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News Archive for Jun 2014

By Gomin Dayasri
 To obtain a third Presidential term is improbable unless (a) there is overwhelming support from the people, who are pleased with the ruler or (b) foreign props want to keep the holder in office and provide the necessary loot to keep the populace pleased. Otherwise seeking an extension beyond two terms is hazardous if there is an attractive opposition in the equation.  To the present holder, the one-way flow of votes from the north is a disturbing issue. He could off set the trend with a counter flow on educating the south of a northern maneuver.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/06/14)

Do Sri Lanka’s Tamils want Eelam?
Shenali D Waduge
LTTE hijacked Tamil Eelam to give itself an international reason to exist. Tamil politicians chant Eelam but cloak it under numerous terminologies. We know too that there are scores of Tamils having left Sri Lanka as refugees, Sri Lankan by only name and holding foreign citizenship are chanting demands for Eelam too. We also know that Western imperial policy makers have bagged corrupt UN officials to legalize their illegal adventures calling it ‘humanitarian military interventions’. What Tamils need to understand is that the West divided Serbia and gave independence to Kosovo based on the ‘ethnic’ disharmony... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/06/14)

by   B. A. Ariyatilaka
 Imagine yourself voyaging in a sailing ship from the Equator coming due north, some seven hundreds of kilometres longitudinally west of Sri Lanka . For hundreds of miles you pass islands both on the left and on the right as you travel, all set in a sparkling blue ocean. From the palm fringed shores of these islands, both large and small, arise dazzling white stupas each with a towering spire pointing high into the sky. That is the picture of the Maldivian islands in pre-Islamic times some eight hundred years ago.  At the Paranavitana Gallery... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/06/14)

Dr D S Bandarage – ‘Father of Modern Management of Sri Lanka’ – 5th Death Anniversary Falls on 1 July 2014
-A Dynamic Management Guru – A Noble Man of Superior Qualities
Jayaweera M Kumarasinghe
The late Dr D S Bandarage Dr D S Bandarage left us forever from this world on 1 July 2009. It was a very sad ending for the much renowned Management Guru of the 50s up to the 2000s. For those who associated him, Dr Bandarage was seemed immortal. The aura that spread from him was noble and powerful, anyone would show respect to him. People would naturally get up from their chairs when they would see him approaching them. That was solely... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/06/14)

Mosul maelstrom: ISIS and the turning point of American adventurism in Middle East
In Mosul, a perfect storm gathered last week, produced by decades of American adventurism in the ‘greater Middle East’. The American wars, including the ‘War on Terror’, were cat-and-mouse games that did not produce a final confrontation with Takfiri groups, but rather multiple confrontations, which have deferred or delayed both the domestic goals of these groups and their destructive power abroad, while ratcheting up their number and the resentment they carry against the West and its regional allies.... -Full Story-
( - 30/06/14)

Lies and deceptions cannot prevent America’s decline Part II
H. L. D. Mahindapala
At a time when neither the TNA nor India is talking about “federalism” – they talk of only 13+ -- Atul Keshap, Deputy Assistant Secretary for South Asia, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, who visited Sri Lanka last week, charged in like a headless bull looking for its chopped tail in a China shop and accused Sri Lanka of not taking steps to advance towards “federalism”. This is another example of America’s penchant for making enemies out of friends and driving even non-aligned neutrals into the arms of its rivals. Politically illiterate “Keshaps”... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/06/14)

A Message to the SLFP Parley at Bentota Today
by Garvin Karunaratne
I beg to request the members of parliament of the ruling party to kindly consider bringing some importance to the burning question that ailes the masses today. Our President has already established the infrastructure for development. It is necessary to take this to the next stage of developmentm by establishing small scale industries bring about employment to the rural folk and increasing their incomes and also reducing the foreign exchange commitment we face by making locally what we import. I annex below one of my earlier paper for kind perusal. I hope the honourable members will... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/06/14)

America blames the victims of their failed foreign policies
H. L. D. Mahindapala
Part I  The events unraveling in the Middle East has proved that the vaunted “Arab spring” has turned into America’s searing summer of wild fires exploding unpredictably in diverse Islamic fronts without competent firemen to hose down the unmanageable conflagration. It confirms that America has lost its grip on managing and/or directing global politics according to its agenda.  Global events spinning out of America’s control is another sign of declining power of America. Its shrinking power has manifested in two main ways. On the one hand, America has lost its way in the flowery rhetoric... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/06/14)

Today’s Oligarch Curtain of Lies, Theft, Death and Destruction Are Exposed As Never Before
By Joachim Hagopian
Currently in America and many places throughout the world many of us are undergoing a fundamental change in our belief system as we come to realize what we have been taught as reality turns out anything but. Many of us on the planet are currently undergoing a mind-altering, transformative shift in how we view life and our world, in effect causing a simultaneous global shift of belief amongst a sizeable portion of the earth’s population.... -Full Story-
( - 30/06/14)

Should critically discussing Islam be a form of hate speech?
By Benjamin Bull Courtesy: American Thinker
Several days ago, I noted with interest that Danish journalist and historian Lars Hedegaard has been acquitted by a unanimous Dutch Supreme Court of charges that he violated Holland's notorious "hate speech" laws.  His crime?  He made a public utterance that state prosecutors concluded was "denigrating" of Islam. Hedegaard dared say that Islam should be criticized for  referencing a Norwegian book concerning the high frequency of sexual abuse in Muslim families, stating, "We hear about that all the time."  The prosecutor never alleged that anything Hedegaard stated was untrue.  Truth under the Dutch... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/06/14)

USA, UK and their Democracy.
By Charles.S.Perera
USA has a history of only  238 years  where as the indigenous Americans lived their with a history of  thousands of years.  The European settlers  from Spain, France and  UK  eliminated large numbers of the indigenous population and displaced them from their homelands to infertile arid zones  and occupied their rich fertile land. After several separatist wars they finally united and declared Independence of USA on 4 July 1776.  The wars leading to independence was called the wars of the Patriots- a term of ridicule. USA is a republic it is argued that it is not a... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/06/14)

World Alliance for Peace in Sri Lanka PO Box 4066, Mulgrave VIC 3170, Australia
We are shocked to hear the attempts by a group of politicians in Sri Lanka for their political expediency to reveal the names of the officers and staff working for the national security intelligence, We earnestly request these misguided politicians to protect the State secret information for the good of the people in Sri Lanka rather than looking out for political point scoring.  The officers and the staff of the national intelligence services have played an important role in the war against the LTTE terrorism... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/06/14)

Canada’s Emerging Politics Of Terror
By Camelia Nathaniel Source
CTC’s National Spokesperson David Poopalapillai receiving Prabhakaran’s biography, a guide to the revival of terrorism Canadian law enforcement authorities and intelligence services are concerned about the LTTE’s penetration of their political establishment. A number of Sri Lankan Tamils tainted by their support for the Tigers seeks to infiltrate the spectrum of Canadian political parties – the New Democratic Party, the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party. After Rathika Sitsabaiesan, the first Canadian of Tamil heritage, won a parliamentary election in May 2011, she engaged in promoting LTTE interests in Canada. Canadian authorities... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/06/14)

Letter To Mr Gotabhaya Rajapaksha
The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka
... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/06/14)

Launch of Al Jihad Al Qaeda_PCR_Part 01
by Hon. Minister Champika Ranawaka
... -Full Story-
(https:/ - 29/06/14)

Launch of Al Jihad Al Qaeda_PCR_Part 02
by Hon. Minister Champika Ranawaka
... -Full Story-
(https:/ - 29/06/14)

'If there is a leader in the world today, that leader is Vladimir Putin' - Ronald Reagan's son
Courtesy  Voice of Russia
Mike Reagan, son of the 40th US President Ronald Reagan, believes that there are few truly influential leaders in the modern world and that Russian President Vladimir Putin is certainly one of them. In one of his latest TV appearances, Reagan, a political commentator, said that the United States didn’t have a clear and firm foreign policy today, which was one of the reasons behind the successes gained by terrorists in Iraq after the US troop withdrawal. It’s time for someone to take responsibility, Reagan said in an interview with "America’s Forum" on... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/06/14)

Tamils are not oppressed in Sri Lanka and never were
 Shenali D Waduge
Efforts are being made to project a notion that Tamils are oppressed. The mischief behind this endeavor has nothing to do with Tamils but simply as a slogan to create precedents. The organization outsourced to create precedents legally is the UN. Conflicts have become easy to engineer and all it takes is a single skirmish or isolated event for paid media to go to town. There are many ways to silence people and to make people talk as well. Conflicts are begun never to end which is why international charities, humanitarian organizations, peace builders, are all... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/06/14)

Beware of a fake BBS press release circulated by Jihadists
Sri Lanka News
Beware of a fake BBS press release is being circulated by Jihadists linking some hoax BBS activities with the Defence secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse to discredit the government and the Ministry of Defence. Even though the official email address of BBS is info at the fake press release is circulated by an email address at with message source as attached below. The message source indicates that the message is originated from IP address  It is up to the law enforcing department to identify the location of the IP address and take necessary action... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/06/14)

‘Bribe-taker’ ahtisaari to probe Sri Lanka
Courtesy The Nation
Serious questions have arisen over the inclusion of Finnish politician Martti Ahtisaari in the panel of experts appointed by UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay to assist the international inquiry panel on Sri Lanka. Ahtisaari was the tenth President of Finland (1994–2000), Nobel Peace Prize laureate and United Nations diplomat and mediator, noted for his international peace work. Ahtisaari served as the United Nations Special Envoy for Kosovo, charged with organizing Kosovo status process negotiations, aimed at resolving a long-running dispute in Kosovo, which declared its independence from Serbia in 2008. Following the independence of... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/06/14)

MP Thewarapperuma shatters Sison’s dreams
Courtesy Sunday Observer
Certain countries in the West have already begun their rounds with lavish and expert funding for a regime change. Knowing only too well that it would be hard to challenge the popularity of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, certain elements in the West have resorted to various other tactics. Surveys by three Western missions here have disclosed that President Rajapaksa would easily win the next Presidential election which is likely to be held next year. Greatly disturbed by the outcome of their surveys, these missions are now adopting various tactics. Ever since the plans for an early Presidential... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/06/14)

Causing religious hatred is an offence: Errant politicians exploit race and religion for personal gain – Faiszer Musthapha
by Uditha Kumarasinghe Courtesy Sunday Observer
Deputy Investment Promotion Minister Faiszer Musthapha said that race and religion had unfortunately become a strategy for some politicians to promote themselves causing irreparable damage to national reconciliation and harmony. Race and religion are the ideal forum for a politician to market himself, especially if he is not a seasoned politician who considers the country’s development, youth or skills and moreover, if doesn’t want to do anything tangible to improve people’s lives. The best marketing strategy is to go by one’s race, religion and ask for his share rather than saying that somebody... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/06/14)

Five Years in to the Jihad War in Sri Lanka
- Kumar Moses
Conventional wisdom has it that there is no smoke without a fire. It is truer in modern defence which focuses on deterrence and prevention. However, distinguishing between a series of isolated one off events and a phased manifestation of a planned terror war is very difficult. Governments always want its people, investors and other economic and political stakeholders to feel safe. They also want local and international concerned parties to see the rulers in charge of the situation. They cloud the ability to clearly identify an impending war. Ultimately a war is not fought by a... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/06/14)

තමා අතින් කැපූ වලක හිර උනාද හිමි වටරැක!
මනෝඡ් අබයදීර  -  Courtesy දිවයින
විකෘති කරන ලද සංසිද්ධි නොසලකා හරිමින් හෝ ඒවාට නිදැල්ලේ පැවැතීමට ඉඩදීම නිසා, ශ්‍රී ලංකාව වාර ගණනාවක්‌ බැට කා තිබේ. මිථ්‍යාවට පිළිතුරු නොදී "ඇත්ත ඕක නෙමෙයිනේ... ඒක කවුරුත් දන්නවානේ..." යන තැන සිට ප්‍රශ්න දෙස බැලීමේ ජාතික පුරුද්ද හේතුවෙන් දෙමළ වර්ගවාදය වසර තිහක්‌ තිස්‌සේ මේ දිවයින ලෙයින් නෑවූහ. දෙමළ ඊළාම් නිජභූමි මිථ්‍යාව, ඇස්‌ ඉස්‌ මත්තේම බොරුවක්‌ බව පෙනී පෙනීත් ජාතියක්‌ ලෙස එයට හරවා පිළිතුරු දීමට අපොහොසත් වීමේ විපාකය පරම්පරා කිහිපයක්‌ම විඳවීය. දැන් යළිත් බෙදුම්වාදී, වර්ගවාදී හස්‌තයක්‌ පැමිණ අලුත් මිථ්‍යාවකින් ලේ වගුරන්නට අරඅදිමින් සිටියි. අලුත්ගම සිද්ධියේ පෙනෙන ඇත්ත, පැත්තකට කර සියලු වගකීම් සිංහල බෞද්ධයාට පටවා, සිවුර රතු... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/06/14)

Navi Pillai appoints Martti Ahtisaari bribed by Albanian mafia to deliver Kosovo Independence to investigate Sri Lanka
Shenali D Waduge
How credible is the team appointed by Navi Pillai to investigate Sri Lanka? German Intelligence has a report of Martti Ahtisaari accepting 40million euro bribe to deliver Kosovo independence. The Sri Lanka investigation team head has been chased out of both Somalia and South Sudan for doctoring reports. Is there a particular reason why Martti Ahtisaari was chosen in the light of his name being synomous with imperial intervention and the chosen commodity to become the face of UN’s ‘plans for independence’ that camouflaged imperial intervention initiatives via UN puppets such as himself. Pillai’s credibility becomes... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/06/14)

China to host WFB Conference and raise the stakes of Global Buddhism
by Senaka Weeraratna
 China will host the 27th World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB) General Conference scheduled to be held at Baoji City in the Shaanxi Province, North East China from 14-19 October, 2014.  This is the first time that China will be hosting a WFB General Conference and it is likely to use the occasion to convey a strong message to the world that China of the future intends not only to be an economic and military super power but also a source of enlightened thinking and civilizational influence based on Buddhism.      Baoji city in Shaanxi Province was... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/06/14)

A Damning Asian Human Rights Watch Report Which If Provable Could Have Dire Ramifications Against The Government.If Not The AHRW Is Culpable Of A Distorted Testimonial.
Sunny Sunil's Column of Critical Analysis
June 27th, 2014 The accusations against the Government of Sri Lanka elaborated in the following item which was posted on the Infolanka News page and composed by the Asian Humen Rights Watch Organization appears to be a testimonial which if provable sounds not only shameful and damning but could carry dire ramifications and this at a time when there are accusations of Human Rights violations during the Tamil Tiger insurgency levelled against the GOSL where it does not augur well for Sri Lanka. Therefore it seems  imperative that the Government launches an immediate investigation into... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/06/14)

නව ඖෂධ පනත, ආණ්ඩුව ඖෂධ සමාගම්වලට යවපු පෙම් හසුනක්
පුබුදු ජයගොඩ- පෙරටුගාමී සමාජවාදී පක්ෂය
අලූතෙන් ඉදිරිපත් කර ඇති ඖෂධ උපකරණ හා විලවුන් නියාමන අධිකාරි පනත් කෙටුම් පත ආණ්ඩුවට සහ ඖෂධ සමාගම් අතර හුවමාරු වූ පෙම් හසුනක් යැයි පෙරටුගාමී සමාජවාදී පක්ෂය පවසයි. එම පක්ෂයේ දේශපාලන සභික පුබුදු ජයගොඩ මහතා මෙම අදහස් ප‍්‍රකාශ කළේ අද (26) රාජගිරිය එම්.ඞී.ඞී.ආර්. ශාලාවේ පැවති මාධ්‍ය හමුවකදීය. නව පනත සේනක බිබිලේ ප‍්‍රතිපත්තිවලට අනුව සකස් කරන බව කීවත්, එය හා සේනක බිබිලේ ප‍්‍රතිපත්තිය අතර කිසිඳු සම්බන්ධයක් නැතැයි මාධ්‍ය හමුවේදී ප‍්‍රකාශ විය.  පහත දැක්වෙන්නේ එහිදී ඉදිරිපත් වූ අදහස් කිහිපයකි, ‘‘ ඖෂධ ජාවාරම අනෙක් සියළු ජාවාරම් අභිබවා ලාභගන්න ජාවාරමක්. ෆෝචූන් 500 සමාගම් අතර තිබෙන ඖෂධ සමාගම් 10... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/06/14)

A reply to one sided writing by Kalana Senaratna
Herold Leelawardena
Very strongly and fundamentally, Muslims believe that Allah had created everything we perceive, and there is no God other than Allah, and Quran has nothing but the word of Allah, and Muhammad is the last prophet that Allah had send. Consequently, every Muslim appreciates, rationalizes and follow Sunna which is the life style and the work of Muhammad.  What Muslims worship and believe is their own matter. It’s true that we non-Muslims should bother about it and live with dread. Why non-Muslims have to be concerned about the tenets of Islam is; so many verses of the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

කළණ සේනාරත්නගේ එ්ක පාර්ෂික ලිපි වලට පිලිතුරක්
Herold Leelawardena
සෑම මුසල්මානුවෙක්ගේම මූලික තදබල විශ්වාසය වන්නේ අල්ලා මිස වෙනත් දෙවියෙක් නැති බවත්, අල්ලා දෙවියන් විසින් සියල්ල මවා අැති බවත්, කුරානයේ අැත්තේ අල්ලාගේ වචනය පමනක් බවත්  මොහම්මඩ් අල්ලා එවූ අන්තිම ගැලවුම්කාරයා හෙවත් නබී තුමා බවත්ය. එ් අනුව සෑම මුසල්මානුවෙක්ම ර්‍ණසුන්නාණීයනුවෙන් සදහන් කරන මොහම්මඩ්ගේ ඡීවන රටාව සාධාරණීකරනය කරයි, අගය කරයි, අනුගමනය කරයි' මුසල්මානුවන්ගේ අැදහීම් සහ විශ්වාසයන් ඔවුන්ගේය. මුසල්මානු නොවන අයට එ් ගැන රුදාවක් නොතිබිය යුතු බවත් අැත්තය. මුසල්මාන් නොවන අයට මුසල්මාන් දහම අදාල වන්නේ අල්ලා කී දේ පමනක් කියනවා යයි කියන කූරානයේ පද ගනනාවකම මුසල්මානුවන් විසින් අන්අයට කලයුතූ දේ ගැන සවිස්තරාත්මකව මුසල්මානුවන්ට උපෙදස් දී අැති නිසාත් මුස්ලිම්... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

How credible are stories of Rape in North Sri Lanka?
Shenali D Waduge
There are time-tested ways to embarrass a country. Rape, torture, kidnapping, genocide are just a handful and with mainstream media, roped in journalists, puppet UN officials, money-hungry NGOs forming a team to project ‘allegations’ & ‘stories’ without evidence or proof, a country is automatically declared guilty by default. Rape has been defined a war crime. It is unfair that global entities are using rape as a weapon and making a mockery out of genuine cases of people who have been raped. Obviously, the negative publicity is meant to create a negative perception about Sri Lanka and... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

Mangala wants an Avamangala
Nalin de Silva
What does Mangala Samaraweera, the man who held a Buddha Statue at Punchi Borella while he was a minister, by the neck, showing that he has no respect at all for Bududahama, Budunvahanse or Sinhala Buddhism want? Apparently he is omniscient. He knows exactly what happened at Nolimit, Panadura. He told the press within six hours of the incident, how somebody had set fire to the building having entered from the top floor. It is still not known whether he knew that some people attached to the business venture were sleeping on the same floor. He... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

Susantha Wijesinghe
This is something that is very easy to make, and all concerned about eradication of Dengue, should start.  Also, "FLY PAPER " too, do trap Mosquitos. It can be imported, or manufactured in Sri Lanka, by a business entrepreneur. He can be a millionaire overnight.  Government authorities should look into this suggestion very seriously. Good luck   Do It Yourself Home Mosquito Trap Safety From Disease Begins At Home 9-8-12 My 'apologies' to all branded insecticides in the marketplace but FIGHTING DENGUE MUST... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

A Muslim spring and a Buddhist spring
Nalin de Silva
A Muslim friend asked me what the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) wants from the Muslims. He is a genuine Muslim whom I respect though I may not agree with him sometimes. Jehan Perera in his column on 24th June states “The government appears to have woken up to the gravity of the problem posed by repeated attacks on the Muslim community”. Jehan Perera unlike my friend is not a Muslim, as far as I know, but he is concerned with the “plight” of the Muslims. He was concerned with the plight of the Tamils and was... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

Press Release on religious riots at Beruwela and Aluthgama in Sri Lanka
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada
24 June 2014 Andrew Bennet Canada’s Ambassador for Religious Freedom  Foreign Affairs, Sussex Drive Ottawa, Ontario Dear Andrew: Your Statement on behalf of the Canadian government condemning the outbreak of communal violence against Muslims in Sri Lanka, is fair dinkum to a point. The whole world seems to be condemning it and so have the Sri Lankan Government, the Sri Lankan Buddhist prelates, as well as the majority of Sri Lankan expatriates around the world and those living in that island nation. They are incensed. Your smug,... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

බෞද්ධයෝ ත්‍රස්තවාදීහූ ද ? Buddist Terrorism : A Deception or Reality
Patali Champika Ranawaka PCR Media
• ශ්‍රි ලංකාව තුළ වපුරා ඇති අන්තවාදයේ බිජුවට විනාශකොට සමාජය තුළ සහෝදරත්වයේ හෘදයාංගම ගණුදෙනුවක් ඇති කර ගත යුතුව තිබේ. • ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ඉංග්‍රීසි ජනමාධ්‍ය, බහුජාතික සංවිධාන හා වාමාශික යැයි කියාගන්නා පිරිස් ලංකාව තුළ බෞද්ධ ත්‍රස්තවාදයක් පවතින්නේ යැයි ගෙන යන සාවද්‍ය මතයට අපි පිළිතුරු දිය යුතුව තිබේ. • මුස්ලිම් සමාජය තුළ විදේශීය බලවේග සමඟ සම්බන්ධව කටයුතු කරන විවිධ නිකායන් මෙන්ම ආගමික අන්තවාදී සංවිධානවල ක්‍රියාකාරීත්වය විසින් බෞද්ධයන් ත්‍රස්තවාදීන් ලෙස හංවඩු ගසා තිබේ. • තබ්ලික් ජමාද් සංවිධානය අද ලංකාව තුළ සමාජ ඛෙදුම්වාදයක් ඇති කිරීමට උත්සහ දරමින් සිටින අතර එයට හොඳම උදාහරණයක් පසුගියදා නැගෙනහිර විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයෙන් වාර්තා විය. නැගෙනහිර... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

බෞද්ධයෝ ත්‍රස්තවාදීහූ ද ? Buddist Terrorism : A Deception or Reality
Patali Champika Ranawaka
&3515;&3539;... -Full Story- (https:/ - 26/06/14)

15 - 21 June 2014, Cannes, France
Flagship festival, the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, has been recognizing the best in communications since 1954. It has grown to become the world's biggest celebration of creativity in communications, with more than 35,000 entries from all over the world and more than 12,000 delegates from 94 countries in attendance each year. The networking and learning opportunity of the year, Cannes Lions is the must-attend event for anyone involved in creative communication. KUM KUM FERNANDO studied at St Thomases College Mount Laviniya and RMIT University Australia working as Associate Creative Director... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

Sri Lanka must claim Observer status at Panchsheel commemorative events in Beijing
by Senaka Weeraratna
Sino – India rapprochement will have significant ramifications not only in Asia but throughout the world in the coming years. It is reported that the Panchsheel commemorative events will be held in Beijing on June 28 and 29, 2014 in which Vice-President Hamid Ansari, Myanmar President U Thein Sein and Chinese President Xi Jinping will take part. The seed for forging strong ties between the newly liberated India (from British colonial rule in 1947) and the newly established People’s Republic of China (in 1949) took place in June 1954, during a recess in the Geneva conference... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

Attacks on Muslims , then and now
by Gyan de Mel
When the LTTE massacred the Muslims en masse where were all these Muslim orgs, NGOs and the rest who are pointing the finger at our monks? Was there one statement issued  exposing the injustice perpetrated on the Muslims? Was there a single statement issued for the consumption of Islamic countries? Were any complaint lodged with the UNHRC etc? Some of the atrocities committed on Muslims alone were as follows: • 62 Muslims hacked to death at Nintavur, Ampara on June 21, 1990 • 140 Muslims murdered and 66 injured while at prayer in the Meera... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

Dr. Tilak Fernando
David Shepherd is one of the worlds most respected and honoured wild life artists and conservationists. Since the 1960s, he has been exceptionally popular in limited edition print productions and posters of his own paintings. Born in Hendon, West London, he exhibited his latent talents in painting at the age of eight in a children’s painting competition titled - ‘Nursery World’ .     His interest in conservation was brought about during an expedition into the African Bush where he discovered a poisoned water hole with a considerable number... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

Leading Members of Sri Lankan Expats in Toronto meet to discuss the recent events leading to the Disruption of Peace in the Aluthgama – Beruwala areas of Sri Lanka
Mahinda Gunasekera, Toronto, Canada
On the initiative of a few leading members of Sri Lankan expats living in Toronto, a concerned group of over thirty members both as representatives of different community associations as well as in their individual capacities met on Thursday, the 18th of June, 2014 at 7.30 p.m. at the Toronto Mahavihara Buddhist Temple to discuss ways of re-establishing peace and harmony in the affected areas of their motherland. The meeting was chaired by Venerable Ahangama Rathanasiri Mahathera with the attendees being mainly from the Sinhala and Muslims communities whilst every other community too participated.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 26/06/14)

A German-s view who lived thru Nazi Germany - view on Islam
A German-s View on Islam. This is by far the best explanation of the Muslim terrorist situation I have ever read. His references to past history are accurate and clear. Not long, easy to understand, and well worth the read. The author of this email is Dr. Emanuel Tanay, a well known and well respected psychiatrist.This is a forwarded article alleged to have been written by Dr. Emanuel Tanay called "A German-s View on Islam."... -Full Story-
( - 26/06/14)

SRI LANKA NEEDS NO MORE TRAITORS – Has UNP forgotten how it killed 44 intelligence officers?
Shenali D Waduge
The Sri Lankan military has announced that they have received information that certain politicians are attempting to divulge names of intelligence units and pin blame on them for the Aluthgama debacle in an obvious effort to create distrust and bring further chaos. It smacks memory of Aturugiriya and reminds us of how UNP for cheap publicity ended up exposing the entire intelligence of the army and killing 44 intelligence personnel. Are we to see another betrayal of men who have sacrificed their lives for the nation by some unworthy politicians is what the country must now... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/06/14)

Threat to expose intelligence units - Army
Chamikara Weerasinghe Courtesy The Daily News
Following the failed attempts to fan the flames of communal violence to create mayhem elsewhere in the country by exploiting the recent incidents in Aluthgama and Beruwala, a certain Opposition politician who is angered by the efficiency of the state and military intelligence that thwarted the bid, is currently plotting to expose the names of several key figures in Army intelligence responsible for this success, Army spokesman Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasooriya said yesterday. He said the defence authorities received intelligence reports regarding this attempt. "These intelligence operatives played a significant role preserving the peace.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/06/14)

Sri Lanka in historic win over England
Sri Lanka clinched their first ever Test series victory in England by winning the second and final Investec Test match by 100 runs at Headingly yesterday. Sri Lanka, which captured five English wickets for 57 runs on Day Four, dismissed England for 249 in the penultimate delivery of the last over of the day in a thrilling Test match. Skipper Angelo Mathews played his best Test knock of 160 with Sri Lanka setting England a daunting 350-run target. This test victory gives Sri Lanka victory in all three formats of the game as Sri Lanka won the one-off Twenty20 by... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 24/06/14)

The superb Sri Lankan cricketers have been treated shabbily by England
Arunabha Sengupta
Since 1998, the Sri Lankans have always played Tests in England during the first part of the season, in damp, cold conditions, leaving the sunbathed July and August for more preferred teams. Arunabha Sengupta argues that this is unfair to some of the most talented and indigenous cricketers the world has seen in recent years. Kumar Sangakkara has never played in England under the warm July sun. His figures in England have to be weighed with care before being used as a statement of his class. And one wonders what frontiers they would have conquered if he had... -Full Story-
( - 24/06/14)

Jayalalithaa should meet Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapaksa: Subramanian Swamy
PTI | New Delhi
In a statement here, Swamy also called upon Jayalalithaa to visit Jaffna in Sri Lanka, saying that the Tamil residents there were objecting to what they claimed was poaching by Indian fishermen in areas near Jaffna Peninsula. He further claimed that Indian fishermen were invariably crossing the international medial border line in the Gulf of Mannar.... -Full Story-
( - 24/06/14)

Modi’s Sweet and Spicy Sri Lanka Strategy
By Daniel Alphonsus
India is likely to pursue a pragmatic approach toward Sri Lanka, one less shackled by Tamil Nadu politics.In the case of its relations with Sri Lanka, India’s engagement under Modi is set to become both sweeter and spicier. Pragmatically upgrading economic and connectivity links, combined with a possible de-emphasis of engaging through the UN Human Rights Council process, could sweeten ties. On the other hand, holding Colombo to past bilateral commitments, such as implementing the Thirteenth Amendment to Sri Lanka’s Constitution, could add a piquant note to the relationship.... -Full Story-
( - 24/06/14)

The Induction Oath of Tamil Tiger Fighters at their Passing-Out Ceremony
Michael Roberts
Apropos of the misleading interpretations of suicide attacks by Western commentators such as the political scientist, Robert Pape, it is important to note that the act of suicide was initially adopted by the LTTE as a defensive tool to protect the organisation from the leaking of information after capture. It was also a mark of their dedication to the Tamil liberation cause and thus a method of drawing popular admiration.... -Full Story-
( - 24/06/14)

Modus Operandi: Tamil Diaspora and LTTE Organisations
By Udeshi Amarasinghe. Courtesy Ministry of Defence and Urban Development - Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.
This is something that everyone knows, Sri Lanka was engaged in a conflict with the Liberation of Tamil Tiger Eelam (LTTE)-considered as the most ruthless terrorist organisation in the world-for 30 long years. Yes, Sri Lanka achieved peace and freedom in May 2009 amidst the great sacrifices of the Armed Force, Police, Civil Defence Force, Military Intelligence and of course the people, all over the country. A conflict that was raged by the LTTE supposedly for the betterment of the Tamil people was... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/06/14)

The West-Al Qaeda-Wahhabis manipulating Muslims and Islam
Shenali D Waduge
 In July of 2013, European Parliament identified the Wahhabi movement as the source of global terrorism and a threat to traditional and diverse Muslim cultures of the whole world. Wahhabi cult was a creation of the British. That should make Muslims happy that the EU Parliament has identified not all Muslims as terrorists but Wahhabis. The Al Qaeda was a creation of the US. Hillary Clinton herself admits but the version that the US is now fighting the Al Qaeda is one story too hard to believe. In short it appears that the ‘Muslim’ fundamentalist organizations are all sourced... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/06/14)

Prof G.L. Peiris tells Ambassadors-WELL FUNDED SUBVERSION
Part of campaign is to drive a wedge between SL and Muslim countries Evidence of funding from foreign sources
Addressing a group of Colombo based Ambassadors on the recent disturbances, External Affairs Minister Prof. G.L. Peiris said that the events in its internal dimension was a direct attempt to alienate the Muslim community from the government while the external expression of this campaign has as its objective the purpose of driving a wedge between Sri Lanka and Muslim countries, with a view to weakening Sri Lanka in international fora. He said the skillfully conceived and co-ordinated character of the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/06/14)

Press Complaints Commission : Buddhism Bashing in Newspapers in Sri Lanka
Shenali D Waduge
The Chairman Press Complaints Commission of Sri Lanka Re. Buddhism Bashing in Newspapers in Sri Lanka   I am writing to draw the attention of the Press Complaints Commission in the light of its own declared Code of Professional Practice for Sri Lankan media. A content analysis will reveal the derogatory nature of efforts to subterfuge the Buddhist foundation and identity of Sri Lanka and dilute its influence amongst policy and governance. In reading various print and online publications with media being used as a vehicle for this derogatory exercise it compels me to bring this... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/06/14)

"මොහම්ඩ් රජිතා" යන නමට මා කැමතියි-රජිතා බොස්ටන් වලදී කියයි
චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම
මීට කලින් සටහන ලියන්නට පෙර, බොස්ටන් ලංකා ටී වී එකට රජිතා සේනාරත්න ඇමති සිංහල භාෂාවෙන් දුන් සාකච්චාව මම දුටුවෙමි. ඔහු ඉංග්‍රීසි භාෂාවෙන්  කතා කල තවත් සාකච්චාවක් ජූනි 21ද් ආ මම දුටුවෙමි. සිංහලෙන් කල කතාවට වඩා වෙනසක් ඉංග්‍රීසි කතාවේ ඇත. එයට බළලා මල්ලෙන් එලියට පැන්නා වැනි කාරණා ඇතුලත් ය. 2009 දී ඔහුට බේරුවල සංවිධායක ධූරය ලැබුණ බවත් පසු ගිය වසර පහ තුල ඔහු සිංහල-මුස්ලිම් සමඟිය ගොඩ නැගූ බවත් ඔහු කියයි.  ඔහු ගොඩනැගූ සමඟිය නම් පංකාදුය.     මුස්ලිම් ආක්‍රමණය ඉදිරියේ කොටුවී ඉතිරිවී තිබෙන එකම පන්සල ඉදිරි පිට හරක් ඔළු හා හරක් බොකු ආදිය දමා ගිය විට මේ සමඟි දැල... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/06/14)

Sri Lanka rejects inference that the presence of the military contributes to the insecurity of women and girls in the former conflict-affected areas
Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka in Geneva
 Sri Lanka has strongly rejected the inference that the presence of the military contributes to the insecurity of women and girls in the former conflict-affected areas. Exercising a 'Right of Reply' with regard to the statement made during the General Debate under Agenda Item 4 by Canada, claiming ‘ongoing use of rape and sexual violence by Sri Lankan security forces against perceived government opponents,’ Sri Lanka said this claim is not substantiated by verifiable data or evidence. It was noted that any allegations supported by credible evidence are dealt with firmly... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/06/14)

Autism, developmental delays linked to pesticide exposure during pregnancy - study
Exposure to several common agricultural pesticides during pregnancy increases the risk of developmental delays and autism in children by two-thirds, a new study found. While researchers did not say pesticides cause autism, a direct link is plausible. Researchers at the University of California, Davis MIND Institute tracked associations with specific classes of pesticides (including organophosphates, pyrethroids and carbamates) and later diagnoses of autism and developmental delay in children. They used maps from the California Pesticide Use Report (1997-2008) and the addresses of expectant mothers to track women-s exposure to agricultural pesticide spraying during their pregnancies.... -Full Story-
( - 24/06/14)

Judge who sentenced Saddam Hussein to death 'is captured and executed by ISIS'
The judge who sentenced former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein to death has been captured and executed by ISIS militants, it is claimed. Raouf Abdul Rahman, who sentenced the dictator to death by hanging in 2006, was reportedly killed by rebels in retaliation for the execution of the 69-year-old. Jordanian MP Khalil Attieh wrote on his Facebook page that Judge Rahman, who had headed the Supreme Iraqi Criminal Tribunal during Saddam's trial, had been arrested and sentenced to death. His death has not been confirmed by the Iraqi government, but officials had not denied reports of his... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/06/14)

THE ROVING EYE-Burn, Men in Black, burn
By Pepe Escobar
Let-s cut to the chase. As in chasing that Zara outdoor summer collection, complete with state of the art assault rifles, brand new white Nike sneakers and brand new, unlimited mileage white Toyotas crossing the Syrian-Iraqi desert; the Badass Jihadis in Black. Once upon a (very recent) time, the US government used to help only "good terrorists" (in Syria), instead of "bad terrorists". That was an echo of a (less recent) time when it was supporting only "good Taliban" and not "bad Taliban".... -Full Story-
( - 24/06/14)

Page 1 of 2 -Who won Iraq?
By Tom Engelhardt
As Iraq was unraveling last week and the possible outlines of the first jihadist state in modern history were coming into view, I remembered this nugget from the summer of 2002. At the time, journalist Ron Suskind had a meeting with "a senior advisor" to president George W Bush (later identified as Karl Rove). Here-s how he described part of their conversation: "The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community, which he defined as people who"believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." I nodded... -Full Story-
( - 24/06/14)

Neo-cons, hawks fail to gain Iraq traction
By Jim Lobe
WASHINGTON - Despite their ubiquity on television talk shows and newspaper op-ed pages, neo-conservatives and other hawks who propelled the US into war in Iraq 11 years ago are falling short in their efforts to persuade the public and Congress that Washington needs to return. Indeed, in contrast to the uncritical position taken by virtually all of the country-s media in the run-up to the 2003 invasion, a number of mainstream outlets are openly questioning the advice now being dispensed by the hawks about what to do about the dramatic advances by radical Sunni... -Full Story-
( - 24/06/14)

SPEAKING FREELY - Iraq and the emerging regional disorder
By Zorawar Daulet Singh
Speaking Freely is an Asia Times Online feature that allows guest writers to have their say. Please click here if you are interested in contributing. US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel last week expressed a truism when he remarked, "recent crises in Iraq and Ukraine remind us all how quickly things can change in the world, and not for the better."... -Full Story-
( - 24/06/14)

Is Sri Lanka’s Media promoting Peace?
Shenali D Waduge
Does Free Speech connote to mean that the media can say what they like, against whom they dislike and as often as they like generating an influence over those they capture across their media channels? In Sri Lanka we have a situation where the biased and unbalanced nature of the media has been established by the Press Commission Report of 1964. One of the key charges of that 1964 report was that Sri Lanka’s Press stood accused of being anti-national and was fostering disunity and attempting to divide the nation. Fast forward to 2014 exactly 50... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/06/14)

Jihadists plot exposed -So called moderate Buddhist monk’s injuries were self-inflicted: Police
Sri Lanka news
With headline news related Anti-Muslim riots in Sri Lanka, there was another incident reported by BBC, Aljazeera, Khaleejtime and many international news outlet about a moderate Buddhist monk who was highly critical of an extremist Buddhist group has been found beaten and unconscious near Colombo. The Sri Lanka police today said the investigations on the alleged abduction and assault of a leading Buddhist monk had revealed that the monk had made false claims and cuts on the body were self-inflicted. According to the information received, this monk was allegedly working for the Jihadists to propogate negative... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/06/14)

තොංගලේ කපා ගත් දෙස්-විදෙස් මාධ්‍ය කාරයෝ
චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම බුදු හාමුදුරුවන්ට චෝදනාවක් කරමින් බඩේ දර මිටියක් බැඳගෙන තමා ගැබ්බරව සිටී යයි කී කාන්තාව මීයෙක් නිසා අමාරුවේ වැටුනේය. කුරුණෑගල පැත්තේ පල්ලිය ඉදිරියෙන්-නිශ්ශබ්ද වෙනු කියා පාරේ ගසා තිබූ බෝඩ් එක ඒ පැත්තේ මුස්ලිම් ගුරෙක් විසින් ඩැමේජ් කරද්දී පොලිසියට අතටම අසුවිය. මීට සමාන දෙයක් වටරැක මොහමඩ් විජිත කරාවි යයි සිතාගත හැක්කේ කාටද?     වටරැක විජිත එක්තරා මානසික ආබාධයකින් පෙලෙන බව ඔහුගේ හැසිරීම දෙස බලන විට පැහැදිලිය. ඔහු ප්‍රාදේශීය සභාවේ බොරු මුස්ලිම් පල්ලියක් මහියංගනයේ ඉදිකිරීම ගැන කල කතාවත් ඉන් පසුව බෞද්ධයින් හෙලා දකිම්න් මුස්ලිම් පල්ලියකදී කල කතාවත් පරස්පර විරෝධීය. මහියංගන ප්‍රාදේශීය සභා රැස්වීමට එද්දී මහජනයාට භයවී ඔහු දුවපු ආකාරයම... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 22/06/14)

The Information The TNA Is Purported To Have Shared With The UN Put Into Perspective.
LankaWeb Weekly Editorial,
June 23rd.2014    The only information The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) could realistically have shared with the UN would be no more than cooked up anti Government propaganda and the usual innuendo laced exaggerations about Tamil distress steeped in bias as they profess to have shared information with the UN. It is very unlikely their so called information would have attested to the attrocities the Tamil Tigers caused the Nation and its predominantly Sinhalese majority where the TNA was at the time as they are even today a front for the LTTE. Of course the UN confronted with... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/06/14)

Are Muslims In Sri Lanka Overstepping Their Metes And Bounds Aided And Abetted By Outsiders?
Sunny Sunil's Column of Critical Analysis
June 21st, 2014 This is indeed a very good question and one which could pose dire ramifications for Sri Lanka unless responded to effectively as the network of Global Muslims of the Fundamental variety comprising of those who harbour radical views and create mayhem towards their objectives which very definitely is totally unacceptable to a Buddhist country like Sri Lanka that appears to have tolerated types linkable to this category far too long ! It is one which not only needs monitoring but the recent warnings by international terror watch groups including Interpol as well as... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/06/14)

US creating a Taliban in Sri Lanka: Champika
Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka
Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka exposes US involvement in the latest Sinhala- Muslim clashes in Sri Lanka However the Int community portray him as an extremist when he speaks the truth. FRIDAY, 20 JUNE 2014 21:50 Similar to how the United States nurtured Taliban, which later targeted strategic locations in New York, US Ambassador Michele J. Sison is nurturing the Sri Lankan Jihadist groups thus jeopardizing the security of not only Sri Lanka and the US but of the entire world, Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/06/14)

Muslim fundamentalism and lessons to learn from events in Aluthgama.
By  Charles.S.Perera
It has been reported that a 31 year old Muslim PhD Student Nahid Almanea died of  16 stab wounds in Colchester, Essex, UK.  She was wearing a Muslim dress-an Abaya robe and a hijab scarf at the time.  Police has warned  the public not to go to isolated places  by themselves.  It is dangerous in Essex. The incident has sent shock waves among Muslims in Britain. "This isn't the first attack on a Muslim student and certainly is not the last on a member of the Muslim community in the UK. We will naturally wait for all... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/06/14)

දත් දොස්තරෙක් අළුත්ගමට කලදේ නොහොත් සිංහලයින්ට නායකයෙක් නැතිවීම
චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම
           "තොපිටත් රජෙක් ඇත කුහුඹුවනේ..."         "වැටත් නියරත් ගොයම් කෑ නම් කාට කියමිද ඒ අමාරුව"     මීට පෙර බාර් ඇසෝසියේෂන් ලොක්කන් ගැන මා ලියූ කෙටි සටහනේ උපුල් ගොයියලා ගේ "නූගත්" කම හා උසාවියට බඩගෑම ගැන සඳහන් කළෙමි. ලංකා වෙබ් අඩවියට මේ ගැන ලියූ පාඨකයෙක් පෙන්වා දුන්නේ උපුල් ගොයියා ඇඩ්වාන්ස් ලෙවෙල් වැඩ හතරම අසමත් වූ කෙනෙක් බවය. නීති ව්ද්‍යාලයේ තරා තිරමද මෙයින් මැණ ගත හැකි නොවේද? මේ ගිරවුන් බඩගෑමෙන්ම මාලයක් හා ත්‍රී පීස් සූට් දමා ගන්නවා නොවේද? මෙවැනි අය පොරකා තනතුරු ලබා ගැනීමද ලෝක ස්වභාවය ය. මේවා ගැන ඥානසාර හාමුදුරුවන් මෙන් ශුද්ධ සිංහල භාෂාවෙන් මිස... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/06/14)

අලූත්ගම සිදුවීම හා බැදි අභ්‍යන්තර අර්බුදය පිළිබදව ඇමති චම්පික තතු පහදයි
... -Full Story- (https:/ - 22/06/14)

අපි මුගලන් පරම්පරාවේ හාමුදුරුවරු - ගලගොඩඅත්තේ ඥානසාර හිමි
... -Full Story-
( - 22/06/14)

කවුරුත් නොඇසූ අළුත්ගම ඇත්ත කතාව_The True Story of Aluthgama
... -Full Story- (https:/ - 21/06/14)

The POWs of the Eelam War
Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D.
The Eelam War in Sri Lanka has caused numerous physical and mental health ailments among the survivors. The POWs suffered extreme conditions. During the armed conflict the LTTE (the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) captured a considerable number of servicemen from the Sri Lanka Army, Sri Lanka Navy and the Sri Lanka Police Service. Most of the captees were executed by the LTTE. Nonetheless a very small number of POWs managed to escape from captivity. The remaining prisoners of war (POWs) were freed after the interventions by the International Committee of the Red Cross... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/06/14)

What the West/UN really want in pushing for Reconciliation & Accountability in Sri Lanka
Shenali D Waduge
Let’s stop fooling ourselves. We have by our own mistakes fallen into traps that could have been easily averted. Now, Sri Lanka faces an ‘international’ investigation though how ‘international’ it is needs to be questioned when it is the same handful of mischief making countries behind R2P endeavors passing these Resolutions and getting puppets at the UN to do their bidding. Whatever they say they cannot bring a single comparison against the achievements of Sri Lanka’s armed forces in its post-conflict success and it is this that the West are too proud to admit. According to... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/06/14)

Tawheed have succeeded in clamping down Sufism and Moderation and Traditionalism.
Herold Leelawardena.
Wahhabi, Deobandi, and Mawdudist are only some extremist Islamic organisations that are active in Sri Lanka. Given the globalist (US) links to Wahhabism and remembering it is such Saudis backed Tawheeds that fought Gaddafi in Libya and Assad in Syria and fight Malaki’s Shia government as ISIS in Iraq now, are we to believe that Tawheed Jihadis have no hand in Aluthgama riots. Don’t forget, Iran is Shia and Sri Lanka is a close friend of Iran. A Muslim writer to realsalafi.blogspot wrote a full story on how two murders and forty injuries took place in Buhkary... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/06/14)

MR rejects call for banning groups over Alutgama mayhem -Bathiudeen, Weerawansa agree extremists on both sides
By Shamindra Ferdinando-Courtesy Island
June 20, 2014, 9:44 pm President Mahinda Rajapaksa has said that proscription of extremist organisations isn’t a problem, but such action does not guarantee that there won’t be further religious strife. The President said so in response to leader of the All Ceylon Makkal Congress (ACMC) and Industry and Commerce Minister Rishad Bathiudeen, MP, (Vanni District) at last Thursday’s UPFA party leaders’ meeting at Temple Trees. Among those present at the party leaders’ meeting were Ministers, Basil Rajapaksa, Nimal Siripala de Silva, Dinesh Gunawardena, Rauff Hakeem, Wimal Weerawansa, Champika Ranawaka, Dallas Alahapperuma, Susil Premjayantha,... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/06/14)

The crux of the matter
Ranjith Soysa
The recent unfortunate incidents which took place in Aluthgama are a continuation of series of unenviable conflicts among some sections of the Sinhalese and the Muslim community for last so manyyears. When one section resorts to the visible extremist  tactics to gaintheir ends the other section follows the crafty but very effective covert methods  to achieve their objectives. To ignore this basic reality will only provide fodder to ignite the situation filled with lethal gas. We have to admit the existence of Bodu Bala Sena and Sinhala Ravaya as much as Wahabbists, Jihadists and Talibans in... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/06/14)

"True war criminals are in the UK -We call upon the British to publish immediately the Chilcott Report to qualify to make such a statement."
Colombo, Western Provincial Council Minister Udaya Gammanpila
'Sri Lanka is a sovereign state' 'True war criminals are in the UK' Lambasting a statement British High Commissioner John Rankin made in Colombo on the previous night at the Queen's birthday celebrations in Colombo, Western Provincial Council Minister Udaya Gammanpila said: "We call upon the British to publish immediately the Chilcott Report to qualify to make such a statement." British High Commissioner Rankin said that Sri Lanka should cooperate with the international investigation mandated by the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva in March, and fully implement the specific recommendations in... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/06/14)

Are Sri Lankan Buddhist extremists filling the Tamil LTTE void?
Prof. Hudson McLean
Fear, shock among Sri Lankan Muslims in aftermath of Buddhist mob violence By Iqbal Athas and Tim Hume, CNN June 20, 2014 -- Updated 0601 GMT (1401 HKT) This is sad, bad news! My opinon has been and still is, that real Buddhists have always been kind, tolarent, humane and non-violent. I might place the blame on those who are responsible for the Law Enforcement in Sri Lanka, for not taking immediate action to *nip in the bud' any reasons for such violence, whether it be Muslims, Buddhists or possible Tamil elements. The... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/06/14)

Sri Lanka briefs Human Rights Council on action taken by Government following incidents of communal violence
Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka Geneva
Sri Lanka today informed the Human Rights Council that prompt action had been taken by the government to bring back normalcy to Aluthgama and Beruwala, the areas affected by recent incidents of the communal violence. This observation was made by Ms. Manisha Gunasekera, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva exercising a 'Right of Reply' in response to comments made by Germany,  Norway and Canada during the General Debate under Agenda Item 4. The full statement made by Sri Lanka isgiven below.  Right of Reply Sri Lanka
26th Session of... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/06/14)

How does harthal and peace rallies help?
What happened this  week, no doubt is horrendous. We must show our protest. If we keep quiet we will be attacked again and again. But how we show our protest  must be evaluated carefully. On 19.6.2014  Thursday many may say we had a successful harthal - many Muslim shops were closed-  but what is the outcome? From the point  I can see, it is a loss for us the muslims only. When we close shops we inconvenience the customers. the shop owners loose the income for one day. Does the government feel the pinch? Does it in anyway affect... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/06/14)

Blair should be lecturing on Iraq from the dock at the International Criminal Court
John Wight
It has been heartening to witness the backlash against former British Prime Minister Tony Blair over his attempt to deny any responsibility for the chaos and carnage that has engulfed northern and eastern Iraq in recent days. While thousands of ISIS Sunni extremists are engaged in a determined attempt to reach Baghdad, leaving a trail of carnage in the process, Tony Blair remains resolute in claiming that there is no connection between this and the hell in which Iraq has been plunged, even more than a decade since the 2003 onset of the war which he and former... -Full Story-
( - 20/06/14)

Ban ethnic-based political parties in Sri Lanka
Shenali D Waduge
 There are 64 registered political parties in Sri Lanka of this number 22 parties carry ethnic-based political names. 15 of these parties carry a separatist Tamil agenda. With the cleansing of LTTE as well as the current global proscription on LTTE fronts should the leaders not take a stand on denazifying the Eelam name and ban its use? If the country is to create a national identity and people to learn to live, be proud and protect Sri Lanka as their nation the impediment is political parties that push for agenda-based slogans dividing people and creating... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/06/14)

Who cast the first stone in Aluthgama.
Herold Leelawardena
Starting a debate about Aluthgama riots in parliament, opposition leader, Ranil Wickramasinghe asked how riots started and what business Buddhists monks have in Darga town. As usual, Ranil displayed that he has no background knowledge but preconceived ideas. Ranil didn't know that Pathirajagoda temple is located in Darga town and ven. Ayagama Samitha who was attacked by some Muslim youth and then hospitalized on Poson Poya day lives there. In his reply PM read out something but not about the important things like the road to Pathirajagoda Temple from Aluthgama town lay a Muslim mosque that monks have... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/06/14)

Embassy of Sri Lanka Paris
The 100th birth anniversary of Professor Ediriweera Sarachchandra was commemorated at UNESCO on 10th June 2014 under the auspices of the Director General of UNESCO, Irina Bokova and the Honorable Minister of Culture, T. B. Ekanayake. The recognition and commemorations of the centenary birth anniversary of the Sri Lankan playwright, poet and author, who has been hailed as a cultural icon, was an integral part of the programme of historic events and anniversaries of eminent persons of universal dimensions being commemorated this year at UNESCO.Addressing the Inauguration Ceremony, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to France and... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/06/14)

Iraq pays price of US sectarian meddling
By Ramzy Baroud
"Labeiki ya Zaynab" chanted Iraqi Shiite fighters as they swayed, dancing with their rifles before TV news cameras in Baghdad on June 13. They were apparently getting ready for a difficult fight ahead. For them, it seemed that a suitable war chant would be answering the call of Zaynab, the daughter of Imam Ali, the great Muslim Caliph who lived in Medina 14 centuries ago. That was the period through which the Shiite sect slowly emerged, based on a political dispute whose consequences are still felt until this day.... -Full Story-
( - 19/06/14)

Do we put Religion or Country first? The answer will show who is a true Sri Lankan
Shenali D Waduge
Post-independent Sri Lanka has given little time for Sri Lanka to enjoy meaningful peace. All politicians are friends in private but foes in public. Some party or the other is fighting for a piece of a country as small as Sri Lanka. We have failed to carve out an identity for ourselves devoid of and separated from clinging to 500 years of colonial brainwashing. Our leaders have failed to instill in the young even older generation a sense of national pride that should have been incorporated vigorously into the Education curriculum whether it is in public... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/06/14)

The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka request to investigate and BAN BBS - several Muslim groups and the Muslim politicians urge police to stop the rally in Alutgama that preceded the attack was not heeded.
The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka
19th June 2014 His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksha President Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka Presidential Secretariat Galle Face, Colombo 1 Your Excellency, The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka calls upon your Excellency to immediately investigate the actions of all extremist groups and ban those who have been carryout a campaign of hate, intimidation and violence against Muslims, Christians and other religious minorities. The incitement and provocations have been well documented and are available in the public realm. The consequences as witnessed in Aluthgama and Beruwela this week, but also during periodic flare-ups in... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/06/14)

බොදු බල සේනාව ලවා මුස්ලිම් ජාතිකයන්ට ගස්සන්න ආණ්ඩුවට පිස්සුද?.. රතු කමිස ඇඳගත් දේශ ද්‍රෝහියාගේ රෙදි ගැලවෙන කතාව
Lankaweb recommend you to Listen to Wimal Weerawansa-s speech in the parliament.... -Full Story- ( - 19/06/14)

Recent activities of Bodu Bala Sena are rehearsals for Regime Change?
The UNP and the Buddhist monkhood - The Island Review
May 10, 2014, 7:46 pm At the time of writing, a Muslim owned business establishment has been set on fire in Aluthgama ostensibly because the brother of the owner had raped a boy inside the shop and the boy has been hospitalised. In this country, members of the public do take the law into their own hands in instances like murder and rape and in that sense this incident is no different to those that have taken place all over the country except for the fact that two different... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/06/14)

Recent activities of Bodu Bala Sena are rehearsals for Regime Change? Part II
Genesis of Bodu Bala Sena - Asian Tribune
According to Mr. Dilantha Withanage – the lay Execurive Committee member and the Coordinator of Bodu Bala Sena, the Buddhist outfit was launched on 07 May 2012. We have still one more month left for the first anniversary of the organization. Within less than a period of one year, Bodu Bala Sena is today on the top of the world and everything is happening in Sri Lanka because of this Buddhist outfit. Mr. Dilantha Withanage and a handful of Buddhist monks are behind this organization. How did they manage to... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/06/14)

It is high time India gives up Kautilya tactics towards its neighbours and instead adopts the Asokan Foreign policy if she dreams to emerge as a powerful and popular nation.
Dr Sudath Gunasekara President Senior Citizens Movement Mahanuwara 18.June.2014.
Kautilya who wrote his ‘Arthasastra’ the pioneering work on Statecraft in human history (500 BC -150 AD) said “Ends justifies the Means” He also said in his Mandala Theory ‘every neighbouring State is an enemy and the enemy’s enemy is a friend.’ He also said the prosperity of the State needs new territory. The need to conquest other’s land by war arises from this. Isn’t this the foreign policy adopted and pursued by all governments in India since independence? Governments have come and gone; but to me it appears that... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/06/14)

Life Abroad - Part 84 DON MY GOOD FRIEND
Dr. Tilak Fernando
“If you are not destined to die you will never die, I thought it was too late but he survived”, commented Don Hubert of Harold Wood Essex, on November 27, 2004 coming out of the swimming pool at the New Central Park, after saving the life of 43 year old James Burgin whom he spotted lying motionless on the bed of the pool. Don Hubert regularly visited the local swimming pool at the New Central Park with his retired clique of senior friends. They had a different schedule for every day of the week which... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/06/14)

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights's office report on Ukraine whitewashes Kiev authorities responsible for Odessa massacre - Moscow
 Courtesy RIA Novosti/Maksim Blinov
The Authors of the report by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights's office (OHCHR) strive to keep covering for the Kiev authorities, which are responsible for the deaths in Odessa, an official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Alexander Lukashevich, states in his commentary on the publication of the OHCHR report on the situation with human rights in Ukraine. "While covering the tragedy in Odessa on May 2, the authors of the report showed a more objective approach than in the last similar document," the commentary says. "However, we have to admit that the authors... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/06/14)

US to demonize Putin as long as his actions undermine Western economic ambitions - expert
James Fetzer
The United States chose to target Vladimir Putin when he sought to take "Russia off of the petro-dollar," maintains philosopher of science James Fetzer in an exclusive interview with Radio VR. It really seems like history is repeating itself. "It was when Saddam Hussein abandoned the petro-dollar, that he became a target, when Muammar Gaddafi introduced the gold dinar, that he became a target, when Iran went off the petro-dollar and opened an oil bourse trading in many different currencies, that it became a target."... -Full Story-
( - 18/06/14)

මෛත්‍රීයක් නැති මෛත්‍රී ගුනරත්න නොහොත් වලිගේ පාගා ගත් ලංකා නීතීඥ සංගම් ලොක්කෝ
චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම
“‬The first thing we do,‭ ‬let’s kill all the lawyers.‭” Shakespeare    වටරැක විජිත නම් පුද්ගලයාගේ නීතීඥයා වන මෛත්‍රී ගුනරත්නට ලොකු ප්‍රශ්නයක් මතු විය. එය නම් මැජිස්ට්‍රෙට් විසින් නඩුවේ විත්තිකරු වන ගලබොඩ අත්තේ ඥානසාර හිමියන්ව චූදිත කූඩුවට නොදැමීම ය. විජිතගේ මානව හිමිකම් ගැන පෙනී ඉන්නා මේ මෛත්‍රී නඩුකාරයාගේ මානව හිමිකම පමණක් නොව ව්‍යවස්ථාගත අයිතියද වන තම උසාවිය තමා සුදුසු යයි සිතන ආකාරයට කළමණාකරණය කර ගැනීම මේ මෛත්‍රී ප්‍රශ්න කරයි. මෙසේ විත්තිකරුවෙකුට විශේෂ සැලකිල්ලක් කිරීම නිසා මෙවැනි විත්තිකරුවෙක් විසින් ඉදිරියේ යම් දිනයක් නඩුකාරයාවද බිමට බස්සා තීරණ ගැනීමේ අයිතිය ඔහුගේ අතට ගන්නවා නිසැක යයි මෛත්‍රී කියයි! මෛත්‍රී ද... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/06/14)

Sri Lankan’s brainchild, UDRS saves Sri Lanka from defeat in Test Match with England
Shenali D. Waduge
Two factors played a crucial role in the dramatic outcome at Lords. Nuwan Pradeep and the UDRS. Nuwan Pradeep’s name figures as having won a reality show but he showed he knew more about cricket than most would give him credit for. He chose not to accept the LBW decision given by Australian Umpire Paul Reiffel and instead used the player referral option now available to dissatisfied players but limited to two appeals per side per inning and called for a review of the decision by the third umpire (under the Umpire Decision Review System)... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/06/14)

D-Day for nationalism
By Nalin de Silva Courtesy Island
 The Parliament will vote this evening on the resolution by some MPs, which effectively demands not to allow the UNHRC committee appointed to "investigate comprehensively" to come to Sri Lanka. What is interesting is that Navi Pillai the outgoing commissioner is determined to get the committee to act before she leaves her office. She has already issued a statement on the Aluthgama Beruwala (AB) incidents following the Ambassador of USA in Sri Lanka. These two ladies want the government to investigate into the incidents. We have to thank them for the interests they... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/06/14)

Iraq pays price of US sectarian meddling
By Ramzy Baroud
"Labeiki ya Zaynab" chanted Iraqi Shiite fighters as they swayed, dancing with their rifles before TV news cameras in Baghdad on June 13. They were apparently getting ready for a difficult fight ahead. For them, it seemed that a suitable war chant would be answering the call of Zaynab, the daughter of Imam Ali, the great Muslim Caliph who lived in Medina 14 centuries ago. That was the period through which the Shiite sect slowly emerged, based on a political dispute whose consequences are still felt until this day.... -Full Story-
( - 18/06/14)

German Ahmadiyya Convention Concludes.
 By A. Abdul Aziz.
 More than 33,000 people attendrd 3-day convention in Karlsruhe, Germany.  The three-day convention of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Germany concluded 15 June 2014 with a spiritually charged address by the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and Fifth Khalifa, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad about the importance of building a personal bond and connection with God Almighty. During his address, His Holiness said that whilst some people believe that God has become silent, the truth is that God’s Attributes continue to be manifest today as they ever were. He said that God... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/06/14)

The motion brought against the proposed investigation by a United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) panel to investigate into alleged war crimes was adopted with a massive majority of 134 votes in Parliament
Sandasen Marasinghe and Disna Mudalige Courtesy The Daily News
The motion brought against the proposed investigation by a United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) panel to investigate into alleged war crimes was adopted with a massive majority of 134 votes in Parliament yesterday. Parliament debated the motion presented by Member of Parliament (UPFA) Janaka Bandara for two days. The motion was passed with a majority of 134 votes. It received 144 votes in favour where as 10 members voted against. Thirty seven members abstained from voting while 33 members were absent. The TNA voted against while the UNP abstained... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/06/14)

Aluthgama incidents magnified by vested interests
Chaminda Perera Courtesy The Daily News
Certain groups in the country who want to steer the reconciliation process on a different course are trying to blow the incidents in Aluthgama out of proportion to give a wrong impression to the world, Defence Ministry spokesman Brigadier Ruwan Wanigasooriya said. He said a newspaper published in Jaffna had reported that seven died and over 80 persons were injured in a clash in Aluthgama. The Brigadier said a foreign media organisation reported that several churches had come under attack during the Aluthgama incidents. "Not a single church was damaged in the clashes... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/06/14)

US mass shooting and racial attacks does not stop it preaching to others
Shenali D Waduge
With US involvement in covert and overt operations, a history of overthrowing democratically elected governments and placing puppets, funding of extremist groups including Al Qaeda and other religious groups, training and even arming them it should come as no surprise that even before an isolated incident is investigated, the US is quick to issue statements against countries. People should now find it easy to conclude who the real culprits are. When Navi Pillay jumps to condemn selected countries only, while nothing is issued when UK attacks 700 mosques, people cannot be faulted if they conclude that... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/06/14)

A Response to 'Human Rights Watch' Cautioning Nigeria Against Adopting Sri Lanka's Example Of Wiping Out Terrorism!
Insight By Sunil Kumar
!7th June 2014 Just as it is suspected of being, by some critics as a worthless outfit fronting for covert trouble makers and  sowing seeds of dissent amongst world communities, this organization calling themselves  Human Rights Watch now has the nerve to suggest that Nigeria’s military should not use the example of Sri Lanka’s defeat of Tamil separatists in its war against Boko Haram. Fortunately there are many global sources which acollade the good that came out of Sri Lanka's forceful stand against deadly terrorists which lasted three decades eventually wiping them out and all... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/06/14)

Clerics call for action against disruptive elements
Ishara Mudugamuwa  Courtesy The Daily News
Inter-religious Alliance for National Unity members urged quick action against those who try to disrupt racial and religious harmony, irrespective of their status or position. Ven. Prof. Kamburugamuwe Vajira Thera at a media briefing at the Public Library Auditorium yesterday, expressed dismay over the loss of life and property as a result of the tense situation in Aluthgama and Beruwala. Ven. Vajira Thera said what the country needs today was unity among all communities and not divisions. He also noted that certain groups may attempt to use the clashes in Aluthgama and... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/06/14)

Sri Lanka must curb incitement against minorities, says Minority Rights Group International
Hanna Hindstrom Asia Information Officer
The Sri Lankan government must act quickly to prevent further violence against its religious minorities, Minority Rights Group International said on Tuesday. At least three people died and 78 were injured on Sunday after an anti-Muslim march organized by the hardline group Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) - or Buddhist Power Force - sparked some of the country's worst sectarian clashes in decades. According to media reports, riots erupted shortly after BBS leader Gnanasara Thero delivered an inflammatory speech calling for the destruction of Muslims in the coastal town Aluthgama. Locals had reportedly asked for... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/06/14)

Sickos runing unity
The Island Editorial
Life is limping back to normal in Aluthgama and Beruwala following communal clashes which left two persons dead, many injured and dozens of houses and shops destroyed. The situation had remained volatile in Aluthgama, where violence erupted on Sunday, for several weeks following a child abuse case which resulted in an arson attack on a shop in the area. The trigger for Sunday’s communal disturbances was an attack on a monk on Poson Poya Day. Had precautions been taken, disaster could have been averted. The police are known for their high octane performance when they deal... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/06/14)

Aluthgama incidents-Thugs doomed - PM
Sandasen Marasinghe and Irangika Range Courtesy The Daily News
Persons responsible for the crisis in Aluthgama will be arrested and dealt by law no sooner than the investigations by the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and the Colombo Crime Division (CCD) were over, Prime Minister D. M. Jayaratne said yesterday. He said politicians should stand for all the people and not for a particular group. The Prime Minister said he visited Aluthgama on June 18 and met Sinhala and Muslim people and it seems the tragic situation had been created due to the acts of short-sighted fringe groups. He... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/06/14)

Economic Development Ministry introduces its newly developed website
Dharman Wickremaratne Ministry of Economic Development
Ministry of Economic Development introduces its newly developed website The purpose of this website is to forge a closer tie between people and ministry. This website was first opened to the public early this year. Those who have been surfing the website for a while must have noticed the new improved features (plus a heap of the old stuff as well). The website can be viewed by Sinhala, Tamil and English with daily updates. Thus it is possible to the viewers to post their comments in each issue. Many users have... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/06/14)

ඒ අයගේ ප‍්‍රශ්න වෙනුවට පීඩිතයාගේ ප‍්‍රශ්න වේදිකාවට කැඳවන්න ඕන
පෙරටුගාමී සමාජවාදී පක්ෂයේ දේශපාලන මණ්ඩල සභික දුමින්ද නාගමුව
1994 දී ‘‘දාහත් අවුරුදු සාපය පලවා හැරීම’’ඓතිහාසික කාර්යභාරය ලෙස ප‍්‍රකාශ කර ජනතාව රැුවටූ බවත් 2005 දී ‘‘ඉස්සෙල්ලා කොටියා ඉවර කරීම’’ප‍්‍රශ්නය ලෙස ගෙන ජනතාව රැවටූ බවත් මේ මොහොතේ ‘‘මහින්දව එලවීම’’ප‍්‍රධාන කාර්යය ලෙස ගෙන ජනතාව රවටමින් සිටින බවත් පාලකයන්ගේ ප‍්‍රශ්න වෙනුවට මේ රටේ පීඩිතයාගේ ප‍්‍රශ්නය වේදිකාවට කැඳවිය යුතු බවත් පෙරටුගාමී සමාජවාදී පක්ෂයේ දේශපාලන මණ්ඩල සභික දුමින්ද නාගමුව ප‍්‍රකාශ කරයි. ඔහු මේ බව ප‍්‍රකාශ කලේ ‘බොනපාට් ලොකුද? - අපේක්ෂකයා පොදුද? - අපේක්ෂාව සුදුද?’යන මැයෙන් ඊයේ කොළඹ (16) මහජන පුස්තකාල ශ‍්‍රවනාගාරයේදී එම පක්ෂය විසින් සංවිධානය කර තිබූ සම්මන්ත‍්‍රණයක් අමතමිනි.   ප‍්‍රජාතන්ත‍්‍රවාදය දිනා ගැනීම විධායක ජනාධිපති ක‍්‍රමයට... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/06/14)

Tony Blair, Phantom of the Opera
Pepe Escobar
The Phantom of the (tragic) Middle East Opera is back. A killer without a clue, he can’t be blamed for not being consistent. His most recent opus speaks for itself; like a Kabuki mask high on Earl Grey tea, the Phantom is eviscerated by his own mighty pen, actually sword. The fact that the Phantom keeps getting away with his vast desert of convoluted lies – instead of languishing in some rotten, extraordinary rendition hotel - spells out all we need to know about so-called Western “elites”, of which he’s been a faithful, and handsomely rewarded, servant.... -Full Story-
( - 17/06/14)

America can-t be part of any solution to stop the ISIS violence
The solution has to be within the region itself and that is why the people in the way should oppose any further involvement of the Americans or their allies as they have created this terrible scenario inside Iraq, political analyst Chris Bambery told RT. RT:What-s next for Iraq if ISIS continues to capture cities? Chris Bambery: I think what ISIS is going to discover is that a number of countries in the region which up to now have been on different sides of the civil war in Syria are going to step in. Iran can-t simply watch the Shia... -Full Story-
( - 17/06/14)

America-s Allies Are Funding ISIS
Josh Rogin
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), now threatening Baghdad, was funded for years by wealthy donors in Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, three U.S. allies that have dual agendas in the war on terror. The extremist group that is threatening the existence of the Iraqi state was built and grown for years with the help of elite donors from American supposed allies in the Persian Gulf region. There, the threat of Iran, Assad, and the Sunni-Shiite sectarian war trumps the U.S. goal of stability and moderation in the region.... -Full Story-
( - 17/06/14)

Report: American-supplied arms fell into al Qaeda-s hands
By Thomas Joscelyn
The bad news is that al Qaeda-s affiliates dominate significant parts of northern Syria. FSA units that challenge al Qaeda are, by and large, unsuccessful. And as unnamed members of the Supreme Military Council itself have conceded to the WSJ, arms intended to support the most friendly side in this "three-front war" have ended up in one of the wrong side-s hands.... -Full Story-
( - 17/06/14)

West "smiling" and fueling tension between Russia and Ukraine
The gas crisis is an artificial tension created by Washington and Brussels, which want to see friction between Russia and Ukraine, political expert Alexander Nekrassov told RT, adding that the West smiles every time the two can-t sort out a disagreement. RT: Gazprom says Ukraine has threatened to siphon the transit gas. Could we be looking at a repeat of 2009 – with power shortages in Europe?... -Full Story-
( - 17/06/14)

අපි ඔක්‌කොම රජවරු ඔක්‌කොම වැසියෝ.. තුන් සිංහලයම නෑදැයෝ... සිංහල- මුස්‌ලිම් දෙපැත්තම සාමය රැකීමට එකඟවෙති
Courtesy Divaina
කළුතර දිසාපති කාර්යාලයේදී ඊයේ දහවල් පැවැති විශේෂ සාකච්ඡාවකදී මෙම එකඟතාව ඇතිකරගත් අතර ගැටුම් ඇති කිරීම හෝ ගැටුම්වලට අනුබලදෙන හෝ කිසිදු ක්‍රියාවක නොයෙදෙන ලෙස ජනතාවගෙන් විවෘත ඉල්ලීමක්‌ කළහ. ආගමික නායකයන් හා පැවති මෙම සාකච්ඡාවට අගමැති දි. මු. ජයරත්න, මෛත්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන, කුමාර වෙල්ගම, ඩලස්‌ අලහප්පෙරුම, එස්‌. බී. දිසානායක, රෝහිත අබේගුණවර්ධන යන ඇමැතිවරුන් හා බස්‌නාහිර පළාත් ආණ්‌ඩුකාර අලෙවි මව්ලානා, පොලිස්‌පති එන්. කේ. ඉලංගකෝන් මහතා ඇතුළු ආරක්‍ෂක අංශ ප්‍රධානීහු කිහිපදෙනෙක්‌ සහභාගි වී සිටියහ. මීට අමතරව ප්‍රදේශය නියෝජනය කරන දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂ නියෝජිතයෝද ඊට සහභාගි වූහ. එම සාකච්ඡාවෙන් පසු මාධ්‍යයට අදහස්‌ දැක්‌වූ පොලිස්‌පති එන්. කේ. ඉලංගකෝන් මහතා මෙම ගැටුම්වලින්... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/06/14)

Mechanism to prevent further escalation of religious violence
Courtesy The Daily  Mirror
In the aftermath of the flare up in Aluthgama and nearby areas, several Buddhist and Muslim religious leaders backed by politicians agreed to set up a mechanism to prevent further escalation of violence, officials said.Prime Minister D.M. Jayaratne, in his capacity as Minister of Buddha Sasana and Religious Affairs, chaired a meeting at the Kalutara District Secretariat today. The meeting was attended by Economic Development Minister Basil Rajapaksa, Senior Minister A.H.M. Fowzie, Ministers MaitripalaSirisena, S.B. Dissanayake, Dallas Alahapperuma and Kumara Welgama, several district politicians, Police Chief N.K. Ilangakoon and other senior police officers.Police said Sunday’s... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/06/14)

'Public should act with utmost patience'
Asela Kuruluwansa The Daily News
There is a conspiracy by certain groups with vested interests to create religious disharmony among Sri Lankans. Therefore, the public should act with utmost patience to strengthen the hard won peace and harmony that exists in the country, say a group of multi-religious leaders. The religious leaders state: "Peace and religious harmony is the strength of a country. Internal and external perpetrators along with the diaspora are trying to bring instability to the country by taking it back to the dark days. We urge the public to act wisely in order to avoid falling... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/06/14)

Speech in House Of Lords on June 11th -Lord Naseby's Fervent Support for the Ordinary People in Sri Lanka
The text of Lord Naseby’s speech
It will not surprise your Lordships that I want to say a few words about Sri Lanka. I have been involved with that country for more than 50 years, and I think I know its ins and outs pretty well. I am the elected leader of the all-party group. I do not support any particular ethnic group, political party or Government. I have no business interests there—but I do fervently support the ordinary people in Sri Lanka and I wish to ask a few questions of Her Majesty’s Government. First, Sri Lanka—a former... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/06/14)

Build a protective wall around your land-ownership deed- Some insightful information for those who own land and those who wish to buy land
By Kirthimala Gunasekera
‘Land fraud’ is a broad term used to describe a wide range of deception practised by some engaged in the ‘business’ of real estate; the term includes impersonation of owners and forging of signatures to defraud owners and banks. Recently reported incidents of alleged land fraud have had a disturbing effect on the minds of land owners. An alarming feature of these incidents is that fraudsters have reportedly been successful in infiltrating the sacred inner sanctum of the land registry to destroy and deface the vital documents safely stored to support and protect the land... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/06/14)

‘Blair has finally gone mad’: London mayor ridicules ex-PM over Iraq
His essay “struck me as unhinged in its refusal to face facts. In discussing the disaster of modern Iraq he made assertions that are so jaw-droppingly and breathtakingly at variance with reality that he surely needs professional psychiatric help.”... -Full Story-
( - 16/06/14)

Lanka BPO Academy completes BPO training programme at Seenigama BPO empowering rural youth
Yasas V. Abeywickrama CEO / Director - Lanka BPO Academy  
Lanka BPO Academy completed a BPO training program at the Seenigama BPO recently. Seenigama BPO ( is a rural service provider of outsourced services that commenced operations in 2010, providing career opportunities to youth that were badly affected by the 2004 Tsunami. Starting with two data processing operators, the company today has close to twenty owner associates. This BPO is sponsored by John Keells, The Foundation of Goodness and FARO. The work started with John Keells outsourcing some of its accounting work through its subsidiary Infomate, and today... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/06/14)

Is the world to simply watch UN, US and Allies divide countries and people?
Shenali D Waduge
If international law prohibits violations of human rights and humanitarian law by states against their own citizens why has it not been applied to those applying self-appointed humanitarian intervention and committing the same if not worse violations? Is international laws and their applications selective and the current international laws, regulations, rules are simply to decorate the mantelpiece or hang on UN walls as masterpieces? What point is there in even referring to clauses of international Conventions/Charters/Declarations or even Treaties when one lot of people and nations break them with impunity and their appointees to high places... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/06/14)

Casinos, Tourism, and the Buddhist Monks.
By Charles.S.Perera
 So much is being said about Casinos these days that one begins to wander whether Casinos are the only thing that will mar the peace and serenity of the well disciplined, very Buddhist Sri Lanka, where every thing is being happening according to the teachings of the Buddha.    One is made to come to that conclusion as it is the very Buddhist JHU and Wimal Weerawansa that seem to be anxious about the danger to Buddhist morals by the introduction of Casinos.  Casinos spell gambling , games of chance. But in case of a Buddhist it is... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/06/14)

Taliban Now In Sri Lanka: Interpol Confirms
Courtesy The Asian Mirror
Interpol has warned local intelligence agencies that the Taliban is operating within Sri Lanka. Interpol, which is now in touch with Sri Lankan authorities on this matter, is of the belief that the international terrorist organization is using Sri Lanka as an easy transit point to Middle East and other Asian countries. Intelligence services also believe that some Taliban members have entered the country using forged documents. They are also believed to be engaged in smuggling and other illegal activities with the cooperation of locals in Colombo and Kattankudy areas. Taliban... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/06/14)

Some members of BASL puppets of anti-Buddhist elements - BBS
Courtesy:  The Nation
The Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) charged that some members of the Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) were being manipulated by anti-Buddhist elements. Responding to allegations leveled by the BASL that the BBS was engaged in acts that were in violation of the law, the organization’s Secretary, Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thera questioned why the BASL was silent in the face of Christian fundamentalism and Muslim extremism. “There have been repeated warnings, both here and abroad, regarding the rise of Christian fundamentalism and Muslim extremism, even by some leaders among these faiths. How is it that... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/06/14)

Parties opposing motion against UNHRC sponsored investigations are traitors to the nation and People will teach them a lesson
Disna Mudalige Courtesy The Daily News
Political parties which dodge the proposed motion against the international investigation on Sri Lanka are clearly indicating their alignment with the forces inimical to the country, leading political analyst and scholar Prof. Gamini Samaranayake told the Daily News yesterday. He said the two day parliamentary debate on the UNHRC mandated probe on alleged Human Rights Violations during the last phase of the humanitarian operation in Sri Lanka is the best opportunity for all political parties to show their commitment to protect the hard won peace and sovereignty of the country. Prof. Samaranayake said... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/06/14)

Municipality causing more problems than solving them
Dr. Mareena Thaha Reffai,
Now and then Municipality sends laborers to clean the drains of the  lanes and they toil the whole day in rain and hot sun, and clean the drains and heap the dirt on top of the road. When inquired they always say the dirt will be cleared the same day. But invariably the dirt is left on the edges of o the road, causing   inconvenience  to the motorists and the pedestrians. Most of the lanes can hardly accommodate two parallel  vehicles and this heaps of dirt prevents them passing each other. Similarly the pedestrians cannot... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/06/14)

Carpeting the roads
Dr. Mareena Thaha Reffai,
The Galle Road from Wellewathe to Bambalapitiya is being painstakingly repaired at snail’s pace with no proper planning – bits and pieces being done up ad hoc – or so it seems. At least part of the road in Wellewathe seems to have been completed and looks grand – but only when one drives on this stretch one realizes how bumpy the road is. The reason is the manhole covers   on the road almost every two feet placed in zigzag fashion.  Surely with the latest techniques there must be a way to either level them... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/06/14)

"මිහිඳු සඳ" පොසොන් කළාපය 2014
Âsiri Bandara
මහින්දාගමනය සිදුවූ පින්බර පොසොන් මංගල්යය එක්සත් රාජධානියේ වෙසෙන ශ්රී ලාංකිකයන්ට ඉතාම ඉහලින් සැමරීමට "මිහිඳු සඳ" නමින් පොසොන් කළාපයක් මේ වනවිට ලහි ලහියේ සූදානම්වෙමින් පවතී. බොහෝ බෞද්ධාගමික කටයුතු මෙරට බෞද්ධ විහාරස්ථාන කේන්ද්ර කර ගනිමින් සිදුවූවත්, "මිහිඳු සඳ" පොසොන් කළාපය විහාරස්ථානයක අනුග්රහයක් නොමැතිව සංවිධානය වීමවිශේෂත්වයකි. සාමාන්යයෙන් ශ්රී ලංකාවේදී පොසොන් උත්සවය සැමරීමේදී විවිධාකාර අංගගණනාවක් එහි අලංකාරත්වය ත්රීව්රර කිරීමට එක් කර ගත්තත් එංගලන්තයේදී ඒ සඳහා ඇතිඉඩකඩ සීමා වීම නොවැළැක් විය හැක. ඒ සඳහා විව්ධ හේතු කාරණා බලපාන බව අප කවුරුත්හොඳින් දන්නා කරුණකි. විශේෂයෙන් මෙරට වෙසෙන බොහෝ දෙමාපියන්ට සහ පාසල් වයසේ පසුවන දරුවනට අත් විඳින්නටසිදුවන ඛේදවාචකයක් නම් වෙසක් සහ පොසොන් උළෙල ශ්රී... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/06/14)

Ukrainian FM chants -Putin f--ker - at vandalized Russian embassy in Kiev
In an incident that may be a first in diplomatic history, Kiev’s top diplomat publicly ‘effed’ the head of another state. Foreign Minister Andrey Deshchitsa chanted “Putin’s a f--ker” with a cheering crowd that earlier vandalized the Russian embassy. Deshchitsa arrived at the scene of the heated protest - which involved overturning cars belonging to embassy staff, the desecration of a Russian flag and pelting the building with firecrackers and paint - in an apparent attempt to defuse the crowd.... -Full Story-
( - 15/06/14)

Can Russia become politically irrelevant state?
By Justinas Valutis
Without a shadow of doubt, the recently signed Sino-Russian gas deal was a perfect opportunity to clink glasses for champagne lovers of both delegations. While one side was happy with the price, the other one looked content with its new customer and volume of the order. This gas supply treaty, which on a surface may look like an ordinary business deal, albeit very massive, marks the beginning of closer cooperation between the two eastern heavyweights in almost every aspect. It also will have an impact for the major geopolitical and energy sector players globally.... -Full Story-
( - 15/06/14)

Bolivian leader urges dissolution of UN Security Council - media
Bolivian President Evo Morales has urged the world community to bring an end to the UN Security Council as it is not meeting its goal of securing peace between states, the Bolivian ABI agency reports. Saturday evening, Morales opened a meeting of the Group of 77 (G77) plus China in the Bolivian city of Santa Cruz. According to the organizers plans, the final document produced by the summit should become the basis for the development of a new "agenda" of the UN. Read more: -Full Story- ( - 15/06/14)

Blair: Iraq invasion not to blame for rising extremism – Syrian war is
Apparently, the bloody wave of Islamic extremism gripping Iraq is an internal occurrence and was in no way facilitated by the Western invasion. This is former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair’s version of events concerning the entire Middle East. In fact, the former prime minister describes at length how it’s necessary to rid oneself of any feeling of responsibility that the crumbling country and region have been pushed over the edge by well-meaning Western interventionism.... -Full Story-
( - 15/06/14)

Internet restrictions must not touch upon freedom of speech - Putin
Russian President has blasted any attempts to infringe basic Human Rights under the pretext of fighting against various negative phenomena on the World Wide Web as unacceptable. The campaign against harmful tendencies in the internet, including pedophilia and propaganda of suicide cannot in any way justify restrictions aimed against civil freedoms and Human Rights, Vladimir Putin said at the Tuesday meeting with leaders of the Russian internet industry.... -Full Story-
( - 15/06/14)

අනිවාර්යෙන් මේ කථාව අහන්න ..Hon.Patali Champika Ranawaka Speech (11/05/2014) in paris
... -Full Story- (https:/ - 14/06/14)

Sri Lanka to be fastest growing country in South Asia: World Bank
COLOMBO, June 12 (Xinhua) -- Sri Lanka is expected to post the strongest economic growth in South Asia in 2014, hitting 7.2 percent, according to a Word Bank's latest report on Thursday. According to the report, Sri Lanka's annual growth is forecast to remain broadly stable at 7.2 percent in 2014, and over time, to moderate to about 6.9 percent in 2015 and 6.7 percent in 2016, slightly higher than estimates of medium-term potential growth for the country. However, the estimates are behind the central bank's projection of a 7.8 percent growth for 2014 and an 8 percent growth for... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/06/14)

Lavrov: Iraq developments show total failure of American-British 'adventure'
Courtesy RT
Published time: June 12, 2014 10:42 Edited time: June 12, 2014 13:08 Get short URL Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov (AFP Photo / Olga Maltseva) Share on tumblr The events in Iraq are a result of the actions carried out by the US and the UK, and the situation has spiraled out of control, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told journalists. “It has been reported that the UK foreign minister declared that the events in Iraq are, according to him, an illustration that... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/06/14)

US not able yet to remove dependency on Russian rocket motors
© Photo: 3.0 The US have not yet found a way to refuse from Russian rocket engines for launching their military satellites, but is looking for such an opportunity, the Reuters Agency reported Friday with reference to Frank Kendall, head of the Pentagon program of purchasing arms. "We have motives to get rid of the dependencies, if we can do that. We would like to do it," said Kendall. "We haven't decided yet how to do it exactly," he admitted. Read also: Pentagon moves three strategic bomber aircraft over to Europe Earlier, a number... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 14/06/14)

Sri Lanka High Commission London
Cricket is a strong unifier amongst all communities, Dr Chris Nonis said, as he warmly welcomed the Sri Lankan Cricket team to a Commonwealth Cricket Reception at the Sri Lanka High Commission in London. He congratulated the team for their perseverance and dedication and that it was a great tribute to Sri Lanka in the post-conflict era. Commonwealth Secretary-General, H.E. Kamalesh Sharma and High Commissioners from Commonwealth Countries; Rt Hon Lord Naseby, Damian Collins M.P., David Campbell-Bannerman M.E.P., David Morris, M.P., joined other Members of Parliament, Commonwealth Institutions, and cricket enthusiasts to felicitate... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/06/14)

Lankan Order Keeps Ashok Leyland Busy for Next 6 Mths
By ENS Economic Bureau
BANGALORE: In a positive development for the ailing Ashok Leyland, the company has received orders for 2,200 buses from the Sri Lanka Transport Board. The development coming at a time when commercial vehicles sector is reeling under two years of declining sales. The CV segment saw a de-growth of 20.03 per cent in FY14 with medium and heavy CVs declining 25.33 per cent and LCV dropping 17.62 per cent.... -Full Story-
( - 14/06/14)

Insecurity: Nigeria may adopt Sri Lankan military tactics
by Jesusegun Alagbe with agency report
Following the abductions of women and schoolgirls in Borno State, the Nigerian military is currently studying the military tactics used by Sri Lanka to crush the country’s rebel, Tamil Tigers, for its battle against the Boko Haram sect. The Boko Haram sect abducted over 200 schoolgirls on April 14, 2014 in Chibok, Borno State, and had also kidnapped 20 women from a village near Chibok on June 8, 2014.... -Full Story-
( - 14/06/14)

UNHRC PLOY; Getting at Sri Lanka by whatever means
D.Chandraratna, Perth
The UNHRC Chief in Navi Pillay seems to be realizing that with the likely non-cooperation of the Sri Lankan government her dream of becoming the prima donna of the LTTE is facing its deserved nadir and her impertinence will make UNHRC a ‘bolshie’. The special interest groups like the GTF who are now the savants of human rights in the entire planet will obviously be in tears. Sri Lankan government has said loudly why and how the brutal violators of human rights for thirty odd years have of late become the adulators of the Human rights... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/06/14)

India’s call for ‘full implementation’ of 13-A
By Neville Ladduwahetty  Courtesy Island
June 8, 2014, 9:14 pm INDIA, NEW DELHI : Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (C) arrives with Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Urban Development, Venkaiah Naidu (R) for the first session of India’s newly elected parliament in New Delhi on June 4, 2014. The first session of India’s newly elected parliament lasted only minutes as lawmakers immediately adjourned in a mark of respect for a government minister who died in a car crash with the process of swearing-in the 543 members of the Lok Sabha pushed back to June 5. AFP   When... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/06/14)

No more investigations
Nalin de Silva
Navi Pillai will be replaced by a Jordanian Prince by the name Zeid al Hussein who is supposed to be tougher than the former. What is meant by being tougher is that al Hussein who had been the Jordanian ambassador in US will be more of a hard liner, taking the line not from Jordan but from US itself. He would not be tough to US, but would be tougher to countries that do not follow the American line in general. In the meantime Pillai not satisfied with what she had done to make things... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/06/14)

Ron Paul slams Obama-s policy on Iraq
“But the real irony here is that Iraq had no Al-Qaeda in it when we went into Iraq, because right after 9/11 a story was concocted and based on lies and misinformation that Al-Qaeda was in Iraq, that there was weapons of mass destruction — all those things that motivated the people and the propaganda to get the support, and Congress went along with it and started spending all that money,” Paul said.... -Full Story-
( - 13/06/14)

Russia sends 24 warships, bombers to Baltic drills as NATO stages war games
Russia has deployed 24 Baltic Fleet warships and vessels, along with heavy fighter jets and bombers, as reinforcement for military drills in the westernmost Kaliningrad region while NATO stages its own war games across the border. On Wednesday, Moscow deployed a grouping of 24 Baltic Fleet warships and vessels for military drills in its exclave on the Baltic Sea coast. The drills were launched on Tuesday in response to NATO’s international drills – Saber Strike 2014 and BALTOPS 2014 –near Russia’s border... -Full Story-
( - 13/06/14)

Indo-Lanka Fishing dispute : Time for Solutions
Shenali D Waduge
The game of arresting and releasing fishermen needs to end. The drama has delayed resolving the problem for far too long. If bilateral agreements have been signed they need to be honored after awareness of clauses that gives entitlements and sovereignty to each signing nation. We have 2 agreements, the 1974 and the 1976 Agreements that have demarcated an International Maritime Boundary Line and has given exclusive rights to each nation. These demarcated areas have been violated, if so by whom, under what conditions and what is the eventual impact is what the solution to the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/06/14)

Sri Lanka says humanitarian crises can be overcome with political commitment
Sri Lanka Mission Geneva.
”In contrast to the considerable challenges in the humanitarian crises that continue to engulf many parts of the world today, Sri Lanka’s achievements particularly following the ending of the terrorist conflict, provides confidence and hope that even the most severe and insurmountable humanitarian crisis can be overcome, with political commitment.” Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha made this observation during the Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons in the Human Rights Council on Thursday, 12 June. The Special Rapporteur presented his report to the 26th session of the Council, currently... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/06/14)

Life Abroad - Part 83 RE-VISITING UK
Dr.Tilak Fernando
Life Abroad experiences in its true sense had to be digressed for a while after the 70th episode published under the heading ‘Vivian gave beans’ which was responded by Nicky Karunarathna in Australia, as a feedback, with a cache of brazen exposures from his personal experiences surrounding the occurrences on the by-gone-day politics in Sri Lanka, initially out of the LSSP activities and later going into other areas of ‘unverified’ political landscape. However, getting back on track on Life abroad experiences in the UK Barrister Sepala Munasinghe’s encounters are equally interesting with a completely different twist to... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/06/14)

Tigers: The rise and fall of Prabhakaran
By M K Bhadrakumar Asia Times Online, May 20 2009
The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran's death circa May 19, 2009, in circumstances we will never quite get to know, concludes a morality play. As the curtain comes down and we leave the theater, the spectacle continues to haunt us. We feel a deep unease and can't quite figure out the reason. Something rankles somewhere. And then we realize we have blood on our hands. Not only our hands, but our whole body and deeper down, our conscience - what remains of it after the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/06/14)

Global milk industry’s brutal methods exposed
Janaka Perera
The world celebrated Milk Day on June 1 amidst newspaper articles extolling virtues of milk consumption.  Sri Lankans are being urged to consume liquid milk instead of powdered milk to which most people young and old have become addicted over the past six decades. Amidst this a controversy is continuing in the West and elsewhere over the supposed health benefits of milk consumption and the ethics of the modern dairy industry.  Among the organizations that have raised questions on this issue is the U.S.-based Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM), a non-profit organization, which promotes a... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 11/06/14)

Commonwealth waits for Canada
Asoka Weerasinghe Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada
10 June 2014 Editor (Letters) Winnipeg Free Press 1355 Mountain Ave Winnipeg, Manitoba , R2X  3B6 Dear Editor: It is not too often that one reads an excellent clinical essay on Canada’s boycotting the Commonwealth Summit in Colombo last November and also its treatment on Sri Lanka, and Stuart Mole’s ‘Commonwealth waits for Canada’ is one of them. Canada is being foolish with its misplaced ‘We are Holier Than Thou’ arrogance pointing its finger at Sri Lanka as they perceive it lacks democracy and human dignity. See who is... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 11/06/14)

Scientific energy saving cooking could save about 60% energy
Dr Hector Perera     London
Who would like to waste energy? I am sure no one would because energy cost lots of money. The energy is used in many areas but let me talk about energy used for cooking only. Most people use the gas fire on full blast right at the start, thinking the food get cooked faster with high fire. If the foods are cooked on low fire, then only juice in foods such as vegetables and meat come out slowly, ooze out then slowly react and interact with the spices, ingredients or with margarine, oil or butter... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 11/06/14)

Protect Sinhala Buddhism from the educated – V
By Nalin de Siva Courtesy Island
N A de S Amaratunga, who is engaged in a so-called dialogue with me in Vidusara writes to that paper as Prof. Ashoka Amaratunga D. Sc., and cannot be different from the latter in his loose thinking. I had written only three articles on "Protect Sinhala Buddhism from the educated" when he published his response to my series of articles, but he had claimed I had written four articles, probably counting some other article I had written as one of the series. In fact my fourth article appeared on the same day Amaratunga’s... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 11/06/14)

England-s struggle led to Sachithra Senanayake report - Mathews
By Saroj Pathirana
Sri Lanka captain Angelo Mathews claims off-spinner Sachithra Senanayake-s bowling action was reported because England found him difficult to face. Senanayake, 29, will undergo testing by the International Cricket Council over his allegedly illegal action. "I think when you travel to some parts of the world and people find a certain bowler difficult to handle they tend to report," Mathews told BBC Sinhala.... -Full Story-
( - 11/06/14)

Sri Lankan panel asked to probe 1990 LTTE massacre of policemen
A Sri Lankan panel investigating the cases of thousands of people who went missing during the nearly three-decade war with LTTE has been asked to probe the execution of over 600 policemen by the Tamil rebels in 1990. Representatives of a retired senior police officers association have met the chairman of the panel, Maxwell Paranagama, and requested him to probe the killings. The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, which fought the Sri Lankan government for a separate Tamil homeland, is accused of killing 600 policemen in the eastern district of Ampara, 24 years ago.... -Full Story- ( - 11/06/14)

Nuclear bomb nearly detonated after falling on North Carolina – declassified report
In a scenario that could’ve been extremely devastating, the United States narrowly averted a nuclear disaster in 1961 when an atomic bomb nearly detonated after falling out of a B-52 bomber that broke up in the sky.... -Full Story-
( - 11/06/14)

Disgraced Navi Pillay, declared agent of West leaves UN Human Rights Council in shame
Shenali D Waduge
Accolades will soon pour in from quarters that are fully satisfied with the role played by Navi Pillay in facilitating their agendas. It showcases how UN has been turned into a peace body flooded by puppets and agents of the West who are being used to legally redraw governance of sovereign nations and through UN legislation, remove the governing power held by sovereign nations. Third World, China, Russia and perhaps now India need to realize the gameplan and resolve to address this ground reality. Navi Pillay’s role on behalf of the West has been unprecedented creating... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 10/06/14)

By Gomin Dayasri
Jo Butler had moved far out - a yard out of the crease on Sky television replays [not mere inches]- indeed audacious after two warnings; when Sachitra Senanayake broke the stumps and appealed for a run out. Butler was warned previously by the same bowler for advancing outside the crease before the release of the ball as was his partner at the other end Chris Jordan. Both warnings went unheeded. Third time, mind you, within a few balls – tried again: duly ‘stumped’ by the bowler, as in the case of a wicket keeper, if a... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 10/06/14)

Ramdas Athawale, Indian Dalit Buddhist leader enters Rajya Sabha as BJP nominee for Maharashtra
Senaka Weeraratna
Ramdas Athawale is the President of the Republican Party of India (Athawale). In 2014, Athawale was elected to the Indian Upper House of Parliament i.e. Rajya Sabha. He represents Maharashtra as a nominee of the BJP. Earlier he was a member of the Lok Sabha representing the constituency of  Pandharpur, Maharashtra from 1999 - 2004. He was born on 25th December 1959 (age 54). He is a Buddhist. Photo shows Ramdas Athawale taking an Oath as newly elected MP of Rajya Sabha at Sansad, Delhi.on June 09, 2014 The Indian Prime Minister Hon. Narendra Modi is... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 10/06/14)

Sri Lanka says will not cooperate with the OHCHR-driven "comprehensive investigation"
Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN, Geneva
Sri Lanka has reiterated its categorical rejection of the Human Right Council Resolution 25/1, and said it will not cooperate with the OHCHR-driven so called “comprehensive investigation” emanating from it. Sri Lanka has observed that the Government is firmly committed to continuing its ongoing processes of reconciliation, nation building and accountability, and towards this end, will continue to work with countries and intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations that are genuinely interested in the welfare of the Sri Lankan people. Sri Lanka's position on the "comprehensive investigation" was outlined by Sri Lanka's... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 10/06/14)

The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva
 Statement by H.E. Mr. Ravinatha P. Aryasinha Ambassador / Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka & Leader of the Sri Lanka Delegation
The Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva  Human Rights Council 26th Regular Session  Agenda Item 2  Update of the High Commissioner for Human Rights on her Annual Report to the Human Rights Council  Statement by H.E. Mr. Ravinatha P. Aryasinha Ambassador / Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka & Leader of the Sri Lanka Delegation  (Geneva, 10 June 2014)  Mr. President, Madam High Commissioner, At the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 10/06/14)

Sovereignty of a Nation: Sri Lankan Encounter- A Book by Dr Donald Chandraratna
... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 10/06/14)

Sri Lanka's Media racist towards Buddhists
Shenali D Waduge
Mass media have a power far more than Governments to tilt public opinion to their line of thinking using a plethora of modes at both international and local levels with a dangerous ability to make mountains out of molehills. The scope of their manipulation is phenomenal and profit driven. Humans are sensitive to emotional blackmail and fall victim to either mind conditioning or the human weakness of money and power. Media stands guilty of portraying situations in worse scenarios for its own gains and is largely accountable for creating tense situations in a country. Sri Lanka is... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 10/06/14)

වයස් සීමාව අඩුකිරීමෙන් තරුණ උපාධිධාරීන්ට මාණ්ඩලික සේවයේ රැකියා අවස්ථා අහිමිවෙයි - තාරුණ්‍යයේ හඬ
තාරුණ්‍යයේ හඬ
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(LankaWeb - 10/06/14)

Government not responsible for Church evangelical business
by B R Haran
Two weeks after the attack on the Indian consulate at Herat in Afghanistan, an Indian national, Fr. Alexis Prem Kumar, director of Jesuit Refugee Service, Afghanistan, was abducted by armed militants allegedly belonging to the Taliban. He was kidnapped while visiting a school for refugee children in Sohadat township, 34 kms from Herat city. Before moving to Afghanistan in 2011, Alexis Prem Kumar was working among Sri Lankan refugees in Shenbaganur, Kodaikanal, for about six years, as director of JRS Dindukkal, which belongs to Madurai Jesuit Province. He completed his theological studies at the Theological... -Full Story-
( - 10/06/14)

Celebrating victory of soldiers who defeated fascist terrorism
H. L. D. Mahindapala
 Just last week -- on June 6, 2014, to be precise --  I was glued to CNN channel watching its day-long coverage  of the 70th anniversary of D-Day held on the Sword Beach of Normandy. What prompted me to follow this event closely was my curiosity to find out whether  the Western leaders were guilty of “triumphalism” in commemorating their victory that began with the landing of massive forces on Normandy Beach on the dawn of June 6, 1944. It was the decisive day which marked the beginning of the end of World War II.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 09/06/14)

Sri Lanka: A Change in Strategic Focus when Asia becomes the Power Centre?
Dr D.Chandraratna, Perth   
Sri Lanka must be conscious of the possible threats to its territorial integrity and sovereignty at all times. Our entry into the post conflict age, with lessons learnt, requires a reorientation of our maritime strategy given the limitations of our own defence capabilities. Sri Lanka’s geographical position in the Indian Ocean must be the key factor in defence planning for the future. We live in a multi polar world where major and middle powers are contesting the hegemony of US as a super power. Smaller nations are bound to face demanding contingencies for which they must... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 09/06/14)

Persons who supped and shook hands with Prabakaran have no right to talk on removing military governors in Sri Lanka
Shenali D Waduge
Close to 27,000 men sacrificed their lives while scores of soldiers have become injured to deliver peace to Sri Lanka. We call them our ranaviruwos. Handful of others wined, dined and shook hands with the enemy gleefully signing a bogus ceasefire agreement infront of an eelam flag. We should call them traitors.This political party leader is known for his infamous handshake agreeing to represent the Ranil Wickremasinghe government despite the explicit knowledge that the LTTE evicted the entire Muslim community from the North, successively attacked Muslim villages and massacred villagers including over 100 praying at the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 09/06/14)

Norway, Main Venue For LTTE Terror Revival
By Camelia Nathaniel:
After a hiatus of four years, an attempt to revive the LTTE was spearheaded by the group of Nediyawan-Irumporai. From its safe haven in Norway, a traditional base for LTTE operations, the Nediyawan-Irumporai Group is determined to plunge Sri Lanka back to conflict.... -Full Story-
( - 09/06/14)

Sri Lanka Proscribes 15 Suspected LTTE Front Organizations Abroad as Foreign Terrorist Entities Under UN Resolution 1373
The Sri Lankan Government led by President Mahinda Rajapaksa has in a decisive move with far reaching implications proscribed as foreign terrorist entities several overseas organizations suspected of being fronts of the Liberaton Tigers of Tamil Eelam(LTTE).... -Full Story-
( - 09/06/14)

Navi Pillai’s Controversial Picks: Sandra Beidas – South Sudan’s expelled UN officer & Dame Silvia Cartwright to lead investigation on Sri Lanka
Shenali D Waduge
When the country given independence in July 2011 by the West declares a UN Human Rights Officer, a persona non grata and expels her from the newly independent country in 2012, it is unusual news. Her crime, South Sudan declared was ‘unethical reporting’ as she had doctored records. Somalia too had banned 2 officers working for the UN Human Rights Commissioner - Sandra Beidas was one. Juxtapose that with Navi Pillai’s decision to appoint the same person and we have a foregone conclusion on where the investigation on Sri Lanka is likely to lead. To add... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/06/14)

Goodbye Mahbubul Alam Dangoria
By Nava Thakuria
It was a December evening of 2001, when I first met Mahbubul Alam, veteran journalist of Bangladesh, in the office The Independent, a prominent English daily newspaper published from Dhaka. In fact, he was the first Bangladeshi editor, whom I knew and occasionally talked to him from my home city (Guwahati of northeast India). At that time, the internet communication facility was not mush popular in Assam and Guwahati with a population of 15,00,000 had hardly five internet cafes. The rate was much higher like 60 rupees per hour. I browsed the e-mail contacts of  The... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/06/14)

The Demise of the Valachchenai Paper Factory marks the Ruin of our Great Industries: What has to be done?
By Garvin Karunaratne
I was sad to read about the demise of the Valachchenai Paper Factory in the Ceylon  Today of 18 th May. It detailed how the machinery is being sold for scrap. In fact I was rather surprised to read of this demise because  in August 2012 the Sunday Observer  reported that “Valachchenai will soon be resumed to full capacity”, which news filled me with hope.. Again the Sunday Observer of 24 th November 2013 said that a foreign investor was sought. It is my experience to hear of a foreign investor being involved to be invariably  followed in a... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/06/14)

Sri Lanka Missing Persons Commission: 40,000-225,000 accused of being killed but only 18,590 missing complaints filed
Shenali D Waduge
The Presidential Commission to investigate cases of Missing Persons was appointed on 14th August 2013 its mandate was to cover alleged abductions or disappearances during the period June10, 1990 to May 19, 2009. Its mandate was thereafter extended to cover period from 1983 to 2009. The 3 member commission headed by Maxwell Paranagama (Chairman), Mrs Dimingu Vidyaratne and Mrs. Mano Ramanathan will hand over their report by August 12, 2014. With less than 2 months is it not strange that none of those confidently quoting Tamil civilian dead during the final stage of the war have... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/06/14)

Future of Kerosene lamps for Sri Lankans if GOSL gives Sampoor coal power plant to India
Shenali D Waduge
The debate on Sampoor coal power plant has re-emerged following discussions with newly elected Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. When solid facts have been placed giving valid reasons for why Sri Lanka should not put the final signature to the coal power plant agreement there are another set of people pushing for its conclusion. The valid reasons not to go ahead with Sampoor, cover the eventualities of environmental hazards and affects on Sri Lankan soil and Sri Lankan harvests, skyrocketing electricity prices leading ordinary households to return to the kerosene lamp days, declining productivity, studies of... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/06/14)

Putin Speaks Out On Ukraine, Crimea And US Relations-"We do not intend to revive the Russian Empire"
Video Of Interview
Vladimir Putin faced a barrage of tricky questions from French media ahead of his meeting with world leaders at the 70th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Here are his best replies on key issues: Ukraine, Crimea and relations with the US. Transcript QUESTION (via interpreter): Good afternoon Mr President. Good afternoon, President Putin. Thank you very much for agreeing to give this exclusive interview to Radio Europe 1 and the TF1 TV channel at your Sochi residence. On Thursday evening you will meet with President Francois Hollande in the Elysee Palace, and the next day you... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/06/14)

China's Response to Modi's Accession: Is there something amiss?
By Bandu de Silva
As a long time China watcher for close upon six decades, I was somewhat puzzled when I noticed an almost a blank in news about an early response from China over the success of India's Prime Ministerial candidate, Narendra Modi, and his Bharatiya Janatha Party at the recent hustling. That was the absence of an early response compared to what came out from India's immediate neighbours like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nepal whose leaders responded warmly, and even some outside the immediate Asian circle like Britain, Australia, Israel and Mauritius whose leaders... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/06/14)

Ananthi / TNA / LTTE: the hunters are getting hounded
Shenali D Waduge
What happens when persons protesting against the ‘missing’ are confronted by persons protesting against those missing because of the ‘missing’? What happens when the persons protesting against the ‘missing’ number just 20 in addition to members of the ruling Northern Provincial political party led by Ananthi Sasitharan are confronted by over 300 persons holding pictures of their missing children demanding what Ananthi’s ‘missing’ person did to their children? Not a very pretty sight. The outcome of course was a first case scenario of Ananthi, the TNA brigade and their handful of protestors fleeing for their dear life.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/06/14)

Why Pay Attention To Non Entities Like Jayalalitha Calling For A Referendum For Tamils In Sri lanka?
Insight By Sunil Kumar
June 5th. 2014  Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalaitha Jayaram’s call for a referendum among Tamils in Sri Lanka including those currently living abroad to decide on the establishment of a separate state (Eelam) seems not only  lopsided but also one which has no bearing on the smooth functioning of Sovereign Independent Sri Lanka.This coming from an indian film actress turned politician whose aggression against Sri Lanka has even been to a greater part ignored by new Indian Prime Minister Modi. So why worry about a deadbeat Tamil Nadu flybynight politico and the rest of her... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/06/14)

UNHRC vs Sri Lanka: Successive Resolutions going far beyond last phase of war
Shenali D Waduge
 Are the Resolution architects confused or is their confusion intentional? Some clarifications are urgently needed. The initial Resolution against Sri Lanka brought forward within days of the conclusion of a 30 year armed conflict drew upon the human rights violations committed during the last phase of the war. Thereafter, with each passing Resolution a host of non-last phase related items have been plugged in - 13th amendment, devolution, reference to Northern Provincial Council only etc all of which do not require a Resolution but can be easily taken up through the universal periodic review. The 2014... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/06/14)

Archaeologists Find Buddhist Ruins in Kilinochchi
Sri Lankan Army
Archaeologists in the Northern Province have affirmed that the ruins recovered from Shivanagar, Uriththirapuram in Kilinochchi, containing slates, stacks of ancient bricks, Sri Paada symbols, etc, belong to the historic Polonnaruwa era.  20 Sri Lanka Light Infantry (SLLI) troops of the 662 Brigade under the Security Force Headquarters - Kilinochchi (SFHQ-KLN) came across the site lying in their area of responsibility by accident and kept the SFHQ-KLN informed of their findings, just a few days ago.  At the request of Major General Sudantha Ranasinghe, Commander, SFHQ-KLN who himself inspected the place, a team of archaeologists... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/06/14)

Minister Gamini Lokuge briefs ILC on Sri Lanka National Human Resource and Employment Policy and its Work Plan
Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka Geneva
Hon. Gamini Lokuge, Minister of  Labour and Labour Relations has said Sri Lanka prepared a comprehensive National Human Resource and Employment Policy and its Work plan after having had extensive discussions with all relevant stakeholders including trade unions and employer representatives with the blessing of the President of Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, His Excellency Mahinda Rajapaksa. Minister Lokuge made this observation at the Plenary of the 103rd Session of the International Labour Conference on 4th June 2014. Full Statement of Hon. Minister of Labour and Labour Relations is attached herewith.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/06/14)

Thirteen Amendment and so-called 'Solutions'
S. Akurugoda
Responding to Ranil Wickremsinghe who raised a question on the reports which said the Indian Prime Minister had told President Rajapaksa to work towards implementing a ‘solution’ by devolving powers beyond the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, External Affairs Minister Prof GL Peiris has told Parliament that President Mahinda Rajapaksa had conveyed Indian PM that Sri Lanka couldn’t devolve police powers under the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. The message said to have been passed onto to Indian government is an evident that there is a tremendous pressure from India to stick onto the Indian ‘solution’ due... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/06/14)

Features-Dr.Tilak Fernando
(Continuation of Nicky Karunarathna exposures) Nicky Karunarathna, as a valuable contributor to this column, who has been exposing a cache of incidents and occurrences on the by-gone day politics in Sri Lanka, has in this instance delved into an area so far 'unverified' political landscape in the form of an analysis. In doing so, he starts by saying that "sometimes it is hard to fathom in Sri Lankan politics as some guys have reached prominent positions and remained to be internationally recognised as well!'. This he quotes referring to a particular politician who he says was... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/06/14)

The Dhamma School in Jaffna that Teaches Buddhism in Tamil
Translation by Sudath Madugalle.
 A Translation of the Article published in the Sinhala ‘Divaina’ newspaper of May 11, 2014 At a time when archeological sites and artifacts were still being discovered as evidence of Buddhist heritage in the Jaffna Peninsula, the dark omen of terrorism started clouding the peace of the entire Buddhist nation. People in the peninsula drifted away from Buddhism not leaving even a scant clue evidencing its Buddhist heritage. This was a time when one could not even find one person who could recite a Buddhist prayer leave alone a monk that could deliver a Budddhist... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/06/14)

The EU as Moral Tutor
by Padraig Colman
On May 9 there was a court hearing concerning a domestic-violence case in the eastern region of Gegharkunik, one of Armenia’s most socially conservative areas. Activist Robert Aharonian condemned two women’s rights advocates operating under the auspices of Open Society Foundation, part of the Soros network, for promoting “European values”. A man in Armenia “has a right to slap his wife,” he claimed. He opposes all those diaspora Armenians who use NGO grants to operate in Armenia, and “advocate European perversion.” Allowing wives to report their husbands to the police, he asserted, ultimately breaks families apart. Armenia... -Full Story-
( - 06/06/14)

Putin and Cameron meet in France, "avoid handshake" upon greeting
Upon arriving in France for D-Day landing celebrations, Russian President Vladimir Putin and UK Prime Minister David Cameron met at a Paris airport to discuss Russian-UK relations and Ukraine. The leaders reportedly avoided a pre-talks handshake.... -Full Story-
( - 06/06/14)

‘Bon appétit,’ Putin tells G7 leaders dishing the dirt on Russia in Brussels
Apparently, western leaders believe that if something is said frequently enough, like a mantra, people will start to believe it no matter whether it is true or not. “The entire world remembers the US Secretary of State demonstrating the evidence of Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, waving around some test tube with washing powder in the UN Security Council. Eventually, the US troops invaded Iraq, Saddam Hussein was hanged and later it turned out there had never been any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. You know, it’s one thing to say things and another to actually have evidence,”... -Full Story-
( - 06/06/14)

Sri Lanka : Who says 13th amendment is NOT IMPLEMENTED?
Shenali D Waduge
Some birds like to chirp the same song. 13th amendment has come to be that song. The singers of course are many though we must wonder whether they have even read the 13th amendment. But, they enjoy nagging about the non-implementation of the 13th amendment at every forum be it at UNHRC, UN delegations or even during the chit chats and handshakes when diplomats and foreign envoys arrive in Sri Lanka. The 13th amendment is quite a fashionable topic and just mentioning the word is meant to scare the day lights out of our politicians. The... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 04/06/14)

Modi Euphoria in Sri Lanka
By Charles.S.Perera
When N Modi was elected the new Prime Minsiter of India, there was a pandemonium amoung the writers in e-mail forums and Sri Lanka media.  It was as if it was the appearance in India of a  man  equal to that of King Asoka. No doubt it was the end of Nehru era.  But not an occasion for euphoria.   Little by little we come to realise that though  things are not the same,  the actors in India who manipulated the Sonia-Manmohan Singh Indian Central government to make  Sri Lanka which eliminated  a most ruthless and a well... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 04/06/14)

India has no role to play
By Nalin de Silva Courtesy: Island
New Indian Prime Minister Modi is a cultural nationalist who has to depend on western economic models and political structures. It is unlikely that the Indian "intellectuals" would come out with indigenous economic models and political structures during the "reign" of Mr. Modi. They will not even formulate a philosophical framework based on Hinduism though the BJP government is Hindu as a cultural movement. As in the past they and the rest of the country would merely recite Bhagavad Gita and quote from Ramayana and Maha Bharatha. In this respect they are not... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 04/06/14)

New Zealand Sri Lankans commemorate Peace
New Zealand Society for Peace, Unity and Human Rights of Sri Lanka (SPUR NZ)
On Saturday, the 31 May 2014 Sri Lankans and their well-wishers living in Auckland, New Zealand held a largely attended 5th year commemoration of dawn of peace in Sri Lanka and paid homage to those who sacrificed their lives to secure their mother country for its future generations. The meeting was held at the Senior Citizen’s Hall of the Mt Albert Community Centre in Central Auckland sponsored by the New Zealand Society for Peace, Unity and Human Rights of Sri Lanka (SPUR NZ). The... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 04/06/14)

Modi heading to redefine India’s new identity
H. L. D. Mahindapala
“India has won,” declared Narendra Modi when the BJP tidal wave swept India and put him on the crest of the latest political wave.  These three euphoric words, though somewhat cryptic, express exuberantly the triumphant mood of Modi. He clearly identifies his victory with that of  India. This identification is justified in that Modi represents the current mood and expectations of India. It also conveys his self-confidence in forging ahead by restructuring, reforming and redefining the bygone post- Gandhi-Nehruvian era which has run out of steam.  Its meaning  is not  confined to the newly acquired... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/06/14)

Modi on the Road to Gain Respect & Credibility - An Uphill Struggle!
Prof. Hudson McLean
The first 100 days of Nareendra Modi - Indian Prime Minister may demonstrate the efficacy of his top administrative team. Is it a "New Broom with a Better Handle" or a "New Broom with the Old Handle"? Whilst India is engulfed in a stream of savagery of Rape of innocent young girls, and brutal murder, as published in all media globally, with a Police Force driven by corruption, with judiciary in-tow, can any reasonable human have any respect for India? No leader who cannot command respect for the disrespect and safety of his... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/06/14)

Why Rankin rankles - British Involvement in Tamil terrorist movement in Sri Lanka
Dr Kamal Wickremasinghe Courtesy: The Daily News
The British High Commissioner to Sri Lanka, John Rankin, has issued another of his vice-regal sounding demands that national reconciliation be expedited, following another ‘tour’ of the North for meetings with local NGOs. He has also attempted to prey on desperate IDPs and women's groups, feigning interest in knowing about their problems. The gentleman does not seem to realise that in order for us to expedite reconciliation, the likes of him need to get off our back first! The problem Rankin seems to share with Michele Sisson, Shelley Whiting and... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/06/14)

How Modi should deal with Tamil Nadu tantrums
Shenali D Waduge
 When Narendra Modi set out to campaign and become the Prime Minister of India, he did not plan to win an election to be told how he should lead by one of India’s 31 Chief Ministers. Yet, the Tamil Nadu tantrum has become a curse to India’s Central Government and dented India’s bilateral relationships with fellow sovereign nations and in particular Sri Lanka. The situation with Tamil Nadu tantrums is such that warrants a clear policy decision by the Modi Government and for that matter even Sri Lanka. Relations between two nations cannot depend upon ONLY... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/06/14)

Extend the validity period of the Prescription (special provisions) Bill
According to the news reports the Government is planning to introduce a Bill to settle the land issues pertaining displaced persons on account of the terrorist activities of the LTTE. The legislation , the Prescription (special provisions ) Bill as per Justice Ministry's legal consultant  M.HM.Salmann would help clear the land in the North and the East that have been abandoned for 20 to 30 years during the period of war until 2009. The Act will cover the the period from 1983 and is a welcome piece of legislation. BUT, the majority of the Sinhala people living in the North... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/06/14)

Lankan Defence Officials elated - Recent capture of three LTTE figures
D.B.S.Jeyaraj -Courtesy The Daily Mirror
It was in April this year that this column  exclusively reported for the “Daily Mirror” about how Subramaniam Kapilan alias Nanthagopan had been deported on March 6, 2014 to Sri Lanka from Malaysia with the assistance of law enforcement authorities in Iran and Malaysia. The 45-year-old deputy leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam(LTTE) “Nediyavan” faction had been stopped on his way to Europe at the Teheran airport and sent back to Kuala Lumpur. After undergoing brief imprisonment in Malaysia Nanthagopan was deported and handed over to Sri Lankan authorities. He... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/06/14)

Mr. President, Please for Heaven’s Sake, Speak up
Dr D.Chandraratna Perth
Today’s news item in the Indian Daily ‘The Hindu’ states that ‘President Mahinda Rajapaksa will hope that the BJP’s independence of Tamil Nadu allies will make New Delhi more supportive of his regime. India values ties with Sri Lanka but Colombo must make room for political aspirations of the minority Tamils.’ Another editorial said that ‘The President needs to understand that mutual goodwill does not substitute for substantive constitutional reform in Sri Lanka, to give the country's beleaguered Tamil minority a modicum of political empowerment and agency after a long, bitter history of oppression, revolt and... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/06/14)

By Damien Fernando
After the meeting the HE had with the new prime minister of India the once again the talk of delegation of police and land powers to the provincial councils is doing the rounds. The need and also the motives of people demanding for delegation such powers in a small country like Sri Lanka are debatable. However the current situation may require finding a middle ground. Considering the activities of Tamilnadu government and the separatist Diaspora delegating full police powers especially to the Northern provincial council could end up with rejuvenating the separatism. Rather than hiding the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/06/14)

Dr. Judith Lewis Herman: Psychiatrist and a Social Activist
The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud is the central dialectic of psychological trauma.” ― Judith Lewis Herman, Trauma and Recovery Dr. Judith Lewis Herman is a pioneer in the study of post-traumatic stress disorder and the sexual abuse of women and children. Herman's best-known contribution to the field is her development of the diagnosis of Complex PTSD. Herman found that victims of prolonged or multiple traumas frequently developed symptoms that were markedly different from those associated with traditional PTSD. The development of Complex PTSD commonly results from a feeling of captivity... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/06/14)

3 Corporations run the world: City of London, Washington DC and Vatican City
Shenali D Waduge
World events most of which are ‘engineered’ leave a trail that leads to the architects. We next discover that there are 3 cities on earth that come under no national authority, they have separate laws, they pay no taxes, they have their own police force and even possess their own flag of ‘independence’. These 3 cities control the economy, military onslaughts and the spiritual beings of those in powers. The 3 cities are actually corporations and they are the City of London, District of Columbia and the Vatican. Together they control politicians, the courts, educational institutions,... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 02/06/14)

Nalin de Silva
The Malaysian authorities have to be congratulated for deporting two so called refugees and one "asylum seeker" who are none other than terrorists whose interests are being watched by "Human rights watch". It is now known that United Nations Organization is responsible for giving so called refugee status to much more than these two terrorists who were arrested in Malaysia. The UN Human Rights Council is clearly a haven for Tamil terrorists and it makes them the most unsuitable organization to interfere with so called reconciliation after the humanitarian operations. It is up to the other... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 02/06/14)

Television journalist killed, condemnations pour on Orissa government Our Correspondent
Nava Thakuria
Guwahati: As the news about the killing of a young television journalist by miscreants spreads, the condemnation pours on the Orissa government in central India. Orissa (now known as Odisha) thus records the first murder of a working journalist in India this year with the slaughtering of Tarun Kumar Acharya on May 27 last. Acharya, 35, who was based in Bikrampur of Ganjam district in Orissa, used to work for a regional news channel named Kanak Television. On the fateful night, he was targeted by the goons on his way to home riding his bike. His body... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 02/06/14)

Teach Animal Law & Ethics at Colombo Law Faculty
Mr. Senaka Weeraratna, Attorney-at-Law and Buddhist activist, has urged that a course in ``Animal Law and Ethics’’ be started at the Faculty of Law or the University of Colombo. He says in a letter to Mr. N. Selvakumaran, Dean of the Faculty of Law, that this is a field that law schools in developing countries such as Sri Lanka can no longer avoid or ignore. The subject of Animal Law is currently taught in nearly 80 law schools around the country in USA. This field has grown substantially in the past decade, in western countries and in our neighbouring country,... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 02/06/14)

Niranjan de Silva Deva Aditya
Sri Lankan born Niranjan de Silva Deva Aditya has made history again by going against the trend and increasing his share of the vote in the European Parliament election held last Sunday through out Europe when the 500 million people of the European Union went to the polls to elect Members to the European Parliament. Hailing from an old political family in Sri Lanka where his maternal Grandfather was UNP Senator Dr M G Perera of the 1948 independence Senate and paternally descended from Thakura the slayer of Mitta who put his nephew... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 02/06/14)

International Day of Vesak celebrated at the United Nations
Media Release
The President of the General Assembly, The Ambassador of Thailand and the Special Representative of the Alliance of Civilisations The United Nations (UN) in New York commemorated the International Day of Vesak in accordance with General Assembly Resolution 54/115 at a well-attended ceremony held in the Trusteeship Council in the UN Conference Building on the 13th May, 2014. This year, Ambassador Norachit Sinhaseni of the Kingdom of Thailand chaired the commemoration. The gathering was addressed by the President of the General Assembly, H.E. Dr. John Ashe, and the High Representative for the Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC),... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 02/06/14)

Dr.Tilak Fernando
(Nicky Karunarathna exposures – continued from 80) First and foremost an apology is due on an inadvertent error in Para 4 (Part 80) under the sub-heading Slave Trade which would have given the reader the impression of history being distorted. In fact 4th paragraph should have read as follows: “If one were to talk about the emergence of the slave trade in the world, it has to be Vikings who first started this game of selling human beings to Turkey. Turkey, its capital known as Constantinople (now Istanbul) then was richest and the glorious city... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 02/06/14)

Lanka detains 33 fishermen, Jayalalithaa asks PM to intervene
Belying hopes that the bonhomie shared by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse would translate into better relations on the waters bordering the countries, Sri Lankan navy on Sunday detained 33 fishermen from Rameswaram. The Lankan navy also seized their seven boats.... -Full Story- (Times of India - 02/06/14)

Rape & Murder Frenzy in India
Prof. Hudson McLean
Father of one of Indian girls gang-raped and hanged from a tree was ignored and ridiculed by police when he reported her missing because of his caste Ref: Mail-on-Line DailyMail UK, - A note to new Prime Minister of India Rt. Hon. Narendra Modi, "MUST clean-up his homeland as a Priority Number One before start to straighten-up the world." When women are being raped & murdered, with the Police turning a blind eye, such SAVAGERY MUST STOP! Furthermore Rt. Hon. Nareendra Modi still has the blood of the massacred Muslims in... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 02/06/14)

USA is moving more and more towards  a Global Dictatorship.
By Charles.S.Perera
In Ukraine America supports the extreme right wing  neo-nazi groups. It wanted to bomb Syria and put an end to the conflict which USA and  its allies themselves  aggravated by arming those rebel against Bashar Al Assad Government, but it was the good sense of Russia  that averted a Syrian massacre and raising Damascus to rubble as they did Libya using the  NATO Forces.   America is egocentric.  It seeks its own safety, its own leadership in the world and in that ambition it is least concerned about other developing nations and their people.  Its concern fro the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 02/06/14)

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