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News Archive for Oct 2014

Lockheed Martin scientist on deathbed says aliens are real (VIDEO)
 Aliens, some as old as 200 years, are real and have visited Earth, a former Lockheed Martin senior scientist has claimed. In his final moments, he provided “photo evidence” while sharing his personal experiences of UFOs and extraterrestrials. The controversial 33-minute video was made shortly before Boyd Bushman died on August 7, 2014. However, the footage has only recently emerged and is starting to garner widespread attention. “I do have a top secret clearance,” he affirms at the beginning of the video. He goes on to state that incidents such as Roswell in 1947 – when a military... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 31/10/14)

USA deliberately pushes Russia into China's arms
The United States refused to negotiate with Russia on the deployment of GLONASS navigation system on its territory, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said. According to him, there are no negotiations being conducted on the subject. "We made the statement in spring. I offered to initiate talks with the United States to deploy GLONASS infrastructure on their territory. For the time of the talks, we offered to suspend the existence of GPS stations infrastructure on the territory of the Russian Federation. The Americans, against the backdrop of sanctions, did not agree to conduct any negotiations.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 31/10/14)

This is why the Russians want to tightly regulate foreign NGOs
Courtesy The Saker
How is that for a "watch" of human right? The fact is that western human rights organizations are below contempt. Some are political tools in the hands of the Empire (Human Rights Watch), some are full of western intelligence agents (Medecins Sans Frontieres, OSCE monitors), some are lead by cynical bureaucrats who use idealistic young delegates as cannon fodder (ICRC), some are used by big business as a tool (Greenpeace) while others are quasi-official CIA tools (NED, Freedom House, Open Society Foundation, etc.). The funny thing in this case is that the photo is... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 31/10/14)

The UN Investigative Panel must probe TNA-LTTE links
Shenali D Waduge
The UN Investigative Panel must probe TNA-LTTE links The UN investigative panel was mandated to conduct investigation during the period of the LLRC. That was between 2002 and 2009. The UNHRC has given itself an additional two years. With the LTTE designated as a foreign terrorist organization and following Sri Lanka proscribing 16 LTTE fronts and declaring 424 individuals incorporating the UNSC Resolution 1373 as supporting LTTE terrorists and with the UN Security Council Counter Terrorism Committee head in Colombo, the UNHRC cannot omit from investigation and comment in its March 2015 report the links between... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 31/10/14)

Blank forms for Tamils only from the UNHRC to file deceitful war crimes complaints against Sri Lanka
Patriots For United Sri Lanka 
To all members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee.  We the majority of peace loving people of Sri Lanka appeal to you to not be misled by the deceitful practices, lies and criminal activities that have been the order of the day for the pro LTTE Diaspora and some proven, trained LTTE terrorists who have taken a Human Rights Persona after breaking all international conventions against Terrorism.   Infiltration to western countries by those with terrorist connections is a serious issue around the world. We the people of Sri... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/10/14)

China must lead the Buddhist World
by Senaka Weeraratna
In as much as two global religions Christianity and Islam are today given leadership by powerful countries based in the West and Middle East respectively, the time has come for the oldest of the three global religions namely Buddhism to be backed by a powerhouse to dispel the widely circulated myth that it is a weak religion sustained by relatively weaker countries in Asia despite Buddhism's unmatched contributions to the sustaining of world peace, unqualified respect for the natural environment including reverence for the lives of all living beings and promotion of Ahimsa and non - violence... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/10/14)

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Hill Shooting
Asoka WeerasingheKings Grove Crescent . Gloucester. Ontario . Canada
30 October 2014 The Editor The Hill Times Dear Editor: In your report on the Hill Shooting you say 'PM Harper vows to fight terrorism after Hill shooting but others urge caution.'  And so do I. If I were Prime Minister Harper, I would be careful to try to eliminate Terrorism as it has its drawbacks.  As he would  very likely be hauled in front of an International Crimes Court for Human Rights violations.  He knows what I am talking about, as he is one country leader who has been voicing voraciously... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/10/14)

Dr.Tilak Fernando
In the 1990s Britain was considered as one of the biggest aid donors to Sri Lanka. However, an unfortunate incident that sparked off in May 1991 managed to stir the hornet’s nest by the then British High Commissioner, David Gladstone CMG (most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George - an order of chivalry founded on April 28, 1818 by George, Prince Regent, later King George IV), in Colombo causing much embarrassment to the decorated diplomat himself, who was a descendent of one time British Prime Minister, William Gladstone. David... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 30/10/14)

Does Ranil Wickremasinghe really want to lead Sri Lanka?
Shenali D Waduge
Let’s stop for a minute and take a step back before imagining how Sri Lanka would be under the stewardship of Ranil Wickremasinghe and just ask ourselves whether Ranil Wickremasinghe actually wants to lead Sri Lanka or does he simply enjoy the fanfare associated with bringing him to power? The question is important in the light of the fact that while he has been a serial failure in Presidential, General and even local government elections for decades he continues to remain the most popular opposition leader and we can but wonder whether he relishes that Opposition... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/10/14)

UNP Leader's Aspirations To Win Presidency Appears To be A Pipe Dream!
Lankaweb Weekly Editorial
October 29th. 2014  While most contestants of such competition dream of winning a Presidency during their lifetime they do so with an unblemished track record and the backing of the majority vote!! This seems hardly likely in the case of the UNP's Ranil Wickremasinghe as he has disentitled himself to the privilege on many counts and has virtually proven himself to be a mere power hungry aspirant to the title sans the credential needed a he has already had his chance and apparently totally blown it.  What shows him in the guise of a dreamer becomes painfully... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/10/14)

Sri Lanka must demand : Investigate the Investigation (UNHRC /UN and its Resolutions must be probed)
Shenali D Waduge
With just days for the UNHRC Panel to conclude accepting submissions it has emerged that the UNHRC has been cheating the system by providing UNHRC war crimes forms to only one party and that too clandestinely with links to LTTE-TNA. The shocking discovery immediately takes us back to sample formats appearing on internet to help Tamils compile cases against Sri Lanka during the Panel of Expert investigation. We now question how many of the ‘witnesses’ that the Panel of Experts claimed to quote from were bogus people. We question how many witness accounts were lies. The... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/10/14)

The Bear and Dragon Chronicles - Western Myopia
Eric Kraus Courtesy Russia Insider
Carnegie publishes a textbook case of getting the whole thing wrong. Out come the bear's (and dragon's) claws, shredding it piece by piece... The attentive reader will have noted an odd transformation in the Western narrative regarding Russia-China relations - the Bear and Dragon story which the current author has been arguing for over the past 15 years: Six months ago, the Western media were in unison, laughing off the suggestion that... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/10/14)

interpreting Buddhism
By Nalin de Silva
October 28, 2014, 5:28 pm I thank Mr. Sena Mahwatta for responding on 24th October 2014 to my article on "Knowledge as construction" in The Island on September 10 2014. He says that he needs clarifications on two parts of my article. The first part is on my statement "I must admit that my Bududahama is not be the same as that of Budun Wahanse and I believe that only another Budun Wahanse and not even an Arahant can "know" the Budu Dahama of Budun Wahanse ". Then he goes on to state ‘Prof.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/10/14)

PRESS RELEASE Embassy of Sri Lanka Washington DC Washington DC, October 28: Senior officials of the Governments of the United States and Sri Lanka met recently in Colombo to continue their dialogue on trade and investment issues and for evaluating the progress under the Trade and Investment Framework Agreement (TIFA) between the two countries. The officials discussed a wide range of issues including market access, the U.S. Generalized System of Preferences (GSP), labor, trade promotion efforts, intellectual property rights, agriculture, and sector-specific investment challenges. Progress on trade and investment issues fosters economic growth and provides a strong foundation for greater economic... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 29/10/14)

Kanthar Balanathan, Australia
28th October 2014 Hon Justice CV Wigneswaran Chief Minister, Northern Provincial Council, No 26, Somasundaram Avenue, Chundukuli, Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Dear Chief Minister, ACUITY - UNDERPERFORMANCE, LIMITATION & DRAWBACK, ON TAMIL POLITICIAN’S ACCOMPLISHMENT Introduction I am a SriLankan, and a strong Hindu with clear-cut belief in the Buddhist doctrine. I take the liberty to write to you, as a SriLankan Tamil / Australian, from a free country, which practices, honesty, justice, promote equal rights, and maintains freedom to all people, in an ideal democratic environment. Well, I can concurrently state that Australia is the best country... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/10/14)

Government to help less affluent Muslims to embark on the pilgrimage to Mecca
The Daily News
President Mahinda Rajapaksa yesterday said that he would devise a method that ensures equal opportunities for Muslims when they undertake the pilgrimage to Mecca. There was loud cheering from among the Musim folk present, upon the President’s announcement. While the rich travel to Mecca many times, the less affluent do not get so much as a single opportunity, President Rajapaksa observed. He added that he would devise a means which enables the less affluent to engage in the pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. The President was speaking at Al Tharique Muslim Maha... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/10/14)

Caught Red-handed: UNHRC blank war crimes forms in the hands of TNA-LTTE
Shenali D Waduge
An UN investigation on Sri Lanka has been launched. The world was told that the UN investigation would be a transparent and fair investigation. The modus operandi behind blank UNHRC war crimes given by TNA to LTTE cadres to obtain signatures does not exactly fit into the criterion of transparent or fair investigation. The arrest of a LTTE un-rehabilitated cadre by Sri Lankan State authorities has put the cat out of the bag. With just days before the submissions to the Panel concludes while a TNA member (Ananthi Sasitharan) married to a key LTTE leader requests... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/10/14)

Investigation on Sri Lanka.
Dr. Chula Rajapakse MNZM Spokesperson United Sri Lanka Assn. New Zealand
To: OHCHR, Investigation on Sri Lanka. Dear Sir I write in response to your call for submissions on   “information …on alleged serious violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes allegedly perpetrated   from 21st February 2002 until   15th November  2011 in Sri  Lanka by either party to the armed conflict.” The main basis of the UNHRC instituted investigation on Sri Lanka, despite the longer period of cover, was the allegation that Sri Lankan forces achieved victory over the Tamil Tigers in their armed conflict at the cost of... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 29/10/14)

 එස් ඩබ්ලිව්  ආර්  ඩී   බන්ඩා රනායක  හා මහින්ද රාජ පක්ෂ
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න
 1936 දී බණ්ඩාරනායක  සිංහල මහා සභාව  පිහිටුවා රාජ්‍ය මන්ත්‍ර ණ සභා වේ සිටි  58 න්  14 ක් ම .  එහි අදහස් වලට නම්මා ගත්තේය. මේ නිසා ඩී  එස් හා ජේ ආර් . විසින් බන්ඩා ... ජාතිවාදියෙක් ලෙස හංවඩු ගසන ලදී.  සිංහලයන්ගේ උරුමය ගැන කතා කිරීම දී එස් ලාට ජාතිවාදයක් වුනේ මේ රොත්ත  පජාතික කළුසුද්දන් වූ නිසාය. බලපිටියේ රැස්වීමකදී බන්ඩා ........'''' මගේ ජාතිය වෙනුවෙන් ජීවිතය පුද දීමට මා ඕනෑම  මොහොතක සුදානම්. සිංහලයන්ට බාධාවක් කරන  කිසිවෙකු වේද ඔහුට අමතක නොවන  පාඩමක්    ඉගැන්වීමට මම සිතා සිටිමි.'''''-------ethnic  politics --------                                                             1945 04 02 සිංහල මහසභා  වාර්තාවල ............'''වතුකරයේ ඉන්දියානු දෙමල... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/10/14)

ගල් අ`ගුරු වංචාවේ ඇත්ත නැත්ත
අපි මොණරවිල
ශී්‍ර ලංකාවට ගල් අ`ගුරු ගෙන්වීමේදී සිදුවූවා යැයි කියන දූෂණයක් නිසා ලංකා විදුලි බල මණ්ඩලයට රුපියල් මිලියන 1507ක පාඩුවක් වූ බව විදුලිබල ඇමතිනිය පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේදී (23-10-2014) ප්‍රකාශ කළාය. ඒ ගල් අ`ගුරු නොසැපයීම නිසාවෙන්, බාල ගල් අ`ගුරු දහනය කිරීම නිසාවෙන්. ඒ සඳහා වූ අතිරේක බලශක්තිය තෙල් බලාගාර වෙතින් ලබා ගැනීම නිසාවෙන් ආදී ලෙසය. පුත්තලම ගල් අ`ගුරු බලාගාරයට ගල් අ`ගුරු සපයන්නේ ලංකා කෝල් සමාගම (LCC)  විසිනි. ඔවුන් ගල් අ`ගුරු ප්‍රසම්පාදනය සඳහා නොඛෙල් (Nobel Resources Ltd.)- සමාගම සමගද, ගල් අ`ගුරු ප්‍රවාහනය සඳහා රාජ්‍ය නැව් සංස්ථාව සමගද ගිවිසුම්ගත වී සිටිති. (2010 සිට) ලංකා කෝල් සමාගමේ අයිතිය ලංකා විදුලි බල මණ්ඩලය, මුදල් අමාත්‍යාංශය, නැව්... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/10/14)

JHU strategy for presidential election
By Udaya Gammanpila
There is a common belief that the Jathika Hela Urumaya’s (JHU) days with the UPFA have now been numbered. People think that the JHU would quit the UPFA soon after announcement of the presidential election. However, they are confused about options available for the JHU after quitting the UPFA. Hence, let us explore the options available for the JHU.  The presidential election held in 2005 was extremely crucial for Sri Lanka since it marked a paradigm shift in its national policies adopted hitherto as Mahinda Rajapaksa who being elected President, decided to militarily defeat Tamil terrorism instead... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/10/14)

One arrested for collecting signatures on blank UN war crimes complaint forms LTTE trained civilian arrested with six signed forms, brought to Colombo
By Shamindra Ferdinando  Courtesy Island
October 27, 2014, 8:17 pm Acting on information received from the public, the police have arrested a person tasked by the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to collect signatures on blank ‘UN war crimes complaints forms’ in the Vanni region. A senior security official said that the suspect had undergone compulsory LTTE combat training for about a month during the war. Responding to a query, the official alleged that the suspect had been seen in the Mulankavil area, arrested over the weekend and brought to Colombo for further questioning. The official said that the collection... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/10/14)

Will Tamils be satisfied even if Eelam is given?
 Shenali D Waduge   
Leaving aside the LTTE and other armed militant role in the terror that unfolded for most of post-independent Sri Lanka, it is no better a time to seriously wonder if Tamils in Sri Lanka or Tamil Diaspora holding foreign passports as well as those vying to hold foreign passports would finally be happy if they were to be handed Eelam. The question is important for several reasons and takes us to ask exactly who wishes to have Eelam and why Eelam is so important to them. The better question is for whom is Eelam actually... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/10/14)

Is Yasmin Sooka biased and prejudiced against Sri Lanka
Shenali D Waduge
Yasmin Sooka was selected by Ban Ki Moon the UN Secretary General as one of his 3 member panel to advise him on the last three months of the conflict in Sri Lanka. That report was released in March 2011. Thereafter, Yasmin Sooka’s name has appeared numerous times associated with a globally funded campaign against Sri Lanka. It is for the readers to take stock of the connections and determine themselves the global nature of the vilifying campaign a country that eliminated terrorism has been subject to. Yasmin Sooka is the Executive Director of the Foundation... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/10/14)

කළු සුද්දන්ගේ සම්භවය හා ආධිපත්‍යය (6)
චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම
දොස්තර මහත්තයා හා වෙද මහත්තයා     මේ දවස්වල නලින් ද සිල්වා (ගණිත විද්‍යාව, මැත්) හා චන්ද්‍රේ ධර්‍මවර්‌ධන (රසායන විද්‍යාව, කෙමිස්ට්‍රි) අතර පවතින - නාථ දෙවියන්-ආසනික්-වකුගඩු රෝගය- අදාළ ගැටුම තුලින් ලංකාවේ කළුසුද්දන් කියන්නේ කවුද යන කරුණට අදාලව යම් අවබෝධයක් ලබාගත හැකි වේවි ද කියා මට සිතුනි. මා ඒ ගැන සිතන්නේ භූගෝල විද්‍යා, නීති විද්‍යා ඉගෙන ගත්, ලංකාවේ, කැනඩාවේ හා ඇමෙරිකාවේ සමාජ ක්‍රම ගැන යම් දැනුමක් ඇති කෙනෙක් වශයෙනි. භූගෝල විද්‍යාව ස්ථාන ගැන හදාරණ විෂයයක් (ලොකේෂනල් ඇනැලිසිස්) වශයෙන් සමහරු හඳුන්වා දුන්නේය. කැනඩාවේ ජීවත්‌වන චන්ද්‍රේ ලංකාවේ ගම් නගර වල අතීත මුල් නම් සිංහල නම් බව පෙන්වීමට විශාල කැපකිරීමකින් ක්‍රියා... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 28/10/14)

Contaminating Confucius: Christianity in China
by  Sandhya Jain Courtesy
Bismarck understood that the meaning of the concept of separation of Church and State was not that the State should have no religion, nor even that it should not discriminate between citizens on the basis of religion. It was that the Church – hitherto the dominant religio-political entity of European life – should be subordinate to the State (government). In other words, the nation-state, as opposed to the trans-national Church, would be the arbiter of all institutions and individuals within its boundaries. And no ruler, particularly no German king, would ever again kneel before a Pope... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/10/14)

Malin Abeyatunge
 Majority of the Sri Lankan population will never forget the stance taken by the previous and the present Canadian rulers on Sri Lanka  when we faced LTTE terrorist terror over the last three decades. Canada nurtured LTTE and made a safe haven for the Tamil terrorists fleeing from Sri Lanka as refugees and asylum seekers making them the vote decider in many electorates. Canada now has the highest Sri Lankan  Tamil population outside Sri Lanka and many of them being ex-LTTE cadres and supporters of  LTTE terrorist outfit. There is currently a Sri Lanka-Canadian Tamil woman MP who... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/10/14)

Why President  Mahinda Rajapakse should be re-elected for the third time ?
By Charles.S.Perera
When Sri Lanka was still a British Colony we were told that we should be like the English men.  They said the  white men were punctual, authoritative, honest, fair, just and reasonable.  It is only meeting them in their own natural surroundings we learnt that all that we were told about them was rubbish. We see them today- the politicians of the West , vindictive, dishonest, manipulative, egoist, unjust , unfair and least concerned about others, working for their own benefit retaining their grip over the underprivileged natives Someone said that the Judges of the EU  would... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/10/14)

Canada Gets an Introduction to Terrorism
Dr D. Chandraratna Perth
Though the topic under discussion in this essay, the Canadian terror episode, from the Sri Lankan perspective can be tackled in a hell cattish brew of fury and vengefulness, to do so will be to diminish oneself and the country. Sad indeed is the Ottawa murder of an innocent young man who was only doing the duty to his nation as recompense for the sacrifice his forebears endured in the name of freedom. But in spite of the fact that the Canadian Government as well as the Embassy in Colombo humiliated Sri Lanka at every... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/10/14)

ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස්: 'ලංකාවට ආවොත් පහර දෙනවා කිවුවා'
සරෝජ් පතිරණබීබීසී සිංහල සේවය
පැය 8 කට පෙර යවන්න "මම වීදි සටන්කාරයෙක්. තමුසේ නිකම්ම නිකම් මහ කොමසාරිස් කෙනෙක්" කියමින් පහර දුන්නා - ආරංචිමාර්ග. පහර දුන්නේ නෑ - සජින් වාස් කෙදිනක හෝ යළිත් වරක් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට පා තැබුවහොත් පහර දෙන බවට සජින් ද වාස් මන්ත්‍රීවරයා තර්ජනය කිරීම හේතුවෙන් බ්‍රිතාන්‍යයේ හිටපු ශ්‍රී ලංකා මහ කොමසාරිස් වෛද්‍ය ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට පා තැබීමට බියෙන් පසුවන බව ඉතා විශ්වාස කටයුතු ආරංචි මාර්ගයකින් බීබීසී සංදේශයට වාර්තා වේ. පසුගිය සැප්තැම්බර් 23 වැනි දින රාත්‍රියේ (24 වැනි දින උදෑසන) ශ්‍රී ලංකා ගුවන් සේවයේ නිවුයෝක් නුවර නියෝජිත ඩිලාන් ආරියවංශගේ නිවසේ පැවති රාත්‍රී භෝජන... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/10/14)

13 අ  සහ පළාත් සභා  වලට විරුද්ධ එකෙක් වත් ජනපති කමට ඉල්ලන්නේ නැද්ද?
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න
ඉස්සර නම්  කීපදෙනෙක් මේගැන විරුද්ධව කතාකළහ. ඒ ගැන සෑහෙන බලවේගයකුත් ති බි නි. තැන සේරම කතා කරන්නේ දූෂණ නැතිකිරීම සහ රට සංවර්ධනය කිරීම ගැන  පමණකි  සේරම අර ප්‍රශ්නය යට ගසති.  ශ්‍රී  ල නි පය  ත් ජ වී පෙ ත්  හෙළ උරුමයත්  ඉස්සර කී දේ දැන් නොකියන්නේ ඇ ය් . නියම ශ්‍රී ල නි පය  13 ට විරුද්ධය, චන්ද්‍රිකාගේ ශ්‍රී ල නි පය  විකුර්තියකි  ඇය  ප්‍රතිපත්ති වෙනස් කලේ  ජනතා මතය සලකා බලා නොවේ  නළු බට්ටා සමග එකතුව  පල්ලිය කියන විදිහටය. එහෙත් බොහෝ  කාලකන්නි ශ්‍රී ල නි පයන්ට එය තේරුනේ නැත උන් හිතුවේ චන්ද්‍රිකා නියම බඩුවක්,  නියමෙට දෙය් ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/10/14)

India conveys concern at China presence in Sri Lanka
Courtesy The Hindu
India has expressed serious concern to Sri Lanka over China’s increasing military presence on the island, it is reliably learnt. Official sources in New Delhi told The Hindu that Sri Lankan Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s India visit last week was for a meeting in this connection. The Defence Secretary, who is the brother of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, met National Security Adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval and Defence Minister Arun Jaitley. “The meeting was held to raise the issue of a Chinese submarine calling at a Sri Lankan port last month. It is of serious concern to India's... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/10/14)

Did Gotabaya Precipitate The Crisis With Chris Nonis?
By Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha
In the course of the frenetic travel programme I had set myself before the usual budget period, I had just two days in Sri Lanka last week. They were packed, with Parliament, and an overnight stay with a cousin visiting after several days, and the 92nd birthday of my most distinguished aunt, but also a couple of interviews as well as meetings with two ambassadors. Though I feel increasingly despondent, I continue to defend the war record of the government, and indeed feel that some of the absurdities now occurring spring from the bitterness... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 27/10/14)

Travel Experiences You’ll Find Only in Sri Lanka
From taking tea at Sir Thomas Lipton’s first factory to paying respects to the Buddha’s tooth, four unique tourist experiences on the island nation of Sri Lanka.SRI LANKA SEEMS to be at a tipping point. Five years after the end of its quarter-century-long civil war, tourists are being lured back to Sri Lanka by friendly locals and an abundance of natural and man-made beauty. This petite island nation—totaling just 25,000 square miles but including the 4.5 million-resident city of Colombo—offers everything from leopard safaris and surfing to ancient temples and complex curries. Here, four experiences that... -Full Story-
( - 27/10/14)

What is Tamil National Alliance main constituent party ITAK trying to hide?
Shenali D Waduge
We do not want to hear that ITAK confirms it stands for a federal solution within a united Sri Lanka. We do not want to hear that ITAK only wishes self-rule in a unitary Sri Lanka. We simply want to know from ITAK whether ITAK Constitution of 1949 and the amendment to that Constitution in 2008 is Federal or Confederal and whether ITAKs aims and objectives are Federal or Confederal. Is it not peculiar to find ITAK’s representatives and the TNA going all out to make statements but evading from answering whether their constitution is federal... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

 Are we trying to disfigure the actual form and shape of the message of Islam; this question really becomes agonizingly painful to me whenever I try to go deep into Allama Iqbal’s concept of the Muslim Community; and this question compels me ponder over the other side of the picture. Allama Iqbal was of the opinion that the Muslims living all over the world belong to one community, they obey the same Lord , follow the preaching of the same Prophet (PBUH) and seek guidance from the same Book which is a complete code of life for... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

Kalinga Seneviratne in Baoji, China
With an impressive display of Chinese Buddhist culture and hospitality, China laid claims to giving leadership to the Buddhist world, by hosting over 600 international delegates for the 27th General Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists (WFB) at this historic city in north western China from 16th-18th October. The conference theme of “Buddhism and Public-Benefit Charity” laid the path of Buddhist collaboration, especially in mobilizing financial and spiritual resources to advance the development of Buddhist communities across the world in a compassionate... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

Rajapaksa Boosts Salaries, Pensions targets tax evaders
Special Budget News
Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa is banking on South Asia’s fastest economic growth to boost spending on pre-election handouts without halting a record improvement in public finances.He unveiled plans to narrow the budget deficit to an almost 40-year low of 4.6 percent of gross domestic product amid an expansion rate of about 8 percent. Rajapaksa set the minimum wage for state workers at 15,000 rupees ($115) a month, while raising a cost of living allowance to 10,000 rupees, and pledged to eradicate salary anomalies among railway employees. He offered a guaranteed price of 60 rupees a liter... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

Technology, Research and Atomic Energy Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka says Lanka Coal has not followed tender procedure since 2012
By Maheesha Mudugamuwa Courtesy Island
October 24, 2014, 8:33 pm Technology, Research and Atomic Energy Minister Patali Champika Ranawaka yesterday maintained that since 2012 the Lanka Coal Company (LCC) which was the sole importer of coal to Sri Lanka had been doing so without adhering to proper tender procedure. Minister Ranawaka was responding to the Power and Energy Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi at a press conference held at his Ministry premises yesterday. It was reported that the Minister Wanniarachchi as having said that the CID had commenced investigations into a recently imported consignment of coal for the Norochcholai Power Plant.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

බලශක්ති ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ වංචාකරයන්ට තරාතිරමනොබලා දඬුවම් දිය යුතුයි
එවකට විදුලිබල ඇමති වූ පාඨලී චම්පික රණවක අමාත්‍යවරයා
සිදු කරනු ලබන ඕනෑම ස්වාධීන පරීක්ෂණයකට උපරිම සහය ලබාදීමට ඇමති චම්පික සූදානම් •    පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී හර්ෂද සිල්වාට සහ ඇමති පවිත්‍රා වන්නිආරච්චිට ඇමති චම්පිකගෙන් පැසසුම් •    වංචා සහ දූෂණ සොයාබැලීමට අනිවාර්යෙන්ම ව්‍යවස්ථාපිත ආයතනයක් පිහිටුවිය යුතුයි. පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී හර්ෂද සිල්වා ඇසූ ප්‍රශ්නයකට, ඊයේ(23) පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේදී පිළිතුරු සැපයූ ඇමතිනී පවිත්‍රා වන්නිආරච්චි ප්‍රකාශ කර සිටියේ 2012 වර්ෂයේ නොරොච්චෝලේ බලාගාරයට ගල් අඟුරු ආනයනය කිරීමේදී රුපියල් මිලියන 1507 ක වංචාවක් සිදුවී ඇති බවයි. එවකට විදුලිබල ඇමති වූ පාඨලී චම්පික රණවක අමාත්‍යවරයා අදාළ සිදුවීම සම්බන්ධයෙන් තමන් ගත් තීන්දු සහ ඊට අදාළ ලිපි ලේඛන හා... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

National Council for an Immaculate Tomorrow පිවිතුරු හෙටක් උදෙසා ජාතික සභාව
Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution  proposed by the National Council for an Immaculate Tomorrow පිවිතුරු හෙටක් උදෙසා ජාතික සභාව
An Act to Amend the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka BE it enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as follows:  Short title    Amendment of Article 30 of the Constitution of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka This Act may be cited as the Nineteenth Amendment to the Constitution-... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

How far is the Sri Lankan Education authorities contributing to the decline of Education in Sri Lanka?
Shenali D Waduge
From the day a child is born parents rich or poor think of how to bring up their bundle of joy and how to educate him/her. Time, effort and lots of money is spent to educate one’s children at every level upto higher education. Children are thus expected to study and take their potential to greater heights. Education authorities on their part are expected to ensure that the education of the country at every level takes place in a seamless, uncorrupt and strategic way in order to mould the future assets of Sri Lanka. None of... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

Terror attacks in Canada
Dr. Chula Rajapakse MNZM
Dear Editor, The terror attacks in Canada Parliament & War Memorial  come as no surprise to watchers of Canada's soft touch to terrorism, especially when they are not the victims. Canadian prime minister Harper has been a most vociferous orchestrator of Tamil Tiger Terrorist initiated unsubstantiated criticism of Sri Lanka ,who were their victims for three decades. Canada has also provided safe haven to the largest Tiger Diaspora in the world. This is a message to other potential terrorists that Canada has a soft touch to terrorism that could be exploited . What goes around,... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

Fats and oils are necessary in the diets but in moderation.
Dr Hector Perera         London
While Fats and Oils are not a ‘food group,’ the Food Guide provides guidance on them because of their impact on health. The type and amount of fat in our diet is important to consider. While some fats are ‘essential’ to our diet, too much of any fat is not healthy. Fat is naturally present in many foods. Typically, animal products are sources of mainly saturated fats, while plant foods and oils typically supply most of the unsaturated fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats) in our diet. Diets that are high in saturated fat (mainly from... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

Annual Sri Lankan Students Alliance SLSA Battle of the Alliances 6 A Side Cricket Tourney and After Party on August 30th 2014
Toronto SLSA
Toronto SLSA would like to take this opportunity to thank all participating teams and friends at the annual 2014 Sri Lankan Students Alliance Battle Of The Alliances and everyone who came out to our TSLSA cricket after party at Cafe La Roche lounge on Saturday, August 30th 2014. This would not have been possible without the support from Jr. & Sr. TSLSA boards, our loyal members of York/Ryerson/Mac/UofT/Windsor/Western/Seneca/SLOYA/Thunderbay/Carlton/Waterloo SLSAs and their respective heads, as well as our first community team Brampton Sura Pappaz to enter the tournament this year. We would specially thank and recognize our events... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

The day that Canada faced terrorism
Asoka Weerasinghe  Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . Canada
24 October 2014 The Editor EMBASSY, Ottawa Dear Editor: I hate to tell you this that it was a matter of time that Canadians would come face to face with terrorism, and we did  on 22 October 2014.  We were never immune to terrorism while cynically slapping other countries, like Sri Lanka, for fighting terrorism, and wanting to bring those who fought to give the right-to-life to 22 million of its peoples by eliminating  the most ruthless terrorists in the world, the Tamil Tigers, in front of an International Criminal... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

 Ranjith Soysa
Dear Prime Minister Stephen Harper Canada came face to face with a terror attack yesterday and you have begun to tighten the laws relating to the National security. You have paid tributes to the Sergent -at Arms who got rid of the man wielding the gun. I fully endorse the steps taken by you and your intention to join with others to  fight the terror group ISIS. BUT, when I recollect how sarcastic and crude  you were when reacting to the defeat of of the LTTE -Tamil Tigers- by the Sri Lankan defense services , I think you... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

Character Assasination
By Charles.S.Perera
In 2005 when the then Prime Minister of Sri Lanka Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse was elected the President, the  Reuter  and the Western Media wrote,  the “hawkish” Prime Minister of Sri Lanka has been elected as the President. From the beginning the West went all out to discredit the President Mahinda Rajapakse of Sri Lanka.  The West even supported the terrorists and did every thing they can to stop the Sri Lanka Armed Forces eliminate the ruthless terrorism from Sri Lanka.  The President Mahinda Rajapakse  who was determined to end terrorism, stood unmoved like a rock in the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

Rajapaksa 'politically vulnerable' ahead of early Sri Lanka polls
Nearly two years ahead of schedule, Sri Lanka will go to the polls in January, with Mahinda Rajapaksa set to run for a third term; a move likely triggered by the President's fading popularity, says analyst Alan Keenan. "There will be presidential elections in January," Cabinet spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella said on October 20, failing to name an exact date. The move is seen as an attempt by President Rajapaksa to seek a fresh six-year mandate amid signs of fading popularity. Rajapaksa, who first came to power in 2005, scrapped the two-term limit on the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 25/10/14)

Clash of cultures continues with EU sponsorship
Nalin de Silva
If there are people who think that the Tamil problem is an internal problem caused by the intolerance or whatever of the chauvinist Sinhala Buddhists of the country then they must be suffering from Sinhalaphobia with a hatred towards the Sinhala Buddhists. When some Muslims claim that the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) is after the minorities and when the anti Sinhala Buddhists are of the opinion that in Sri Lanka the religious and ethnic minorities are not safe they are only expressing their anti Sinhala Buddhist prejudices planted in them by the English and other Western... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/10/14)

Why was Ranil invited to GTF, TGTE Forum?
 Chaminda Perera Courtesy The Daily News
Construction, Engineering Services Housing and Common Amenities Minister Wimal Weerawansa yesterday questioned the motive behind the invitation extended to Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe to take part in the forum organized by the Global Tamil Forum (GTF) and the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) in Malaysia this week. He said that the GTF and TGTE have organized a mega forum in Malaysia this week with the objective of electing a President and Defence Secretary to this imaginary utopian state. The minister added that these forces are in operation to defeat President Mahinda Rajapaksa... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/10/14)

Saving Talaivar Prabhākaran, 2009: Fr. Gaspar Raj’s Revelations in 2010
MICHAEL ROBERTS. Courtesy Thuppahi's Blog
 The title for this item is inspired by that riveting film from 1998 entitled Saving Private Ryan with Tom Hanks in the lead role.  KEY QUOTATION: “It is said that the LTTE was agreeable to USA’s direct involvement, but they were not agreeable to locking the weapons. The USA had also started preparing for the Mullivaikal operation. Accordingly, PACOM’s Naval unit, Marine Expediency Brigade, will land at the Mullaithivu shores; and the Navy and the Air Force of PACOM will also join in this operation” … being just one stick of dynamite in “Mullivaikal Last... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/10/14)

Saving Talaivar Prabhākaran, 2009: Fr. Gaspar Raj’s Revelations in 2010
Michael Roberts
KEY QUOTATION: “It is said that the LTTE was agreeable to USA’s direct involvement, but they were not agreeable to locking the weapons. The USA had also started preparing for the Mullivaikal operation. Accordingly, PACOM’s Naval unit, Marine Expediency Brigade, will land at the Mullaithivu shores; and the Navy and the Air Force of PACOM will also join in this operation” … being just one stick of dynamite in “Mullivaikal Last Stages: Facts Unknown to the Tamil-Speaking World,” by Fr. Gaspar Raj, an essay in Tamil translated by one “ M N” for Nakeeran and then presented to... -Full Story-
( - 24/10/14)

Saving Talaivar Prabhākaran, 2009: Fr. Gaspar Raj’s Revelations in 2010
MICHAEL ROBERTS  Courtesy thuppahi's Blog
 The title for this item is inspired by that riveting film from 1998 entitled Saving Private Ryan with Tom Hanks in the lead role.  KEY QUOTATION: “It is said that the LTTE was agreeable to USA’s direct involvement, but they were not agreeable to locking the weapons. The USA had also started preparing for the Mullivaikal operation. Accordingly, PACOM’s Naval unit, Marine Expediency Brigade, will land at the Mullaithivu shores; and the Navy and the Air Force of PACOM will also join in this operation” … being just one stick of dynamite in “Mullivaikal... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/10/14)

ජනවර්‍ගයක් ඝාතනය කිරීම ජනවර්‍ගයක් ඝාතනයක් කිරීමක් නොවන්නේ කෙසේද? When is genocide not genocide?
චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම
ටී එන් ඒ කාරයින් ජෙනොසයිඩ් යන වචනය අල්ලාගෙන කරණ විකාරය ගැන ශෙනාලි වඩුගේ පෙන්වා දෙන කරුණු කියවූ පසු මා විසින් 2009 මැයි 18 දා අයිලන්ඩ් පත්තරයට ලියූ ලිපියක් (වෙන් ඊස් ජෙනොසයිඩ් නොට් ජෙනොසයිඩ්) සිංහලට පෙරලීමට මට සිතුණි.  මේ ජෙනොසයිඩ් බම්බුව හරියට එළු පැටියා කරේ තියා ගෙන යන මිනිහාට, "මොකද රාල තමුසෙ ඔය කොටළුවෙක්ව කරේ තියාගෙන යන්නේ" කියා හතර තැනක රැඳී සිට හතර පාරක් ඇසූ හොරු හතර දෙනාගේ ප්ලෑන වගේය. නිතර නිතර කියන විට බොරුවක් වුනත් ඇත්ත වේ. නොබෙල් තෑග්ග දිනූ අය පවා මේ ටැමිල් ජෙනොසයිඩ් බොරුව ගිලගෙන ඇත. ටී එන් ඒ බොරුකාරයින්ගේ සිංහල ආක්‍රමණ (කොලොනයිශේෂන්) කතාවට විශ්‍රාමලත්... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 24/10/14)

Dr. Tilak Fernando 
Until the early 19th century, European countries adopted their own system of diplomatic ranks where comparative positions or titles were subjected to considerable dispute due to the insistence of major nations seeking superiority over minor nations. In an attempt to resolve the problem, the Congress of Vienna of 1815 formally established to adopt an international system of diplomatic ranks. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary became the head of a Mission. Among the Commonwealth, Head of the Mission was known as the High Commissioner, who represented the government.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 23/10/14)

Can Tamil National Alliance claim Genocide and Colonization
Shenali D Waduge
At some point in time throughout the past decade or so members of the Tamil National Alliance have been very liberal in the use of two words – Genocide and Colonization. The liberal use of the two words has naturally been picked up by media, human rights advocates and others resulting in a diatribe of allegations and hyped propaganda with none bothering to verify and validate before using the terms. Usage of the two have contributed to strong clauses in the resolutions lobbied against Sri Lanka at the UN and thankfully a commoner has come forward... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 23/10/14)

Sri Lankan begins process to ensure EU maintains ban on rebels
The Sri Lankan government said Wednesday that it has already commenced the process of providing information to the relevant parties in relation to a court order in the European Union against sanctions imposed on Tamil Tiger rebels. The Ministry of External Affairs said it was surprised at some of the recent statements on the outcome of the case filed by the rebels in 2011 at the General Court of the European Union in which the Council of the European Union was the defendant supported by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the European Commission as... -Full Story-
( - 23/10/14)

මම ලැජ්ජාවට පත් වූ දිනයක්
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න
ලා ස් වෙගස් ජාත්‍යන්තර ගුවන් තොටුපලේ  වැඩකරන  විවිධ ජාතීන් කීප දෙනෙක් මම මිතුරන් වශයෙන් ඇසුරු කලෙමි. අපි මිතුරු වූ මුල්ම කාලයේදී  සිදුවූ එක වැදගත් සාකච්චාවක්  මෙහි ලියා  පල කිරීම සුදුසු යය් ද කාලෝචිත යය ද   සිතමි. මින් එක අයෙක් වන ප්‍රංශ ජාතික ' රෙනේ ' ඔහුමට හදුන්වා දුන්නේ මෙසේය  මම  රෙනේ    ප්‍රංශ ජාතිකයෙක් උපන් රට ප්‍රංශය..  --- ජර්මන් ජාතික  ඇඩොල්ෆ් ''''මගේ නම ඇඩොල්ෆ්  මම ජර්මන් මගේ රට ජර්මනිය. අනෙක් පුද්ගලයා  අමරික  න් ජාතිකයෙකි  . ඔහු මෙසේ  තමන් හඳුන්වා දුන්නේය. මගේ නම  බොබ්. මම  ඇමෙරිකන් එහෙත් අපි එංගලන්තෙන් ආපුඅ  ය. එංගලන්තේ  ඉංග්‍රීසි කාරයෙක් මම  දැන් ඇමෙරිකන් කිව්වට. එංගලන්තේ ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/10/14)

බැසිල්  රාජිතට කියූ රහස
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න
නොබෝදා රාජිතගේ උත්සවයකදී බැසිල්   රාජිතව   අන් අයගෙන් වෙන්කරවාගෙන පැත්තකට කරගෙන්  මෙහෙම කිව්වා බව වාර්තාවී ඇත. ;;;;;'''' අපි මෙතෙක් ගියේ ජාතිකවාදීන් එක්ක  එකතුවෙලා  . දැන්  අපි හිතුවා  අපේම චින්තනයක් එක්ක  සමාජවාදයට නැඹුරුව අලුත් ගමනක් යන්න. ඒ හින්ද ඔයා  පැත්තකට වෙලා ඉන්නේ නැතුව බැහැල වැඩ කරන්න.'''''''''''       මේ රහස එලි කලේ රාජිත මය.    මින් අදහස්  කරන්නේ  වාසු ලා ඇතුළු මාක්ස් වාදීන් කියන ලෙස  මහින්දලා 13 a   ආදී  වරප්‍රසාද දෙමල අ  යට  දීම ට අදහස් කර ඇති බවද  හෙළ උරුමය රැකීම ඉවත් කර ඇති බවද  ජාතික වාදය ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කර ඇති බවද  පූර්ණ බලයක් තිබියදීත්  13a  සහ පළාත් සභා... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/10/14)

Revoking Doctrine of Discovery – Church confiscation of indigenous lands and providing restorative justice for victims by siphoning Third World debt
Shenali D Waduge
 Who is to be accountable for over 100million deaths and the confiscation of lands and territories, the elimination of entire tribes, the dehumanizing of values, cultures and the replacement of indigenous legal systems that prevailed? It is undoubtedly the Church whose edicts sanctioned Christian monarchs and explorers to ‘invade, capture, vanquish and subdue’ all non-Christians and reduce them to ‘perpetual slavery’ and ‘take away all their possessions and property’. This capture of already inhabited lands and territory and taking possession of them simply because they were non-Christian happened 500 years ago but still continues with these... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/10/14)

Teenagers from the West Fighting side by side with the ISIS
To the Attention of Attorney General, Mr.George Brandis (MP) Dear Sir,  Today the World is gradually becoming a very dangerous place to live as people have given different interpretations to the most abused words such as “freedom” “democracy” and “tolerance” to fulfill the selfish agenda of some.  With civilization from time to time different religions appeared in the World to introduce good virtues & morals with the hope that people may respect each other and live in harmony. However these very religions or faiths which were to make people live in harmony gradually started... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/10/14)

Right into enemy hands? ISIS shows off new weapons allegedly airdropped by US (VIDEO)
Islamic State has published a new video in which a jihadist shows off brand-new American hardware, which was purportedly intended for the Kurds they are fighting in the Syrian border town of Kobani. The undated video, posted by the unofficial IS mouthpiece “a3maq news”, sees a jihadist showing several boxes of munitions with English-language markings, with a parachute spread out on the ground beside.... -Full Story-
( - 22/10/14)

Obama admin withholding 2,100 US military torture photos
Courtesy  RT
Iraqi detainees stand behind razor wire at Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad May 17, 2004. (Reuters) Afghanistan, Bush, Iraq, Obama, Robert Bridge, Scandal, Terrorism, USA, War The Obama administration has blocked the public release of disturbing torture photos out of concern they would endanger US troops. Now, a federal judge is giving the government until December to justify its actions. The US government has been blocking the release of US military torture photos from Iraq and Afghanistan out of concern they could endanger US troops. Now, a federal judge is... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 22/10/14)

මහින්දගේ තුන් වැනි පාර
 ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න
 පුද්ගලයා  හොඳ නම් කාලයෙන් කාලයට ඔහුම පත් කරගන්නට ජනතාවට ඉඩ තිබිය යුතුය,. හොඳ නැත්නම්  නියමිත කාලයෙන් පසු ඉවත් කිරීමට චන්ද දායකයාට  හැකිය  දෙපාරක් පමණක් ඉදිරිපත් වියයුතුයය් කියා නීති හැදුවෙත් මිනිස්සුය , කැ මති වාර ගණනක් ඉදිරිපත් විය හැකියය් කියානීති හැදුවෙත් මිනිස්සුය. ඒ හැදුව  නීතියේ වචන අඩුවක් තිබේනම් එය නිවැරදිකර ගතහැක. ජනතා අවශ්ෂ්‍ය තාව එය නම්  එසේ නිවැරදි කර ගෙන  සම්මත කර ගැනීම වරදක් නොවේ.  දෙපාරක් පමණක් ඉඩදීම සාධාරණ කරගත්තේ නීතියෙනි කැමති තරමක් ඉල්ලීම අසාධාරනනම් දෙපාරත් අසාධාරණය එකපාරෙන්ම ගෙදරයායුතුය. . ඉතාම හොඳ කෙනෙක් ඉක්මනින් ගෙදර යැවීම රටට නම් හොඳ නැත  තවත් එන්න බලා ගෙන ඉන්න... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

Media Release: Minister Peiris refutes unfounded allegations against Ministry Secretary
MEDIA RELEASE  Ministry of External Affairs Colombo 
The Minister of External Affairs, Prof. G.L. Peiris has strongly rejected malicious news reports appearing in certain sections of the media recently, imputing impropriety on the part of the Secretary to the Ministry, Mrs. Kshenuka Senewiratne in the award of a contract for the renovation of the official residence of Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative in Geneva. Issuing a Statement, Minister Peiris has stated that while wrongdoing should not go unpunished, it is important to ensure that officials performing their public duty in good faith are accorded legitimate protection. This is especially so,... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

When an Afghan graduate visits USA
By NJ Thakuria
Guwahati: For an Afghan graduate from Asian University for Women (AUW), her trip to the United States of America was ‘about getting inspiration and hope’. Last month, Mursal Hamraz, a graduate from the Chittagong based  AUW got the opportunity to visit the foreign land on a speaking tour. Ms Hamraz, who arrived in the US on 25 September 2014, enjoyed a whirlwind two weeks of meeting people there until returning to Afghanistan on 4th October. Reflecting on her trip, which was sponsored by the Abbott Fund, Ms Hamraz wrote, "It is not always about meeting people... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

Why Executive Presidency Must Continue Until Tamil Separatism is Confirmed Dead
Dilrook Kannangara
The renewed demand and promise to abolish executive presidency (EP) is a red herring. It is a distraction to push a sinister agenda inimical to the nation. Those who promise to do it will never do it for various excuses. Behind the demand is the LTTE hiding in foreign capitals trying hard to make a comeback to lead the orphaned TNA, ITAK, TULF, ACTC, TGTE, GTF, BTF and the like. They genuinely want to abolish it. EP is anathema for their plans whereas ordinary Sri Lankans can live with it. The President quite correctly stated EP will... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

Terrorists win legal battle: How significant is the lifting of the EU ban on LTTE
Shenali D Waduge
The terrorists win the day. Petitions show the way. Legal snags are future dangers. Our men have failed to show the links. The 16th October 2014 judgment of the ECJ has annulled the restrictive measures imposed by the EU in 2006 against the LTTE. Before we make reference to the annulment exactly what were these restrictive measures and how far did the EU adhere to them. We are well aware that LTTE continued to be funded by the same organizations that are using the funds to project itself as the human face of terror with Prabakaran... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

GOSL Names and Bans LTTE Fronts : Nediyavan
Shenali D Waduge
GOSL has officially declared 16 organizations operating overseas as LTTE fronts and named over 400 individuals for their support of LTTE terror. The list gazetted in April 2014 declares the leaders of the 4 key factions. Father Emmanuel head of Global Tamil Forum, Rudrakumaran of US based TGTE, Vinyagam based in Brussels and Nediyavan operating from Norway. The last group is the most dangerous and is attempting to oust others by placing their own as heads of the other groups. The hold that the faction has over funds is noteworthy and requires the GOSL to use... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

කළු සුද්දන්ගේ සම්භවය හා ආධිපත්‍යය (4)
චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම
බුද්ධාගම කොට උඩ යවන්න හිතන තිසරණී ගුණසේකර!     2014 ඔක්තෝබර් 12දා කලම්බු ටෙලිග්‍රාෆ් වෙබ් අඩවියේ ධර්‌ශනී රත්නවල්ලි විසින්, ඊට කලකට පෙර (2014 ජනවාරි 26දා) තිසරණී ගුණ්සේකර විසින් "බුද්ධාගමට ද්‍රෝහී වීම හා ලංකාව කොට උඩ යැවීම" යන මාතෘකාව යටතේ කරන ලද දෙඩවිල්ලකට දුන් උත්තරයක් (ද ප්‍රැක්ටිස් ඔෆ් ඔනර් කිලින් ඉන් ඇන් අර්ලි බුඩිස්ට් සොසයිටි) කියවූ මට තිසරණී යන තැනැත්තී කළුසුද්දියකට හොඳම උදාහරණයක් නේද යන බව මතක් විය. තිසරණීගේ මාක්ස්වාදී පියා (එන් එම් පෙරේරාගේ ලේකම්) හෝ ඇගේ මව හෝ ඇයට දමා ඇත්තේ ඉස්තරම්ම බෞද්ධ නමකි. කිසාගෝතමී යන නමටද වඩා හොඳය. තිසරණී යනු ත්‍රිවිධ රත්නය සරණ යන්නී යනුය. මෙසේ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

කළු සුද්දන්ගේ සම්භවය හා ආධිපත්‍යය (3)
චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම
විදේශ අමාත්‍යංශයට අබ සරණයි     පසුගිය කොටසේ (අංක දෙක) ක්‍ෂේණුකා සෙනෙවිරත්න ඇගේ ඉංග්‍රීසි කඩුවෙන් ඇය යටතේ ඉන්නා ගමෙන් ආ නිලධාරීන්ට කොටන එක ගැන සඳහන් කලෙමි. කළුසුද්දන් කියන්නේ කවුරුන්‌ද කියා හඳුනා ගැනීමේදී විදේශ අමාත්‍යංශය නමැති කළුසුද්දන්ගේ දූපතෙන් බොහෝ කරුණු, උදාහරණ, ලබාගත හැකිය. විදේශ සේවා නියුක්ති කාර්‍ය්‍යාංශය විසින් අරාබි රටවලට යන දුප්පත් මිනිසුන් වෙනුවෙන් පුදුම ජරමර, විකාර කරගෙන යන නිසා ඒ ගැන මිසක් විදේශ අමාත්‍යාංශය ගැන මෙතෙක් හාමුදුරුවරුන්ගේ අවධානයට යොමු වූයේ නැත. මේ ලඟදී රාවය එහි ගියවිට එහි සභාපති "අපිත් හොඳ බෞද්ධ පවුල් වල අය" කියා කයියක්ද ගැසුවේය. විදේශ කටයුතු අමාත්‍යංශයේ සර්‍පයින් හා පරපෝෂිතයින් යනුවෙන් 2008 මාර්තු 7... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

Forces That Shaped Sri Lankan Literature

By Prof. Suwanda H J Sugunasiri (writing from Canada)    
This is my  Introduction to an Anthology of Sri Lankan Literature, co-edited with Prof A V Suraweera, as a special Issue of the Toronto South Asian Review (Vol. 3, Number 2, Fall 1984, 2-10). The first anthology to bring together works in Sinhala, Tamil and English within the same cover, here I provide an overview of the forces that has shaped the literature: Buddhism, South Indian Colonialism and British Colonialism,  pointing to both the positive and the negative dimensions of the last two. It also includes... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

Narendra Modi's BJP for Bharat Ratna to Sri Lanka's prez Mahinda Rajapaksa?
Courtesy Press Trust of India
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Subramanian Swamy has urged Prime Minister Narendra Modi that his government confer Bharat Ratna on Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa under whose leadership the LTTE was eliminated. "This elimination of the LTTE must be recognised in India as a welcome contribution to our national security, he said in a letter to Narendra Modi. The prime minister has acknowledged receipt of Subramanian Swamy's letter.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

Rajapaksa Hits Out at Opposition for Taking pro-Tamil Stand
Courtesy PTI
COLOMBO: Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has hit out at the opposition for "working" with the pro-LTTE Tamil diaspora in a bid to oust him. "They (opposition) are working with foreign forces to oust me. They have gone and met them in Europe. They have promised action to fulfil pro-LTTE diaspora demands," he said while addressing health sector workers here. Reacting against the European Union court's decision todelist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Elam (LTTE) from their terrorist list last week, he said, "European Union has lifted the ban on the LTTE. It happened within two weeks of... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

Dairy farmers in Sri Lanka to get 20,000 milch cows-Sri Lanka is aiming to become self-sufficient in liquid milk by the year 2016.
Colombo: Sri Lanka and Australia signed an agreement on October 16 to import 20,000 milch cows for uplifting small and medium scale dairy farmers under a programme to make Sri Lanka self-sufficient in liquid milk by the year 2016. Importing Australian milch cows of superior breeds to uplift dairy farmers and improve the livestock industry began two years ago in accordance with President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s Mahinda Chintana Vision. Under the programme, 2000 milch cows were imported in 2012. Through artificial insemination these cows gave birth to 1500 calves which were distributed among dairy farmers in... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

With eye on China, India to step-up military ties with Sri Lanka and Maldives
The Times of India
NEW DELHI : India will further step-up defence cooperation with Sri Lanka and Maldives, including assistance in "capacity-building" of their armed forces through both training and supply of equipment, in tune with the overall policy to steadily boost military ties with countries in Indian Ocean to counter China's strategic inroads in the region. Defence minister Arun Jaitley on Monday held a meeting with visiting Sri Lankan defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakshe, the brother of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, to discuss ways to expand the bilateral military relationship. On Tuesday, Jaitley will hold similar discussions with Maldivian defence... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 21/10/14)

 මහින්ද ගේ තුන්වැනි පාර
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න
මහින්ද දෙපාරට වඩා ජනපතිකමට ඉල්ලීමනීත්යානුකූල නැති බව සමහරු කියති. සමහරු කියන්නේ දෙපාරට වඩා ඉල්ලීම  අසාධාරණ හා යුක්ති සහගත එකක් බවය  .  තුන්හතර පාර හෝ දිවි ඇති තෙක් ඉදිරි පත් වීම නුසුදුසු නම්  දෙපාරක් ඉල්ලීමත් නුසුදුසුය එසේනම්  එකපාරින්ම  ගෙදර ගොස් වෙනකෙනෙකුට දිය යුතුය.  වාර ගණන  තීරණය කර ඇත්තේ පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ චන්ද වලිනි  ඉල්ලන මිනිහා වැලක් වන්නේ නැතුව  ඔහු හොඳ නැත්නම්  පත් නොකර සිරීමට ජනතාව වගබලා ගතයුතුය. බලයේ සිටින ජනපති  චන්දයේදී හොරචන්ද දාගන දිනනවා යය්  තර්ක කරන වානම්  විපක්ෂය විදේශ මුදල් යොදවා ගෙන අපේ ජනතා  මනස ට බලපෑම් කරන්නේය යන තර්කය ද වලංගුය. විපක්ෂයත් හොර චන්ද දාන්නේය.. මහින්ද... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 20/10/14)

An Open Letter to Moderate Muslims
Ali A. Rizvi
Let-s start with what I-m not going to do. I-m not going to accuse you of staying silent in the face of the horrific atrocities being committed around the world by your co-religionists. Most of you have loudly and unequivocally condemned groups like the Islamic State (ISIS), and gone out of your way to dissociate yourselves from them. You have helped successfully isolate ISIS and significantly damage its credibility.... -Full Story-
( - 20/10/14)

Due to Ranil’s shenanigans and EU lifting of ban LTTE TERROR CAN RE-SURFACE Opportunity provided for open propagation of separatism
Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) President V. Anandasangaree has warned the Sri Lankan government that the European Union Court’s annulment of the EU’s ban on the LTTE will be a push to revive the separatist, terrorist outfit in the Northern Province. The veteran Tamil politician told The New Indian Express on Friday: “Pro-LTTE groups both within the island and overseas have received a shot in the arm, and will now openly propagate the LTTE’s cause of separatism and terrorism. The TNA will now up its ante reflecting the LTTE’s demands.” Meanwhile, UNP and Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe who was on... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 20/10/14)

Sri Lanka to contest European Union-s delisting of LTTE as terrorist organisation
Agency: PTI
Sri Lanka-s EU Ambassador Rodney Perera is to travel to Strasbourg on Monday to attend the EU parliament-s plenary session and to mobilise two key committees, foreign affairs and security and defence.Sri Lanka will contest the decision by a European Union Court to delist the LTTE as a terrorist organisation and will send an envoy to Strasbourg to lobby the EU against the order.... -Full Story-
( - 20/10/14)

Letter to the Editor: Is this the solution?
Dr. Mareena Thaha Reffai, Dehiwela
Is this the solution? The news that a group of monks, representing the Ravana Balaya raided the office of the Chairman, Foreign Employment Bureau (FEB) on the 16th of October questioning the Chairman on his failure to protect the Sri Lankan migrant labour force in the Middle East,  begs the question “Is this the solution?” . The Convener of the Ravana Balaya, Ven. Ittakande Saddhatissa Thero, claimed that our labor force in the Middle East are ill-treated, harassed, sexually and physically abused on a daily basis and claims the Chairman of the Foreign Employment Bureau (FEB),... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/10/14)

Promoting Ranil  - 'Cutting off the nose to spite the face'
 'Abolish Presidency’ cry at this time of the country is nothing but a slogan introduced as a part of a well planned tactic by those who seek a ‘regime change’ by any means.  It is not surprising that those who were on the ‘Anti- war Front' and all those who fought against MR in both the Presidential elections (2005 & 2009) are making use of  “Abolish Presidency” slogan for their frustration. What is surprising is to hear the same slogan coming from some of those who were with the President since 2005 providing every support to win the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/10/14)

Power Hungry Ranil Shows True Colours As A Betrayer Of The Nation And Needs To be Brought To Task! 
Insight By Sunil Kumar
Octobber 17th 2014  The News caption reads:" LTTE favoured after Ranil POWOW!" The Big question is, "So who gave Ranil Wickremasinghe carte blanche to lobby the  EU court which has reportedly lifted restrictive measures on the  LTTE, the Sri Lanka Tamil terrorist group globally proscribed and  provenly dangerous or is this some kind of joke?  Ranil  Wickremasinghe is said to have lobbied the Court of Justice of the European Union which has ordered the Council of the European Union on Thursday to annul the restrictive measures taken against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) although it all... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 19/10/14)

Importance of Sugar in the Human Body
Dr Hector Perera        London
Sugar receives blame for many health problems, but without it, your body would cease to function properly. Naturally occurring sugars, such as those found in fruit, and lactose, or milk sugar, come from sources that benefit your diet. However, the sugars and syrups added during food processing and preparation, called added sugars, are viewed as a detriment to a healthy diet. Maximizing sugar’s benefits requires balancing the healthier and less wholesome sources. Excess Sugar can cause health problems Sugar has a reputation for causing health problems such as obesity, which can lead to diabetes, which... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/10/14)

විධායක ජනපති කෙනෙක් ම අත්‍යවශ්‍ය  දැ නුය්
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න
මුළු බටහිර  ලෝකයම  එකතුවී  ලංකාව බෙදන්න  හදන කොටි ඩයස්පෝරාවට  උදවු දෙන මේ වෙලාවේ  වෙන කවදාටත් වඩා විධායක බලතල ඇති ජනපති කෙනෙක් අවෂ්‍යයමය   ආණ්දුවේ මන්ත්‍රීවරු සල්ලි වල ගෙන ආණ්ඩුව පෙරලුවත්  කොටින්ට රට දෙන්න බැරිවෙන විදිහට  ජනපති ඉතිරිවිය යුතුය..ප්‍රභා මරෝඕ පලිය කොහොම හරි ගන්න දැන්  හතුරෝ ලෑ ස්තිය මෙය භයානකම අවදියය්. චන්ද්‍රිකා බලාගන හිටියට  රනිල් කොටි එක්ක ගිවිසුම් ගහනවා  මහින්ද වැනි කෙනෙක් එහෙම බලාගන ඉන්නේ නැහැ.. මේ වෙලාවේ ජනපති තනතුර නැතිවුනොත් කොටි ගණන් සල්ලි දී ආණ්ඩු සිටින දෙකටම නැති උන් සල්ලි වලට ගානවා ගන්න වාමය.  මහින්දගේ දහසක් දූෂණ තියෙන බව ඇත්තය. අනින් උන් ගේ කෝටියක් ඇත.. කිරි සුදු... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/10/14)

Nalin de Silva
 Every Sinhala Buddhist and probably many others would have heard of the dialogue between Arhant Mahinda Thera and the King Devanampiya Tissa (not theesham as some Tamil racists used to call him) around the famous mango tree at Mihintalawa. Pointing out at the Mango tree the Arhant Thera has asked the king "Oh king what is this tree?". The king replied "Ven. Thera this is a mango tree" . The Arhant Thera then asked "are there mango trees other than this mango tree?" The answer was obvious and the king said "yes there are so many... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/10/14)

අනේ අපේ හාමුදුරුවනේ  මොකදැ  මේ වුනේ
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න
සෝභිත හාමුදුරුවෝ  ජනාධිපති ධූරය අහෝසි කරන ලෙස ඉල්ලය්  ජනාධිපතිට විශේෂ බල තල නොතිබුනේ නම්  ත්‍රස්තවාදය  නිසා  මෙලහකටත් රට බෙදී හමාරය.යුධය ඉවර නොකර  ඇදගෙන ගිය ජනාධිපති වරු ඉන්න විට කට නොහෙල්ලු සෝභිත හිමි  මේ ජනාධිපති  ඉවත් කරන්නට දගලන්නේ ප්‍රභාකර  න්    මැ රූනිසා තරහටද  මුල් කාලයේ එහිමියන් කිව්වේ ත්‍රස්තයන් පරාද කර රට බේරාගන්නා ලෙසය. දැන් වෙනස් වුනේ කාගේ බහටද. ඉතාම හොඳ ජනපතිවරයෙක් සිටියා නම් කොතෙක් කලක්  බලයේ හිටියත්   කිසි කෙනෙකුට  ප්‍රශ්නයක් විය නොහැක. එයින් වන්නේ හොඳක් මය.පුද්ගලයා නරක නම් කාලයෙන් කාලයට  ඔහු ගැන තීරණ ගැනීම චන්දදායකයා සතුය. ඉල්ලන වාරගණන සීමා කිරීම නොව කලයුත්තේ ඔහුට පාඩමක් උගන්වා නෙරපා හැරීමය. වාර... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/10/14)

Cash-Strapped Human Rights Office at Breaking Point, Says New Chief
By Thalif Deen
Hussein of Jordan launched a blistering attack on member states for insufficient funding, thereby forcing operations in his office to the breaking point “in a world that seems to be lurching from crisis to ever-more dangerous crisis.” “I am already having to look at making cuts because of our current financial situation,” he told reporters Thursday, pointing out while some U.N. agencies have budgets of over a billion dollars, the office of the UNHCHR has a relatively measly budget of 87 million dollars per year for 2014 and 2015. “I have been asked to use a boat... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 18/10/14)

EBOLA – Humanitarian Intervention or Depopulation agenda or both!
Shenali D Waduge
On 24 April 1974 then US Secretary of State under George Bush Snr said ‘depopulation should be the highest priority of foreign policy towards the Third World’. Juxtapose that with Ghanian Nana Kwame’s allegation that people started dying only after the Red Cross vaccinations is certainly food for thought especially when he goes on to say that Ebola is a CIA invention to allow western troops on African soil. Ebola incidentally is a genotype weapon that is designed to kill only blacks and the vaccine serum only works on white people (Centre for Disease Control)! In... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/10/14)

කන්ද උඩරට ඛේදවාචකයෙන් බිඳක්   4
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න
වසර ගනාවක් ලුණු නැතිව ඒ වෙනුවට අඟුරු  සමග බත් කමින් සුද් දාට යටත් නොවී උදාර ලෙස  දිවිගෙවූ 1802 දී උඩරට සිටි මිනිසුන්  හා  1818 දීත් 1848 දීත්  හරි හමන් ආයුධයක්වත් නැතිව  සුද්දන් සමග ජීවිත පූජාවෙන්  සටන්කළ උඩරට ගොවියෝ  ඒ සියල්ල කලේ තම උරුමය රක ගැනීමටය. ඇපල්  මිදී හා වෙනත් සුඛෝපභෝගී දේ නතය් දෙස්දෙවොල් තියමින් සිරිමා රජය පෙරලා   එ  ජා. ප. ය රජ කරවා විවුර්ත ආර්ථිකය අටවාගත් අ  ය සමග සසදන විට එදා උඩ රටියෝ දෙවියෝය. මේ සියලුම ජීවිත පූජා  අමතක කර සුද්දන්ටත් අනෙක් විදේශිකයන්ටත්  අපේ රට දිගටම භුක්තිවිදින්නට ඉඩ සලසූ  19  48 රට බාරගත් උන්  ගහලයෝය. ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/10/14)

Papal Bulls: The crimes the Church/Popes ordered the Kings to commit
Shenali D Waduge 
The destiny of inhabited nations changed as a result of papal bulls issued by the Roman Catholic Church and the advent of the ‘Age of Discovery’. Contrary to what history wishes us to believe, explorers and royalty were steered by the Church and the Pope. It was on orders of the Church that Christopher Columbus set sail to ‘discover’ lands already inhabited. The theory of ‘discover’ has become law on the premise that these lands though already inhabited did not have Christians. The question of the legal validity and the morality behind taking nations and territories... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/10/14)

 Just a few days back, David Swanson, a well known American journalist and a human rights activist penned down an article, ‘Again the Peace Prize Not for Peace.’ The topic of this article is awarding of the Nobel Prize for Peace to Malala Yusafzai and Kailash Satyarthi. He says in this article, ‘According to  Alfred Nobel's will the Nobel Peace Prize must go to the person who has done the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses. The persons whom... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/10/14)

IMF-World Bank Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) ruined countries – fate of Sri Lanka?
Shenali D Waduge
 Latin American socially oriented governments have rejected IMF’s neo-liberal policies after realizing that neither IMF nor World Bank have any solutions or wish to give any solutions to raise developing nations from their poverty. Have the World Bank or IMF raised a single developing nation to a developed level to date through their policies and formulas? NO, not from Structural Adjustments or new nomenclature of Poverty Reduction Growth Facility (PRGP). All preconditions for loans and debt relief have been to benefit only the rich shareholders that they represent and who elect officials to office. World Bank’s... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/10/14)

Minister Basil Rajapaksa to mete out Justice to Dr Chris Nonis
lanka C news
At a meeting of the Ministers of the government,Minister of Economic Development Basil Rajapaksa has raised an issue on the saga of former High Commissioner to the United Kingdom Dr Chris Nonis with the Member of parliament Sajin de Vass Gunawardena. He had promised to have a impartial inquiry to the incident.He had emphasized that he had known well that the the former High Commissioner had worked in his position to bring laurels to our country in all International relations and discharged his duties to precision excelling in his duties and he had earned... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/10/14)

From the next UNP government land,police and the 13th amendment would be fully implemented.
lanka C news
The  leader of the Opposition Ranil Wickremasinghe has promised the people of the North that under the next UP government land ,police and powers under the 13th amendment to the constitution would be fully implemented. He had added that all people in the country should have a common law.The problems of the people in the North is different from the problems of people in the Sabaragamuwa.The Tamils and Muslims should enjoy equal privileges like the Sinhala people.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/10/14)

Red card to Sri Lanka: European Commission announces severe fishing trade sanctions
by greenpeace
Greenpeace welcomed today's announcement by the European Commission that it will take a tougher stance against the government of Sri Lanka for its failure to co-operate in the global fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The sanctions will extend beyond seafood import bans, covering all fisheries-related business with Sri Lankan companies and fishing vessels. Any such business between EU fishing companies and Sri Lanka must, as a result of today's decision, be put on halt. Saskia Richartz, Greenpeace EU oceans policy director said: "The EU is a major market for seafood products from all over... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/10/14)

කන්ද උඩරට ඛේධවාචකයෙන් බිඳක්
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න  
ශ්‍රී වික්‍රම රජු විසින් ගෙන්වාගන්නාලද වඩුග නෑයන්  රජු වටා රොක්වී සිංහලයන්ට  මදි පුංචිකම් කරමින්  සිංහලේ වඩුග රාජ්ජයක් කිරීමට උත්සාහගත්හ. රජුගේ  සින්හල උපදේශක සභා යට ගොස්වඩුග උපදේශක සභා ඉස්මතුවිය. රජුගේ විවාහ සම්බන්ධකම් නිසා ඉන්දියානු  වෙළදුන් හා චෙට්ටියාර්වරු සිංහලේට පැමිණ එවකට ලන්දේසීන් සතුව තිබූ උඩරටට බදු සැපයීම ආදී වෙළදාම තමන් සතුකරගත්හ. ඉන්දියානුවෙලදුන්ගේ හැටි දන්නා ලන්දේසීන් රජු හා මදුරාපුරය අතර විවාහ සම්බන්ධකම් ඇතිවීම වැළැක්වීමට දැඩි උත්සාහයක් ගත්තේ  ඔවුන්ට තිබූ මනා අවබෝධය නිසය්.  ලන්දේසීන්ට පෙන්නන්නට බැ රිවූ මේ දෙමල වෙළෙන්දෝ   ලන්දේසී ආරක්ෂක සංවිධාන බිඳගෙන  වල්වෙටිතුරෙය් මන්නාරම හා මඩකලපුව ඔස්සේ නිතර   හොරබඩු වෙළදාමේ  නියුක්ත වූහ. ප්‍රබාකරන් මෑතක මේ ජාවාරමේ නායකයෙක් විය.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/10/14)

කළු සුද්දන්ගේ සම්භවය හා ආධිපත්‍යය (5)
චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම
බෞද්ධ-හින්දු මිත්‍රත්‌වය (මෙම රචනා මාලාවේ දැනට ලියමින් පවතින අංක 3 හා 4 ප්‍රමාද කිරීමට සිදුවූයේ කළුසුද්දන්ගේ හැසිරීම පිලිඹඳව ඉතාමත් කාලෝචිත උදාහරණ කීපයක්ම පසුගිය දිනවල එලිදරව්වීම නිසා ඒ ගැන මගේ අදහස් දැක්වීම සුදුසු යයි මට සිතුන නිසාය)       ලංකාවේ පන්සල් වතු වල වන්‌දනීය (පූජණීය) බිමෙන් (සේක්‍රඩ් ස්පේස්) සියේට 20-30 අතර ප්‍රමාණයක් වෙන්වී ඇත්තේ හින්දු දෙවි දේවතා වන්ටය. බුද්ධාගමේ ඇති නම්‍යතාවය (ෆ්ලෙක්සිබිලිටි) හා සාධාරණත්‌වය (රීසනබල්නස්) නිසා එය පැතිරුණු ප්‍රදේශ වල සිරිත් විරිත්, ඇදහිලි ආදිය හා එහි වන්‌දනා මාන විධි වල මිශ්‍ර වීම් සිදුවිය. පව් කල අයට දෙවියන් ඉදිරියට ගොස් ඔහු අදහා ක්‍ෂමාව ලබා ගෙන මෝක්‍ෂයට... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 17/10/14)

ජාතික හෙළ උරුමයේ සභාපති පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්රී අතුරලියේ රතන හිමිගේ යෝජනා
ජනාධිපතිවරණයට පෙර ව්‍යවස්ථාව සංශෝධනය නොකලහොත් ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්‍ෂ පරදවන්නට වැඩ කරන බව දැඩිව අවධාරණය කරමින් ජාතික හෙළ උරුමයේ සභාපති පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත‍්‍රී අතුරලියේ රතන හිමියන් විසින් එළිදක්වා ඇති නව ආණ්ඩු ක‍්‍රම ව්‍යවස්ථා යෝජනා කෙටුම්පත මෙහි දැක්වේ... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 17/10/14)

EU court overturns Tamil Tiger sanctions but SL express concerns
European Union judges struck down anti-terrorism sanctions against the Tamil Tigers that were imposed by the EU but said on Thursday that the assets of the Sri Lankan group should remain frozen for the time being. The court said a decision by EU leaders in 2006 to place the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) on a list of terrorist organisations had been based on "imputations derived from the press and the Internet" rather than on direct investigation of the group's actions, as required by law. The Sri Lankan Government today said it was concerned about the decision of the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

Baggage pilferage irks Lanka expats
As if incidents of pilfering the baggage of workers returning from the Kingdom at Colombo Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) weren’t enough, passengers are now complaining of baggage being lost altogether at the other end. The latest victim was Rohaan Samath, who lost one of his suitcases at the BIA when he arrived in Colombo via SriLankan Airlines. Samath told Arab News that he lodged a complaint with the airlines, but after 21 days, has still not heard any word. “We have traveled many times to Sri Lanka on Saudi Arabian Airlines and never lost... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

JVP and UNP to take to streets
By Nalin de Silva
Who said the UNP is democratic and non-violent? It has to be somebody who has come from a different galaxy and not from the Milky Way. Since 1931, when universal franchise was introduced by the English, thinking that the Senanayakes and others who had a ‘decent education’ in schools they established could deceive the hoi polloi and look after the country for the colonialists, the UNP and its predecessors have adopted all sorts of anti-democratic methods. Giving away money to voters, terrorizing the LSSP supporters characterised that ‘golden era’. The UNP then graduated to stoning... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

How Desmond Tutu was given the real facts on Sri Lanka- LIFE ABROAD - Part 100
 Dr. Tilak Fernando
During the early part of 2008, Archbishop Dr. Desmond Tutu made reference to Human Right Violations in Sri Lanka and campaigned fiercely to oust Sri Lanka from the Council and Bar-election from the United Nations Human Rights Council. His stance being ‘Sri Lanka did not deserve a seat in the assembly”! The most Reverend Bishop visited London on Tuesday, July 10, 2008, to deliver a lecture at the MCC Indoor Cricket School at Lords Cricket Grounds. The highlight of the lecture was the Worship's reference to human conduct and fair play, in accordance with the spirit... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

SAVE ANOTHER 25%, possibly on the Electricity Bill, by installing  Rheostats (Dimmer Switches).
Susantha Wijesinghe.
I firmly believe that, by installing  at least 5 Five Dimmer switches by every householder, they could further reduce the Electricity Bill to a great extent. Dimmer switches will reduce the wattage when turned down low, in an area that is not likely in use by the residents but still wants the area lit up. A 60 watt bulb can be turned down to say 20 watts, and likewise, even a 100 watt bulb can be turned down to say 25 watts, thus saving immensely on the current consumption, which means less payment every month. Companies manufacturing Electrical Components can... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

Chinese state-run paper blames US for Hong Kong democracy protests
Associated Press in Hong Kong
People’s Daily blames National Endowment for Democracy State Department ‘categorically rejects accusations’A Chinese state-run newspaper has blamed the United States for being behind the pro-democracy protests that have rattled Hong Kong – a claim strongly rejected by the State Department. Thousands of people returned for sit-ins in Hong Kong’s main protest zone on Saturday, responding to organisers’ calls to boost a civil disobedience campaign that has paralysed key roads and streets in the city centre for two weeks.... -Full Story-
( - 16/10/14)

Taming the Tamil Tigers: From Here in the U.S (says FBI)
Shenali D Waduge
Appearing on the 1st October 2008 website of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation is a request by the US to Tame the Tigers from the US. The brief describes LTTE’s resume as perfecting the use of suicide bombers, inventing suicide belts, pioneering the use of women for suicide attacks and FBI says that the LTTE has been the only terrorist organization to assassinate two world leaders. The FBI describes the LTTE as ‘the most dangerous and deadly extremists in the world’ and affirms that its ultimate goal is to seize control of the country from... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

 Bilateral Security Agreement between US and Afghanistan
By Afshain Afzal
Washington is trying her best to compel Kabul to sign “Bilateral Security Agreement” (BSA), as early as possible. Accordingly, soon after the inauguration ceremony, the newly elected Afghan President Dr Muhammad Ashraf Ghani Ahmedzai authorized BSA. A similar agreement was also signed with NATO authorities. Statement by US President Barack Husssain Obama, issued by White House on 30 September 2014 , said that BSA provides US military service members the necessary legal framework to carryout two critical missions after 2014; targeting the remnants of Al Qaida and training, advising and assisting Afghan National Security Forces. No... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

කන්ද උඩරට ඛේදවාචකයෙන්  බිඳක්       2
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න       
මීට පළමුවෙන්  කල විස්තරය අනුව  චෙට්ටියාර් වරුන් අතලොස්සක්ද ඉන්දියානු කුලීකරුවන්  පන් ලක්ෂයක් ද  ආණ්ඩුවක් බංකොලොත් කල හැටි  තේරුම් යනු ඇත. වංශාධිපති  ට අහංකාර ටොරින්ටන් පවා  ඉන්දියානු වෙළෙදුන් හමුවේ අසරණ විය. එසේ වුයේ හිරුනොබසින අධිරාජ්ජයක් ද තිබිය දීය  මේ සියල්ල දන සිටි 1948 බලය ලබාගත්  ඩී  . එස්  ලා  වඩාත් සුපරීක්ෂා කාරී ලෙසින් කටයුතුකර අසරණ සිංහලයන්ට සහනයක් දිය යුතුව තිබුනත් ඔවුන් කලේ  අසරණ සිංහලයන්  ට තමන්ගේ ඉඩම් ආපසු නොදී ඔවුන් වෙනත් ප්‍රදේශ වලට ගාල් කර  සුදන් දෙමළුන් හා හම්බයන් සමග උඩරට ඉඩම් බෙදා ගැනීමය. පහතරටින් පැමිණි රේන්ද කාරයයන්ටද  පාලකයන්ගේ සහයෝගයෙන් විශාල වතු හිමියන් වීමට... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

GOSL Proscribed Father S J Emmanuel – A Catholic Priest linked to LTTE Terrorism
Shenali D Waduge
LTTE ground force including its leader were defeated in May 2009. LTTE remains banned in 32 countries even 5 years after its defeat. LTTE did not fight with sticks or stones but became a terrorist movement with its own aerial and naval wing with suicide cadres and Eelam bank issuing its own currency/notes, had its own Eelam court including an appeals court, its own police, Eelam ID cards. Prabakaran could not have run the Eelam show on his own. He had the men but the men needed arms and ammunition and together the LTTE needed propaganda.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

Inefficient Service Delivery at the Consulate Division
Dr. Chandana Jayalath
Authentication of documents is the main function of any consulate division of a foreign mission. Authentication section authenticates birth, marriage and death certificates, educational certificates, affidavits, police clearance certificates, copies of national identity card, passport, driving license and certificates issued by automobile agencies for international driving, various mercantile and logistics commercial documents etc. For this particular purpose, we have the Consular Division of the Sri Lanka Ministry of External Affairs, located at the 5th Floor, BOI Building, No. 14, Sir Baron Jayathilake Mawatha, Colombo 1. This division has also occupied a part of the 3rd floor... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

India paid Rs. 102 million election fund to TNA candidates who contested on the Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchchi ticket
By K.T.Rajasingham - Asian Tribune -
Colombo, 19 September, ( Latest reports reveals that Mr. V.Mahalingham, former Consul General of India in Jaffna paid Rs. 102 million (onehundred and two million rupees) as election fund to be paid Rs. 2 million for each of the TNA candidates who contested on the Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchchi ticket. Furthermore reports revealed that Tamil Diaspora groups in the West gave a total of Rs.57 million as election fund to the TNA when it contested the Northern Provincial Council elections. According to TNA sources who wishes to remain anonymous told Asian Tribune that the hot cash... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

Venerable Athuraliye Rathana Sri Lankan ruling coalition legislator vows to defeat Rajapaksa
Hot News
A Sri Lankan ruling coalition legislator Venerable Athuraliye Rathana has said that he would do everything to defeat President Mahinda Rajapaksa if he tried to hold Presidential election without amending the constitution. “What we see today is a dictatorial regime controlled by a few bureaucrats,” said Buddhist Monk Venerable Athuraliye Rathana, a legislator of Rajapaksa’s ruling United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA) coalition. His remarks came as a blow to Rajapaksa and his government, who are bracing up for snap presidential polls to seek a record third term. “There are moves to hold a snap presidential election based... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 16/10/14)

Putin Warns Western Companies of Permanently Losing Place on Russian Markets
It will be difficult for Western companies to come back to Russian markets as their refusal to cooperate with Russia under sanctions would seriously damage their reputation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said. "It is obvious that the decline in mutual confidence is bound to have a negative impact on both the international business climate in general and on the operation of European and American companies in Russia, bearing in mind that such companies will find it difficult to recover from reputational damage," Putin said in an interview with Serbian newspaper Politika ahead of his visit to Belgrade, scheduled... -Full Story-
( - 16/10/14)

Medvedev: Resetting US-Russian ties impossible
Russia did not intend to "send a message" to Washington when it withdrew troops from the border with Ukraine. Negotiations within Ukraine are more important for Moscow at the moment, than the views of the Obama administration, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said.... -Full Story-
( - 16/10/14)

I had only Sinhala medium SSC but acted like a medical doctor to save my dad’s life in an urgent emergency, would you believe me?
Dr Hector Perera           London
I cannot say that I do not think or my mind goes to the past and think of my dear parents, friends and relatives as well. I know the speed of light but the mind goes to the past much faster than what the scientists can evaluate. A rocket to escape the gravity, it travels at 25, 000 miles per hour but what is the speed of mind? Just yesterday someone was speaking about future people would populate in Mars, that’s quite possible with the advanced technology. According a web site called, it says... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/14)

කන්ද උඩරට ඛේධ වාචකයෙන් බිඳක් 
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න
1815 දී  මුළුමනින්ම පෑහී කන්ද උඩරටින් එළවා දැමූ  දෙමලු නැවත වසර 15 කින් පමණ  ඉංග්‍රීසින්ගේ ද අනුග්‍රහය ඇතිව ආපසු උඩරටට  පැමිණියහ.දෙමල වෙළෙන්දෝ ,චෙට්ටියාර්වරු හා අරක්කු රේන්ද කරුවෝ  මේ අතර  වූහ.1832 දී පමණත් උඩරට පවුල් වල හා පන්සල්  දේවාල වල තවමත් සුරැකී තිබූ රත්තරන්  සියල්ලම වාගේ චෙට්ටියාර් වරුන් ට උගස් කරන්නට සිංහලයන්ට සිදුවුයේ ඔවුන් මේ වන විට වැටී තිබූ අසරණ තත්වය නිසාය. සුදු රජය  සිංහලයාගේ ඉඩම්  පවරාගෙන  බ්‍රිතාන්න්ය වැවිලිකරුවන්ට විකුණා ලබාගත්තේ රන්පවුම්ය.වැවිලිකරුවෝ මෙරටට ගෙනාවේද රන්පවුම්ය.බ්‍රතානය රජයද ආධාර ලෙස ලන්කාරජයට මුදල් එව්වේ රන්පවුම් වලිනි. මේ අනුව කන්ද උඩරට ප්‍රදේශවල විශාල රන් තොගයක් එදා ගැවසෙමින් පැවතිනි.  කොපි වතු වතු... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/14)

Kovakka for Type 2 Diabetes
By Shari Jayawardhana
Coccinia grandis better known as Kovakka (Sinhala) and Kovakkai (Tamil) is a tropical plant belonging to the Pumpkin family. It is also referred to as Ivy gourd, baby watermelon,little gourdor gentleman’s toes in English. It is a common perennial climber that grows in woodlands, forest borders and open areas from sea level to about 800m in low country, especially in the dry zone of Sri Lanka. Kovakka is an aggressive vine that can spread quickly over trees, shrubs, fences and other supports. It prefers a sunny sheltered position along with a sandy soil.Cocciniagrandis is used... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/14)

Sri Lanka 39th while India 55th on Global Hunger Index
India has made some progress in reducing poverty level, but still ranks behind neighbouring Nepal and Sri Lanka on the Global Hunger Index and its hunger status remains classified as "serious". India was at 63rd position in the Global Hunger Index (GHI) last year. The 55th position in 2014 is better than Pakistan (ranked 57) and Bangladesh (57), but trails behind Nepal (44) and Sri Lanka (39). "Progress in dealing with underweight helped India's 2014 GHI score fall to 17.8 points. Indianow ranks 55th out of 76 countries, before Bangladesh and Pakistan, but still trails behind neighbouring Nepal and Sri Lanka," the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 15/10/14)

සුරක්ෂිත හෙට දිනක් වෙනුවෙන් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ප්‍රථම නිර්විනාශක පරීක්ෂණ ජාතික මධ්‍යස්ථානය
මාධ්‍ය අංශය තාක්ෂණ හා පර්යේෂණ අමාත්‍යාංශය
සුරක්ෂිත හෙට දිනක් වෙනුවෙන් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ ප්‍රථම නිර්විනාශක පරීක්ෂණ ජාතික මධ්‍යස්ථානය ජාතියට දායාද කෙරේ •    විවෘත කිරීම ආර්ථීක සංවර්ධන අමාත්‍ය ගරු බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මැතිතුමාගේ සුරතින් •    අ.පො.ස. උ/පෙ සමතුන්ට පාඨමාලා තුළින් මෙරට මෙන්ම පිටරටද රැකියා අවස්ථා කර්මාන්ත ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ ගුණාත්මකභාවය සහ සංවර්ධනයේ ඵලදායීතාව ඉහළ නැංවීම සඳහා පරමාණු ශක්ති අධිකාරිය මඟින් නිර්විනාශක පරීක්ෂණ ජාතික මධ්‍යස්ථානයක් ස්ථාපිත කිරීමට මුල්ගල් තැබූයේ 2011 ඔක්තෝබර් මස 07 වනදාය. එම අපේක්ෂාව සඵල කරමින් ආර්ථීක සංවර්ධන අමාත්‍ය ගරු බැසිල් රාජපක්ෂ මහතාගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන් සහ තාක්ෂණ හා පර්යේෂණ අමාත්‍ය ගරු පාඨලී චම්පික රණවක මහතා ප්‍රමුඛ සම්භාවනීය අමුත්තන් සහ විද්වතුන්ගේ ප්‍රධානත්වයෙන්... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/14)

Washington Is Destroying The World
By Paul Craig Roberts
October 07, 2014 "ICH" - The aggressive and mindless stance that Washington’s warmongers have taken toward Russia and China have shattered the accomplishment of Reagan and Gorbachev. Reagan and Gorbachev ended the cold war and removed the threat of nuclear armageddon.  Now the neocons, the US budget-dependent (taxpayer dependent) US military/security complex, and the US politicians dependent on campaign funds from the military/security complex have resurrected the nuclear threat. The corrupt and duplicitous Clinton regime broke the agreement that the George H.W. Bush administration gave Moscow in 1990. In exchange for Moscow permitting a reunified... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 15/10/14)

A multi-sectoral approach to dengue control
Dengue fever is rearing its ugly head again in India with new cases of infections and even deaths being reported from different States. The world’s fastest growing vector-borne disease, dengue sees an estimated 50-100 million cases being reported annually in over 100 endemic countries. Ever since its detection in the early 1950s, there has been a 30-fold increase in dengue incidence. Almost half of the world’s population is currently considered at risk of contracting dengue... -Full Story-
( - 15/10/14)

Rajapaksa re-launches Yal Devi; Wigneswaran gives it a miss
Northern Province Chief Minister C.V. Wigneswaran stayed away from a ceremony on Monday in which President Mahinda Rajapaksa re-launched train services to Jaffna. When contacted, Mr. Wigneswaran told The Hindu: “Our letter to President refers to our keeping away from all functions he is staging in the Northern Province,” referring to an October 10 letter, in which he said the Sri Lankan government had carried out consultations in the North without informing the Provincial Council.... -Full Story-
( - 15/10/14)

Mike Whitney interviews the Saker for Counterpunch
by MIKE WHITNEY for Counterpunch
The Saker is an ex-military analyst who was born in Europe to a family of Russian refugees. He now lives in Florida where he writes the Vineyard of the Saker blog and is a regular contributor to Russia Insider. The international community of Saker Blogs includes, besides the original Saker blog, French, German, Russian, Oceania and Serbian members and will soon include a Latin American member. – Mike Whitney... -Full Story-
( - 15/10/14)

Enemies of the President’s Promse: Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Seven Dwarfs – Sleepy (Part 3)
Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha
October 11, 2014 in Enemies of the President's Promise | Tags: C R De Silva, Darusman, G L Peiris,H. M. G. S. Palihakkara, Mahinda Samarasinghe, Ministry of Human Rights, Mohan Pieris, National Human Rights Action Plan, Rohan Perera, study group, UN, UN Secretary General, Walter Kalin,Wimal Weerawansa Enemies of the President’s Promse: Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Seven Dwarfs – Sleepy (Part 1) Enemies of the President’s Promse: Mahinda Rajapaksa and the Seven Dwarfs – Sleepy (Part 2) Mahinda Samarasinghe was asked to chair an Inter-Ministerial Committee to implement the Human Rights Action Plan, and... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/10/14)

Submission to OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka
Dr. Chula Rajapakse MNZM Spokesperson. United Sri Lanka Association
To:OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka. Dear Sir/ Madam I write in response to your call for submissions on   “information …on alleged serious violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes allegedly perpetrated   from 21st February 2002 until   15th November  2011 in Sri  Lanka by either party to the armed conflict.” The main basis of the UNHRC instituted investigation on Sri Lanka, despite the longer period of cover, was the allegation that Sri Lankan forces achieved victoryover the Tamil Tigers in their armed conflict at the cost of an unacceptably high casualty... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 14/10/14)

Cuba leads fight against Ebola in Africa as west frets about border security
The island nation has sent hundreds of health workers to help control the deadly infection while richer countries worry about their security – instead of heeding UN warnings that vastly increased resources are urgently needed... -Full Story- ( - 14/10/14)

Kanthar Balanathan, Australia
 1. ACCOUNTABILITY “Accountability”, in general, is answerability, liability and an expectation of provision of description and explanation. In governance, the accountability of the governing body is to the public and legislative bodies, and not to overseas companies, organisations or para terrorist forums. Below an excerpt from the US Department of State. "Government accountability means that public officials - elected and un-elected - have an obligation to explain their decisions and actions to the citizens. Government accountability is achieved through the use of a variety of mechanisms - political, legal and administrative - designed to prevent corruption... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/10/14)

Scathing attacks by Sx-Kx unholy couple on Nonis!
 The Sxx-Kxx unholy couple is going after Dr. Chris Nonis, who lost his position as the Sri Lanka high commissioner in the UK, with scathing attacks, internal sources as external affairs ministry told Lanka News Web. We previously reported that a fax message by the ministry had been received by the high commission in London on the afternoon of October 03, telling Dr. Nonis that the government had accepted his resignation and that he should relinquish his duties. Later, on October 06, when Dr. Nonis had gone to the high commission, Sxx-Kxx couple had sent a diplomat... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/10/14)

කළු සුද්දන්ගේ සම්භවය හා ආධිපත්‍යය (2)
චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම
වලාකුළක් ලණුවකින් බැඳ ගත හැකිද?     1494 දී හයවෙනි ඇලෙක්සැන්ඩර් නම් පෝප් විසින් යුරෝපයේ කතෝලික රටවල් දෙකකට (ස්පාඤ්ඤයට හා පෘතුගාලයට) මුළු ලෝකයම බෙදා වෙන් කරදීම කළුසුද්දන්ගේ සම්භවයේ ආරම්භය ය. සුද්දන් කලේ තමන්ට දර දිය අදිනා හා ඔත්තු සපයන පිරිසක් අල්ලාගත් රටවල බෝකරවා ගැනීමය. සුද්දන්ගේ ආධිපත්‍යයෙන් සටනක් කර ගැලවුන සුදු නොවු ප්‍රථම යටත් විජිතය, අද බලවත් සේ අහේනියට පත්‌ව ඇති හේති කියන බටහිර කොදෙව් රටය. මෙම කොටසේ ඒ ගැන ලියන බව කලින් කිව්වත්, කළුසුද්දෙක් කියන්නේ කවුද යන්න තෝරා බේරා ගන්නට කරණ ව්‍යායාමය හරියට වලාකුළක් අල්ලා හිර කර තබා ගන්නට හදනවා වගේ නිසා ඒ ගැනම තවදුරටත් තරක් වීමට... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/10/14)

ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස්: කෙහෙළියගේ ප්‍රකාශය 'අසත්‍යයක්'
සරෝජ් පතිරණ බීබීසී සිංහල සේවය
සාදයට සහභාගි වන මෙන් ඩිලාන් ආරියවංශ වෛද්‍ය නෝනිස් සහ එහි සිටි අනෙක් තානාපතිවරුන්ට ප්‍රසිද්ධියේම ආරාධනා කොට තිබේ පසුගිය සැප්තැම්බර් 23 වැනි දින රාත්‍රියේ වොෂින්ටන් නුවර පැවති භෝජන සංග්‍රහයට වෛද්‍ය ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස් 'අනාරාධිතව' සහභාගි වූ බවට අමාත්‍ය කෙහෙළිය රඹුක්වැල්ල කරන ප්‍රකාශය සත්‍යයෙන් තොර බව ඊට පෙර දින පැවති භෝජන සංග්‍රහයකට සහභාගි වූවෝ බීබීසී සංදේශයට පැවසූහ. එදින ශ්‍රී ලංකා එයාර්ලයින්ස් ආයතනයේ වොෂින්ටන් නියෝජිත ඩිලාන් ආරියවංශගේ නිවසේ පැවති එම 'පෞද්ගලික සාදයට' බ්‍රිතාන්‍යයේ හිටපු මහකොමසාරිස්වරයා සහභාගි වූයේ 'අනාරාධිතව' බවත් එහිදී කිසිදු පහරදීමක් සිදු වී නැති බවත් කැබිනට් ප්‍රකාශක අමාත්‍ය කෙහෙළිය රඹුක්වැල්ල පසුගිය සිකුරාදා... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/10/14)

Salt is a biological necessity of human life
Dr Hector Perera          London
Foods with salt But we live our daily lives practically unaware of this basic biological fact. The flavour-enhancing ability of salt is probably its best recognised quality today. Salt became a highly valued commodity from the Bronze Age, if not earlier, as its uses expanded to food preservation, leather tanning, cloth dyeing and medicine (Kurlansky, 2003). The only facts we are aware are that salt increases blood pressure and similar ideas only. Most of our food already has salt added to it, check the labels on almost any prepared food in the house. If you... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 13/10/14)

President declares open three MTLs in Kuliyapitiya area
By Janaka Alahapperuma
Mahindodaya Technological Laboratories (MLTs) built at three schools in the Kuliyapitiya Educational Zone in North Western Province (Wayamba) were vested in the students under the patronage of President Mahinda Rajapaksa on Friday, 10 September. The President declared open the MLTs in Kuliyapitiya Kanadulla Dharmaraja Maha Vidyalaya, Baragedera Anagarika Dharmapala Maha Vidyalaya and Bingiriya Sri Saranankara National School respectively. The President was warmly welcomed on arrival by the students, teachers and parents of the schools. After vesting in the laboratories with the students, the President made an inspection tour while looking in to their educational activities. The... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/10/14)

How many Tamils PAID to be TORTURED to get asylum in the UK?
Shenali D Waduge
We are talking about sterling pounds 5000-6000 being paid to be burnt with cigarette butt ends and face other tortures to enable British doctors to verify health records and endorse the torture as being ‘recent’ and to imply the tortures/rape were committed by the Sri Lankan forces. The monetary aspect fattens the purses of those making a business out of torture-asylum and enables foreign governments to use these examples to politically target countries like Sri Lanka to facilitate interventionist roles. Is the UK authorities silent because they are well aware of their role in this? Does... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 12/10/14)

What People In Pakistan Really Think About Nobel Prize Winner Malala Yousafzai
Malala Yousafzai won the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, spurring all sorts of congratulatory remarks from around the world, but the Pakistani education and women’s rights activist is still controversial in her home country. Conspiracy theories relating to her connection to Western countries began to circulate around Yousafzai soon after she was shot in the head by a Taliban gunman on her way home from school in October of 2012.... -Full Story-
( - 12/10/14)

Life after death? Scientists gather -out-of-body- evidence in -largest-ever- study
It seems that scientists have finally offered evidence that consciousness after death really could exist, as the largest-ever study into the issue showed that patients could recall intricate details despite being officially declared clinically dead. Researchers based at the UK-s University of Southampton, who were involved in the AWARE (“AWAreness during REsuscitation”) study, published in the journalResuscitation, claim that almost 40 percent of people who survived clinical death described some kind of “awareness” during the time before their hearts were restarted.... -Full Story-
( - 12/10/14)

Human Sexuality Discussed in the Jātaka Stories
Dr Ruwan M Jayatunge M.D.
The Jātaka stories or Jātaka tales are a voluminous body of folklore concerned with previous births of the Buddha which is based as a collection of five hundred and fifty stories. Originally it comprise of 547 poems, arranged roughly by increasing number of verses. According to archaeological and literary evidence the Jātaka stories were compiled in the period, the 3rd Century B.C. to the 5th Century A.D. As Professor Rhys Davids indicated Jātaka stories are one of the oldest fables. Rev Buddhaghosa who was a 5th century Indian Theravadin Buddhist commentator and a scholar... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 11/10/14)

සුබ්‍රමනියම් ස්වාමි දෙවියනි, ලංකාවටත් වඩිණු මැනව!
චන්ද්‍රසිරි විජයවික්‍රම
ජයලලිතාගේ ප්‍රාර්‌ථනාව     ජයලලිතාව හොරකම් වලට හිරේ දැම්මාට 62 ක් දෙනා ජීවිත නසා ගෙන හෝ හෘදයාභාධ සැදී මළේය. ලක්‍ෂ ගණන් මෝඩ දෙමල ජනයා ටැමිල්නාඩ් වල සිටීම පුදුම වීමට කරුණක් නොවේ. පුදුම වීමට කරුණ නම් ලංකාවේ ඉපදුනා නම් කොච්චර හොඳදැයි දැන්වත් ජයලලිතාට වැටහී නැතිවීමය. තවත් හංගාගත් ධනය තිබේ නම් ඒ ටික සමඟ ලංකාවට එන්නට වුවද පුළුවන් නැද්ද? සුබ්‍රමනියම් ස්වාමි ජයලලිතා හොර අම්මණ්ඩිව හිරේට යැවුවා පමණක් නොව සෝනියා ගාන්ධ් හා ඇගේ පුතාවත් හිරේ දාන්නට පියවර ගනිමින් සිටී. මෝඩ දෙමල ජනයා ලවා උසාවි වලට බලපෑම් කරන්නට ජයලලිතාගේ චැක් ගෝල අළුත් මහ ඇමතියාව නිහඬ කිරීමටද සුබ්‍රමනියම් ස්වාමිට හැකි විය. ඉන්දියන්... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 11/10/14)

Submission To OHCHR Investigation On Sri Lanka
Dr. Chula Rajapakse MNZM Spokesperson. United Sri Lanka Association
To:OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka. Dear Sir/ Madam I write in response to your call for submissions on   “information …on alleged serious violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes allegedly perpetrated   from 21st February 2002 until   15th November  2011 in Sri  Lanka by either party to the armed conflict.” The main basis of the UNHRC instituted investigation on Sri Lanka, despite the longer period of cover, was the allegation that Sri Lankan forces achieved victory over the Tamil Tigers intheir armed conflict at the cost of an unacceptably high casualty... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 11/10/14)

Ranjith Soysa
It is reported that the BASL has received funds from National Endowment for Democracy, a well known arm of the Central Intelligence Agency of the USA. Of late, BASL has launched its activities into many areas which are more of  political nature than stricly legal. Since NED was involved in many a political movements including forced attempts at regime changes and spurring international political movements aligned to the USA, it is absolutely necessary to initiate a probe into the transactions the BASL had with NED and to ascertain the related agenda and how the funds received were... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 11/10/14)

GOSL Names and Bans LTTE Fronts: Tamil Youth Organization
Shenali Waduge
 India was the first to proscribe the LTTE in 1992. US came next in 1997. UK followed in 2001. EU did so in 2006. Thereafter, the International Community began on LTTE fronts. US proscribed the Tamil Rehabilitation Organization in 2008, the Tamil Foundation in 2009. Canada proscribed the World Tamil Movement in 2008, France banned the CCTF in 2009. EU has yet to list LTTE fronts and should seriously consider so now that the GOSL has named 16 LTTE fronts, named over 400 individuals as aiding and abetting terrorism and these include Tamils who are holding foreign... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 11/10/14)

The nauseating plot thickens.
MP-s Rosy Senanayake & Sujeewa Senasinghe are gofer-s of Politician, Presidential Pimp, Baggage Boy, Black Mailer, Fraudster & Con Artist - Sajin Vaas MP Sajin Vaas Gunawardena, is known as -presidential pimp-, -baggage boy- -black mailer-, - fraudster- and -con artist- to members of the ruling family, has created a serious split between the president and the first lady, according to a very reliable source has now made headlines again by mercilessly assaulting respected diplomat at a function in New york.... -Full Story-
( - 11/10/14)

Scathing attacks by Sajin, Kshenuka on Nonis!
The Sajin-Kshenuka couple is going after Dr. Chris Nonis, who lost his position as the Sri Lanka high commissioner in the UK, with scathing attacks, internal sources as external affairs ministry told Lanka News Web. We previously reported that a fax message by the ministry had been received by the high commission in London on the afternoon of October 03, telling Dr. Nonis that the government had accepted his resignation and that he should relinquish his duties.... -Full Story-
( - 11/10/14)

Indian Defence Secretary calls on the President
By Janaka Alahapperuma
Indian Defence Secretary Mr. R.K. Mathur made a courtesy call on President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the President's House in Kandy this morning. Expanding training opportunities, issues related to fishermen, overall defence related matters concerning both countries were discussed between the President and Indian Defence Secretary when he met the President. President Rajapaksa emphasied that he has continuously maintained that cooperation between Sri Lanka and India in the sector of defence which is an important aspect of the strong friendship shared by the two South Asian neighbours.  The Indian High Commissioner in Sri Lanka Mr. Y.K. Sinha,... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 11/10/14)

Washington Is Destroying The World — Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts
The aggressive and mindless stance that Washington’s warmongers have taken toward Russia and China have shattered the accomplishment of Reagan and Gorbachev. Reagan and Gorbachev ended the cold war and removed the threat of nuclear armageddon. Now the neocons, the US budget-dependent (taxpayer dependent) US military/security complex, and the US politicians dependent on campaign funds from the military/security complex have resurrected the nuclear threat.... -Full Story-
( - 11/10/14)

Buddhism is a strong bond between India and China, says PM Narendra Modi
Agency: ANI
Expressing confidence that Chinese President Xi Jinping-s visit will strengthen the ties between the two nations, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said that Buddhism is a strong bond between India and China. "Buddhism is a very strong bond between China & India. In fact, Gujarat too has a very rich Buddhist heritage," he said on twitter.... -Full Story-
( - 11/10/14)

Nalin de Silva
The opposition is not attempting to win the Presidential elections, for the simple reason that there is no common opposition and hence it is not capable of doing so. The talk of common candidate is now history, with only Ven. Maduluwawe Sobhitha Thera and the supporters talking of good governance according to Western statecraft and not according to Dasharaja Dharma. Most of the supporters are from the old left or the left out of the left and they would not have heard of the Dasharaja Dharma. In any event for them Dasharaja Dharma is outdated unlike... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 10/10/14)

The Pass the Pillow Politicians of Sri Lanka
Shenali D Waduge  
The history of cross-overs in Sri Lankan politics is amusing to say the least. Political parties have no problem about the jumping jacks and political parties have no issues in passing these politicians like the game - pass the pillow. A game it is and all parties are playing the same game. They ridicule one another on stage but enjoy a good up of tea and a hearty laugh in the end. The laugh probably is meant for us – the Public. We the gullible and the fools end up making heroes out of zeroes... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 09/10/14)

Dr. Tilak Fernando
LIFE ABROAD – Part 99 “Mr. Hilary Abeyratne need not have confined himself to the job of a teacher with meagre emoluments. With his school background of student from the age of eight, Head Prefect, Ryde Gold medalist for Best All-round boy in his period, cricket Lion and family background, he could have got the best position in any blue chip company of his time. But he humbled himself to be of value to Trinity and for that, countless Trinitians have stood in obeisance” (Sharm... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 09/10/14)

Ahmadiyya Khalifa explains his recent Ireland Visit
By A. Abdul Aziz.
 (Given below is an excerpt of the Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Supreme Head of the world-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam, on 3rd October, 2014, at ‘BaithulFuthuh’, London, U.K. gave a discourse on his recent tour to Ireland. Ahmadiyya Khalifa said: The Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad -  The Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said: ‘According to the teachings of Islam the basis of the faith of Islam is only two-fold. Or it could be said that its teaching is based on two main... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 09/10/14)

World Fellowship of Buddhists (China) Conference 2014 Resolution to establish Standing Committee on 'Buddhism on the Internet'
Senaka Weeraratna Hony.Secretary German Dharmaduta Society
The 27th General Conference of the World Fellowship of Buddhists  will be held in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, China from 14 - 19th October, 2014. This is the first time that WFB will be having a General Conference in the People’s Republic of China. The German Dharmaduta Society (based in Sri Lanka) being a Regional Centre of the WFB, has submitted three (3) Resolutions to the WFB to establish three Standing Committees on: 1) Animal Welfare 2) Conflict Resolution, and 3) Buddhism on the Internet The following is the text of the Resolution... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 09/10/14)

Real motive for the assassination of SWRD Bandaranaike – communal mindism?
Chanaka Bandarage
 Some say the assassination of Prime Minister, SWRD Bandaranaike, was a CIA plot.  Given his conduct as a socialist Prime Minister, it is somewhat justifiable to make such an assumption, but, there is no evidence to that effect. Various other conspiracy theories have emerged as a result of the assassination; it is not the intention of this article to assess them. It is not unfair to wonder whether or not Somarama killed Bandaranaike to stop him from implementing the Bandaranaike - Chelvanayakam pact.  There is strong justification to form such a belief. True Bandaranaike made Sinhala the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 09/10/14)

Sri Lanka should be judged in proportion to the challenges faced by a country emerging from a 30 year terrorist conflict - Ambassador Aryasinha tells the Human Rights Committee in Geneva  
Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka Geneva
8 October 2014 Sri Lanka's Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva and Leader of the Sri Lanka delegation to the Human Rights Committee Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha asked the Human Rights Committee to “judge Sri Lanka in proportion to the challenges Sri Lanka has continued to face as a country emerging from a 30 year terrorist conflict". The Ambassador made this observation in responding to comments made during the consideration of Sri Lanka's 5th Periodic Report under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) by the Human Rights Committee, which was... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 09/10/14)

Enemies of the President's promise
By PROF. RAJIVA WIJESINHA Courtesy Ceylon Today
In May 2009, Sri Lanka seemed on top of the world. Under President Mahinda Rajapaksa, the Sri Lankan Government and forces had defeated the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, which had dominated Tamil politics in Sri Lanka. It had survived conflict with not just successive Sri Lankan Governments, but even the might of India. Though the Tigers had been banned by several countries, there was some sympathy for them in many Western nations who could not distinguish between them and the Tamils of Sri Lanka, who they felt had been badly treated by... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 09/10/14)

Enemies of the President's Promise - 3 Sleepy
By Prof. Rajiva  Wijesinha Courtesy Ceylon Today
GL's appointment as Minister of External Affairs, in 2010, was generally welcomed. Bogollagama had lost the election, which made the President's task easier since, given his complaisant approach to those who supported him, he would have found it awkward to replace Bogollagama. The only other serious candidate was Mahinda Samarasinghe, who had peformed well as Minister of Disaster Management and Human Rights. The Sri Lankan Ambassador in Geneva, Dayan Jayatilleka, who had done a fantastic job in staving off moves against Sri Lanka at the Human Rights Council, had refused to deal with... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 09/10/14)

Baffling post-war US policy towards SL
by Shamindra Ferdinando Courtesy Island
After having helped the Sri Lankan government to finish off the LTTE once and for all, the US has been relentlessly pursuing Sri Lanka on the diplomatic front. The LTTE fighting cadre collapsed in May 2009, following nearly a three-year battle dubbed Eelam War IV. If not for the US intervention, the Geneva-based United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) wouldn’t have adopted resolution 25/1 at its March, 2014, session, to pave the way for an inquiry under the auspices of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. Navaneetham Pillay’s successor, Jordan’s Prince Zeid... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/10/14)

Knowledge as construction III
By Nalin de Silva
Newton introduced the concept of gravitational force to explain the motion of the earth round the sun or that of the moon around the earth, though his gravitational force was not consistent with the concept of force as used by his contemporaries. If the western scientists were consistent they would not have accepted the gravitational force but that is not the way western science works or how theories (explanations) are constructed in that system of knowledge. As we have already said it was a "force" exerted by one body on another without any "physical contact"... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/10/14)

GOSL Names and Bans LTTE Fronts: Canadian Tamil Congress
Shenali D Waduge
The Canadian Tamil Congress joins a list of 16 organizations that have been declared proscribed by the GOSL under UNSC Resolution 1373. The scores of other organizations formed on foreign soil liaising with these banned entities are culpable for every crime that the LTTE committed throughout 30 years of terror. Included to the list of LTTE fronts should be members of the Tamil National Alliance who took oaths from the LTTE leader Prabakaran when it first entered the political scene as political proxy of the LTTE. The UN Investigating panel cannot afford to whitewash these LTTE... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/10/14)

GOSL Names and Bans LTTE Fronts: Tamil Rehabilitation Organization (TRO)  
Shenali D Waduge
What emerges from correlating and connecting the various fronts of the LTTE, how they have formed and who controls and runs them it is clear and shocking to acknowledge how Tamils would set up a cozy network for themselves and their families overseas and brainwash innocent Tamil youth to take up arms while ordinary Tamils end up providing the funding for a make-believe Eelam that they had been sold. The LTTE and its ground force may have created the terror but the means to carry out the terror was enabled by these foreign-based LTTE fronts and... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/10/14)

සජින්, ක්ෂෙනුකා ගේ වැඩ තහනම් කළ යුතුයි - රජීව
බ්‍රිතාන්‍යයේ හිටපු ශ්‍රී ලංකා මහ කොමසාරිස් දොස්තර ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස්ට පහරදීමේ චෝදනාව සම්බන්ධ පරීක්ෂණය පැවැත්වීමට ප්‍රථම සජින් ද වාස් ගුණවර්ධන මන්ත්‍රීවරයාගේ වැඩ තහනම් කළ යුතුව තිබුණු බව ආණ්ඩු පක්ෂ මන්ත්‍රීවරයෙක් පවසයි. විදේශ අමාත්‍යංශයේ ලේකම් ක්ෂෙනුකා සෙනවිරත්නගේ නමද සිදුවීමට සම්බන්ධ වී තිබෙන බැවින් පරීක්ෂණය අවසාන වන තුරු විදේශ ලේකම්වරියගේද වැඩ තහනම් කිරීම ජනාධිපති මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ විසින් ගතයුතුව තිබුණු ඥානාන්විත පියවර බවද පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී මහාචාර්ය රජීව විජේසිංහ බීබීසී සංදේශයට පැවසීය. පසුගිය සැප්තැම්බර් 24 වැනි දින නිවුයෝක් නුවර පැවති සාදයකදී විදේශ අමාත්‍යංශයේ ලේකම් සජින් ද වාස් ගුණවර්ධන මන්ත්‍රීවරයා තමන්ට පහරදුන් බව හිටපු මහකොමසාරිස් දොස්තර ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස් සංදේශයට පැවසීය. ඒ පිළිබඳව... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/10/14)

By Dead and  Missing  Person's Parents Front                                                     
NANDANI 'RAPE' STORY WINS HER ASYLUM IN UK Sri Lanka's Unfinished War a BBC Documentary presented by Frances Harrison fulfilled every criteria of an attention-grabbing piece of fiction. Unfortunately, the story that emerges is very much a piece of fiction as evidence will expose not only the story of Nandani but a  dangerous racket taking place in the UK manipulating the innocent  asylum seekers to live... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 08/10/14)

EDITORIAL-Enact the Animal Welfare Bill of the Law Commission
Today is World Animal Day. It commenced on October 4, 1931 in Florence, Italy at a convention of ecologists. World Animal Day has since expanded its focus from its original intent, which was to bring attention to endangered or threatened species, to a stage where there is a resounding call on humankind worldwide to reflect on all of the animals we share this world with, their continuing plight mostly due to man’s inhumanity, and to spur action to commemorate our concern for them and their welfare. Half the world’s mammals have declined in numbers and more than a third are... -Full Story- ( - 08/10/14)

Which one you prefer, Western style or Sri Lanka style breakfast?
Dr Hector Perera          London
There is a saying that even when you take a cat to Singapore, it will still be “Meowing” that means even when Sri Lankans live abroad they still prefer some Sri Lankan food. The tropical Sri Lankan breakfast is as great as the American or English one and offers a much more balanced diet with its accent on fresh local produce including fruit and unusual juices. Who would like to eat a breakfast with lots of salt, fats, additives and colourings? Say for example three or four bacon rashes, a few fried sausages, nearly a... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 07/10/14)

Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga is paranoiac
By Charles S.Perera
Chandrika Kuaratunga  besides being a former President of Sri Lanka, is a person representing a respected political family, but her random statements to the press has turned her into  a disreputable member of that family. She is extremely paranoiac and her statements on political issues in Sri Lanka are irrelevant, lacking mature political analysis.  She is driven by anger, hatred, and jealousy .  Hence she cannot think clearly and evaluate correctly the present political evolutions. She is in a way no better than the politicians of the UNP and the JVP, who keep harping on President ... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 07/10/14)

Changing the political culture of Sri Lanka : Advice for the Voters and the Voted
Shenali D Waduge
Democracy is meant to enable the citizens of the country to elect representatives of their choice and have the country led according to their choice. Supreme power is meant to be vested in the people and those elected to power are merely agents of the people. These fancy notions are good for the books. In reality the citizens have become the servants and the politicians/their spouses/families function like emperors. When the fundamentals of anything is forgotten or ignored trouble begins. The country becomes like a volcano – a time bomb waiting to explode. Essentially the fault... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 07/10/14)

UNP demands impartial probe into assault on Ambassador Nonis
Nonis could be classified as a person who tried to ‘do his job’.  The Diplomat’ magazine once named Chris Nonis as the ‘diplomat of the year’.  He was capable of achieving that singular honour from amongst 164 diplomats in Great Britain. It is indeed a rare honor for a Sri Lankan.  It is such a person that has fallen prey to his own indecent political masters.
October 6, 2014, 10:00 pm The UNP has called upon the government to conduct an impartial inquiry into a recent incident where UPFA MP Sajin Vass Gunawardena allegedly assaulted Sri Lankan High Commissioner to the UK, Dr. Chris Nonis in the US. Dr. Nonis resigned... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 07/10/14)

The 'Gampola Perahera' Case, Riots and Martial Law
The Gampola Perahera Case, which occurred nearly 100 years ago is of great historical significance. Firstly, the Riots and Martial Law of 1915 can be traced to this case. Secondly, the facts of the case show the commitment of our Buddhist people to their religious festivals and ceremonies. Thirdly, and very importantly, it shows how the Supreme Court 'toyed' with the historic Kandyan Convention of 1815 – like a cat playing with a mouse it had caught! Fourthly, how the then Governor Sir Robert Chalmers had to be recalled prematurely and a... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 07/10/14)

GOSL Names & Bans LTTE Fronts : Australian Tamil Congress
Shenali D Waduge
Is it not odd that scores of Tamils living across the world did not form into associations for the plight of the Tamils and against terror but did so no sooner the LTTE was defeated? Is it not odd too that these very organizations are echoing exactly what the LTTE aspired through their mission, aims and objectives and are all connected in some way or the other. Is it not also odd that we now discover with the ban of 16 LTTE fronts and the naming of over 400 individuals for direct connections with the LTTE... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/10/14)

Kunanayakam hits out at ‘hooliganism’
Courtesy: Dialy Mirror
Sri Lanka’s former permanent representative to the UN in Geneva, Tamara Kunanayakam said the assault of High Commissioner Chris Nonis is only one in a series of acts in a tragedy that opened in Geneva in 2009 with the same cast of villains, followed by other acts also in Geneva in 2011 and 2012, and still others played out in Rome and Paris. In a brief comment made on the incident by email, she said, “The method they used then to disarm Sri Lanka's representatives was mobbing. And now they have advanced to physical thuggery, and... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/10/14)

New York slapping incident
By Sunday Times Political Editor -Courtesy Sunday Times
There was heavy embarrassment for President Rajapaksa over a New York incident. It only remained a secret for a few hours. One local television channel still broke the story followed extensively by the social media. The moral in the story about the attempted blackouts is the fact that such cloaks of secrecy or giving spins to gain temporary advantage is no longer possible. They have a way of getting into the social media and reaching a wider audience. Such reportage is not always accurate and tends to cause even more damage to... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/10/14)

අනුර කුමාර, සජින් වාස්ගේ කැරැට්ටුව දිග හරී
– Vimasuma
මුදල් දීමෙන් හෝ කාන්තාවන් සැපයීමෙන් ජාත්‍යන්තරය මෙහෙයවිය හැකි යැයි සිතන වත්මන් ආණ්ඩුව ඒ සඳහා සුදුසු පිරිසක් පත් කරගෙන ඇතැයි ජවිපෙ නායකයා චෝදනා කරයි. මේ දිනවල කටාර්හි සංචාරයක නිරතව සිටින ජවිපෙ නායක අනුර කුමාර දිසානායක එරට සම්මන්ත්‍රණයකට සහභාගි වෙමින්, පසුගියදා සජින් වාස් විසින් ක්‍රිස් නෝනින්ට කළ පහර දීම පිළිබඳව මෙලෙස අදහස් දැක්වීය. “මේ ගුටි කන්නේ ක්‍රිස් නෝනිස් නෙවෙයි. මේ ගහන්නේ ජනාධිපති උපදේශකයා නෙවෙයි. මේ රට වෙනුවෙන් යන නියෝජිත පිරිසක්. රට වෙනුවෙන් පත් කරල තියන නියෝජිතයෙක්, තානාපතිවරයෙක්. මේ ගොල්ලො එකට ගහ ගන්නවා නං රටට මොකද වෙලා තියෙන්නෙ.” එහි දී වැඩිදුරටත් අදහස් දැක් වූ අනුර කුමාර කියා සිටියේ මෙරට... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/10/14)

Rethinking Superstition: Should Hajj celebration end up with 20million animals slaughtered?
Shenali D Waduge
It is both unfortunate that 4th October was the Animal Rights Day and two days later 20million animals lost their rights and are subject to a violent and terrifying death while 1.3billion Muslims celebrate. Is a God so bloodthirsty and will our sins be forgiven by slaughtering an animal who had nothing to do with our sins? We are not living in prehistoric tribal times. Our minds are far developed, educated and we have a power to think logically and humanely. Should these ancient rituals now be looked at with greater compassion in view of the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/10/14)

In defense of Burmese Buddhists
by Thar Lon Zawn Htet Courtesy: The Nation ( Sri Lanka)
Interview with Ashin Wirathu U Wirathu, 45-year-old Buddhist monk from Masoyein Monastery, Mandalay, who has been recently famous for spreading anti-Muslim sentiments and organizing the 969 campaign, was arrested in 2003 and sentenced to twenty-five years imprisonment for having distributed hate-speech documents that had led to the racial and religious conflicts. He was set free in 2012 January from the Myitkyinar Prison (with the presidential pardon). He led demonstrations for imprisoned monks in March 2012. He also led the demonstrations against the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in October... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/10/14)

Indonesian Ahmadis invite to PEACE.
By A. Abdul Aziz.
 As the world is facing serious conflicts and threats to peace, the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, who resides in London, U.K., has launched a special initiative to promote tolerance, understanding, respect and unity for a peaceful world. The Head of the Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad sent special messages of peace to several Heads of States including China, Russia, America, Israel, Iran, U.K, France, Germany and Saudi Arabia. And he has also addressed the leadership in Canada, Germany, Holland and U.K to follow the course of justice and peace for all. The Head... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/10/14)

වර්ෂ 2010 ජූනි මාසේ 17 වෙනිදා අප විසින් ලියා Lankaweb අඩවියේ පලකරන ලද ලිපිය වර්තමානයට වඩාත් ගැලෙපෙන බැවින් එය යලි මෙහි පල කරමු. ඒ මෙසේය. ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදයට කොන්දේසියක්
චන්ද්‍රසේන පණ්ඩිතගේ විසිනි.
අප කැමති වුවද, අකමැති වුවද, ව්‍යාවස්ථානුකූලව මෙරට පවතින්නේ, ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදී, සමාජවාදී ජනරජයකි. මෙම ආණ්ඩුක්‍රම ව්‍යාවස්ථාව මෙරට තුල ස්ථාපිත කරන ලද්දේ, උග්‍ර බටහිර ඒජන්තයකු වූ ජේ. ආර් ජයවර්ධන මහතා විසිනි. 1977දී ඒ මහතාට විශේෂිත ජනවරමක් ලැබෙන තෙක්ම, මෙරට ව්‍යාවස්ථාව රාජ්‍ය පාලකයාට පාලනය කල යුතු වාර ගනන සම්බන්ධව ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදයට කොන්දේසි පැනවූයේ නැත. ඔවුනගේ අර්ථ විග්‍රහයනට අනුව ප්‍රජාතනත්‍රවාදය යනු මහජනතාවගේ අවශ්‍යතාවයට අනුව පාලනය කිරීම වන අතර, මහජන අවශ්‍යතාවයට කොන්දේසි පැනවීම ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය නොවේ යනු ඔවුන් දැරුව මතය විය. මිනිසුන්ට අවශ්‍ය පාලකයා තේරීම, ඔහුව තමනට ඇවැසි කාලයක් පාලන තන්ත්‍රය තුල රදවා ගැනීම හා ජනතාවට අවශ්‍ය වූ විට ඔහුව බලයෙන් පහකිරීම යන සියළු... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/10/14)

We tend to forget the health aspects of food
Dr Hector Perera      London
As we enter a supermarket, we tend to forget about the health aspects of food. Most people know that too much sugar, oil and salt are bad for the health but I have my doubts how many of them remember all the health benefits of food when they went on food shopping.  Sometimes we get a basket and go round but as more and more things get into it, we might go for a trolley. When we go to the bakery section or to meat counters or to any other section, we always forget about... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 06/10/14)

DAILY MIRROR EDITORIAL : The cancer of corruption
FRIDAY, 03 OCTOBER 2014 00:00 At a time when the cancer of bribery and corruption has reached the worst proportions, the JVP on Wednesday made disclosures that were shocking. The Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna’s Voice Against Corruption unit gave documents with figures and details to the Commission appointed to probe allegations of bribery and corruption. The grave and the deadliest dimension of these charges are that they have taken place in the health service where for millions of people it is a matter of life or death. The unit’s convener and Provincial Council member Wasantha Samarasinghe in the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 05/10/14)

Sajin Vass denies assaulting Dr.Chris Nonis
By Mario Perera, Kadawata
 The following quotations from Tamara Kunanayakan and Sonali Samarasinghe neatly and succinctly sum up the personality of Sajin Vass and what is our national disaster.  Tamara Kunanayakam wrote : Sajin Vass Gunawardena, the man who runs the Foreign Ministry, and Kshenuka Senewiratne, his number two, are two sides of the same coin...these top "diplomats" continue their devastation not only with total impunity, but enjoying high patronage, promotions, and financial advantages...such hooliganism (the physical assault on Dr.Chris Nonis and the eventual cover up) on the part of Sri Lanka's top "diplomats" raises questions about the very nature... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 05/10/14)

කළු සුද්දන්ගේ සම්භවය හා ආධිපත්‍යය (1)
C. Wijeyawickrema
හැඳින්වීම බමුණු කුලය බිඳවැටීම     1956 දී ලංකාවේ සිදුවූ නිහඬ මහජන විප්ලවය (දේශපාලන බලය වෙනස් පිරිසකට මාරුවීම) මාර්ටින් වික්‍රමසිංහ මහතා විසින් ඒ වකවානුවේදී හැඳින්වූයේ ලංකාවේ එතෙක් පැවති "බමුණු කුලයේ" බිඳවැටීමය කියාය. නමුත් ඇත්ත වශයෙන් බලන විට සිදුවූයේ බලාපොරොත්තු නොවූ ආකාරයේ හදිසි කෙනෙහිල්ලකට ලක්වූ ලංකාවේ කළු සුද්දන් දැඩි අධිෂ්ඨානයකින් යුතුව නැගිටී සිටීමය. ඒ සමගම බමුණු කුලය යන වචන හෝ කළු සුද්දන් යන කියමන එදිනෙදා ව්‍යවහාරයෙන්‌ද ඉවතට තල්ලුවී ගියේය.     2014 සැප්තැම්බර් 28 දා කොළඹදී පැවැත්වූ බොදු බල සේනා මහා සංඝ සමුළුවේදී කිරම විමලජෝති හාමුදුරුවන් කළුසුද්දන් ලංකාවට කරන විනාශය ගැන සඳහන් කලා පමණක් නොව කහ සිවුරු... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 05/10/14)

The Sajin Vass scandal: Will they say Nonis slapped himself?
Sunday Times Columns
View(s):   Information that Monitoring MP Sajin de Vass Gunawardena was holding a news conference at 7.53 a.m. on Thursday. The briefing was to take place in one hour and 30 minutes. As last-minute advisories went, this one took the cake. But the media were raring to go. By now, it was widely known that Gunawardena had assaulted Chris Nonis, Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to Britain, after an argument in New York. News that the chief protagonist would now address journalists was hailed with unbridled enthusiasm. Another advisory came by 8.30 a.m. instructing editors and news editors... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 05/10/14)

Lanka bristles with expectations of change -Can Ranil surf the post-Uva tide?
by Kumar David Courtesy Island
Uva declared that the tide had turned, but the flood gates have not ruptured; it may be imminent or months away. The point is not 20% decline in UPFA vote from 2009 PC or 14% drop from 2010 general elections; rather it is the dynamics. The political stage is changed acutely; the Rajapaksa game has reached terminal decline. Lanka’s egregious misery cannot last, it has to snap. The worm, the pliant citizen, has turned, but when will chrysalis turn angry wasp? A related concern is the crown prince in waiting. Does Ranil’s scalp fit... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 05/10/14)

Festival of Sacrifice.
By A. Abdul Aziz,
 Eid-ul-Azha marks the completion of the pilgrimage to Mecca by Muslims from multifarious nations of the world on the tenth day of the Islamic month Zul Haj. It is obligatory to bring the pilgrimage to a successful termination with the sacrifice of an animal. Like prayer and fasting, the performance of pilgrimage is a mode of worship seeking the spiritual, social and economic upliftment of Muslims.  Pilgrimage accustoms a person to leave home and, for the sake of God, to undergo separation from friends and relatives. It also serves as a symbol of respect for... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 05/10/14)

Sajin assaulted him, Nonis confirms , Foreign Secy. also complains against Nonis; President orders probe
By Zacki Jabbar Courtesy Island
Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to the UK, Dr. Chris Nonis said last night that he did not know what the complaint made against him by Foreign Secretary Kshenuka Seneviratne was. He was speaking to The Island over the telephone from London, shortly after President Mahinda Rajapaksa ordered a probe from the Vatican, into a complaint made by Kshenuka against Nonis. "I have absolutely no idea what this so called complaint against me by Kshenuka is. All I can say is that I was assaulted by Sajin Vaas Gunawardena during a function I attended in... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 04/10/14)

So Who Is Sajin Vass?
By Sonali Samarasinghe - Courtesy The Sunday Leader This article appeared on 2006 07 02 in The Sunday Leader
A man is often judged by the company he keeps. President Mahinda Rajapaksa is no different. Already the President has come under heavy fire for his association with Ajith Nivard Cabraal, and questions have been raised regarding various business dealings of Cabraal and how it would impact on the nation’s economy given Rajapaksa’s recent appointment of him as governor, Central Bank. Now it seems that President Rajapaksa’s blue eyed boy and his coordinating secretary to boot, Sajin de Vass Gunawardena comes with a dubious track... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 04/10/14)

Dr. Nonis
Ira de Silva London, Canada
Why is the media in Sri Lanka and the GOSL being so vague about the details of this disgusting incident? It is a fact that Dr. Nonis was slapped in public by a minister of the government. There were numerous eye witnesses. That a person of the caliber of Dr. Nonis was attacked in this manner in public is a reflection of the low mentality, standards of behaviour and caliber of those involved. It is the responsibility of the GOSL as well as the media to ensure that this type of behavior  is reported as unacceptable and... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 04/10/14)

Rudrakumaran: What is the US stand on a US citizen, subject to Federal Laws being involved with the LTTE and its leader Prabakaran?
Shenali D Waduge
 LTTE was not only composed of Prabakaran and his ground troops. LTTE had and continues to have a very large international network of people who had been throughout funding, aiding and abetting, providing tangible and intangible support directly and indirectly and these people were not only Tamils but foreign and Tamils holding foreign passports. Their links and association with the LTTE over the years makes them liable to be charged under domestic and international laws for their crime in being part of a designated foreign terrorist organization. Rudrakumaran is a US citizen but US citizens are... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 04/10/14)

Construction Industry Development Act in a Nutshell
By Dr. Chandana Jayalath
An Act to provide for regulating the domestic construction industry is now in pipeline. Development has been purported mainly in terms of registrations, standards and fund collection with a considerable powers including acquisition of property if necessary. It provides for the establishment of two serious entities namely a national advisory council for construction and the construction industry development authority (CIDA) enjoying not only a perpetual succession and a common seal but also a heavy influence on the construction supply chain.  Working out a strategy for the ‘well-being’ of the construction industry is amongst the job... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 04/10/14)

Convicted Galleon Group Trader Raj Rajaratnam Now Faces Tamil Terror Finance Lawsuit
On Wall Street, Raj Rajaratnam is famous for being a perpetrator in one of the biggest insider trading cases in history. But he-s also the subject of another lawsuit that-s only just beginning. It involves money, death and terrorists. Three years ago, Rajaratnam was found guilty of securities fraud involving his Galleon Group hedge fund and sentenced to 11 years in prison. But later this month, attorneys will begin the discovery process for another case that dates even further back.... -Full Story- ( - 04/10/14)

Muslim Scholars Release Open Letter To Islamic State Meticulously Blasting Its Ideology
WASHINGTON (RNS) More than 120 Muslim scholars from around the world joined an open letter to the "fighters and followers" of the Islamic State, denouncing them as un-Islamic by using the most Islamic of terms. Relying heavily on the Quran, the 18-page letter released Wednesday (Sept. 24) picks apart the extremist ideology of the militants who have left a wake of brutal death and destruction in their bid to establish a transnational Islamic state in Iraq and Syria.... -Full Story- ( - 04/10/14)

The end of 'Buddhist-cheating' politics in Sri Lanka
C. Wijeyawickrema, B.A (Hons.), LL.B., M.A., Ph.D.
"In some cases non-violence requires more militancy than violence."- Cesar Chavez "I want to get out with my greatness intact."- Muhammad Ali  The 1873 Great Panadura Debate           The oration of Ven. Galaboda Atte Gnanasara Thero at the Great Conference of 5,000 Buddhist Monks, held on September 28, 2014 in Colombo, Sri Lanka, is comparable to the verbal fight of Ven. Migettuwatte Gunananda at the Great Panadura Debate of 1873.  That debate in 1873, ended the official and unofficial harassment and humiliation directed against helpless Buddhists in the then Ceylon (English pronunciation of the... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 04/10/14)

V.Aandasangaree Secretary General -TULF
Hon. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India New Delhi. Your Excellency, LET US BE HONEST BY OUR PEOPLE I am the Secretary General of the Tamil United Liberation Front, a position held by the Late Mr. A. Amirthalingam before his assassination in 1989 . Due to my strong commitments to non-violence I was selected to receive the UNESCO’s Madanjeetsingh award for the Promotion of Tolerance and Non-violence for the year 2006. I also served as a Member of Parliament for 17 years. The TULF was founded by the Late Hon. S.J.V. Chelvanayagam a Queen’s... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 04/10/14)

Russian Diplomat’s Speech Depicts the West as Hypocritical
Russia’s foreign minister delivered a strident denunciation of the United States and its allies on Saturday, using his speech at the annual United Nations General Assembly session to depict the West as an arrogant and hypocritical arbiter of “what is good or evil.”... -Full Story-
( - 04/10/14)

"බලශක්තිය" ඊළඟ මැතිවරණයේ තීරණාත්මක මාතෘකාවක් විය යුතුය
-    ඇමති පාඨලී චම්පික -
ඛනිජතෙල් සංස්ථාවත් විදුලිබල මණ්ඩලයත් මේ රටේ තිබෙන වැදගත්ම ආයතන දෙකක් වන අතර මෙහි ආදායම් හා වියදම් ප්‍රධාන ලෙසම රටේ ආර්ථීකයට බලපානු ලබන හෙයින් මෙම ආයතන දෙක පාඩු ලබන්නේත් නොමැතිව ලාබ ලබන්නෙත් නොමැතිව පවත්වා ගැනීම අත්‍යාවශ්‍ය වේ. එහෙත් ලංවිම බිලියන 40 ක් මහජන බැංකුවටත්, ඛනිතෙල් නීතිගත සංස්ථාව බිලියන 221 ක් ලංකා බැංකුවටත් ණය වී සිටින බව තාක්ෂණ හා පර්යේෂණ අමාත්‍ය පාඨලී චම්පික රණවක මහතා අවධාරණය කර සිටී. අමාත්‍යවරයා මේ බව සඳහන් කරසිටියේ පසුගියදා "ලෝක දේශගුණික විපර්යාස සමුළුව සහ ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ බලශක්ති මිල සූත්‍රයකට ඇති අවශ්‍යතාවය" මැයෙන් බලශක්ති සංසදය විසින් ශ්‍රී ලංකා පදනම් ආයතනයේ පවත්වන ලද... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

September is gone and so is JAYALALITHAA
Nalin de Silva
 In September last year almost all the news media hostile to the government were busy with reports on Geneva and the United Nations Human Rights Commission meetings with Navi Pillai heading the headlines. In fact some electronic news media that could be called government were also busy in telling the Sri Lankans how much they knew of Geneva and the UNHRC. If not for the news coverage by the pundits in the local media the Sri Lankans, especially the Sinhalas would not have known much about Navi Pillai and her friends who are from the West... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

APFEJ bats for early flood warning system
Nava Thakuria, Secretary, APFEJ,
Dhaka, 3 October 2014: Asia-Pacific Forum of Environmental Journalists (APFEJ) has emphasized on an advanced national and international early flood warning system to prevent the casualties and loss of properties to a great extent. The umbrella environment journalist forum urges the respective governments of Asia Pacific region to initiate for such scientific system and share with the neighboring nations. Mentioning about the recent floods in northeast India, the forum expresses concern that the natural calamity has snatched the lives of over 150 persons in Arunachal Pradesh, Assam and Meghalaya. The last wave of flood just... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

Sri Lanka too needs a Dr. Subramaniam Swamy!
Shenali D Waduge
 Do we have a politician as clean as Dr. Swamy? Sadly, we do not. Have we a politician that has challenged Prime Ministers, Chief Ministers and other high ranking officials? Sadly, we do not. Do we have politicians of the calibre of Dr. Swamy who have got elected to office without coming through the backdoor as the one’s we have carrying policies detrimental to Sri Lanka’s identity? We do not. What is wonderful about Dr. Swamy and a thing that Sri Lanka’s politicians should envy is that Dr. Swamy is undoubtedly a Mr. Clean - no... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

Complexity theories, science and scientism  
By Shelton A. Gunaratne (1)
I am both a journalist and a social science scholar. I have authored several publications on the shortcomings of social science, a creation of Western thought, and the need to De-Westernize it by seeking the “truth” through a method combining systems thinking, complexity theories and quantum physics—all of which are more compatible with universal or “humanocentric” thought. Perhaps because of this background, the editor of a scholarly journal in communication studies recently assigned me to review a manuscript on complexity on a double-blind basis. This means that I have no clue on who authored... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

Dysfunctional American leadership leads to new global disorder
H.L. D. Mahindapala
 Last week President Barack Obama notched one more killing field to his list of countries he has already bombed. With absolute contempt for international law or international humanitarian law he has moved according to the dictates of his political necessities to bomb Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, Somalia, Yemen, and Lebanon – all of which are Muslim countries. Last week he added Syria as his seventh killing field – an act which he justified in the name of crushing intransigent and cruel terrorism of ISIL. This escalating list does not prove that America is “the most powerful nation... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

Sri Lankan President orders a high-profile investigation assault on High Commissioner- Report
Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa has ordered to conduct a high-profile investigation in to the alleged assault on Sri Lankan High Commissioner for the United Kingdom, Dr. Chris Nonis by a ruling party parliamentarian, a local media report said. Sri Lanka's national news agency, Lankapuvath reported that the President has ordered the investigation into the incident where the High Commissioner was assaulted by the government MP at a function in the United States recently. It has been reported that following the assault, Dr. Nonis had tendered his resignations letter to the External Affairs Minister Prof. G. L. Peiris. However, the... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

No softening of stand on Sri Lanka: US 
The United State Thursday dismissed Sri Lankan media reports which said that Secretary of State John Kerry indicated a softening in the U.S. position on Sri Lanka. Jen Psaki, Spokesperson of the U.S. State Department at the press briefing said there U.S. policy with regard to Sri Lanka has not changed and it certainly has not softened. Sri Lankan media reported that President Mahinda Rajapaksa had reportedly told the Cabinet meeting that his discussions with Secretary of State John Kerry had made him realized that the US had softened its stance on Sri Lanka. Dismissing the report, Psaki... -Full Story- (LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

SBS Documentary on Torture Claims by Returned Asylum Seekers. A narrative of crass journalism
Dr D.Chandraratna, Perth
Yesterday (2/10/14) on the Australian Television (SBS) network was a scurrilous attack on Sri Lanka by a journalist David Corlett, Ph.D. who was doing a shallow type of investigative reporting on the torture of asylum seekers who were returned to Sri Lanka. The manner of unbalanced reporting was so surreal that the nut job can be laughed out of court.  A public broadcasters responsibility to a community must be presenting factual material rather than moral posturing through a social engineering job to seek fame. First, it was the case of a female (Asuni) and a male... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

Sri Lanka asks refugee receiving countries to expedite processes of finalizing resettlement claims
Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka Geneva
Sri Lanka has called on refugee receiving countries to expedite the processes of finalizing resettlement claims and to also assist UNHCR to enhance its resource capacity, in order to overcome present difficulties being experienced in Sri Lanka on account of rapid influx of refugees/asylum seekers. Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva and CDA a.i. Mrs. Samantha Jayasuriya in a statement to the  65th Session of the Executive Committee of the UNHCR on Thursday in Geneva (2 October 2014), said despite not being a signatory to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, Sri... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

DCD පරීක්ෂා 100% ක් නිවැරදි බවට ITI තහවුරු කරයි
තම අමාත්‍යාංශය හෝ ආයතන මුදලට ගත නොහැකි බව ඇමති චම්පික පවසයි. වෙළෙඳ දැන්වීම් තරඟයකට ගොස් මහජනයා මුලා නොකරන ලෙස ඇමති චම්පිකගෙන් ඉල්ලීමක්.
2013 වර්ෂයේ ජුලි මාසයේ සිට මේ දක්වා කිරිපිටි නියැඳි 1190 ක DCD පරීක්ෂාව සිදුකර ඇති බව කාර්මික තාක්ෂණ ආයතනය පවසයි. මේ වන විටත් සෞඛ්‍ය අමාත්‍යාංශයේ ඉල්ලීමකට අනුව කිරිපිටි නියැඳි 13 ක DCD පරීක්ෂාව සිදු කරන බවද ITI ආයතනය පෙන්වා දෙයි. 2013 වසරේ ජුලි සහ ඔක්තෝබර් අතර කාලයේ කිරිපිටිවල සිදුකළ DCD පරීක්ෂාවෙන් එම නියැඳිවලින් 20 % ක ප්‍රමාණයක DCD පැවති බවට තහවුරු විය.   අදවන විට කිරිපිටිවල සිදුකළ DCD පරීක්ෂාව පිළිබඳව සමාජයේ විවිධ මත ගොඩනැගීමට ඇතැම් මාධ්‍ය කටයුතු... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

 Countless questions need serious pondering over the issues along the Durand line. What are the factors which never let Pakistan and Afghanistan, the two Islamic countries, come closer; why has the official relationship between these two Islamic countries never been very cordial and genial; what is the actual nature of conflict between these two neighbouring countries; whether this conflict is a clash of two nations or an artificially created air of distrust and misunderstandings by the political hi-ups? Whatever be the reason, it is a day-light fact that the distances between the two countries are always widening.... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

Sajin cancels media briefing, rushes to Vatican with Prez
by Zacki Jabbar
Having profusely apologised for the inconvenience caused, the extremely courteous official explained that Gunawardena had been compelled to rush to the airport and join President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who would invite Pope Francis to visit Sri Lanka early next year. "Mr. Gunawardena will hold a press conference when he returns in about a week’s time."... -Full Story-
(The Island - 03/10/14)

Kshenuka caused Sajin-Chris incident!
External affairs ministry secretary Kshenuka Seneviratne has caused the incident involving Sri Lankan high commissioner in UK Dr. Chris Nonis and the ministry’s supervising MP Sajin Vaas Gunawardena at a party at the home of Dilan Ariyawansa in New Jersy on September 23.... -Full Story- ( - 03/10/14)

Faith Inspiring Events in Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.
By A. Abdul Aziz.
 (Given below is an excerpt of the Friday Sermon delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, Supreme Head of the world-wide Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Islam, on 12th September, 2014, at ‘BaithulFuthuh’, London, U.K. gave a discourse on Faith Inspiring Events that occurs in the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. ) Ahmadiyya Khalifa said: I recently received a letter from USA in which an Ahmadī wrote how he was inspired by listening to my address at the recently concluded Convention (Jalsa Sālāna) UK about people coming into the fold of Ahmadiyyat (Ahmadiyya Muslim community in Islam). His Holiness... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 03/10/14)

Putin: Actions of foreign governments absolutely foolish
External restrictions create an additional incentive for Russia to focus more on priority areas of development, Russian President Vladimir Putin at Russia Calling Forum. Sanctions are harmful not only for the Russian, but also for the entire world economy, Putin said. Yet, sanctions "strengthen our determination to achieve results in priority areas of the development of the country."... -Full Story- ( - 03/10/14)

Amnesty bats for Chin farmer’s safety
By NJ Thakuria
Guwahati: Amnesty International has urged the Burma government in NayPieTaw to allow six farmers from Chin province ‘to return to their homes in safety and without fear of reprisal’, as they are now hiding after facing tortures from the Burmese Army personnel. Chin farmers namely U Maung Sein, U Kyaw Aung, U Aye Hla, U Aung Kyaw Hla, U Kyaw Myint Oo and U Aung So were subjected to ill-treatment and torture by the Burmese men in uniform and they are still ‘at risk of further human rights violations after speaking out publicly about their ordeal’,... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 02/10/14)

UNP wants impartial probe into ‘assault’ on Nonis by govt. MP
by Zacki Jabbar
The UNP yesterday called for an impartial inquiry into the alleged assault on Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner to the UK Chris Nonis by a powerful government politician during a recent event in New York.Asked if he was back in the UK, Dr. Nonis said "Yes, but I do not want to talk about the incident".... -Full Story-
(The Island - 02/10/14)

The Interfaith Drama in Sri Lanka (Come and Examine vs. come and believe)
At the Maha Sangha Conference of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS), held on September 28, 2014, in Colombo Sri Lanka, the BBS General Secretary challenged the Muslims leaders sending bogus petitions to UN agencies to explain if they accept or not accept five specially identified verses in the Koran, because these verses refer to harming or killing the infidels (Buddhists, Hindus, Christians). After listening to this speech, I did an Internet web search on this topic and found lots of information. One website listed 109 “violence” verses found in the Koran. Another website claims 164 such verses. Rather... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 01/10/14)

Sri Lanka: Public Litigation Case filed against TNA for ‘Genocide’ & ‘Colonization’ claim
 Shenali D Waduge
Sri Lanka may not have an equivalent to Dr. Subramaniam Swamy but Sri Lanka is seeing a rise in concerned public coming to the fore to move the legal structures to say in no uncertain terms that the public has had enough of the lies, distortions and humiliations by the TNA against the Sinhalese community. The country must hail petitioner P G Ravindra Nirosha of Nugegoda, whoever he is for coming forward to complain to the Court of Appeal that the IGP and the Attorney General have failed to enforce the provisions of the Penal Code... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 01/10/14)

Alleged Assault On Career Diplomat By Local Politician At New York Dinner Could Create A Poor Image Of Sri Lanka.  
In Retrospect By Sarath Kumara
October 1st 2014 While the reports are conflicting about an alleged assault on Sri Lanka's Ambassador to the UK Dr. Chris Nonis at an official dinner in New York City, USA and whether or not he has resigned as a result is somewhat inconsequential to the dire ramifications the incident seems to carry which may bring to disrepute Sri Lanka's image as it typifies the kind of behavious  some local politicians and government reps, indulge in.  Needless to say it is almost common knowledge that in Sri Lanka certain politicians do tend to take the law into their own hands... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 01/10/14)

UNP urges action on Nonis’ assault
“The High Commissioner to Britain has been assaulted by a minister in the presence of the President and officials of the External Affairs Ministry. I have never in my whole life seen or heard of such an incident. The law should be enforced against the minister who is reported to have been involved in the incident. The law should also be enforced against those who were present at the time of the incident,” he said.... -Full Story- ( - 01/10/14)

Rajapaksa Told “No” To Nonis
Courtesy ColomboTelegraph
President Mahinda Rajapaksa has persuaded Chris Nonis, the Sri Lanka High Commissioner in the UK to continue in his post although he got mercilessly assaulted by Sajin Vass Gunawardena, Monitoring MP for the External Affairs Ministry. He had told Nonis that he will take strong action against Gunawardena but other sources told Colombo Telegraph this was a ploy. “He will not take any action against Sajin Vass because he does all his dirty work,” said an External Affairs Ministry source in Colombo. With the face swollen from a slap, Nonis has left London for Birmingham to attend the Conservative... -Full Story-
(LankaWeb - 01/10/14)

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