â€ÂÂන්පà·ÂÂÂර්ලිමේන්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·€ ස්ථà·ÂÂÂපනය කිරීම පිළිබඳව මà·ÂÂÂධ්â€ÂÂÂය දà·ÂÂÂනà·â€ÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂ්කිරීම සඳහ෠මහරගම à¶ÂÂÂරà·â€ÂÂණ සේව෠සභ෠à·ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරවණà·ÂÂÂගà·ÂÂÂරයෙදී පà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂà·’ මà·ÂÂÂධ්â€ÂÂÂය හමà·â€ÂÂවේදී ඇමà¶ÂÂÂිවරය෠මේ බව පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂ෠කළේය. ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠මෙසේද කීය, යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂය විදිහට අද à¶â€ÂÂබ කà·ÂÂÂදෙව්වේ යොවà·â€ÂÂන්පà·ÂÂÂර්ලිමේන්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·€ යනà·â€ÂÂවෙන්වූ ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂික à·€à·ÂÂÂඩ පිළිවෙල පිළිබඳව... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/10/10)
By Manjula Fernando courtesy Sunday Observer The former Human Rights Minister and a former Chair of the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) Committee on the Human Rights of Parliamentarians, Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe says the so-called international rights groups which resorted to extreme measures to salvage the LTTE during the final phase of the war were at it again and are trying to disrupt the national process of reconciliation. In an interview with the Sunday Observer, he points out that the Human Rights (HR) groups have disregarded the fact that key persons of eminence and even relatives of ex-LTTE leaders have come... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/10/10)
යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම à·ÂÂÂà·’à·‚à·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ විභà·ÂÂÂගයෙන්සමà¶ÂÂÂ්වූවන්ගෙන්15%-20% අà¶ÂÂÂර පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරමà·ÂÂÂණයක්පමණයි, විà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලයට යන්නේ.අපේ රටේ ලොකà·â€ÂÂම මà·ÂÂÂෆියà·ÂÂÂà·€, සංඛ්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලේඛණ මà·ÂÂÂෆියà·ÂÂÂවයි,නිළධà·ÂÂÂරීන්à¶ÂÂÂොරà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරෆලබà·ÂÂÂදීමට විà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂල මà·ÂÂÂලිකමක්දක්වනවà·ÂÂÂ.-යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම – අපේ රටේ ලොකà·â€ÂÂම මà·ÂÂÂෆියà·ÂÂÂà·€, සංඛ්â€ÂÂÂය෠ලේඛණ මà·ÂÂÂෆියà·ÂÂÂවයි. නිළධà·ÂÂÂරීන්à¶ÂÂÂොරà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරෆලබà·ÂÂÂදීමට විà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂල අකමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂක්දක්වනවà·ÂÂÂ. ගිරය ටෙලිනà·ÂÂÂට්â€ÂÂÂයයේ ලූසිහà·ÂÂÂමි වගේ, අපේ බොහ෠නිළධà·ÂÂÂරීන්සියල්ල හංගà·ÂÂÂගෙන සිටිනව෠යà·ÂÂÂයි යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠දික්වà·ÂÂÂල්ලේදී පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂ෠කළේය. දෙවිනà·â€ÂÂවර ආසනයේ 5 වසර à·ÂÂÂà·’à·‚à·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ විභà·ÂÂÂගය සමà¶ÂÂÂ්සිසෆසිසà·â€ÂÂවියන්104 දෙනෙකà·â€ÂÂට උපහà·ÂÂÂර පිදීම නිමිà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂෙන්දික්වà·ÂÂÂල්ල පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂදේà·ÂÂÂීය සභ෠à·ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරවණà·ÂÂÂගà·ÂÂÂරයේදී පà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂà·’ ‘‘නà·ÂÂÂණ පළස’’ à¶ÂÂÂිළිණ හ෠සහà¶ÂÂÂික පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරදà·ÂÂÂනà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්සවයේදී ඇමà¶ÂÂÂිවරය෠මේ බව පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂ෠කළේය. සියම්මහ෠නිකà·ÂÂÂයේ à·ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරී රà·ÂÂÂහණ පà·ÂÂÂර්à·ÂÂÂවයේ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/10/10)
By Philip Fernando, former Deputy Editor, Sunday Observer, Sri Lanka  It is tragic that Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon’s intellectual bent towards the demonic Tiger remnants, still warped towards their evil designs may tarnish the 65th anniversary of the UN this week. It stuck out as a sour thumb ignominiously mocking the more decent work of that august body. Moon seemed presumptuous, preposterous and loathsome judged by the accepted norms of decision making at the United Nations. His dual standards in dealing with rights violations round the globe are odious, unworthy of the impartiality expected of a Secretary General shattering... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/10/10)
Shenali Waduge When less than 23,000 students are eligible for higher studies in the 15 state universities in Sri Lanka one would expect these students to not only value their placement but do their utmost to successfully complete their studies that would facilitate further education or their ability to enter employment.  This is not what is taking place in Sri Lanka’s universities.  Let us discuss the issue at hand without bias. Education in Sri Lanka is state funded & offered free upto university level. Additionally free textbooks & school uniforms are provided. There are 10,390 government schools, 33 non-fee-levying... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/10/10)
By Dr. Tilak S. Fernando Captain ‘Susantha Jayasekera (affectionately known to many as (‘Sus’) had to answer the inevitable call from above on 15 June 2010 at the age of 84, just 3 weeks prior to his 85th birthday, after a colourful and a fully accomplished career as an Airline Pilot, Officer in the Royal Ceylon Air Force Volunteer Reserve, Flying Instructor and a successful businessman. As a student at Royal College, ‘Sus’ demonstrated his intellectual aptitude and excelled in his studies. He grew up with a persuasive self-confidence to fly an aircraft one day. His father, Sam Jayasekera... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/10/10)
Ira de Silva London, Canada Mr. Robert O. Blake Assistant Secretary for South & Central Asia State Department Washington D.C., U.S.A.  Dear Sir:  I look forward to your statement regarding the latest exposure of U.S. troops killing civilians in Iraq and the fact that up to now the U.S. has denied that it was aware of and complicit in these attacks. You never fail to make statements on the alleged killing of civilians by the Sri Lankan armed forces knowing full well that these are unsubstantiated allegations that are being kept alive, with your assistance, by your LTTE friends in the U.S. and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 23/10/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග à·ƒà·ÂÂÂමසිරි කà·â€ÂÂමà·ÂÂÂනà·ÂÂÂයක  මහ නඩà·â€ÂÂවේ 9වන විà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂිකරෆවූ à·ƒà·ÂÂÂමසිරි කà·â€ÂÂමà·ÂÂÂනà·ÂÂÂයක සම්බන්ධකර ගà·ÂÂÂනීම à¶ÂÂÂරමක අසීරෆකටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂක්වà·â€ÂÂවද, අවසà·ÂÂÂනයේදී à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ දà·â€ÂÂරකථන අංකය ලබà·ÂÂÂගà·ÂÂÂනීමට මම සමà¶ÂÂÂ්වූයෙමි. මූලික හඳà·â€ÂÂන්වà·ÂÂÂදීමෙන්හ෠අරමà·â€ÂÂණ පà·ÂÂÂà·„à·ÂÂÂදිලි කිරීමෙන්පසෆපà·ÂÂÂඨකයන්වෙනà·â€ÂÂවෙන්කà·â€ÂÂමà·ÂÂÂනà·ÂÂÂයක මහà¶ÂÂÂà· à¶ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆහෙළි කිරීමට එකඟ විය. à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·†à¶ÂÂÂම කථà·ÂÂÂà·€ ආරම්භ කළේ මේ අයà·â€ÂÂරිනි.  මගේ ගම ඇල්පිටිය ඕමà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·š. මà·â€ÂÂල්කà·ÂÂÂලයේ නිහà·ÂÂÂල්ඩයස්ල෠සමඟ සමà·ÂÂÂජවà·ÂÂÂදී à·ÂÂÂà·’à·‚à·Šâ€ÂÂÂය සංගමයේ හිටියà·ÂÂÂ. මම පේරà·ÂÂÂදෙණිය විà·ÂÂÂ්වවිද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලයට ගියේ 1966 වර්ෂයේදී. 1967 දි à¶ÂÂÂමයි මට රà·ÂÂÂහණ විජේවීරගේ ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂරය ගà·ÂÂÂන අහන්න ලà·ÂÂÂබà·â€ÂÂණේ. මේ ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂරය ගà·ÂÂÂන පà·ÂÂÂà·„à·ÂÂÂදීමක්විà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€à·ÂÂÂසයක්ඇà¶ÂÂÂිවූ නිස෠මම ඒ වසරේදීම විà·ÂÂÂ්වවිද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂල අධ්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපනය අà¶ÂÂÂ්හිටවල෠පූර්ණකà·ÂÂÂලීනයෙක්බවට පà¶ÂÂÂ්උනà·ÂÂÂ.  මම විජේවීරගේ ‘‘රà·ÂÂÂහණ’’ කියන... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/10/10)
By U. B. Gunasinghe PhD I kindly request from patriotic Sri Lankan to pay attention to following news item published in the Hindustan Time. UN Lanka panel asks for submissions The Hindustan Times, 2010-10-21 19:28:04 EST. The United Nations panel looking into war crimes during the final stages of the Sri Lankan conflict has called for submissions and correspondence from institutions…………. The UN panel is asking from institutions and individuals to submit any correspondence regarding the investigation on Sri Lankan final stage of the war. As Sri Lankan we all can submit correspondence regarding atrocities committed by... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/10/10)
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario .Canada October 22, 2010  The Editor (Letters) THE OTTAWA CITIZEN  Sir:  Although 'Tories target refugee smugglers' show that the Government had little choice now but to admit that 90 per cent of the Tamil refugees were scammers, and the Conservative, Liberal and the NDP parliamentarians had to go along defending  the Tamil refugees anyway, as they were bloating their voter bank and did not want to antoganize the Tamil community in the Greater Toronto Area.  I hope this bill will also target the Canadian-Tamil groups who are... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/10/10)
By Kithsiri Athulathmudali, Florida, USA This article appeared in the on line version of Sunday Leader on September 19th 2010  If Kusal Perera wrote this article with the notion, that Mahinda Rajapaksa acted within Sri Lankan constitution and did not go an inch outside of the constitution, he will not have a job at the “Sunday Leaderâ€ÂÂÂ. The owners of the “Sunday Leader†would have not allowed him to publish it. Going by the comments of NANABST on the comments section of the article, you get Kappan from a Western NGO. So, my statement above is not applicable.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/10/10)
By Saroj Pathirana The Sri Lankan government is paying a top British PR firm about £3m ($4.7m) a year to try to enhance the country's post-war image, the BBC understands. Bell Pottinger Group was recently hired to lobby UK, UN and EU officials. The government says it employs several PR companies but will not disclose their names or the amount paid. Bell Pottinger also refused to give details.... -Full Story- ( - 22/10/10)
චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂරසේන පණ්ඩිà¶ÂÂÂගේ විසිනි. ‘‘නිල්ල පිරà·â€ÂÂණෆරටක්’’, ප්â€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂණයà¶ÂÂÂ්සමග ගම්â€ÂÂÂය වන ස්වභà·ÂÂÂවය හ෠ඊට බද්ධවීමට ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ දà·ÂÂÂඩි කà·ÂÂÂමà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂ; ප්â€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂකයà·ÂÂÂà·€ රà·ÂÂÂකීමට ස්වභà·ÂÂÂවයට දà·ÂÂÂඩිව බලකරයි. ස්වභà·ÂÂÂවය ධර්මය රකින්නà·ÂÂÂ, à·ƒà·ÂÂÂබෑ ලෙසම ධර්මය රකින්නෙක්වන අà¶ÂÂÂර,à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂà·€ හ෠ඇයව ධර්මය විසින්මනà·ÂÂÂà·€ à·ƒà·â€ÂÂරකින බව අපි දන්නෙමà·â€ÂÂ. ‘‘නිල්ල පිරà·â€ÂÂණෆරටක්’’ යන à·€à·ÂÂÂකිය මහින්ද චින්à¶ÂÂÂනය à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල අන්à¶ÂÂÂර්ගචවූවක්බà·ÂÂÂවින්හ෠එය à·ƒà·ÂÂÂබෑ ලෙසම ක්â€ÂÂÂරියà·ÂÂÂවට නගන මà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·’ ඇමà¶ÂÂÂිවරà·â€ÂÂන්ටද මෙම ක්â€ÂÂÂරියà·ÂÂÂදà·ÂÂÂමය මහà¶ÂÂÂ්ආà·ÂÂÂිර්වà·ÂÂÂදයකි. මෙම පදනම යටà¶ÂÂÂà·š පà·ÂÂÂල 11,00000ක්රà·ÂÂÂපනය කිරීමට කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆකිරීම නිකම්ම නිකම්පà·ÂÂÂලයක්සිටà·â€ÂÂවීමක්නම්නොවේ. මේ හ෠බà·ÂÂÂඳà·â€ÂÂන ස්වභà·ÂÂÂවයේ මහ෠සංස්කෘà¶ÂÂÂික මංගල්â€ÂÂÂයකට සූදà·ÂÂÂනම්වීමකි. ගහ කොළ à·ƒà¶ÂÂÂ෠සිවà·â€ÂÂපà·ÂÂÂව෠විනà·ÂÂÂ෠කරමින්මහ෠වනà·ÂÂÂන්à¶ÂÂÂර à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල යක෠නà·ÂÂÂටූ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/10/10)
By A. Abdul Aziz,Press Secretary, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Sri Lanka. Sri Laanka Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at holds its Annual convention (Jalsa Salana) today (Saturday the 23rd October 2010) at Ahmadiyya Jubilee Hall, Periyamulla, Negombo under its National President A.H. Nasir Ahmad. Ahmadi Muslims throughout the country are attending this one day convention. The Representative from the Ahmadiyya Supreme Head (Khalifa) is the Guest of Honour on the occasion.  CDs in Tamil recorded from Tamilan TV Programs being conducted by Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Chennai (Every Sunday at 8.00 a.m.) on topics of Islamic Unity lies on Khilafat (re-establishment of Spiritual Leadership... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/10/10)
Siobhain McDonagh (Mitcham and Morden, Labour) Let me start by apologising for any words that I may pronounce incorrectly. No insult is intended, and I stand to be corrected on my pronunciation. For someone with a name like Siobhain McDonagh, that is quite a thing. Britain's Ahmadiyya Muslims work hard and contribute greatly to this country. Their belief in peace and religious tolerance is an example to us all, and is to be expected from a community whose motto is, "Love for all and hatred for none." Their fifth spiritual head, Mirza Masroor Ahmad, lives in the United Kingdom,... -Full Story- ( - 22/10/10)
By Philip Fernando, former Deputy Editor, Sunday Observer, Sri Lanka Currency wars have heated up with charges that Chinese renminbi (yuan) is under-valued. The Chinese countered that banking policies and lowered interest rates in the West caused the trade imbalance. The exchange rate battle is seemingly indicative of the fading economic clout of many Western economies.  Economies with under-valued currencies tend to amass high export incomes and enhanced trade balances. Creditor countries like China and Germany have reaped much better than debtor countries like USA and Britain.  The divergent anxieties in general over Chinese currency policy and the lowered... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/10/10)
Dr.P.A.Samaraweera, Australia An invitation by the govt to the Human Rights Watch, International Crisis Group and Amnesty International to testify before the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) had been turned down by them saying that it lacks the ability to advance accountability for war crimes.  In a joint statement, the 3 groups had stated that, "...the commission suffers from an adequate mandate, a lack of independence and little credibility to advance accountability..." The LLRC was appointed in May 2010, to probe allegations of abuse during the war against the LTTE and to examine reasons for the failure of the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/10/10)
Ranjith The Ministry of External Affairs responding to the rejection by the ICG, AI and HRW to an invitation extended to these organizations by the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) to make representation before the Commission has said, "it leaves room to believe that these Organizations would by far prefer to voice allegations from distant parts of the world, rather than jeopardize their claims to credibility by subjecting their assertions to scrutiny under the transparent and legally sound process afforded by the LLRC".   The statement notes that "the Government having been encouraged by the international community, established the LLRC on the 15th May... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/10/10)
චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂරසේන පණ්ඩිà¶ÂÂÂගේ විසිනි. නිවà·ÂÂÂà·ƒ ඉදි කිරීම්අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය විමල්වීරවං෠මහà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂගේ අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂයේ මග පෙන්වීම යටà¶ÂÂÂà·š ඉදිරි සය වසර à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂලදී නිවà·ÂÂÂà·ƒ දස ලක්ෂයක් ඉදිකිරීමේ à·ƒà·ÂÂÂලස්මක්සම්බන්ධව කà¶ÂÂÂිකà·ÂÂÂවක්මේ දිනවලද පවà¶ÂÂÂà·“. නිවà·ÂÂÂà·ƒ දස ලක්ෂයක්ගොඩනà·ÂÂÂංවීමට සිà¶ÂÂÂීම, à·ƒà·ÂÂÂලසà·â€ÂÂම්කිරීම, ඉදිකිරීම හ෠ඒව෠ජනà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවට ලබà·ÂÂÂදීම යà·â€ÂÂගයේ ප්â€ÂÂÂරබල අවà·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවයක්බවට පà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ à¶ÂÂÂිබේ. ඒ සමගම නිවà·ÂÂÂà·ƒ ඉදිකිරීම්අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය විමල්වීරවං෠මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠ජනà¶ÂÂÂ෠අදහස්, යà·ÂÂÂජන෠හ෠චà·ÂÂÂදන෠දà·ÂÂÂන ගà·ÂÂÂනීම සදහ෠ඒකකයක්ද පිහිටà·â€ÂÂව෠à¶ÂÂÂිබීම අගය කල යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂය. නමà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්කà·ÂÂÂලයට à·ƒà·ÂÂÂපේක්ෂව සියල්ලක්ම සිද්ධවෙන මේ විà·ÂÂÂ්වයේ එà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂමà·ÂÂÂට ලà·ÂÂÂබෙන සෑම ලිපියක්ම කියවීමට කà·ÂÂÂලයක්මිඩංගෆකිරීමට නම්නොහà·ÂÂÂකි වනෆඇà¶ÂÂÂ. නමà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මේ සෑම ක්â€ÂÂÂරියà·ÂÂÂදà·ÂÂÂමයකින්ම උà¶ÂÂÂ්සහ දරණà·â€ÂÂයේ සිය ඉලක්කය වූ නිවà·ÂÂÂà·ƒ දස ලක්ෂයේ යà·ÂÂÂජනà·ÂÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/10/10)
Embassy of Sri Lanka Kuwait October 21, 2010 A 03-day workshop jointly organized by Sri Lanka Social Security     Board ( SLSSB ) and the Sri Lankan Manpower Welfare  Association ( SLMWA ) under the patronage of the Sri Lankan Embassy was held from  7 – 11 October at Mirage Hotel in Kuwait aimed at creating awareness on “Surakumaâ€ÂÂÂ, a newly introduced pension and social security scheme and its benefits to the migrant workers.  The scheme, the first of its kind launched overseas, was introduced under the concept  “A Pension for All†in the “Mahinda Chinthana Forward Vision†policy document presented by President... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/10/10)
Mona Grivi Norman- October 19,2010 Courtesy VG Norway -This page has been translated from Norwegian to English Jonas Gahr Store will prevent Saudi Arabia to finance mosques in Norway as long as it is not allowed to build churches there. Saudi government and wealthy individuals want to build mosques for tens of millions in Norway.  It has the full right under Norwegian laws on financial support to religious communities. But the gifts in the millions, there is a proviso that the Norwegian government approves support.  Foreign Ministry refuses not only to approve mosque contributions. In a response to the Islamic Center Tawfiiq... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/10/10)
යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂය පරිසර කළමනà·ÂÂÂකරණ හ෠ස්වභà·ÂÂÂවික සම්පà¶ÂÂÂ්සංරක්ෂණ à·€à·ÂÂÂඩසටහනට සමගà·ÂÂÂමීව හරිචමà·ÂÂÂසය වෙනà·â€ÂÂවෙන්, යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂය පෙරේද෠(18* යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·â€Â අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂං෠භූමිය à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·… න෠පà·ÂÂÂලයක්රà·ÂÂÂපණය කරන ලදී. මහින්ද චින්à¶ÂÂÂන à·€à·ÂÂÂඩසටහන යටà¶ÂÂÂà·š පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂයට පà¶ÂÂÂ්කරන ලද ‘‘නිල්ල පිරà·â€ÂÂණෆරටක්’’, උදà·ÂÂÂකර ගà·ÂÂÂනීමේ අරමà·â€ÂÂණ ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’à·€ සෑම වසරකම à¶â€ÂÂක්à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂම්බර්15 වන දින සිට නොවà·ÂÂÂම්බර්15 වන දින දක්ව෠හරිචමà·ÂÂÂසය පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂයට පà¶ÂÂÂ්කර à¶ÂÂÂිබේ. සියලූ රà·ÂÂÂජ්â€ÂÂÂය හ෠පෞද්ගලික අංà·ÂÂÂයේ සහය ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’à·€ නොවà·ÂÂÂම්බර්18 à·€à·ÂÂÂනි දිනට යෙදෙන අà¶ÂÂÂිගරෆජනà·ÂÂÂධිපà¶ÂÂÂà·’à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂමà·ÂÂÂගේ 65 වන ජන්ම දිනය à·ƒà·ÂÂÂමරීම සඳහ෠දිවයින පà·â€ÂÂර෠පà·ÂÂÂà·… එකොළොස්ලක්ෂයක්(11,00000* රà·ÂÂÂපණය කිරීමේ à·€à·ÂÂÂඩ පිළිවෙල à·ƒà·ÂÂÂර්ථක කර ගà·ÂÂÂනීමටද මේ මගින්අපේක්ෂà·ÂÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 21/10/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග  මෙම ගâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරන්ථයේ අඩංගෆවන්නේ 1971 කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ලට සහභà·ÂÂÂගි වූ පිරිස්අපට පà·ÂÂÂවසූ විස්à¶ÂÂÂරයි. ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂම්විට මෙහි යම්යම්සදොස්ස්ථà·ÂÂÂන, මà¶ÂÂÂභේදà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මක කරà·â€ÂÂණෆà¶ÂÂÂිබිය à·„à·ÂÂÂක. එම අදහස්කර්à¶ÂÂÂෘගේ හ෠පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂකයන්ගේ අදහස්නොවන බවà¶ÂÂÂ්අවසන්විනිà·ÂÂÂ්චය පà·ÂÂÂඨකය෠සà¶ÂÂÂෆබවà¶ÂÂÂ්දන්ව෠සිටිමà·â€ÂÂ. ලොකෆඅà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල හෙවà¶ÂÂÂ්අà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල නිමලසිරි ජයසිංහ මහ නඩà·â€ÂÂවේ හයවන විà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂිකරෆවූ ලොකෆඅà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල පà·ÂÂÂ්චà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්කà·ÂÂÂරලි සමයේ ආන්දà·ÂÂÂලනà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මක චරිà¶ÂÂÂයක්බවට පà¶ÂÂÂ්වූ බව නොරහසකි. ලොකෆඅà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල හෙවà¶ÂÂÂ්හිටපෆවිදà·â€ÂÂලිබල හ෠බලà·ÂÂÂක්à¶ÂÂÂà·’ අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය අà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල නිමලසිරි ජයසිංහ මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠මට මà·â€ÂÂණගà·ÂÂÂà·ƒà·â€ÂÂණේ ලà·ÂÂÂà·„à·ÂÂÂර්ආර්ය෠ගොඩනà·ÂÂÂගිල්ලේ à¶ÂÂÂෙවන මහලේ පිහිටි à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ කà·ÂÂÂර්යà·ÂÂÂලයේදීය. à¶ÂÂÂම෠හමà·â€ÂÂවීමට පà·ÂÂÂමිණෙන පà·â€ÂÂද්ගලයන්ට පෙන්වන ආචà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂීලීභà·ÂÂÂවය හ෠මිà¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂීලී කථà·ÂÂÂකිරීම මම à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·†à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂළින්දà·â€ÂÂටà·â€ÂÂවෙමි.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/10/10)
By Charles.S.Perera Satheesan Kumaaran certainly a pro-terrorist expatriate Tamil, writing to the Sri Lanka Guardian Website on 15.10.2010 while casting aspersions to the President, says the President was being invited by the Oxford Union in 2008, while his armed forces were launching brutal attacks on civilian targets in the guise of fighting terrorism. This type of statements are immediately taken over by the UK Channel 4, Amnesty international and the Human Rights watch etc. who live on such rank lies spewed by the likes of Satheesan Kumaaran. There is really no need even to reply these abusive raked... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/10/10)
Insight By Sunil Kumar Oct.21st 2010 The latest university unrest on Sri Lankan campuses where a group of undergrads have attacked the Vice Chancellor of Ruhuna University~ Matara, Mr. Susirith Mendis is not only a shameful example of mismanagement by the University authorities on site and its lack of security but also points to fallibilities of the entire system around the Nation and needs to be addressed immediately before it gets out of control and becomes a focal point for certain anti Government elements to use it as a means to discredit the Government of Sri Lanka both nationally as well as universally... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/10/10)
by Stanley Perera Famous anti government Duleep Chickera says "it is not the pardon Sarath Fonseka needs. Sarath needs justice".  Well Chickera who else did you speak out to provide justice?. Chikera fellow is well known to be an ardent supporter of Terrorist group LTTE and anti government activist. In the past Chickera held hands with Soundranayagam and Rayappu Joseph in the campaign to establish Elam. However Rayappu and Saundranayagam have been tamed by Arch bishop Dr. Malcolm Ranjith since annihilating the Terrorists. They had nowhere to go other than to support the Arch Bishop. That fellow... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/10/10)
henry jayaweera The Editor Lankaweb  The news of the attack on the Vice Chancellor of the Ruhunu University, appaling as it is, illustrates clearly what ruthless politicians can do, have done times ad nauseum, and will continue to do in our beloved country. Memory sadly meanders back to the infamous JVP-a curse upon that name- era when valuable lives were destroyed without compunction by idiots who did not, and will not ever know the utter waste of human resources they perpetrated. Today, obviously, a similar trend of mayhem and senseless acts are showing signs of taking over the country at the behest of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/10/10)
PRESS RELEASE EMBASSY OF SRI LANKA, WASHINGTON DC A Baltimore federal court jury Monday convicted a Singapore man of attempting to sell arms to the terrorist group Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka. Four co-conspirators have pleaded guilty in the case. Reuters reported that Balraj Naidu, 48, was charged in a conspiracy to provide material support to the LTTE, which in 1997 was designated by the U.S. Department of State as a foreign terrorist organization. It fought and lost a 26-year-long conflict against the Government of Sri Lanka. According to evidence presented at his trial, Naidu... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/10/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග ©2010  මහà·ÂÂÂචà·ÂÂÂර්ය ජයදේව උයන්ගොඩ 1971 කà·ÂÂÂරළිකරà·â€ÂÂවන්අà¶ÂÂÂරින්බිහිවූ විà·ÂÂÂිෂ්ඨà¶ÂÂÂම බà·â€ÂÂද්ධිමà¶ÂÂÂ෠යයි කිවහොà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·ƒà·ÂÂÂà·€i නොවේ. මට à¶â€ÂÂහෆහමෆඋනේ කොළඹ විà·ÂÂÂ්විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලයේ දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන විද්â€ÂÂÂය෠පීඨයේදීය. සිනහවකින්ම෠පිළිගà¶ÂÂÂ්මහà·ÂÂÂචà·ÂÂÂර්ය උයන්ගොඩ à¶ÂÂÂම අà¶ÂÂÂà·“à¶ÂÂÂය ස්මරණය කළේ මෙසේය.  පේරà·ÂÂÂදෙනිය විà·ÂÂÂ්වවිද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලයේ පළමෆවසරේ ඉගෙනà·â€ÂÂම ලබන කà·ÂÂÂලයේදී ලොකà·â€ÂÂඅà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල මà·ÂÂÂà·€ විජේවීර හමà·â€ÂÂවීමට ගෙනයනෆලà·ÂÂÂබà·â€ÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂ. ඒ 1969 දී. විජේවීර අපට හමà·â€ÂÂඋනේ කà¶ÂÂÂරගම දිවà·â€ÂÂල්ගම කියන ගමේදී. විජේවීර හමà·â€ÂÂවනවිට හවස à·„à¶ÂÂÂට විà¶ÂÂÂර ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ à¶â€ÂÂහෆගà·ÂÂÂමියෙකෆවගේ සරමකින්සà·ÂÂÂරසිල෠හිටියේ. මà·ÂÂÂà·€ දà·ÂÂÂක්ක à·„à·ÂÂÂටියේම ලෙන්ගà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·€ කථ෠කළà·ÂÂÂ. විජේවීර à·ÂÂÂරීර පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරමà·ÂÂÂණයෙන්කà·â€ÂÂඩ෠පà·â€ÂÂද්ගලයෙක්. à¶â€ÂÂහෆආකර්à·ÂÂÂනීය චරිà¶ÂÂÂයක්. අපි පසà·â€ÂÂවද෠උදේ වෙනà¶ÂÂÂෙක්කථ෠කළà·ÂÂÂ. à¶â€ÂÂහෆසමඟ කථ෠කිරීම කà·ÂÂÂන්සියක්ගෙන දà·â€ÂÂන්නේ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/10/10)
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge  The concept of Post Combat Depression (PCD) is not new. There are many historical records to provide that combatants manifested depressive symptoms after the war. The feeling of guilt and despair plays a major role in post combat depression. For instance, the King Dutugamunu went in to a depressive type of reaction soon after the Wijithapura battle. The king’s emotional worries were later healed by a monk. Similarly, Napoleon Bonaparte developed depression while he was in exile in the island of St Helena. Post combat depression is evident among some combatants who were exposed to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/10/10)
Press Release Sri Lanka High Commission London Delivering the Keynote Address of the first Dialogue between the International Institute of Strategic Studies (IISS) in London and the Ministry of External Affairs of Sri Lanka, the External Affairs Minister Professor G.L Peiris said that it is regrettable that groups close to the LTTE, knowing very well that they cannot unleash violence the way they did with impunity in the past, have now taken on an initiative of a different complexion, which has assumed the character of an economic onslaught against Sri Lanka. Their purpose now is to dissuade investors and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/10/10)
Sarath Wijesinghe LL.M (London) Solicitor-Attorney-at-Law (Ambassador of Sri Lanka in the United Arab Emirates)  United Arab Emirate consists of seven emirates namely, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, Fujairah, Umm Al Quwain, Ras Al Khaimah out of which Dubai has become the hub of international trade centralizing a vibrant port and a international airport which is the platform for the Middle East and the African Sub continent. A desert with camels 45 years ago is surpassing Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and many other upcoming tiger business hubs in the world. Global Village is the most recent invention which commences on... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/10/10)
By Carol Cratty, CNN Washington (CNN) -- A Singapore man was convicted by a Maryland jury Monday of attempting to purchase American arms for use by the Tamil Tigers, a U.S. designated terrorist group in Sri Lanka. Balraj Naidu, 48, was found guilty of conspiracy to provide material support to a terrorist group, and he now faces a maximum of 15 years in prison. According to a press release by the U.S. attorney's office in Maryland, Naidu and his co-conspirators wanted to obtain grenade launchers, sniper rifles, machine guns and other state-of-the-art U.S. weapons. In 2006, Naidu and his associates... -Full Story- ( - 19/10/10)
A US court has found a Singaporean man guilty of conspiring to provide arms to Tamil Tiger rebels in Sri Lanka. Balraj Naidu was convicted of trying to buy 28 tonnes of weapons in the US for the rebels in 2006. He faces up to 15 years in prison. The court in Baltimore heard that Naidu tried to buy weapons from undercover agents posing as arms dealers.... -Full Story- ( - 19/10/10)
B. Muralidhar Reddy Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has said his government would like consensus among all Tamil political parties for a political solution to the ethnic conflict. Talking to a delegation from the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association here, he said reconciliation needed a home grown solution and not one transported from elsewhere, even from Northern Ireland. “It must be based on our own experience.†On the question of the provincial administration in the North, he said the priority would be local government elections due early next year and they would be followed with election to the Northern Provincial Council.... -Full Story- ( - 19/10/10)
Sri Lanka’s foreign minister Gamini Lakshman Peiris rejected “colonial†criticism yesterday of a government-appointed civil war probe, after foreign rights groups snubbed an invitation to attend. New York-based Human Rights Watch, London-based Amnesty International and Brussels-based International Crisis Group last week accused the panel of a cover-up and refused an offer from Colombo to appear before it.... -Full Story- (Gulf Times - 19/10/10)
By Anusha Ondaatjie and Susan Li Sri Lanka plans to ease foreign- exchange rules in the “next few weeks,†the nation’s central bank governor said, after keeping interest rates unchanged today to support economic expansion. “In the next few weeks, we are going to be relaxing some of the exchange controls that we have, which means there will be basis for outside growth as well,†Ajith Nivard Cabraal said in a telephone interview with Bloomberg Television from Colombo. He didn’t elaborate. Sri Lanka’s move contrasts with countries from South Korea to Brazil which are seeking to restrain capital... -Full Story- (Bloomberg - 19/10/10)
යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම  නà·ÂÂÂමල්රà·ÂÂÂජපක්ෂ මන්à¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරීà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂමà·ÂÂÂගේ ඉඳිරි à·€à·ÂÂÂඩ පිළිවෙල පිළිබඳව, අනà·ÂÂÂගà¶ÂÂÂයට ඉව අල්ලන පà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂර කà·ÂÂÂරයෙක්හà·ÂÂÂටියට මට දà·ÂÂÂනෙන්නේ ආà·ÂÂÂà·Šà·€à·ÂÂÂදජනක ආඩම්බරයක්යà·ÂÂÂපනය, à¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරිකà·â€ÂÂණà·ÂÂÂමලය, මඩකලපà·â€ÂÂà·€, හම්බන්à¶ÂÂÂොට, ආදී à·ƒà·â€ÂÂන්දර වෙරලà¶ÂÂÂීරයන්ආà·ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරිà¶ÂÂÂà·€, à¶ÂÂÂරෆ4, 5, 6 à·„à·ÂÂÂටල්200 ක්පමණ අලූà¶ÂÂÂෙන්ඉඳිකරමින්à¶ÂÂÂිබෙන බව, යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම මහà¶ÂÂÂà· à¶ÂÂÂංගල්ලේ දී පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂ෠කළේය. ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂික ආධà·â€ÂÂනිකà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ හ෠කà·ÂÂÂර්මික පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆකිරීමේ අධිකà·ÂÂÂරිය * යටà¶ÂÂÂà·š, හම්බන්à¶ÂÂÂොට දිස්à¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරික්කය à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·… à·„à·ÂÂÂටල්ක්ෂේà¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරයේ නව පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆපà·ÂÂÂඨමà·ÂÂÂල෠à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂනක්(3* ආරම්භ කිරීම නිමිà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂෙන්à¶ÂÂÂංගල්ල, කà·ÂÂÂල්ටන්පෙරපà·ÂÂÂසල්à·ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරවණà·ÂÂÂගà·ÂÂÂරයේදී පà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂà·’ උà¶ÂÂÂ්සවයේදී ඒ මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠මේ බව පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂ෠කළේය. මෙහිදී à¶ÂÂÂවදà·â€ÂÂරටà¶ÂÂÂ්අදහස්දà·ÂÂÂක්වූ අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠මෙසේද කීය, නà·ÂÂÂමල්රà·ÂÂÂජපක්ෂ මන්à¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරීà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂමà·ÂÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 19/10/10)
Shenali Waduge The guidelines set forth by Alfred Nobel the creator of dynamite in his will written on 27 November, 1895 was simple and straightforward and left approximately 94% of his wealth to establish five prizes for physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature and peace. The prizes were to be awarded to “those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankindâ€ÂÂÂ… people who were working towards "fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."…. yet the Nobel awards given annually have been... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/10/10)
Vajiragnana Warnakulasuriya Melbourne The Presidents Secretary, Mr.Lalith Weerathunga,  Dear Sir,  I respectfully believe you will bring this to His Excellency The Presidents attention.  I have noticed in Sri Lankan TV news, which I religiously watch daily, the driving force behind development projects and also on day to day running of the countries affairs has become the President. It’s a shame to see the President has to instruct on behalf of the Ministers and other Government officers who have neglected their responsibilities in executing the capital works under them. This state of affairs cannot be repeated, it’s time those responsible to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/10/10)
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1 . Canada 18 October 2010 Mr. Salil Shetty, Secretary General, Amnesty International, London, UK Mr. Kenneth Roth, Executive Director, Human Rights Watch, New York Madame Louise Arbour, President, International Crisis Group, Brussels Dear Salil, Kennth & Louise: I read with trepidation your joint letter to Sri Lanka’s ‘Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission’ which said: “Should a genuine and credible process eventually be established – featuring truly independent commission members, effective powers of witness protection, and a mandate to explore the full range of alleged violations of national... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/10/10)
Ben Silva Positive aspects of religion--- Number of views have been put on religion. There are number of  religions and belief systems in the world ref:  For some, religion  is therapeutic and I have nothing against religion being used as a therapy. The Buddhist precepts indicate the high standards of morality and values of Buddhism and its followers. The precepts is a clear indication of the civilised nature of Buddhists.  The Buddhist precepts alone are very valuable and may assist the world to be an orderly and a civilised place to live. Mindfulness and meditation used in Buddhism... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/10/10)
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Operational update Most of those displaced during the final months of last year's conflict have returned to what is left of their homes, or are living with host families until they have a place of their own. Providing basic assistance for those affected remains the ICRC's priority. As in all contexts where the ICRC carries out its humanitarian work, it continues to perform its tasks even after the end of hostilities. As soon as the conflict ended in the eastern districts of Sri Lanka, the ICRC helped those who were affected... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/10/10)
PRESS RELEASE EMBASSY OF SRI LANKA, WASHINGTON DC “When You Visit Sri Lanka, It Is Plain to See Why the World’s Best Directors Chose It as a Location,†-- Editor Sri Lanka has earned a rave review as a destination for movie and broadcast productions in the 2011 edition of The Location Guide, the film industry’s bible for selecting movie and commercial production locales. The latest edition of The Location Guide featured a separate “Focus†on Sri Lanka, highlighting the island’s natural beauty, a film-friendly government and its reasonable production costs. The Guide noted Sri Lanka’s wildlife parks, central-highlands... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/10/10)
Nava Thakuria The general election in Burma (Myanmar), scheduled on November 7, 2010, will be a much sought after affair for the international media, as most of the western countries have expressed resentment at the progress of the polls that were expected to bring change to the life and living of millions of poor Burmese in the Southeast Asian country. The election commission of the military ruled country had de-recognized the main opposition party National League for Democracy. It´s leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is still under house arrest and she can not participate in the polls. Recently,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/10/10)
ALI SUKHANVER  Division, addition, subtraction and multiplication; these are not simply the basic functions of mathematics but the most possible solutions to so many complex and complicated problems of life. Al around us from Iraq to Afghanistan and from the balkanized states of USSR to India, the whole strategy is revolving on the axis of these four mathematical actions. When the US authorities felt the growing unison of different Afghan groups and tribes in shape of a nation, they started planning to create differences and distances among them so that they might not become a challenge to the US... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 18/10/10)
Princess Haya Al Hussein Not since the famously callous phrase attributed to Marie Antoinette spread through revolutionary France has the world's political establishment been so far out of touch with the reality of hunger. We simply don't get it. We rarely even talk about it. That may sound strange coming from a Jordanian princess, but as a UN Messenger of Peace I have made it my business to understand why 925 million of us still do not have enough to eat and to get to know some of those who don't. I've found the more you know about hunger, the... -Full Story- ( - 18/10/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග ©2010  අපේâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරල්මහ නඩà·â€ÂÂවේ දෙවන විà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂිකරෆවූ ලයනල්බà·ÂÂÂපගේ දà·ÂÂÂන්ජීවà¶ÂÂÂ්වන්නේ ඕස්ටේâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරලියà·ÂÂÂවේය. à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගෙන්සම්මà·â€ÂÂඛ à·ƒà·ÂÂÂකච්ඡà·ÂÂÂවක්ලබ෠ගà·ÂÂÂනීම සඳහ෠මට උපකà·ÂÂÂර වූයේ පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරවීණ ලේඛක ගà·ÂÂÂමිණී වියන්ගොඩ ය.  දà·ÂÂÂනට ඕස්ටේâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරලියà·ÂÂÂවේ ඇඩිලේඞ්හි à·€à·ÂÂÂසය කරන බà·ÂÂÂපගේ මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠ඉංජිනේරà·â€ÂÂවෙකි. අධික à·€à·ÂÂÂඩ කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·†à¶ÂÂÂිබà·â€ÂÂණද ම෠විසින්à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂට විද්්â€ÂÂÂයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂපෑලෙන්යවන ලද පâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂ්නවලට à¶â€ÂÂහෆපිළිà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරෆඑව෠à¶ÂÂÂිබà·â€ÂÂණි. ඒ සම්බන්ධයෙන්පà·ÂÂÂඨකය෠වෙනà·â€ÂÂවෙන්බà·ÂÂÂපගේ මහà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂට ස්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂිවන්à¶ÂÂÂවීම මà·ÂÂÂගේ යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂකමක්බව සිà¶ÂÂÂමි. පහචදà·ÂÂÂක්වෙන්නේ බà·ÂÂÂපගේ මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠විසින්ම෠වෙචඑවන ලද පිළිà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරෆවල සිංහල අනà·â€ÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂදයයි.  මà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂර රà·ÂÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂල විද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂලයේ à·ÂÂÂà·’à·‚à·Šâ€ÂÂÂයයෙක්ව සිටි කà·ÂÂÂලයේ පටන්මම දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන à·ƒà·ÂÂÂà·„à·’à¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය කෙරෙහි ඇල්මක්ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ කරගෙන සිටියෙමි. එකල කොමියà·â€ÂÂනිස්ට්පක්ෂයේ උඩකà·ÂÂÂන්දවල... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/10/10)
by Charles.S.Perera  China will not be where it is to day if it had allowed the West to meddle into its affairs. It kept  away  the foreign, as well as the local  reactionary elements through out its period of economic and social development from using obstructive tactics. Even Russia after the West manipulated to disband the Union of Soviets , kept away foreign interference into its internal affairs.  Burma which also keeps away  the West from intervening into its internal affairs will no doubt set aside its present difficulties to emerge as a economically developed country. India is a... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/10/10)
DR M D P DISSANAYAKE Sri Lankan cricket team will be arriving in Australia to play  for three 50 over matches at State Levels and 3 ODIs. The first match is scheduled for 22nd October, in Brisbane. Brisbane has been  experiencing heavy rain for the past several days  and next Friday will be no exception with late afternoon rain predicted. The Sri Lankan team has many new faces with a strong leadership team of Kumar Sangakkara and Mahela Jayawardene. Australia on the other hand is facing severe media criticisms for their continuous 3 test match losses, and most recently... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/10/10)
Insight By Sunil Kumar October 17th 2010 The Nation of Sri Lanka continues to see more clearly the true personality behind Former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka each time he makes obtuse and ludicrous statements to the media which only portrays the arrogant, somewhat ignorant and self centered individual he is despite the respect and high esteem he was once held in. Very apparently now, the damning evidence against him sealed in the Judicial System of Sri Lanka and documented within the provisions of the laws of the land  that he is no national leader, never will be... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/10/10)
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge My role in society, or any artist's or poet's role, is to try and express what we all feel. Not to tell people how to feel. Not as a preacher, not as a leader, but as a reflection of us all." John Lennon John Lennon who was an inspirational character changed music in to a new direction. He was one of the key figures in the Post War generation whose music and the ideology changed the world. Lennon was a humanitarian. He condemned violence and truthfully worked for peace. John Lennon’s music, philosophy and mission... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/10/10)
Bandara VIPULASENA and Suraj A Bandara-Courtesy Daily News Over 500 former LTTEers who successfully completed their rehabilitation program at the Vavuniya rehabilitation centre were handed over to their parents yesterday. The ex-LTTE cadres were released at a function held with the participation of Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms Ministry Secretary A Dissanayake, Rehabilitation Commissioner Brigadier Sudantha Ranasinghe and actress Anoja Weerasingha at the Cultural Centre, Vavuniya. A dance item presented by former LTTEers. Picture by Bandara Vipulasena The ex-combatants were rehabilitated with vocational training at rehabilitation centres to prepare them to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/10/10)
By Ardeshir Cowasjee ‘Each successive government of Pakistan will be worse than its predecessor.’ Thus predicted Mohammad Ali Jinnah to a confidant in mid-1948. How right he was  how prescient. In the two-and-a-half years of this PPP-Z government (if it can be called one) the entire governance and economic system has virtually collapsed under the Zardari leadership. (Clarence Darrow, the celebrated American lawyer and civil libertarian, rightly observed “When I was a boy, I was told that anybody could become president; I’m beginning to believe it!†This subsequently applied also to Pakistan.)... -Full Story- ( - 16/10/10)
Dr. Ifthikhar Ahmad Ayaz, OBE  (Given below is the summary of the speech delivered by Dr. Iftikhar Ahmad Ayaz, O.B.E. on the occasion of Ahmadiyya Convention held in Mauritius on 8 – 10 October 2010. )    1. (Officer of the Excellent Order of the British Empire) 2. Consul General of Tuvalu Island in the United Kingdom 3. Senator World Nations Congress 4. Ambassador of Peace appointed Universal Peace Foundation 5. Recipient of International Peace Prize 6. Member UN Human Rights Council Committee in the Rights of    Minorities – Rights of Woman / Rights of Children 7. Member... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/10/10)
By Tom Hays NEW YORK  More than three years after federal agents locked up a Sri Lankan immigrant they say was the top US representative of the Tamil Tigers, his fate may hinge on a complex question: Was the rebel group a terrorist threat to Americans?... -Full Story- ( - 16/10/10)
By Shelton A. Gunaratne ©2010Professor of mass communications emeritus, Minnesota State University Moorhead  [Background: Yoke-Sim and I arrived in Brisbane (via Sydney) on a Wednesday (1 March 2006). My two younger sistersâ€â€Â“Aussie†Kanthi Wijesoma, the younger; and “Pommy†Nayana Axon, the youngestâ€â€ÂÂwere at the Brisbane Airport to welcome us. They took us to St. Lucia Gardens Apartments (5 Galey St.) in the vicinity of the University of Queensland. We spent a week in St. Lucia as the guests of the School of Journalism and Communication. [The Yankee Doodles (Jim and Kathleen) decided to join with us in Brisbane and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/10/10)
Ranjit Wickremeratne We love our religion, and our country is blessed by Lord Buddha who have been to my beloved country three times. We respect Buddhism as the majority of our people worship and live according to the buddhist teachings. Buddhist priests are the deciples of Lord Buddha and teachers who show us the path of rightiousness. You should preach what Lord Buddha asked you to preach not politics. We are confused because of your behavior. We bend like David Beckham and worship you when we see you anywhere on the road,Temple or in the house when you visit for... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/10/10)
චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂර සේන පණ්ඩිà¶ÂÂÂගේ විසිනි. 71- කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ල à·€à·ÂÂÂලි à¶ÂÂÂලà·ÂÂÂවෙන්යට à·€à·â€ÂÂන හ෠යට කර දමන ලද ඓà¶ÂÂÂà·’à·„à·ÂÂÂසික වටිනà·ÂÂÂකමකින්යà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆසිදà·â€ÂÂවීමකි. ඒ යටවී හ෠යටකර වල දම෠ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·š වටන෠දෙයක්බව අවබà·ÂÂÂධ කර ගà·ÂÂÂනීමට සියල්ලන්ටම à·„à·ÂÂÂකියà·ÂÂÂවක්ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·š නà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ. මෙම කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ල ඇà¶ÂÂÂිවීමට බලපෑ à·„à·šà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂ, කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ලට සහභà·ÂÂÂගීවූවන්ගේ අරමà·â€ÂÂණà·â€ÂÂ, කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ලේ ස්වභà·ÂÂÂවය නිරණය කරනෆලබන අà¶ÂÂÂර, 1964 එම ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂරය ආරම්භ කල මොහොà¶ÂÂÂà·š සිට 1971 කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ල දක්ව෠වූ සියලà·â€ÂÂම සිඳà·â€ÂÂවීමද, කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ලෙන්පසෆසිදà·â€ÂÂවූ සියලූම සිදà·â€ÂÂවීම හ෠ඒ සම්බන්ධව, නිවà·ÂÂÂරදි ස්වයං විවේචනà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මක විà·ÂÂÂ්ලේෂණයන්ද,ඉන්පසà·â€ÂÂà·€ මෙරට සිදà·â€ÂÂවෆදේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන ක්â€ÂÂÂරියà·ÂÂÂවලිය සම්බන්ධව මහ෠පà·â€ÂÂස්à¶ÂÂÂකයක්ජනà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂà·€ අà¶ÂÂÂරට පà¶ÂÂÂ්කිරීමේ පලමෆවගකීම උරà·â€ÂÂමව ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·š ජනà¶ÂÂÂ෠විමà·â€ÂÂක්à¶ÂÂÂà·’ පෙරමà·â€ÂÂණ නම්වූ ඒ මහ෠දේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂරයටය. ඇà¶ÂÂÂ්චවà·ÂÂÂයෙන්ම... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/10/10)
... -Full Story- ( - 15/10/10)
COLIN FREEZE Thai authorities have arrested more than 150 Tamil migrants in an immigration sweep that Canada had a hidden hand in, according to one security expert. “You can say that Canada has pre-empted one of the vessels,†said Rohan Gunaratna, a Singapore-based security expert, asserting these migrants were likely destined for Canada aboard a smuggling ship.... -Full Story- ( - 15/10/10)
By Dr. Mrs. Mareena Thaha Reffai Are we a civilized nation?Are we in the 21st century? The recent attack of  the students on the police and the rebuttal by the police causing about 45 people to be injured must make all of us hang our heads in shame. Are we a civilized nation? Make us look worse than the stone age man. Are we supposed to be a literate nation? Are we the ones who for the first time in the world won over the most ruthless of the terrorists? Yet we can not contain our students. We... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/10/10)
PRESS RELEASE by D.H. ARIYARATNA FGA, DGA, FGS NALINI ARIYARATNA [THE EXHIBITION ORGANIZERSP.O.BOX 1837, LONDON N17 9BW. TEL/FAX: 020 8807 8252 The above exhibition is to be held for the 15th, successive year organized by D.H. Ariyaratna FGA, DGA, FGS. A British qualified gemmologist T/A Sri Lanka Gems. This year’s exhibition will be held from the 23rd & 24th October 2010 (Saturday and Sunday) at Mostyn Hotel, Marble Arch, Bryanston Road, London, W1H 7BY. (Nearest underground station Marble Arch, Central line).  Mr. D.H. Ariyaratna, who has written many books on the subject of gems and the gem industry of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/10/10)
LankaWeb Weekly Editorial October 14th 2010 It is indeed a bit late in the day for the former Army Commander and the leader of the DNA, Sarath Fonseka to realistically expect his sentencing to be overturned by way of writ application in the Appeal Court challenging the move by the Secretary General of Parliament to remove him from his Parliamentary seat as the judgement has been made well within the jurisdictions and statutes of national law despite his entitlement to appeal as every other situation in the history of Sri Lanka's Justice System if it involved treason and an attempt... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/10/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග ©2010  1971 අපේâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරල්කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල්ලේ මහනඩà·â€ÂÂවේ පළමà·â€ÂÂවන විà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂකරෆඑස්. වී. ඒ. පියà¶ÂÂÂිලක අද ජීවà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂන්අà¶ÂÂÂර නà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ. පියà¶ÂÂÂිලකගේ විස්à¶ÂÂÂර සොය෠ම෠ගිය ගමනට විජය උඳà·â€ÂÂපිටිය මහà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂද එකà¶ÂÂÂෆවූ අà¶ÂÂÂර à·€à·ÂÂÂලිසර නවරà¶ÂÂÂ්න බණ්ඩà·ÂÂÂර මහà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂගේ සහà·ÂÂÂය නිස෠පියà¶ÂÂÂිලකගේ බිරිඳට කථ෠කිරීමට අපට අවකà·ÂÂÂ෠ලà·ÂÂÂබà·â€ÂÂණි. පà·â€ÂÂරà·ÂÂÂවිද්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂà·€ සහ සිංහල විෂයයන්සඳහ෠à·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂස්à¶ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරපà¶ÂÂÂà·’ උපà·ÂÂÂධි ලබ෠à¶ÂÂÂිබෙන ඇය විà·ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂමික ගà·â€ÂÂරà·â€ÂÂවරියකි. à·ƒà·ÂÂÂම෠පියà¶ÂÂÂිලක සමරරà¶ÂÂÂ්න වන ඇය, මට මෙසේ පà·ÂÂÂවසà·â€ÂÂà·€à·ÂÂÂය.  මට පියà¶ÂÂÂිලක මà·â€ÂÂණ ගà·ÂÂÂà·ƒà·â€ÂÂණේ 1979 අවà·â€ÂÂරà·â€ÂÂද්දේ. එà¶ÂÂÂකොට එය෠කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල්ලෙන්නිදහස්වෙල෠ඇවිල්ලà·ÂÂÂ. එය෠à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·… යම්කළකිරීමක්මà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවෙල෠à¶ÂÂÂිබ්බà·Â කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ල සම්බන්ධයෙන්, විජේවීර කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ල පිළිබඳව වගකීම බà·ÂÂÂර නොගà·ÂÂÂනීම පිළිබඳව. මම à·„à·’à¶ÂÂÂන්නේ 1974- 75 වෙනකොට එය෠ව්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂරයෙන්අයින්වෙලà·ÂÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/10/10)
By Philip Fernando, former Deputy Editor, Sunday Observer Sri Lanka This year, the Nobel Prize in Medicine rightfully but belatedly went to Dr Robert Edwards, the British biologist who amidst intense criticism enabled couples otherwise fated to be childless bear children. In vitro fertilization triumphed as being authentic. What sweet vindication!  IVF has produced nearly four million test-tube babies worldwide. The word is used so often it is almost slang. But in 1978 Dr Edwards was reviled when Louise Brown, the first test-tube baby was conceived.  All hell broke lose. Some even felt it was the greatest threat to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/10/10)
වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග ©2010 වචනයක්මෙම කෘà¶ÂÂÂිය ලිවීමේ දී අප 71 කà·ÂÂÂරළිකරà·â€ÂÂවන්විනිà·ÂÂÂ්චයට ලක්කළේ නà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ. එසේම ලබ෠ගà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂොරà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරෆමචදේà·ÂÂÂපà·ÂÂÂලන විග්â€ÂÂÂරහ කිරීමේ අවà·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවක්ද නොවීය. මෙම ග්â€ÂÂÂරන්ථයේ අඩංගෆවන්නේ 1971 කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ලට සහභà·ÂÂÂගි වූ පිරිස්අපට පà·ÂÂÂවසූ විස්à¶ÂÂÂරයි. ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂම්විට මෙහි යම්යම්සදොස්ස්ථà·ÂÂÂන, මà¶ÂÂÂභේදà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්මක කරà·â€ÂÂණෆà¶ÂÂÂිබිය à·„à·ÂÂÂක. එම අදහස්කර්à¶ÂÂÂෘගේ හ෠ප්â€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂකයන්ගේ අදහස්නොවන බවà¶ÂÂÂ්අවසන්විනිà·ÂÂÂ්චය පà·ÂÂÂඨකය෠සà¶ÂÂÂෆබවà¶ÂÂÂ්දන්ව෠සිටිමà·â€ÂÂ. මෙම පොචලිවීමේදී සම්මà·â€ÂÂඛ à·ƒà·ÂÂÂකච්ඡ෠ලබ෠දීමෙන්හ෠නන්අයà·â€ÂÂරින්සහà·ÂÂÂය වූ à·ƒà·ÂÂÂමට අපගේ කෘà¶ÂÂÂඥà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂà·€ හිමිවේ. වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්. ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග  පෙරවදන වෛද්â€ÂÂÂය රà·â€ÂÂවන්එම්. ජයà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂංග ගේ 71 කà·ÂÂÂරà·ÂÂÂල්ල කෘà¶ÂÂÂියට පෙරවදනක්සà·ÂÂÂපයීමට ලà·ÂÂÂබීම පිළිබඳව... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/10/10)
Dr.P.A.Samaraweera, Australia. In an interview, Anoma Fonseka gave to The Sunday Leader on the 9th October, one of the questions asked from her was, "Do you intend to take over the mantle of politics in his (SF's) name"? Anoma: In the event he continues to remain in prison - yes, I will come forward. But I used to hate politics. I really hated it..."  In the same manner, just after the war, when Sarath Fonseka was asked about any political ambitions, his answer was that he despised politics as it is a dirty game. If so, was it greed for power... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/10/10)
Ranjith Soysa Jayalath Jayawardane returned to Colombo, bloodied, bruised and crestfallen after the IPU refused to entertain his plea to crucify Sri Lanka. It is not surprising that he did decide to go to IPU considering his funny record in the human rights industry when Sri Lankan governments were fighting the LTTE terrorists. He was a common figure in NGO related forums from Canada to Australia including Europe berating against the violation of human rights by Sri Lankan forces etc in their attempts to overcome the Tiger suicide squads. He was held in very high esteem by the anti... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/10/10)
-යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම - යථà·ÂÂÂර්à¶ÂÂÂයක්බිඳවà·ÂÂÂටීම ආà·ÂÂÂ්චර්යයක්වන නිසà·ÂÂÂම මà·ÂÂÂවල à·€à·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂ්දික්වà·ÂÂÂල්ලේ ආà·ÂÂÂ්චර්යයක්. මà·ÂÂÂදරකන්දේ සිට දික්වà·ÂÂÂල්ලෙන්මà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂදට ගල෠ගිය මà·ÂÂÂවල ඇල à·€à·ÂÂÂරිමà·ÂÂÂර්ග දෙපà·ÂÂÂර්à¶ÂÂÂමේන්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවේ ඉංජිනේරà·â€ÂÂවන්ට අවනචවෙමින්කෙà¶ÂÂÂ්බිම්සොය෠ගල෠යà·ÂÂÂමට සූදà·ÂÂÂනමින්සිටිනවà·ÂÂÂ.-යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම - අපේ මà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂන්මිà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂන්ගේ ඇටකටෆසà·ÂÂÂදà·ÂÂÂගෙන, කල්පකà·ÂÂÂලà·ÂÂÂන්à¶ÂÂÂරයක්à¶ÂÂÂිස්සේ මොදරකන්දේ සිට දික්වà·ÂÂÂල්ලෙන්මà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂදට ගල෠ගිය, මà·ÂÂÂවල ඇල ඉදිරියේදී à·€à·ÂÂÂරිමà·ÂÂÂර්ග දෙපà·ÂÂÂර්à¶ÂÂÂමේන්à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවේ ඉංජිනේරà·â€ÂÂවන්ට අවනචවෙමින්කෙà¶ÂÂÂ්බිම්සොය෠ගල෠යà·ÂÂÂමට සූදà·ÂÂÂනමින්සිටින බව, යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠ඉකà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්ද෠(10) මà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂර දික්වà·ÂÂÂල්ල, ඌරà·â€ÂÂගමà·â€ÂÂවේදී ප්â€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂ෠කළේය. රà·â€ÂÂපියල්මිලියන à·„à¶ÂÂÂලිහක (400,00000) වියදමින්ඉදිකරන, දික්වà·ÂÂÂල්ල ඌරà·â€ÂÂගමà·â€ÂÂà·€, මà·ÂÂÂවල à·€à·ÂÂÂවේ ඉදිකිරීම්ආරම්භ කිරීමෙන්අනà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂරà·â€ÂÂà·€ පà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂà·’ උà¶ÂÂÂ්සවයේදී ඇමà¶ÂÂÂිවරයà·ÂÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 13/10/10)
by Charles.S.Perera  The followng is an article that appeared in the Spiegel Online International of the 10th October,2010 . It may be interesting for our Defence Secretariat as well as the members of the Panel appointed by Ban Ki Moon to investigate claimed violation of human rights by the armed forces of Sri Lanka during the last phase of the military operations against the terrorists.   If the members of the Panel set up by Ban ki Moons  were to read this they may observe that their investigations are really not necessary in view of worst things actually happening in... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/10/10)
Insight By Sunil Kumar Oct.13th 2010 As the saying goes "Once a rebel, always a rebel!" has been proven time and time again and the nature of such individuals never change despite taking on a garb of political righteousness over weaponry except in rare cases and will continue to oppose rather than support regimes despite the good that transpires and done only towards their personal ambitions and agendas.This seems to be endorsed by the JVP leader Mr Somawansa Amarasinghe and his JVP buddies as well as the rest of the opposition parties who demand the  release of incarcerated fmr. Maj.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/10/10)
-යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම - මහ බà·ÂÂÂංකෆවà·ÂÂÂර්à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවට අනà·â€ÂÂà·€, ඉදිරි වසර à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂන (03) à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂà·… මà·ÂÂÂටර්කà·ÂÂÂර්මිකයින්10000 ක්රටට අවà·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය à·€à·â€ÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂà·Š, වර්à¶ÂÂÂමà·ÂÂÂන පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණà·â€ÂÂà·€ ප්â€ÂÂÂරමà·ÂÂÂණවà¶ÂÂÂ්වන්නේ, මà·ÂÂÂටර්කà·ÂÂÂර්මිකයින්2000 ක පමණ පිරිසක්බිහිකිරීමටයි. මේ නිස෠ජර්මà·ÂÂÂනෆකà·ÂÂÂර්මික අභ්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂà·ƒ ආයà¶ÂÂÂනය à·€à·ÂÂÂනි කීර්à¶ÂÂÂිමà¶ÂÂÂ්පà·â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂණෆආයà¶ÂÂÂන වඩ වඩà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්රටට අවà·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය වන බව, යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂය, ඩලස්අලහප්පෙරà·â€ÂÂම මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠ඊයේ (12) කොළඹදී ප්â€ÂÂÂරකà·ÂÂÂ෠කළේය. ජර්මà·ÂÂÂනෆකà·ÂÂÂර්මික අභ්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂà·ƒ ආයà¶ÂÂÂනය, ප්â€ÂÂÂරවà·ÂÂÂහන අමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂය යටà¶ÂÂÂà·š පà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂà·’ යà·â€ÂÂගයේදී ලංක෠ගමන෠ගමන මණ්ඩලයෙන්(ලංගම) ජර්මà·ÂÂÂනෆකà·ÂÂÂර්මික අභ්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂà·ƒ ආයà¶ÂÂÂනයට ලà·ÂÂÂබà·â€ÂÂණෆපහසà·â€ÂÂකම්එපරිද්දෙන්ම යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂංà·ÂÂÂය යටà¶ÂÂÂේදීà¶ÂÂÂà·Š, ජර්මà·ÂÂÂනෆකà·ÂÂÂර්මික අභ්â€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂà·ƒ ආයà¶ÂÂÂනයට ලබ෠දෙන බවට වූ ගිවිසà·â€ÂÂමට, යෞවන කටයà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෆඅමà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයà·ÂÂÂං෠à·ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂරවණà·ÂÂÂගà·ÂÂÂරයේදී අà¶ÂÂÂ්සන්... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/10/10)
By Shamindra Ferdinando Over three decades after the assassination of the then Jaffna Mayor Alfred Duraiappah, allegedly by Velupillai Prabhakaran, the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) has been told that the assassin could have been TULF stalwart A. Amirthalingam’s eldest son, Kandeepan, now living in Europe. The LLRC, headed by former Attorney General C. R. de Silva, is investigating the collapse of the Norwegian-led peace process and the circumstances leading to the Eelam War IV.... -Full Story- (The Island - 12/10/10)
AHMADIYYA MUSLIM JAMA’AT - SRI LANKA 619/4, Baseline Road, Colombo 9, Sri Lanka. The Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at, Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has repeated his call for Muslims the world over to show loyalty to their respective countries. In a recent speech delivered before thousands of Ahmadi Muslims in London he said that love and loyalty to one’s country was a fundamental principle of Islam. His Holiness also spoke with regret about the widespread problems faced by Pakistan. He said the fundamental cause for its current state was a failure to maintain a separation of religion and... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 12/10/10)
Ron Corben Thai immigration authorities, fearing human smuggling gangs were preparing to traffic Sri Lankan Tamils to Canada and Australia, arrested 130 Tamils in a sweep of residences in Bangkok, South Asia diplomatic sources said. The raids took place earlier this week and followed joint intelligence operations with Australian and Canadian authorities, sources said.... -Full Story- ( - 12/10/10)
Herold Leelawardena Dear Ms. Federica Janz; though you scream that your paper as unbiased, unafraid, etc and etc, you have been withholding my comments that were send to you for the last so many months. The obvious reason why you do not publish my comments is that I do not subscribe to your views. And you say you strive for freedom of expression. Bullshit. And here I am, writing a comment about you interview with Mrs. Anoma Fonseka. There is a message here for Anoma as well; that is of cause if she is not pig headed to reject it.... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/10/10)
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario Canada October 11, 2010  The Editor THE OTTAWA CITIZEN  Sir:  There is one Canadian who understands the Tamil ship illegal migrant refugee scam is Martin Collacott, the former Canadian High Commissioner to Sri Lanka. He says in 'They will keep coming', and that 'There are good reasons to believe that many Tamil migrants are taking advantage of Canada's flawed refugee process."  How true. It is a no brainer to figure out why these Tamils by pass Tamil Nadu in India their Motherland where 61 million Tamils... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/10/10)
චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂරසේන පණ්ඩිà¶ÂÂÂගේ විසිනි. උà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂර නිර්මිà¶ÂÂÂීය කà·ÂÂÂර්යà·ÂÂÂවලියක නිරà¶ÂÂÂවන කපà·â€ÂÂට෠සිය â€ÂÂÂදෛනික කà·ÂÂÂර්යන්†â€ÂÂÂගේ උදෑසන කà·ÂÂÂරයභà·ÂÂÂරය නිමව෠ගසක ලà·ÂÂÂග්ගේ සවසට à¶ÂÂÂමන්ට කිරීමට ඇà¶ÂÂÂà·’ කà·ÂÂÂර්ය සම්බන්ධව සිà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවිලි දà·ÂÂÂමයක දà·ÂÂÂà·€â€ÂÂÂටෙමිණි. ගස නගරයේ රඟ â€ÂÂÂහොඳට â€ÂÂÂපෙන්නà·â€ÂÂම්කරන ස්ථà·ÂÂÂනයකි. කන අල්ලà·ÂÂÂගෙන එහà·ÂÂÂට â€ÂÂÂමෙහà·ÂÂÂට â€ÂÂÂවේගâ€ÂÂÂයෙන්ගමන්කරන කà·ÂÂÂන්à¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂවන්à¶ÂÂÂමන්රට â€ÂÂÂවෙනà·â€ÂÂâ€ÂÂÂවෙන්කරන කà·ÂÂÂර්යභà·ÂÂÂරය â€ÂÂÂදෙගà·â€ÂÂණ â€ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂෙගà·â€ÂÂණ කිරීමටâ€ÂÂÂද෠එකවිට කà·ÂÂÂර්යයන්රà·ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂියක්කරන බව කපà·â€ÂÂටà·ÂÂÂට à·€à·ÂÂÂටහිණි. â€Â“මේ à·€â€ÂÂÂගේ ගෑනෆමà·â€ÂÂළෆරටටම à·€à·ÂÂÂසනà·ÂÂÂවක්“ කපà·â€ÂÂටà·ÂÂÂට ඉâ€ÂÂÂබේම කියවිණ. ඒ සමගම ඈචසිට මහ෠ජන ගංගà·ÂÂÂවක්â€ÂÂÂසේ නගරයට ඇදී එන්නේ à·ƒà·â€ÂÂනà·ÂÂÂමියක්â€ÂÂÂසේ යයි කපà·â€ÂÂටà·ÂÂÂට සිà¶ÂÂÂිණ. “මහජන à·ƒà·â€ÂÂනà·ÂÂÂමියක්“ කපà·â€ÂÂටà·ÂÂÂට කියවිණ. “â€ÂÂÂමොකක්ද අâ€ÂÂÂනේ කීâ€ÂÂÂවේ“ ලඟ සිටි කපà·â€ÂÂටියක්කපà·â€ÂÂටà·ÂÂÂට කිට්ටෆකලà·ÂÂÂය. “නà·ÂÂÂà·„à·ÂÂÂ...නà·ÂÂÂà·„à·ÂÂÂ... මම à¶â€ÂÂයà·ÂÂÂට මà·â€ÂÂකà·â€ÂÂà¶ÂÂÂ්කීâ€ÂÂÂâ€ÂÂÂවේ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/10/10)
ALI SUKHANVER  The flames of indignation and anger joined hands together with the feelings of insult and humility which the people of Pakistan have been bearing for a long time and ultimately transformed into sky-kissing flames engulfing the NATO supply tankers in Pakistan. These flames are the slogans redirecting to the world a very strong reaction against the western and particularly the US atrocities going on since long in the name of the war on terror against the peaceful people of Pakistan.  The situation is going to be worse if the US policy makers do not review their policies... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/10/10)
Razik Rafeekdeen There have been several fabricated reports regarding the Thawheed Jamaaths of Sri Lanka. They have tried to misguide President Rajapakse, the Defence Secretary Mr.Gotabaya Rajapakse, the Government of Sri Lanka, and the general public of our country. Actually The Thawheed is representing the Oneness of the God Almighty. Thawheed Jama´ath is preaching Islam in its pristine purity without any fabrications, mixing and adjustments. As we know every religion has divisions (nikayas) by understanding their scripts, teachings of their masters (school of thoughts) and their traditions. Likewise Islam also has many sects in the Muslim community. According to the Prophet... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 11/10/10)
The Economic Times NEW DELHI: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa will be the chief guest at the closing ceremony of the Commonwealth Games Oct 14, according to official sources. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh will give a lunch in his honour and his wife Shiranthi at the Hyderabad House the next day. Rajapaksa will return to Colombo the same evening. His visit will be preceded by that of Sri Lankan Foreign Minister G.L Peiris, who will come here Oct 13 and hold talks with his counterpart S.M. Krishna to prepare for the Indo-Sri Lankan Joint Commission meeting in Colombo later this... -Full Story- (Times of India - 11/10/10)
Celebrations of Sri Lankan Day in Acton, MA... -Full Story- ( - 11/10/10)
Ajit Randeniya  Another episode of the farce known as the Commonwealth Games started on October 3 in Delhi, following high drama created by the western corporate media. The people of India however, could not care less about the circus, and they kept away in droves while the contests were taking place in empty venues.  The obvious, justifiable frustration of the ordinary Indians was exemplified by Asamanja Ghose, a writer to the Times of India online, who posed some extremely pertinent questions: “We shouldn't have organised the Games at all. The country which in 63 years of independence hasn't been... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/10/10)
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge  When I was working in the Colombo North General Hospital in late 1999 I had an opportunity of listening to a lecture that was delivered by Dr Wijaya Godakumbura . He spoke of an unseen but an acute problem in Sri Lanka. He spoke of burn injuries that occur due to the unsafe kerosene oil lamps. According to the worldwide statistics over 310,000 people die of burns globally in the world every year and 95% of them occur in developing countries. Annually a large number of patients take inward treatment from the hospitals following... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/10/10)
Shameer Zufer It is sadly true but there is a rising trend of "Islamic fundamentalism" in Sri Lanka, and the blame for this can be squarely laid at the feet of the Wahabis who are trying to take the peaceful Sri Lankan Muslim community down the path of extremism and violence.  The Wahabis have already created deep divisions in many Sri Lankan Muslim villages and have formed gangs that intimidate moderates who speak out against their thuggery. Like the Christian fundamentalist groups running about Sri Lanka they help poor Muslim families and youths by providing cash and other material... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/10/10)
By Shelton A. Gunaratne ©2010 Professor of mass communications emeritus, Minnesota State University Moorhead  Three ‘Crocodile’ Dundees from Rockhampton, Qld., the home of the Gunaratnes for 10 years from 1976, landed in Fargo-Moorhead Thursday, 6 May 2004. They had hobnobbed with us during the days when we were trying to mould ourselves into fair dinkum Diggers and Sheilas. At the time, I was a lecturer at the local degree factory called CIAE. Yoke-Sim went to Fargo’s Hector International Airport to welcome our three matesâ€â€ÂÂWinnie Forday, Paul Khoo and his wife Dorothy. Forday, a well-to-do Australian-born Chinese woman who (with... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/10/10)
Dr Bandula Kothalawala London N7 Once again, Sri Lanka’s detractors in Europe and elsewhere have been quick to castigate the SL Government for amending the 1978 Constitution in order to remove constitutional restrictions on the number of terms of office that a president is allowed to serve. Predictably, experts of all persuasions including some with dubious credentials (see the Economist) have lost no time in pontificating on constitutional rectitude and cast serious doubts on the propriety and even on the validity of the 18th Amendment while flaunting their particular brand of expertise and, of course, lavishing, as usual, unsolicited... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/10/10)
Ranjith Soysa The Libiyan government aid granted to Sri Lanka may be usurped by a group pf politicians interested solely in communal politics in the Eastern province. The aid package originally destined for Tsunami reconstruction work is to be utilized at present for the development program of the Government in keeping with its list of priorities.This is the just expectation of the people in the Eastern province as well as all Sri Lankans. However, similar to the proverbial rabbit overtaking the pot of curd and winning the favor of village chieftain in the well known Sinhala folk story, the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/10/10)
By Charles.S.Perera Robert O.Blake the US Assistant Secretary of State is no politician, nor is he a good diplomat. He is completely a stranger to the notion of nation building. He only brings disrepute to the President Barrack Obama.  It was not the President Barrack Obama who selected him, he was the choice of the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.  Hillary Clinton also has strange political concepts. It was she who said during her Presidential election campaign  that, “ … you cannot lump all terrorists together …â€ÂÂÂ. With that type of lopsided views of the US Secretary of State, ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/10/10)
චන්ද්â€ÂÂÂරසේන පණ්ඩිà¶ÂÂÂගේ විසිනි. සරà¶ÂÂÂ්ෆොන්සේක෠මහà¶ÂÂÂ෠සිරගà¶ÂÂÂකර ඇà¶ÂÂÂ. à¶â€ÂÂහෆසම්බන්ධව රට පà·â€ÂÂරà·ÂÂÂම මිනිසà·â€ÂÂන්එක්à¶ÂÂÂර෠ආකà·ÂÂÂරයක කà¶ÂÂÂිකà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂක නියලී සිටී. මෙම කà¶ÂÂÂිකà·ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂේදී අයෙක්à¶â€ÂÂහෆවිරà·â€ÂÂවෙක්ලෙස සලක෠à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂට පක්ෂවà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà¶ÂÂÂà·€à¶ÂÂÂ්අයෙක්à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂට විපක්ෂවà¶ÂÂÂ්කරà·â€ÂÂණෆදක්වයි. ඒ හරහ෠à¶â€ÂÂහෆසමà·ÂÂÂජය à¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂල à¶ÂÂÂවමà¶ÂÂÂ්කථ෠බහට ලක්වෙන පà·â€ÂÂද්ගලයකෆබවට පà¶ÂÂÂà·Šà·€ සිටී. සරà¶ÂÂÂ්ෆොන්සේක෠මහà¶ÂÂÂà·ÂÂÂගේ ජීවිà¶ÂÂÂය විවිධ අවදීන්පසà·â€ÂÂකරමින්ගල෠යන්නක්වන අà¶ÂÂÂර, එම ජීවිà¶ÂÂÂයේ ඒ ඒ වකවà·ÂÂÂනූන්ට à·ƒà·ÂÂÂපේක්ෂව, à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ ක්â€ÂÂÂරියà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂරකම්විවිධ ස්වරූපයන්ගනී. à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ ඒ ක්â€ÂÂÂරියà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂරකම්සමà·ÂÂÂජයට බලපà·ÂÂÂන අන්දම à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ වීරà¶ÂÂÂ්වයේ ස්වභà·ÂÂÂවය නිර්ණය කරයි. යà·â€ÂÂගයකදී à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂගේ ක්â€ÂÂÂරියà·ÂÂÂකà·ÂÂÂර කම්ජà·ÂÂÂà¶ÂÂÂà·Šâ€ÂÂÂයන්à¶ÂÂÂර ප්â€ÂÂÂරජà·ÂÂÂà·€ යයි කිය෠ගන්න෠කොටි සංවිධà·ÂÂÂනයේ නිර්මà·ÂÂÂණකරà·â€ÂÂවන්ට බලවà¶ÂÂÂ්අභියà·ÂÂÂගයක්විය. ඒ à·„à·šà¶ÂÂÂà·â€ÂÂවෙන්à¶â€ÂÂà·„à·â€ÂÂà·€ හමà·â€ÂÂදà·ÂÂÂවෙන්ගලවà·ÂÂÂ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 09/10/10)
By Jon Gorvett COLOMBO  COLOMBO: 'Resilient" is the word that almost everyone is using to describe Sri Lanka's housing market - and its economy in general. Despite a long-running armed conflict and the 2004 tsunami, "Sri Lanka is one of the best countries around in which to have real estate," said Lalitha Saleem, senior manager of Ceylinco Housing & Real Estate, which is developing one of the Sri Lankan capital's largest new developments. "The market can go up very fast, showing high returns." Specialists say sales have slowed in the last year, but there continues to be widespread optimism... -Full Story- ( - 09/10/10)
Mano Ratwatte USA This is in reference to the main story about Tigers (and specially Hardcore Tigers) on (Wednesday Sept 6 and Minister DEW Gunasekera saying even Hardcore Tigers will not be held indefinitely. This is an amazing recovery and success story that has not been achieved anywhere else, but was the Minister making a wise statement? Shouldn’t that assessment be left to those in charge of the rehabilitation camps and the experts who work with these people daily?... -Full Story- (The Island - 09/10/10)
by Charles.S.Perera  There is a large number of people using the plight of the former army commander Sarath Fonseka for their own political benefit, but they are either aware, or are blind to the fact that by supporting Sarath Fonseka and trying to put the President and the Government into an embarrassing situation they are indirectly helping the interested western powers to disrupt the progress seen never before in our country under any of the rightist or leftist political leadership since the Independence.  After the several electronic media such the Sri Lanka Guardian, Lankaenews, Daily Mirror, Lakbima, Lanka News... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/10/10)
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1 Canada October 8, 2010 The Editor EMBASSY Sir: In ‘Treating Sri Lanka’s root problems, not symptoms’, Anca Gurzu asked, “Yet largely unreported was why Tamils were fleeing Sri Lanka and spending months crossing the Pacific to Canada when peace had ostensibly been reached last year following decades of civil war.â€Â For a person who has been following this amazing Tamil refugee story since August 1983, the answer is a no brainer. When these Tamils have found that Canadians are nice people, although somewhat naïve and have opened... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/10/10)
Ranjit Wickremeratne Do not give in to traitors. Be strong like you used to be during the war. We need you to be strong as ever to lead our beloved country. Let the opposition cry for a man who let our country down with stories like White Flag and war crimes? Many war heros around the world more popular than him has been sent to prison for being guilty of various crimes so why we worry about one man who court-martialed thousands of Innocent soldiers like him during his active days in the Army. Innocent war heros were sent to... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/10/10)
Concerned Muslim These wahabi/thau/salafi/ thouheed jamath (whatever name they call or are referred to) rascals need to be severely dealt with since they are division creators and are problem makers wherever they go.  The Sri Lankan government must thoroughly monitor these groups since they can be the next emerging terrorists in this peaceful paradise island. They can sure be linked to groups like Al Qaeda & Jamathul Islam and also have financial support from such groups to carry on their stupid activities in Sri Lanka which can be very dangerous to the territorial integrity & sovereignity of this country after 30... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/10/10)
Susantha. As a Buddhist, Iam requesting the Maha Sangha, with great deference, to stop your crazy notion right now, to have Political Meetings, within the sacred precincts of the Dalada Maligawa. Venerable Sobitha Thero, and Ranil, please take cognisance. Ranil as a Christian will have no qualms in desecrating the precincts and sanctity of the Maligawa.  The Maligawa is a place where the Buddhists of this beautiful  country of Sri Lanka, come to worship, and pay obeisance to the Great Lord Buddha. It is not a place to air out innate ill feelings on any individual or entity.  It is very clear... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/10/10)
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D. You don’t need to kill the patient to kill the pain -Dr Andre Bourque University of Montréal  Euthanasia or assisted suicide is a controversial topic that is defined as deliberate intervention undertaken with the express intention of ending a life, to relieve intractable suffering. Today several countries have legalized euthanasia and some view it as a human right. Those who support euthanasia point out that the importance of   personal autonomy and self-determination, the right of every human being to have his / her  wishes respected in decisions involving his / her own... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/10/10)
Ranjith Soysa Society for Peace , Unity and Human Rights in Sri Lanka Attn ICG pundits After miserably failing to balkanize Sri Lanka with you white man's super theories batting with the LTTE now you have spent your efforts to tell Sri Lankan people and the elected Govt what they should. BUT, remember Sri Lankans will not touch ICG reports even with a barge pole. Your pontifications saw the climax when you wanted to enforce R2P on Sri Lanka. It is one of the jokes even among the ordinary Sri Lankan people today. Sri Lanka is marching ahead unlike... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/10/10)
Imran Zahir  Condemning another sect of Islam, or any other persons belief’s regardless of one’s own opinion is completely wrong, firstly as a Muslim, secondly as a law abiding person. By circulating such an article we are demonizing, generalizing, and victimising another group of people, this is the very definition of bigotry.It is very regrettable when people act in such an irresponsible and reckless manner. Especially in today’s tense religious climate, where the local media reports of fanatical Islam in Sri Lanka, the Beruwala mosque incident, the Valampitiya mosque incident etc. This article is just unacceptable, as it serves... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 08/10/10)
by John Stockwell- lecture given in October, 1987 "I did 13 years in the CIA altogether. I sat on a subcommittee of the NSC, so I was like a chief of staff, with the GS-18s (like 3-star generals) Henry Kissinger, Bill Colby (the CIA director), the GS-18s and the CIA, making the important decisions and my job was to put it all together and make it happen and run it, an interesting place from which to watch a covert action being done...... -Full Story- ( - 08/10/10)
By Katrina Nicholas Sovereign bond investors should buy debt of Sri Lanka over Vietnam as the island nation progresses in setting aside three decades of war to record economic growth that outpaces its rival, according to Nomura Holdings Inc. “Sri Lanka has become the new darling of the Asian emerging-market space,†credit analysts led by Hong Kong-based Pradeep Mohinani wrote in an Oct. 5 note to clients. The nation is the “the sovereign story in Asia to dislodge Vietnam, which has lost its allure,†he said. The island nation south of India, recovering from civil unrest, last month attracted... -Full Story- (Bloomberg - 08/10/10)
... -Full Story- ( - 08/10/10)
- Kumar Moses  The Fonseka Militia –the heavily armed private army of Sarath Fonseka that occupied the Cinnamon Grand Hotel on the election day and a few days thereafter – will be after the main witness of the infamous ‘white flag’ case - Federica Janz. Their plan will be to silence the main witness thereby jeopardising the case. Evidence is stacking up against Sarath Fonseka like a stack of rockets in a multi rocket launcher system! Fonseka’s response is to avoid the case as much as possible by complaining about various minor sicknesses. By doing so, he... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/10/10)
Sarath Wijesinghe LL.M (London) Solicitor-Attorney-at-Law, (Ambassador of Sri Lanka in the United Arab Emirates Foreign Employment Foreign employment has overshadowed the traditional incomes of many labour producing countries in Asia and Africa. Employees from Asia are educated, forward and demanding. Opportunities in the host countries mainly the Middle East are ever growing due to the demand and disproportionate development schemes as a result of enormous oil wealth. The white collar professionals in the Middle and the Western countries are well looked after, insured and protected. This is not the case for unskilled lower labour and most specifically the domestic... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/10/10)
PRESS RELEASE EMBASSY OF SRI LANKA, WASHINGTON DC Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to the United States continued a series of meetings with members of Congress in September to brief lawmakers on developments in Sri Lanka, including economic growth, foreign investment and progress in reconciliation. Ambassador Jaliya Wickramasuriya has recently held sessions with Democratic Sen. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Rep. Glenn Thompson, a Pennsylvania Republican, Rep. Steve Driehaus, an Ohio Democrat, Rep. Jim Moran, a Democrat from Virginia and Rep. Howard Coble, a Republican from North Carolina. Sen. Landrieu who was one of the first U.S. officials to visit Sri... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/10/10)
Irfan Khan  Shall we let all our sunni muslim brothers become wahabis? who are spending billions of dollars to propagate their cult and brainwash our sunni brothers into becoming wahabies.  Since the birth of Islam, there were always 2 groups within Islam; the group of believers and the group of munafiqeens, so, muslims either inherit the faith of believers or the faith of munafiqeens and this will always continue.  Muslims have been living peacefully for centuries until the wahabi cult was born some 2 centuries ago, our lands were snatched, our unity was broken, the holy lands of haram... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/10/10)
Masihudeen Inamullah – Former Consul General of Sri Lanka in Jeddah As part of the implementation of “Mahida Vision†Presidential Electoral Manifesto The Ministry of Agriculture has launched the campaign of “Let’s rise up through cultivationâ€Â This initiative aims self-sufficiency of Sri lanka with her own food products and contributing towards the global food security by exporting the agricultural products. Sri lanka could attract investors from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia benefitting from King Abdullah initiative for Saudi Agricultural investments abroad- to invest in several strategic crops crops and livestock such as rice, wheat, barley, corn, sugar, green fodders,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/10/10)
By DR M D P DISSANAYAKE This time it is Venerable Maduluwawe Sobitha Thero taking the leadership to represent imperialists puppet from Ambalangoda by planning to hold an Adistana Pooja at the Mahamaluwa of the Great Dalada Maligawa on 7 October 2010 . In February 2010, it was  Ven. Udugama Sri Buddharakkitha, Thibbotuwawe Sri Sumangala Group Limited called for a “Conventionâ€Â at the same location of the Dalada Maligawa to discuss grave matters concerning democracy and governance. The convention became a total failure due to lack of public anger  and support. The Dalada Maligawa is the highest place of... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 07/10/10)
By Philip Aldrick, Economics Editor Lenders across Europe and the US are facing a $4 trillion refinancing hurdle in the coming 24 months and many still need to recapitalise, the Washington-based organisation said in its Global Financial Stability Report. Governments will have to inject fresh equity into banks – particularly in Spain, Germany and the US – as well as prop up their funding structures by extending emergency support.... -Full Story- ( - 07/10/10)
By Philip Fernando, former Deputy Editor, Sunday Observer, Sri Lanka The wayward West seemed slowly acquiescing to Sri Lanka’s transition into fulsome post war resurgence. Diplomatic efforts to sway them are beginning to show results. Are we witnessing a constructive trend in the US-Sri Lankan relations? Yes, according Ambassador Jaliya Wickramasuriya in USA. Many believe that darkness would be dispelled and light allowed in to the somewhat disinclined Western consciousness.  The effect of the “zero civilian casualty level†order to the armed forces mandated and followed during the war had seeped in. The critics seemed mute than before.  Today... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/10/10)
Shenali Waduge A virtually “divided†nation was liberated after almost 3 decades in May 2009. However, a series of incidents continues to divide the nation when the next mission should be developing the country.  We are all well aware that it took no single individual to accomplish the enviable task of defeating the LTTE. However, the achievement became enviable for those who had always been scoffing at militarily defeating the LTTE. The present saga surrounds a gameplan to continue to maintain division in Sri Lanka. The ultimate plan was to pitch the two “hero’s†against one another at elections,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/10/10)
by Mario Perera, Kadawata The issue of the ‘while flag’ needs more probing, since it is being reduced to simplistic proportions. Now where did this story originate? Who used this term? And, most important of all, who gave it international publicity, which supposedly woke up Ban Ki-Moon from his sleep and made him indulge in his now famous antics in our regard? To whom did the story serve most? The source was foreign. When the end of the LTTE was well-nigh and foreign powers were getting jittery about the fate of the top ranking terrorists, some foreign personality called... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/10/10)
- Kumar Moses After more than a year since the elimination of the biggest national security threat, it is time to look far ahead and plan for strategic national security needs of Sri Lanka. Absence of war and other matters needing immediate attention provides an ideal opportunity to plan for the future. LTTE leader first experimented with bombs in 1972. He was treated for injuries sustained in an experiment in that year. Apart from him many other terrorists sought government medical attention when in need. Had there been a proper mechanism to gather information of these activities at that... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/10/10)
Vajiragnana Warnakulasuriya Melbourne Some of the local and expatriate Patriots and Patriotic organizations took upon themselves the task of defending the false propaganda carried out by the anti Sri Lankans local and abroad. If the Sri Lankan Embassies abroad executed their responsibility to counter these false propaganda these efforts would not have been necessary!  Now the time has come for the people to carefully evaluate the qualities of the person who is fit to lead this liberated country. The incumbent President may have shortcomings, as no human being except Lord Buddha is infallible, yet he is Sri Lanka’s only... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 06/10/10)
Greg Roberts While many of their teammates head off to party on end-of-season trips, a group of AFL players will be staying with the indigenous Vadda forest people of Sri Lanka. AFL stars including indigenous players Adam Goodes and Richard Tambling, along with Brett Kirk and Brad Sewell, were to fly to Sri Lanka on Monday to work with people there and learn about reconciliation issues. The aim of the trip is to build bridges between communities - especially indigenous ones - through sports such as cricket and football.... -Full Story- ( - 06/10/10)
Cameron Atfield China is looming as an unlikely threat to the Gold Coast's bid for the 2018 Commonwealth Games. Many considered the Gold Coast a certainty for the event when it emerged the only competing bid was from the small southern Sri Lankan city of Hambantota. It may boast a population of about 11,000 - with 525,000 in the district - but the port city of Hambantota, situated on the shipping route between the Suez Canal and the Malacca Straits, is becoming increasingly strategically important in the region.... -Full Story- ( - 06/10/10)